Abstract is missing.
- Non-rigid image registration using bone growth modelMorten Bro-Nielsen, Claus Gramkow, Sven Kreiborg. 3-12
- Volumetric medical images segmentation using shape constrained deformable modelsJohan Montagnat, Hervé Delingette. 13-22
- Medical image segmentation using topologically adaptable surfacesTim McInerney, Demetri Terzopoulos. 23-32
- Definition of a 4D continuous polar transformation for the tracking and the analysis of LV motionJérôme Declerck, Jacques Feldmar, Nicholas Ayache. 33-42
- Shape-based segmentation and tracking in 4D cardiac MR imagesDaniel Rueckert, Peter Burger. 43-52
- Segmentation using deformable models with affinity-based localizationTimothy N. Jones, Dimitris N. Metaxas. 53-62
- Advances in elastic matching theory and its implementationJames C. Gee, David R. Haynor, Lionel Le Briquer, Ruzena Bajcsy. 63-72
- Automatic detection of articular surfaces in 3D image through minimal subset random samplingJean-José Jacq, Christian Roux. 73-82
- Decimation of iso-surfaces with deformable modelsHerve Delingette. 83-92
- Comparative estimation of orbital three dimensional CT measurements utilizing ANALYZE:::TM:::Uldis Bite, Patricia Yugueros, Sarvam TerKonda, Dougal D Souza. 93-96
- Surgical instrument guidance using synthesized anatomical structuresAlan Liu, Elizabeth Bullitt, Stephen M. Pizer. 99-108
- Kinematic study of lumbar spine using functional radiographies and 3D/2D registrationAli Hamadeh, Philippe Cinquin. 109-118
- An approach to 2D/3D registration of a vertebra in 2D X-ray fluoroscopies with 3D CT imagesJürgen Weese, Thorsten M. Buzug, Cristian Lorenz, Carola Fassnacht. 119-128
- Matching 3D MR angiography data and 2D X-ray angiogramsJacques Feldmar, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, Sara Fernández-Vidal, Eric Maurincomme, Yves Trousset. 129-138
- A method for evalutating CT-based surgical registrationRandy E. Ellis, David J. Fleet, J. Tim Bryant, J. Rudan, P. Fenton. 141-150
- Retrospective intermodality registration techniques: surface-based versus volume-basedJay B. West, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Matthew Y. Wang, Benoit M. Dawant, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Robert M. Kessler, Robert J. Maciunas. 151-160
- Anatomical landmark image registration: validation and comparisonKarel C. Strasters, John A. Little, Johannes Buurman, Derek L. G. Hill, David J. Hawkes. 161-170
- Rigid registration of CT, MR and cryosection images using a GLCM frameworkMorten Bro-Nielsen. 171-180
- Geometric constraint analysis and synthesis: methods for improving shape-based registration accuracyDavid A. Simon, Takeo Kanade. 181-190
- Unwrapping phase in 3D MR phase contrast angiogramsAbhir Bhalerao, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Ron Kikinis. 193-202
- Image registration: convex weighting functions for histogram-based similarity measuresThorsten M. Buzug, Jürgen Weese, Carola Fassnacht, Cristian Lorenz. 203-212
- 3D Multi-scale line filter for segmentation and visualization of curvilinear structures in medical imagesYoshinobu Sato, Shin Nakajima, Hideki Atsumi, Thomas Koller, Guido Gerig, Shigeyuki Yoshida, Ron Kikinis. 213-222
- A new model for the recovery of cylindrical structures from medical image dataThomas O Donnell, Alok Gupta, Terrance E. Boult. 223-232
- Multi-scale line segmentation with automatic estimation of width, contrast and tangential direction in 2D and 3D medical imagesCristian Lorenz, I.-C. Carlsen, Thorsten M. Buzug, Carola Fassnacht, Jürgen Weese. 233-242
- Geometrical modeling of abdominal aortic aneurysmsV. Juhan, B. Nazarian, K. Malkani, Rémy Bulot, J. M. Bartoli, Jean Sequeira. 243-252
- Augmented reality for diagnosis based on ultrasound imagesThomas Berlage. 253-262
