Abstract is missing.
- Lemma Generation for Model Elimination by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up InferenceMarc Fuchs. 4-9
- Cooperation of Heterogeneous Provers Jörg Denzinger, Dirk Fuchs. 10-15
- UPML: A Framework for Knowledge System ReuseDieter Fensel, V. Richard Benjamins, Enrico Motta, Bob J. Wielinga. 16-23
- Complexity Results for Propositional Closed World Reasoning and Circumscription from Tractable Knowledge BasesSylvie Coste-Marquis, Pierre Marquis. 24-29
- Credulous Nonmonotonic InferenceAlexander Bochman. 30-35
- Preferred Arguments are Harder to Compute than Stable ExtensionYannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel, Francesca Toni. 36-43
- Abducing Priorities to Derive Intended ConclusionsKatsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama. 44-49
- Maximum Entropy and Variable Strength DefaultsRachel A. Bourne, Simon Parsons. 50-55
- On the Relations between Probabilistic Logic and p-CMSPierre Hansen, Brigitte Jaumard, A. D. Parreira. 56-63
- On the Complexity of Model Checking for Propositional Default Logics: New Results and Tractable CasesRobert Baumgartner, Georg Gottlob. 64-69
- Stable Model Checking Made EasyChristoph Koch, Nicola Leone. 70-75
- Model Checking for Nonmonotonic Logics: Algorithms and ComplexityRiccardo Rosati. 76-83
- Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics with Fixpoints based on Automata on Infinite TreesDiego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini. 84-89
- Reasoning with Concrete DomainsCarsten Lutz. 90-95
- Computing Least Common Subsumers in Description Logics with Existential RestrictionsFranz Baader, Ralf Küsters, Ralf Molitor. 96-103
- Multi-Dimensional Description LogicsFrank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev. 104-109
- On the Relation of Resolution and Tableaux Proof Systems for Description LogicsUllrich Hustadt, Renate A. Schmidt. 110-117
- Preferential Semantics for Causal SystemsPavlos Peppas, Maurice Pagnucco, Mikhail Prokopenko, Norman Y. Foo, Abhaya C. Nayak. 118-123
- Query Evaluation and Progression in AOL Knowledge BasesGerhard Lakemeyer, Hector J. Levesque. 124-131
- Axiomatic Foundations for Qualitative/Ordinal Decisions with Partial PreferencesAdriana Zapico. 132-139
- The Ramification Problem in the Event CalculusMurray Shanahan. 140-146
- Logic-Based Subsumption ArchitectureEyal Amir, Pedrito Maynard-Reid II. 147-152
- Automata Theory for Reasoning About ActionsEugenia Ternovskaia. 153-159
- Projection Using Regression and SensorsGiuseppe De Giacomo, Hector J. Levesque. 160-165
- Expressive Reasoning about Action in Nondeterministic Polynomial TimeThomas Drakengren, Marcus Bjäreland. 166-171
- A Logic of IntentionXiaoping Chen, Guiquan Liu. 172-179
- Considerations on a Similarity-Based Approach to Beleif ChangeJames P. Delgrande. 180-185
- Postulates for Conditional Belief RevisionGabriele Kern-Isberner. 186-191
- An Inconsistency Tolerant Model for Belief Representation and Belief RevisionSamir Chopra, Rohit Parikh. 192-199
- Programming Resource-Bounded Deliberative AgentsMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini. 200-205
- Exploiting a Common Property Resource under a Fairness Constraint: a Case StudyMichel Lemaître, Gérard Verfaillie, Nicolas Bataille. 206-211
- Maximization of the Average Quality of Anytime Contract Algorithms over a Time IntervalArnaud Delhay, Max Dauchet, Patrick Taillibert, Philippe Vanheeghe. 212-221
- Demand-Driven Discovery of Adaptation KnowledgeDavid McSherry. 222-227
- Dynamic Refinement of Feature Weights Using Quantitative Introspective LearningZhong Zhang, Qiang Yang. 228-233
