Abstract is missing.
- Video Proceedings Welcome [doi]
- Learning the Semantics of Images by Using Unlabeled Samples [doi]
- Preface [doi]
- Conference Organization [doi]
- Additional Reviewers [doi]
- Demo Proceedings Welcome [doi]
- Program Committee [doi]
- Identifying Semantically Equivalent Object FragmentsBoris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman. 2-9 [doi]
- Particle Filtering for Geometric Active Contours with Application to Tracking Moving and Deforming ObjectsYogesh Rathi, Namrata Vaswani, Allen Tannenbaum, Anthony J. Yezzi. 2-9 [doi]
- Spatial Priors for Part-Based Recognition Using Statistical ModelsDavid J. Crandall, Pedro F. Felzenszwalb, Daniel P. Huttenlocher. 10-17 [doi]
- Illumination-Invariant Tracking via Graph CutsDaniel Freedman, Matthew W. Turek. 10-17 [doi]
- OBJ CUTM. Pawan Kumar, Philip H. S. Torr, Andrew Zisserman. 18-25 [doi]
- Visual Tracking in the Presence of Motion BlurHailin Jin, Paolo Favaro, Roberto Cipolla. 18-25 [doi]
- Appearance Modeling for Tracking in Multiple Non-Overlapping CamerasOmar Javed, Khurram Shafique, Mubarak Shah. 26-33 [doi]
- Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Low Distortion CorrespondencesAlexander C. Berg, Tamara L. Berg, Jitendra Malik. 26-33 [doi]
- Real-Time Tracking Using Level SetsYonggang Shi, William Clement Karl. 34-41 [doi]
- Random Subwindows for Robust Image ClassificationRaphaël Marée, Pierre Geurts, Justus H. Piater, Louis Wehenkel. 34-40 [doi]
- Video EpitomesVincent Cheung, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic. 42-49 [doi]
- Higher-Order Image Statistics for Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive, Image FilteringSuyash P. Awate, Ross T. Whitaker. 44-51 [doi]
- Full-Frame Video StabilizationYasuyuki Matsushita, Eyal Ofek, Xiaoou Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum. 50-57 [doi]
- Addressing Radiometric Nonidealities: A Unified FrameworkAnatoly Litvinov, Yoav Y. Schechner. 52-59 [doi]
- Dynamosaics: Video Mosaics with Non-Chronological TimeAlex Rav-Acha, Yael Pritch, Dani Lischinski, Shmuel Peleg. 58-65 [doi]
- A Non-Local Algorithm for Image DenoisingAntoni Buades, Bartomeu Coll, Jean-Michel Morel. 60-65 [doi]
- Determining the Radiometric Response Function from a Single Grayscale ImageStephen Lin, Lei Zhang. 66-73 [doi]
- Modeling Dynamic Scenes with Active AppearanceGianfranco Doretto. 66-73 [doi]
- A Generative Model of Human Hair for Hair SketchingHong Chen, Song Chun Zhu. 74-81 [doi]
- Bayesian Object Detection in Dynamic ScenesYaser Sheikh, Mubarak Shah. 74-79 [doi]
- Shock Filters Based on Implicit Cluster SeparationVinay P. Namboodiri, Subhasis Chaudhuri. 82-87 [doi]
- Active Polyhedron: Surface Evolution Theory Applied to Deformable MeshesGregory G. Slabaugh, Gozde B. Unal. 84-91 [doi]
- Pixels that SoundEinat Kidron, Yoav Y. Schechner, Michael Elad. 88-95 [doi]
- Corrected Laplacians: Closer Cuts and Segmentation with Shape PriorsDavid Tolliver, Gary L. Miller, Robert T. Collins. 92-98 [doi]
- A Band-Weighted Landuse Classification Method for Multispectral ImagesChunhong Pan, Gang Wu, Véronique Prinet, Qing Yang, Songde Ma. 96-102 [doi]
- Simultaneous Modeling and Tracking (SMAT) of Feature SetsN. D. H. Dowson, Richard Bowden. 99-105 [doi]
- Why I Want a Gradient CameraJack Tumblin, Amit K. Agrawal, Ramesh Raskar. 103-110 [doi]
- Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic TrackingLeonid Taycher, John W. Fisher III, Trevor Darrell. 106-113 [doi]
- Using the KL-Center for Efficient and Accurate Retrieval of Distributions Arising from Texture ImagesEric Spellman, Baba C. Vemuri, Murali Rao. 111-116 [doi]
- Localization in Urban Environments: Monocular Vision Compared to a Differential GPS SensorEric Royer, Maxime Lhuillier, Michel Dhome, Thierry Chateau. 114-121 [doi]
- Modelling Reflections via Multiperspective ImagingJingyi Yu, Leonard McMillan. 117-124 [doi]
- A Direct Method for 3D Factorization of Nonrigid Motion Observed in 2DMatthew Brand. 122-128 [doi]
- Reflection Components Decomposition of Textured Surfaces Using Linear Basis FunctionsRobby T. Tan, Katsushi Ikeuchi. 125-131 [doi]
- Full Body Tracking from Multiple Views Using Stochastic SamplingRoland Kehl, Matthieu Bray, Luc J. Van Gool. 129-136 [doi]
- Dense Photometric Stereo Using Tensorial Belief PropagationKam-Lun Tang, Chi-Keung Tang, Tien-Tsin Wong. 132-139 [doi]
- Automatic 3D to 2D Registration for the Photorealistic Rendering of Urban ScenesLingyun Liu, Ioannis Stamos. 137-143 [doi]
- Dense Photometric Stereo Using a Mirror Sphere and Graph CutTai-Pang Wu, Chi-Keung Tang. 140-147 [doi]
- Jensen-Shannon Boosting Learning for Object RecognitionXiangsheng Huang, Stan Z. Li, Yangsheng Wang. 144-149 [doi]
- A Combined Physical and Statistical Approach to Colour ConstancyGerald Schaefer, Steven D. Hordley, Graham D. Finlayson. 148-153 [doi]
- WaldBoost - Learning for Time Constrained Sequential DetectionJan Sochman, Jiri Matas. 150-156 [doi]
- Segmentation of a Piece-Wise Planar Scene from Perspective ImagesAllen Y. Yang, Shankar Rao, Andrew Wagner, Yi Ma. 154-161 [doi]
- Discriminative Training for Object Recognition Using Image PatchesThomas Deselaers, Daniel Keysers, Hermann Ney. 157-162 [doi]
- Segmentation of Edge Preserving Gradient Vector Flow: An Approach Toward Automatically Initializing and Splitting of SnakesChunming Li, Jundong Liu, Martin D. Fox. 162-167 [doi]
- Formulating Semantic Image Annotation as a Supervised Learning ProblemGustavo Carneiro, Nuno Vasconcelos. 163-168 [doi]
- Coupled PDEs for Non-Rigid Registration and SegmentationGozde B. Unal, Gregory G. Slabaugh. 168-175 [doi]
- Discriminative Learning of Markov Random Fields for Segmentation of 3D Scan DataDragomir Anguelov, Benjamin Taskar, Vassil Chatalbashev, Daphne Koller, Dinkar Gupta, Geremy Heitz, Andrew Y. Ng. 169-176 [doi]
- Efficient Mean-Shift Tracking via a New Similarity MeasureChangjiang Yang, Ramani Duraiswami, Larry S. Davis. 176-183 [doi]
- Feature Kernel Functions: Improving SVMs Using High-Level KnowledgeQiang Sun, Gerald DeJong. 177-183 [doi]
- A SIFT Descriptor with Global ContextEric N. Mortensen, Hongli Deng, Linda G. Shapiro. 184-190 [doi]
- Coherent Regions for Concise and Stable Image DescriptionJason J. Corso, Gregory D. Hager. 184-190 [doi]
- An Axiomatic Approach to Corner DetectionCharles S. Kenney, Marco Zuliani, B. S. Manjunath. 191-197 [doi]
- Diagram Structure Recognition by Bayesian Conditional Random FieldsYuan (Alan) Qi, Martin Szummer, Thomas P. Minka. 191-196 [doi]
- Fisher+Kernel Criterion for Discriminant AnalysisShu Yang, Shuicheng Yan, Dong Xu, Xiaoou Tang, Chao Zhang. 197-202 [doi]
