Abstract is missing.
- New Ordering-Based Pruning Metrics for Ensembles of Classifiers in Imbalanced DatasetsMikel Galar, Alberto Fernández, Edurne Barrenechea, Humberto Bustince, Francisco Herrera. 3-15 [doi]
- A Variant of the K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Continuous-Nominal DataAleksander Denisiuk, Michal Grabowski. 17-26 [doi]
- Combining One-vs-One Decomposition and Ensemble Learning for Multi-class Imbalanced DataBartosz Krawczyk. 27-36 [doi]
- Combining One-Versus-One and One-Versus-All Strategies to Improve Multiclass SVM ClassifierWieslaw Chmielnicki, Katarzyna Stapor. 37-45 [doi]
- A Wrapper Evolutionary Approach for Supervised Multivariate Discretization: A Case Study on Decision TreesSergio Ramírez-Gallego, Salvador García, José Manuel Benítez, Francisco Herrera. 47-58 [doi]
- Extreme Learning Machine as a Function Approximator: Initialization of Input Weights and BiasesGrzegorz Dudek. 59-69 [doi]
- Electron Neutrino Classification in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber DetectorPiotr Plonski, Dorota Stefan, Robert Sulej, Krzysztof Zaremba. 71-79 [doi]
- Stroke Tissue Pattern Recognition Based on CT Texture AnalysisGrzegorz Ostrek, Artur Nowakowski, Magdalena Jasionowska, Artur Przelaskowski, Kazimierz Szopinski. 81-90 [doi]
- Conversion of Belief Networks into Belief Rules: A New ApproachTeresa Mroczek, Zdzislaw S. Hippe. 91-100 [doi]
- Semi-supervised Naive Hubness Bayesian k-Nearest Neighbor for Gene Expression DataKrisztian Buza. 101-110 [doi]
- The Multi-Ranked Classifiers ComparisonNorbert Jankowski. 111-123 [doi]
- Using a Genetic Algorithm for Selection of Starting Conditions for the EM Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture ModelsWojciech Kwedlo. 125-134 [doi]
- On the Combination of Pairwise and Granularity Learning for Improving Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems: GL-FARCHD-OVOPedro Villar, Alberto Fernández, Francisco Herrera. 135-146 [doi]
- Measures for Combining Prediction Intervals Uncertainty and Reliability in ForecastingVânia Almeida, João Gama. 147-157 [doi]
- Detection of Elongated Structures with Hierarchical Active Partitions and CEC-Based Image RepresentationArkadiusz Tomczyk, Przemyslaw Spurek, Michal Podgórski, Krzysztof Misztal, Jacek Tabor. 159-168 [doi]
- Text Detection in Document Images by Machine Learning AlgorithmsDarko Zelenika, Janez Povh, Bernard Zenko. 169-179 [doi]
- Blind Source Separation for Improved Load Forecasting on Individual Household LevelKrzysztof Gajowniczek, Tomasz Zabkowski, Ryszard Szupiluk. 181-190 [doi]
- Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Model with Objects Attached to Terminal and Non-terminal Dendrogram NodesLukasz P. Olech, Mariusz Paradowski. 191-201 [doi]
- Real-Valued ACS Classifier System: A Preliminary StudyOlgierd Unold, Marcin Mianowski. 203-211 [doi]
- Random Forest Active Learning for Retinal Image SegmentationBorja Ayerdi, Manuel Graña. 213-221 [doi]
- A Comparison of Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithms for the Column Subset Selection ProblemPavel Krömer, Jan Platos. 223-232 [doi]
- Experiments on Data Classification Using Relative EntropyMichal Vasinek, Jan Platos. 233-242 [doi]
- Object Recognition Based on Comparative Similarity AssessmentJuliusz L. Kulikowski. 243-253 [doi]
- An Efficiency K-Means Data Clustering in Cotton Textile ImportsDragan Simic, Vasa Svircevic, Sinisa Sremac, Vladimir Ilin, Svetlana Simic. 255-264 [doi]
- Discriminant Function Selection in Binary Classification TaskRobert Burduk. 265-273 [doi]
- Comparison of Multi-label and Multi-perspective Classifiers in Multi-task Pattern Recognition ProblemsEdward Puchala, Krzysztof Reisner. 275-282 [doi]