- Remembering to Add: Competence-preserving Case-Addition Policies for Case Base MaintenanceJun Zhu, Qiang Yang. 234-241
- PEBM: A Probabilistic Exemplar Based ModelAndres F. Rodriguez, Sunil Vadera. 242-247
- Toward a Probabilistic Formalization of Case-Based InferenceEyke Hüllermeier. 248-253
- A Lattice Machine Approach to Automated Casebase Design: Marrying Lazy and Eager LearningHui Wang, Werner Dubitzky, Ivo Düntsch, David A. Bell. 254-263
- Adaptive Web Sites: Conceptual Cluster MiningMike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni. 264-269
- An assessment of submissions made to the Predictive Toxicology Evaluation ChallengeAshwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Douglas W. Bristol. 270-275
- Two Fielded Teams and Two Experts: A RoboCup Challenge Response from the TrenchesMilind Tambe, Gal A. Kaminka, Stacy Marsella, Ion Muslea, Taylor Raines. 276-283
- Compiling Knowledge into Decomposable Negation Normal FormAdnan Darwiche. 284-289
- Using Walk-SAT and Rel-Sat for Cryptographic Key SearchFabio Massacci. 290-295
- SAT-Encodings, Search Space Structure, and Local Search PerformanceHolger H. Hoos. 296-303
- On the Use of Integer Programming Models in AI PlanningThomas Vossen, Michael O. Ball, Amnon Lotem, Dana S. Nau. 304-309
- The LPSAT Engine & Its Application to Resource PlanningSteven A. Wolfman, Daniel S. Weld. 310-317
- Unifying SAT-based and Graph-based PlanningHenry A. Kautz, Bart Selman. 318-325
- Temporal Planning with Mutual Exclusion ReasoningDavid E. Smith, Daniel S. Weld. 326-337
- An Anthropocentric Tool for Decision Making SupportElisabeth Le Saux, Philippe Lenca, Philippe Picouet, Jean-Pierre Barthélemy. 338-343
- Autonomous Concept FormationEdwin D. de Jong. 344-349
- Reasoning About Actions in Narrative UnderstandingSrinivas Narayanan. 350-357
- Using a Cognitive Architecture to Plan Dialogs for the Adaptive Explanation of ProofsArmin Fiedler. 358-363
- Investigating the Emergence of Speech SoundsBart G. de Boer. 364-369
- Computer Aided Tracing of Children?s Physics Learning: a Teacher Oriented ViewFilippo Neri. 370-377
- Diagrammatic ProofsNorman Y. Foo, Maurice Pagnucco, Abhaya C. Nayak. 378-383
- Modeling the Basic Meanings of Path RelationsChristian Kray, Anselm Blocher. 384-393
- A Comparison of Structural CSP Decomposition MethodsGeorg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, Francesco Scarcello. 394-399
- Solving Strategies for Highly Symmetric CSPsPedro Meseguer, Carme Torras. 400-405
- Extending Consistent Domains of Numeric CSPHélène Collavizza, François Delobel, Michel Rueher. 406-413
- The Difference All-Difference MakesKostas Stergiou, Toby Walsh. 414-419
- The Symmetric Alldiff ConstraintJean-Charles Régin. 420-425
- Branch and Bound with Mini-Bucket HeuristicsKalev Kask, Rina Dechter. 426-435
- Improving Search Using Indexing: A Study with Temporal CSPsNikos Mamoulis, Dimitris Papadias. 436-441
- A New Tractable Subclass of the Rectangle AlgebraPhilippe Balbiani, Jean-François Condotta, Luis Fariñas del Cerro. 442-447
- Maximal Tractable Fragments of the Region Connection Calculus: A Complete AnalysisJochen Renz. 448-455
- Path Consistency on Triangulated Constraint GraphsChristian Bliek, Djamila Sam-Haroud. 456-461
- A New Method to Index and Query SetsJörg Hoffmann, Jana Koehler. 462-467
- Constraint Propagation and Value Acquisition: Why we should do it InteractivelyEvelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano, Rita Cucchiara, Marco Gavanelli, Massimo Piccardi. 468-477
- Sequential Optimality and Coordination in Multiagent SystemsCraig Boutilier. 478-485
- A Protocol-Based Semantics for an Agent Communication LanguageJeremy Pitt, E. H. Mamdani. 486-491
