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- Using Plane + Parallax for Calibrating Dense Camera ArraysVaibhav Vaish, Bennett Wilburn, Neel Joshi, Marc Levoy. 2-9 [doi]
- Automatic View Recognition in Echocardiogram Videos Using Parts-Based RepresentationShahram Ebadollahi, Shih-Fu Chang, Henry Wu. 2-9 [doi]
- Elastic-String Models for Representation and Analysis of Planar ShapesWashington Mio, Anuj Srivastava. 10-15 [doi]
- Restoration of Curved Document Images through 3D Shape ModelingZheng Zhang 0003, Chew Lim Tan, Liying Fan. 10-15 [doi]
- View Independent Human Body Pose Estimation from a Single Perspective ImageVasu Parameswaran, Rama Chellappa. 16-22 [doi]
- Wide Baseline Feature Matching Using the Cross-Epipolar Ordering ConstraintXiaoye Lu, Roberto Manduchi. 16-23 [doi]
- Distortion Estimation Techniques in Solving Visual CAPTCHAsGabriel Moy, Nathan Jones, Curt Harkless, Randall Potter. 23-28 [doi]
- Fast Wide Baseline Matching for Visual NavigationToon Goedemé, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool. 24-29 [doi]
- Feature-Centric Evaluation for Efficient Cascaded Object DetectionHenry Schneiderman. 29-36 [doi]
- Algebraic Solution for the Visual HullMatthew Brand, Kongbin Kang, David B. Cooper. 30-35 [doi]
- Shedding Light on Stereoscopic SegmentationHailin Jin, Daniel Cremers, Anthony J. Yezzi, Stefano Soatto. 36-42 [doi]
- Is Bottom-Up Attention Useful for Object Recognition?Ueli Rutishauser, Dirk Walther, Christof Koch, Pietro Perona. 37-44 [doi]
- Perspective Shape-from-Shading by Fast MarchingAriel Tankus, Nir A. Sochen, Yehezkel Yeshurun. 43-49 [doi]
- Cyclic Articulated Human Motion Tracking by Sequential Ancestral SimulationCheng Chang, Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq A. Khokhar. 45-52 [doi]
- Spherical Harmonics vs. Haar Wavelets: Basis for Recovering Illumination from Cast ShadowsTakahiro Okabe, Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato. 50-57 [doi]
- Learning Object Detection from a Small Number of Examples: The Importance of Good FeaturesKobi Levi, Yair Weiss. 53-60 [doi]
- Autocalibration & 3D Reconstruction with Non-Central Catadioptric CamerasBranislav Micusík, Tomás Pajdla. 58-65 [doi]
- Shape Representation and Classification Using the Poisson EquationLena Gorelick, Meirav Galun, Eitan Sharon, Ronen Basri, Achi Brandt. 61-67 [doi]
- Window-Based, Discontinuity Preserving StereoMotilal Agrawal, Larry S. Davis. 66-73 [doi]
- Models of Large Population Recognition PerformancePatrick Grother, P. Jonathon Phillips. 68-75 [doi]
- Segment-Based Stereo Matching Using Graph CutsLi Hong, George Chen. 74-81 [doi]
- Searching the Web with Mobile Images for Location RecognitionTom Yeh, Konrad Tollmar, Trevor Darrell. 76-81 [doi]
- Parts-Based 3D Object ClassificationDaniel F. Huber, Anuj Kapuria, Raghavendra Donamukkala, Martial Hebert. 82-89 [doi]
- Bayesian Assembly of 3D Axially Symmetric Shapes from FragmentsAndrew R. Willis, David B. Cooper. 82-89 [doi]
- Multiview Occlusion Analysis for Tracking Densely Populated Objects Based on 2-D Visual AnglesKazuhiro Otsuka, Naoki Mukawa. 90-97 [doi]
- Scale-Invariant Shape Features for Recognition of Object CategoriesFrédéric Jurie, Cordelia Schmid. 90-96 [doi]
- Learning Methods for Generic Object Recognition with Invariance to Pose and LightingYann LeCun, Fu Jie Huang, Léon Bottou. 97-104 [doi]
- Difference Sphere: An Approach to Near Light Source EstimationTakeshi Takai, Koichiro Niinuma, Atsuto Maki, Takashi Matsuyama. 98-105 [doi]
