Abstract is missing.
- A new adaptive parameter estimation structure applicable to ADPCMC. Richard Johnson Jr., James P. Lyons Jr., Chris Heegard. 1-4 [doi]
- Wideband frequency domain adaptive filter moduleAvni Morgül, Peter M. Grant, Colin F. N. Cowan. 5-8 [doi]
- Time-varying spectral estimation using symmetric smoothingMoeness G. Amin, Lloyd J. Griffiths. 9-12 [doi]
- Convergence behavior of the constant modulus algorithmMichael G. Larimore, John R. Treichler. 13-16 [doi]
- IIR algorithms for adaptive line enhancementR. A. David, Samuel D. Stearns, G. R. Elliott, Delores M. Etter. 17-20 [doi]
- Design and realisation of adaptive lattice filtersMalcolm J. Rutter, Peter M. Grant, David S. Renshaw, Peter B. Denyer. 21-24 [doi]
- An adaptive short-term correlator algorithmNasir Ahmed, S. Vijayendra. 25-28 [doi]
- A round-off error analysis of the LMS adaptive algorithmChristos Caraiscos, Bede Liu. 29-32 [doi]
- Fixed-point implementation of adaptive digital filtersEdgar H. Satorius, S. C. Larisch, S. C. Lee, Lloyd J. Griffiths. 33-36 [doi]
- An adaptive nonlinear digital filter with lattice orthogonalizationTai-Ho Koh, Edward J. Powers. 37-40 [doi]
- The filtered error LMS AlgorithmS. Shaffer, C. S. Williams. 41-44 [doi]
- On computational complexity in adaptive digital filtersMaurice G. Bellanger, Cumhur Cengiz Evci. 45-48 [doi]
- A new structure for adaptive echo cancellationS. G. Smith, Colin F. N. Cowan, Malcolm J. Rutter. 49-52 [doi]
- Application of modified least-squares algorithms to adaptive echo cancellationV. Umapathi Reddy, Tie-Jun Shan, Thomas Kailath. 53-56 [doi]
- Application of adaptive noise cancelling in a noisy reverberant environmentE. Andresdottir, Ronald W. Schafer. 57-60 [doi]
- A segment vocoder at 150 b/sSalim E. Roucos, Richard M. Schwartz, John Makhoul. 61-64 [doi]
- Very low data rate speech compression with LPC vector and matrix quantizationDavid Y. Wong, Biing-Hwang Juang, D. Y. Cheng. 65-68 [doi]
- A comparison of methods for 300-400 b/s vocodersRichard M. Schwartz, Salim E. Roucos. 69-72 [doi]
- An 800 bps adaptive vector quantization vocoder using a perceptual distance measureDouglas B. Paul. 73-76 [doi]
- Data rate reduction of gain and pitch parameters in an LPC vocoderAlexander MacLeod Wilgus, Thomas P. Barnwell III. 77-80 [doi]
- Efficient coding of LPC parameters by temporal decompositionBishnu S. Atal. 81-84 [doi]
- Delta coding of LPC parametersPanos Papamichalis, George R. Doddington. 85-88 [doi]
- Improvement of the LPC analysisGeorge S. Kang, Stephanie Everett. 89-92 [doi]
- Cepstral analysis synthesis on the mel frequency scaleSatoshi Imai. 93-96 [doi]
- Design and test of a real-time floating point LPC vocoderNeviano Dal Degan, V. Di Lago. 97-100 [doi]
- Vocoded speech through fading channelsBernard Gold, J. Lynch, Joseph Tierney. 101-103 [doi]
- Two-dimensional linear predictive analysis of arbitrarily-shaped regionsPetros Maragos, Russell M. Mersereau, Ronald W. Schafer. 104-107 [doi]
- Object detection by two-dimensional linear predictionThomas F. Quatieri. 108-111 [doi]
- The converging squares algorithm: An efficient multidimensional peak picking methodLawrence O'Gorman, Arthur C. Sanderson. 112-115 [doi]
- Recovery of gray scaled images from contour processed representationsG. J. Lemay, Jean-Daniel Dessimoz. 116-117 [doi]
- Determining 3-D motion and structure of a rigid body using straight line correspondencesB. L. Yen, Thomas S. Huang. 118-121 [doi]
- Estimating 3-D motion parameters and object surface structures from the image motion of conic arcs, I: Theoretical basisRoger Y. Tsai. 122-125 [doi]
- Fast parallel image processing for robot vision for the purpose of extracting information about objectsRuud M. Bolle, Bruno Cernuschi-Frías, David B. Cooper. 126-127 [doi]
- Reconstruction from projections based on detection and estimation of objectsDavid J. Rossi, Alan S. Willsky. 128-130 [doi]
