Abstract is missing.
- Synthesis of attributed feature models from product descriptionsGuillaume Bécan, Razieh Behjati, Arnaud Gotlieb, Mathieu Acher. 1-10 [doi]
- Statistical analysis of probabilistic models of software product lines with quantitative constraintsMaurice H. ter Beek, Axel Legay, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Andrea Vandin. 11-15 [doi]
- What is a feature?: a qualitative study of features in industrial software product linesThorsten Berger, Daniela Lettner, Julia Rubin, Paul Grünbacher, Adeline Silva, Martin Becker 0002, Marsha Chechik, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 16-25 [doi]
- All-at-once-synthesis of controllers from scenario-based product line specificationsMaxime Cordy, Jean-Marc Davril, Joel Greenyer, Erika Gressi, Patrick Heymans. 26-35 [doi]
- Assessing product line derivation operators applied to Java source code: an empirical studyJoão Bosco Ferreira Filho, Simon Allier, Olivier Barais, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry. 36-45 [doi]
- Building software product lines from conceptualized model patternsJaime Font, Lorena Arcega, Øystein Haugen, Carlos Cetina. 46-55 [doi]
- Towards migrating object-oriented frameworks to enable synthesis of product line membersGeorge T. Heineman, Armend Hoxha, Boris Düdder, Jakob Rehof. 56-60 [doi]
- Maintaining feature traceability with embedded annotationsWenbin Ji, Thorsten Berger, Michal Antkiewicz, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 61-70 [doi]
- Choosy and picky: configuration of language product linesThomas Kühn, Walter Cazzola, Diego Mathias Olivares. 71-80 [doi]
- Delta-oriented test case prioritization for integration testing of software product linesRemo Lachmann, Sascha Lity, Sabrina Lischke, Simon Beddig, Sandro Schulze, Ina Schaefer. 81-90 [doi]
- SAT-based analysis of large real-world feature models is easyJia Hui (Jimmy) Liang, Vijay Ganesh, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Venkatesh Raman. 91-100 [doi]
- Bottom-up adoption of software product lines: a generic and extensible approachJabier Martinez, Tewfik Ziadi, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Jacques Klein, Yves Le Traon. 101-110 [doi]
- Tuning GitHub for SPL development: branching models & repository operations for product engineersLeticia Montalvillo, Oscar Díaz. 111-120 [doi]
- REFAS: a PLE approach for simulation of self-adaptive systems requirementsJuan C. Muñoz-Fernández, Gabriel Tamura, Irina Raicu, Raúl Mazo, Camille Salinesi. 121-125 [doi]
- Evolution in dynamic software product lines: challenges and perspectivesClément Quinton, Rick Rabiser, Michael Vierhauser, Paul Grünbacher, Luciano Baresi. 126-130 [doi]
- Fault-based product-line testing: effective sample generation based on feature-diagram mutationDennis Reuling, Johannes Bürdek, Serge Rotärmel, Malte Lochau, Udo Kelter. 131-140 [doi]
- Behavioral compatibility of simulink models for product line maintenance and evolutionBernhard Rumpe, Christoph Schulze, Michael von Wenckstern, Jan Oliver Ringert, Peter Manhart. 141-150 [doi]
- Faster bug detection for software product lines with incomplete feature modelsSabrina Souto, Divya Gopinath, Marcelo d'Amorim, Darko Marinov, Sarfraz Khurshid, Don S. Batory. 151-160 [doi]
- A product line of theories for reasoning about safe evolution of product linesLeopoldo Teixeira, Vander Alves, Paulo Borba, Rohit Gheyi. 161-170 [doi]
- Safe evolution of product populations and multi product linesLeopoldo Teixeira, Paulo Borba, Rohit Gheyi. 171-175 [doi]
- Defining metric thresholds for software product lines: a comparative studyGustavo Vale, Danyllo Albuquerque, Eduardo Figueiredo, Alessandro F. Garcia. 176-185 [doi]
- Empirical comparison of regression methods for variability-aware performance predictionPavel Valov, Jianmei Guo, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 186-190 [doi]
- Harnessing variability in product-lines of self-adaptive software systemsNadeem Abbas, Jesper Andersson. 191-200 [doi]
- Smart factory product lines: a configuration perspective on smart production ecosystemsDeepak Dhungana, Andreas A. Falkner, Alois Haselböck, Herwig Schreiner. 201-210 [doi]
- Variability middleware for multi-tenant SaaS applications: a research roadmap for service linesDimitri Van Landuyt, Stefan Walraven, Wouter Joosen. 211-215 [doi]
- Using multiple feature models to specify configuration options for electrical transformers: an experience reportJaime Chavarriaga, Carlos Rangel, Carlos Noguera, Rubby Casallas, Viviane Jonckers. 216-224 [doi]
- Integrating variability and safety analysis models using commercial UML-based toolsDominik Domis, Rasmus Adler, Martin Becker. 225-234 [doi]
- A process to support a systematic change impact analysis of variability and safety in automotive functionsMichael Käßmeyer, Michael Schulze, Markus Schurius. 235-244 [doi]
- Preliminary product line support in BitKeeperLarry McVoy. 245-252 [doi]
- Automated testing of software-as-a-service configurations using a variability languageSachin Patel, Vipul Shah. 253-262 [doi]