- Parametric two-dimensional B-spline representation of vein and artery from 2.5D echography used to aid virtual echographyGuillaume Champleboux, Delphine Henry. 263-272
- CT-based simulation of fluoroscopy and DSA for endovascular surgery trainingTheo van Walsum, Karel J. Zuiderveld, John W. C. Chin-A-Woeng, Bert C. Eikelboom, Max A. Viergever. 273-282
- Computer-ASsisted PERicardial punctures: animal feasibility studyOlivier Chavanon, Catherine Barbe, Jocelyne Troccaz, Lionel Carrat, Christophe Ribuot, Dominique Blin. 285-294
- An efficient needle injection technique and radiological guidance method for percutaneous proceduresDan Stoianovici, Jeffrey A. Cadeddu, Roger D. Demaree, Stephen A. Basile, Russell H. Taylor, Louis L. Whitcomb, William N. Sharpe, Louis R. Kavoussi. 295-298
- An automated system for precise percutaneous access of the renal collecting systemAndrew Bzostek, S. Schreiner, Aaron C. Barnes, Jeffrey A. Cadeddu, W. W. Roberts, James H. Anderson, Russell H. Taylor, Louis R. Kavoussi. 299-308
- 3D Visualization for image guided surgery - a case study in video endoscopyCletus von Pichler, Klaus Radermacher, Wieland Boeckmann, Gerhard Jakse, Günther Rau. 311-314
- Virtual endoscopy for planning and simulation of minimally invasive neurosurgeryLudwig M. Auer, Dorothee Auer, Jérome F. Knoplioch. 315-318
- Robot-assisted minimally invasive neurosurgical procedures: first experimental experienceTushar M. Goradia, Russell H. Taylor, Ludwig M. Auer. 319-322
- Real and simulated endoscopy of neurosurgical approaches in an anatomical modelKambiz Darabi, Klaus Resch, J. Weinert, Udo Jendrysiak, Axel Perneczky. 323-326
- Non-invasive 3D patient registration for image-guided intranasal surgery - experimental and clinical resultsRolf Hauser, Birgit Westermann, Rudolf Probst. 327-336
- Toward an active three dimensional navigation system in medical imagingMarc-Emmanuel Bellemare, Pascal Haigron, Jean-Louis Coatrieux. 337-346
- A low-cost training simulator for initial formation in gynecologic laparoscopyAnne-Claire Jambon, Patrick Dubois, Sylvain Karpf. 347-356
- Automatic tracking of laparoscopic instruments by color codingGuo-Qing Wei, Klaus Arbter, Gerd Hirzinger. 357-366
- Simulating arthroscopic knee surgery using volumetric object representations, real-time volume rendering and haptic feedbackSarah F. Frisken Gibson, Joe Samosky, Andrew B. Mor, Christina Fyock, W. Eric L. Grimson, Takeo Kanade, Ron Kikinis, Hugh C. Lauer, Neil McKenzie, Shin Nakajima, TakaHide Ohkami, Randy Osborne, Akira Sawada. 369-378
- Physically-based model for simulating the human trunk respiration movementsEmmanuel Promayon, Pierre Baconnier, Claude Puech. 379-388
- A 3D virtual environment for modeling mechanical cardiopulmonary interactionsJonathan Kaye, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Frank P. Primiano Jr.. 389-398
- Design considerations for a computer-vision-enabled ophthalmic augmented reality environmentJeffrey W. Berger, Michael E. Leventon, Nobuhiko Hata, William M. Wells III, Ron Kikinis. 399-408
- Clinical assessment of a training simulator for retinal photocoagulationF. Peugnet, Patrick Dubois, Jean-François Rouland. 409-412
- Freeflight: a virtual endoscopy systemDavid J. Vining, David R. Stelts, David K. Ahn, Paul F. Hemler, Yaorong Ge, Gordon W. Hunt, Christopher Siege, Daniel B. McCorquodale, Mark E. Sarojak, Gilbert Ferretti. 413-416
- A fast morphology-based registration - application to computer-assisted bronchoscopyIvan Bricault. 417-426
- Interactive virtualized display system for intravascular neurosurgeryYoshitaka Masutani, Takeyoshi Dohi, Fumitaka Yamane, Hiroshi Iseki, Kintomo Takakura. 427-435
- Differential features of cortical foldsAnne Manceaux-Demiau, Jean-Francois Mangin, Jean Régis, Olivier Pizzato, Vincent Frouin. 439-448