- The use of a priori information in image reconstruction from limited dataBarry P. Medoff, William R. Brody, Albert Macovski. 131-134 [doi]
- Algorithms and experimental results in acoutistic tomography using Rytov's approximationMehrad Soumekh, Mostafa Kaveh, Rolf K. Mueller. 135-138 [doi]
- Image restoration in CT by the method of projection onto convex setsM. Ibrahim Sezan, Henry Stark. 139-142 [doi]
- Reconstruction algorithms for limited view projection dataConstantinos E. Goutis, M. R. Leahy, S. Drossos. 143-146 [doi]
- Iterative reconstruction of space-limited scenes from noisy frequency-domain measurementsA. A. (Louis) Beex. 147-150 [doi]
- Numerical evaluation of Fourier-Bessel series expansionK. Gopalan, C. S. Chen. 151-154 [doi]
- Number theoretic transform based on ternary arithmeticP. C. Balla, A. Antoniou. 155-158 [doi]
- Longer NTT's with 2 as a root of unityHendrik Holmann, Pierre Duhamel. 159-162 [doi]
- On the structure of efficient DFT algorithmsHoward W. Johnson, C. Sidney Burrus. 163-165 [doi]
- A fast algorithm for solving Toeplitz system of equationsRajendra Kumar. 166-169 [doi]
- Efficient inversion of doubly block Toeplitz matrixMati Wax, Thomas Kailath. 170-173 [doi]
- A fast non-recursive algorithm and a parallel processor architecture for smoothing spline fittingBasile Dimitriadis. 174-177 [doi]
- Fast algorithms for linear prediction and system identification filters with linear phaseS. Lawrence Marple Jr.. 178-181 [doi]
- Efficient computation of the covariance sequence of an autoregressive processBenjamin Friedlander. 182-185 [doi]
- Fast Kalman type algorithms for sequential signal processingGeorge Carayannis, Dimitris Manolakis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis. 186-189 [doi]
- An in-place and in-order WFTARamesh C. Agarwal. 190-193 [doi]
- Constrained Chebyshev approximation for FIR filtersFrancis Grenez. 194-196 [doi]
- Design of FIR filters with flatness constraintsJames F. Kaiser, Kenneth Steiglitz. 197-200 [doi]
- Simultaneous design in both magnitude and group-delay of IIR and FIR filters: Problems and resultsGuido M. Cortelazzo, Michael R. Lightner. 201-204 [doi]
- A new class of narrow transition band digital filtersZhongqi Jing, Adly T. Fam. 205-208 [doi]
- Multiplier-less design of FIR filtersRamesh C. Agarwal, R. Sudhakar. 209-212 [doi]
- On the synthesis of lattice parameter digital filtersYong Ching Lim, Sydney R. Parker. 213-216 [doi]
- Synthesis and fixed-point implementation of pipelined true orthogonal filtersEd F. Deprettere. 217-220 [doi]
- Complex quadrature mirror filtersHenri J. Nussbaumer. 221-223 [doi]
- Design and evaluation of parallel quadrature mirror filters (PQMF)Claude R. Galand, Daniel J. Esteban. 224-227 [doi]
- A novel approach to the design of analysis/Synthesis filter banksVijay K. Jain, Ronald E. Crochiere. 228-231 [doi]
- A least squares approximation design of complex FIR filtersZheng-Sing Huang. 232-234 [doi]
- Iterative algorithms for optimal signal reconstruction and parameter identification given noisy and incomplete dataBruce R. Musicus. 235-238 [doi]
- Maximum likelihood parameter estimation with a min/Max criterionPer Hedelin, Gunnar Hult. 239-242 [doi]
- Stochastic state-space models from empirical dataJ. V. White. 243-246 [doi]
- Identification and estimation algorithms for a Markov chain plus AR processSueo Sugimoto, Ikuo Ishizuka. 247-250 [doi]
- An improvement of non-stationarity detection by level-crossing analysis of linear prediction errorFrancis Castanie, P. Soule. 251-253 [doi]
- The composite pseudo Wigner distribution (CPWD): A computable and versatile approximation to the Wigner distribution (WD)Lowell Jacobson, Harry Wechsler. 254-256 [doi]
- Systems modeling by digital signal processingCheryl Richmond, Vijay K. Jain. 257-260 [doi]
- Evolutionary spectral density models for random processes having a frequency modulated structureJoe K. Hammond, Y. H. Tsao, R. F. Harrison. 261-264 [doi]