- Towards Flexible Multi-Agent Decision-Making Under Time PressureSanguk Noh, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz. 492-499
- Risk Control in Multi-agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third PartyShih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo. 500-505
- Shopbots and PricebotsAmy R. Greenwald, Jeffrey O. Kephart. 506-511
- Be Patient and Tolerate Imprecision: How Autonomous Agents can Coordinate EffectivelySudhir K. Rustogi, Munindar P. Singh. 512-519
- Efficiency and Equilibrium in Task Allocation Economies with Hierarchical DependenciesWilliam E. Walsh, Michael P. Wellman. 520-526
- Sequential Auctions for the Allocation of Resources with ComplementaritiesCraig Boutilier, Moisés Goldszmidt, Bikash Sabata. 527-523
- Algorithms for Optimizing Leveled Commitment ContractsTuomas Sandholm, Sandeep Sikka, Samphel Norden. 535-541
- An Algorithm for Optimal Winner Determination in Combinatorial AuctionsTuomas Sandholm. 542-547
- Taming the Computational Complexity of Combinatorial Auctions: Optimal and Approximate ApproachesYuzo Fujishima, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham. 548-553
- Speeding Up Ascending-Bid AuctionsYuzo Fujishima, David McAdams, Yoav Shoham. 554-563
- Temporal Coherence and Prediction Decay in TD LearningDonald F. Beal, Martin C. Smith. 564-569
- Domain-Dependent Single-Agent Search EnhancementsAndreas Junghanns, Jonathan Schaeffer. 570-577
- Decomposition Search: A Combinatorial Games Approach to Game Tree Search, with Applications to Solving Go EndgamesMartin Müller 0003. 578-583
- GIB: Steps Toward an Expert-Level Bridge-Playing ProgramMatthew L. Ginsberg. 584-593
- An Effective Ship Berthing AlgorithmAndrew Lim. 594-599
- A Distributed Case-Based Reasoning Application for Engineering Sales SupportIan D. Watson, Dan Gardingen. 600-605
- Knowledge Modeling and Reusability in ExClaimLiviu Badea. 606-613
- Verifying Integrity Constraints on Web SitesMary F. Fernández, Daniela Florescu, Alon Y. Levy, Dan Suciu. 614-619
- Discovering Chronicles with Numerical Time Constraints from Alarm Logs for Monitoring Dynamic SystemsChristophe Dousson, Thang Vu duong. 620-626
- Integrating Problem-Solving Methods into CYCJames S. Aitken, Dimitrios Sklavakis. 627-633
- Visual Planning: A Practical Approach to Automated Presentation DesignMichelle X. Zhou. 634-641
- A Case Based Approach to the Generation of Musical ExpressionTaizan Suzuki, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka. 642-648
- Using Focus Rules in Requirements Elicitation DialoguesRenaud Lecoeuche, Catherine Barry, David Stuart Robertson. 649-654
- A Machine Learning Approach to Building Domain-Specific Search EnginesAndrew McCallum, Kamal Nigam, Jason Rennie, Kristie Seymore. 662-667
- Domain-Specific Keyphrase ExtractionEibe Frank, Gordon W. Paynter, Ian H. Witten, Carl Gutwin, Craig G. Nevill-Manning. 668-673
- Learning Rules for Large Vocabulary Word Sense DisambiguationGeorgios Paliouras, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Constantine D. Spyropoulos. 674-681
- The Cluster-Abstraction Model: Unsupervised Learning of Topic Hierarchies from Text DataThomas Hofmann. 682-687
- Latent Class Models for Collaborative FilteringThomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha. 688-693
- Conceptual Grouping in Word Co-Occurrence NetworksAnne Veling, Peter van der Weerd. 694-701
- Decision Tree Grafting From the All Tests But One PartitionGeoffrey I. Webb. 702-707
- Constructive Induction: A Version Space-based ApproachMichèle Sebag. 708-713
- Process-Oriented Estimation of Generalization ErrorPedro Domingos. 714-721
