Abstract is missing.
- Developing web-based speech applicationsCharles T. Hemphill, Yeshwant K. Muthusamy. [doi]
- Conversational interfaces: advances and challengesVictor W. Zue. [doi]
- Impact of the unknown communication channel on automatic speech recognition: a review KN-29Jean-Claude Junqua. [doi]
- Statistical techniques for robust ASR: review and perspectivesJerome R. Bellegarda. [doi]
- Using missing feature theory to actively select features for robust speech recognition with interruptions, filtering and noise KN-37Richard P. Lippmann, Beth A. Carlson. [doi]
- Prosodic modelling in text-to-speech synthesisJan P. H. van Santen. [doi]
- Is syntactic structure prosodically recoverable?Mario Rossi. [doi]
- Using multiple time scales in a multi-stream speech recognition systemStéphane Dupont, Hervé Bourlard. 3-6 [doi]
- Speech recognition using HMM-state confusion characteristicsYumi Wakita, Harald Singer, Yoshinori Sagisaka. 7-10 [doi]
- Bottom-up and top-down state clustering for robust acoustic modelingCristina Chesta, Pietro Laface, Franco Ravera. 11-14 [doi]
- Comparison of optimization methods for discriminative training criteriaRalf Schlüter, Wolfgang Macherey, Stephan Kanthak, Hermann Ney, Lutz Welling. 15-18 [doi]
- Clustering beyond phoneme contexts for speech recognitionClark Z. Lee, Douglas D. O Shaughnessy. 19-22 [doi]
- Influence of outliers in training the parametric trajectory models for speech recognitionRathinavelu Chengalvarayan. 23-26 [doi]
- Adaptation of natural articulatory movements to the control of the command parameters of a production modelLaurence Candille, Henri Meloni. 27-30 [doi]
- Three-dimensional coarticulatory strategies of tongue movementMaureen Stone, Andrew J. Lundberg, Edward P. Davis, Rao Gullapalli, Moriel NessAiver. 31-34 [doi]
- From laryngographic and acoustic signals to voicing gesturesNathalie Parlangeau, Régine André-Obrecht. 35-38 [doi]
- Ultrasonographic measurement of cricothyroid space in speechErkki Vilkman, Raija Takalo, Taisto Maatta, Anne-Maria Laukkanen, Jaana Nummenranta, Tero Lipponen. 39-42 [doi]
- Coarticulation and articulatory compensations studied by dynamic MRIDidier Demolin, Martine George, Véronique Lecuit, Thierry Metens, Alain Soquet, H. Raeymaekers. 43-46 [doi]
- Determining tongue articulation: from discrete fleshpoints to continuous shadowPierre Badin, Enrico Baricchi, Anne Vilain. 47-50 [doi]
- Predicting, diagnosing and improving automatic language identification performanceMarc A. Zissman. 51-54 [doi]
- Language identification with language-independent acoustic modelsCristobal Corredor-Ardoy, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Martine Adda-Decker, Lori Lamel. 55-58 [doi]
- Bayesian methods for language verificationEluned S. Parris, Harvey Lloyd-Thomas, Michael J. Carey 0002, Jerry H. Wright. 59-62 [doi]
- Use of recurrent network for unknown language rejection in language identification systemHingKeung Kwan, Keikichi Hirose. 63-66 [doi]
- Language-identification based on cross-language acoustic models and optimised information combinationOve Andersen, Paul Dalsgaard. 67-70 [doi]
- Phonetic-context mapping in language identificationJiri Navratil, Werner Zhlke. 71-74 [doi]
- Discriminative feature and model design for automatic speech recognitionMazin Rahim, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun. 75-78 [doi]
- Large vocabulary speech recognition with context dependent MMI-connectionist / HMM systems using the WSJ databaseJörg Rottland, Christoph Neukirchen, Daniel Willett, Gerhard Rigoll. 79-82 [doi]
- Automatic selection of segmental acoustic parameters by means of neural-fuzzy networks for reordering the n-best HMM hypothesesThierry Moudenc, Guy Mercier. 83-86 [doi]
- Comparison results for segmental training algorithms for mixture density HMMsMikko Kurimo. 87-90 [doi]
- A connectionist approach to machine translationM. Asunción Castaño, Francisco Casacuberta. 91-94 [doi]
- Continuous speech recognition using a context sensitive ANN and HMM2sNicolas Pican, Jean-François Mari, Dominique Fohr. 95-98 [doi]
- Acoustic modeling based on the MDL principle for speech recognitionKoichi Shinoda, Takao Watanabe. 99-102 [doi]