- Non-stationary AR model identification by batch estimationG. Martinelli. 265-267 [doi]
- Estimation of non-stationary moving-average modelsYves Grenier. 268-271 [doi]
- Time series modeling via general linear estimation theoryJames A. Cadzow, Thomas P. Bronez. 272-275 [doi]
- One approach to simulation of modulated signalsM. N. Shanmukha Swamy, Eugene I. Plotkin, Leonid M. Roytman, A. M. Zayezdny. 276-279 [doi]
- Application of a cepstral distance measure in evoked potential processingH. Rauner, Ulrich Appel, Werner Wolf. 280-283 [doi]
- An efficient on-line load-modeling algorithm for short-term forecasting of interconnected power systemsHossny El-Sherief, Youssef Lotfy Abdel-Magid. 284-287 [doi]
- Experiments in connected word recognitionHermann Ney. 288-291 [doi]
- Some dimensionality reduction studies in continuous speech recognitionSubrata K. Das. 292-295 [doi]
- A connected spoken word recognition method by O(n) dynamic programming pattern matching algorithmSei-Ichi Nakagawa. 296-299 [doi]
- Secondary testing techniques for word recognition in continuous speechDean P. McCullough. 300-303 [doi]
- The Erlangen system for understanding continuous German speechAstrid Brietzmann, Hans-Werner Hein, Heinrich Niemann, Peter Regel. 304-307 [doi]
- A Chinese speech recognition systemNanning Zheng, Guorong Xuan. 308-311 [doi]
- Connected-word recognition system using speaker-independent phonetic featuresPatrick Fonsale. 312-315 [doi]
- Phonetic feature hypothesization in continuous speechRenato de Mori, Attilio Giordana, Pietro Laface. 316-319 [doi]
- Segmentation-free syllable recognition in continuously spoken JapaneseT. Watanabe. 320-323 [doi]
- Considerations on articulatory dynamics for continuous speech recognitionKatsuhiko Shirai, Tetsunori Kobayashi. 324-327 [doi]
- A generalized approach to high-resolution array processingJames M. Kates. 328-331 [doi]
- Eigensystem properties of the sampled space correlation matrixGeorges Bienvenu. 332-335 [doi]
- Improving the resolution performance of eigenstructure-based direction-finding algorithmsArthur Jay Barabell. 336-339 [doi]
- Modal decomposition signal subspace algorithmsGuaning Su, Martin Morf. 340-343 [doi]
- Capability of array processing algorithms to estimate source bearingsStuart R. De Graaf, Don H. Johnson. 344-347 [doi]
- A triangular adaptive lattice filter for spatial signal processingKen C. Sharman, Tariq S. Durrani. 348-351 [doi]
- Analysis and synthesis of general planar interferometer arraysNeil J. Malloy. 352-355 [doi]
- An escalator structure for adaptive beamformingBharat B. Madan, C. V. Kuriyan. 356-358 [doi]
- Evaluation of an orthogonal beamforming procedure using real dataH. Schneider. 359-362 [doi]
- Signal separation theory by using adaptive arrayQi-Hu Li. 363-366 [doi]
- Digital extrapolation beamformingHong Fan, Ezz I. El-Masry, W. Kenneth Jenkins. 367-370 [doi]
- Localization with arrays subject to sensor motionPeter M. Schultheiss, Ashok Erramilli. 371-374 [doi]
- Noise normalization of broadband sonar data in bearing spaceR. S. Walker, A. T. Ashley, P. F. Kavanagh. 375-378 [doi]
- Design of FIR two-dimensional digital filters by successive projectionAhmed Abo-Taleb, Moustafa M. Fahmy. 379-382 [doi]
- Optimal design of two-dimensioal FIR-filtersDieter Fritsch. 383-386 [doi]
- Equiripple two-dimensional interpolation filtersRobert A. Gabel. 387-390 [doi]
- Methods for image interpolation through FIR filter design techniquesGilberto Câmara, Nelson D. A. Mascarenhas. 391-394 [doi]
- Design of low sensitive 2-D analog and recursive digital filters with prescribed magnitude and group delay specificationsM. Omair Ahmad, Majid Ahmadi, Venkat Ramachandran. 395-398 [doi]
- A new method for the design of 2-dimensional stable recursive digital filters satisfying prescribed magnitude and group delay responseMajid Ahmadi, S. Golikeri, Venkat Ramachandran. 399-402 [doi]