- 3D Reconstruction by Fitting Low-Rank Matrices with Missing DataDaniel Martinec, Tomás Pajdla. 198-205 [doi]
- Concurrent Subspaces AnalysisDong Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Lei Zhang, HongJiang Zhang, Zhengkai Liu, Heung-Yeung Shum. 203-208 [doi]
- Multi-View Geometry for General Camera ModelsPeter F. Sturm. 206-212 [doi]
- Face Synthesis and Recognition from a Single Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using a Spherical Harmonic Basis Morphable ModelLei Zhang 0002, Sen Wang, Dimitris Samaras. 209-216 [doi]
- A Rational Function Lens Distortion Model for General CamerasDavid Claus, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 213-219 [doi]
- 2D Statistical Models of Facial Expressions for Realistic 3D Avatar AnimationLukasz Zalewski, Shaogang Gong. 217-222 [doi]
- Matching with PROSAC - Progressive Sample ConsensusOndrej Chum, Jiri Matas. 220-226 [doi]
- Mercer Kernels for Object Recognition with Local FeaturesSiwei Lyu. 223-229 [doi]
- Kernel-Based Bayesian Filtering for Object TrackingBohyung Han, Ying Zhu, Dorin Comaniciu, Larry S. Davis. 227-234 [doi]
- A Unified Optimization Based Learning Method for Image RetrievalHanghang Tong, Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Wei-Ying Ma, Changshui Zhang, HongJiang Zhang. 230-235 [doi]
- Appearance-Guided Particle Filtering for Articulated Hand TrackingWen-Yan Chang, Chu-Song Chen, Yi-Ping Hung. 235-242 [doi]
- Robust Object Detection via Soft CascadeLubomir D. Bourdev, Jonathan Brandt. 236-243 [doi]
- Dynamic Environment Exploration Using a Virtual White CaneD. Yuan, Roberto Manduchi. 243-249 [doi]
- Mapping Low-Level Features to High-Level Semantic Concepts in Region-Based Image RetrievalWei Jiang, Kap Luk Chan, Mingjing Li, HongJiang Zhang. 244-249 [doi]
- Estimating Disparity and Occlusions in Stereo Video SequencesOliver M. C. Williams, Michael Isard, John MacCormick. 250-257 [doi]
- Background Recognition in Dynamic Scenes with Motion ConstraintsKemal Egemen Ozden, Luc J. Van Gool. 250-255 [doi]
- Multiscale Segmentation by Combining Motion and Intensity CuesMeirav Galun, Alexander Apartsin, Ronen Basri. 256-263 [doi]
- Generative versus Discriminative Methods for Object RecognitionIlkay Ulusoy, Christopher M. Bishop. 258-265 [doi]
- A Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Object Segmentation in Image SequencesYang Wang, Qiang Ji. 264-270 [doi]
- Representational Oriented Component Analysis (ROCA) for Face Recognition with One Sample Image per Training ClassFernando De la Torre, Ralph Gross, Simon Baker, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar. 266-273 [doi]
- Strike a Pose: Tracking People by Finding Stylized PosesDeva Ramanan, David A. Forsyth, Andrew Zisserman. 271-278 [doi]
- Linear Combination Representation for Outlier Detection in Motion TrackingGuodong Guo, Charles R. Dyer, Zhengyou Zhang. 274-281 [doi]
- Ordinal Palmprint Represention for Personal IdentificationZhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Yunhong Wang, Stan Z. Li. 279-284 [doi]
- Integrated Learning of Saliency, Complex Features, and Object Detectors from Cluttered ScenesDashan Gao, Nuno Vasconcelos. 282-287 [doi]
- Active Contours Using a Constraint-Based Implicit RepresentationBryan S. Morse, Weiming Liu, Terry S. Yoo, Kalpathi R. Subramanian. 285-292 [doi]