- Discriminative utterance verification using multiple confidence measuresPiyush Modi, Mazin Rahim. 103-106 [doi]
- Subspace distribution clustering for continuous observation density hidden Markov modelsEnrico Bocchieri, Brian Mak. 107-110 [doi]
- A comparative study of methods for phonetic decision-tree state clusteringHarriet J. Nock, Mark J. F. Gales, Steve J. Young. 111-114 [doi]
- Comparing Gaussian and polynomial classification in SCHMM-based recognition systemsAlfred Kaltenmeier, Jürgen Franke. 115-118 [doi]
- Maximum likelihood successive state splitting algorithm for tied-mixture HMNETAlexandre Girardi, Harald Singer, Kiyohiro Shikano, Satoshi Nakamura. 119-122 [doi]
- String-level MCE for continuous phoneme recognitionErik McDermott, Shigeru Katagiri. 123-126 [doi]
- HMM state clustering across allophone class boundariesZe ev Rivlin, Ananth Sankar, Harry Bratt. 127-130 [doi]
- Weighted determinization and minimization for large vocabulary speech recognitionMehryar Mohri, Michael Riley. 131-134 [doi]
- Parallel speech recognitionSteven Phillips, Anne Rogers. 135-138 [doi]
- Fast likelihood computation methods for continuous mixture densities in large vocabulary speech recognitionStefan Ortmanns, Thorsten Firzlaff, Hermann Ney. 139-142 [doi]
- A static lexicon network representation for cross-word context dependent phonesKris Demuynck, Jacques Duchateau, Dirk Van Compernolle. 143-146 [doi]
- Decision-tree based quantization of the feature space of a speech recognizerMukund Padmanabhan, Lalit R. Bahl, David Nahamoo, Pieter de Souza. 147-150 [doi]
- Sub-vector clustering to improve memory and speed performance of acoustic likelihood computationMosur Ravishankar, Roberto Bisiani, Eric H. Thayer. 151-154 [doi]
- The incorporation of path merging in a dynamic network recogniserSimon Hovell. 155-158 [doi]
- Improvement on connected digits recognition using duration constraints in the asynchronous decoding schemeMiroslav Novak. 159-162 [doi]
- Explicit word error minimization in n-best list rescoringAndreas Stolcke, Yochai Konig, Mitchel Weintraub. 163-166 [doi]
- Efficient 2-pass n-best decoderLong Nguyen, Richard M. Schwartz. 167-170 [doi]
- A memory management method for a large word networkTomohiro Iwasaki, Yoshiharu Abe. 171-174 [doi]
- Persistence of prosodic features between dialectal and standard Italian utterances in six sub-varieties of a region of southern Italy (salento): first assessments of the results of a recognition test and an instrumental analysisAntonio Romano. 175-178 [doi]
- Improving the phonetic annotation by means of prosodic phrasingHalewijn Vereecken, Annemie Vorstermans, Jean-Pierre Martens, Bert Van Coile. 179-182 [doi]
- A descriptive study of prosodic phenomena in Mpur (west Papuan Phylum)Cecilia Odé. 183-186 [doi]
- Automated quantitative analysis of F0 contours of utterances from a German ToBI-labeled speech databaseHansjörg Mixdorff, Hiroya Fujisaki. 187-190 [doi]
- Quantitative analysis and formulation of tone concatenation in Chinese F0 contoursJinfu Ni, Ren-Hua Wang, Keikichi Hirose. 195-198 [doi]
- An environment for the labelling and testing of melodic aspects of speechChristel Brindöpke, Arno Pahde, Franz Kummert, Gerhard Sagerer. 199-202 [doi]
- PROPAUSE: a syntactico-prosodic system designed to assign pausesDavid Casacuberta, Lourdes Aguilar, Rafael Marín. 203-206 [doi]
- Integrated dialog act segmentation and classification using prosodic features and language modelsVolker Warnke, Ralf Kompe, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth. 207-210 [doi]
- Evaluation of prosodic characteristics in retold stories in Dutch by means of semantic scalesMonique E. van Donzel, Florien J. Koopmans-van Beinum. 211-214 [doi]
- Text-to-intonation in spontaneous SwedishGösta Bruce, Marcus Filipsson, Johan Frid, Björn Granström, Kjell Gustafson, Merle Horne, David House. 215-218 [doi]
- Synthesising attitudes with global rhythmic and intonation contoursYann Morlec, Gérard Bailly, Véronique Aubergé. 219-222 [doi]
- Prosody-particle pairs as discourse control signsDafydd Gibbon, Claudia Sassen. 223-226 [doi]
