Abstract is missing.
- 3D modeling of static and dynamic scenesAvideh Zakhor. 1
- Visual 3D Modeling from ImagesMarc Pollefeys. 3
- Markerless Real-Time Target Region Tracking: Application to Frameless Sterotactic RadiosurgeryTorsten Rohlfing, Joachim Denzler, Daniel B. Russakoff, Christoph Gräßl, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.. 5-12
- Stereo and Lidar-Based Pose Estimation with Uncertainty for 3D ReconstructionSanjit Jhala, Suresh K. Lodha. 13-20
- Vector Quantization Based Data Selection for Hand-Eye CalibrationJochen Schmidt, Florian Vogt, Heinrich Niemann. 21-28
- Active Stereo for Intersection AssistanceStefan K. Gehrig, Jens Klappstein, Uwe Franke. 29-35
- Non-invasive attitude detection for full-body interaction in MEDIATE, a multisensory interactive environment for children with autismNarcís Parés, Anna Carreras, Miquel Soler. 37-45
- A Fast Cost Relaxation Stereo Algorithm with Occlusion Detection for Mobile Robot ApplicationsRoland Brockers, Marcus Hund, Bärbel Mertsching. 47-53
- Calibration of lD cameras - Determination of 3D reconstruction accuracyYannick Caulier, Klaus Spinnler. 55-62
- Extracting Animated Meshes with Adaptive Motion EstimationNizam Anuar, Igor Guskov. 63-71
- Automatic Generation of Shape Models Using Nonrigid Registration with a Single Segmented Template MeshGeremy Heitz, Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.. 73-80
- A Probabilistic Model-based Template Matching Approach for Robust Object Tracking in Real-TimeChristoph Gräßl, Timo Zinßer, Heinrich Niemann. 81-88
- Gradient-based Approach for Fine Registration of Panorama ImagesHui Chen. 89-96
- High-performance imaging using dense camera arrays and projectorsMarc Levoy. 97
- Digitizing the Parthenon: Estimating Surface Reflectance Properties of a Complex Scene under Captured Natural IlluminationPaul E. Debevec. 99
- Low-complexity Image-based 3D GamingIngo Bauermann, Eckehard G. Steinbach. 101-107
- Extending Light Fields using Object Tracking TechniquesBenjamin Deutsch, Ingo Scholz, Christoph Gräßl, Heinrich Niemann. 109-116
- Cloth Motion from Optical FlowVolker Scholz, Marcus A. Magnor. 117-124
- Exploiting Mirrors in Interactive Reconstruction with Structured LightEmric Epstein, Martin Granger-Piché, Pierre Potilin. 125-132
- Graphics-Accelerated Panoramic Mosaicking from a Video Camera ArrayH. Harlyn Baker, Donald Tanguay. 133-140
- Realistic Face Reconstruction From Uncalibrated ImagesRichard Roussel, André Gagalowicz. 141-149
- GPU-PIVThomas Schiwietz, Rüdiger Westermann. 151-158
- Interactive Hierarchical Space Carving with Projector-based CalibrationsMartin Granger-Piché, Emric Epstein, Pierre Poulin. 159-166
- Memory Efficient Billboard Clouds for BTF Textured ObjectsJan Meseth, Reinhard Klein. 167-174
- High-Resolution Interactive Panoramas with MPEG-4Peter Eisert, Yong Guo, Anke Riechers, Jürgen Rurainsky. 175-182
- Enhancement of Shape Perception by Surface Reflectance TransformationThomas Malzbender. 183
- Local and Global Analysis for Point Cloud DataLeonidas J. Guibas. 185
- A taxonomy of visual recognitionPietro Perona. 187
- Recognition and synthesis of human actions from videoJitendra Malik. 189
- Photo-Realistic Rendering of Blond HairArno Zinke, Gerrit Sobottka, Andreas Weber 0004. 191-198
- Free Surface Lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulations with and without level setsNils Thürey, Ulrich Rüde. 199-207
- Top-Down Visual Attention for Efficient Rendering of Task Related ScenesVeronica Sundstedt, Alan Chalmers, Kirsten Cater, Kurt Debattista. 209-216
- Reducing State Changes with a Pipeline BufferJens Krokowski, Harald Räcke, Christian Sohler, Matthias Westermann. 217
