Abstract is missing.
- Simulation based learning environments and the use of learning historiesAnne Rose, Richard M. Salter, S. Keswani, N. Kositsyna, Catherine Plaisant, Gary Rubloff, Ben Shneiderman. 2-3 [doi]
- Synopsus: a personal summary tool for videoAmnon Dekel, Ofer Bergman. 4-5 [doi]
- Multiple-computer user interfaces: "beyond the desktop" direct manipulation environmentsJun Rekimoto. 6-7 [doi]
- Navigation methods for an augmented reality systemMorten Fjeld, Fred Voorhorst, Martin Bichsel, Helmut Krueger, Matthias Rauterberg. 8-9 [doi]
- Welbo: an embodied conversational agent living in mixed reality spaceMahoro Anabuki, Hiroyuki Kakuta, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Hideyuki Tamura. 10-11 [doi]
- A kinesthetic array: bringing dynamic shapes to handDavid McIntyre, Alan M. Wing. 12-13 [doi]
- The pebbles project: using PCs and hand-held computers togetherBrad A. Myers. 14-15 [doi]
- Private and public spaces: the use of video mediated communication in a future home environmentStefan Junestrand, Konrad Tollmar, Sören Lenman, Björn Thuresson. 16-17 [doi]
- TouchCounters: designing interactive electronic labels for physical containersPaul Yarin, Hiroshi Ishii. 18-19 [doi]
- Tivoli: integrating structured domain objects into a freeform whiteboard environmentThomas P. Moran, William van Melle. 20-21 [doi]
- Agent-based support for human/agent teamsTerry R. Payne, Terri L. Lenox, Susan Hahn, Katia P. Sycara, Michael Lewis 0001. 22-23 [doi]
- CommuterNews: a prototype of persuasive in-car entertainmentJason Tester, B. J. Fogg, Michael Maile. 24-25 [doi]
- The efficiency of multimodal interaction for a map-based taskPhilip R. Cohen, David McGee, Josh Clow. 26-27 [doi]
- HishiMochi: a zooming browser for hierarchically clustered documentsMasashi Toyoda, Etsuya Shibayama. 28-29 [doi]
- Capstone design at the University of Washington: user interfaces for portable devicesGaetano Borriello. 30-31 [doi]
- The development consortium: beyond the desktopIan McClelland. 32 [doi]
- HeartCare housecalls: delivering web-based health informatics without desktopsBarrett S. Caldwell, Michelle Rogers. 33-34 [doi]
- Beyond the desktop: diversity and artistryAlan Turner II, Lucy T. Nowell. 35-36 [doi]
- Conversational integration of multimedia and multimodal interactionUlrike Spierling. 37-38 [doi]
- Office environments for CSCW in design and architectureBarbara Freiberger, Dieter Mankau, Wolfgang Müller 0004. 39-40 [doi]
- Novel user interface technologies and conversational user interfaces for information appliancesNorbert Gerfelder, Ulrike Spierling, Wolfgang Müller. 41-42 [doi]
- Beyond the desktop: and into your vehicleDavid J. Wheatley. 43-44 [doi]
- Trust in designStephen Marsh, John F. Meech. 45-46 [doi]
- Environmental interfaces: HomeLabChad Burkey. 47-48 [doi]
- Bringing text input beyond the desktopChristina L. James, Michael Longé. 49-50 [doi]
- Active environments: sensing and responding to groups of peopleJoseph F. McCarthy. 51-52 [doi]
- Magic Home: exploiting the duality between the physical and the virtual worldsDadong Wan. 53-54 [doi]
- Context-sensitive eCommerceKelly L. Dempski. 55-56 [doi]
- Accessibility of telecommunications servicesMartin Maguire. 57-58 [doi]
- The intelligent thermostat: a mixed-initiative user interfaceDavid V. Keyson, M. P. A. J. de Hoogh, A. Freudenthal, Arnold P. O. S. Vermeeren. 59-60 [doi]