- New Data Level Approach for Imbalanced Data Classification ImprovementKatarzyna Borowska, Magdalena Topczewska. 283-294 [doi]
- Automatic Syllable Repetition Detection in Continuous Speech Based on Linear Prediction CoefficientsAdam Kobus, Wieslawa Kuniszyk-Józkowiak, Ireneusz Codello. 295-304 [doi]
- Chain Code-Based Local Descriptor for Face RecognitionPawel Karczmarek, Adam Kiersztyn, Witold Pedrycz, Przemyslaw Rutka. 307-316 [doi]
- Face Recognition Method with Two-Dimensional HMMJanusz Bobulski. 317-325 [doi]
- Shape-Based Eye Blinking Detection and AnalysisZeyd Boukhers, Tomasz Jarzynski, Florian Schmidt, Oliver Tiebe, Marcin Grzegorzek. 327-335 [doi]
- Lip Print Pattern Extraction Using Top-Hat TransformLukasz Smacki, Jacek Luczak, Zygmunt Wróbel. 337-346 [doi]
- Effective Lip Prints Preprocessing and Matching MethodsKrzysztof Wrobel, Piotr Porwik, Rafal Doroz. 347-357 [doi]
- Local Texture Pattern Selection for Efficient Face Recognition and TrackingMaciej Smiatacz, Jacek Ruminski. 359-368 [doi]
- Online Extreme Entropy Machines for Streams Classification and Active LearningWojciech Marian Czarnecki, Jacek Tabor. 371-381 [doi]
- A Context-Driven Data Weighting Approach for Handling Concept Drift in ClassificationLida Barakat. 383-393 [doi]
- Ontology Learning from Graph-Stream Representation of Complex ProcessRadoslaw Z. Ziembinski. 395-405 [doi]
- On Properties of Undersampling Bagging and Its Extensions for Imbalanced DataJerzy Stefanowski. 407-417 [doi]
- Object Tracking Using the Parametric Active Contour Model in Video StreamsMarcin Ciecholewski. 421-429 [doi]
- Vision Diagnostics of Power Transmission Lines: Approach to Recognition of InsulatorsAngelika Wronkowicz. 431-440 [doi]
- Evaluation of Touchless Typing Techniques with Hand MovementAdam Nowosielski. 441-449 [doi]
- A Hybrid Field of View Vision System for Efficient Robot Self-localization with QR CodesMarta Rostkowska, Michal Topolski. 451-460 [doi]
- Morphologic-Statistical Approach to Detection of Lesions in Liver Tissue in FishMalgorzata Przytulska, Juliusz L. Kulikowski, Adam Józwik. 461-470 [doi]
- Artificial Photoreceptors for Ensemble Classification of Hyperspectral ImagesPawel Ksieniewicz, Michal Wozniak. 471-479 [doi]
- Real-Time Eye Detection and Tracking in the Near-Infrared Video for Drivers' Drowsiness ControlBoguslaw Cyganek. 481-490 [doi]
- Clothing Similarity Estimation Using Dominant Color Descriptor and SSIM IndexPiotr Czapiewski, Pawel Forczmanski, Krzysztof Okarma, Dariusz Frejlichowski, Radoslaw Hofman. 491-500 [doi]
- Determination of Road Traffic Flow Based on 3D Wavelet Transform of an Image SequenceMarcin Jacek Klos. 501-507 [doi]
- Schmid Filter and Inpainting in Computer-Aided Erosions and Osteophytes Detection Based on Hand RadiographsBartosz Zielinski 0001, Marek Skomorowski. 511-519 [doi]
- Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Mixtures for Radiographic Image SegmentationNafaa Nacereddine, Djemel Ziou. 521-532 [doi]
- Accurate Classification of ECG Patterns with Subject-Dependent Feature VectorPiotr Augustyniak. 533-541 [doi]
- Environmental Microbiological Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Internal Structure HistogramYan Ling Zou, Chen Li, Zeyd Boukhers, Kimiaki Shirahama, Tao Jiang, Marcin Grzegorzek. 543-552 [doi]
- Control of a Multi-joint Hand Prosthesis - An Experimental ApproachAndrzej Wolczowski, Janusz Jakubiak. 553-563 [doi]
- Hilbert-Huang Transform Applied to the Recognition of Multimodal Biosignals in the Control of Bioprosthetic HandEdward Puchala, Maciej Krysmann, Marek Kurzynski. 565-575 [doi]
- Wavelet Analysis of Cell Nuclei from the Papanicolaou Smears Using Standard Deviation RatiosDorota Oszutowska-Mazurek, Przemyslaw Mazurek, Kinga Sycz, Grazyna Waker-Wójciuk. 577-586 [doi]
