Journal: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems

Volume 13, Issue 3

201 -- 245Angelika I. Kokkinaki, Kimon P. Valavanis. On the comparison of AI and DAI based planning techniques for automated manufacturing systems
247 -- 262Alexander Douglas, Yangsheng Xu. Real-time shared control system for space telerobotics
263 -- 278Carlos Balaguer, Antonio Barrientos, F. J. Rodriguez, Rafael Aracil, Eugenio Andrés Puente, U. Peter. Reduction of free-space-loss for good and rapid 3D path planning of 6DOF robots
279 -- 304Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos. Selection of features and evaluation of visual measurements during robotic visual servoing tasks

Volume 13, Issue 2

107 -- 126Lin Lih-Chang, Chen Chiang-Chuan. Rigid model-based fuzzy control of flexible-joint manipulators
127 -- 141S. P. Chan. A neural network compensator for uncertainties in robotic assembly
143 -- 160Jean-Pierre Merlet. Determination of the orientation workspace of parallel manipulators
161 -- 179Javier González, Anthony Stentz, Aníbal Ollero. A mobile robot iconic position estimator using a radial laser scanner
181 -- 199Guy Jumarie. Tracking control of mechanical systems via sliding Lagrangian

Volume 13, Issue 1

1 -- 44Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi. Collision: Modeling, simulation and identification of robotic manipulators interacting with environments
45 -- 74Paolo Bison, Carlo Ferrari, Enrico Pagello, L. Stocchiero. A heuristic approach to automatic grasp planning for a 3-fingered hand
75 -- 91T. Crytser, G. C. Nandi, Elaine M. Hinman-Sweeney, S. N. Dwivedi, Patrick A. Tobbe, D. W. Lyons. Finite element design of manipulator-coupled spacecraft for a research testbed
93 -- 106Ioannis Andreadis, Phillipos Tsalides. Coloured object recognition using invariant spectral features