Abstract is missing.
- Dimensionality Reduction Based on ICA for Regression ProblemsNojun Kwak, Chunghoon Kim. 1-10 [doi]
- A Functional Approach to Variable Selection in Spectrometric ProblemsFabrice Rossi, Damien François, Vincent Wertz, Michel Verleysen. 11-20 [doi]
- The Bayes-Optimal Feature Extraction Procedure for Pattern Recognition Using Genetic AlgorithmMarek Kurzynski, Edward Puchala, Aleksander Rewak. 21-30 [doi]
- Speeding Up the Wrapper Feature Subset Selection in Regression by Mutual Information Relevance and Redundancy AnalysisGert Van Dijck, Marc M. Van Hulle. 31-40 [doi]
- Effective Input Variable Selection for Function ApproximationLuis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Michel Verleysen, Alberto Guillén. 41-50 [doi]
- Comparative Investigation on Dimension Reduction and Regression in Three Layer Feed-Forward Neural NetworkLei Shi, Lei Xu. 51-60 [doi]
- On-Line Learning with Structural Adaptation in a Network of Spiking Neurons for Visual Pattern RecognitionSimei Gomes Wysoski, Lubica Benuskova, Nikola Kasabov. 61-70 [doi]
- Learning Long Term Dependencies with Recurrent Neural NetworksAnton Maximilian Schäfer, Steffen Udluft, Hans-Georg Zimmermann. 71-80 [doi]
- Adaptive On-Line Neural Network Retraining for Real Life Multimodal Emotion RecognitionSpiros Ioannou, Loïc Kessous, George Caridakis, Kostas Karpouzis, Vered Aharonson, Stefanos D. Kollias. 81-92 [doi]
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- Framework for the Interactive Learning of Artificial Neural NetworksMatús Uzák, Rudolf Jaksa. 103-112 [doi]
- Analytic Equivalence of Bayes a Posteriori DistributionsTakeshi Matsuda, Sumio Watanabe. 113-121 [doi]
- Neural Network Architecture Selection: Size Depends on Function ComplexityIván Gómez, Leonardo Franco, José Luis Subirats, José M. Jerez. 122-129 [doi]
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- MaxMinOver Regression: A Simple Incremental Approach for Support Vector Function ApproximationDaniel Schneegaß, Kai Labusch, Thomas Martinetz. 150-158 [doi]
- A Variational Formulation for the Multilayer PerceptronRoberto Lopez, Eugenio Oñate. 159-168 [doi]
- Natural Conjugate Gradient Training of Multilayer PerceptronsAna M. González, José R. Dorronsoro. 169-177 [doi]
- Building Ensembles of Neural Networks with Class-SwitchingGonzalo Martínez-Muñoz, Aitor Sánchez-Martínez, Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Alberto Suárez. 178-187 [doi]
- K-SeparabilityWlodzislaw Duch. 188-197 [doi]
- Lazy Training of Radial Basis Neural NetworksJosé María Valls, Inés María Galván, Pedro Isasi. 198-207 [doi]
- Investigation of Topographical Stability of the Concave and Convex Self-Organizing Map VariantFabien Molle, Jens Christian Claussen. 208-215 [doi]
- Alternatives to Parameter Selection for Kernel MethodsAlberto Muñoz, Isaac Martín de Diego, Javier M. Moguerza. 216-225 [doi]
- Faster Learning with Overlapping Neural AssembliesAndrei Kursin, Dusan Húsek, Roman Neruda. 226-233 [doi]
- Improved Storage Capacity of Hebbian Learning Attractor Neural Network with Bump FormationsKostadin Koroutchev, Elka Korutcheva. 234-243 [doi]
- Error Entropy Minimization for LSTM TrainingLuís A. Alexandre, Joaquim Marques de Sá. 244-253 [doi]
- Can AdaBoost.M1 Learn Incrementally? A Comparison to Learn:::++::: Under Different Combination RulesHussein Syed Mohammed, James Leander, Matthew Marbach, Robi Polikar. 254-263 [doi]
- Ensemble Learning with Local DiversityRicardo Ñanculef, Carlos Valle, Héctor Allende, Claudio Moraga. 264-273 [doi]
- A Machine Learning Approach to Define Weights for Linear Combination of ForecastsRicardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir. 274-283 [doi]
- A Game-Theoretic Approach to Weighted Majority Voting for Combining SVM ClassifiersHarris V. Georgiou, Michael E. Mavroforakis, Sergios Theodoridis. 284-292 [doi]
- Improving the Expert Networks of a Modular Multi-Net System for Pattern RecognitionMercedes Fernández-Redondo, Joaquín Torres-Sospedra, Carlos Hernández-Espinosa. 293-302 [doi]
- Evaluating Users Satisfaction in Packet Networks Using Random Neural NetworksGerardo Rubino, Pierre Tirilly, Martín Varela. 303-312 [doi]