- 2-D non-causal systems: State space modeling for half-plane supportA. C. Hsueh, Jerry M. Mendel, Bijan Lashgari. 403-406 [doi]
- Image convergence under two dimensional separable median filteringT. A. Nodes, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.. 407-410 [doi]
- Some generalizations of median filtersYong H. Lee, Saleem A. Kassam. 411-414 [doi]
- 2-D state-space realizations with fewer multipliers and invariant normsT. T. Aboulnasr, Moustafa M. Fahmy. 415-418 [doi]
- Sectioning implementation of two-dimensional symmetric half-plane filtersJu-Hong Lee, John M. Woods. 419-422 [doi]
- A class of data-flow architectures for speech recognitionRoberto Bisiani. 423-426 [doi]
- Architecture and programming of a multirate digital filterNicholas Roethe. 427-430 [doi]
- MUSEC, a powerful network of signal microprocessorsM. J. Knudsen. 431-434 [doi]
- Architecture and instruction set of a programmable LSI digital filterS. N. Terepin, Paul Loewenstein. 435-438 [doi]
- A distributed signal processor incorporating VLSI and high order language programmingGordon L. DeMuth. 439-442 [doi]
- Efficient FIR filter implementation using microprocessorYong Ching Lim, Sydney R. Parker. 443-446 [doi]
- Enhancing microcomputer for high-speed vector processingZ. Orbach. 447-450 [doi]
- Algorithm and a new processor architecture for computing the DFTB. Arambepola. 451-454 [doi]
- Modular architectures for adaptive multichannel lattice algorithmsHanoch Lev-Ari. 455-458 [doi]
- A reconfigurable signal processor for high throughput applicationsR. H. Jackson, H. M. South. 459-461 [doi]
- A multichannel input subsystemR. A. Benson. 462-465 [doi]
- An adaptive echo canceller using digital signal processor LSI chipsKazunori Ozawa, Takashi Araseki, Yasuo Itoh. 466-469 [doi]
- Parallel processing for computationally intensive speech analysis operationsThomas A. Rice, Leah J. Siegel. 471-474 [doi]
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- Real time implementation of a speech coding algorithm using time-domain harmonic scaling and adaptive residual codingArvind Arora, James L. Melsa, James D. Mills. 479-482 [doi]
- The APS-II processor for speech recognitionLarry P. Lewis, Zwie Amitai, Harvey F. Silverman. 483-486 [doi]
- Implementation of various LPC algorithms using commercial digital signal processorsAlfred Kaltenmeier. 487-490 [doi]
- On the Wigner distributionDavid Chester, Fred J. Taylor, Mike Doyle. 491-494 [doi]
- Architecture and application of a commercially available speech recognition boardChi-Foon Chan, Marcian E. Hoff Jr., Peter Nevard, Meemong Lee. 495-498 [doi]
- A combination speech synthesis and recognition integrated circuitTerry Montlick, David Vetter, Klaus Skoge, Paul Ahrens. 499-502 [doi]
- A microprocessor for speech recognitionHisao Ishizuka, Masao Watari, Hiroaki Sakoe, Seibi Chiba, Toshiki Iwata, Tomoko Matsuki, Yuichi Kawakami. 503-506 [doi]
- Systolic arrays for dynamic programming in speech recognition systemsJ. MacAllister. 507-510 [doi]
- A custom IC for automatic gain control in LPC vocodersJoel A. Feldman, Edward J. Beauchemin. 511-514 [doi]
- Design of LSI speech spectrum analyzer using switched capacitor filter techniquesKenji Nakayama, Yutaka Ishikawa, Yoshiaki Kuraishi. 515-518 [doi]
- Comparison of high speed hardware and software implementation approaches for a multichannel PCM-Delta converterI. Versvik, O. Berg. 519-522 [doi]
- Speech recognition and noiseAnn Rollins, Jennifer Wiesen. 523-526 [doi]
- Speech recognition performance assessments and available databasesJanet M. Baker, David S. Pallett, John S. Bridle. 527-530 [doi]
- The effects of five voice characteristics on LPC qualityMargaret Kahn, Peter Garst. 531-534 [doi]
- Perceptual evaluation of synthetic speech: Some considerations of the user/System interfaceDavid B. Pisoni, Howard C. Nusbaum, Paul A. Luce, Eileen C. Schwab. 535-538 [doi]