- Integrating Multiple Model Views for Object RecognitionVittorio Ferrari, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool. 105-112 [doi]
- Region-Based Progressive Stereo MatchingYichen Wei, Long Quan. 106-113 [doi]
- Extraction and Integration of Window in a 3D Building Model from Ground View ImageSung Chun Lee, Ramakant Nevatia. 113-120 [doi]
- Automatic Method for Correlating Horizons across Faults in 3D Seismic DataFitsum Admasu, Klaus D. Tönnies. 114-119 [doi]
- Space-Time Video CompletionYonatan Wexler, Eli Shechtman, Michal Irani. 120-127 [doi]
- Linear Model Hashing and Batch RANSAC for Rapid and Accurate Object RecognitionYing Shan, Bogdan Matei, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Rakesh Kumar, Daniel F. Huber, Martial Hebert. 121-128 [doi]
- Uncalibrated and Unsynchronized Human Motion Capture: A Stereo Factorization ApproachPhilip A. Tresadern, Ian D. Reid. 128-134 [doi]
- A Model for Dynamic Shape and Its ApplicationsChe-Bin Liu, Narendra Ahuja. 129-134 [doi]
- A Correlation-Based Model Prior for StereoYanghai Tsin, Takeo Kanade. 135-142 [doi]
- Jitter Camera: High Resolution Video from a Low Resolution DetectorMoshe Ben-Ezra, Assaf Zomet, Shree K. Nayar. 135-142 [doi]
- The Method of Vector Fields for Catadioptric Sensor Design with Applications to Panoramic ImagingR. Andrew Hicks, Ronald K. Perline. 143-150 [doi]
- Shape Correspondence through Landmark SlidingSong Wang, Toshiro Kubota, Theodor Richardson. 143-150 [doi]
- Camera Calibration from a Single Night Sky ImageAndreas Klaus, Joachim Bauer, Konrad F. Karner, Pierre Elbischger, Roland Perko, Horst Bischof. 151-157 [doi]
- High-Zoom Video Hallucination by Exploiting Spatio-Temporal RegularitiesGöksel Dedeoglu, Takeo Kanade, Jonas August. 151-158 [doi]
- Self Shadowing and Local Illumination of Randomly Rough SurfacesYinlong Sun. 158-165 [doi]
- Eye Typing off the ShelfDan Witzner Hansen, Arthur E. C. Pece. 159-164 [doi]
- A Flexible Projector-Camera System for Multi-Planar DisplaysMark Ashdown, Matthew Flagg, Rahul Sukthankar, James M. Rehg. 165-172 [doi]
- Radiometric Calibration of a Helmholtz Stereo RigZsolt Jankó, Ondrej Drbohlav, Radim Sára. 166-171 [doi]
- A Variational Approach to Problems in Calibration of Multiple CamerasGozde B. Unal, Anthony J. Yezzi. 172-178 [doi]
- Probability Models for High Dynamic Range ImagingChris Pal, Richard Szeliski, Matthew Uyttendaele, Nebojsa Jojic. 173-180 [doi]
- Estimating Illumination Direction from Textured ImagesManik Varma, Andrew Zisserman. 179-186 [doi]
- Improving Object Classification in Far-Field VideoBiswajit Bose, W. Eric L. Grimson. 181-188 [doi]
- Simultaneous Calibration and Tracking with a Network of Non-Overlapping SensorsAli Rahimi, Brian Dunagan, Trevor Darrell. 187-194 [doi]
- Brightness Perception, Dynamic Range and Noise: A Unifying Model for Adaptive Image SensorsVladimir Brajovic. 189-196 [doi]
- Camera Network Calibration from Dynamic SilhouettesSudipta N. Sinha, Marc Pollefeys, Leonard McMillan. 195-202 [doi]
- Uncontrolled Modulation ImagingYoav Y. Schechner, Shree K. Nayar. 197-204 [doi]
- Atlanta World: An Expectation Maximization Framework for Simultaneous Low-Level Edge Grouping and Camera Calibration in Complex Man-Made EnvironmentsGrant Schindler, Frank Dellaert. 203-209 [doi]
- Bridging the Gaps between CamerasDimitrios Makris, Tim Ellis, James Black. 205-210 [doi]
- 3D Head Tracking Based on Recognition and Interpolation Using a Time-of-Flight Depth SensorSalih Burak Göktürk, Carlo Tomasi. 211-217 [doi]
