Abstract is missing.
- Tailoring Web Pages for Persuasion on Prevention Topics: Message Framing, Color Priming, and GenderLuca Chittaro. 3-14 [doi]
- Supporting Users in Setting Effective Goals in Activity TrackingKatja Herrmanny, Jürgen Ziegler 0001, Aysegül Dogangün. 15-26 [doi]
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- Crowd-Designed Motivation: Combining Personality and the Transtheoretical ModelRoelof Anne Jelle de Vries, Khiet P. Truong, Vanessa Evers. 41-52 [doi]
- The EDIE Method - Towards an Approach to Collaboration-Based Persuasive DesignSandra Burri Gram-Hansen. 53-64 [doi]
- Persuasive Backfiring: When Behavior Change Interventions Trigger Unintended Negative OutcomesAgnis Stibe, Brian Cugelman. 65-77 [doi]
- Captology and Technology Appropriation: Unintended Use as a Source for Designing Persuasive TechnologiesAlina Krischkowsky, Bernhard Maurer, Manfred Tscheligi. 78-83 [doi]
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- Alcohol Behaviour Change: Lessons Learned from User Reviews of iTunes AppsOmar Mubin, Abdullah Al Mahmud, Muhammad Ashad Kabir. 99-109 [doi]
- Persuasive Strategies to Improve Driving Behaviour of Elderly Drivers by a Feedback ApproachPerrine Ruer, Charles Gouin-Vallerand, Evelyne F. Vallières. 110-121 [doi]
- Creating Awareness of Sleep-Wake Hours by GamificationEzgi Ilhan, Bahar Sener, Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu. 122-133 [doi]
- Cicero: Middleware for Developing Persuasive Mobile ApplicationsAntonello D'Aloia, Matteo Lelli, Duckki Lee, Sumi Helal, Paolo Bellavista. 137-149 [doi]
- Formalization of Computational Human Behavior Models for Contextual Persuasive TechnologyTylar Murray, Eric B. Hekler, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Daniel E. Rivera, Andrew Raij. 150-161 [doi]
- The Persuasive Potential Questionnaire (PPQ): Challenges, Drawbacks, and Lessons LearnedAlexander Meschtscherjakov, Magdalena Gärtner, Alexander G. Mirnig, Christina Rödel, Manfred Tscheligi. 162-175 [doi]
- Persuasive Practices: Learning from Home Security Advisory ServicesMateusz Dolata, Tino Comes, Birgit Schenk, Gerhard Schwabe. 176-188 [doi]
- Persuasive Patterns in Q&A Social NetworksIfeoma Adaji, Julita Vassileva. 189-196 [doi]
- Utilizing a Digital Game as a Mediatory Artifact for Social Persuasion to Prevent SpeedingBernhard Maurer, Magdalena Gärtner, Martin Wuchse, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Manfred Tscheligi. 199-210 [doi]
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- More than Sex: The Role of Femininity and Masculinity in the Design of Personalized Persuasive GamesMarc Busch, Elke E. Mattheiss, Michaela Reisinger, Rita Orji, Peter Fröhlich, Manfred Tscheligi. 219-229 [doi]
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- Long-Term Effects of Computerized Simulations in Protracted Conflicts: The Case of Global ConflictsRonit Kampf. 242-247 [doi]
- Understanding Changes in the Motivation of Stroke Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation in HospitalMichelle Pickrell, Bert Bongers, Elise van den Hoven. 251-262 [doi]
- Developing a Virtual Coach for Chronic Patients: A User Study on the Impact of Similarity, Familiarity and RealismArlette van Wissen, Charlotte Vinkers, Aart van Halteren. 263-275 [doi]
- Improving Adherence in Automated e-Coaching - A Case from Insomnia TherapyRobbert-Jan Beun, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Siska Fitrianie, Fiemke Griffioen-Both, Corine Horsch, Jaap Lancee, Sandor Spruit. 276-287 [doi]
- Online Peer Groups as a Persuasive Tool to Combat Digital AddictionAmen Alrobai, John McAlaney, Keith Phalp, Raian Ali. 288-300 [doi]
- Red Radiators Versus Red Tulips: The Influence of Context on the Interpretation and Effectiveness of Color-Based Ambient Persuasive TechnologyShengnan Lu, Jaap Ham, Cees J. H. Midden. 303-314 [doi]
- Investigating Politeness Strategies and Their Persuasiveness for a Robotic Elderly AssistantStephan Hammer, Birgit Lugrin, Sergey Bogomolov, Kathrin Janowski, Elisabeth André. 315-326 [doi]
- RightOnTime: The Role of Timing and Unobtrusiveness in Behavior Change Support SystemsPiiastiina Tikka, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen. 327-338 [doi]
- Persuasive Information Security: Techniques to Help Employees Protect Organizational Information SecurityMarc Busch, Sameer Patil, Georg Regal, Christina Hochleitner, Manfred Tscheligi. 339-351 [doi]
- Lock Up the Lighter: Experience Prototyping of a Lively Reflective Design for Smoking Habit ControlKenny K. N. Chow. 352-364 [doi]