- Focus detection with additional information of phrase boundaries and sentence modeAnja Elsner. 227-230 [doi]
- The role of prosody in infants native-language discrimination abilities: the case of two phonologically close languagesLaura Bosch, Núria Sebastián-Gallés. 231-234 [doi]
- Prosodic cycles and interpersonal synchrony in American English and SwedishEugene H. Buder, Anders Eriksson. 235-238 [doi]
- Relating prosody to syntax: boundary signalling in SwedishEva Strangert. 239-242 [doi]
- On representation of fundamental frequency of speech for prosody analysis using reliability functionMitsuru Nakai, Hiroshi Shimodaira. 243-246 [doi]
- Efficient method of establishing words tone dictionary for Korean TTS systemSeong-Hwan Kim, Jin Young Kim. 247-250 [doi]
- Perception of questions and statements in Neapolitan ItalianMariapaola D Imperio, David House. 251-254 [doi]
- Key-phrase spotting using an integrated language model of n-grams and finite-state grammarQiguang Lin, David Lubensky, Michael Picheny, P. Srinivasa Rao. 255-258 [doi]
- Efficient methods for detecting keywords in continuous speechJochen Junkawitsch, Günther Ruske, Harald Höge. 259-262 [doi]
- Providing sublexical constraints for word spotting within the ANGIE frameworkRaymond Lau, Stephanie Seneff. 263-266 [doi]
- Usefulness of phonetic parameters in a rejection procedure of an HMM-based speech recognition systemKatarina Bartkova, Denis Jouvet. 267-270 [doi]
- Keyword spotting using F0 contour matchingYoichi Yamashita, Riichiro Mizoguchi. 271-274 [doi]
- A frame and segment based approach for topic spottingElmar Nöth, Stefan Harbeck, Heinrich Niemann, Volker Warnke. 275-278 [doi]
- Cyclic autocorrelation-based linear prediction analysis of speechKuldip K. Paliwal, Yoshinori Sagisaka. 279-282 [doi]
- Novel filler acoustic models for connected digit recognitionIlija Zeljkovic, Shrikanth Narayanan. 283-286 [doi]
- A non-iterative model-adaptive e-CMN/PMC approach for speech recognition in car environmentsMakoto Shozakai, Satoshi Nakamura, Kiyohiro Shikano. 287-290 [doi]
- Discriminative feature extraction for speech recognition in noiseÁngel de la Torre, Antonio M. Peinado, Antonio J. Rubio, Pedro García. 291-294 [doi]
- Noise robust recognition using feature selective modelingMichael K. Brendborg, Børge Lindberg. 295-298 [doi]
- Mixture input transformations for adaptation of hybrid connectionist speech recognizersVictor Abrash. 299-302 [doi]
- Metrical representations of demarcation and constituency in noun phrasesChristos Malliopoulos, George Mikros. 303-306 [doi]
- A system of stylized intonation contours in GermanHannes Pirker, Kai Alter, Erhard Rank, John Matiasek, Harald Trost, Gernot Kubin. 307-310 [doi]
- A method of representing fundamental frequency contours of Japanese using statistical models of moraic transitionKeikichi Hirose, Koji Iwano. 311-314 [doi]
- Modeling arbitrarily long sentence-Spanning F0 contours by parametric concatenation of word-Spanning patternsEvita F. Fotinea, Michael A. Vlahakis, George Carayannis. 315-318 [doi]
- Strong interaction between factors influencing consonant durationR. J. J. H. van Son, Jan P. H. van Santen. 319-322 [doi]
- Speech timing in Slovenian TTSJerneja Gros, Nikola Pavesic, France Mihelic. 323-326 [doi]
- Small microphone arrays with optimized directivity for speech enhancementMatthias Dörbecker. 327-330 [doi]
- Microphone array design measures for hands-free speech recognitionMasaaki Inoue, Satoshi Nakamura, Takeshi Yamada, Kiyohiro Shikano. 331-334 [doi]
- Noise reduction by paired microphonesMasato Akagi, Mitsunori Mizumachi. 335-338 [doi]
- A microphone array for speech enhancement using multiresolution wavelet transformDjamila Mahmoudi. 339-342 [doi]
- A two-channel adaptive microphone array with target trackingYoshifumi Nagata, Hiroyuki Tsuboi. 343-346 [doi]
- Use of different microphone array configurations for hands-free speech recognition in noisy and reverberant environmentDiego Giuliani, Marco Matassoni, Maurizio Omologo, Piergiorgio Svaizer. 347-350 [doi]