- Capturing Image Structure with Probabilistic Index MapsNebojsa Jojic, Yaron Caspi. 212-219 [doi]
- Calibrating an Air-Ground Control System from Motion CorrespondencesRahul Rao, Camillo J. Taylor, Vijay Kumar. 218-225 [doi]
- Fast Contour Matching Using Approximate Earth Mover s DistanceKristen Grauman, Trevor Darrell. 220-227 [doi]
- Recovering Shape and Reflectance Model of Non-Lambertian Objects from Multiple ViewsTianli Yu, Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja. 226-233 [doi]
- An Affine Invariant Tensor Dissimilarity Measure and Its Applications to Tensor-Valued Image SegmentationZhizhou Wang, Baba C. Vemuri. 228-233 [doi]
- Computing Depth under Ambient Illumination Using Multi-Shuttered LightHéctor H. González-Baños, James Davis. 234-241 [doi]
- Color Alignment in Texture Mapping of Images under Point Light Source and General Lighting ConditionHiroki Unten, Katsushi Ikeuchi. 234-239 [doi]
- Geometric and Shading Correction for Images of Printed Materials: A Unified Approach Using BoundaryYau-Chat Tsoi, Michael S. Brown. 240-246 [doi]
- Point Matching as a Classification Problem for Fast and Robust Object Pose EstimationVincent Lepetit, Julien Pilet, Pascal Fua. 244-250 [doi]
- Segmentation Using Multiscale CuesStella X. Yu. 247-254 [doi]
- Feature Selection for Classifying High-Dimensional Numerical DataYimin Wu, Aidong Zhang. 251-258 [doi]
- Multi-Classifier Framework for Atlas-Based Image SegmentationTorsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer Jr.. 255-260 [doi]
- Random Sampling LDA for Face RecognitionXiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang. 259-265 [doi]
- Efficient Belief Propagation for Early VisionPedro F. Felzenszwalb, Daniel P. Huttenlocher. 261-268 [doi]
- BoostMap: A Method for Efficient Approximate Similarity RankingsVassilis Athitsos, Jonathan Alon, Stan Sclaroff, George Kollios. 268-275 [doi]
- Extracting Semantic Information through Illumination ClassificationAya Aner-Wolf. 269-274 [doi]
- Super-Resolution through Neighbor EmbeddingHong Chang, Dit-Yan Yeung, Yimin Xiong. 275-282 [doi]
- Automatic Cascade Training with Perturbation BiasJie Sun, James M. Rehg, Aaron F. Bobick. 276-283 [doi]
- Joint Feature-Basis Subset SelectionShai Avidan. 283-290 [doi]
- A Discriminative Learning Framework with Pairwise Constraints for Video Object ClassificationRong Yan, Jian Zhang, Jie Yang, Alexander G. Hauptmann. 284-291 [doi]
- From Fragments to Salient Closed Boundaries: An In-Depth StudySong Wang, Jun Wang, Toshiro Kubota. 291-298 [doi]
- High-Speed Videography Using a Dense Camera ArrayBennett Wilburn, Neel Joshi, Vaibhav Vaish, Marc Levoy, Mark Horowitz. 294-301 [doi]
- Wavelet-Based Hierarchical Surface Approximation from Height FieldsSang-Mook Lee, Daniel L. Schmoldt. 299-305 [doi]
- Motion-Based Background Subtraction Using Adaptive Kernel Density EstimationAnurag Mittal, Nikos Paragios. 302-309 [doi]
- Separating Reflections from a Single Image Using Local FeaturesAnat Levin, Assaf Zomet, Yair Weiss. 306-313 [doi]
- Motion Segmentation with Missing Data Using PowerFactorization and GPCARené Vidal, Richard I. Hartley. 310-316 [doi]
- Joint Prior Models of Neighboring Objects for 3D Image SegmentationJing Yang, James S. Duncan. 314-319 [doi]
- An Unsupervised, Online Learning Framework for Moving Object DetectionVinod Nair, James J. Clark. 317-324 [doi]
- Perceptual Organization of Radial SymmetriesQing Yang, Bahram Parvin. 320-325 [doi]
- Recovering Human Body Configurations: Combining Segmentation and RecognitionGreg Mori, Xiaofeng Ren, Alexei A. Efros, Jitendra Malik. 326-333 [doi]
