Abstract is missing.
- Virtual prototyping as a mechanism for simulation-based designRoger Dougal, Blake Langland, Antonello Monti. 1 [doi]
- Loading studies for power transmission line models in the presence of non-fundamental frequenciesValentina Cecchi, Aaron St. Leger, Karen Miu, Chika O. Nwankpa. 2 [doi]
- A design paradigm for integrated protection of shipboard power systemsJimena L. Bastos, Yujie Zhang, Anurag Kumar Srivastava, Noel N. Schulz. 3 [doi]
- Simulation-based design of protection schemes for shipboard power systemsMesut E. Baran, Nikhil Mahajan, Sercan Teleke. 4 [doi]
- The NASA standard for models and simulationsMartin J. Steele. 5-10 [doi]
- Network modeling for distributed simulations of unbalanced power systemsMichael Kleinberg, Karen Miu, Chika Nwankpa. 5 [doi]
- A co-simulation approach for real-time transient analysis of electro-thermal system interactions on board of future all-electric shipsT. Chiocchio, R. Leonard, Y. Work, R. Fang, M. Steurer, A. Monti, J. Khan, J. Ordonez, M. Sloderbeck, S. L. Woodruff. 6 [doi]
- An open issue on applying sharing modeling patterns in DEVSOlivier Dalle, Gabriel Andrés Wainer. 7 [doi]
- An event based control architecture for non linear systems diagnosisAziz Naamane, Nacer K. M Sirdi. 8 [doi]
- A cellular automata framework for studying expandable traffic flow modelsOurania Hatzi, Stephanos Thomas, Vassilis Dalakas, Mara Nikolaidou, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos. 9 [doi]
- Refinement of the virtual intermodal transportation system (VITS) and adoption for metropolitan area traffic simulationJochen Wittmann, Johannes Göbel, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Bernard J. Schroer. 10 [doi]
- Performance evaluation: running DSR and TORA routing protocols concurrentlySuhair Hafez Amer, John A. Hamilton Jr.. 11 [doi]
- Understanding electric-ship system behavior through large-scale simulationStephen Woodruff. 11-18 [doi]
- The leading-digit procedure and format for displaying tables of simulation outputWheyming Tina Song, Bruce W. Schmeiser, Yi-Chun Chen. 12 [doi]
- A new design of the bi-directional automated guided vehicle systemChe-Fu Hsueh, Mei-Shiang Chang. 13 [doi]
- Development of a prototype model for civilian occupational group projectionsMaj Adrian Erkelens, Stan Isbrandt, Fariya Syed. 14 [doi]
- Hybrid simulation on qualitative and quantitative integrated model using Monte Carlo methodMasaki Samejima, Keisuke Negoro, Masanori Akiyoshi, Norihisa Komoda, Koshichiro Mitsukuni. 15 [doi]
- Estimating soil erosion using the USPED model and consecutive remotely sensed land cover observationsJinxun Liu, Shuguang Liu, Larry L. Tieszen, Mingshi Chen. 16 [doi]
- Practical use of components in agro-ecological simulationFrits K. van Evert, Peter A. Leffelaar, Marco Acutis, Myriam Adam, Frank Ewert, Herman Van Keulen, Patrizia Trevisiol. 17 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation in analyzing geological repositories for high level nuclear wasteDietmar P. F. Möller. 18 [doi]
- Using artificial neural networks (ANN) for real time flood forecasting, the Omo River case in southern EthiopiaLulseged Ayalew, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Gerhard Reik. 19 [doi]
- Modeling of power electronics for simulation based analysis of power systemsS. Rosado, R. Burgos, S. Ahmed, F. Wang, D. Boroyevich. 19-26 [doi]
- Synthesizing agent interactions through the concept of conversationTiana Ralambondrainy, Rémy Courdier. 20 [doi]
- An intelligent floor field cellular automation model for pedestrian dynamicsEkaterina Kirik, Tat yana Yurgel yan, Dmitriy Krouglov. 21 [doi]
- USE_eNET transatlantic e-learning network: follow-up reportDietmar P. F. Möller, Hamid Vakilzadian, Roy E. Crosbie. 22 [doi]
- Introducing ICT supported education for sustainable rural development in EthiopiaBerhanu Beyene, Dietmar P. F. Möller, Jochen Wittmann. 23 [doi]
- A slicing algorithm of point cloud for rapid prototypingH. T. Park, M. H. Chang, S.-C. Park. 24 [doi]
- Task characteristics specifications for virtual human avatarsJohn F. Richardson. 25 [doi]