- YINHE: a Mandarin Chinese version of the GALAXY systemChao Wang, James R. Glass, Helen M. Meng, Joseph Polifroni, Stephanie Seneff, Victor W. Zue. 351-354 [doi]
- Multilingual speech recognition for flexible vocabulariesPatrizia Bonaventura, Filippo Gallocchio, Giorgio Micca. 355-358 [doi]
- A study of multilingual speech recognitionFuliang Weng, Harry Bratt, Leonardo Neumeyer, Andreas Stolcke. 359-362 [doi]
- Multilingual speech recognition: the 1996 byblos callhome systemJayadev Billa, Kristine W. Ma, John W. McDonough, George Zavaliagkos, David R. Miller, Kenneth N. Ross, Amro El-Jaroudi. 363-366 [doi]
- Japanese LVCSR on the spontaneous scheduling task with JANUS-3Tanja Schultz, Detlef Koll, Alex Waibel. 367-370 [doi]
- Fast bootstrapping of LVCSR systems with multilingual phoneme setsTanja Schultz, Alex Waibel. 371-374 [doi]
- Factors of variation in the production of the German dorsal fricativeBernd Pompino-Marschall, Christine Mooshammer. 375-378 [doi]
- EPG and aerodynamic evidence for the coproduction and coarticulation of clicks in IsizuluKimberly Thomas. 379-382 [doi]
- Formant trajectory dynamics in Swabian diphthongsAnja Geumann. 383-386 [doi]
- Acoustic modelling of American English /r/Carol Y. Espy-Wilson, Shrikanth Narayanan, Suzanne Boyce, Abeer Alwan. 393-396 [doi]
- Acoustic parameters optimised for recognition of phonetic featuresAnya Varnich Hansen. 397-400 [doi]
- Heterogeneous acoustic measurements for phonetic classification 1Andrew K. Halberstadt, James R. Glass. 401-404 [doi]
- Cepstral-time matrices and LDA for improved connected digit and sub-word recognition accuracyBen P. Milner. 405-408 [doi]
- Data-driven design of RASTA-like filtersSarel Van Vuuren, Hynek Hermansky. 409-412 [doi]
- Evaluating feature set performance using the f-ratio and j-measuresSimon Nicholson, Ben P. Milner, Stephen J. Cox. 413-416 [doi]
- Robust speech parameters located in the frequency domainJavier Hernando, Climent Nadeu. 417-420 [doi]
- A simple and efficient algorithm for the compression of MBROLA segment databasesOlivier van der Vrecken, Nicolas Pierret, Thierry Dutoit, Vincent Pagel, Fabrice Malfrère. 421-424 [doi]
- A segmental formant vocoder based on linearly varying mixture of GaussiansParham Zolfaghari, Tony Robinson. 425-428 [doi]
- Voice mimic system using an articulatory codebook for estimation of vocal tract shapeSamir Chennoukh, Daniel J. Sinder, Gaël Richard, James L. Flanagan. 429-432 [doi]
- Adaptive transform coding for linear predictive residualDamith J. Mudugamuwa, Alan B. Bradley. 433-436 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of objective quality measures for coded speechAkira Takahashi, Nobuhiko Kitawaki, Paolino Usai, David Atkinson. 437-440 [doi]
- Between recognition and synthesis - 300 bits/second speech codingMohamed Ismail, Keith Ponting. 441-444 [doi]
- A modified zero-crossing method for pitch detection in presence of interfering sourcesFrançois Gaillard, Frédéric Berthommier, Gang Feng, Jean-Luc Schwartz. 445-448 [doi]
- Using simulated annealing expectation maximization algorithm for hidden Markov model parameters estimationJacques Simonin, Chafic Mokbel. 449-452 [doi]
- Covariation of subglottal pressure, F0 and glottal parametersGunnar Fant, Stellan Hertegard, Anita Kruckenberg, Johan Liljencrants. 453-456 [doi]
- The fractal behaviour of unvoiced plosives: a means for classificationAnastasios Delopoulos, Maria Rangoussi. 457-460 [doi]
- A method for analysis of the local speech rate using an inventory of reference unitsSumio Ohno, Hiroya Fujisaki, Hideyuki Taguchi. 461-464 [doi]
- Analysis and modeling of fundamental frequency contours of Greek utterancesHiroya Fujisaki, Sumio Ohno, Takashi Yagi. 465-468 [doi]
- Characteristics of slow, average and fast speech and their effects in large vocabulary continuous speech recognitionFernando Martinez, Daniel Tapias, Jorge Alvarez, Paloma Leon. 469-472 [doi]
- Analysis of children s speech: duration, pitch and formantsSungbok Lee, Alexandros Potamianos, Shrikanth Narayanan. 473-476 [doi]
- A method of measuring formant frequencies at high fundamental frequenciesHartmut Traunmller, Anders Eriksson. 477-480 [doi]
