Journal: Computers in Human Behavior

Volume 23, Issue 6

2581 -- 2584Julià Minguillón. Education and pedagogy with learning objects and learning designs
2585 -- 2595Salvador Sánchez Alonso, Yianna Vovides. Integration of metacognitive skills in the design of learning objects
2596 -- 2640Thomas Cochrane. Developing interactive multimedia Learning Objects using QuickTime
2641 -- 2655Elena García Barriocanal, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia, Miltiadis D. Lytras. Evaluating pedagogical classification frameworks for learning objects: A case study
2656 -- 2667Daniel Burgos, Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper. Re-purposing existing generic games and simulations for e-learning
2696 -- 2720Jessica Griffiths, Geneen Stubbs, Mike Watkins. From course notes to granules: A guide to deriving Learning Object components
2721 -- 2741Desirée Joosten-ten Brinke, Jan van Bruggen, Henry Hermans, Jan Burgers, Bas Giesbers, Rob Koper, Ignace Latour. Modeling assessment for re-use of traditional and new types of assessment
2742 -- 2759Olivera Marjanovic. Using process-oriented, sequencing educational technologies: Some important pedagogical issues
2760 -- 2777Denise Potosky. The Internet knowledge (iKnow) measure
2778 -- 2790David W. Eccles, Paul T. Groth. Wolves, bees, and football: Enhancing coordination in sociotechnological problem solving systems through the study of human and animal groups
2791 -- 2803Mario Hair, Karen Renaud, Judith Ramsay. The influence of self-esteem and locus of control on perceived email-related stress
2804 -- 2822Chechen Liao, Jain-Liang Chen, David C. Yen. Theory of planning behavior (TPB) and customer satisfaction in the continued use of e-service: An integrated model
2823 -- 2837Margarete Imhof, Regina Vollmeyer, Constanze Beierlein. Computer use and the gender gap: The issue of access, use, motivation, and performance
2838 -- 2850Martin Valcke, Tammy Schellens, Hilde van Keer, M. Gerarts. Primary school children s safe and unsafe use of the Internet at home and at school: An exploratory study
2851 -- 2862John J. Beckers, Jelte M. Wicherts, Henk G. Schmidt. Computer Anxiety: Trait or State ?
2863 -- 2874Afke Donker, Pieter Reitsma. Aiming and clicking in young children s use of the computer mouse
2888 -- 2903Eva M. Lira, Pilar Ripoll, José M. Peiró, Pilar González-Navarro. The roles of group potency and information and communication technologies in the relationship between task conflict and team effectiveness: A longitudinal study
2904 -- 2927Katrin Arning, Martina Ziefle. Understanding age differences in PDA acceptance and performance
2928 -- 2944Steve J. Westerman, G. C. Tuck, S. A. Booth, K. Khakzar. Consumer decision support systems: Internet versus in-store application
2945 -- 2965Jen-Her Wu, Yi-Cheng Chen, Jack Chang. Critical IS professional activities and skills/knowledge: A perspective of IS managers
2966 -- 2982Johan van Braak, Penni Tearle. The computer attributes for learning scale (CALS) among university students: Scale development and relationship with actual computer use for learning
2983 -- 2997Nasser Ghasem-Aghaee, Tuncer I. Ören. Cognitive complexity and dynamic personality in agent simulation
2998 -- 3011Sanne Akkerman, Maarten Overdijk, Wilfried Admiraal, P. Robert-Jan Simons. Beyond imprisonment of meaning: Technology facilitating redefining
3025 -- 3037Bassam Hasan, Mesbah U. Ahmed. Effects of interface style on user perceptions and behavioral intention to use computer systems
3038 -- 3056Kimberly M. Christopherson. The positive and negative implications of anonymity in Internet social interactions: On the Internet, Nobody Knows You re a Dog