Abstract is missing.
- Incorporating spatio-temporal mid-level features in a region segmentation algorithm for video sequencesIván González-Díaz, Kevin McGuinness, Tomasz Adamek, Noel E. O Connor, Fernando Díaz-de-María. 1-4 [doi]
- Spatiotemporal modeling and matching of video shotsEric Galmar, Benoit Huet. 5-8 [doi]
- Crowd behaviours analysis in dynamic visual scenes of complex environmentLi-Qun Xu, Arasanathan Anjulan. 9-12 [doi]
- A probabilistic model for flood detection in video sequencesPaulo Vinicius Koerich Borges, Joceli Mayer, Ebroul Izquierdo. 13-16 [doi]
- A ground truth for motion-based video-object segmentationFabricio Tiburzi, Marcos Escudero, Jesús Bescós, Jose M. Martinez. 17-20 [doi]
- Combined nonlinear inverse diffusion filter and triangle method used for noise removal from polygonal shapesVesna Zeljkovic, Claude Tameze, Robert B. Vincelette. 21-24 [doi]
- The sparse image representation for automated image retrievalPavel Praks, Radek Kucera, Ebroul Izquierdo. 25-28 [doi]
- A collaborative approach to automatic rushes video summarizationWerner Bailer, Emilie Dumont, Slim Essid, Bernard Mérialdo. 29-32 [doi]
- Dynamic organization of audiovisual database using a user-defined similarity measure based on low-level featuresJeremy Philippeau, Julien Pinquier, Philippe Joly, Jean Carrive. 33-36 [doi]
- Eye detection based on the polynomial Hermite expansionL. Capodiferro, Elio D. Di Claudio, Giovanni Jacovitti, F. Mangiatordi. 37-40 [doi]
- Estimation and representation of accumulated motion characteristics for semantic event detectionGeorgios Th. Papadopoulos, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Michael G. Strintzis. 41-44 [doi]
- Gradual transition detection using color coherence and other criteria in a video shot meta-segmentation frameworkEfthymia Tsamoura, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris. 45-48 [doi]
- Describing low-level image features using the COMM ontologyMiroslav Vacura, Vojtech Svátek, Carsten Saathoff, Thomas Franz, Raphaël Troncy. 49-52 [doi]
- Using region semantics and visual context for scene classificationEvaggelos Spyrou, Phivos Mylonas, Yannis S. Avrithis. 53-56 [doi]
- Identifying and retrieving distress images from road pavement surveysHenrique Oliveira, Paulo Lobato Correia. 57-60 [doi]
- HD motion estimation in a wavelet pyramid in JPEG2000 contextC. Morand, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-Philippe Domenger. 61-64 [doi]
- On the role of structure in part-based object detectionGiuseppe Passino, Ioannis Patras, Ebroul Izquierdo. 65-68 [doi]
- Fast dialogue indexing based on structure informationSergio Benini, Pierangelo Migliorati, Riccardo Leonardi. 69-72 [doi]
- Video scene detection using dominant setsUfuk Sakarya, Ziya Telatar. 73-76 [doi]
- Using a game to evaluate image retrieval, organization, and annotationLiam M. Mayron, Oge Marques. 77-80 [doi]
- Image retrieval and Web 2.0 - where can we go from here?Christian Bauckhage, Tansu Alpcan, Robert Wetzker, Winfried Umbrath. 81-84 [doi]
- Mean shift clustering for personal photo album organizationEdoardo Ardizzone, Marco La Cascia, Filippo Vella. 85-88 [doi]
- Web video retrieval based on the Earth Mover s Distance by integrating color, motion and soundKeisuke Takada, Keiji Yanai. 89-92 [doi]
- A multimodal approach to music transcriptionMarco Paleari, Benoit Huet, Antony Schutz, Dirk T. M. Slock. 93-96 [doi]
