Journal: Proceedings of the IEEE

Volume 90, Issue 9

1475 -- 1477Bijan Jabbari, Daniel O. Awduche, Yakov Rekhter, Jean C. Walrand. Scanning the issue
1479 -- 1494Brian E. Carpenter, Kathleen M. Nichols. Differentiated services in the Internet
1495 -- 1517Bur Goode. Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP)
1518 -- 1558H. Johnathan Chao. Next generation routers
1559 -- 1564Johnathan P. Lang, John Drake. Mesh network resiliency using GMPLS
1565 -- 1591Victor Firoiu, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Don Towsley, Zhi-Li Zhang. Theories and models for Internet quality of service
1592 -- 1603Thomas M. Chen, Lucia Hu. Internet performance monitoring
1604 -- 1607Brian Bowers. Discharge lighting brightens the night

Volume 90, Issue 8

1301 -- 1302Howard Falk. Prolog to technical advances in digital audio radio broadcasting in the united states
1303 -- 1333Christoph Faller, Biing-Hwang Juang, Peter Kroon, Hui-Ling Lou, Sean A. Ramprashad, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg. Technical advances in digital audio radio broadcasting
1334 -- 1335Richard O'Donnell. Prolog to JPEG2000: standard for interactive imaging
1336 -- 1357David S. Taubman, Michael W. Marcellin. JPEG2000: standard for interactive imaging
1358 -- 0Jim Esch. Prolog to sensorless control of induction motors
1359 -- 1394Joachim Holtz. Sensorless control of induction motor drives
1395 -- 0Jim Esch. Prolog to multiresolution markov models for signal and image processing
1396 -- 1458Alan S. Willsky. Multiresolution Markov models for signal and image processing
1459 -- 1460Desmond P. Taylor. Introduction to "Synchronous Communications"
1461 -- 1466John P. Costas. Synchronous communications
1467 -- 1470David Morton. In his own words: John R. Pierce

Volume 90, Issue 7

1091 -- 1093Concettina Guerra, Virginio Cantoni. Scanning the issue - Special issue on technology and tools for visual perception
1094 -- 1112Bertrand Y. Zavidovique. First steps of robotic perception: the turning point of the 1990s
1113 -- 1135Cornelia Fermüller, Patrick Baker, Yiannis Aloimonos. Visual space-time geometry - A tool for perception and the imagination
1136 -- 1150Takashi Matsuyama, Norimichi Ukita. Real-time multitarget tracking by a cooperative distributed vision system
1151 -- 1163Ahmed Elgammal, Ramani Duraiswami, David Harwood, Larry S. Davis. Background and foreground modeling using nonparametric kernel density estimation for visual surveillance
1164 -- 1177Bernd Heisele, Alessandro Verri, Tomaso A. Poggio. Learning and vision machines
1178 -- 1187Akio Namiki, Takashi Komuro, Masathoshi Ishikawa. High-speed sensory-motor fusion based on dynamics matching
1188 -- 1200Peter J. Burt. A pyramid-based front-end processor for dynamic vision applications
1201 -- 1217Kiran Bondalapati, Viktor K. Prasanna. Reconfigurable computing systems
1218 -- 1229Bertrand Ducourthial, Alain Mérigot. Parallel asynchronous computations for image analysis
1230 -- 1243Nicola Zingirian, Massimo Maresca. On the efficiency of image and video processing programs on instruction level parallel processors
1244 -- 1257Tamás Roska, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez. Toward visual microprocessors
1258 -- 1271Massimo Bertozzi, Alberto Broggi, Massimo Cellario, Alessandra Fascioli, Paolo Lombardi, Marco Porta. Artificial vision in road vehicles
1272 -- 1289Zoran Duric, Wayne D. Gray, Ric Heishman, Fayin Li, Azriel Rosenfeld, Michael J. Schoelles, Christian Schunn, Harry Wechsler. Integrating perceptual and cognitive modeling for adaptive and intelligent human-computer interaction
1290 -- 1293Brian Bowers. After the tungsten filament

