Abstract is missing.
- Dynamic Field Theory: Conceptual foundations and applications to neuronally inspired cognitive and developmental roboticsYulia Sandamirskaya, Sebastian Schneegans, Gregor Schöner. 4-5 [doi]
- Special session: Dynamic interactions between visual experiences, actions and word learningBeata Grzyb, Allegra Cattani, Angelo Cangelosi, Caroline Floccia, Hanako Yoshida, Joseph Burling, Anna M. Borghi, Swapnaa Jayaraman, Linda B. Smith, Alfredo F. Pereira, Isabel C. Lisboa, Emanuel Sousa, Jorge A. Santos, Wolfram Erlhagen, Estela Bicho. 6-7 [doi]
- Workshop: Pathways of cognitive developmentNikolas Hemion, Jean-Christophe Baillie, David Filliat. 8-9 [doi]
- Behavior coordination between animals, humans and robotsLuisa Damiano, Hagen Lehmann. 12-13 [doi]
- Discovering communication through ontogenetic ritualisationMichael Spranger, Luc Steels. 14-19 [doi]
- Continuous measure of word learning supports associative modelGeorge Kachergis, Chen Yu. 20-25 [doi]
- Correcting pose estimates during tactile exploration of object shape: a neuro-robotic studyClaudius Strub, Florentin Wörgötter, Helge J. Ritter, Yulia Sandamirskaya. 26-33 [doi]
- Neural-dynamic architecture for looking: Shift from visual to motor target representation for memory saccadesYulia Sandamirskaya, Tobias Storck. 34-40 [doi]
- Modeling the interplay between conditioning and attention in a humanoid robot: Habituation and attentional blockingErik Billing, Christian Balkenius. 41-47 [doi]
- Reinforcement and shaping in learning action sequences with neural dynamicsMatthew D. Luciw, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Sohrob Kazerounian, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Gregor Schöner. 48-55 [doi]
- The influence of social display in competitive multiagent learningPedro Sequeira, Francisco S. Melo, Ana Paiva. 56-61 [doi]
- Embodying models of expressive behaviour and learning with a biomimetic virtual infantMark Sagar, David P. Bullivant, Oleg Efimov, Muhammad Jawed, Ratheesh Kalarot, Paul Robertson, Tim Wu. 62-67 [doi]
- An integrated epigenetic robot architecture via context-influenced long-term memoryFerdian Adi Pratama, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Nak Young Chong. 68-74 [doi]
- From continuous affective space to continuous expression space: Non-verbal behaviour recognition and generationJunpei Zhong, Lola Cañamero. 75-80 [doi]
- Development of a bio-inspired vision system for mobile micro-robotsCheng Hu, Farshad Arvin, Shigang Yue. 81-86 [doi]
- Autonomous object modeling based on affordances for spatial organization of behaviorSimon L. Gay, Olivier L. Georgeon, Christian Wolf. 87-92 [doi]
- Learning from human reward benefits from socio-competitive feedbackGuangliang Li, Hayley Hung, Shimon Whiteson, W. Bradley Knox. 93-100 [doi]
- Learning adaptive movements from demonstration and self-guided explorationDanilo Bruno, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin G. Caldwell. 101-106 [doi]
- Testing piaget's ideas on robots: Assimilation and accommodation using the semantics of actionsEren Erdal Aksoy, Markus Schoeler, Florentin Wörgötter. 107-108 [doi]
- Adaptive leader-follower role switching based on rhythm stability: Toward modeling of dynamic infant-caregiver interactionRyo Iwaki, Hideyuki Takahashi, Minoru Asada. 109-110 [doi]
- Development of the sociability of non-anthropomorphic robot home companionsJoan Saez-Pons, Hagen Lehmann, Dag Sverre Syrdal, Kerstin Dautenhahn. 111-116 [doi]
- Computational model for syntactic development: Identifying how children learn to generalize nouns and verbs for different languagesYuji Kawai, Yuji Oshima, Yuki Sasamoto, Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada. 117-123 [doi]
- Exploring movement qualities in reciprocal engagementPatrizia Marti, Iolanda Iacono, Jelle Stienstra, Michele Tittarelli. 124-129 [doi]
- Online learning of visuo-motor coordination in a humanoid robot. A biologically inspired modelGuido Schillaci, Verena V. Hafner, Bruno Lara. 130-136 [doi]
- Contact force estimation from flexible tactile sensor values considering hysteresis by Gaussian processTakato Horii, Francesco Giovannini, Yukie Nagai, Lorenzo Natale, Giorgio Metta, Minoru Asada. 137-138 [doi]
- Predictive action selector for generating meaningful robot behaviour from minimum amount of samplesErhard Wieser, Gordon Cheng. 139-145 [doi]
- Emergence of the use of pronouns and names in triadic human-robot spoken interactionGrégoire Pointeau, Maxime Petit, Guillaume Gibert, Peter Ford Dominey. 146-152 [doi]