- Similarity Measure and Learning with Gray Level Aura Matrices (GLAM) for Texture Image RetrievalXuejie Qin, Yee-Hong Yang. 326-333 [doi]
- Proposal Maps Driven MCMC for Estimating Human Body Pose in Static ImagesMun Wai Lee, Isaac Cohen. 334-341 [doi]
- 3D Models Coding and Morphing for Efficient Video CompressionFranck Galpin, Raphaèle Balter, Luce Morin, Koichiro Deguchi. 334-341 [doi]
- Representation and Matching of Articulated ShapesJiayong Zhang, Robert T. Collins, Yanxi Liu. 342-349 [doi]
- The SPS Algorithm: Patching Figural Continuity and Transparency by Split-Patch SearchAntonio Criminisi, Andrew Blake. 342-349 [doi]
- Space-Time Isosurface Evolution for Temporally Coherent 3D ReconstructionBastian Goldlücke, Marcus A. Magnor. 350-355 [doi]
- 2D-Shape Analysis Using Conformal MappingEitan Sharon, David Mumford. 350-357 [doi]
- Estimation of Blood Flow Speed and Vessel Location from Thermal VideoMarc Garbey, Arcangelo Merla, Ioannis Pavlidis. 356-363 [doi]
- Faster Graph-Theoretic Image Processing via Small-World and Quadtree TopologiesLeo Grady, Eric L. Schwartz. 360-365 [doi]
- Video Repairing: Inference of Foreground and Background under Severe OcclusionJiaya Jia, Tai-Pang Wu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang. 364-371 [doi]
- Detecting and Reading Text in Natural ScenesXiangrong Chen, Alan L. Yuille. 366-373 [doi]
- Hybrid Textons: Modeling Surfaces with Reflectance and GeometryJing Wang, Kristin J. Dana. 372-378 [doi]
- Bayesian Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machine and Face ClusteringZhifeng Li, Xiaoou Tang. 374-380 [doi]
- Robust Color Object Detection Using Spatial-Color Joint Probability FunctionsDavid J. Crandall, Jiebo Luo. 379-385 [doi]
- How Features of the Human Face Affect Recognition: A Statistical Comparison of Three Face Recognition AlgorithmsGeof H. Givens, J. Ross Beveridge, Bruce A. Draper, Patrick Grother, P. Jonathon Phillips. 381-388 [doi]
- Shape Constrained Image Segmentation by Parametric Distributional ClusteringThomas Zöller, Joachim M. Buhmann. 386-393 [doi]
- Novel Region-Based Modeling for Human Detection within Highly Dynamic Aquatic EnvironmentHow-Lung Eng, Junxian Wang, Alvin Harvey Kam, Wei-Yun Yau. 390-397 [doi]
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- Fast, Integrated Person Tracking and Activity Recognition with Plan-View Templates from a Single Stereo CameraMichael Harville, Dalong Li. 398-405 [doi]
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- Tracking Multiple Humans in Crowded EnvironmentTao Zhao, Ramakant Nevatia. 406-413 [doi]
- Bayesian Video Matting Using Learnt Image PriorsNicholas Apostoloff, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 407-414 [doi]
- Efficient Model-Based Linear Head Motion Recovery from MoviesJian Yao, Wai-kuen Cham. 414-421 [doi]
- A Segmentation-Free Approach for Skeletonization of Gray-Scale Images via Anisotropic Vector DiffusionZeyun Yu, Chandrajit L. Bajaj. 415-420 [doi]
- Tracking Loose-Limbed PeopleLeonid Sigal, Sidharth Bhatia, Stefan Roth, Michael J. Black, Michael Isard. 421-428 [doi]
- Multiobjective Data ClusteringMartin H. C. Law, Alexander P. Topchy, Anil K. Jain. 424-430 [doi]
- Hyperspectral Texture Classification Using Generalized Markov FieldsSubhadip Sarkar, Glenn Healey. 429-434 [doi]
- An Invariant, Closed-Form Solution for Matching Sets of 3D LinesBehzad Kamgar-Parsi, Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi. 431-436 [doi]