- Parameter Estimation for MRF StereoLi Zhang, Steven M. Seitz. 288-295 [doi]
- Affine Object Tracking with Kernel-Based Spatial-Color RepresentationHaihong Zhang, Weimin Huang, Zhiyong Huang, Liyuan Li. 293-300 [doi]
- The Distinctiveness, Detectability, and Robustness of Local Image FeaturesGustavo Carneiro, Allan D. Jepson. 296-301 [doi]
- A Caratheodory-Fejer Approach to Dynamic Appearance ModelingHwasup Lim, Octavia I. Camps, Mario Sznaier. 301-307 [doi]
- A Semi-Supervised Active Learning Framework for Image RetrievalSteven C. H. Hoi, Michael R. Lyu. 302-309 [doi]
- 3D Articulated Motion Estimation from ImagesXiaoyun Zhang, Yuncai Liu. 308-314 [doi]
- Optimal Sub-Shape Models by Minimum Description LengthGeorg Langs, Philipp Peloschek, Horst Bischof. 310-315 [doi]
- Motion Segmentation of Multiple Translating Objects Using Line CorrespondencesFanhuai Shi, Jianhua Wang, Jing Zhang, Yuncai Liu. 315-320 [doi]
- Damped Newton Algorithms for Matrix Factorization with Missing DataA. M. Buchanan, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 316-322 [doi]
- The Radial Trifocal Tensor: A Tool for Calibrating the Radial Distortion of Wide-Angle CamerasSriRam Thirthala, Marc Pollefeys. 321-328 [doi]
- Object Class Recognition Using Multiple Layer Boosting with Heterogeneous FeaturesWei Zhang 0002, Bing Yu, Gregory J. Zelinsky, Dimitris Samaras. 323-330 [doi]
- Wide-Baseline Stereo Matching with Line SegmentsHerbert Bay, Vittorio Ferrari, Luc J. Van Gool. 329-336 [doi]
- Cerebral Vascular Atlas Generation for Anatomical Knowledge Modeling and Segmentation PurposeNicolas Passat, Christian Ronse, J. Baruthio, Jean-Paul Armspach, C. Maillot. 331-337 [doi]
- 3D Geometric and Optical Modeling of Warped Document Images from ScannersLi Zhang, Zheng Zhang 0003, Chew Lim Tan, Tao Xia. 337-342 [doi]
- Flattening Curved Documents in ImagesJian Liang, Daniel DeMenthon, David S. Doermann. 338-345 [doi]
- Interactive Shape from ShadingGang Zeng, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Long Quan, Heung-Yeung Shum. 343-350 [doi]
- Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix RepresentationHongcheng Wang, Narendra Ahuja. 346-353 [doi]
- Geo-Consistency for Wide Multi-Camera StereoMarc-Antoine Drouin, Martin Trudeau, Sébastien Roy. 351-358 [doi]
- Higher Order Whitening of Natural ImagesJoshua Gluckman. 354-360 [doi]
- Robust Boosting for Learning from Few ExamplesLior Wolf, Ian Martin. 359-364 [doi]
- Region Competition via Local Watershed OperatorsHüseyin Tek, Ferit Akova, Alper Ayvaci. 361-368 [doi]
- Boosting Saliency in Color Image FeaturesJoost van de Weijer, Theo Gevers. 365-372 [doi]
- Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual GroupingHwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, Tien-Lung Chang. 369-376 [doi]
- Learn Discriminant Features for Multi-View Face and Eye DetectionPeng Wang, Qiang Ji. 373-379 [doi]
- Contrast Enhancement of Multi-Displays Using Human Contrast SensitivityAditi Majumder. 377-382 [doi]
- A Sparse Object Category Model for Efficient Learning and Exhaustive RecognitionRobert Fergus, Pietro Perona, Andrew Zisserman. 380-387 [doi]
- Stereo Correspondence by Dynamic Programming on a TreeOlga Veksler. 384-390 [doi]
- Discriminative Density Propagation for 3D Human Motion EstimationCristian Sminchisescu, Atul Kanaujia, Zhiguo Li, Dimitris N. Metaxas. 390-397 [doi]