- EEG Patterns Analysis in the Process of Recovery from InterruptionsIzabela Rejer, Jaroslaw Jankowski. 587-596 [doi]
- Application of Syntactic Pattern Recognition Methods for Electrical Load ForecastingMariusz Flasinski, Janusz Jurek, Tomasz Peszek. 599-607 [doi]
- Improvements to Segmentation Method of Stained Lymphoma Tissue Section ImagesLukasz Roszkowiak, Anna Korzynska, Marylène Lejeune, Ramón Bosch, Carlos López. 609-617 [doi]
- Swipe Text Input for Touchless InterfacesMateusz Wierzchowski, Adam Nowosielski. 619-629 [doi]
- Defect Detection in Furniture Elements with the Hough Transform Applied to 3D DataLeszek J. Chmielewski, Katarzyna Laszewicz-Smietanska, Piotr Mitas, Arkadiusz Orlowski, Jaroslaw Górski, Grzegorz Gawdzik, Maciej Janowicz, Jacek Wilkowski, Piotr Podziewski. 631-640 [doi]
- Prediction of Trend Reversals in Stock Market by Classification of Japanese CandlesticksLeszek J. Chmielewski, Maciej Janowicz, Arkadiusz Orlowski. 641-647 [doi]
- Tracklet-Based Viterbi Track-Before-Detect Algorithm for Line Following RobotsGrzegorz Matczak, Przemyslaw Mazurek. 649-658 [doi]
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Fast Parallel ClassificationTomás Jezowicz, Petr Bucek, Jan Platos, Václav Snásel. 659-670 [doi]
- A Hardware Architecture for Calculating LBP-Based Image Region DescriptorsMarek Kraft, Michal Fularz. 671-679 [doi]
- Unified Process Management for Service and Manufacture System - Material ResourcesMarek Krótkiewicz, Marcin Jodlowiec, Krystian Wojtkiewicz, Katarzyna Szwedziak. 681-690 [doi]
- Point Image Representation for Efficient Detection of VehiclesZbigniew Czapla. 691-700 [doi]
- Modelling Dental Milling Process with Machine Learning-Based Regression AlgorithmsKonrad Jackowski, Dariusz Jankowski, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado, Michal Wozniak. 701-711 [doi]
- Rough Sets and Fuzzy Logic Approach for Handwritten Digits and Letters RecognitionMarcin Majak, Andrzej Zolnierek. 713-722 [doi]
- Environmental Sounds Recognition Based on Image Processing MethodsTomasz Maka, Pawel Forczmanski. 723-732 [doi]
- Investigating Combinations of Visual Audio Features and Distance Metrics in the Problem of Audio ClassificationPawel Forczmanski, Tomasz Maka. 733-744 [doi]
- Enhancing Tracking Capabilities of KDE Background Subtraction-Based Algorithm Using Edge HistogramsPiotr Kowaleczko, Przemyslaw Rokita. 745-754 [doi]
- Implicit Links-Based Techniques to Enrich K-Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes Algorithms for Web Page ClassificationAbdelbadie Belmouhcine, Mohammed Benkhalifa. 755-766 [doi]
- Semi-unsupervised Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in HTTP TrafficRafal Kozik, Michal Choras, Rafal Renk, Witold Holubowicz. 767-775 [doi]
- Sentiment Classification of the Slovenian News TextsJoze Bucar, Janez Povh, Martin Znidarsic. 777-787 [doi]
- A Snoring Sound Analysis Application Using K-Mean Clustering Method on Mobile DevicesThakerng Wongsirichot, Nantanat Iad-ua, Jutatip Wibulkit. 789-796 [doi]
- DDoS Attacks Detection by Means of Statistical ModelsTomasz Andrysiak, Lukasz Saganowski. 797-806 [doi]
- Infrared Image-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction of Free-Form Texture-Less ObjectsKarolina Przerwa, Wlodzimierz Kasprzak, Maciej Stefanczyk. 809-820 [doi]
- Utilization of Colour in ICP-based Point Cloud RegistrationMarta Lepicka, Tomasz Kornuta, Maciej Stefanczyk. 821-830 [doi]
- Range Sensors Simulation Using GPU Ray TracingKarol Majek, Janusz Bedkowski. 831-840 [doi]
- View Synthesis with Kinect-Based Tracking for Motion Parallax Depth Cue on a 2D DisplayMichal Joachimiak, Mikolaj Wasielica, Piotr Skrzypczynski, Janusz Sobecki, Moncef Gabbouj. 841-851 [doi]