- Beyond product usability: user satisfaction and quality managementMarcin Sikorski. 61-62 [doi]
- Information appliance design at Sun MicrosystemsMike Mohageg, Eric Bergman. 63-64 [doi]
- The missing link: multimedia and e-commerceFabio Nemetz. 65-66 [doi]
- Communication and coordination through public and private representations in control roomsChrister Garbis. 67-68 [doi]
- An empirical investigation of boundaries to virtual public discourse structureQuentin Jones. 69-70 [doi]
- Validating effective design knowledge for re-use: HCI engineering design principlesStephen Cummaford. 71-72 [doi]
- Design principles for non-visual interactionBen Challis. 73-74 [doi]
- Search history for user support in information-seeking interfacesAnita Komlodi. 75-76 [doi]
- Providing integrated toolkit-level support for ambiguity in recognition-based interfacesJennifer Mankoff. 77-78 [doi]
- Enabling the use of context in interactive applicationsAnind K. Dey. 79-80 [doi]
- Extending usability inspection techniques for collaborative systemsJill L. Drury. 81-82 [doi]
- Understanding algorithms through shared metaphorsTeresa Hübscher-Younger. 83-84 [doi]
- The web in high school science teaching: constructing a technology in practiceRaven McCrory Wallace. 85-86 [doi]
- A model for virtual intelligent librariesGuadalupe Muñoz Martin. 87-88 [doi]
- Adapting to change in complex work environmentsJohn R. Hajdukiewicz. 89-90 [doi]
- Augmented reality displays for endoscopic orientation and navigationCaroline G. L. Cao. 91-92 [doi]
- Consumer-centered interfaces: customizing online travel planningAdriana Jurca. 93-94 [doi]
- Users' models of the internetLouise Sheeran. 95-96 [doi]
- Improved scroll barsSari A. Laakso, Karri-Pekka Laakso, Asko J. Saura. 97-98 [doi]
- Effects of instant messaging interruptions on computing tasksEdward Cutrell, Mary Czerwinski, Eric Horvitz. 99-100 [doi]
- "Trust me, I'm an online vendor": towards a model of trust for e-commerce system designFlorian N. Egger. 101-102 [doi]
- Tech support engineers' communication in a chat toolEleanor T. Lewis. 103-104 [doi]
- A vision-based pet robot interactionIsao Mihara, Yasunobu Yamauchi, Miwako Doi. 105-106 [doi]
- Animated products as a navigation aid for e-commerceLuca Chittaro, Paolo Coppola. 107-108 [doi]
- A wearable authoring system using organized multimedia dataKazushige Ouchi, Yoshihiro Ohmori, Soichiro Matsushita, Miwako Doi. 109-110 [doi]
- Supporting opportunistic communication in mobile settingsPer Dahlberg, Fredrik Ljungberg, Johan Sanneblad. 111-112 [doi]
- Distance education via IP videoconferencing: results from a national pilot projectAnna Watson, Martina Angela Sasse. 113-114 [doi]
- Presentation agents for speech user interfacesJaakko Hakulinen, Markku Turunen. 115-116 [doi]
- The head or the heart?: measuring the impact of media qualityGillian M. Wilson, Martina Angela Sasse. 117-118 [doi]
- Direct manipulation of parallel coordinatesHarri Siirtola. 119-120 [doi]
- NewsMate: providing mobile and distributed news journalists with timely informationHenrik Fagrell, Kerstin Forsberg, Erik Johannesson, Fredrik Ljungberg. 121-122 [doi]
- ComCenter: a person oriented approach to mobile communicationJens Bergquist, Fredrik Ljungberg. 123-124 [doi]
- Simple interfaces to complex sound in improvised musicJohn Bowers, Sten-Olof Hellström. 125-126 [doi]