- Programmable Imaging Using a Digital Micromirror ArrayShree K. Nayar, Vlad Branzoi, Terrance E. Boult. 436-443 [doi]
- Spatially Coherent Clustering Using Graph CutsRamin Zabih, Vladimir Kolmogorov. 437-444 [doi]
- The World in an EyeKo Nishino, Shree K. Nayar. 444-451 [doi]
- A Probabilistic Framework for Combining Tracking AlgorithmsIdo Leichter, Michael Lindenbaum, Ehud Rivlin. 445-451 [doi]
- Local Smoothing for Manifold LearningJin Hyeong Park, Zhenyue Zhang, Hongyuan Zha, Rangachar Kasturi. 452-459 [doi]
- Making One Object Look Like Another: Controlling Appearance Using a Projector-Camera SystemMichael D. Grossberg, Harish Peri, Shree K. Nayar, Peter N. Belhumeur. 452-459 [doi]
- Grouping with Bias RevisitedRichard Nock, Frank Nielsen. 460-465 [doi]
- Using Skew Gabor Filter in Source Signal Separation and Local Spectral Multi-Orientation AnalysisWeichuan Yu, Gerald Sommer, Kostas Daniilidis. 462-469 [doi]
- Graphical Models for Graph MatchingTibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli, Dante Augusto Couto Barone. 466-473 [doi]
- Grouping Dominant Orientations for Ill-Structured Road FollowingChristopher Rasmussen. 470-477 [doi]
- Linear Projection Methods in Face Recognition under Unconstrained Illuminations: A Comparative StudyQi Li, Jieping Ye, Chandra Kambhamettu. 474-481 [doi]
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- Video Data Mining Using Configurations of Viewpoint Invariant RegionsJosef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman. 488-495 [doi]
- Object-Based Image Retrieval Using the Statistical Structure of ImagesDerek Hoiem, Rahul Sukthankar, Henry Schneiderman, Larry Huston. 490-497 [doi]
- MetaMorphs: Deformable Shape and Texture ModelsXiaolei Huang, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Ting Chen. 496-503 [doi]
- Generalized Quotient ImageHaitao Wang, Stan Z. Li, Yangsheng Wang. 498-505 [doi]
- L-8Minimization in Geometric Reconstruction ProblemsRichard I. Hartley, Frederik Schaffalitzky. 504-509 [doi]
- PCA-SIFT: A More Distinctive Representation for Local Image DescriptorsYan Ke, Rahul Sukthankar. 506-513 [doi]
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- Detection and Removal of Rain from VideosKshitiz Garg, Shree K. Nayar. 528-535 [doi]
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- Clear Underwater VisionYoav Y. Schechner, Nir Karpel. 536-543 [doi]
- On the Distribution of SaliencyAlexander Berengolts, Michael Lindenbaum. 543-549 [doi]
- Detection and Tracking of Objects in Underwater VideoDirk Walther, Duane R. Edgington, Christof Koch. 544-549 [doi]
- Approximation of Canonical Sets and Their Applications to 2D View SimplificationTrip Denton, Jeff Abrahamson, Ali Shokoufandeh. 550-557 [doi]
- Wide-Baseline Stereo from Multiple Views: A Probabilistic AccountChristoph Strecha, Rik Fransens, Luc J. Van Gool. 552-559 [doi]
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- A Minimal Solution to the Generalised 3-Point Pose ProblemDavid Nistér. 560-567 [doi]
- Dual-Space Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face RecognitionXiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang. 564-569 [doi]
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- Learning Distance Functions for Image RetrievalTomer Hertz, Aharon Bar-Hillel, Daphna Weinshall. 570-577 [doi]
- Tomographic Reconstruction of Piecewise Smooth ImagesChristopher V. Alvino, Anthony J. Yezzi Jr.. 576-581 [doi]
- Cue Integration through Discriminative AccumulationMaria-Elena Nilsback, Barbara Caputo. 578-585 [doi]