- An algorithm for designing optimum quantizers subject to a multiclass distortion criterionJoel Crosmer, Thomas P. Barnwell III. 539-542 [doi]
- Objective speech quality evaluation of mediumband and narrowband real-time speech codersV. Viswanathan, William Russell, A. W. F. Huggins. 543-546 [doi]
- The estimation and evaluation of pointwise nonlinearities for improving the performance of objective speech quality measuresSchuyler R. Quackenbush, Thomas P. Barnwell III. 547-550 [doi]
- Further investigation of probabilistic methods for text-independent speaker identificationJared J. Wolf, Michael A. Krasner, K. Karnofsky, Richard M. Schwartz, Salim E. Roucos. 551-554 [doi]
- An approach to text-independent speaker recognition with short utterancesK. P. Li, Edwin H. Wrench Jr.. 555-558 [doi]
- A comparison of distance measures for text-independent speaker identificationMalayappan Shridhar, N. Mohankrishnan, Maher A. Sid-Ahmed. 559-562 [doi]
- Further experiments in text-independent speaker recognition over communications channelsMelvyn J. Hunt. 563-566 [doi]
- An ARMA modeling method for estimation of coherence and time delayY. T. Chan, R. K. Miskowicz. 567-570 [doi]
- Autoregressive detection by generalized Burg algorithmStanislav Kesler. 571-574 [doi]
- Improved detection and tracking of dynamic signals by Bayes-Markov techniquesAmin G. Jaffer, Ryan L. Stoutenborough, William B. Green. 575-578 [doi]
- ORing loss model for implementation in signal processing systems for data displayWilliam A. Struzinski. 579-582 [doi]
- Broadband correlation processingG. W. Johnson, D. E. Ohlms, M. L. Hampton. 583-586 [doi]
- Detection performance of the parametric correlatorD. M. Klamer, J. A. Presley. 587-590 [doi]
- Maximin sonar system design for detectionKenneth S. Vastola, John S. Farnbach, Stuart C. Schwartz. 591-594 [doi]
- Performance bounds for SNR enhancement of narrowband signals in surface reverberationFrank W. Symons Jr.. 595-598 [doi]
- Application of adaptive linear predictor structures to the prewhitening of acoustic reverberation dataWilliam S. Hodgkiss, D. Alexandrou. 599-602 [doi]
- MAP detection and ML estimation of signals overlapping in time and frequency for both Gaussian and Laplacian noiseAndreas Gerber, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo. 603-606 [doi]
- Detection of non-Gaussian signals by frequency domain Kurtosis estimationRoger F. Dwyer. 607-610 [doi]
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- Roundoff noise in error-feedback state-space filtersMarkku Renfors. 619-622 [doi]
- A modular and orthogonal digital filter structure for parallel processingDenis Henrot, Clifford T. Mullis. 623-626 [doi]
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- FFT-accuracy - new insights and a new point-of-viewUlrich Heute, Hans Wilhelm Schüßler. 631-634 [doi]
- Self-sustained stable oscillations of second order recursive algorithmsIiro Hartimo. 635-638 [doi]
- Noniterative techniques for minimum phase signal reconstruction from phase or magnitudeB. Yegnanarayana, A. Dhayalan. 639-642 [doi]
- The initial estimate in constrained iterative restorationH. Joel Trussell, M. Reha Civanlar. 643-646 [doi]
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- A positive optimal deconvolution procedureGérard Thomas. 651-654 [doi]
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- Convergence analysis of LMS and NLMS adaptive algorithmsT. C. Hsia. 667-670 [doi]
- Tracking characteristics of the Kalman filter in a nonstationary environment for adaptive filter applicationsQitu Zhang, Simon Haykin. 671-674 [doi]
- A new derivation for fast recursive least squares and Levinson algorithms by the conjugate direction methodArye Nehorai, Martin Morf. 675-678 [doi]
- Fast, fixed-order, least-squares algorithms for adaptive filteringJohn M. Cioffi, Thomas Kailath. 679-682 [doi]
