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Explore journals > E
eInformatica | e-Informatica |
eaai | Eng. Appl. of AI |
eait | EAIT |
eatcs | Bulletin of the EATCS |
ebusiness | EAI Endorsed Trans. e-Business |
ec | Evolutionary Computation |
eccc | Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) |
eceasst | ECEASST |
ecoi | Ecological Informatics |
ecr | Electronic Commerce Research |
ecra | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications |
ecs | Egyptian Computer Science Journal |
eecs | Period. Polytech. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. |
eeel | ICST Trans. e-Education e-Learning |
eetcc | EAI Endorsed Trans. Collaborative Computing |
eetcogcom | EAI Endorsed Trans. Cognitive Communications |
eetcs | EAI Endorsed Trans. Cloud Systems |
eetct | EAI Endorsed Trans. Creative Technologies |
eetws | EAI Endorsed Trans. Wireless Spectrum |
efi | Education for Information |
eg | EG |
ei | Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik |
eik | Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik |
eis | Enterprise IS |
ejasmp | EURASIP J. Audio, Speech and Music Processing |
ejasp | EURASIP J. Adv. Sig. Proc. |
ejbsb | EURASIP J. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology |
ejc | Eur. J. Comb. |
ejco | EURO J. Computational Optimization |
ejcon | Eur. J. Control |
ejes | EURASIP J. Emb. Sys. |
ejgta | EJGTA |
ejis | EJIS |
ejisdc | Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries. |
ejisec | EURASIP J. Information Security |
ejivp | EURASIP J. Image and Video Processing |
ejlt | Eur. J. Law Technol. |
ejtl | EURO J. Transportation and Logistics |
ejwcn | EURASIP J. Wireless Comm. and Networking |
el | The Electronic Library |
elearn | eLearn Magazine |
electronicmarkets | Electronic Markets |
elektrik | Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci. |
em | Experimental Mathematics |
eminds | e-Minds |
emisa | EMISA Forum |
emisaij | Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures |
en | Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy |
endm | Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics |
engl | Engineering Letters |
eninf | Energy Inform. |
entcom | Entertainment Computing |
ENTCS | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science |
entropy | Entropy |
envsoft | Environmental Modelling and Software |
eor | European Journal of Operational Research |
ep | J. Electron. Publ. |
epjds | EPJ Data Sci. |
epodd | Electronic Publishing |
ercim | ERCIM News |
es | Expert Systems |
escri | Encycl. Semantic Comput. Robotic Intell. |
ese | Empirical Software Engineering |
esi | Earth Science Informatics |
esl | Embedded Systems Letters |
esticas | IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst. |
eswa | Expert Syst. Appl. |
eswax | Expert Syst. Appl. X |
et | J. Electronic Testing |
etai | Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. |
ethicsit | Ethics Inf. Technol. |
ETS | Educational Technology & Society |
ett | European Transactions on Telecommunications |
evi | Evolutionary Intelligence |
evs | Evolving Systems |
ew | EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web |
ewc | Eng. Comput. (Lond.) |
expert | IEEE Intelligent Systems |