- Ontology for disaster mitigation and planningHemant Joshi, Remzi Seker, Coskun Bayrak, Srini Ramaswamy, Jeffrey B. Connelly. 26 [doi]
- Force on force simulation that provides facility stability analysisJoseph E. Lake, Robert L. Sanders. 27 [doi]
- A simulation learning approach to training first responders for radiological emergenciesR. L. Sanders, Graham S. Rhodes. 28 [doi]
- Safety, security and logistics: the role of networks and simulation in planning for the next healthcare disasterJoseph Rosen, David Sargent. 29 [doi]
- Power system load modeling in virtual test bedJian Wu, Noel N. Schulz, Wenzhong Gao. 29-36 [doi]
- Realistic virtual environments navigable over the wwwIoannis Giannopoulos, Ourania Hatzi, Mara Nikolaidou, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos. 30 [doi]
- Consistency between geometric and dynamic views of a mechanical systemChahé Adourian, Hans Vangheluwe. 31 [doi]
- A new simple formulation of workflow patternsKun Guo. 32 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation of the dynamic control of a cascaded multilevel inverter using single DC source for induction motor drive applicationSardis Azongha, Hui Li. 33 [doi]
- Simulating and evaluating the impact of RFID on warehousing operations: a case studyAngeliki Karagiannaki, Ioannis Mourtos, Katerina Pramatari. 34 [doi]
- Embedding DEVS methodology in CBD process for development of war game simulatorsJung H. Kim, Tag G. Kim, JinLip. Jeong. 35 [doi]
- Simulation as an intuition building tool for factory physicsJosé Arturo González Gómez. 36 [doi]
- Strain energy change due to an atomic defect in solder alloy latticeCemal Basaran, Michael Sellers, David Kofke, Andrew Schultz. 37 [doi]
- Realization of a generalized modeling method for ungrounded power systems in Matlab/SimulinkLi Qi, Karen L. Butler-Purry, Stephen Woodruff. 37-44 [doi]
- Low intensity conflicts modeling framework based on dynamic hierarchical structure DEVS approachLassaad Baati, Claudia S. Frydman, Norbert Giambiasi, Mamadou Seck. 38 [doi]
- Robust stability and performance analysis using polynomial chaos theoryA. H. C. Smith, Antonello Monti, Ferdinanda Ponci. 45-52 [doi]
- Modeling considerations in static and dynamic voltage stability studies of shipboard power systemsMinglan Lin, Anurag Kumar Srivastava, Noel N. Schulz. 53-60 [doi]
- A new fault location method for electric power gridsW. Mack Grady, Mehrdad Vatani, Ari Arapostathis. 63-69 [doi]
- In system emulation (ISE) of a current differential back-up protection relayJ. Tang, J. Langston, M. Sloderbeck, D. Ouellette, P. G. McLaren. 70-75 [doi]
- Network reconfiguration of distributed controlled homogenous power inverter network using composite Lyapunov function based reachability boundSudip K. Mazumder, Kaustuva Acharya, Muhammad Tahir. 76-87 [doi]
- Characterization of the transient behavior of an AC/DC conversion system for a notional all-electric ship simulation using sequential experimental design methodologyJ. Langston, M. Steurer, T. Baldwin, S. Woodruff, M. Andrus, J. Simpson. 91-97 [doi]
- Carrier-based control of matrix converter in linear and over-modulation modesT. Satish, Krushna K. Mohapatra, Ned Mohan. 98-105 [doi]
- Open-end winding induction motor driven with indirect matrix converter for common-mode eliminationKrushna K. Mohapatra, Ned Mohan. 106-111 [doi]
- Open-ended three-phase drive with matrix converter for common-mode elimination with deadband compensationKrushna K. Mohapatra, Ned Mohan. 112-117 [doi]
- A PEBB-based direct-link drive for open-ended AC machinesApurva Somani, Ranjan K. Gupta, T. Satish, Krushna K. Mohapatra. 118-123 [doi]
- A standardized simulation and real time hardware in the loop simulation procedure for power electronics and power systems researchLewei Qian, David A. Cartes, Siyu Leng. 127-133 [doi]
- From simulation to hardware testing: a low-cost platform for power-hardware-in-the-loop experimentsA. Monti, S. D Arco, A. Deshmukh, Y. Work, A. Lentini. 134-140 [doi]