Volume 90, Issue 6

939 -- 941John C. Zolper, Ben V. Shanabrook. Special issue on wide bandgap semiconductor devices
942 -- 955Adrian R. Powell, Larry B. Rowland. SiC materials-progress, status, and potential roadblocks
956 -- 968James A. Cooper, Anant Agarwal. SiC power-switching devices-the second electronics revolution?
969 -- 986Ahmed Elasser, T. Paul Chow. Silicon carbide benefits and advantages for power electronics circuits and systems
987 -- 992R. Chris Clarke, John W. Palmour. SiC microwave power technologies
993 -- 1005Robert F. Davis, Amy M. Roskowski, Edward A. Preble, James S. Speck, Ben Heying, Jaime A. Jr. Freitas, Evan R. Glaser, William E. Carlos. Gallium nitride materials - progress, status, and potential roadblocks
1006 -- 1014Manijeh Razeghi. Short-wavelength solar-blind detectors-status, prospects, and markets
1015 -- 1021Hiroshi Amano, Satoshi Kamiyama, Isamu Akasaki. Impact of low-temperature buffer layers on nitride-based optoelectronics
1022 -- 1031Umesh K. Mishra, Primit Parikh, Yifeng Wu. AlGaN/GaN HEMTs-an overview of device operation and applications
1032 -- 1047Robert J. Trew. SiC and GaN transistors - is there one winner for microwave power applications?
1048 -- 1058Steven C. Binari, P. B. Klein, Thomas E. Kazior. Trapping effects in GaN and SiC microwave FETs
1059 -- 1064Robert T. Kemerley, H. Bruce Wallace, Max N. Yoder. Impact of wide bandgap microwave devices on DoD systems
1065 -- 1076Philip G. Neudeck, Robert S. Okojie, Liang-Yu Chen. High-temperature electronics - a role for wide bandgap semiconductors?
1077 -- 1082Terry Ericsen. Future navy application of wide bandgap power semiconductor devices
1083 -- 1085Lenore Symons. Scanning our past from London [transatlantic telephony]

Volume 90, Issue 5

631 -- 640Martin Hasler, Gianluca Mazzini, Maciej Ogorzalek, Riccardo Rovatti, Gianluca Setti. Scanning the special issue - special issue on applications of nonlinear dynamics to electronic and information engineering
641 -- 661Tohru Kohda. Information sources using chaotic dynamics
662 -- 690Gianluca Setti, Gianluca Mazzini, Riccardo Rovatti, Sergio Callegari. Statistical modeling of discrete-time chaotic processes-basic finite-dimensional tools and applications
691 -- 710Andreas Abel 0005, Wolfgang Schwarz. Chaos communications-principles, schemes, and system analysis
711 -- 732Géza Kolumbán, Michael Peter Kennedy, Zoltán Jakó, Gábor Kis. Chaotic communications with correlator receivers: theory and performance limits
733 -- 746Martin Hasler, Thomas Schimming. Optimal and suboptimal chaos receivers
747 -- 767Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez. Integrated chaos generators
768 -- 781Chi K. Tse, Mario di Bernardo. Complex behavior in switching power converters
782 -- 799Aleksandar M. Stankovic, Hanoch Lev-Ari. Randomized modulation in power electronic converters
800 -- 819Ashok Erramilli, Matthew Roughan, Darryl Veitch, Walter Willinger. Self-similar traffic and network dynamics
820 -- 841Riccardo Rovatti, Gianluca Mazzini, Gianluca Setti, Alessandra Giovanardi. Statistical modeling and design of discrete-time chaotic processes: advanced finite-dimensional tools and applications
842 -- 859Eugenio Costamagna, Lorenzo Favalli, Paolo Gamba. Multipath channel modeling with chaotic attractors
860 -- 881Simon Haykin 0001, Rembrandt Bakker, Brian W. Currie. Uncovering nonlinear dynamics-the case study of sea clutter
882 -- 897Brian K. Meadows, Ted H. Heath, Joseph D. Neff, Edgar A. Brown, David W. Fogliatti, Michael Gabbay, Visarath In, Paul E. Hasler, Stephen P. DeWeerth, William L. Ditto. Nonlinear antenna technology
898 -- 918Jochen Bröcker, Ulrich Parlitz, Maciej Ogorzalek. Nonlinear noise reduction
919 -- 930Kazuyuki Aihara. Chaos engineering and its application to parallel distributed processing with chaotic neural networks
931 -- 934Michael N. Geselowitz. Scanning our past from the IEEE history center. In his own words: Harold Henry Beverage

Volume 90, Issue 4

447 -- 452Babu Chalamala, Frank E. Libsch, Robert H. Reuss, Bruce E. Gnade. Scanning the issue - special issue on flat-panel display technology
453 -- 459Davide E. Mentley. State of flat-panel display technology and future trends
460 -- 500Hirohisa Kawamoto. The history of liquid-crystal displays
501 -- 513Jin Jang, Sungkyoo Lim, Myunghwan Oh. Technology development and production of flat panel displays in Korea
514 -- 520Shigeo Itoh, Mitsuru Tanaka. Current status of field-emission displays
521 -- 532Charles W. McLaughlin. Progress in projection and large-area displays
533 -- 539Heiju Uchiike, Takayoshi Hirakawa. Color plasma displays
540 -- 558Stefano Tominetti, Marco Amiotti. Getters for flat-panel displays
559 -- 580J. Peter Krusius, Donald P. Seraphim, Raymond G. Greene, Dean S. Skinner, Boris Yost. Approaches toward ultralarge FPDs
581 -- 590Jyrki Kimmel, Jukka Hautanen, Tapani Levola. Display technologies for portable communication devices
591 -- 604Safa O. Kasap, John A. Rowlands. Direct-conversion flat-panel X-ray image sensors for digital radiography
605 -- 622Gaurav Sharma. LCDs versus CRTs-color-calibration and gamut considerations
623 -- 625Cornelia Connolly. The transatlantic cable-an Irish perspective