- Estimation of intraoperative brain surface movementDerek L. G. Hill, Calvin R. Maurer Jr., Matthew Y. Wang, Robert J. Maciunas, John A. Barwise, J. Michael Fitzpatrick. 449-458
- The correction of stereotactic inaccuracy caused by brain shift using an intraoperative ultrasound deviceRichard D. Buchholz, David D. Yeh, Jason Trobaugh, Leslie L. McDurmont, Christopher D. Sturm, Carol Baumann, Jaimie M. Henderson, Ari Levy, Paul Kessman. 459-466
- A path-planning algorithm for image-guided neurosurgeryMarc Vaillant, Christos Davatzikos, Russell H. Taylor, R. Nick Bryan. 467-476
- Experimentation with a transcranial magnetic simulation system for functional brain mappingGil J. Ettinger, Michael E. Leventon, W. Eric L. Grimson, Ron Kikinis, V. Gugino, W. Cote, L. Sprung, L. Aglio, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, G. Potts, E. Alexander. 477-486
- SPECT memory activation studies thanks to non-rigid automated 3D image registrationOctave Migneco, Jean-Philippe Thirion, Michel Benoit, Grégoire Malandain, Philippe Robert, Nicholas Ayache, Jacques Darcourt. 487-490
- A priori registration of SPECT projections and MR/CT images for SPECT reconstruction improvementVéronique Bouchard, Philippe Cinquin, Laurent Desbat, Anne François Joubert, Stéphane Lavallée, Olivier Péria. 491-500
- Comparison of phantom target localization by frame-based stereotaxy and using the VISLAN systemAlan C. F. Colchester, Jason Zhao, N. Dorward, Gérard Subsol, D. G. T. Thomas. 501-510
- Three dimensional tracking with ultrasound for augmented reality applications in skull base surgeryG. H. Alusi, A. C. Tan, Alf D. Linney, K. Raoof, Alexa Wright. 511-517
- A novel method for digital X-ray imaging of the complete spineAlexander H. W. van Eeuwijk, Steven Lobregt, Frans A. Gerritsen. 521-530
- Effects of tracking adjacent vertebral bodies during image guided pedicle screw surgeryNeil D. Glossop, Richard W. Hu. 531-540
- Computer-assisted versus manual spine surgery: clinical reportPhilippe Merloz, Jerome Tonetti, Ahmad Eid, Claude Faure, Laurence Pittet, Max Coulomb, Pascal Sautot, Olivier Raoult. 541-544
- Automatic determination of the newborn s femoral head from three-dimensional ultrasound image dataHeinrich M. Overhoff, Djordje Lazovic, Jörg Franke, Ute von Jan. 547-556
- Experiences with an image-guided planning system (ORTHODOC) for cementless hip replacementArmin Lahmer, Martin Börner, André Bauer. 557-560
- Robodoc - animal experiment and clinical evaluationAndré Bauer, Martin Börner, Armin Lahmer. 561-564
- Evaluation of a computer integrated surgical technique for percutaneous fixation of transverse acetabular fracturesD. M. Kahler, R. Zura. 565-572
- Range of motion after total hip arthroplasty: experimental verification of the analytical simulatorBranislav Jaramaz, Constantinos Nikou, David A. Simon, Anthony M. DiGioia. 573-582
- Development and validation of a navigational guidance system for acetabular implant placementDavid A. Simon, Branislav Jaramaz, Mike Blackwell, F. Morgan, Anthony M. DiGioia, E. Kischell, Bruce Colgan, Takeo Kanade. 583-592
- Accuracy of image guided placement of iliosacral leg screwsRichard W. Hu, Neil D. Glossop, David Steven, John Randle. 593-596
- Restricted surface matching: a new approach to registration in computer assisted surgeryJianxing Gong, Richard Bächler, Marwan Sati, Lutz-Peter Nolte. 597-605
- Image-guided orthopedic surgery using individual templated - experimental results and aspects of the development of a demonstrator for pelvis surgeryKlaus Radermacher, Frank Portheine, Andreas Zimolong, Ch. Eichhorn, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau. 606-615
- Computer assisted planning for total knee arthroplastyMarco Fadda, D. Bertelli, Sandra Martelli, Maurilio Marcacci, Paolo Dario, Cristiano Paggetti, D. Caramela, D. Trippi. 619-628