- Random Neural Networks for the Adaptive Control of Packet NetworksMichael Gellman, Peixiang Liu. 313-320 [doi]
- Hardware Implementation of Random Neural Networks with Reinforcement LearningTaskin Koçak. 321-329 [doi]
- G-Networks and the Modeling of Adversarial AgentsYu Wang. 330-339 [doi]
- Development of a Neural Net-Based, Personalized Secure Communication LinkDirk Neumann, Rolf Eckmiller, Oliver Baruth. 340-348 [doi]
- Exact Solutions for Recursive Principal Components Analysis of Sequences and TreesAlessandro Sperduti. 349-356 [doi]
- Active Learning with the Probabilistic RBF ClassifierConstantinos Constantinopoulos, Aristidis Likas. 357-366 [doi]
- Merging Echo State and Feedforward Neural Networks for Time Series ForecastingStefan Babinec, Jiri Pospichal. 367-375 [doi]
- Language and Cognition Integration Through Modeling Field Theory: Category Formation for Symbol GroundingVadim Tikhanoff, José F. Fontanari, Angelo Cangelosi, Leonid I. Perlovsky. 376-385 [doi]
- A Methodology for Estimating the Product Life Cycle Cost Using a Hybrid GA and ANN ModelKwang-Kyu Seo. 386-395 [doi]
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Support Video NavigationThomas Bärecke, Ewa Kijak, Andreas Nürnberger, Marcin Detyniecki. 396-405 [doi]
- Self-Organizing Neural Networks for Signal RecognitionJan Koutník, Miroslav Snorek. 406-414 [doi]
- An Unsupervised Learning Rule for Class Discrimination in a Recurrent Neural NetworkJuan Pablo de la Cruz Gutiérrez. 415-424 [doi]
- On the Variants of the Self-Organizing Map That Are Based on Order StatisticsVassiliki Moschou, Dimitrios Ververidis, Constantine Kotropoulos. 425-434 [doi]
- On the Basis Updating Rule of Adaptive-Subspace Self-Organizing Map (ASSOM)Huicheng Zheng, Christophe Laurent, Grégoire Lefebvre. 435-444 [doi]
- Composite Algorithm for Adaptive Mesh Construction Based on Self-Organizing MapsOlga Nechaeva. 445-454 [doi]
- A Parameter in the Learning Rule of SOM That Incorporates Activation FrequencyAntonio Neme, Pedro Miramontes. 455-463 [doi]
- Nonlinear Projection Using Geodesic Distances and the Neural Gas NetworkPablo A. Estévez, Andrés M. Chong, Claudio M. Held, Claudio A. Perez. 464-473 [doi]
- Contextual Learning in the NeurosolverAndrzej Bieszczad, Kasia Bieszczad. 474-484 [doi]
- A Computational Model for the Effect of Dopamine on Action Selection During Stroop TestOzkan Karabacak, N. Serap Sengor. 485-494 [doi]
- A Neural Network Model of Metaphor Understanding with Dynamic Interaction Based on a Statistical Language AnalysisAsuka Terai, Masanori Nakagawa. 495-504 [doi]
- Strong Systematicity in Sentence Processing by an Echo State NetworkStefan L. Frank. 505-514 [doi]
- Modeling Working Memory and Decision Making Using Generic Neural MicrocircuitsPrashant Joshi. 515-524 [doi]
- A Virtual Machine for Neural ComputersJoão Pedro Guerreiro Neto. 525-534 [doi]
- Machine Cognition and the EC Cognitive Systems Projects: Now and in the FutureJohn G. Taylor. 535-542 [doi]
- A Complex Neural Network Model for Memory Functioning in PsychopathologyRoseli S. Wedemann, Luís Alfredo V. de Carvalho, Raul Donangelo. 543-552 [doi]
- Modelling Working Memory Through Attentional MechanismsJohn G. Taylor, Nickolaos F. Fragopanagos, Nienke J. H. Korsten. 553-562 [doi]
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- A Basis for Cognitive MachinesJohn G. Taylor, Stathis Kasderidis, Panos E. Trahanias, Matthew Hartley. 573-582 [doi]
- Neural Model of Dopaminergic Control of Arm Movements in Parkinson s Disease BradykinesiaVassilis Cutsuridis. 583-591 [doi]
- Occlusion, Attention and Object RepresentationsNeill R. Taylor, Christo Panchev, Matthew Hartley, Stathis Kasderidis, John G. Taylor. 592-601 [doi]
- A Forward / Inverse Motor Controller for Cognitive RoboticsVishwanathan Mohan, Pietro Morasso. 602-611 [doi]
- A Computational Model for Multiple GoalsStathis Kasderidis. 612-622 [doi]
- Detection of a Dynamical System Attractor from Spike Train AnalysisYoshiyuki Asai, Takashi Yokoi, Alessandro E. P. Villa. 623-631 [doi]