Volume 90, Issue 3

317 -- 318Erik Meijering, Howard Falk. Prolog to a chronology of interpolation: from ancient astronomy to modern signal and image processing
319 -- 342Erik Meijering. A chronology of interpolation: from ancient astronomy to modern signal and image processing
343 -- 344Chris Diorio, David Hsu, Miguel E. Figueroa, Richard O'Donnell. Prolog to adaptive CMOS: from biological inspiration to systems-on-a-chip
345 -- 357Chris Diorio, David Hsu, Miguel E. Figueroa. Adaptive CMOS: from biological inspiration to systems-on-a-chip
358 -- 359Victor O. K. Li, Zaichen Zhang, Richard O'Donnell. Prolog to internet multicast routing and transport control protocols
360 -- 391Victor O. K. Li, Zaichen Zhang. Internet multicast routing and transport control protocols
392 -- 393Stefano Buzzi, Marco Lops, H. Vincent Poor, Jim Esch. Prolog to code-aided interference suppression for DS/CDMA overlay systems
394 -- 435Stefano Buzzi, Marco Lops, H. Vincent Poor. Code-aided interference suppression for DS/CDMA overlay systems
436 -- 439Brian Bowers. Inventors of the Telegraph

Volume 90, Issue 2

183 -- 184Tong-Hooi Liew, Lajos Hanzo. Space-time codes and concatenated channel codes for wireless communications
185 -- 186Tong-Hooi Liew, Lajos Hanzo. Space-time codes and concatenated channel codes for wireless communications [Prolog]
187 -- 219Tong-Hooi Liew, Lajos Hanzo. Space-time codes and concatenated channel codes for wireless communications
220 -- 221Rafael Piestun, Joseph Shamir. Synthesis of three-dimensional light fields and applications [Prolog]
222 -- 244Rafael Piestun, Joseph Shamir. Synthesis of three-dimensional light fields and applications
245 -- 246Ching-Chuen Chan. The state of the art of electric and hybrid vehicles [Prolog]
247 -- 275Ching-Chuen Chan. The state of the art of electric and hybrid vehicles
276 -- 279Norman C. Beaulieu. Introduction to "Certain topics in telegraph transmission theory"
280 -- 305H. Nyquist. Certain topics in telegraph transmission theory
306 -- 310Michael N. Geselowitz. In his own words: Alfred Norton Goldsmith

Volume 90, Issue 12

1819 -- 1821Metin Akay. Scanning the issue - bioinformatics, part II: genomics and proteomics engineering in medicine and biology
1822 -- 1833Xin-yun Zhang, Fei Chen, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Shannon C. Agner, Metin Akay, Zu-Hong Lu, Mary Miu Yee Waye, Stephen Kwok-Wing Tsui. Signal processing techniques in genomic engineering
1834 -- 1847Richard E. Green, Steven E. Brenner. Bootstrapping and normalization for enhanced evaluations of pairwise sequence comparison
1848 -- 1858Ning Lan, Ronald Jansen, Mark Gerstein. Toward a systematic definition of protein function that scales to the genome level: defining function in terms of interactions
1859 -- 1867Elena Pirogova, Qiang Fang, Metin Akay, Irena Cosic. Investigation of the structural and functional relationships of oncogene proteins
1868 -- 1874Olaf M. Lubeck, Christopher M. Sewell, Sheng Gu, Xian Chen, D. Michael Cai. New computational approaches for de novo peptide sequencing from MS/MS experiments
1875 -- 1886Mor Peleg, Irene S. Gabashvili, Russ B. Altman. Qualitative models of molecular function: linking genetic polymorphisms of tRNA to their functional sequelae
1887 -- 1899Tharappel C. James, Susan G. Campbell, Ursula M. Bond. Comparative analysis of global gene expression in lager and laboratory yeast strains grown in wort
1900 -- 1907Alfred N. Goldsmith. The genesis of IRE [Institute of Radio Engineers]