- Scenario-based evaluation of loosely-integrated collaborative systemsLaurie E. Damianos, Jill L. Drury, Tari Lin Fanderclai, Lynette Hirschman, Jeffrey L. Kurtz, Beatrice T. Oshika. 127-128 [doi]
- The quest for the last 5%: interfaces for correcting real-time speech-generated subtitlesAndi Bateman, Jill A. Hewitt, Aladdin M. Ariyaeeinia, Perasiriyan Sivakumaran, Andrew Lambourne. 129-130 [doi]
- Usability remote evaluation for WWWMarco Winckler, Carla M. D. S. Freitas, José Valdeni de Lima. 131-132 [doi]
- HyperPalette: a hybrid computing environment for small computing devicesYuji Ayatsuka, Nobuyuki Matsushita, Jun Rekimoto. 133-134 [doi]
- Age difference in the use of an on-line grocery shop: implications for designMarie Sjölinder, Kristina Höök, Lars-Göran Nilsson. 135-136 [doi]
- Bridging reality and virtuality in vocational trainingKai Schmudlach, Eva Hornecker, Hauke Ernst, F. Wilhelm Bruns. 137-138 [doi]
- Presenting spoken advice: information pull or push?Geert de Haan. 139-140 [doi]
- Overcoming unusability: developing efficient strategies in speech recognition systemsJohn Karat, Daniel B. Horn, Christine A. Halverson, Clare-Marie Karat. 141-142 [doi]
- Qualitative usability measurement of websites by employing the repertory grid techniqueJouke C. Verlinden, Marc J. J. Coenders. 143-144 [doi]
- Text in 3D: some legibility resultsKevin Larson, Maarten van Dantzich, Mary Czerwinski, George G. Robertson. 145-146 [doi]
- Using rough sets to determine construct importance in a dynamic HCI environmentMichael D. Coovert, Dawn Riddle, Linda R. Elliott, Samuel G. Schiflett. 147-148 [doi]
- Kits for learning and a kit for kitmakingCarol Strohecker, Adrienne H. Slaughter. 149-150 [doi]
- Role of memory in email managementSasha Jovicic. 151-152 [doi]
- "Intelligent" team decision makingLori L. Foster, Michael D. Coovert. 153-154 [doi]
- PhoneMan: the benefits of personal call historiesDavid Millen, Don Henderson. 155-156 [doi]
- Physics-based graphical keyboard designMichael A. Hunter, Shumin Zhai, Barton A. Smith. 157-158 [doi]
- Streaming thumbnails: combining low resolution navigation and RSVP displaysD. T. Lawton, E. J. Feigin. 159-160 [doi]
- Strategic approach to computer literacySuresh K. Bhavnani. 161-162 [doi]
- Timely reminders: a case study of temporal guidance in PIM and email tools usageJacek Gwizdka. 163-164 [doi]
- How large should a digital desk be?: qualitative results of a comparative studyAme Elliott, Marti A. Hearst. 165-166 [doi]
- A non-invasive computer vision system for reliable eye trackingAntonio Haro, Irfan A. Essa, Myron Flickner. 167-168 [doi]
- Breaking-up is hard to do: partitioning information (or not) in over-the-phone, speech-recognition interactionsChristopher (Blade) Kotelly, Philippe Farhi, Michael D. Ahnemann. 169-170 [doi]
- Achieving usability through software architectural stylesLen Bass, Bonnie E. John. 171-172 [doi]
- Agents as building-blocks for usability tests in multi-user 3D environmentsVolker Paelke. 173-174 [doi]
- Interfacing to the foot: apparatus and applicationsJoseph A. Paradiso, Kai-yuh Hsiao, Ari Y. Benbasat. 175-176 [doi]
- Privacy and information integrity in wearable computing and ubiquitous computingJennica Falk, Staffan Björk. 177-178 [doi]
- Shifting from "high fidelity" to "low fidelity" algorithm visualization technologyChristopher D. Hundhausen, Sarah A. Douglas. 179-180 [doi]