- Multi-View Stereo via Volumetric Graph-CutsGeorge Vogiatzis, Philip H. S. Torr, Roberto Cipolla. 391-398 [doi]
- A Measure of Deformability of Shapes, with Applications to Human Motion AnalysisAmit K. Roy Chowdhury. 398-404 [doi]
- Symmetric Stereo Matching for Occlusion HandlingJian Sun, Yin Li, Sing Bing Kang. 399-406 [doi]
- Space-Time Behavior Based CorrelationEli Shechtman, Michal Irani. 405-412 [doi]
- Bi-Layer Segmentation of Binocular Stereo VideoVladimir Kolmogorov, Antonio Criminisi, Andrew Blake, Geoffrey Cross, Carsten Rother. 407-414 [doi]
- Hybrid Joint-Separable Multibody TrackingOswald Lanz, Roberto Manduchi. 413-420 [doi]
- Imaging the Cardiovascular PulseNanfei Sun, Marc Garbey, Arcangelo Merla, Ioannis Pavlidis. 416-421 [doi]
- Modeling and Learning Contact Dynamics in Human MotionAlessandro Bissacco. 421-428 [doi]
- Top-Down and Bottom-Up Strategies in Lesion Detection of Background Diabetic RetinopathyXiaohui Zhang, Opas Chutatape. 422-428 [doi]
- Database-Guided Segmentation of Anatomical Structures with Complex AppearanceBogdan Georgescu, Xiang Sean Zhou, Dorin Comaniciu, Alok Gupta. 429-436 [doi]
- Level Set Evolution without Re-Initialization: A New Variational FormulationChunming Li, Chenyang Xu, Changfeng Gui, Martin D. Fox. 430-436 [doi]
- Blob Segmentation Using Joint Space-Intensity Likelihood Ratio Test: Application to 3D Tumor SegmentationKazunori Okada, Umut Akdemir, Arun Krishnan. 437-444 [doi]
- Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Wavelet-Based PriorsMário A. T. Figueiredo. 437-443 [doi]
- Segmentation Induced by Scale InvarianceStella X. Yu. 444-451 [doi]
- Creating Invariance to Nuisance Parameters in Face RecognitionSimon J. D. Prince, James H. Elder. 446-453 [doi]
- A New Active Contour Method Based on Elastic InteractionYang Xiang, Albert C. S. Chung, Jian Ye. 452-457 [doi]
- Face Recognition Based on Frontal Views Generated from Non-Frontal ImagesVolker Blanz, Patrick Grother, P. Jonathon Phillips, Thomas Vetter. 454-461 [doi]
- Robust Centerline Extraction Framework Using Level SetsM. Sabry Hassouna, Aly A. Farag. 458-465 [doi]
- Face Verification across Age ProgressionNarayanan Ramanathan, Rama Chellappa. 462-469 [doi]
- Feature-Level Fusion in Personal IdentificationYongsheng Gao, Michael Maggs. 468-473 [doi]
- A High Resolution Grammatical Model for Face Representation and SketchingZijian Xu, Hong Chen, Song Chun Zhu. 470-477 [doi]
- A Two-Stage Level Set Evolution Scheme for Man-Made Objects Detection in Aerial ImagesGuo Cao, Xin Yang, Zhihong Mao. 474-479 [doi]
- Hallucinating Faces: TensorPatch Super-Resolution and Coupled Residue CompensationWei Liu, Dahua Lin, Xiaoou Tang. 478-484 [doi]
- Optimization Design of Cascaded ClassifiersHuitao Luo. 480-485 [doi]
- Simultaneous Estimation of Segmentation and ShapeJens Rittscher, Peter Tu, Nils Krahnstoever. 486-493 [doi]
- Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classification Using a Cascade of Approximate Similarity MeasuresVassilis Athitsos, Jonathan Alon, Stan Sclaroff. 486-493 [doi]
- Ensemble TrackingShai Avidan. 494-501 [doi]
- Pruning Training Sets for Learning of Object CategoriesAnelia Angelova, Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Pietro Perona. 494-501 [doi]
