Abstract is missing.
- A cybernetic multi-agent approach for a micro grid in rural areasSebastian Rehberger, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Andreas W. Ebentheuer, Michael Winter, Hans-Georg Herzog. 18-23 [doi]
- A semantic model of events for integrating photovoltaic monitoring dataPierre Dagnely, Elena Tsiporkova, Tom Tourwé, Tom Ruette, Karel De Brabandere, Feyswal Assiandi. 24-30 [doi]
- Centralized lighting control with luminaire-based occupancy and light sensingAshish Pandharipande, Marco Rossi, David Caicedo, Luca Schenato, Angelo Cenedese. 31-36 [doi]
- Coupling simulation and model checking to examine selected mechanical constraints of automated production systemsBirgit Vogel-Heuser, Jens Folmer, Thomas Aicher, Jakob Mund, Sebastian Rehberger. 37-42 [doi]
- Enabling the integrated use of simulation within the life cycle of a process plant: An initial roadmap: Results of an in-depth online studyMathias Oppelt, Mike Barth, Markus Graube, Leon Urbas. 49-55 [doi]
- Occupancy analytics using RSSI information on wireless lighting systemsKevin Warmerdam, Ashish Pandharipande. 56-61 [doi]
- Performance evaluation and tuning for MapReduce computing in Hadoop distributed file systemJongyeop Kim, Ashwin Kumar T. K, K. M. George, Nohpill Park. 62-68 [doi]
- Reflexive properties for different pick-up circuit topologies in a distributed IPT trackHemant Kumar Dashora, Manuele Bertoluzzo, Giuseppe Buja. 69-75 [doi]
- Reliability and availability estimation of DC Uninterruptible Power Supply systems using Monte-Carlo simulationMohd. Khairil Rahmat, Slobodan Jovanovic. 76-81 [doi]
- Secure indoor positioning: Relay attacks and mitigation using presence sensing systemsSandeep S. Kumar, Ashish Pandharipande. 82-87 [doi]
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- Bayesian predictive assistance system: An embedded application for resource optimization in industrial cleaning processesGanesh Man Shrestha, Peng Li, Oliver Niggemann. 104-109 [doi]
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- Dynamic energy management of energy harvesting wireless sensor nodes using fuzzy inference system with reinforcement learningRoy Chaoming Hsu, Tzu-Hao Lin, Shi-Mao Chen, Cheng-Ting Liu. 116-120 [doi]
- Efficient fault detection for industrial automation processes with observable process variablesStefan Windmann, Oliver Niggemann. 121-126 [doi]
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- A clustering-based approach to detect cyber attacks in process control systemsIstván Kiss, Béla Genge, Piroska Haller. 142-148 [doi]
- A low-end versatile networked microcontroller embedded system for field control applicationsApostolos Meliones, Costas Filios. 149-155 [doi]
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- Event-triggered distributed H∞ filtering for networked systems with switching topologiesBo Liu, Xian-Ming Zhang, Qing-Long Han. 162-167 [doi]
- Executable test definition for a state machine driven embedded test controller moduleBenjamin Steinwender, Michael Glavanovics, Wilfried Elmenreich. 168-173 [doi]
- Measuring delays of ethernet communication for distributed real-time applications using carrier senseMichael Kaliwoda, Christian Rehtanz. 174-178 [doi]
- Multi-agent approach for task allocation and scheduling in cooperative heterogeneous multi-robot team: Simulation resultsA. Maoudj, Brahim Bouzouia, Abdelfetah Hentout, R. Toumi. 179-184 [doi]
- Optimal sensing redundancy for multiple perspectives of targets in wireless visual sensor networksDaniel G. Costa, Ivanovitch M. D. Silva, Luiz Affonso Guedes, Francisco Vasques, Paulo Portugal. 185-190 [doi]
- Performance analysis of frequency restoration for parallel voltage source inverters connected with a realistic communication channelPau Martí, Manel Velasco, Enric X. Martín, Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret, Javier Torres-Martinez. 191-196 [doi]
- Structured system threat modeling and mitigation analysis for industrial automation systemsRoman Schlegel, Sebastian Obermeier, Johannes Schneider. 197-203 [doi]
- A method and industrial case: Replacement of an FPGA component in a legacy control systemDaniel Hallmans, Kristian Sandström, Thomas Nolte, Stig Larsson. 208-214 [doi]
