Journal: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems

Volume 33, Issue 4

343 -- 370Peter S. Heck, Sumit Ghosh. The Design and Role of Synthetic Creative Traits in Artificial Ant Colonies
371 -- 408K. Madhava Krishna, Prem Kumar Kalra. Detection, Tracking and Avoidance of Multiple Dynamic Objects
409 -- 436Yonghuai Liu, Marcos A. Rodrigues. Geometrical Analysis of Two Sets of 3D Correspondence Data Patterns for the Registration of Free-Form Shapes
437 -- 451Ching-Liang Su. Robotic Intelligence for Industrial Automation: Object Flaw Auto Detection and Pattern Recognition by Object Location Searching, Object Alignment, and Geometry Comparison

Volume 33, Issue 3

231 -- 266Diego R. Rapela, Ulrich Rembold, Benjamin Kuchen. Planning of Regrasping Operations for a Dextrous Hand in Assembly Tasks
267 -- 284J. R. Llata, E. G. Sarabia, J. P. Oria. Three-Dimensional Robotic Vision Using Ultrasonic Sensors
285 -- 299O. Bouattane, J. Elmesbahi, A. Rami. A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Convex Hull Problem of Multi-Leveled Images
301 -- 312Jean-Yves Dieulot, Pierre Borne. Parameter Tuning of Stable Fuzzy Controllers
313 -- 327Mal-Rey Lee, Huinam Rhee, Kyungdal Cho, Beon-Joon Cho. Self-Tuning of the Fuzzy Inference Rule by Integrated Method
329 -- 342Nikos Tsourveloudis, Kimon P. Valavanis. On the Measurement of Enterprise Agility

Volume 33, Issue 2

113 -- 137Q. Song, W. J. Hu, L. Yin, Y. C. Soh. Robust Adaptive Dead Zone Technology for Fault-Tolerant Control of Robot Manipulators Using Neural Networks
139 -- 166Antonio Berlanga, Araceli Sanchís, Pedro Isasi, José M. Molina López. Neural Network Controller against Environment: A Coevolutive approach to Generalize Robot Navigation Behavior
167 -- 186Ming-Yi Ju, Jing-Sin Liu, Kao-Shing Hwang. Real-time Velocity Alteration Strategy for Collision-free Trajectory Planning of Two Articulated Robot Manipulators
187 -- 207Eleftheria S. Sergaki, George S. Stavrakakis, Anastasios D. Pouliezos. Optimal Robot Speed Trajectory by Minimization of the Actuator Motor Electromechanical Losses
209 -- 230Jin-Liang Chen, Jing-Sin Liu, Wan-Chi Lee. A Recursive Algorithm for On-line Clustering Obstacles Cluttered in Dynamic Environments

Volume 33, Issue 1

1 -- 23J. M. Borg, Mehran Mehrandezh, Robert G. Fenton, Beno Benhabib. Navigation-Guidance-Based Robotic Interception of Moving Objects in Industrial Settings
25 -- 44Kao-Shing Hwang, Ming-Yi Ju. Speed Planning for a Maneuvering Motion
45 -- 60Kao-Shing Hwang, Ming-Yi Ju. 3D Collision-Free Motion Based on Collision Index
61 -- 71Zixing Cai, Zhihong Peng. Cooperative Coevolutionary Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in Path Planning of Cooperative Multi-Mobile Robot Systems
73 -- 84Joseph C. Musto. A Two-Level Strategy for Optimizing the Reliability of Redundant Inverse Kinematic Solutions
85 -- 98Cheng-Huei Yang, Pau-Choo Chung. Knowledge-based Automatic Change Detection and Positioning System for Complex Heterogeneous Environments
99 -- 112Roberto M. Rodríguez, Teresa E. M. Alarcón, Ingrid B. Castellanos. A Strategy for Reduction of Noise in Segmented Images. Its Use in the Study of Angiogenesis