- Multiple Collaborative Kernel TrackingZhimin Fan, Ying Wu, Ming Yang. 502-509 [doi]
- Pose-Robust Face Recognition Using Geometry Assisted Probabilistic ModelingXiaoming Liu 0002, Tsuhan Chen. 502-509 [doi]
- Multi-Image Matching Using Multi-Scale Oriented PatchesMatthew Brown, Richard Szeliski, Simon A. J. Winder. 510-517 [doi]
- A Closed Form Solution to Direct Motion SegmentationRené Vidal, Dheeraj Singaraju. 510-515 [doi]
- Optical Flow Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple Moving Dynamic TexturesRené Vidal, Avinash Ravichandran. 516-521 [doi]
- Tangent-Corrected EmbeddingAli Ghodsi, Jiayuan Huang, Finnegan Southey, Dale Schuurmans. 518-525 [doi]
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Learning Natural Scene CategoriesFei-Fei Li, Pietro Perona, California Institute of Technology. 524-531 [doi]
- Discriminant Analysis with Tensor RepresentationShuicheng Yan, Dong Xu, Qiang Yang, Lei Zhang, Xiaoou Tang, HongJiang Zhang. 526-532 [doi]
- Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image ModelsTerrence Chen, Wotao Yin, Xiang Sean Zhou, Dorin Comaniciu, Thomas S. Huang. 532-539 [doi]
- Infomax BoostingSiwei Lyu. 533-538 [doi]
- Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively, with Application to Face VerificationSumit Chopra, Raia Hadsell, Yann LeCun. 539-546 [doi]
- Single Image Phase-Based MRI Fat Suppression Expectation Maximization AlgorithmDaniel J. Blezek, W. Thomas Dixon, Paritosh J. Dhawale. 540-546 [doi]
- Multilinear Independent Components AnalysisM. Alex O. Vasilescu, Demetri Terzopoulos. 547-553 [doi]
- Speckle-Constrained Filtering of Ultrasound ImagesKarl Krissian, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Kirby Vosburgh. 547-552 [doi]
- Learning Spatiotemporal T-Junctions for Occlusion DetectionNicholas Apostoloff, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon. 553-559 [doi]
- Nonlinear Face Recognition Based on Maximum Average Margin CriterionBaochang Zhang, Xilin Chen, Shiguang Shan, Wen Gao. 554-559 [doi]
- Selection and Fusion of Color Models for Feature DetectionHarro M. G. Stokman, Theo Gevers. 560-565 [doi]
- Learning Feature Distance Measures for Image CorrespondencesXi Chen, Tat-Jen Cham. 560-567 [doi]
- Multiple Object Tracking with Kernel Particle FilterCheng Chang, Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq A. Khokhar. 566-573 [doi]
- Recognizing Facial Expression: Machine Learning and Application to Spontaneous BehaviorMarian Stewart Bartlett, Gwen Littlewort, Mark Frank, Claudia Lainscsek, Ian R. Fasel, Javier R. Movellan. 568-573 [doi]
- Subspace Analysis Using Random Mixture ModelsXiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang. 574-580 [doi]
- On the Small Sample Performance of Boosted ClassifiersWeiliang Li, Xiang Gao, Ying Zhu, Visvanathan Ramesh, Terrance E. Boult. 574-581 [doi]
- Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Manifold Density DivergenceOgnjen Arandjelovic, Gregory Shakhnarovich, John Fisher, Roberto Cipolla, Trevor Darrell. 581-588 [doi]
- Random Subspaces and Subsampling for 2-D Face RecognitionNitesh V. Chawla, Kevin W. Bowyer. 582-589 [doi]
- Digital TapestryCarsten Rother, Sanjiv Kumar, Vladimir Kolmogorov, Andrew Blake. 589-596 [doi]
- ARTag, a Fiducial Marker System Using Digital TechniquesMark Fiala. 590-596 [doi]