- Computer-assisted knee surgical total replacementFrancois Leitner, Frederic Picard, Richard Minfelde, Hans-Joachim Schulz, Philippe Cinquin, Dominique Saragaglia. 629-638
- A simple fluoroscopy based technique for assessing 3D knee kinematics before, during, and after surgeryS. A. Banks, A. Z. Banks, T. V. S. Klos, F. F. Cook. 639-643
- Development and validation of a fiber-based ACL model for surgical simulationsSandra Martelli, Ammar Joukhadar, Stefano Zaffagnini, Maurilio Marcacci. 644-652
- A system for computer assisted arthroscopyCristiano Paggetti, T. Ciucci, E. Papa, Benedetto Allotta, Paolo Dario. 653-662
- A minimally-invasive 3D data registration protocol for computer and robot-assisted total knee arthroplastyPier Francesco La Palombara, Marco Fadda, Sandra Martelli, Laura Nofrini, Maurilio Marcacci. 663-672
- External radiotherapy of prostatic carcinoma: a quadratic optimization of the dose distributionYann Menguy, Philippe Cinquin, Jocelyne Troccaz, P. Vassal, Jean-Yves Giraud, Andrée Dusserre, Michel Bolla. 675-684
- A user-guided tool for efficient segmentation of medical image dataTuomo Vehkomäki, Guido Gerig, Gábor Székely. 685-694
- Computer-controlled non-invasive patient positioning in fractionated radiotherapy - a videogrammetric system for automatic patient set-up, fast detection of patient motion and online correction of target point misalignment during therapyChristian Lappe, Marcus Braun, Stefan Helfert, Frank Hirschfeld, Markus Menke, Otto Pastyr, Volker Sturm, Wolfgang Schlegel. 695-704
- Eye reconstruction and CT-retinography fusion for proton treatment planning of ocular deseasesPierre-Yves Bondiau, Grégoire Malandain. 705-714
- The effect of image artifacts, organ motion and poor segmentation on the reliability and accuracy of 3D chamfer matchingM. van Herk, K. G. A. Gilhuijs, Jan C. de Munck, A. Touw. 715-724
- The use of localizers, robots and synergistic devices in CASJocelyne Troccaz, Michael A. Peshkin, Brian L. Davies. 727-736
- Development of an automatic surgical holding system based on ergonomic analysisS. Erbse, Klaus Radermacher, M. Anton, Günther Rau, Wieland Boeckmann, Gerhard Jakse, H.-W. Staudte. 737-746
- A system for percutaneous delivery of treatment with a fluoroscopically-guided robotS. Schreiner, James H. Anderson, Russell H. Taylor, Janez Funda, Andrew Bzostek, Aaron C. Barnes. 747-756
- Experiences with robotic systems for knee surgerySharon J. Harris, W. J. Lin, K. L. Fan, Roger D. Hibberd, Justin Cobb, R. Middleton, Brian L. Davies. 757-766
- A compact robot for image-guided orthopedic surgery: concept and preliminary resultsG. Brandt, Klaus Radermacher, Stéphane Lavallée, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau. 767-776
- The development of a microrobot system for colonoscopyMaria Chiara Carrozza, L. Lencioni, Bernardo Magnani, Simona D Attanasio, Paolo Dario. 779-788
- Performance measurement in scaled teleoperation for microsurgeryS. E. Salcudean, S. Ku, G. Bell. 789-798
- An integrated remote neurosurgical systemB. Sean Graves, Joe Tullio, Minyan Shi, J. Hunter Downs III. 799-808
- Feasability of laparoscopic telesurgeryPeter G. Schulam, Steven G. Docimo, Jeffrey A. Cadeddu, Walid Saleh, Craig Brietenbach, Robert G. Moore, Louis R. Kavoussi. 809-812
- Image guided surgery extended by remote stereotactic visualizationWerner Millesi, Michael Truppe, Franz Watzinger, Arne Wagner, Rolf Ewers. 813-816
- Interactive telepresence and augmented reality in ENT surgery: interventional video tomographyWolfgang Freysinger, Michael Truppe, Andreas R. Gunkel, Walter F. Thumfart, Ferenc Pongrácz, J. Maierbaeuerl. 817-820
- Dexterity enhancement for a tele-micro-surgery system with multiple macro-micro co-located operation point manipulators and understanding of the operator s intentionMamoru Mitsuishi, Hiroyoshi Watanabe, Hirofumi Nakanishi, Hiroyuki Kubota, Yasuhiro Iizuka. 821-830