Volume 90, Issue 11

1703 -- 1704Metin Akay. Special issue on bioinformatics, part i: advances and challenges
1705 -- 1707Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Jim Calder. Editorial - Proceedings of the IEEE: 2003-celebrating the cross pollination of ideas
1708 -- 1721J. Patrick Fitch, Shea N. Gardner, Thomas A. Kuczmarski, Stefan Kurtz, Rich Myers, Linda L. Ott, Thomas R. Slezak, Elizabeth A. Vitalis, Adam T. Zemla, Paula M. McCready. Rapid development of nucleic acid diagnostics
1722 -- 1743Yves Moreau, Frank De Smet, Gert Thijs, Kathleen Marchal, Bart De Moor. Functional bioinformatics of microarray data: from expression to regulation
1744 -- 1753Sung-Bae Cho, Jungwon Ryu. Classifying gene expression data of cancer using classifier ensemble with mutually exclusive features
1754 -- 1763Zina Ben-Miled, Nianhua Li, Glen M. Kellett, Bob Sipes, Omran A. Bukhres. Complex life science multidatabase queries
1764 -- 1777Georgios S. Stamatakos, Dimitra D. Dionysiou, Evangelia I. Zacharaki, Nicolaos A. Mouravliansky, Konstantina S. Nikita, Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu. In silico radiation oncology: combining novel simulation algorithms with current visualization techniques
1778 -- 1792Ilya Shmulevich, Edward R. Dougherty, Wei Zhang 0011. From Boolean to probabilistic Boolean networks as models of genetic regulatory networks
1793 -- 1802Hillevi Lindroos, Siv G. E. Andersson. Visualizing metabolic pathways: comparative genomics and expression analysis
1803 -- 1810Chiara Sabatti, Kenneth Lange. Genomewide motif identification using a dictionary model
1811 -- 1814Frederik Nebeker. In his own words: Vladimir Zworykin, television pioneer

Volume 90, Issue 10

1614 -- 1619Phil Deluca. A review of thirty-five years of laser trimming with a look to the future
1620 -- 1626Yunlong Sun, Edward J. Swenson, Russ Barcey. Reducing photoelectric response when functionally trimming with lasers
1627 -- 1636Yunlong Sun. Laser link cutting for memory chip repair
1637 -- 1652Palash Das, Richard L. Sandstrom. Advances in excimer laser technology for sub-0.25-μm lithography
1653 -- 1669Paul C. Allen. Laser scanning for semiconductor mask pattern generation
1670 -- 1680Corey Dunsky. High-speed microvia formation with UV solid-state lasers
1681 -- 1688Kanti Jain, Marc Zemel, Marc Klosner. Large-area high-resolution lithography and photoablation systems for microelectronics and optoelectronics fabrication
1689 -- 1695Harry Shields, Steven W. Fornaca, Michael B. Petach, Rocco A. Orsini, Richard H. Moyer, Randall J. St Pierre. Laser-produced plasma light source for extreme ultraviolet lithography
1696 -- 1698Brian Bowers. Scanning our past from London-fluorescent lighting

Volume 90, Issue 1

3 -- 4Joyce E. Farrell, Christian J. Van Den Branden Lambrecht. Scanning the issue: special issue on translating human vision research into engineering technology
5 -- 17Brian A. Wandell, Abbas El Gamal, Bernd Girod. Common principles of image acquisition systems and biological vision
18 -- 27Xiao-fan Feng, Scott J. Daly. Vision-based strategy to reduce the perceived color misregistration of image-capturing devices
28 -- 41Kirk Martinez, John Cupitt, David Saunders, Ruven Pillay. Ten years of art imaging research
42 -- 56Shoji Tominaga, Brian A. Wandell. Natural scene-illuminant estimation using the sensor correlation
57 -- 63Robert W. G. Hunt. Application of a model of color appearance to practical problems in imaging
64 -- 77Christophe De Vleeschouwer, Jean-François Delaigle, Benoît Macq. Invisibility and application functionalities in perceptual watermarking an overview
78 -- 93Eli Peli. Feature detection algorithm based on a visual system model
94 -- 103Hugo Bruggeman, Gordon E. Legge. Psychophysics of reading. XIX. Hypertext search and retrieval with low vision
104 -- 122Farhan A. Baqai, Jan P. Allebach. Computer-aided design of clustered-dot color screens based on a human visual system model
123 -- 132Philippe Longère, Xuemei Zhang, Peter B. Delahunt, David H. Brainard. Perceptual assessment of demosaicing algorithm performance
133 -- 153Jean-Bernard Martens. Multidimensional modeling of image quality
154 -- 169Zhenghua Yu, Hong Ren Wu, Stefan Winkler, Tao Chen. Vision-model-based impairment metric to evaluate blocking artifacts in digital video
170 -- 172Donard de Cogan. Communications in troubled times