Abstract is missing.
- Molecular Computing: From Conformational Pattern Recognition to Complex Processing NetworksMichael Conrad, Klaus-Peter Zauner. 1-10
- Molecular Computing: From the Real to the Virtual and BackMichael Conrad. 11-16
- A Look at the Visual Modeling of Plants Using L-SystemsPrzemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. 11-29
- Modeling of Branching Plant Forms and Simulation of their Development using L-SystemsPrzemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. 17
- Modeling Molecular Evolution - A Challenge for BioinformaticsPeter Schuster. 18-24
- Exploiting Biology s Rosetta Stone(s)Temple F. Smith. 25-28
- New Developments in the Linking of Biological Databases and Computer-Generation of AnnotationRolf Apweiler, Vivien Junker, Alain Gateau, Claire O Donovan, Fiona Lang, Amos Bairoch. 29-34
- Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics in the Drug Discovery CycleHwa A. Lim. 30-43
- ReLiBase - An Object-Oriented Comprehensive Receptor/Ligand DatabaseManfred Hendlich, Friedrich Rippmann, Gerhard Barnickel, Klemens Hemm, Karl Aberer. 35-39
- EpoDB: An Erythropoiesis Gene Expression Database/Knowledge BaseFidel Salas, G. Christian Overton, Juergen Haas, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.. 40-45
- New Developments in Linking of Biological Databases and Computer-Generation of Annotations: SWISS-PROT and Its Computer-Annotated Supplement TREMBLRolf Apweiler, Vivien Junker, Alain Gateau, Claire O Donovan, Fiona Lang, Amos Bairoch. 44-51
- Sites of Superhelical DNA Duplex Destabilization occour at Specific Regulatory RegionsCraig J. Benham. 46-52
- EpoDB: An Erythropoiesis Gene Expression Database in ProgressFidel Salas, Juergen Haas, G. Christian Overton, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.. 52-61
- A New Method to Develop Highly Specific Models for Regulatory DNA-RegionsKornelie Frech, Kerstin Quandt, Thomas Werner. 53-57
- Combined Approaches for the Detection of Regulatory Genomic SignalsEdgar Wingender, Holger Karas, P. Dietze, R. Knüppel, Heinz Sklenar. 58-63
- Recent Advances in Molecular Distance GeometryTimothy F. Havel, Sven Hyberts, Igor Najfeld. 62-71
- Three Models of Gene Regulation in E.coliAraceli M. Huerta, Julio Collado-Vides, Peter D. Karp, Kathleen Klose. 64-67
- About the Validation of Homology Models: A Case Study on Factor D, a Serine Protease in the Human Complement SystemThomas Thüne, Don Moir, Gregory A. Petsko, Dagmar Ringe. 68-71
- Three Models of Gene Regulation in E. coliJulio Collado-Vides, Araceli M. Huerta, Kathleen Klose. 72-78
- A Simple Folding Model for HP-type Lattice ProteinsErich Bornberg-Bauer. 72-77
- Fast Protein Fold Recognition and Accurate Sequence to Structure AlignmentRalf Zimmer, Ralf Thiele. 78-83
- A New Method to Develop Highly Specific Models for Regulatory DNA-RegionsKornelie Frech, Kerstin Quandt, Thomas Werner. 79-87
- Recent Advances in Molecular Distance GeometryTimothy F. Havel, Sven Hyberts, Igor Najfeld. 84-86
- Evolutionary Grammars: A Granunatical Model for Genome EvolutionJürgen Dassow, Victor Mitrana. 87-92
- Towards an Object-Oriented Framework for the Modeling of Integrated Metabolic ProcessesG. Breuel, Ernst Dieter Gilles. 88-98
- From DNA Recombination to DNA Computing, Via Formal LanguagesGheorghe Paun, Arto Salomaa. 93-98
- Molecular Graph Reaction NetworksJohn S. McCaskill, Ulrich Niemann. 99-109
- TRRD and COMPEL Databases on Transcription Linked to TRANSFAC as Tools for Analysis and Recognition of Regulatory SequencesAlexander E. Kel, O. V. Kel, Oleg V. Vishnevsky, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, I. V. Ischenko, Holger Karas, Edgar Wingender, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Heinz Sklenar. 99-105
- Towards an Objeet-Oriented Framework for the Modeling of Bacterial MetabolismG. Breuel, Ernst Dieter Gilles. 104-109