- Multidimensional image value assessment and rating for automated albuming and retrievalAlexander C. Loui, Mark D. Wood, Anthony Scalise, John Birkelund. 97-100 [doi]
- Emotional valence categorization using holistic image featuresVictoria Yanulevskaya, Jan van Gemert, Katharina Roth, Ann-Katrin Herbold, N. Sebe, Jan-Mark Geusebroek. 101-104 [doi]
- Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: An expositionRitendra Datta, Jia Li, James Ze Wang. 105-108 [doi]
- Analysis of human attractiveness using manifold kernel regressionBradley C. Davis, Svetlana Lazebnik. 109-112 [doi]
- An analysis of the relationship between painters based on their workMarco Bressan, Claudio Cifarelli, Florent Perronnin. 113-116 [doi]
- A survey on emotional semantic image retrievalWeining Wang, Qianhua He. 117-120 [doi]
- Image harmony for consumer imagesElena A. Fedorovskaya, Carman Neustaedter, Wei Hao. 121-124 [doi]
- Intra prediction using template matching with adaptive illumination compensationYunfei Zheng, Peng Yin, Òscar Divorra Escoda, Xin Li, Cristina Gomila. 125-128 [doi]
- Image compression with Generalized Lifting and partial knowledge of the signal pdfJulio C. Rolon, Philippe Salembier, Xavier Alameda. 129-132 [doi]
- Image compression using high order wedgelets in a generalized quad-treeAzar Rahimi, Ashraf A. Kassim. 133-136 [doi]
- Intra prediction versuswavelets and lapped transforms in an H.264/AVC coderRafael G. de Oliveira, Ricardo L. de Queiroz. 137-140 [doi]
- Multiscale recurrent pattern image coding with a flexible partition schemeNelson C. Francisco, Nuno M. M. Rodrigues, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Murilo B. de Carvalho, Sérgio M. M. de Faria, Vítor Manuel Mendes da Silva, Manuel J. C. S. Reis. 141-144 [doi]
- Direction-adaptive partitioned block transform for image codingChuo-Ling Chang, Bernd Girod. 145-148 [doi]
- Sparse orthonormal transforms for image compressionOsman Gokhan Sezer, Oztan Harmanci, Onur G. Guleryuz. 149-152 [doi]
- Modulo-PCM based encoding for high speed video camerasJosep Prades-Nebot, Antoni Roca, Edward J. Delp. 153-156 [doi]
- Rank correlation as illumination invariant descriptor for color object recognitionDamien Muselet, Alain Trémeau. 157-160 [doi]
- Cross-domain learning methods for high-level visual concept classificationWei Jiang, Eric Zavesky, Shih-Fu Chang, Alexander C. Loui. 161-164 [doi]
- Wavelet-based color texture retrieval using the independent component color spaceYe Mei, Dimitrios Androutsos. 165-168 [doi]
- Multiscale colour texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between multivariate generalized Gaussian modelsGeert Verdoolaege, Steve De Backer, Paul Scheunders. 169-172 [doi]
- Inequivalent manifold ranking for content-based image retrievalFan Wang, Guihua Er, Qionghai Dai. 173-176 [doi]
- Robust multi-dimensional Null Space representation for image retrieval and classificationXu Chen, Dan Schonfeld, Ashfaq A. Khokhar. 177-180 [doi]
- Fast adaptive Mahalanobis distance-based search and retrieval in image databasesSharadh Ramaswamy, Kenneth Rose. 181-184 [doi]
- Salient region detection and feature extraction in 3D visual dataMing Dong, Yanhua Chen. 185-188 [doi]
- Using solar shadow trajectories for camera calibrationImran N. Junejo, Hassan Foroosh. 189-192 [doi]
- Using point correspondences without projective deformation for multi-view stereo reconstructionAdrien Auclair, Nicole Vincent, Laurent D. Cohen. 193-196 [doi]