- Computer Vision for Music IdentificationYan Ke, Derek Hoiem, Rahul Sukthankar. 597-604 [doi]
- Multi-Output Regularized ProjectionKai Yu, Shipeng Yu, Volker Tresp. 597-602 [doi]
- Statistical Cue Integration for Foveated Wide-Field SurveillanceSimon J. D. Prince, James H. Elder, Yuqian Hou, Mikhail Sizintsev, Yevgen Olevskiy. 603-610 [doi]
- Multitarget Tracking with Split and Merged MeasurementsZia Khan, Tucker R. Balch, Frank Dellaert. 605-610 [doi]
- Semi-Supervised Adapted HMMs for Unusual Event DetectionDong Zhang, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Samy Bengio, Iain McCowan. 611-618 [doi]
- Scene-Adapted Structured LightThomas P. Koninckx, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, Luc J. Van Gool. 611-618 [doi]
- Mixture Trees for Modeling and Fast Conditional Sampling with Applications in Vision and GraphicsFrank Dellaert, Vivek Kwatra, Sang Min Oh. 619-624 [doi]
- Beyond Lambert: Reconstructing Specular Surfaces Using ColorSatya P. Mallick, Todd Zickler, David J. Kriegman, Peter N. Belhumeur. 619-626 [doi]
- A Cross-Validatory Statistical Approach to Scale Selection for Image Denoising by Nonlinear DiffusionGeorge Papandreou, Petros Maragos. 625-630 [doi]
- Efficient Image Matching with Distributions of Local Invariant FeaturesKristen Grauman, Trevor Darrell. 627-634 [doi]
- A Principled Approach to Detecting Surprising Events in VideoLaurent Itti, Pierre Baldi. 631-637 [doi]
- Detecting, Localizing and Recovering Kinematics of Textured AnimalsDeva Ramanan, David A. Forsyth, Kobus Barnard. 635-642 [doi]
- Restoration and Recognition in a LoopMithun Das Gupta, Shyamsundar Rajaram, Nemanja Petrovic, Thomas S. Huang. 638-644 [doi]
- Moving Cast Shadow Detection from a Gaussian Mixture Shadow ModelNicolas Martel-Brisson, André Zaccarin. 643-648 [doi]
- Coupled Kernel-Based Subspace LearningShuicheng Yan, Dong Xu, Lei Zhang, Benyu Zhang, HongJiang Zhang. 645-650 [doi]
- Isophote Properties as Features for Object DetectionJeroen Lichtenauer, Emile A. Hendriks, Marcel J. T. Reinders. 649-654 [doi]
- An On-Line Learning Mechanism for Unsupervised Classification and Topology RepresentationShen Furao, Osamu Hasegawa. 651-656 [doi]
- Shape Regularized Active Contour Using Iterative Global Search and Local OptimizationTianli Yu, Jiebo Luo, Narendra Ahuja. 655-662 [doi]
- Semi-Supervised Cross Feature Learning for Semantic Concept Detection in VideosRong Yan, Milind R. Naphade. 657-663 [doi]
- Integration of Motion Fields through ShapeHui Ji, Cornelia Fermüller. 663-669 [doi]
- A Discriminative Framework for Modelling Object ClassesAlex Holub, Pietro Perona. 664-671 [doi]
- Learning a Multi-Size Patch-Based Hybrid Kernel Machine Ensemble for Abnormal Region Detection in Colonoscopic ImagesPeng Li, Kap Luk Chan, Shankar Muthu Krishnan. 670-675 [doi]
- Cross-Generalization: Learning Novel Classes from a Single Example by Feature ReplacementEvgeniy Bart, Shimon Ullman. 672-679 [doi]
- Two-View Multibody Structure-and-Motion with OutliersKonrad Schindler, David Suter. 676-683 [doi]
- Robust Face Detection with Multi-Class BoostingYen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu. 680-687 [doi]
- Probabilistic Modeling-Based Vessel Enhancement in Thoracic CT ScansGady Agam, Changhua Wu. 684-689 [doi]
- A Two Level Approach for Scene RecognitionLe Lu, Kentaro Toyama, Gregory D. Hager. 688-695 [doi]