- Successful user interface design from efficient computer algorithmsGary Marsden, Harold Thimbleby, Matt Jones, Paul Gillary. 181-182 [doi]
- The sense of physically crossing paths: creating a soft initiation in HyperMirror communicationOsamu Morikawa, Juli Yamashita, Yukio Fukui. 183-184 [doi]
- NEM: "novice expert ratio method" a usability evaluation method to generate a new performance measureHaruhiko Urokohara, Kenichi Tanaka, Kazuyoshi Furuta, Michiyo Honda, Masaaki Kurosu. 185-186 [doi]
- WAP: designing for small user interfacesAlbrecht Schmidt 0001, Henning Schröder, Oliver Frick. 187-188 [doi]
- Evaluation criteria for scaffolding in learner-centered toolsChris Quintana, Eric Fretz, Joseph Krajcik, Elliot Soloway. 189-190 [doi]
- Flicking through page-based documents with thumbnail sliders and electronic dog-earsAldo Hoeben, Pieter Jan Stappers. 191-192 [doi]
- Enabling easy access to digital geographic information: SNIG's usability historyFätima Bernardo, Joana Hipolito. 193-194 [doi]
- A 15 year path of usability development in EuropeMartin Maguire. 195-196 [doi]
- A bench for all moodsAntonietta Grasso, Alain Karsenty, Dave Snowdon. 197-198 [doi]
- Edge effects: the design challenge of the pervasive interfaceJohn Thackara. 199-200 [doi]
- On-line TV viewing: a new consumer experienceHendrik A. Harwig. 201 [doi]
- Pervasive information access and the rise of human-information interactionPeter Lucas. 202 [doi]
- The art of beyond the desktopPanu Korhonen. 203-204 [doi]
- Sufficiently advanced technology: using magic to control the worldKim Binsted. 205-206 [doi]
- The methods of our madness: research on experimental documentsAnne Balsamo, Matthew G. Gorbet, Steve R. Harrison, Scott L. Minneman. 207-208 [doi]
- The PLAY research group: entertainment and innovation in SwedenLars Erik Holmquist. 209-210 [doi]
- Interaction design at Pixar Animation StudiosKaron Weber, Kitt Hirasaki. 211-212 [doi]
- User-System Interaction Technology (USIT): a UI research group of Philips ElectronicsRené Collier. 213-214 [doi]
- Living laboratories: the future computing environments group at the Georgia Institute of TechnologyGregory D. Abowd, Christopher G. Atkeson, Aaron F. Bobick, Irfan A. Essa, Blair MacIntyre, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Thad E. Starner. 215-216 [doi]
- Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE)Allan MacLean. 217-218 [doi]
- Usability research in Nokia: evolution, motivation and trustPanu Korhonen. 219-220 [doi]
- User centered research and design at MotorolaLarry Marturano, David Wheatley. 221-222 [doi]
- Making usability engineering happen: Center for Usability Research & Engineering (CURE)Verena Giller, Manfred Tscheligi. 223-224 [doi]
- The interactive collaborative environments laboratoryAdrian Bullock, Anneli Avatare Nöu, Lennart E. Fahlén, Emmanuel Frécon, Pär Hansson, Bino Nord, Kristian T. Simsarian, Mårten Stenius, Olov Ståhl, Anders Wallberg, Karl-Petter Åkesson. 225-226 [doi]
- Digital city project: NTT open laboratoryJun-ichi Akahani, Katherine Isbister, Toru Ishida. 227-228 [doi]
- TeleCHI: an on-line community for HCI professionalsLiwana S. Bringelson, Tom Carey. 229-230 [doi]
- Interval research corportationBonnie Johnson, Arati Prabhakar, Debby Hindus. 231-232 [doi]
- From behaviour to innovation at Nortel NetworksMike Atyeo, Judith Ramsay, Judith Rattle. 233-234 [doi]