- Globally optimal solution to exploit rigidity when recovering structure from motion under occlusionPedro M. Q. Aguiar, João M. F. Xavier, Marko Stosic. 197-200 [doi]
- A new symmetric shape from shading algorithm with an application to 3-D face reconstructionAbdelrehim H. Ahmed, Aly A. Farag, Thomas Starr. 201-204 [doi]
- 3D reconstruction with uncalibrated cameras using the six-line conic varietyPablo Carballeira, José Ignacio Ronda, Antonio Valdés. 205-208 [doi]
- Multiple image disparity correction for 3-D scene representationMatthew Grum, Adrian G. Bors. 209-212 [doi]
- Shape from inconsistent silhouette for free viewpoint videoJosé Luis Landabaso, Leonardo Lizcano, Montse Pardàs. 213-216 [doi]
- Rate-efficient visual correspondences using random projectionsChuohao Yeo, Parvez Ahammad, Kannan Ramchandran. 217-220 [doi]
- Compressed sensing for multi-view tracking and 3-D voxel reconstructionDikpal Reddy, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Volkan Cevher, Rama Chellappa. 221-224 [doi]
- Robust motion detection by fusion of 6D feature space decompositionsStephen Reilly, Fatih Kurugollu, Paul Miller. 225-228 [doi]
- Motion detection with an unstable cameraPierre-Marc Jodoin, Janusz Konrad, Venkatesh Saligrama, Vincent Veilleux-Gaboury. 229-232 [doi]
- Linear ego-motion recovery algorithm based on quasi-parallaxChuanxin Hu, Loong Fah Cheong. 233-236 [doi]
- Multiple cue adaptive tracking of deformable objects with Particle FilterAlessio Dore, Andrea Beoldo, Carlo S. Regazzoni. 237-240 [doi]
- Tracking through changes in scaleShawn Lankton, James Malcolm, Arie Nakhmani, Allen Tannenbaum. 241-244 [doi]
- EKF pose estimation: How many filters and cameras to use?Mohammad Ehab Ragab, Kin-hong Wong, Jun Zhou Chen, Michael Ming-Yuen Chang. 245-248 [doi]
- MPEG4 performance-driven avatar via robust facial motion trackingHao Tang, Thomas S. Huang. 249-252 [doi]
- Feature-level fusion of palmprint and palm vein for person identification based on a Junction Point representationJian-Gang Wang, Wei-Yun Yau, Andy Suwandy. 253-256 [doi]
- Comparison of eyelid and eyelash detection algorithms for performance improvement of iris recognitionTae-Hong Min, Rae-Hong Park. 257-260 [doi]
- Enhanced usability of iris recognition via efficient user interface and iris image restorationZhaofeng He, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Xianchao Qiu. 261-264 [doi]
- Robust eyelid, eyelash and shadow localization for iris recognitionZhaofeng He, Tieniu Tan, Zhenan Sun, Xianchao Qiu. 265-268 [doi]
- A new class of image registration for guaranteeing secure data managementIzumi Ito, Hitoshi Kiya. 269-272 [doi]
- Randomized Radon Signature for face biometric verificationMohammad A. Dabbah, Satnam Singh Dlay, Wai Lok Woo. 273-276 [doi]
- Iris recognition performance enhancement using weighted majority votingSheikh Ziauddin, Matthew N. Dailey. 277-280 [doi]
- Multispectral palm image fusion for accurate contact-free palmprint recognitionYing Hao, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Chao Ren. 281-284 [doi]
- Palmprint image synthesis: A preliminary studyZhuoshi Wei, Yufei Han, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan. 285-288 [doi]
- Ear recognition using a new local matching approachYimo Guo, Zhengguang Xu. 289-292 [doi]
- Reducing ambiguity in feature point matching by preserving local geometric consistencyOuk Choi, In-So Kweon. 293-296 [doi]
- Homography-based plane identification and matchingAmirhasan Amintabar, Boubakeur Boufama. 297-300 [doi]