- Web-based speed control of induction motor with inverter dead-time compensationSheng Yang, V. Ajjarapu. 141-148 [doi]
- Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of distance relay using RTDSChenfeng Zhang, Vamsi K. Vijapurapu, Anurag Kumar Srivastava, Noel N. Schulz, Jimena L. Bastos, Rudi Wierckx. 149-154 [doi]
- A cosimulation approach to model-based design for complex power electronics and digital control systemsBradley Oraw, Vijay Choudhary, Raja Ayyanar. 157-164 [doi]
- A partitioning approach for the parallel simulation of ungrounded shipboard power systems using Kron s diakoptics and loop analysisFabian M. Uriarte, Karen L. Butler-Purry. 165-172 [doi]
- Validation of agent based reconfiguration scheme using modeling and simulation approachK. Huang, S. K. Srivastava, David A. Cartes. 173-180 [doi]
- Decoupling of natural systems in multi-rate parallel simulationsRodrigo Leonard, Roger A. Dougal. 181-185 [doi]
- Stability of multi-rate simulation algorithmsRichard Bednar, Roy E. Crosbie. 189-194 [doi]
- Multi-rate real-time simulation techniquesDale Word, John J. Zenor, Richard Bednar, Roy E. Crosbie, Narain G. Hingorani. 195-198 [doi]
- Testing of multi-rate simulations using the ESL simulation languageJohn J. Zenor, J. G. Pearce, Richard Bednar. 199-203 [doi]
- Simulation of an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV): a multi-rate simulationJohn J. Zenor, Richard Bednar, Dale Word, Narain G. Hingorani, E. McGookin. 204-208 [doi]
- A multidiscipline and multi-rate modeling framework for planar solid-oxide fuel cell based power-conditioning system for vehicular APUSudip K. Mazumder, Sanjaya Pradhan, Joseph Hartvigsen, Diego Rancruel, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Moe Khaleel. 209-218 [doi]
- A general framework for automated physics-based reduced-order modeling of electromechanical systemsAli Davoudi, Patrick L. Chapman. 221-228 [doi]
- Magnetic field reconstruction in electric machines: a novel approach towards modeling of electric motor drivesMahesh Krishnamurthy, Babak Fahimi. 229-236 [doi]
- Radial basis networks for the simulation of stand alone AC generators during no-break power transferA. A. Arkadan, Y. Abou-Samra, Z. H. Ramadan. 237-243 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation for condition based maintenance: a case study in Navy ship applicationLi Liu, David A. Cartes, Jabid Quiroga. 244-249 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation of electric ships power system components and their interactionA. Ouroua, J. R. Jackson, J. H. Beno, R. C. Thompson, E. Schroeder. 250-257 [doi]
- Computational simulation of electromigration induced damage in copper interconnectsCemal Basaran, Minghui Lin, Shidong Li. 261-268 [doi]
- Damage mechanics modeling of concurrent thermal and vibration loading on electronics packagingCemal Basaran, Juan Gomez, Minghui Lin, Shidong Li. 269-275 [doi]
- Variable model levels for power semiconductor devicesE. Santi, J. L. Hudgins, H. Alan Mantooth. 276-283 [doi]
- Simulating power semiconductor devices using variable model levelsE. Santi, L. Lu, Z. Chen, J. L. Hudgins, H. Alan Mantooth. 284-292 [doi]
- Domain driven simulation modeling for software designAndrew E. Ferayorni, Hessam S. Sarjoughian. 297-304 [doi]
- Objective-driven DEVS modeling using OPI matrix for performance evaluation of discrete event systemsTag Gon Kim, Chang Ho Sung. 305-311 [doi]
- A formal verification approach for DEVSHernán P. Dacharry, Norbert Giambiasi. 312-319 [doi]
- eCD++: an engine for executing DEVS models in embedded platformsYinfeng Henry Yu, Gabriel Andrés Wainer. 323-330 [doi]
- New design and simulation of the GDEVS abstraction of an integratorJean Claude Carmona, Norbert Giambiasi. 331-338 [doi]
- A flexible dynamic structure DEVS algorithm towards real-time systemsHui Shang, Gabriel Andrés Wainer. 339-345 [doi]
- Conflict management in PDEVS: an experience in modelling and simulation of time petri netsFranco Cicirelli, Angelo Furfaro, Libero Nigro. 349-356 [doi]
- DEVS-based simulation web services for net-centric T&ESaurabh Mittal, José Luis Risco-Martín, Bernard P. Zeigler. 357-366 [doi]