- Analysis of speaking rate variations in stress-timed languagesTom Brøndsted, Jens Printz Madsen. 481-484 [doi]
- Automatic identification of phoneme boundaries using a mixed parameter modelPaul Micallef, Ted Chilton. 485-488 [doi]
- Pitch detection reliability assessment for forensic applicationsSerguei Koval, Veronika Bekasova, Mikhail Khitrov, Andrey N. Raev. 489-492 [doi]
- Efficient estimation of perceptual features for speech recognitionZhihong Hu, Etienne Barnard. 493-496 [doi]
- Towards decomposing the sources of variability in speechNarendranath Malayath, Hynek Hermansky, Alexander Kain. 497-500 [doi]
- Use of vector-valued dynamic weighting coefficients for speech recognition: maximum likelihood approachRathinavelu Chengalvarayan. 501-504 [doi]
- Automatic segmentation: data-driven units of speechSteve W. Beet, Ladan Baghai-Ravary. 505-508 [doi]
- A simple phoneme energy model for the Greek language and its application to speech recognitionDimitris Tambakas, Iliana Tzima, Nikos Fakotakis, George Kokkinakis. 513-516 [doi]
- A macroscopic analysis of an emotional speech corpusJames E. H. Noad, Sandra P. Whiteside, Phil Green. 517-520 [doi]
- Restoration of pitch pattern of speech based on a pitch generation modelHiroshi Shimodaira, Mitsuru Nakai, Akihiro Kumata. 521-524 [doi]
- The research of correlation between pitch and skin galvanic reaction at change of human emotional stateA. V. Agranovski, O. Y. Berg, D. A. Lednov. 525-528 [doi]
- K-NN versus Gaussian in HMM-based recognition systemClaude Montacié, Marie-José Caraty, Fabrice Lefèvre. 529-532 [doi]
- Spectral methods for voice source parameters estimationBoris Doval, Christophe d Alessandro, Benoit Diard. 533-536 [doi]
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- An RNN-based spectral information generation for Mandarin text-to-speechShaw-Hwa Hwang, Sin-Horng Chen, Saga Chang. 549-552 [doi]
- Methods for optimal text selectionJan P. H. van Santen, Adam L. Buchsbaum. 553-556 [doi]
- High resolution prosody modification for speech synthesisFrancisco M. Gimenez de los Galanes, David Talkin. 557-560 [doi]
- Text-to-speech conversion with neural networks: a recurrent TDNN approachOrhan Karaali, Gerald Corrigan, Ira A. Gerson, Noel Massey. 561-564 [doi]
- Data driven formant synthesisJesper Högberg. 565-568 [doi]
- Speech synthesis using non-uniform units in the Verbmobil projectSimon King, Thomas Portele, Florian Höfer. 569-572 [doi]
- On the pronunciation mode of acronyms in several European languagesIsabel Trancoso, Céu Viana. 573-576 [doi]
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- Automatic diphone extraction for an Italian text-to-speech synthesis systemBianca Angelini, Claudia Barolo, Daniele Falavigna, Maurizio Omologo, Stefano Sandri. 581-584 [doi]
- Simplification of TTS architecture vs. operational qualityEric Keller. 585-588 [doi]
- Felix - a TTS system with improved pre-processing and source signal generationGeorg Fries, Antje Wirth. 589-592 [doi]
- Investigating the limitations of concatenative synthesisMike Edgington. 593-596 [doi]
- Speech coding and synthesis using parametric curvesLuis Miguel Teixeira de Jesus, Gavin C. Cawley. 597-600 [doi]
- Automatically clustering similar units for unit selection in speech synthesisAlan W. Black, Paul Taylor. 601-604 [doi]
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- On a cepstral pitch alteration technique for prosody control in the speech synthesis system with high qualityMyungJin Bae, Kyuhong Kim, Woncheol Lee. 609-612 [doi]
- Diphone concatenation using a harmonic plus noise model of speechYannis Stylianou, Thierry Dutoit, Juergen Schroeter. 613-616 [doi]
- The sketchboard : a dynamic interpretative memory and its use for spoken language understandingGérard Sabah. 617-620 [doi]
- Speech technology integration and research platform: a system studyQiru Zhou, Chin-Hui Lee, Wu Chou, Andrew N. Pargellis. 621-624 [doi]
- Speech recognition on SPHERIC - an IC for command and control applicationsDieter Geller, Markus Lieb, Wolfgang Budde, Oliver Muelhens, Manfred Zinke. 625-628 [doi]
- MUSE: a scripting language for the development of interactive speech analysis and recognition toolsMichael K. McCandless, James R. Glass. 629-632 [doi]