- Investigating a four-issue deterministic VLIW architecture for real-time systemsRenan Augusto Starke, Andreu Carminati, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira. 215-220 [doi]
- Lessons learned from the development of an ARINC 653 compatible Operating SystemLuis Fernando Arcaro, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira. 221-226 [doi]
- Network-on-Chip packet prioritisation based on instantaneous slack awarenessBharath Sudev, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, James Harbin. 227-232 [doi]
- Real time transducer signal features extraction: A standard approachG. Monte, V. Huang, Francesco Abate, Vincenzo Paciello, Antonio Pietrosanto. 233-238 [doi]
- Scheduling of rate-constrained and time-triggered traffic in multi-cluster TTEthernet systemsMohammed Abuteir, Roman Obermaisser. 239-245 [doi]
- Task allocation for decoding multiple hard real-time video streams on homogeneous NoCsHashan Roshantha Mendis, Neil C. Audsley, Leandro Soares Indrusiak. 246-251 [doi]
- Value analysis for the determination of memory instruction latency in a WCET toolKarila Palma Silva, Renan Augusto Starke, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira. 252-257 [doi]
- A knowledge-based solution for automatic mapping in component based automation systemsBorja Ramis Ferrer, Bilal Ahmad, Andrei Lobov, Daniel Vera, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Robert Harrison. 262-268 [doi]
- A scalable modular architecture of 3D object acquisition for manufacturing automationRen C. Luo, Chia-Wen Kuo. 269-274 [doi]
- Data integration in manufacturing industry: Model-based integration of data distributed from ERP to PLCJohann Hufnagel, Birgit Vogel-Heuser. 275-281 [doi]
- Implementation of a remote laboratory for distance training in robotic applicationsHerminio Martinez-Garcia. 282-287 [doi]
- Improving connectivity for runtime simulation of automation systems via OPC UAEduardo Cardoso Moraes, Herman Lepikson, Sergey Konstantinov, Jeffrey Wermann, Armando W. Colombo, Bilal Ahmad, Robert Harrison. 288-293 [doi]
- Learning material flow models for manufacturing plants from data tracesJan Ladiges, Alexander Fulber, Esteban Arroyo, Alexander Fay, Christopher Haubeck, Winfried Lamersdorf. 294-301 [doi]
- Model-based quality assurance in machine and plant automation using sequence diagrams - A comparison of two research approachesSusanne Rösch, Sabine Teufl, Birgit Vogel-Heuser. 302-307 [doi]
- ROS-based 3D on-line monitoring of LMD robotized cellsJorge Rodríguez-Araújo, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina. 308-313 [doi]
- Selected challenges of software evolution for automated production systemsBirgit Vogel-Heuser, Stefan Feldmann, Jens Folmer, Jan Ladiges, Alexander Fay, Sascha Lity, Matthias Tichy, Matthias Kowal, Ina Schaefer, Christopher Haubeck, Winfried Lamersdorf, Timo Kehrer, Sinem Getir, Mattias Ulbrich, Vladimir Klebanov, Bernhard Beckert. 314-321 [doi]
- Towards interdisciplinary variability modeling for automated production systems: Opportunities and challenges when applying delta modeling: A case studyBirgit Vogel-Heuser, Jakob Mund, Matthias Kowal, Christoph Legat, Jens Folmer, Sabine Teufl, Ina Schaefer. 322-328 [doi]
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- Evaluation of maneuverability in teleoperation based on operational effortAkihiko Yamamuro, Kazuki Tanida, Kouhei Ohnishi. 343-348 [doi]
- A self-balancing performance comparison of three modes of handleless electric motorcyclesChuan Yang, Seonghye Kim, Takahiro Nozaki, Toshiyuki Murakami. 352-357 [doi]
- Compensation method of position error in bilateral control system under time delayShuhei Shimizu, Yoshiki Ohno, Kazuki Tanida, Kouhei Ohnishi. 358-363 [doi]
- DC signal based estimation of power factor in mechanical systemTakahiro Mizoguchi, Kazuki Tanida, Takahiro Nozaki, Tomoyuki Shimono, Kouhei Ohnishi. 364-369 [doi]
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- Evaluation of stiffness calculation for organ palpation device with electro-hydraulic transmission system based remote actuatorKenji Ogawa, Kouhei Ohnishi. 378-383 [doi]
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- Human-robot SLAM in industrial environmentsEdmundo Guerra, Yolanda Bolea, Antoni Grau, Rodrigo Munguía. 390-395 [doi]