- Efficient BP stereo with automatic paramemeter estimationShafik Huq, Andreas Koschan, Besma R. Abidi, Mongi A. Abidi. 301-304 [doi]
- A robot-based 3D body scanning system using passive stereo visionKazuyuki Miyazawa, Takafumi Aoki. 305-308 [doi]
- Mirror-adapted matching of catadioptric imagesSamia Ainouz, Olivier Morel, Nicolas Walter, David Fofi. 309-312 [doi]
- Scalable stereo matching with Locally Adaptive Polygon ApproximationKe Zhang, Jiangbo Lu, Gauthier Lafruit. 313-316 [doi]
- Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure based on planes parallelismStefano Tebaldini, Marco Marcon, Augusto Sarti, Stefano Tubaro. 317-320 [doi]
- Super-resolution of video using key frames and motion estimationFernanda Brandi, Ricardo L. de Queiroz, Debargha Mukherjee. 321-324 [doi]
- Consistent and regularized magnification of imagesAurélien Bourquard, Philippe Thévenaz, Katarina Balac, Michael Unser. 325-328 [doi]
- A single image based blind super-resolution approachWei Zhang, Wai-kuen Cham. 329-332 [doi]
- Universal HMT based super resolution for remote sensing imagesFeng Li, Xiuping Jia, Donald Fraser. 333-336 [doi]
- Using bounded-influence M-estimators in multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction: A comparative studyNoha A. El-Yamany, Panos Papamichalis. 337-340 [doi]
- Toeplitz-based iterative image fusion scheme for MRIKrzysztof Malczewski, Ryszard Stasinski. 341-344 [doi]
- Super-resolution mosaicking of UAV surveillance videoYi Wang, Ronald Fevig, Richard R. Schultz. 345-348 [doi]
- Fast video super-resolution via classificationKaren Simonyan, Sergey Grishin, Dmitriy Vatolin, Dmitriy Popov. 349-352 [doi]
- Face hallucination using OLPP and Kernel Ridge RegressionB. G. Vijay Kumar, Rangarajan Aravind. 353-356 [doi]
- Three-tiered network model for image hallucinationLin Ma, Yonghua Zhang, Yan Lu, Feng Wu, Debin Zhao. 357-360 [doi]
- Prediction of preferred ClearType filters using the S-CIELAB metricJiajing Xu, Joyce E. Farrell, Tanya Matskewich, Brian A. Wandell. 361-364 [doi]
- Impact of subjective dataset on the performance of image quality metricsSylvain Tourancheau, Florent Autrusseau, Parvez Z. M. Sazzad, Yuukou Horita. 365-368 [doi]
- A no-reference perceptual image sharpness metric based on saliency-weighted foveal poolingNabil G. Sadaka, Lina J. Karam, Rony Ferzli, Glen P. Abousleman. 369-372 [doi]
- Pareto optimalweighting of structural impairments for wireless imaging quality assessmentUlrich Engelke, Hans-Jürgen Zepernick. 373-376 [doi]
- Discrete wavelet transform-based structural similarity for image quality assessmentChun-Ling Yang, Wen-Rui Gao, Lai-Man Po. 377-380 [doi]
- A psychovisual image Quality Metric based on multi-scale Structure SimilarityMin Zhang, Xuanqin Mou. 381-384 [doi]
- NR objective continuous video quality assessment model based on frame quality measureYoshikazu Kawayoke, Yuukou Horita. 385-388 [doi]
- Using disparity for quality assessment of stereoscopic imagesAlexandre Benoit, Patrick Le Callet, Patrizio Campisi, Romain Cousseau. 389-392 [doi]
- Segmentation-based Perceptual Image Quality Assessment (SPIQA)Bernard Ghanem, Esther Resendiz, Narendra Ahuja. 393-396 [doi]
- Image classification based on focusMehul B. Patel, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Arthur F. Gmitro. 397-400 [doi]
- An improved perception-based no-reference objective image sharpness metric using iterative edge refinementSrenivas Varadarajan, Lina J. Karam. 401-404 [doi]