- Language learning based on non-native speech recognitionSilke M. Witt, Steve J. Young. 633-636 [doi]
- Task modelling by sentence templatesUte Kilian, Klaus Bader. 637-640 [doi]
- Extraction and representation rhythmic components of spontaneous speechShigeyoshi Kitazawa, Hideya Ichikawa, Satoshi Kobayashi, Yukihiro Nishinuma. 641-644 [doi]
- Automatic pronunciation scoring of specific phone segments for language instructionYoon Kim, Horacio Franco, Leonardo Neumeyer. 645-648 [doi]
- Automatic detection of mispronunciation for language instructionOrith Ronen, Leonardo Neumeyer, Horacio Franco. 649-652 [doi]
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- An educational and experimental workbench for visual processing of speech dataJan Nouza, Miroslav Holada, Daniel Hajek. 661-664 [doi]
- A 3 channel digital CVSD bit-rate conversion system using a general purpose DSPYong-Soo Choi, Hong-Goo Kang, Sung-youn Kim, Young-Cheol Park, Dae Hee Youn. 665-668 [doi]
- SLIM prosodic module for learning activities in a foreign languageRodolfo Delmonte, Mirela Petrea, Ciprian Bacalu. 669-672 [doi]
- Barge-in revisedBernhard Kaspar, Karlheinz Schuhmacher, Stefan Feldes. 673-676 [doi]
- Waveedit, an interactive speech processing environment for microsoft windows platformMohammad Akbar. 677-680 [doi]
- Subarashii: Japanese interactive spoken language educationFarzad Ehsani, Jared Bernstein, Amir Najmi, Ognjen Todic. 681-684 [doi]
- Deploying speech applications over the webDavid Goddeau, William Goldenthal, Chris Weikart. 685-688 [doi]
- CSLUsh: an extendible research environmentJohan Schalkwyk, Jacques de Villiers, Sarel Van Vuuren, Pieter J. E. Vermeulen. 689-692 [doi]
- A flexible client-server model for multilingual CTS/TTS developmentTibor Ferenczi, Géza Németh, Gábor Olaszy, Zoltan Gaspar. 693-696 [doi]
- Critically sampled PR filterbanks of nonuniform resolution based on block recursive FAMlet transformUnto K. Laine. 697-700 [doi]
- Automatic detection of accent in English words spoken by Japanese studentsNobuaki Minematsu, Nariaki Ohashi, Seiichi Nakagawa. 701-704 [doi]
- An English conversation and pronunciation CAI system using speech recognition technologyYasuhiro Taniguchi, Allan A. Reyes, Hideyuki Suzuki, Seiichi Nakagawa. 705-708 [doi]
- Bringing spoken language systems to the classroomStephen Sutton, Edward C. Kaiser, A. Cronk, Ronald A. Cole. 709-712 [doi]
- Automatic assessment of foreign speakers pronunciation of dutchCatia Cucchiarini, Lou Boves. 713-716 [doi]
- Use of low power EM radar sensors for speech articulator measurementsJohn F. Holzrichter, Gregory C. Burnett. 717-720 [doi]
- Real time measurements of the vocal tract resonances during speechJulien Epps, Annette Dowd, John Smith, Joe Wolfe. 721-724 [doi]
- Linguistic criteria for building and recording units for concatenative speech synthesis in brazilian portugueseEleonora Cavalcante Albano, Patrícia Aparecida Aquino. 725-728 [doi]
- four-and-twenty, twenty-four . what s in a number?Knut Kvale, Arne Kjell Foldvik. 729-732 [doi]
- Vowel nasalization in Brazilian Portuguese: an articulatory investigationJoão Antônio de Moraes. 733-736 [doi]
- Obtaining confidence measures from sentence probabilitiesBernhard Rueber. 739-742 [doi]
- Sentence design for speech synthesis and speech recognition database by phonetic rulesYiqing Zu. 743-746 [doi]
- Identification of regional variants of high German from digit sequences in German telephone speechChristoph Draxler, Susanne Burger. 747-750 [doi]
- Aerodynamic constraints on the production of palatalized trills: the case of the Slavic trilled [r]Darya Kavitskaya. 751-754 [doi]
- An experimental phonetic study of the interrelationship between prosodic phrase and syntactic structureCheol-jae Seong, Sanghun Kim. 755-758 [doi]
- Tempo and its change in spontaneous speechAnton Batliner, Andreas Kießling, Ralf Kompe, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth. 763-766 [doi]
- A corpus-based approach to diphthong analysis of standard SlovenianBojan Petek, Rastislav Sustarsic. 767-770 [doi]