- Design in harmony with human lifeDavid J. Gilmore, Velma L. Velázquez. 235-236 [doi]
- User-interface design books: educating the masses or preaching to the converted?Jeff Johnson. 237-238 [doi]
- Non-contractual trust, design, and human and computer interactionsElisabeth Davenport, Mark Dibben, Batya Friedman, Steven Marsh, Howard Rosenbaum, Harold Thimbleby. 239-240 [doi]
- Interactionary: a live UI design competitionScott Berkun, Debbie Cargile, Christopher Konrad, Sarah Zuberec, Bruce Tognazzini, Steve Rodgers, Richard Buchanan, Isabela Ancona, Alex Little, Zayera Khan, Shel Kimen. 241-242 [doi]
- Story spaces: interfaces for children's voicesJustine Cassell, Kimiko Ryokai, Allison Druin, Jack Klaff, Brenda Laurel, Nichole Pinkard. 243-244 [doi]
- Scaling for the masses: usability practices of the web's most popular sitesJared M. Spool, Laura Borns, Eleri Dixon, Kevin Knabe, Josh Paluch, David Shen, Marie Tahir. 245-246 [doi]
- Smart toys: brave new world?Herman D'Hooge, Linda Dalton, Helen Shwe, Debra Lieberman, Claire O'Malley. 247-248 [doi]
- Supporting communication and collaboration practices in safety-critical situationsPaul J. Camp, James M. Hudson, Russell B. Keldorph, Scott Lewis, Elizabeth D. Mynatt. 249-250 [doi]
- Communicating facial affect: it's not the realism, it's the motionSheryl M. Ehrlich, Diane J. Schiano, Kyle Sheridan. 251-252 [doi]
- What's happening?: the community awareness applicationQiang Alex Zhao, John T. Stasko. 253-254 [doi]
- Interacting with music in a social settingAli Mazalek, Tristan Jehan. 255-256 [doi]
- Why conversational agents should catch the eyeRoel Vertegaal, Robert Slagter, Gerrit C. van der Veer, Anton Nijholt. 257-258 [doi]
- Shared reality: physical collaboration with a virtual peerJustine Cassell, M. Ananny, A. Basu, Timothy W. Bickmore, P. Chong, D. Mellis, Kimiko Ryokai, J. Smith, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, H. Yan. 259-260 [doi]
- BinScroll: a rapid selection technique for alphanumeric listsJuha Lehikoinen, Mika Röykkee. 261-262 [doi]
- Control menus: excecution and control in a single interactorStuart Pook, Eric Lecolinet, Guy Vaysseix, Emmanuel Barillot. 263-264 [doi]
- PowerView: structured access to integrated information on small screensStaffan Björk, Lars Erik Holmquist, Peter Ljungstrand, Johan Redström. 265-266 [doi]
- The trouble with shortcutsAndrew Howes, Stephen J. Payne, Amelia Woodward. 267-268 [doi]
- Improving user performance on Boolean queriesJohn F. Pane, Brad A. Myers. 269-270 [doi]
- Menus beyond the desktop metaphorFred Voorhorst, Helmut Krueger, Martin Bichsel. 271-272 [doi]
- Trials and tribulations of using an eye-tracking systemSusan K. Schnipke, Marc W. Todd. 273-274 [doi]
- The smart floor: a mechanism for natural user identification and trackingRobert J. Orr, Gregory D. Abowd. 275-276 [doi]
- A tangible interface for controlling robotic toysJames Patten, Laurie Griffith, Hiroshi Ishii. 277-278 [doi]
- Hash visualization in user authenticationRachna Dhamija. 279-280 [doi]
- Investigating auditory direct manipulation: sonifying the Towers of HanoiFredrik Winberg, Sten-Olof Hellström. 281-282 [doi]
- The embroidered musical ball: a squeezable instrument for expressive performanceGili Weinberg, Maggie Orth, Peter Russo. 283-284 [doi]
- Is user involvement harmful or useful in the early stages of product development?Sari Kujala, Martti Mäntylä. 285-286 [doi]