- Evolving an industrial analytics product line architectureKaren Smiley, Werner Schmidt, Aldo Dagnino. 263-272 [doi]
- Test control algorithms for the validation of cyber-physical systems product linesAitor Arrieta, Goiuria Sagardui, Leire Etxeberria. 273-282 [doi]
- Towards model-based derivation of systems in the industrial automation domainMiao Fang, Georg Leyh, Joerg Doerr, Christoph Elsner, Jingjing Zhao. 283-292 [doi]
- Modeling aerospace systems product lines in SysMLJesús Padilla Gaeta, Krzysztof Czarnecki. 293-302 [doi]
- The more you do, the more you save: the superlinear cost avoidance effect of systems product line engineeringSusan P. Gregg, Rick Scharadin, Paul Clements. 303-310 [doi]
- Evaluation across multiple views for variable automation systemsLothar Hotz, Yibo Wang, Matthias Riebisch, Olaf Götz, Josef Lackhove. 311-315 [doi]
- Mechanical product lifecycle management meets product line engineeringCharles W. Krueger. 316-320 [doi]
- Applying the product lines paradigm to the quantitative analysis of collective adaptive systemsMaurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi. 321-326 [doi]
- How automotive engineering is taking product line engineering to the extremeLen Wozniak, Paul Clements. 327-336 [doi]
- Cyber-physical system product line engineering: comprehensive domain analysis and experience reportTao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Bran Selic. 338-347 [doi]
- Understanding hybrid SPL composition impact on the refactoring into SPLAlcemir Rodrigues Santos. 348-351 [doi]
- Using pure: : variants across the product line lifecycleDanilo Beuche, Robert Hellebrand. 352-354 [doi]
- An MDE tool for defining software product families with explicit variation pointsSimone Di Cola, Kung-Kiu Lau, Cuong M. Tran, Chen Qian. 355-360 [doi]
- Tooling support for variability and architectural patterns in systems engineeringThomas Degueule, João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Olivier Barais, Mathieu Acher, Jérôme Le Noir, Sébastien Madelénat, Grégory Gailliard, Godefroy Burlot, Olivier Constant. 361-364 [doi]
- IVML: a DSL for configuration in variability-rich software ecosystemsHolger Eichelberger, Klaus Schmid. 365-369 [doi]
- OPLA-tool: a support tool for search-based product line architecture designÉdipo Luis Féderle, Thiago do Nascimento Ferreira, Thelma Elita Colanzi, Silvia Regina Vergilio. 370-373 [doi]
- VariaMos: an extensible tool for engineering (dynamic) product linesRaúl Mazo, Juan C. Muñoz-Fernández, Luisa Rincón, Camille Salinesi, Gabriel Tamura. 374-379 [doi]
- The BVR tool bundle to support product line engineeringAnatoly Vasilevskiy, Øystein Haugen, Franck Chauvel, Martin Fagereng Johansen, Daisuke Shimbara. 380-384 [doi]
- Lean variation management: increasing business value with a diversified approachMartin Becker 0002, Bo Zhang. 385 [doi]
- Managing variability with feature modelsDanilo Beuche. 386 [doi]
- Managing requirements in product linesDanilo Beuche. 387 [doi]
- Second generation systems and software product line engineeringCharles W. Krueger, Paul C. Clements. 388-389 [doi]
- EASy-Producer: from product lines to variability-rich software ecosystemsKlaus Schmid, Holger Eichelberger. 390-391 [doi]
- Leveraging model driven engineering in software product line architecturesBruce Trask, Angel Roman. 392 [doi]
- Modular synthesis of product lines (ModSyn-PL)Jakob Rehof, George T. Heineman. 393 [doi]
- Third International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering (REVE 2015)Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Tewfik Ziadi, Jabier Martinez, Anil Kumar Thurimella, Mathieu Acher. 394 [doi]
- SPLat 2015: Second International Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis ToolsGilles Perrouin, Axel Legay. 395 [doi]
- SPLTea 2015: Second International Workshop on Software Product Line TeachingMathieu Acher, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Rick Rabiser. 396 [doi]
- Family-based model checking using off-the-shelf model checkers: extended abstractAleksandar S. Dimovski, Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski. 397 [doi]
- Synthesizing type-safe compositions in feature oriented software designs using staged compositionBoris Düdder, Jakob Rehof, George T. Heineman. 398-401 [doi]
- CMT and FDE: tools to bridge the gap between natural language documents and feature diagramsAlessio Ferrari, Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo, Stefania Gnesi, Felice dell'Orletta. 402-410 [doi]
- Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability languageJaime Font, Manuel Ballarín, Øystein Haugen, Carlos Cetina. 411-418 [doi]
- Composition of proof-carrying architectures for cyber-physical systemsEthan T. McGee, John D. McGregor. 419-426 [doi]
- User-level synthesis: treating product lines as systems of constraintsBernhard Steffen, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Tiziana Margaria. 427-431 [doi]
- Using FMC for family-based analysis of software product linesMaurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, Franco Mazzanti. 432-439 [doi]