- Transduction with Confidence and CredibilityCraig Saunders, Alexander Gammerman, Volodya Vovk. 722-726
- Leave-One-Out Support Vector MachinesJason Weston. 727-733
- A Near-Optimal Poly-Time Algorithm for Learning a class of Stochastic GamesRonen I. Brafman, Moshe Tennenholtz. 734-739
- Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Factored MDPsMichael J. Kearns, Daphne Koller. 740-747
- Convergence of Reinforcement Learning with General Function ApproximatorsVassilis A. Papavassiliou, Stuart J. Russell. 748-757
- Confidence Based Dual Reinforcement Q-Routing: An adaptive online network routing algorithmShailesh Kumar, Risto Miikkulainen. 758-763
- A Neural Reinforcement Learning Approach to Learn Local Dispatching Policies in Production SchedulingSimone C. Riedmiller, Martin A. Riedmiller. 764-771
- Discovering Admissible Model Equations from Observed Data Based on Scale-Types and Identity ConstrainsTakashi Washio, Hiroshi Motoda, Niwa Yuji. 772-779
- Finding Relations in Polynomial TimeGilles Caporossi, Pierre Hansen. 780-785
- Automatic Concept Formation in Pure MathematicsSimon Colton, Alan Bundy, Toby Walsh. 786-793
- Efficient Mining of Statistical DependenciesTim Oates, Matthew D. Schmill, Paul R. Cohen. 794-799
- Towards Efficient MetaqueryingRachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Ehud Gudes. 800-805
- Efficient SQL-Querying Method for Data Mining in Large Data BasesSon H. Nguyen. 806-813
- A Potts Spin MFT Network Solving Multiple Causal InteractionsLotfi Ben Romdhane. 814-819
- SARDSRN: A Neural Network Shift-Reduce ParserMarshall R. Mayberry, Risto Miikkulainen. 820-827
- Improved Classification for a Data Fusing Kohonen Self Organizing Map Using A Dynamic Thresholding TechniqueOdin Taylor, John MacIntyre, John Tait. 828-832
- Generalized Connectionist Associative MemoryNigel P. Duffy, Arun K. Jagota. 833-839
- Preference Moore Machines for Neural Fuzzy IntegrationStefan Wermter. 840-845
- Processing Symbols at Variable Speed in DUAL: Connectionist Activation as Power SupplyAlexander A. Petrov, Boicho N. Kokinov. 846-851
- Hybrid Thematic Role Processor: Symbolic Linguistic Relations Revised by Connectionist LearningJoão Luís Garcia Rosa, Edson Françozo. 852-861
- Situated Grounded Word SemanticsLuc Steels, Frédéric Kaplan. 862-867
- Lean Semantic InterpretationMartin Romacker, Udo Hahn, Katja Markert. 868-875
- The Role of Saliency in Generating Natural Language ArgumentsChris Reed. 876-883
- Combining Weak Knowledge Sources for Sense DisambiguationMark Stevenson, Yorick Wilks. 884-889
- FACILE: Classifying Texts Integrating Pattern Matching and Information ExtractionFabio Ciravegna, Alberto Lavelli, Luca Gilardoni, Johannes Matiasek, Nadia Mana, Silvia Mazza, Massimo Ferraro, William J. Black, Fabio Rinaldi, David Mowatt. 890-897
- Learning in Natural LanguageDan Roth. 898-904
- An Evaluation of Criteria for Measuring the Quality of ClustersBhavani Raskutti, Christopher Leckie. 905-910
- Relational Learning for NLP using Linear Threshold ElementsRoni Khardon, Dan Roth, Leslie G. Valiant. 911-919
- Combining General Hand-Made and Automatically Constructed Thesauri for Query Expansion in Information RetrievalRila Mandala, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka. 920-925
- Towards Multi-paper Summarization Using Reference InformationHidetsugu Nanba, Manabu Okumura. 926-931
- How Latent is Latent Semantic Analysis?Peter M. Wiemer-Hastings. 932-941
- Dealing with Geometric Constraints in Game-Theoretic PlanningPatrick Fabiani, Jean-Claude Latombe. 942-947
- Computational Complexity of Planning and Approximate Planning in Presence of IncompletenessChitta Baral, Vladik Kreinovich, Raul Trejo. 948-955