- Elements that affect web credibility: early results from a self-report studyB. J. Fogg, Jonathan Marshall, Alex Osipovich, Chris Varma, Othman Laraki, Nicholas Fang, Jyoti Paul, Akshay Rangnekar, John Shon, Preeti Swani, Marissa Treinen. 287-288 [doi]
- Can computer-generated speech have gender?: an experimental test of gender stereotypeEun-Ju Lee, Clifford Nass, Scott Brave. 289-290 [doi]
- Recommending from content: preliminary results from an e-commerce experimentMark Rosenstein, Carol Lochbaum. 291-292 [doi]
- The secret life of notebooksSteve Loughran. 293-294 [doi]
- Websound: a generic web sonification tool allowing HCI researchers to dynamically create new access modalitiesLori Stefano Petrucci, Eric Harth, Patrick Roth, André Assimacopoulos, Thierry Pun. 295-296 [doi]
- The GOMS SIG: troubleshooting, lessons learned, novel applications, teaching techniques & future researchWayne D. Gray, Bonnie E. John, David E. Kieras, Deborah A. Boehm-Davis. 297 [doi]
- Collaborative information retrieval (CIR)Susan T. Dumais, Jonathan Grudin, Steven E. Poltrock, Harry Bruce, Raya Fidel, Annelise Mark Pejtersen. 298 [doi]
- Cross-cultural user-interface design: what? so what? now what?Aaron Marcus, Nuray M. Aykin, Apala Lahiri Chavan, Donald L. Day, Emilie West Gould, Pia Honold, Masaaki Kurosu. 299 [doi]
- Including users with disabilitiesLea T. Adams. 300 [doi]
- Common industry format for usability test reportsJean Scholtz. 301 [doi]
- A "bag of tricks" for web usabilityThomas S. Tullis, Eleri J. Dixon, Harry M. Hersh. 302 [doi]
- HCI in educationKenneth R. Lee. 303 [doi]
- Contextual design for creating new design conceptsKaren Holtzblatt, Hugh R. Beyer. 304 [doi]
- Increasing the influence of usability practices within the design processMartin Maguire. 305 [doi]
- Interactive TV: a new interaction paradigm?Owen Daly-Jones, Rachel Carey. 306 [doi]
- Measuring web-site usabilityJared M. Spool, Tara Scanlon, Lori Landesman, Matthew Klee. 307 [doi]
- Culturally-adapted products in the global market: dealing with the naysayersThomas Plocher, Pia Honold. 308 [doi]
- "Learnability" testing in learner-centered designA. Kashif Asdi, Beth H. Daniels. 309 [doi]
- Can we have spiritual experiences on-line?Michael J. Muller, Ellen Christiansen, Bonnie A. Nardi. 310 [doi]
- Towards a framework of methods on UI style guidesPieter Willems, Jouke C. Verlinden, Pieter Jan Troost. 311 [doi]
- Incorporating usability techniques into the Web lifecycleSuzy Czarkowski, Bobbi Sanford. 312 [doi]
- Personalization: a taxonomyJan Blom. 313-314 [doi]
- Bubble trees the visualization of hierarchical information structuresRichard Boardman. 315-316 [doi]
- Contextual inquiry: quantification and use in videotaped analysisKaren Cross, Adrienne Warmack. 317-318 [doi]
- SimVis: an interaction model for exploring clinical dataGöran Falkman. 319-320 [doi]
- Learning and knowledge application: electronic versus printed materialKate J. Garland. 321-322 [doi]
- The reminder bracelet: subtle notification cues for mobile devicesRebecca Hansson, Peter Ljungstrand. 323-324 [doi]
- Interactive multimedia scenarios and role-playingChristian Hardless, Malin Nilsson. 325-326 [doi]
- Exploring property-based document organization in a collaborative note-sharing systemJonathan Huang, Joseph Michiels. 327-328 [doi]
- Web TANGO: towards automated comparison of information-centric web site designsMelody Y. Ivory. 329-330 [doi]