- Catalan vowel durationLourdes Aguilar, Julia A. Gimenez, Maria Machuca, Rafael Marín, Montse Riera. 771-774 [doi]
- A comparative acoustic study of spontaneous and read Italian speechEmanuela Magno Caldognetto, Claudio Zmarich, Franco Ferrero. 779-782 [doi]
- A contribution to the estimation of naturalness in the intonation of Italian spontaneous speechMario Refice, Michelina Savino, Martine Grice. 783-786 [doi]
- The prosody of broad and narrow focus in English: two experimentsSteve Hoskins. 791-794 [doi]
- The domain of accentual lengthening in Scottish EnglishAlice Turk, Laurence White. 795-798 [doi]
- Spontaneous dialogue: some results about the F0 predictions of a pragmatic model of information processingMariette Bessac, Geneviève Caelen-Haumont. 799-802 [doi]
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- Intonation modeling for the southern dialects of the Basque language 807Inmaculada Hernáez, Iñaki Gaminde, Borja Etxebarria, Pilartxo Etxebarria. 807-809 [doi]
- A low-cost phonetic transcription methodPablo Fetter, Udo Haiber, Peter Regel-Brietzmann. 811-814 [doi]
- Word and acoustic confidence annotation for large vocabulary speech recognitionLin Chase. 815-818 [doi]
- A senone based confidence measure for speech recognitionZachary Bergen, Wayne Ward. 819-822 [doi]
- OOV utterance detection based on the recognizer response functionErica G. Bernstein, Ward R. Evans. 823-826 [doi]
- Estimating confidence using word latticesThomas Kemp, Thomas Schaaf. 827-830 [doi]
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- A segment-based speaker verification system using SUMMITSridevi V. Sarma, Victor W. Zue. 843-846 [doi]
- Speaker verification on the world wide webMichael Sokolov. 847-850 [doi]
- Text-prompted versus sound-prompted passwords in speaker verification systemsJohan Lindberg, Håkan Melin. 851-854 [doi]
- GMM sample statistic log-likelihoods for text-independent speaker recognitionMichael Schmidt, John Golden, Herbert Gish. 855-858 [doi]
- The influence of phrase boundaries on perceived prominence in two-peak intonation contoursToni C. M. Rietveld, Carlos Gussenhoven. 859-862 [doi]
- Testing the meaning of four dutch pitch accent typesJohanneke Caspers. 863-866 [doi]
- A perceptual study for modelling speaker-dependent intonation in TTS and dialog systemsJoachim Mersdorf, Thomas Domhover. 867-870 [doi]
- Can we perceive attitudes before the end of sentences? the gating paradigm for prosodic contoursVéronique Aubergé, Tuulikki Grepillat, Albert Rilliard. 871-874 [doi]
- To what extent is perceived focus determined by F0-cues?Mattias Heldner, Eva Strangert. 875-878 [doi]
- Temporal-alignment categories of accent-lending rises and fallsDavid House, Dik J. Hermes, Frédéric Beaugendre. 879-882 [doi]
- Webgalaxy - integrating spoken language and hypertext navigationRaymond Lau, Giovanni Flammia, Christine Pao, Victor W. Zue. 883-886 [doi]
- Pitch estimation of singing for re-synthesis and musical transcriptionMichael J. Carey, Eluned S. Parris, Graham Tattersall. 887-890 [doi]
- Automated lip synchronisation for human-computer interaction and special effect animationChristian Martyn Jones, Satnam Singh Dlay. 891-894 [doi]
- Developing web-based speech applicationsCharles T. Hemphill, Yeshwant K. Muthusamy. 895-898 [doi]
- Automatic post-synchronization of speech utterancesWerner Verhelst. 899-902 [doi]
- Automatic generation of hyperlinks between audio and transcriptJordi Robert-Ribes, Rami G. Mukhtar. 903-906 [doi]
- Transcription of broadcast newsJean-Luc Gauvain, Lori Lamel, Gilles Adda, Martine Adda-Decker. 907-910 [doi]
- Can continuous speech recognizers handle isolated speech?Fil Alleva, Xuedong Huang, Mei-Yuh Hwang, Li Jiang. 911-914 [doi]
- Toward automatic transcription of Japanese broadcast newsTatsuo Matsuoka, Yuichi Taguchi, Katsutoshi Ohtsuki, Sadaoki Furui, Katsuhiko Shirai. 915-918 [doi]
- Automatic detection of semantic boundariesMauro Cettolo, Anna Corazza. 919-922 [doi]
- Connected digit recognition in spontaneous speechEtienne Bauche, Bojana Gajic, Yasuhiro Minami, Tatsuo Matsuoka, Sadaoki Furui. 923-926 [doi]