- Intention inference learning through the interaction with a caregiverLaura Cohen, Walyd Abbassi, Mohamed Chetouani, Sofiane Boucenna. 153-154 [doi]
- Autism simulator employing augmented reality: A prototypeShibo Qin, Yukie Nagai, Shinichiro Kumagaya, Satsuki Ayaya, Minoru Asada. 155-156 [doi]
- Learning a musical sequence by observation: A robotics implementation of a dynamic neural field modelFlora Ferreira, Wolfram Erlhagen, Emanuel Sousa, Luis Louro, Estela Bicho. 157-162 [doi]
- How does life experience influence teaching a contingent robot?Katrin S. Lohan, Gnanathusharan Rajendran. 163-164 [doi]
- Improving reinforcement learning with interactive feedback and affordancesFrancisco Cruz, Sven Magg, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter. 165-170 [doi]
- Explauto: an open-source Python library to study autonomous exploration in developmental roboticsClement Moulin-Frier, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 171-172 [doi]
- Poppy: Open source 3D printed robot for experiments in developmental roboticsMatthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Jonathan Grizou, Steve N'Guyen, Alexandre Le Falher, Fabien Depraetre, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 173-174 [doi]
- Eye-hand online adaptation during reaching tasks in a humanoid robotPedro Vicente, Ricardo Ferreira, Lorenzo Jamone, Alexandre Bernardino. 175-180 [doi]
- A developmentally inspired transfer learning approach for predicting skill durationsBradley Hayes, Elena Corina Grigore, Alexandru Litoiu, Aditi Ramachandran, Brian Scassellati. 181-186 [doi]
- Autonomous development of goals: From generic rewards to goal and self detectionMatthias Rolf, Minoru Asada. 187-194 [doi]
- Learning how to speak: Imitation-based refinement of syllable production in an articulatory-acoustic modelAnja Kristina Philippsen, René Felix Reinhart, Britta Wrede. 195-200 [doi]
- Learning and using context on a humanoid robot using latent dirichlet allocationHande Çelikkanat, Guner Orhan, Nicolas Pugeault, Frank Guerin, Erol Sahin, Sinan Kalkan. 201-207 [doi]
- Studying the co-construction of interaction protocols in collaborative tasks with humansAnna-Lisa Vollmer, Jonathan Grizou, Manuel Lopes, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 208-215 [doi]
- Feature selection for domain knowledge representation through multitask learningBenjamin Rosman. 216-221 [doi]
- Inverse reinforcement learning using Dynamic Policy ProgrammingEiji Uchibe, Kenji Doya. 222-228 [doi]
- Learning a repertoire of actions with deep neural networksAlain Droniou, Serena Ivaldi, Olivier Sigaud. 229-234 [doi]
- Multiple spatio-temporal scales neural network for contextual visual recognition of human actionsMinju Jung, Jungsik Hwang, Jun Tani. 235-241 [doi]
- Generation of sensory reflex behavior versus intentional proactive behavior in robot learning of cooperative interactions with othersShingo Murata, Yuichi Yamashita, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano. 242-248 [doi]
- A model for biological motion detection based on motor prediction in the dorsal premotor areaYuji Kawai, Minoru Asada, Yukie Nagai. 249-255 [doi]
- Studying human behavior from infancy: On the acquisition of infant postural dataLeonardo Claudino, Yiannis Aloimonos. 256-261 [doi]
- An iterative probabilistic model of speech-related vocalization rate growth due to child-caregiver interactionAnne S. Warlaumont. 262-268 [doi]
- Children in a wonderland: How language and scale errors may be linkedBeata Joanna Grzyb, Allegra Cattani, Angelo Cangelosi, Caroline Floccia. 269-274 [doi]
- Learnability of infants' center-of-gaze sequences predicts their habituation and posthabituation looking timeMatthew Schlesinger, Scott P. Johnson, Dima Amso. 275-280 [doi]
- Prediction error minimization for emergence of altruistic behaviorJimmy Baraglia, Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada. 281-286 [doi]
- Sensori-motor networks vs neural networks for visual stimulus predictionRicardo Santos, Ricardo Ferreira, Ângelo Cardoso, Alexandre Bernardino. 287-292 [doi]
- Extending cortical-basal inspired reinforcement learning model with success-failure experienceShoubhik Debnath, John Nassour. 293-298 [doi]
- A pilot study using imitation and storytelling scenarios as activities for labelling emotions by children with autism using a humanoid robotSandra Costa, Filomena O. Soares, Ana Paula Pereira Vieira, Cristina P. Santos, Antoine Hiolle. 299-304 [doi]
- Modeling perspective-taking upon observation of 3D biological motionFabian Schrodt, Georg Layher, Heiko Neumann, Martin V. Butz. 305-310 [doi]