- Forum contact space: serendipity in the workplacePhillip Jeffrey. 331-332 [doi]
- The designer's outpost: a task-centered tangible interface for web site information designScott R. Klemmer, Mark W. Newman, Raecine Sapien. 333-334 [doi]
- Visualizing sequential data: a new detail-in-context layoutOliver Kuederle. 335-336 [doi]
- "Bloat": the objective and subject dimensionsJoanna McGrenere. 337-338 [doi]
- Application of Fitts' law to eye gaze interactionDarius Miniotas. 339-340 [doi]
- Should we take turns?: a test of CMC turn-taking formatsBruce Phillips. 341-342 [doi]
- Evaluating international usability of virtual worldsDerek Poppink. 343-344 [doi]
- Design of virtual reality exposure therapy systems: task analysisMartijn J. Schuemie. 345-346 [doi]
- TeleUS: design and implementation of telesonographyTaly Sharon. 347-348 [doi]
- Supporting private information on public displaysGarth Shoemaker. 349-350 [doi]
- WebAware: continuous visualization of web site activity in a public spaceTobias Skog, Lars Erik Holmquist. 351-352 [doi]
- Interactive linearisation in hypertext information accessThomas Tan. 353-354 [doi]
- Immersion of Xwindow applications into a 3D workbenchAlexandre Topol. 355-356 [doi]
- Bridging physical and virtual group meetings with a PC and multiple hand-held devicesMikael Wiberg. 357-358 [doi]
- + user interfaces designYongmei Wu. 359-360 [doi]
- Basic research symposiumMichael Twidale, José Cañas. 361 [doi]
- Challenges in the multicultural HCI development environmentMichael G. McKenna, Henry Naftulin. 362 [doi]
- Pattern languages for interaction design: building momentumRichard N. Griffiths, Lyn Pemberton, Jan O. Borchers, Adam Stork. 363 [doi]
- Continuity in human computer interactionGiorgio P. Faconti, Mieke Massink. 364 [doi]
- Designing interactive systems for 1-to-1 e-commerceMarkus Stolze, Jürgen Koenemann, Daniela Handl, Barbara Hayes-Roth, Joseph Kramer. 365 [doi]
- Semiotic approaches to user interface designClarisse S. de Souza, Raquel Oliveira Prates, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Ernest A. Edmonds. 366 [doi]
- National and international frameworks for collaboration between HCI research and practiceJeroen Ubink, Piet Bögels, Austin Henderson, Gerard van der Heiden, Joan Minstrell, Lucas Noldus, Matthias Rauterberg, Alice Thomas, Gerrit van der Veer, Karel Vredenburg, Willy Wong. 367 [doi]
- Future mobile device user interfacesSatu Ruuska, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt, Bruno von Niman. 368 [doi]
- Research directions in situated computingMichel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy E. Mackay. 369 [doi]
- Virtually collocated teams in the workplaceGloria Mark, Steven E. Poltrock, Jonathan Grudin. 370 [doi]
- The what, who, where, when, why and how of context-awarenessDavid R. Morse, Stephen Armstrong, Anind K. Dey. 371 [doi]
- A compendium of practical techniques for HCI instructionMarian G. Williams, Andrew Sears. 372 [doi]
- Electronic communities: places and spaces, contents and boundariesMichael J. Muller, Jessica Friedman. 373 [doi]
- Situated interaction in ubiquitous computingAlbrecht Schmidt 0001, Walter Van de Velde, Gerd Kortuem. 374 [doi]
- Social navigation: a design approach?Kristina Höök, Alan Wexelblat, Alan Munro. 375 [doi]
- Natural-language interfacesDavid G. Novick, Candace A. Kamm, Nils Dahlbäck. 376 [doi]