- Integrating Heterogeneous Datasets in Genomic Mapping: Radiation Hybrids, YACs, Genes and STS Markers over the Entire Human Chromosome XAndrei Grigoriev, Hans Lehrach, Johan Kumlien. 106-114
- The Complete Sequence of the Yeast GenomeHans-Werner Mewes, A. Gleissner, M. Bähr, Klaus Heumann. 110-112
- TRRD and COMPEL Databases an Transcription Linked to TRANSFAC as Tools for Analysis and Recognition of Regulatory SequencesAlexander E. Kel, O. V. Kel, I. V. Ischenko, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Holger Karas, Edgar Wingender, Heinz Sklenar. 113-117
- A Clustering Approach to Generalized Tree Alignment with Application to Alu RepeatsBenno Schwikowski, Martin Vingron. 115-124
- Integrating Heterogeneous Datasets in Genomic Mapping: Radiation Hybrids, YACS, Genes and STS Markers over the Entire Human Chromosom XAndrei Grigoriev, Johan Kumlien, Hans Lehrach. 118-123
- Comparative Analysis of the Secondary Structure of mRNA Encoded by High- and Low-Expression Eukaryotic GenesI. V. Ischenko, Alexey V. Kochetov, Alexander E. Kel, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, L. L. Kisselev. 124-129
- Simple Folding Model for HP Lattice ProteinsErich Bornberg-Bauer. 125-136
- The Kinesin Walk: A Dynamic Model with Elastically Coupled HeadsImre Derényi, Tamás Vicsek. 130-135
- Carbohydrates: -Second-Class Citizens in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics?Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth, Elke Lang, Tibor Kozár. 136-141
- Fast Protein Fold Recognition and Accurate Sequence-Structure AlignmentRalf Zimmer, Ralf Thiele. 137-146
- Generating Qualitative Equations about Macro-Behavior of Foraging in Ant ColonyKoichi Kurumatani, Mari Nakamura. 142-147
- Carbohydrates: Second-Class Citizens in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics?Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth, Elke Lang, Tibor Kozár. 147-155
- A Simulation Model for In-Vitro Cell Growth under TreatmentH.-P. Altenburg. 150-152
- WWWTRRD: Hypertext Information System an Transcription RegulationElena A. Ananko, Elena V. Ignatieva, Alexander E. Kel, Nikolay A. Kolchanov. 153-155
- The Identification of Locally Ordered Features an Completely unaligned Genomic Sequences by using an Unsupervised Neural ClassifierP. Arrigo, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio. 156-158
- Structural Constraints and Neutrality in RNAUlrike Göbel, Christian V. Forst, Peter Schuster. 156-165
- Computer Modeling of Organ Numbers in PlantsJohannes Battjes. 159-161
- The Computer Program IN_PROT.3D Alignment and Visualization of Protein Molecules an IBM Compatible (Notebook) ComputersV. Baturin, N. Vtyurin. 162-164
- Search for Native Conformation of Organic Molecules by Genetic AlgorithmsSusanne Beiersdörfer, Jürgen Hesser, Jens Schmitt, Andreas Schulz, Reinhard Männer, Jürgen Wolfrum. 165-167
- A Systemsatic Approach to Finding New Lead Structures Having Biological ActivityC. H. Schwab, Sandra Handschuh, Andreas Teckentrup, Markus Wagener, Jens Sadowski, Johann Gasteiger, Paul Levi, T. Will, Andreas Zell, H. Siemens, Gerhard Klebe, Thomas Mietzner, Frank Weber, Gerhard Barnickel, Scheila Anzali, Michael Krug. 166-177
- Fractual Patters formed during Diffusion controlled Growth of Bacterial ColoniesEshel Ben-Jacob, Ofer Shochet, Inon Cohen, Adam Tenenbaum, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek. 168-170
- Robustness of Geometrical Shape Descriptors for Molecular SurfacesR. Biermann, Friedrich Ackermann, Stefan Posch. 171-173
- Fast Retrieval of DNA and Protein SequencesJörg Blieffert, Torsten Horns, Hans J. Bentz, T. Luba. 174-175
- SWEET - A quick Way to generate reliable 3D Structures of Carbohydrates from Sequence Information aloneAndreas Bohne, Elke Lang, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth. 176-178