- Measuring multimedia quality in mobile networks with an objective parametric modelJörgen Gustafsson, Gunnar Heikkila, Martin Pettersson. 405-408 [doi]
- Desynchronized image fingerprint for large scale distributionZhongxuan Liu, Shiguo Lian, Yuan Dong, Haila Wang. 409-412 [doi]
- Geometrically invariant watermarking using affine covariant regionsCheng Deng, Xinbo Gao, Dacheng Tao, Xuelong Li. 413-416 [doi]
- A wavelet-based watermarking scheme using double wavelet tree energy modulationMin-Jen Tsai, Ching-Ting Lin, Jung Liu. 417-420 [doi]
- An adaptive QIM- and SVD-based digital image watermarking scheme in the wavelet domainXiaojun Qi, Stephen Bialkowski, Gary Brimley. 421-424 [doi]
- Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation functionMin-Jeong Lee, Kyung-Su Kim, Hae-Yeoun Lee, Tae-Woo Oh, Young-Ho Suh, Heung-Kyu Lee. 425-428 [doi]
- Contourlet based image watermarking using optimum detector in the noisy environmentSayed Mohammad Ebrahim Sahraeian, Mohammad Ali Akhaee, S. Amir Hejazi, Farokh Marvasti. 429-432 [doi]
- Improved quantization index modulation watermarking robust against amplitude scaling and constant change distortionsXinshan Zhu, Zhi Tang. 433-436 [doi]
- On the security of singular value based watermarkingChangzhen Xiong, Rabab K. Ward, Junyi Xu. 437-440 [doi]
- Principal Component Analysis of spectral coefficients for mesh watermarkingMing Luo, Adrian G. Bors. 441-444 [doi]
- Tree Energy Differentiation (TED) based wavelet watermarking for digital imagesMin-Jen Tsai, Bai-Jiun Chen. 445-448 [doi]
- Adaptive spread-transform dither modulation using an improved luminance-masked thresholdDong Yu, Lihong Ma, Guoxi Wang, Hanqing Lu. 449-452 [doi]
- Reversible watermarking based on PMO of tripletsShaoWei Weng, Yao Zhao, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Rongrong Ni. 453-456 [doi]
- Realistic colorization via the structure tensorMark S. Drew, Graham D. Finlayson. 457-460 [doi]
- A quaternion phase-only correlation algorithm for color imagesWei Feng, Bo Hu, Cheng Yang. 461-464 [doi]
- Hallucinating faces from thermal infrared imagesJun Li, Pengwei Hao, Chao Zhang, Mingsong Dou. 465-468 [doi]
- Multi-source color transfer for natural imagesYao Xiang, Beiji Zou, Hui Wang, Hong Li, Zheng Xie. 469-472 [doi]
- Spatio-spectral reconstruction of the multispectral datacube using sparse recoveryManu Parmar, Steven Lansel, Brian A. Wandell. 473-476 [doi]
- Dichromatic level-linesMichèle Gouiffès, Bertrand Zavidovique. 477-480 [doi]
- A second generation Visual Secret Sharing scheme for color imagesMohsen Heidarinejad, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis. 481-484 [doi]
- Automatic white balance based on adaptive feature selection with standard illuminantsSujung Kim, Wook Joong Kim, Seong Dae Kim. 485-488 [doi]
- Reflectance spectra modeling methodsMichael J. Vrhel, H. Joel Trussell. 489-492 [doi]
- An automatic method to learn and transfer the photometric appearance of partially overlapping imagesMarco Zuliani, Luca Bertelli, B. S. Manjunath. 493-496 [doi]
- Multiresolutional regularization of local linear regression over adaptive neighborhoods for color managementNasiha Hrustemovic, Maya R. Gupta. 497-500 [doi]
- Robust image restoration for rotary motion degradations and the motion parameter identificationZheng Yuan, Jianxun Li, Zhengfu Zhu. 501-504 [doi]
- Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolutionRenting Liu, Jiaya Jia. 505-508 [doi]
