631 | -- | 640 | Martin Hasler, Gianluca Mazzini, Maciej Ogorzalek, Riccardo Rovatti, Gianluca Setti. Scanning the special issue - special issue on applications of nonlinear dynamics to electronic and information engineering |
641 | -- | 661 | Tohru Kohda. Information sources using chaotic dynamics |
662 | -- | 690 | Gianluca Setti, Gianluca Mazzini, Riccardo Rovatti, Sergio Callegari. Statistical modeling of discrete-time chaotic processes-basic finite-dimensional tools and applications |
691 | -- | 710 | Andreas Abel 0005, Wolfgang Schwarz. Chaos communications-principles, schemes, and system analysis |
711 | -- | 732 | Géza Kolumbán, Michael Peter Kennedy, Zoltán Jakó, Gábor Kis. Chaotic communications with correlator receivers: theory and performance limits |
733 | -- | 746 | Martin Hasler, Thomas Schimming. Optimal and suboptimal chaos receivers |
747 | -- | 767 | Manuel Delgado-Restituto, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez. Integrated chaos generators |
768 | -- | 781 | Chi K. Tse, Mario di Bernardo. Complex behavior in switching power converters |
782 | -- | 799 | Aleksandar M. Stankovic, Hanoch Lev-Ari. Randomized modulation in power electronic converters |
800 | -- | 819 | Ashok Erramilli, Matthew Roughan, Darryl Veitch, Walter Willinger. Self-similar traffic and network dynamics |
820 | -- | 841 | Riccardo Rovatti, Gianluca Mazzini, Gianluca Setti, Alessandra Giovanardi. Statistical modeling and design of discrete-time chaotic processes: advanced finite-dimensional tools and applications |
842 | -- | 859 | Eugenio Costamagna, Lorenzo Favalli, Paolo Gamba. Multipath channel modeling with chaotic attractors |
860 | -- | 881 | Simon Haykin 0001, Rembrandt Bakker, Brian W. Currie. Uncovering nonlinear dynamics-the case study of sea clutter |
882 | -- | 897 | Brian K. Meadows, Ted H. Heath, Joseph D. Neff, Edgar A. Brown, David W. Fogliatti, Michael Gabbay, Visarath In, Paul E. Hasler, Stephen P. DeWeerth, William L. Ditto. Nonlinear antenna technology |
898 | -- | 918 | Jochen Bröcker, Ulrich Parlitz, Maciej Ogorzalek. Nonlinear noise reduction |
919 | -- | 930 | Kazuyuki Aihara. Chaos engineering and its application to parallel distributed processing with chaotic neural networks |
931 | -- | 934 | Michael N. Geselowitz. Scanning our past from the IEEE history center. In his own words: Harold Henry Beverage |