- A new stable feedback ladder algorithm for the identification of moving average processesCarlos H. Muravchik, Martin Morf. 683-686 [doi]
- Time-domain estimation of unambiguous Doppler frequency in low and medium PRF radarsN. Sridhar Reddy, M. N. Shanmukha Swamy. 687-690 [doi]
- A fast and accurate method for estimating target DopplerTheagenis J. Abatzoglou. 691-694 [doi]
- Evaluation of angle of arrival estimators using real multipath dataSimon Haykin, Jelisaveta Kesler, John Litva. 695-698 [doi]
- Random phase tracking of non-uniformly sampled signalsS. V. Varanasi, S. C. Gupta. 699-702 [doi]
- Signal detection performance of lattice processorsTariq S. Durrani, Avedis S. Arslanian. 703-706 [doi]
- Some new approaches for the implementation of optimum MTI filtersK. V. S. AnandBabu, S. Prasad. 707-710 [doi]
- A new approach to scan to scan correlation and its implementationV. Nagarajan, V. Hanuma Sai, G. K. Chaturvedi. 711-714 [doi]
- A speaker independent word recognition based on transient matchingMasao Watari, Makoto Akabane, Yoichiro Sako. 715-718 [doi]
- Syntactic pattern recognition of discrete utterancesEdward C. Bronson. 719-722 [doi]
- Isolated word recognition using phoneme-like templatesNoboru Sugamura, Kiyohiro Shikano, Sadaoki Furui. 723-726 [doi]
- Speaker independent isolated word automatic speech recognition using computer generated phonemesH. S. Hinton, Leah J. Siegel. 727-730 [doi]
- Feature-based speaker-independent recognition of isolated english lettersRonald A. Cole, R. M. Stern, Michael S. Phillips, Scott M. Brill, Andrew P. Pilant, Philippe Specker. 731-733 [doi]
- Dynamic speaker adaptation for isolated letter recognition using MAP estimationRichard M. Stern, Moshe J. Lasry. 734-737 [doi]
- Recognition of consonant based on the perceptron modelShozo Makino, Takeshi Kawabata, Ken'iti Kido. 738-741 [doi]
- Selecting acoustic features for stop consonant identificationMarcia A. Bush, Gary E. Kopec, Victor W. Zue. 742-745 [doi]
- A speech spectrogram expertJ. Johannsen, J. MacAllister, T. Michalek, S. Ross. 746-749 [doi]
- An adaptive feature extraction expertMatthew Yuschik. 750-752 [doi]
- Microcomputer implementable low cost speaker-independent word recognitionPeriagaram K. Rajasekaran, George R. Doddington. 753-756 [doi]
- Vocabulary selection for high performance speech recognitionYeunung Chen. 757-760 [doi]
- Bayesian adaptation in speech recognitionPeter F. Brown, Chin-Hui Lee, James C. Spohrer. 761-764 [doi]
- A comparison of three feature vector clustering procedures in a speech recognition paradigmLes T. Niles, Harvey F. Silverman, N. Rex Dixon. 765-768 [doi]
- Automatic prediction of linear frequency warp for speech recognitionR. J. Golibersuch. 769-772 [doi]
- An investigation of spectral match statistics using a phonemically marked data baseC. A. Olano. 773-776 [doi]
- Analysis and synthesis of speech based on spectral transform linear predictive methodHynek Hermansky, Hiroya Fujisaki, Yasuo Sato. 777-780 [doi]
- Optimizing LPC filter parameters for multi-pulse excitationSharad Singhal, Bishnu S. Atal. 781-784 [doi]
- Effect of a time-weighted error criterion on recursive estimation of speech parametersG. A. Mack, Vijay K. Jain. 785-788 [doi]
- On the role of the partial trigonometric moment problem in AR speech modellingPhilippe Delsarte, Yves V. Genin, Yves G. Kamp, Paul Van Dooren. 789-792 [doi]
- Stable modelling of a continuous covariance function with application to continuous speechIng Widya, Patrick M. Dewilde. 793-796 [doi]
- The phase-only version of the LPC residual in speech codingEvangelos E. Milios, Alan V. Oppenheim. 797-799 [doi]
- Algorithms for signal reconstruction from short-time Fourier transform magnitudeS. Hamid Nawab, Thomas F. Quatieri, Jae S. Lim. 800-803 [doi]
- Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transformDaniel W. Griffin, Jae S. Lim. 804-807 [doi]
- Finite impulse response (FIR) filters for speech analysis and synthesisStephen A. Zahorian, Paul E. Gordy. 808-811 [doi]