- VLE: a multimodeling and simulation environmentGauthier Quesnel, Raphaël Duboz, Éric Ramat, Mamadou K. Traoré. 367-374 [doi]
- Design and implementation of time management service for IEEE 1516 HLA/RTIJeong-Hee Hong, Jae-Hyun Kim, Tag Gon Kim. 379-385 [doi]
- Design and implementation of data distribution management in IEEE 1516 HLA/RTIJung Hyun Ahn, Jae-Hyun Kim, Tag Gon Kim. 386-391 [doi]
- Time management in a service-oriented architecture for distributed simulation on the gridYong Wang, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai, Xinjun Chen. 392-399 [doi]
- Integration of simulation and fuzzy multi attribute decision making for modeling and assessment of fuzzy parametersAli Azadeh, Maryam Seifoory, Morteza Abbasi. 400-407 [doi]
- Exploring the linearity of models on the basis of ranked dataLeon Bobrowski, Ralph C. Huntsinger. 411-418 [doi]
- Combined simulation modeling using simplified discrete event simulation approach: a mining case studyMing Lu, Sze-Chun Lau, Evan K. Y. Chan. 421-428 [doi]
- Verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A): one voice --- unified, common & cross-cuttingFrank Schwartzenburg, William Oates, Jennifer Park, Donald Johnson, Marcy Stutzman, Michael Bailey, Simone Youngblood. 429-436 [doi]
- Using LSCs for scenario authoring in tactical simulatorsYoram Atir, David Harel. 437-442 [doi]
- An improved replacement algorithm in fault-tolerant meshesSaina Jalili, Ali Movaghar, Maryam Sadrmousavi. 443-448 [doi]
- Integration of Ann MLP and computer simulation for intelligent design of queuing systemsA. Azadeh, Z. S. Faiz. 453-459 [doi]
- A real-time interface simulator for operator s training: a proposed architectureCharles Santoni, Jean-Marc Mercantini, Maria de F. Q. V. Turnell, Alexandre Scaico, José A. do N. Neto. 460-467 [doi]
- Algebraic software analysis and embedded simulation of a driving robotL. L. F. Merkx, Pieter J. L. Cuijpers, H. M. Duringhof. 473-480 [doi]
- Heuristic scheduling algorithms designed based on properties of optimal algorithm for soft real-time tasksArezou Mohammadi, Selim G. Akl. 481-488 [doi]
- Accuracy evaluation in power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) simulation center for advanced power systemsW. Ren, M. Steurer, S. Woodruff. 489-493 [doi]
- Simulink based hardware-software codesign flow for heterogeneous MPSoCKatalin Popovici, Ahmed Amine Jerraya. 497-504 [doi]
- Multi-formalism modelling and model transformation for the design of reactive systemsThomas Huining Feng, Miriam Zia, Hans Vangheluwe. 505-512 [doi]
- A graphical variant approach to object-oriented modeling of dynamic systemsPaul Kinnucan, Pieter J. Mosterman. 513-521 [doi]
- Simulating magnetic storage elements: implementation of the micromagnetic model into MATLAB - case study for standardizing simulation environmentsMarkus-A. B. W. Bolte, Massoud Najafi, Guido Meier, Dietmar P. F. Möller. 525-532 [doi]
- Modeling, verification, and implementation of PLC program using timed-MPSGDevinder Thapa, Sang C. Park, Chang Mok Park, Gi-Nam Wang. 533-540 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation of the thermal and psychrometric transient response of all electric ships, internal compartments and cabinetsJ. V. C. Vargas, J. C. Ordonez, R. Hovsapian. 541-548 [doi]
- Behavioural modelling and simulation for heterogeneous design applied to aerospace inertial microinstrumentation developmentB. Lorente, R. Aragonés, J. Oliver, C. Ferrer. 551-558 [doi]
- A formalization of global simulation models for continuous/discrete systemsLuiza Gheorghe, Faouzi Bouchhima, Gabriela Nicolescu, Hanifa Boucheneb. 559-566 [doi]
- Hierarchical modeling of mode-switching systemsJames E. Weimer, Bruce H. Krogh. 567-574 [doi]
- Migrating to a real-time distributed parallel simulator architectureBernardt Duvenhage, Derrick G. Kourie. 575-582 [doi]
- Simulation to evaluate several critical factors effecting manufacturingBernard J. Schroer, Gregory A. Harris, Dietmar P. F. Möller. 587-592 [doi]