- State-space model identification and Kalman filtering for image sequence restorationXin Lu, Kiyoshi Nishiyama. 509-512 [doi]
- Efficient image restoration with the Huber-Markov prior modelStéphane Pelletier, Jeremy R. Cooperstock. 513-516 [doi]
- High-S/N imaging of a moving object using a high-frame-rate cameraTakashi Komuro, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Tadakuni Narabu. 517-520 [doi]
- Adaptive block-based approach to image stabilizationMarius Tico. 521-524 [doi]
- Longitudinal aberrations caused by optical filters and their compensation in multispectral imagingJohannes Brauers, Til Aach. 525-528 [doi]
- A nonintrusive method for generating all-focused projectionHanhoon Park, Byung-Kuk Seo, Jong-Il Park. 529-532 [doi]
- An object inpainting algorithm for multi-view video sequencesSoon-Young Lee, Junhee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, Sang Uk Lee. 533-536 [doi]
- A perceptually adaptive approach to image denoising using anisotropic non-local meansAlexander Wong, Paul W. Fieguth, David A. Clausi. 537-540 [doi]
- Recovering wavelet relations using SVM for image denoisingValero Laparra, Juan Gutierrez, Gustavo Camps-Valls, Jesus Malo. 541-544 [doi]
- A post-compensation scheme for Nonlocal Means filter based image restorationHao Xu, Jizheng Xu, Feng Wu. 545-548 [doi]
- Spherical Wiener filterRaman Arora, Harish Parthasarathy. 549-552 [doi]
- Ultrasound imaging LV tracking with adaptive window size and automatic hyper-parameter estimationJacinto Nascimento, João Sanches. 553-556 [doi]
- A low-complexity, motion-robust, spatio-temporally adaptive video de-noiser with in-loop noise estimationChirag Jain, Sriram Sethuraman. 557-560 [doi]
- Noise in high dynamic range imagingAndré A. Bell, Claude Seiler, Jens N. Kaftan, Til Aach. 561-564 [doi]
- Image denoising using mixtures of Gaussian scale mixturesJose A. Guerrero-Colon, Eero P. Simoncelli, Javier Portilla. 565-568 [doi]
- Perceptual soft thresholding using the structural similarity indexSumohana S. Channappayya, Alan C. Bovik, Robert W. Heath Jr.. 569-572 [doi]
- Image restoration using a kNN-variant of the mean-shiftCesario Vincenzo Angelino, Eric Debreuve, Michel Barlaud. 573-576 [doi]
- Incorporating known features into a total variation dictionary model for source separationTieyong Zeng. 577-580 [doi]
- Spatially varying weighted HSI diffusion for color image denoisingLei He. 581-584 [doi]
- Effect of gray-level re-quantization on co-occurrence based texture analysisMehul B. Patel, Jeffrey J. Rodriguez, Arthur F. Gmitro. 585-588 [doi]
- Image segmentation using histogram specificationGabriel Thomas. 589-592 [doi]
- Integrating region growing and classification for segmentation and mattingMiti Ruchanurucks, Koichi Ogawara, Katsushi Ikeuchi. 593-596 [doi]
- The path assigned mean shift algorithm: A new fast mean shift implementation for colour image segmentationAkash Pooransingh, Cathy-Ann Radix, Anil C. Kokaram. 597-600 [doi]
- Local adaptive nonlinear diffusionAntónio M. G. Pinheiro. 601-604 [doi]
- A skin detection algorithm based on discrete Cosine transform and generalized Gaussian densitySanaa Ghouzali, Sheila S. Hemami, Mohammed Rziza, Driss Aboutajdine, El Mustapha Mouaddib. 605-608 [doi]
- Supporting range and segment-based hysteresis thresholding in edge detectionLu Wang, Suya You, Ulrich Neumann. 609-612 [doi]