- Motion Without Correspondence from Tomographic Projections by Bayesian Inversion TheorySami S. Brandt, Ville Kolehmainen. 582-587 [doi]
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- Robust Subspace Clustering by Combined Use of kNND Metric and SVD AlgorithmQifa Ke, Takeo Kanade. 592-599 [doi]
- Scale Selection for Anisotropic Scale-Space: Application to Volumetric Tumor CharacterizationKazunori Okada, Dorin Comaniciu, Arun Krishnan. 594-601 [doi]
- Direct Super-Resolution and Registration Using Raw CFA ImagesTomomasa Gotoh, Masatoshi Okutomi. 600-607 [doi]
- Error Analysis for a Navigation Algorithm Based on Optical-Flow and a Digital Terrain MapRonen Lerner, Ehud Rivlin, Héctor Rotstein. 604-610 [doi]
- Variational Mixture Smoothing for Non-Linear Dynamical SystemsCristian Sminchisescu, Allan D. Jepson. 608-615 [doi]
- Visual Odometry and Map CorrelationAnat Levin, Richard Szeliski. 611-618 [doi]
- Self-Normalized Linear TestsSachin Gangaputra, Donald Geman. 616-622 [doi]
- Selecting Ghosts and Queues from a Car Trackers Output Using a Spatio-Temporal Query LanguageChristian Köhler. 619-624 [doi]
- Bayesian Fusion of Camera Metadata Cues in Semantic Scene ClassificationMatthew R. Boutell, Jiebo Luo. 623-630 [doi]
- Video Stabilization as a Variational Problem and Numerical Solution with the Viterbi MethodMaurizio Pilu. 625-630 [doi]
- Minimum Effective Dimension for Mixtures of Subspaces: A Robust GPCA Algorithm and Its ApplicationsKun Huang, Yi Ma, René Vidal. 631-638 [doi]
- A Variational Approach to Scene Reconstruction and Image Segmentation from Motion-Blur CuesPaolo Favaro, Stefano Soatto. 631-637 [doi]
- Incremental Density Approximation and Kernel-Based Bayesian Filtering for Object TrackingBohyung Han, Dorin Comaniciu, Ying Zhu, Larry S. Davis. 638-644 [doi]
- Learning a Restricted Bayesian Network for Object DetectionHenry Schneiderman. 639-646 [doi]
- Radiometric Alignment of Image SequencesSeon Joo Kim, Marc Pollefeys. 645-651 [doi]
- Random Sampling Based SVM for Relevance Feedback Image RetrievalDacheng Tao, Xiaoou Tang. 647-652 [doi]
- Visual OdometryDavid Nistér, Oleg Naroditsky, James R. Bergen. 652-659 [doi]
- Reconstructing Open Surfaces from Unorganized Data PointsJan Erik Solem, Anders Heyden. 653-660 [doi]
- Dynamic Geodesic Snakes for Visual TrackingMarc Niethammer, Allen Tannenbaum. 660-667 [doi]
- Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data and Application to Multibody GroupingZhimin Fan, Jie Zhou, Ying Wu. 661-666 [doi]
- A Non-Parametric Approach for Independent Component Analysis Using Kernel Density EstimationKuntal Sengupta, Prabir Burman, Rajeev Sharma. 667-672 [doi]
- Non-Rigid Shape and Motion Recovery: Degenerate DeformationsJing Xiao, Takeo Kanade. 668-675 [doi]
- Efficient Graphical Models for Processing ImagesMarshall F. Tappen, Bryan C. Russell, William T. Freeman. 673-680 [doi]
- Pointwise Motion Tracking in Echocardiographic ImagesWeichuan Yu, Ping Yan, Albert J. Sinusas, Karl Thiele, James S. Duncan. 676-683 [doi]
- Inferring 3D Body Pose from Silhouettes Using Activity Manifold LearningAhmed M. Elgammal, Chan-Su Lee. 681-688 [doi]
- Lie-Algebraic Averaging for Globally Consistent Motion EstimationVenu Madhav Govindu. 684-691 [doi]
- A Fast Multigrid Implicit Algorithm for the Evolution of Geodesic Active ContoursGeorge Papandreou, Petros Maragos. 689-694 [doi]
- High Resolution Video Mosaicing with Global AlignmentRoberto Marzotto, Andrea Fusiello, Vittorio Murino. 692-698 [doi]
