Abstract is missing.
- Queue-aware adaptive resource allocation for OFDMA systems supporting mixed servicesChangqin Huo, Abu B. Sesay, Abraham O. Fapojuwo. 1-6 [doi]
- Novel time-frequency reservation Aloha scheme for OFDMA systemsElias Yaacoub, Mohamad Adnan Al-Alaoui, Zaher Dawy. 7-12 [doi]
- Joint optimization in multi-user MIMO-OFDMA relay-enhanced cellular networksLijun Zu, Yusheng Ji, Liping Wang 0003, Lei Zhong, Fuqiang Liu, Ping Wang, Jing Xu. 13-18 [doi]
- Dynamic CQI resource allocation for OFDMA systemsMohammad Abdul Awal, Lila Boukhatem. 19-24 [doi]
- Two-User Gaussian interference channel with finite constellation input and FDMAG. Abhinav, B. Sundar Rajan. 25-30 [doi]
- On perceived throughput and delay fairness of a distributed reservation protocolKim Bartke-Minack, María Dolores Pérez Guirao. 31-36 [doi]
- Enhanced MAC protocol for cognitive radios over IEEE 802.11 networksShie-Yuan Wang, Yu-Ming Huang, Lee-Chin Lau, Chih-Che Lin. 37-42 [doi]
- Local estimation of collision probabilities in 802.11 WLANs: An experimental studyMiklos Christine, Michael N. Krishnan, Ehsan Haghani, Avideh Zakhor. 43-48 [doi]
- Performance improvement of IEEE 802.15.4 in the presence of co-channel interferenceJin-Seok Han, Seung Hwan Lee, Hyung-Sin Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee. 49-54 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of the PFSC based MAC protocol for WSN employing UAV in rician fadingDac-Tu Ho, Jingyu Park, Shigeru Shimamoto. 55-60 [doi]
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- Scheduling in cellular cognitive radio networkMinh-Viet Nguyen, Jangho Yoon, Jaeki Lee, Hwang Soo Lee. 126-131 [doi]
- Block scheduling for low-rate, real-time traffic in the downlink mobile WiMAX systemTae Sung Choi, Seong-Hwan Kim, Dan Keun Sung. 132-137 [doi]
- Optimizing the persistent scheduling in two-hop relay networksSeong-Hwan Kim, Hu Jin, Dan Keun Sung. 138-143 [doi]
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- Initial link establishment in Cognitive Radio Networks without common control channelJianmin Zhang, Zhaoyang Zhang 0001. 150-155 [doi]
- A flexible MAC development framework for cognitive radio systemsJunaid Ansari, Xi Zhang, Andreas Achtzehn, Marina Petrova, Petri Mähönen. 156-161 [doi]
- Provisioning delay sensitive services in cognitive radio networks with multiple radio interfacesRashidul Hasan, Manzur M. Murshed. 162-167 [doi]
- Impact of complex wireless environments on rate adaptation algorithmsDefeng Xu, Rajive Bagrodia. 168-173 [doi]
- Throughput and delay limits of IEEE 802.15.6Sana Ullah, Kyung Sup Kwak. 174-178 [doi]
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- Analysis of heuristic-based MAC protocols for ad hoc networksRodolfo Oliveira, Luis Bernardo, Miguel Luis. 191-196 [doi]
- MAC scheduling for high throughput underwater acoustic networksYang Guan, Chien-Chung Shen, Justin Yackoski. 197-202 [doi]
- Vector perturbation precoding and user scheduling for network MIMOMahmood Mazrouei-Sebdani, Witold A. Krzymien. 203-208 [doi]
- Joint optimization of beamforming, user scheduling, and multiple base station assignment in a multicell networkGuido Dartmann, Waqas Afzal, Xitao Gong, Gerd Ascheid. 209-214 [doi]
- QoS-aware bit scheduling in multi-user OFDM systemsChi En Huang, Cyril Leung. 215-220 [doi]
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- MAC protocol adaptation in cognitive radio networksKuo-Chun Huang, Dipankar Raychaudhuri. 245-250 [doi]
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- Analysis of interactions between Internet data traffic characteristics and Coordinated Multipoint transmission schemesChristian M. Müller. 263-268 [doi]
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- Multigate mesh routing for smart Grid last mile communicationsHamid Gharavi, Bin Hu. 275-280 [doi]
- A downlink joint power control and resource allocation scheme for co-channel macrocell-femtocell networksGen Cao, Dacheng Yang, Xuan Ye, Xin Zhang 0001. 281-286 [doi]
- Relay selection for energy-efficient cooperative media access controlJiao Feng, Rong Zhang, Soon Xin Ng, Lajos Hanzo. 287-292 [doi]
- On the relaying area of contention-based geographic relay selection for cooperative wireless networksChin-Liang Wang, Syue-Ju Syue, Tzu-Ting Chen. 293-297 [doi]
- A game theoretic channel allocation scheme for multi-user OFDMA relay systemLei Jiang, Jiyong Pang, Gang Shen, Dongyao Wang. 298-303 [doi]
- Adaptive feedback algorithm for OFDMA systemsKumbesan Sandrasegaran, Rachod Patachaianand, Faisal M. Madani. 304-308 [doi]
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- QoS-based resource allocation for relay-enhanced OFDMA networksWan-Pan Chang, Jia-Shi Lin, Kai-Ten Feng. 321-326 [doi]
- Cross-layer adaptive scanning algorithms for IEEE 802.11 networksGerman Castignani, Nicolas Montavont, Andrés Arcia-Moret, Mohamed Rabie Oularbi, Sébastien Houcke. 327-332 [doi]
- Performance bounds for analog network coding based two-way relaying with multiuser selection diversityPrabhat Kumar Upadhyay, Shankar Prakriya. 333-338 [doi]
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- Energy-aware distributed tracking in wireless sensor networksNicholas Roseveare, Balasubramaniam Natarajan. 363-368 [doi]
- Delay bounded rate and power control in energy harvesting wireless networksRamanujapuram A. Raghuvir, Dinesh Rajan. 369-374 [doi]
- Latin square based channel access scheduling in large WLAN systemsLichun Bao, Shih Hsien Yang. 375-380 [doi]
- Proportional fair-based in-cell routing for relay-enhanced cellular networksZhangchao Ma, Wei Xiang, Hang Long, Wenbo Wang 0007. 381-385 [doi]
- Dynamic bandwidth reservation scheme in 802.11 and 802.16 interworking networksLi-Ping Tung, Yeali S. Sun, Meng Chang Chen. 386-391 [doi]
- Channel assignment with fairness for multi-AP WLAN based on distributed coordination functionHeli Zhang, Hong Ji, Wendong Ge. 392-397 [doi]
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