- Edge detection by selection of pieces of level linesEnric Meinhardt-Llopis. 613-616 [doi]
- Automatic detection of red-eye artifacts in digital color photosAhmet Mufit Ferman. 617-620 [doi]
- Dark line detection with line width extractionQin Li, Lei Zhang, Jane You, David Zhang, Prabir Bhattacharya. 621-624 [doi]
- Segmentation on statistical manifold with watershed transformSang-Mook Lee, A. Lynn Abbott, Philip A. Araman. 625-628 [doi]
- Efficient restoration and enhancement of super-resolved X-ray imagesM. Dirk Robinson, Sina Farsiu, Joseph Y. Lo, Cynthia A. Toth. 629-632 [doi]
- Directional interpolation of noisy imagesLei Zhang, Xin Li. 633-636 [doi]
- Spatio-temporal video interpolation and denoising using motion-assisted steering kernel (MASK) regressionHiroyuki Takeda, Peter van Beek, Peyman Milanfar. 637-640 [doi]
- Total variation super resolution using a variational approachS. Derin Babacan, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos. 641-644 [doi]
- Subspace-based methods for image registration and super-resolutionPatrick Vandewalle, Loïc Baboulaz, Pier Luigi Dragotti, Martin Vetterli. 645-648 [doi]
- Robust and accurate estimation of multiple motions for whole-image super-resolutionMasayuki Tanaka, Yoichi Yaguchi, Masatoshi Okutomi. 649-652 [doi]
- Robust multichannel samplingHa T. Nguyen, Minh N. Do. 653-656 [doi]
- Localized and computationally efficient approach to shift-variant image deblurringMurali Subbarao, Youn-sik Kang, Satyaki Dutta, Xue Tu. 657-660 [doi]
- Estimating space-variant motion blur without deblurringShengyang Dai, Ying Wu. 661-664 [doi]
- Recursive risk estimation for non-linear image deconvolution with a wavelet-domain sparsity constraintCédric Vonesch, Sathish Ramani, Michael Unser. 665-668 [doi]
- Blind restoration of blurred photographs via AR modelling and MCMCTom E. Bishop, Rafael Molina, James R. Hopgood. 669-672 [doi]
- Blind deconvolution of video sequencesFerreol Soulez, Eric Thiebaut, Yves Tourneur, Alain Gressard, Raphael Dauphin. 673-676 [doi]
- Cross-talk explainedKeigo Hirakawa. 677-680 [doi]
- Video enhancement on an adaptive image sensorMaria E. Angelopoulou, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Peter Y. K. Cheung. 681-684 [doi]
- An iterative algorithm for linear inverse problems with compound regularizersJosé M. Bioucas-Dias, Mário A. T. Figueiredo. 685-688 [doi]
- Modeling the impact of frame rate on perceptual quality of videoYen-Fu Ou, Tao Liu, Zhi Zhao, Zhan Ma, Yao Wang. 689-692 [doi]
- A study on the effect of camera motion on human visual attentionGolnaz Abdollahian, Zygmunt Pizlo, Edward J. Delp. 693-696 [doi]
- Fixation selection by maximization of texure and contrast informationRaghu G. Raj, Alan C. Bovik, Lawrence K. Cormack. 697-700 [doi]
- On the nearly scale-independent rank behavior of image quality metricsMatthew Gaubatz, Sheila S. Hemami. 701-704 [doi]
- A gaze prediction technique for open signed video content using a track before detect algorithmSam J. C. Davies, Dimitris Agrafiotis, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah, David R. Bull. 705-708 [doi]
- Towards real-time markerless human motion capture from ambiance cameras using an hybrid particle filterMathias Fontmarty, Frédéric Lerasle, Patrick Danès. 709-712 [doi]
- Image retrieval and classification using associative reciprocal-image attractorsDouglas S. Greer, Mihran Tuceryan. 713-716 [doi]
- A video Time Encoding MachineAurel A. Lazar, Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis. 717-720 [doi]