- The Detection and Exploitation of Symmetry in Planning ProblemsMaria Fox, Derek Long. 956-961
- From Interaction Data to Plan Libraries: A Clustering ApproachMathias Bauer. 962-967
- SHOP: Simple Hierarchical Ordered PlannerDana S. Nau, Yue Cao, Amnon Lotem, Héctor Muñoz-Avila. 968-975
- Reachability, Relevance, Resolution and the Planning as Satisfiability ApproachRonen I. Brafman. 976-981
- Improving Graphplan s Search with EBL & DDB TechniquesSubbarao Kambhampati. 982-987
- To Encode or Not to Encode - Linear PlanningRonen I. Brafman, Holger H. Hoos. 988-995
- A Possibilistic Planner that Deals with Non-Determinism and ContingencyEmmanuel Guere, Rachid Alami. 996-1001
- Highly Reactive Decision Making: A Game with TimeThierry Vidal, Silvia Coradeschi. 1002-1007
- Real-Time Problem-Solving with Contract AlgorithmsShlomo Zilberstein, François Charpillet, Philippe Chassaing. 1008-1015
- Cyclic SchedulingDenise Draper, Ari K. Jónsson, David P. Clements, David Joslin. 1016-1021
- An Iterative Sampling Procedure for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Time WindowsAmedeo Cesta, Angelo Oddi, Stephen F. Smith. 1022-1033
- Semi-Quantitative Comparative AnalysisIvayla Vatcheva, Hidde de Jong. 1034-1040
- A Qualitative-Fuzzy Framework for Nonlinear Black-Box System IdentificationRiccardo Bellazzi, Raffaella Guglielmann, Liliana Ironi. 1041-1046
- Generalized Physical Networks for Automated Model BuildingMatthew Easley, Elizabeth Bradley. 1047-1053
- Acquisition of Qualitative Spatial Representation by Visual ObservationTakushi Sogo, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Toru Ishida. 1054-1060
- Qualitative Outline TheoryAntony Galton, Richard C. Meathrel. 1061-1066
- Qualitative and Quantitative Representations of Locomotion and their Application in Robot NavigationAlexandra Musto, Klaus Stein, Andreas Eisenkolb, Thomas Röfer. 1067-1073
- Debugging Functional ProgramsMarkus Stumptner, Franz Wotawa. 1074-1079
- Monitoring Piecewise Continuous Behaviors by Refining Semi-Quantative TrackersBernhard Rinner, Benjamin Kuipers. 1080-1086
- Diagnosis as a Variable Assignment Problem: A Case Study in a Space Robot Fault DiagnosisLuigi Portinale, Pietro Torasso. 1087-1095
- Utilizing Device Behavior in Structure-Based DiagnosisAdnan Darwiche. 1096-1101
- Automatic Diagnosis of Student Programs in Programming Learning EnvironmentsSongwen Xu, Yam San Chee. 1102-1107
- Structured Modeling Language for Automated Modeling in Causal NetworksYousri El Fattah. 1108-1117
- Multiple Path Coordination for Mobile Robots: A Geometric AlgorithmStephane Leroy, Jean-Paul Laumond, Thierry Siméon. 1118-1123
- Physical Constraints on Human Robot InteractionMichita Imai, Kazuo Hiraki, Tsutomu Miyasato. 1124-1130
- State Space Construction by Attention ControlHiroshi Ishiguro, Masatoshi Kamiharako, Toru Ishida. 1131-1139
- A Spatiotemporal/Spatiotemporal-Frequency Interpretation of Apparent Motion ReversalTodd R. Reed. 1140-1145
- A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social RobotCynthia Breazeal, Brian Scassellati. 1146-1153
- Markov Localization using CorrelationKurt Konolige, Ken Chou. 1154-1159
- Tracking Many Objects with Many SensorsHanna Pasula, Stuart J. Russell, Michael Ostland, Yaacov Ritov. 1160-1171
- Search in a Small WorldToby Walsh. 1172-1177
- Switching from Bidirectional to Unidirectional SearchHermann Kaindl, Gerhard Kainz, Roland Steiner, Andreas Auer, Klaus Radda. 1178-1183
- A Divide and Conquer Bidirectional Search: First ResultsRichard E. Korf. 1184-1191
- Improvements to the Evaluation of Quantified Boolean FormulaeJussi Rintanen. 1192-1197
