Journal: Journal of Documentation

Volume 64, Issue 3

0 -- 0David Bawden. Google and the universe of knowledge
319 -- 332Rick Szostak. Classification, interdisciplinarity, and the study of science
333 -- 342Birger Hjørland. Core classification theory: a reply to Szostak
343 -- 362William S. Hemmig. The information-seeking behavior of visual artists: a literature review
363 -- 385Gillian Oliver. Information culture: exploration of differing values and attitudes to information in organisations
386 -- 396Brendan Luyt. Centres of calculation and unruly colonists: the colonial library in Singapore and its users, 1874-1900
397 -- 412Denise Morado Nascimento, Regina Maria Marteleto. Social field, domains of knowledge and informational practice
413 -- 437Maria Pinto, Dora Sales. INFOLITRANS: a model for the development of information competence for translators
438 -- 463Xiangmin Zhang, Yuelin Li, Jingjing Liu, Ying Zhang. Effects of interaction design in digital libraries on user interactions
464 -- 465Tamara Eisenschitz. Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers (3rd edition)
465 -- 466Vanda Broughton. Reference Librarianship: Notes from the Trenches
467 -- 469Niels Ole Pors. Information and Emotion: The Emergent Affective Paradigm in Information Behavior Research and Theory
469 -- 470Tibor Koltay. An Introduction to Reference Services in Academic Libraries