- Visualization and Analysis of the Complete Yeast GenomeAndreas Kaps, Klaus Heumann, Dmitrij Frishman, M. Bähr, Hans-Werner Mewes. 178-188
- Immune Response toward Auto-Ag and Growing-Ag as a Funetion of Network ConnectivityV. Calenbuhr, Hugues Bersini, Francisco J. Varela. 179-180
- Models of Collective Motion in Systems with Self-propelled ObjectsZoltán Csahók, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek. 181-183
- Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Density of States of RNA Secondary StructuresJan Cupal, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter F. Stadler. 184-186
- A Possible Origin of Power-Law Behavior in ::::n::::-Tuple Zipf AnalysisAndrás Czirók, H. Eugene Stanley, Tamás Vicsek. 187-189
- Virtual Reality Modeling for Structural BiologyJürgen Sühnel. 189-198
- Highly Immersive Molecular Modeling (HIMM): An Architecture for the Integration of Molecular Modeling and Virtual RealityRobert C. Drees, Jürgen Pleiss, Rolf D. Schmid. 190-192
- Feature Based Classification of Protein Docking Sites: An Algorithm for Large Databases and Experimental ResultsMartin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Stefan Wirth. 193-196
- Neutral Evolutionary DynamicsChristian V. Forst, Christian Reidys. 197-200
- Evolutionary Grammars: A Grammatical Model for Genome EvolutionJürgen Dassow, Victor Mitrana. 199-209
- Specific LTR Model Detected Transcriptionally Active Match in Sequence DatabaseKornelie Frech, Joana Danescu, Thomas Werner. 201
- Cutting/Recombination Systems as Generating DevicesRudolf Freund. 202-204
- Metabolic Pathways and the Detection of Inborn ErrorsB. Gandomi, Ralf Hofestädt, Thomas Pfisterer. 205-207
- Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources: A WWW-Based CourseRobert Giegerich, Christian Büschking. 208
- Structural Constraints and Neutrality in RNAUlrike Göbel, Christian V. Forst, Peter Schuster. 209-210
- From DNA Recombination to DNA Computing, Via Formal LanguagesGheorghe Paun, Arto Salomaa. 210-220
- Automated Hypothesis Formation of Molecular Structures and Interactions using Physics-based Modeling and SimulationJürgen Haas, Dimitris N. Metaxas. 211-213
- Efficient Implementation of Empirical Force Fields for Genetic Algorithm Molecular Structure OptimizationFrank Herrmann, Sándor Suhai, Paul Levi. 214-217
- Statistical Segmentation of Molecular SurfacesGrit Herrmann, A. Möller, Stefan Posch. 218-220
- A Theoretical Model of Genome RedundancyKlaus Heumann, Hans-Werner Mewes. 221-223
- Bulge Induced Kinks in DNA Molecules - Validation of Experimental Results by Molecular Modeling TechniquesAlexander Hillisch, Stphan Diekmann. 224-226
- Overexpression of Yeast Fructose-l, 6-Bisphosphatase in ::::Escherichia Coli::::: A Comprehensive Model of the Anaerobic Glucose MetabolismS. Ihle, D. Tornus, Klaus Eschrich. 227-230
- Crossing-over on Languages. A Formal Representation of the Chromosome RecombinationLucian Ilie, Victor Mitrana. 231-233
- Abstract Resource Language and an Example for its Application in Molecular BiologyJonathan Karges, Otto Ritter, Sándor Suhai. 234-237
- Genetic Algorithm for Selection of Oligonucleotides for Identification by Hybridisation of Genomic DNA Fragments Possessing Gene PotentialAlexander E. Kel, M. Philipenko, Vladimir N. Babenko, Nikolay A. Kolchanov. 238-240
- Investigation of Complex Developmental and Phylogenetic Process using Computer Modeling ApproachesJan T. Kim. 241-243
- A Biological Taxonomy Database System an World-Wide WebHajime Kitakami, Yasuma Mori, Yoshio Tateno, Takashi Gojobori. 244-246
- Computer Analysis and Recognition of the Transcription Regulatory Elements in Eukaryotic GenomesY. V. Kondrakhin, F. A. Kolpakov, Alexander E. Kel, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Luciano Milanesi. 247-250