- Process flow for classification and clustering of fruit fly gene expression patternsAndreas Heffel, Peter F. Stadler, Sonja J. Prohaska, Gerhard Kauer, Jens-Peer Kuska. 721-724 [doi]
- Graph cut segmentation of neuronal structures from transmission electron micrographsNhat Vu, B. S. Manjunath. 725-728 [doi]
- A novel framework for N-D multimodal image segmentation using graph cutsAsem M. Ali, Aly A. Farag. 729-732 [doi]
- Markovian segmentation of 3D brain MRI to detect Multiple Sclerosis lesionsStephanie Bricq, Christophe Collet, Jean-Paul Armspach. 733-736 [doi]
- Supervised image segmentation via ground truth decompositionIlya Levner, Russell Greiner, Hong Zhang. 737-740 [doi]
- Normalization and preimage problem in gaussian kernel PCANicolas Thorstensen, Florent Ségonne, Renaud Keriven. 741-744 [doi]
- TAC: Thresholding active contoursSamuel Dambreville, Anthony J. Yezzi, Shawn Lankton, Allen Tannenbaum. 745-748 [doi]
- Graph-cut optimization of the ratio of functions and its application to image segmentationHui Wang, Nilanjan Ray, Hong Zhang. 749-752 [doi]
- Human action recognition using robust power spectrum featuresHossein Ragheb, Sergio A. Velastin, Paolo Remagnino, Tim Ellis. 753-756 [doi]
- Bag of segments for motion trajectory analysisYue Zhou, Thomas S. Huang. 757-760 [doi]
- Unsupervised learning of motion patterns using generative modelsJacinto C. Nascimento, Mário A. T. Figueiredo, Jorge S. Marques. 761-764 [doi]
- Matching tracking sequences across widely separated camerasYinghao Cai, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan. 765-768 [doi]
- Motion segmentation and abnormal behavior detection via behavior clusteringErhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama, Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Janusz Konrad. 769-772 [doi]
- A scrambling method for Motion JPEG videos enabling moving objects detection from scrambled videosMasaaki Fujiyoshi, Keijiro Kuroiwa, Hitoshi Kiya. 773-776 [doi]
- Estimation of vehicle velocity and traffic intensity using rectified imagesCristina Maduro, Katherine Batista, Paulo Peixoto, Jorge Batista. 777-780 [doi]
- Anomalous activity classification in the distributed camera networkXiaotao Zou, Bir Bhanu. 781-784 [doi]
- Fast adaptive elliptical filtering using box splinesKunal Narayan Chaudhury, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia, Michael Unser. 785-788 [doi]
- AM-FM image filtersChuong T. Nguyen, Joseph P. Havlicek. 789-792 [doi]
- Texture modulation-constrained image decompositionGeorgios Evangelopoulos, Petros Maragos. 793-796 [doi]
- Edge-based directional fuzzy filter for compression artifact reduction in JPEG imagesDung T. Vo, Truong Nguyen, Sehoon Yea, Anthony Vetro. 797-800 [doi]
- Partial difference equations on graphs for Mathematical Morphology operators over images and manifoldsVinh-Thong Ta, Abderrahim Elmoataz, Olivier Lezoray. 801-804 [doi]
- Word length reduction for the integral imageHarm J. W. Belt. 805-808 [doi]
- Generalized Newton methods for energy formulations in image procesingLeah Bar, Guillermo Sapiro. 809-812 [doi]
- Adaptive-neighborhood best mean rank vector filter for impulsive noise removalMihai Ciuc, Valeriu Vrabie, Michel Herbin, Constantin Vertan, Philippe Vautrot. 813-816 [doi]
- Interest point detection on incomplete imagesDermot Kerr, Bryan W. Scotney, Sonya A. Coleman. 817-820 [doi]
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