- Recurrent Neural Networks Are Universal ApproximatorsAnton Maximilian Schäfer, Hans-Georg Zimmermann. 632-640 [doi]
- A Discrete Adaptive Stochastic Neural Model for Constrained OptimizationGiuliano Grossi. 641-650 [doi]
- Quantum Perceptron NetworkRigui Zhou, Ling Qin, Nan Jiang. 651-657 [doi]
- Critical Echo State NetworksMárton Albert Hajnal, András Lörincz. 658-667 [doi]
- Rapid Correspondence Finding in Networks of Cortical ColumnsJörg Lücke, Christoph von der Malsburg. 668-677 [doi]
- Adaptive Thresholds for Layered Neural Networks with Synaptic NoiseDesire Bollé, Rob Heylen. 678-687 [doi]
- Backbone Structure of Hairy MemoryCheng-Yuan Liou. 688-697 [doi]
- Dynamics of Citation NetworksGábor Csárdi. 698-709 [doi]
- Processing of Information in Synchroneously Firing Chains in Networks of NeuronsJens Christian Claussen. 710-717 [doi]
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- Temporal Processing in a Spiking Model of the Visual SystemChristo Panchev. 750-759 [doi]
- Accelerating Event Based Simulation for Multi-synapse Spiking Neural NetworksMichiel D Haene, Benjamin Schrauwen, Dirk Stroobandt. 760-769 [doi]
- A Neurocomputational Model of an Imitation Deficit Following Brain LesionBiljana Petreska, Aude Billard. 770-779 [doi]
- Temporal Data Encoding and SequenceLearning with Spiking Neural NetworksRobert H. Fujii, Kenjyu Oozeki. 780-789 [doi]
- Optimal Tuning of Continual Online Exploration in Reinforcement LearningYoussef Achbany, François Fouss, Luh Yen, Alain Pirotte, Marco Saerens. 790-800 [doi]
- Vague Neural Network Controller and Its ApplicationsYibiao Zhao, Rui Fang, Shun Zhang, Siwei Luo. 801-810 [doi]
- Parallel Distributed Profit Sharing for PC ClusterTakuya Fujishiro, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi. 811-819 [doi]
- Feature Extraction for Decision-Theoretic Planning in Partially Observable EnvironmentsHajime Fujita, Yutaka Nakamura, Shin Ishii. 820-829 [doi]
- Reinforcement Learning with Echo State NetworksIstvan Szita, Viktor Gyenes, András Lörincz. 830-839 [doi]
- Reward Function and Initial Values: Better Choices for Accelerated Goal-Directed Reinforcement LearningLaëtitia Matignon, Guillaume J. Laurent, Nadine Le Fort-Piat. 840-849 [doi]
- Nearly Optimal Exploration-Exploitation Decision ThresholdsChristos Dimitrakakis. 850-859 [doi]
- Dual Adaptive ANN Controllers Based on Wiener Models for Controlling Stable Nonlinear SystemsDaniel Sbarbaro. 860-867 [doi]
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- Morphological Neural Networks and Vision Based Mobile Robot NavigationIvan Villaverde, Manuel Graña, Alicia D Anjou. 878-887 [doi]
- Position Control Based on Static Neural Networks of Anthropomorphic Robotic FingersJuan Ignacio Mulero Martínez, Francisco García-Córdova, Juan López Coronado. 888-897 [doi]
- Learning Multiple Models of Non-linear Dynamics for Control Under Varying ContextsGeorgios Petkos, Marc Toussaint, Sethu Vijayakumar. 898-907 [doi]
- A Study on Optimal Configuration for the Mobile Manipulator: Using Weight Value and MobilityJin-Gu Kang, Kwan-Houng Lee. 908-917 [doi]
- VSC Perspective for Neurocontroller TuningMehmet Önder Efe. 918-927 [doi]
- A Neural Network Module with Pretuning for Search and Reproduction of Input-Output MappingIgor Shepelev. 928-935 [doi]
- Physical Mapping of Spiking Neural Networks Models on a Bio-inspired Scalable ArchitectureJuan Manuel Moreno, Javier Iglesias, Jan Eriksson, Alessandro E. P. Villa. 936-943 [doi]
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- Neuronal Cell Death and Synaptic Pruning Driven by Spike-Timing Dependent PlasticityJavier Iglesias, Alessandro E. P. Villa. 953-962 [doi]
- Effects of Analog-VLSI Hardware on the Performance of the LMS AlgorithmGonzalo Carvajal, Miguel Figueroa, Seth Bridges. 963-973 [doi]
- A Portable Electronic Nose (E-Nose) System Based on PDAYoon Seok Yang, Yong Shin Kim, Seung-chul Ha. 974-982 [doi]
- Optimal Synthesis of Boolean Functions by Threshold FunctionsJosé Luis Subirats, Iván Gómez, José M. Jerez, Leonardo Franco. 983-992 [doi]
- Pareto-optimal Noise and Approximation Properties of RBF NetworksRalf Eickhoff, Ulrich Rückert. 993-1002 [doi]