- Multiscale Conditional Random Fields for Image LabelingXuming He, Richard S. Zemel, Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán. 695-702 [doi]
- Augmenting Images of Non-Rigid Scenes Using Point and Curve CorrespondencesAdrien Bartoli, Eugénie von Tunzelmann, Andrew Zisserman. 699-706 [doi]
- Studies on Silhouette Quality and Gait RecognitionZongyi Liu, Laura Malave, Sudeep Sarkar. 704-711 [doi]
- Multibody Factorization with Uncertainty and Missing Data Using the EM AlgorithmAmit Gruber, Yair Weiss. 707-714 [doi]
- Diffeomorphic Matching of Distributions: A New Approach for Unlabelled Point-Sets and Sub-Manifolds MatchingJoan Glaunes, Alain Trouvé, Laurent Younes. 712-718 [doi]
- Probabilistic Parameter-Free Motion DetectionThomas Veit, Frédéric Cao, Patrick Bouthemy. 715-721 [doi]
- Face Localization via Hierarchical CONDENSATION with Fisher Boosting Feature SelectionJilin Tu, ZhenQiu Zhang, Zhihong Zeng, Thomas S. Huang. 719-724 [doi]
- A Unified Spatio-Temporal Articulated Model for TrackingXiangyang Lan, Daniel P. Huttenlocher. 722-729 [doi]
- Shaping Receptive Fields for Affine InvarianceS. Ravela. 725-730 [doi]
- Role of Shape and Kinematics in Human Movement AnalysisAshok Veeraraghavan, Amit K. Roy Chowdhury, Rama Chellappa. 730-737 [doi]
- Multigrid and Multi-Level Swendsen-Wang Cuts for Hierarchic Graph PartitionAdrian Barbu, Song Chun Zhu. 731-738 [doi]
- Optimizing Motion Estimation with Linear Programming and Detail-Preserving Variational MethodHao Jiang, Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew. 738-745 [doi]
- A Graphical Model Framework for Coupling MRFs and Deformable ModelsRui Huang, Vladimir Pavlovic, Dimitris N. Metaxas. 739-746 [doi]
- Linear Sequence-to-Sequence Alignment Rodrigo L. Carceroni, Flávio L. C. Pádua, Geraldo A. M. R. Santos, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos. 746-753 [doi]
- Flexible Spatial Models for Grouping Local Image FeaturesGustavo Carneiro, Allan D. Jepson. 747-754 [doi]
- Motion Estimation by Swendsen-Wang CutsAdrian Barbu, Alan L. Yuille. 754-761 [doi]
- Asymmetrically Boosted HMM for Speech ReadingPei Yin, Irfan A. Essa, James M. Rehg. 755-761 [doi]
- Synchronizing Video SequencesTinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool. 762-768 [doi]
- Sharing Features: Efficient Boosting Procedures for Multiclass Object DetectionAntonio B. Torralba, Kevin P. Murphy, William T. Freeman. 762-769 [doi]
- The Multibody Trifocal Tensor: Motion Segmentation from 3 Perspective ViewsRichard I. Hartley, René Vidal. 769-775 [doi]
- Scalable Discriminant Feature Selection for Image Retrieval and RecognitionNuno Vasconcelos, Manuela Vasconcelos. 770-775 [doi]
- Multibody Motion Segmentation Based on Simulated AnnealingZhimin Fan, Jie Zhou, Ying Wu. 776-781 [doi]
- What Image Information Is Important in Silhouette-Based Gait Recognition?Galina V. Veres, L. Gordon, John N. Carter, Mark S. Nixon. 776-782 [doi]
- Visual Tracking Using Learned Linear SubspacesJeffrey Ho, Kuang-Chih Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman. 782-789 [doi]
- Modelling the Effects of Walking Speed on Appearance-Based Gait RecognitionRawesak Tanawongsuwan, Aaron F. Bobick. 783-790 [doi]
- Multiple Kernel Tracking with SSDGregory D. Hager, Maneesh Dewan, Charles V. Stewart. 790-797 [doi]
- Efficient Search of Faces from Complex Line DrawingsJianzhuang Liu, Xiaoou Tang. 791-796 [doi]
- A Discriminative Feature Space for Detecting and Recognizing FacesAbdenour Hadid, Matti Pietikäinen, Timo Ahonen. 797-804 [doi]
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