- MISUR: Motif Identification and Structure Refinement ToolStephan Kopp, Klaus Lindauer, Christian Forst. 251-253
- Electronical and Data-Processing Components of a Modular Flow-Cytometer for Use in Microbiological ResearchSimon Lange. 254-256
- Time-Efficient Flexible Superposition of Medium-Sized Molecules and Molecular FragmentsChristian Lemmen, Thomas Lengauer. 257-259
- Knowledge-Based Loop PredictionUta F. Lessel, Dietmar Schomburg. 260
- C-H...X Hydrogen Bonds in RNA StructuresKlaus Lindauer, Jürgen Sühnel. 261-263
- Detection of Eukaryotic POL II Promoters with Multi-State Time-Delay Neural NetworksNiels Mache, Paul Levi, Artemis G. Hatzigeorgiou, Martin Reczko. 264-267
- Model Reduction Approaches for Biochemical Reaction SystemsMichael L. Mavrovouniotis, Ronald G. Forsythe Jr., Miles S. Okino. 268-271
- A Dynamic Model of Spatial Cell Arrangement in Proliferative Epithelia using Locally Controlled TesselationF. Meineke, Markus Löffler. 272-274
- Yeast Genome Sequence Data on DisplayHans-Werner Mewes, A. Gleissner, M. Bähr, Klaus Heumann. 275
- Aspects of the Mechanism of Glucose OxidaseMichael Meyer, Gerd Wohlfahrt, Dietmar Schomburg. 276-277
- Protein Docking with Correlation MethodsMichael Meyer, Peter Wilson, Dietmar Schomburg. 278-279
- Essential Motions in Lipases and their Relationship to the Biological FunctionG. H. Peters, Søren Toxvaerd, A. Svendsen. 280-282
- Forecasting Blood Glucose Concentrations from the Time Course of Counterregulatory Hormones Using a Neural Network ApproachKlaus Prank, Clemens Jürgens, Alexander von zur Mühlen, Georg Brabant. 283-285
- Irreversible Metabolic Transitions in Bistable Dynamic Systems: The Fructose 6-Phosphat/Fructose 1, 6-Bisphosphate Cycle in LiverWolfgang Schellenberger, Jochen Frenzel, Klaus Eschrich. 286-291
- Optimal Gap Penalties and Similarity Matrices for Sequence AlignmentSebastian Schneckener, Dietmar Schomburg. 292-293
- The Performance of Transversion Based Distance EstimatesMichael Schöniger, Nick Goldman. 294-295
- Some Extensions of Schmidt s Partition Method for Sequence Comparison based an Binary Character Amino Acid PropertiesThomas Schulmeister, Jürgen Rose, Horst Voigt. 296-298
- Self-Organization of Trail Networks using Active Brownian ParticlesFrank Schweitzer. 299-301
- Attacking Generalized tree Alignment by a Deferred Path HeuristicBenno Schwikowski, Martin Vingron. 302-304
- Sequence Similarity Significance: Computer Simulations and Analytically obtained BoundsI. A. Seledtsov, Yuri I. Wolf, D. Korshunov, Kira S. Makarova. 305-307
- W2H: WWW Interface to GCG/HUSARMartin Senger, Karl-Heinz Glatting. 308-310
- Theoretical Studies on the Binding of SN6999 to the Minor Groove of DNAPeter Slickers, Jürgen Sühnel. 311-313
- Genetic Studies of Lac Repressor: 4000 Single Amino Acid Substitutions and Analysis of the Resulting Phenotypes on the Basis of the Protein StructureJörg Suckow, Peter Markiewicz, Lynn G. Kleina, Jeffrey Miller, Brigite Kisters-Woike, Benno Müller-Hill. 314-316
- Virtual Reality Modeling for Structural BiologyJürgen Sühnel. 317-318
- Beyond Intra-Base-pair Hydrogen Bonds in DNA Structures: A Comprehensive AnalysisJürgen Sühnel, Klaus Lindauer, Cezar Bendic. 319-321
- Self Organization of Individual Intelligence and Emergence of Communication in an Artificial Organism PopulationKeiki Takadama, Shinichi Nakasuka. 322-324
- Expansion of the 16S and 23S Ribosomal RNA Mutation DatabasesKathleen L. Triman, Brian J. Adams, Nicole M. Harner. 325-328
- Neural Network Analysis of SBH SignaturesG. Varga, J. Schmutz, B. Hauser, Hwa A. Lim. 329-332
- Development of Models in Cell Biology using an Integrated Simulation EevironmentO. Werner, H. J. Baur, Hans-Peter Meinzer. 333-335
- Simulating the Interplay of Structure, Kinetics, and Dynarnics in Complex Biochemical NetworksKlaus-Peter Zauner, Michael Conrad. 336-338