- An Experimental Study of Phase Transitions in MatchingAttilio Giordana, Marco Botta, Lorenza Saitta. 1198-1203
- Optimizing Recursive Information-Gathering PlansEric Lambrecht, Subbarao Kambhampati, Senthil Gnanaprakasam. 1204-1211
- Coevolution, Memory and BalanceJan Paredis. 1212-1217
- Genetic Heuristic for Search Space ExplorationManuel Clergue, Philippe Collard. 1218-1226
- Designing Comprehensible AgentsPhoebe Sengers. 1227-1232
- Behavior Networks for Continuous Domains using Situation-Dependent MotivationsKlaus Dorer. 1233-1238
- Rights, Duties and Commitments between AgentsLeendert W. N. van der Torre, Yao-Hua Tan. 1239-1246
- Scalable Temporal ReasoningSteffen Staab, Udo Hahn. 1247-1252
- Managing Temporal Uncertainty Through Waypoint ControllabilityPaul H. Morris, Nicola Muscettola. 1253-1258
- A New Framework for Reasoning about Points, Intervals and DurationsArun K. Pujari, Abdul Sattar. 1259-1267
- Reactive Control of Dynamic Progressive ProcessingShlomo Zilberstein, Abdel-Illah Mouaddib. 1268-1273
- Pre-sending Documents on the WWW: A Comparative StudyDavid W. Albrecht, Ingrid Zukerman, Ann E. Nicholson. 1274-1279
- Continual Computation Policies for Allocating Offline and Real-Time ResourcesEric Horvitz. 1280-1287
- On the Role of Context-Specific Independence in Probabilistic InferenceNevin Lianwen Zhang, David Poole. 1288-1293
- Exploratory Interaction with a Bayesian Argumentation SystemIngrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy, Kevin B. Korb, Deborah Pickett. 1294-1299
- Learning Probabilistic Relational ModelsNir Friedman, Lise Getoor, Daphne Koller, Avi Pfeffer. 1300-1309
- Computing Near Optimal Strategies for Stochastic Investment Planning ProblemsMilos Hauskrecht, Gopal Pandurangan, Eli Upfal. 1310-1315
- Multi-Value-Functions: Efficient Automatic Action Hierarchies for Multiple Goal MDPsAndrew W. Moore, Leemon C. Baird III, Leslie Pack Kaelbling. 1316-1323
- A Sparse Sampling Algorithm for Near-Optimal Planning in Large Markov Decision ProcessesMichael J. Kearns, Yishay Mansour, Andrew Y. Ng. 1324-1231
- Computing Factored Value Functions for Policies in Structured MDPsDaphne Koller, Ronald Parr. 1332-1339
- Bounding the Suboptimality of Reusing SubproblemMichael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso. 1340-1347
- Variable Resolution Discretization for High-Accuracy Solutions of Optimal Control ProblemsRémi Munos, Andrew W. Moore. 1348-1355
- Solving Non-Markovian Control Tasks with Neuro-EvolutionFaustino J. Gomez, Risto Miikkulainen. 1356-1361
- Reinforcement Algorithms Using Functional Approximation for Generalization and their Application to Cart Centering and Fractal CompressionClifford Claussen, Srinivas Gutta, Harry Wechsler. 1362-1369
- Towards a Possibilistic Logic Handling of PreferencesSalem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade. 1370-1375
- Incremental Learning in a Fuzzy Intelligent SystemYi Lu Murphey, Tie Qi Chen. 1376-1384
- Robotics in the Home, Office, and Playing FieldMinoru Asada, Henrik I. Christensen. 1385-1392
- Model-based Diagnosis in the Real World: Lessons Learned and Challenges RemainingLuca Console, Oskar Dressler. 1393-1400
- A Brief Introduction to BoostingRobert E. Schapire. 1401-1406
- The Multilingual Generation Game: Authoring Fluent Texts in Unfamiliar LanguagesDonia Scott. 1407-1411
- Was the Title of This Talk Gernerated Automatically? Prospects on Intelligent Interfaces and LanguageOliviero Stock. 1412-1419
- Electronic Commerce: From Economic and Game-Theoretic Models to Working ProtocolsMoshe Tennenholtz. 1420-1428
- Agent-Based Computing: Promise and PerilsNicholas R. Jennings. 1429-1436
- Reasoning with Cause and EffectJudea Pearl. 1437-1449