- Some comments on the design and implementation of FIR filterbanks for speech recognitionJay T. Rubinstein, Harvey F. Silverman. 812-815 [doi]
- ZIP: A dynamic programming algorithm for time-aligning two indefinitely long utterancesRichard M. Chamberlain, John S. Bridle. 816-819 [doi]
- Image restoration based on an anisotropic noncausal stochastic modelYasuo Yoshida, Hisanao Ogura. 820-823 [doi]
- Noncausal modeling and restoration of noisy imagesF. B. Hoogterp, Nan K. Loh. 824-827 [doi]
- Image restoration using order-constrained least-squares methodsAlan C. Bovik, Thomas S. Huang, David C. Munson Jr.. 828-831 [doi]
- A multiple model algorithm for the adaptive restoration of imagesA. Murat Tekalp, John W. Woods, Howard Kaufman. 832-835 [doi]
- Image enhancement using the median and the interquartile distanceIrwin Scollar, Thomas S. Huang, Bernd Weidner. 836-839 [doi]
- A hybrid technique to restore the Fourier phase and magnitude spectra of noisy linearly degraded imagesRobert A. King, A. J. Singarajah, A. S. Kwabwe. 840-843 [doi]
- New interpretations for the MLM and DASE spectral estimatorsThomas L. Marzetta, Stephen W. Lang. 844-846 [doi]
- A linear programming approach to bounding spectral powerStephen W. Lang, Thomas L. Marzetta. 847-850 [doi]
- Improved maximum likelihood method for two-dimensional spectral estimationJae S. Lim, Farid U. Dowla. 851-854 [doi]
- Two-dimensional spectral estimation using spatial autoregressive modelsRama Chellappa, Govind Sharma 0002. 855-858 [doi]
- A new class of high-resolution and robust multi-dimensional spectral estimation algorithmsChrysostomos L. Nikias, Mysore R. Raghuveer. 859-862 [doi]
- Eigenfilter methods for 2D spectral estimationTariq S. Durrani, Roy Chapman. 863-866 [doi]
- Deterministic estimation of two-dimensional signalsSergio D. Cabrera, Thomas W. Parks. 867-870 [doi]
- On time delay estimation involving received signalsC. Y. Wu, Allan E. Pearson. 871-874 [doi]
- Comparison of the Ziv-Zakai lower bound on time delay estimation with correlator performanceJ. P. Ianniello, Ehud Weinstein, Anthony J. Weiss. 875-878 [doi]
- Accuracy of linearized performance predictions for wavefront curvature ranging systemsRobert M. Zeskind, Kenneth B. Theriault, Peter Moss. 879-882 [doi]
- Comparison of two adaptive methods for time delay estimationDae Hee Youn, Nasir Ahmed. 883-886 [doi]
- A parametric technique for estimation of delay and DopplerBenjamin Friedlander. 887-890 [doi]
- Covariance eigenstructure approach to 2-D harmonic retrievelMati Wax, Tie-Jun Shan, Thomas Kailath. 891-894 [doi]
- Optimal delay estimation in a multiple sensor array having spatially correlated noiseR. Lynn Kirlin. 895-898 [doi]
- Improved time delay estimation in the presence of interferenceWolfgang K. Fischer, Lawrence C. Ng. 899-902 [doi]
- Comparison of error detectors for time delay trackingH. F. Jarvis Jr., Lawrence C. Ng. 903-906 [doi]
- Modified polar coordinates for ranging from Doppler and bearing measurementsG. W. Johnson, A. O. Cohen, D. E. Ohlms, C. W. Shier. 907-910 [doi]
- The use of linear constraints to reduce the variance of time of arrival difference estimates for source locationP. A. Yansouni, Robert J. Inkol. 911-914 [doi]
- An effective implementation of a time delay estimator for source locationK. Moreland, Robert J. Inkol. 915-918 [doi]
- A comparison of two SAR processing architectures for VLSI implementationBenjamin Friedlander, John Newkirk. 919-922 [doi]
- A VLSI architecture for digital filters using complex number-theoretic transformsIrving S. Reed, C.-S. Yeh, Trieu-Kien Truong. 923-926 [doi]
- VLSI implementation of rotations in pseudo-Euclidean spacesJean-Marc Delosme. 927-930 [doi]
- VLSI bit-sequential architectures for digital signal processingNoel R. Strader II. 931-934 [doi]
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