- Reaching and grasping novel objects: Using neural dynamics to integrate and organize scene and object perception with movement generationGuido Knips, Stephan K. U. Zibner, Hendrik Reimann, Irina Popova, Gregor Schöner. 311-318 [doi]
- Multimodal space representation driven by self-evaluation of predictabilityMathieu Lefort, Thomas Kopinski, Alexander Gepperth. 319-324 [doi]
- Incremental training of Restricted Boltzmann Machines using information driven saccadesMichaël Garcia Ortiz, Jean-Christophe Baillie. 325-330 [doi]
- Developmental changes in children understanding robotic actions: The case of liftingAlessandra Sciutti, Laura Patanè, Oskar Palinko, Francesco Nori, Giulio Sandini. 331-336 [doi]
- Evolutionary perspective for Goal-Babbling ExplorationFabien Hervouet, Eric Bourreau. 337-342 [doi]
- Reusing motor commands to learn object interactionFabien C. Y. Benureau, Paul Fudal, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 343-350 [doi]
- Development of goal-directed gaze shift based on predictive learningJorge Luis Copete, Yukie Nagai, Minoru Asada. 351-356 [doi]
- A new experimental setup to study the structure of curiosity-driven exploration in humansBrice Miard, Pierre Rouanet, Jonathan Grizou, Manuel Lopes, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer. 357-358 [doi]
- "Connecting experiences": Towards a biologically inspired memory for developmental robotsAjaz Ahmad Bhat, Vishwanathan Mohan, Francesco Rea, Giulio Sandini, Pietro G. Morasso. 359-365 [doi]
- Curiosity-driven learning with Context Tree WeightingZhen Peng, Daniel A. Braun. 366-367 [doi]
- Learning abstract perceptual notions: The example of spaceAlexander V. Terekhov, J. Kevin O'Regan. 368-373 [doi]
- Learning proprioceptive and motor featuresDamien Drix, Verena V. Hafner. 374-378 [doi]
- A neural dynamics to organize timed movement: Demonstration in a robot ball bouncing taskFarid Oubbati, Mathis Richter, Gregor Schöner. 379-386 [doi]
- Response of children with autism to robotic intervention and association with IQ levelsSyamimi Shamsuddin, Hanafiah Yussof, Fazah Akhtar Hanapiah, Salina Mohamed. 387-393 [doi]
- OpenEyeSim - A platform for biomechanical modeling of oculomotor controlAlexander Priamikov, Jochen Triesch. 394-395 [doi]
- Cortical chunks learning for action selection in a complex taskSouheil Hanoune, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy. 396-401 [doi]
- Hormonal modulation of interaction between autonomous agentsJohn Lones, Matthew Lewis, Lola Cañamero. 402-407 [doi]
- Development of joint stiffness and learnabilityNaveen Kuppuswamy, Christopher M. Harris. 408-414 [doi]
- Reward effects on sequential action learning in a trajectory serial reaction time taskGeorge Kachergis, Roy De Kleijn, Floris Berends, Bernhard Hommel. 415-420 [doi]
- One step at a time: Multimodal interfaces and children's executive functioningP. McKenna, Oliver Lemon, M. Corley, D. Boa, Gnanathusharan Rajendran. 421-425 [doi]
- Developmental learning for Intelligent Tutoring SystemsBenjamin Clement, Didier Roy, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes. 426-433 [doi]
- Autonomous selection of the "what" and the "how" of learning: An intrinsically motivated system tested with a two armed robotVieri G. Santucci, Gianluca Baldassarre, Marco Mirolli. 434-439 [doi]
- A neural dynamic model of associative two-process theory: The differential outcomes effect and infant developmentRobert Lowe, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Erik Billing. 440-447 [doi]
- Autonomous learning of smooth pursuit and vergence through active efficient codingT. N. Vikram, Céline Teulière, C. Zhang, Bertram E. Shi, Jochen Triesch. 448-453 [doi]
- Markerless online stereo calibration for a humanoid robotNuno Moutinho, Ricardo Ferreira, José António Gaspar, Alexandre Bernardino, José Santos-Victor. 454-460 [doi]
- Learning where to look with movement-based intrinsic motivations: A bio-inspired modelValerio Sperati, Gianluca Baldassarre. 461-468 [doi]
- Effective transfer learning of affordances for household robotsChang Wang, Koen V. Hindriks, Robert Babuska. 469-475 [doi]
- Bootstrapping paired-object affordance learning with learned single-affordance featuresEmre Ugur, Sándor Szedmák, Justus H. Piater. 476-481 [doi]
- Learning intermediate object affordances: Towards the development of a tool conceptAfonso Goncalves, Joao Abrantes, Giovanni Saponaro, Lorenzo Jamone, Alexandre Bernardino. 482-488 [doi]
- Emergent structuring of interdependent affordance learning tasksEmre Ugur, Justus H. Piater. 489-494 [doi]