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- Stepped rotor type 12/14 bearingless SRM for self-starting and torque ripple reductionZhenyao Xu, Dong-Hee Lee, Jin Woo Ahn. 414-419 [doi]
- A generalized novel framework for optimal sensor-controller connection design to guarantee a stable cyber physical smart gridSwaroop Ranjan Mishra, N. Venkata Srinath, K. Meher Preetam, Laxmidhar Behera. 424-429 [doi]
- A hierarchical domain model for safety-critical cyber-physical systems in process automationDirk Kuschnerus, Attila Bilgic, Felix Bruns, Thomas Musch. 430-436 [doi]
- An IoT-based pervasive body hydration tracker (PHT)Jeannette Shiaw-Yuan Chin, Alin Tisan. 437-441 [doi]
- Application of the interoperability score in the smart grid domainMarie van Amelsvoort, Christina Delfs, Mathias Uslar. 442-447 [doi]
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- Challenges and opportunities when introducing cloud computing into embedded systemsDaniel Hallmans, Kristian Sandström, Thomas Nolte, Stig Larsson. 454-459 [doi]
- Implementation of middleware for Internet of Things in asset tracking applications: In-lining approachAdmire Mhlaba, Muthoni Masinde. 460-469 [doi]
- Ontology and trust based data warehouse in new generation of business intelligence: State-of-the-art, challenges, and opportunitiesPornpit Wongthongtham, Bilal Abu Salih. 476-483 [doi]
- An interlinking approach based on domain recognition for Linked DataMohamed Salah Kettouch, Cristina Luca, Mike Hobbs. 488-491 [doi]
- Data exchange toward PLC programming and virtual commissioning: Is AutomationML an appropriate data exchange format?Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt, Ronald Rosendahl. 492-498 [doi]
- Linking and versioning support for AutomationML: A model-driven engineering perspectiveStefan Biffl, Emanuel Mätzler, Manuel Wimmer, Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt. 499-506 [doi]
- Power systems reliability estimation methodMohd. Khairil Rahmat, Slobodan Jovanovic. 507-512 [doi]
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- Characterizing integration approaches: Identifying integration approach candidates for use in industrie 4.0Nicole Schmidt, Arndt Lüder, Ronald Rosendahl, Daria Ryashentseva, Matthias Foehr, Jan Vollmar. 527-532 [doi]
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- Novel unknown input observer for fault estimation of gas turbine dynamic systemsXiaoxu Liu, Zhiwei Gao. 562-567 [doi]
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- Robust fault estimation in wind turbine systems using GA optimisationSarah Odofin, Zhiwei Gao, Kai Sun. 580-585 [doi]
- Servitisation of fault diagnosis for mechanical equipment in cloud manufacturingJunwei Yan, Quan Liu, Wenjun Xu, Duc Truong Pham, Chunqian Ji. 586-590 [doi]
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- A new method of digital holographic 3D-displayThomas Kreis. 673-676 [doi]
- A spatial light modulating LC device applicable to amplitude-modulated holographic mobile devicesMin Sung Yoon, Kwan-Jung Oh, Hyon-Gon Choo, Jinwoong Kim. 677-681 [doi]
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- Computer generated very large space bandwidth product binary hologram for laser projectorJing Wang, Yunlong Sheng. 691-695 [doi]
- Digital holographic microscopy for cell visualization and automated disease identificationArun Anand, Bahram Javidi. 696-701 [doi]
- Digital holography for NDTThomas Kreis. 707-712 [doi]
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- IOT based solution for home power energy monitoring and actuatingLuís M. L. Oliveira, Joao Reis, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Amaro F. De Sousa. 988-992 [doi]
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- Towards processing and reasoning streams of events in knowledge-driven manufacturing execution systemsBorja Ramis Ferrer, Sergii Iarovyi, Andrei Lobov, Jose L. Martinez Lastra. 1075-1080 [doi]
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- From artificial cognitive systems and open architectures to cognitive manufacturing systemsSergii Iarovyi, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Rodolfo Haber-Haber, Raúl M. del Toro. 1225-1232 [doi]
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