- Level Set Active Contours on Unstructured Point CloudHon Pong Ho, Yunmei Chen, Huafeng Liu, Pengcheng Shi. 690-697 [doi]
- Online Detection and Classification of Moving Objects Using Progressively Improving DetectorsOmar Javed, Saad Ali, Mubarak Shah. 696-701 [doi]
- Accurate Motion Layer Segmentation and MattingJiangjian Xiao, Mubarak Shah. 698-703 [doi]
- Object Class Recognition by Boosting a Part-Based ModelAharon Bar-Hillel, Tomer Hertz, Daphna Weinshall. 702-709 [doi]
- Learning the Semantics of Images by Using Unlabeled SamplesJianping Fan, Hangzai Luo, Yuli Gao. 704-710 [doi]
- Hierarchical Part-Based Visual Object CategorizationGuillaume Bouchard, Bill Triggs. 710-715 [doi]
- Object Detection Using 2D Spatial Ordering ConstraintsYan Li, Yanghai Tsin, Yakup Genc, Takeo Kanade. 711-718 [doi]
- Efficient Multiclass Object Detection by a Hierarchy of ClassifiersXiaodong Fan. 716-723 [doi]
- Using the Inner-Distance for Classification of Articulated ShapesHaibin Ling, David W. Jacobs. 719-726 [doi]
- Learning to Track: Conceptual Manifold Map for Closed-Form TrackingAhmed M. Elgammal. 724-730 [doi]
- Classification of Contour Shapes Using Class Segment SetsKang B. Sun, Boaz J. Super. 727-733 [doi]
- Learning with Constrained and Unlabelled DataTilman Lange, Martin H. C. Law, Anil K. Jain, Joachim M. Buhmann. 731-738 [doi]
- Part-Based Statistical Models for Object Classification and DetectionElliot Joel Bernstein, Yali Amit. 734-740 [doi]
- Robust L::1:: Norm Factorization in the Presence of Outliers and Missing Data by Alternative Convex ProgrammingQifa Ke, Takeo Kanade. 739-746 [doi]
- A Bayesian Mixture Model for Multi-View Face AlignmentYi Zhou, Wei Zhang, Xiaoou Tang, Harry Shum. 741-746 [doi]
- Local Color Transfer via Probabilistic Segmentation by Expectation-MaximizationYu-Wing Tai, Jiaya Jia, Chi-Keung Tang. 747-754 [doi]
- Learning to Estimate Human Pose with Data Driven Belief PropagationGang Hua, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Ying Wu. 747-754 [doi]
- Interactive Graph Cut Based Segmentation with Shape PriorsDaniel Freedman, Tao Zhang. 755-762 [doi]
- Joint Nonparametric Alignment for Analyzing Spatial Gene Expression Patterns in Drosophila Imaginal DiscsParvez Ahammad, Cyrus L. Harmon, Ann Hammonds, Shankar Sastry, Gerald M. Rubin. 755-760 [doi]
- Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in VideosYanlin Guo, Steven C. Hsu, Ying Shan, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Rakesh Kumar. 761-768 [doi]
- Multilabel Random Walker Image Segmentation Using Prior ModelsLeo Grady. 763-770 [doi]
- Fast Spatial Pattern Discovery Integrating Boosting with Constellations of Contextual DescriptorsJaume Amores, Nicu Sebe, Petia Radeva. 769-774 [doi]
- Two-View Geometry Estimation Unaffected by a Dominant PlaneOndrej Chum, Tomás Werner, Jiri Matas. 772-779 [doi]
- Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint RecognitionVincent Lepetit, Pascal Lagger, Pascal Fua. 775-781 [doi]
- On the Absolute Quadratic Complex and Its Application to AutocalibrationJean Ponce, Kenton McHenry, Théodore Papadopoulo, Monique Teillaud, Bill Triggs. 780-787 [doi]
- Skeletal Parameter Estimation from Optical Motion Capture DataAdam G. Kirk, James F. O Brien, David A. Forsyth. 782-788 [doi]
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