- An analysis of semiconductor reticle management using discrete event simulationP. J. Byrne. 593-600 [doi]
- A simulation architecture for manufacturing interoperability testingCharles McLean, Sanjay Jain, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee. 601-608 [doi]
- An integrated FDEA-PCA method as decision making model and computer simulation for system optimizationM. A. Azadeh, M. Anvari, H. Izadbakhsh. 609-616 [doi]
- Activity-based optimization of cooperative development processes in chemical engineeringBernhard Kausch, Morten Grandt, Christopher M. Schlick. 619-626 [doi]
- Predicting business cycle turning points with neural networks in an information-poor economyGeorge E. Nasr, Ghassan Dibeh, Antoine Achkar. 627-631 [doi]
- Application of a multi-criteria simulation optimization based DSSA. Azadeh, S. F. Ghaderi, A. Dabbaghi, M. Dehghanbaghi. 632-639 [doi]
- Managing trade-offs in call center agent scheduling: methodology and case studyRobert Saltzman, Vijay Mehrotra. 643-651 [doi]
- Developing geographic information system for flood emergency logistics planningMei-Shiang Chang, Che-Fu Hsueh. 652-659 [doi]
- Versatile boxes: a multi-purpose algebra of high-level Petri netsFranck Pommereau. 665-672 [doi]
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- A distributed verification approach for modular Petri netsChiheb Ameur Abid, Belhassen Zouari. 681-690 [doi]
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- Lossless static vs. dynamic reconfiguration of interconnection networks in parallel and distributed computer systemsDaniel Lüdtke, Dietmar Tutsch. 717-724 [doi]
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- Distributed simulation using the virtual test bed and its real-time extensionJ. L. Bastos, J. Wu, N. Schulz, R. Liu, A. Monti. 757-765 [doi]
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- Petri net based description and modeling of metabolic pathwayI. Barjis, V. Gehlot. 848-851 [doi]
- Modeling and simulation of IRES - engagement during the process of mRNA translation in cells infected with hepatitis C virusIsaac Barjis, Ajmal Zemmar, Faisal Mohammad, Fakhreldin A. Sabel, Walied Samarrai. 852-857 [doi]
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- Agent-directed simulation systems engineeringLevent Yilmaz, Tuncer I. Ören. 897-904 [doi]
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- Modeling and simulation of individual user behavior for building performance predictionsGerhard Zimmerman. 913-920 [doi]
- From a multi-agent simulation theory to GALATEAJacinto A. Dávila, Mayerlin Uzcategui, Kay Tucci. 923-930 [doi]
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- Controller agent approach for solving DCSPSami Al-Maqtari, Habib Abdulrab. 945-952 [doi]
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- The centrifugal development of artificial agents: a research agendaAna Sofia Esteves, Luís Miguel Botelho. 977-982 [doi]
- ABCmod: a conceptual modelling framework for discrete event dynamic systemsGilbert Arbez, Louis G. Birta. 987-995 [doi]
- The importance of a comprehensive and integrative view of modeling and simulationTuncer I. Ören. 996-1006 [doi]
- Modeling unmanned aerial vehicle communications at the Auburn University Miss CenterJ. A. Drew Hamilton Jr., Richard O. Chapman, David A. Umphress. 1007-1014 [doi]
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- A qualitative evaluation of technologies and techniques for data collection on pedestrians and crowded situationsStefania Bandini, Mizar Luca Federici, Sara Manzoni. 1057-1064 [doi]
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- Interdependency modeling and emergency responseDonald D. Dudenhoeffer, May R. Permann, Steven Woolsey, Robert Timpany, Chuck Miller, Anthony McDermott, Milos Manic. 1230-1237 [doi]
- Analyzing a drum-buffer-rope scheduling system executability through simulationServet Hasgul, Zuhal Kartal. 1243-1249 [doi]
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- Design and analysis of web-based inventory control system for e-commerceLimlyheng, Zuping Zhang. 1258-1261 [doi]