- Multilayered Wrinkle Textures from StrainStefan Kimmerle, Markus Wacker, C. Holzer. 225-232
- Massive Simulation using GPU of a distributed behavioral model of a flock with obstacle avoidanceRosario De Chiara, Ugo Erra, Vittorio Scarano, Maurizio Tatafiore. 233-240
- CGiS, a new Language for Data-parallel GPU ProgrammingNicolas Fritz, Philipp Lucas, Philipp Slusallek. 241-248
- Progressive path tracing with lightweight local error estimationKirill Dmitriev, Hans-Peter Seidel. 249-253
- Stack Implementation on Programmable Graphics HardwareManfred Ernst, Christian Vogelgsang, Günther Greiner. 255-262
- Rendering and Simulation of Liquid FoamsMartin Sunkel, Jan Kautz, Hans-Peter Seidel. 263-269
- Depth-Buffer based NavigationMarco Winter, Marc Slamminger. 271-278
- Pervasive Multi-Sensor Egomotion Estimation for Direct Interaction and Unstructured RoboticsSeth J. Teller. 279
- Problems Revealed by Applications in Art History and ArchaeologyHolly E. Rushmeier. 281
- Convexification of Unstructured GridsStefan Röttger, Stefan Guthe, Andreas Schieber, Thomas Ertl. 283-292
- Hierarchical Shape-Adaptive Quantization for Geometry CompressionStefan Gumhold. 293-298
- Simplicial Isosurface CompressionThomas Lewiner, Luiz Velho, Hélio Lopes, Vinícius Mello. 299-306
- Hierarchy Accelerated Stochastic Collision DetectionStefan Kimmerle, Matthieu Nesme, François Faure. 307-314
- Contact Handling for Deformable Point-Based ObjectsRichard Keiser, Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus H. Gross. 315-322
- Real-time out-of-core trimmed NURBS rendering and editingMichael Guthe, Ákos Balázs, Reinhard Klein. 323-330
- Hardware-accelerated ambient occlusion computationMirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Gabriel Zachmann, Reinhard Klein. 331-338
- Consistent penetration depth estimation for deformable collision responseBruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Richard Keiser, Matthias Müller, Markus H. Gross. 339-346
- Efficient Iterative Solvers for Angle Based FlatteningRhaleb Zayer, Christian Rössl, Hans-Peter Seidel. 347-354
- 3D Scanning: Improving completeness, processing speed and visualizationRoberto Scopigno. 355
- Estimation of Indirect Physical Properties from ImagesEugene Fiume. 357
- Development and Plasticity in Visual CortexBrian A. Wandell. 359
- GPU-based Visualization: New Approaches and Advanced AlgorithmsThomas Ertl. 361
- Vector Quantization for Feature-Preserving Volume FilteringBalázs Csébfalvi, József Koloszár, Zsolt Tarjan. 363-370
- Non-linear Integration of DTI-based Fiber Tracts into Standard 3D MR DataDorit Merhof, Peter Hastreiter, Grzegorz Soza, Christopher Nimsky. 371-378
- Flexible Direct Multi-Volume Rendering in Dynamic ScenesSören Grimm, Stefan Bruckner, Armin Kanitsar, Eduard Gröller. 379-386
- Illustrating Magnetic Field Lines using a Discrete Particle ModelThomas Klein, Thomas Ertl. 387-394
- Fourier Volume Rendering on the GPU Using a Split-Stream-FFTThomas Jansen, Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski, Nils Hanssen, Erwin Keeve. 395-403
- The Voxel-Sweep: A Boundary-based Algorithm for Object Segmentation and Connected-Components DetectionItay Cohen, Dan Gordon. 405-411
- SMART: An Efficient Technique for Massive Terrain Visualization from Out-of-coreXiaohong Bao, Renato Pajarola, Michael Shafae. 413-420
- Grid-independent Detection of Closed Stream Lines in 2D Vector FieldsHolger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel. 421-428
- Fast and Accurate Ray-Voxel Intersection Techniques for Iso-Surface Ray TracingGerd Marmitt, Andreas Kleer, Ingo Wald, Heiko Friedrich, Philipp Slusallek. 429-435
- Pre-Integrated Non-Photorealistic Volume RenderingMichael Meißner, Klaus Engel. 437-445
- Video-Based RenderingRichard Szeliski. 447