- Advances in transcription of broadcast newsFrancis Kubala, Hubert Jin, Spyros Matsoukas, Long Nguyen, Richard M. Schwartz, John Makhoul. 927-930 [doi]
- The domain of final lengthening in production and perception in DutchTina Cambier-Langeveld, Marina Nespor, Vincent J. van Heuven. 931-934 [doi]
- Voicing assimilation as a cue for cluster identificationChristine Meunier. 935-938 [doi]
- On the perceptual relevance of degemination in DutchSaskia te Riele, Manon Loef, Olga van Herwijnen. 939-942 [doi]
- Does deletion of French SCHWA lead to neutralization of lexical distinctions?Cécile Fougeron, Donca Steriade. 943-946 [doi]
- An approach of the catalan palatals discrimination based on durational patterns of spectral evolutionMarielle Bruyninckx, Bernard Harmegnies. 947-950 [doi]
- Syllable and segment duration at different speaking rates in the Slovenian languageJerneja Gros, Nikola Pavesic, France Mihelic. 951-954 [doi]
- Hybrid networks based on RBFN and GMM for speaker recognitionWei-ying Li, Douglas D. O Shaughnessy. 955-958 [doi]
- A discriminative training algorithm for Gaussian mixture speaker modelsJialong He, Li Liu, Günther Palm. 959-962 [doi]
- Comparison of background normalization methods for text-independent speaker verificationDouglas A. Reynolds. 963-966 [doi]
- Speaker verification with limited enrollment dataOwen Kimball, Michael Schmidt, Herbert Gish, Jason Waterman. 967-970 [doi]
- Speaker verification in the telephone network: research activities in the cave projectFrédéric Bimbot, Hans-Peter Hutter, Cédric Jaboulet, Johan Koolwaaij, Johan Lindberg, Jean-Benoît Pierrot. 971-974 [doi]
- Speaker verification with GSM coded telephone speechMark Kuitert, Lou Boves. 975-978 [doi]
- Parsers, prominence, and pausesNick Campbell, Tony Hebert, Ezra Black. 979-982 [doi]
- Automatic assignment of part-of-speech to out-of-vocabulary words for text-to-speech processingFrédéric Béchet, Marc El-Bèze. 983-986 [doi]
- Text-to-prosody parsing in an Italian speech synthesizer. recent improvementsBarbara Gili Fivela, Silvia Quazza. 987-990 [doi]
- Tagging syllablesBrigitte Krenn. 991-994 [doi]
- Assigning phrase breaks from part-of-speech sequencesAlan W. Black, Paul Taylor. 995-998 [doi]
- Prediction of word prominenceChristina Widera, Thomas Portele, Maria Wolters. 999-1002 [doi]
- Acoustic and perceptual properties of phonemes in continuous speech as a function of speaking rateHisao Kuwabara. 1003-1006 [doi]
- New results in vowel production: MRI, EPG, and acoustic dataShrikanth Narayanan, Abeer Alwan, Yong Song. 1007-1010 [doi]
- The temporal properties of spoken Japanese are similar to those of EnglishTakayuki Arai, Steven Greenberg. 1011-1014 [doi]
- The amplitudes of the peaks in the spectrum: data from /a/ contextAnna Esposito. 1015-1018 [doi]
- Acoustical characteristics of speech and voice in speech pathologyNatalija Bolfan-Stosic, Mladen Hedjever. 1019-1022 [doi]
- Pronuncation modeling applied to automatic segmentation of spontaneous speechAndreas Kipp, Maria-Barbara Wesenick, Florian Schiel. 1023-1026 [doi]
- Dynamic and static improvements to lexical baseformsSimon Downey, Richard Wiseman. 1027-1030 [doi]
- Signal driven generation of word baseforms from few examplesAndreas Hauenstein. 1031-1034 [doi]
- Modeling the acoustic differences between L1 and L2 speech: the short vowels of africaans and south-african EnglishElizabeth C. Botha, Louis C. W. Pols. 1035-1038 [doi]
- Laryngeal movements and speech rate: an x-ray investigationBéatrice Vaxelaire, Rudolph Sock. 1039-1042 [doi]
- How flexible is the human voice? - a case study of mimicryAnders Eriksson, Pär Wretling. 1043-1046 [doi]
- The effect of low-pass filtering on estimated voice source parametersHelmer Strik. 1047-1050 [doi]
- Optopalatograph: development of a device for measuring tongue movement in 3DAlan Wrench, Alan D. McIntosh, William J. Hardcastle. 1055-1058 [doi]
- Speech synthesis and prosody modification using segmentation and modelling of the excitation signalJuana M. Gutiérrez-Arriola, Francisco M. Gimenez de los Galanes, Mohammed H. Savoji, José Manuel Pardo. 1059-1062 [doi]
- How can the control of the vocal tract limit the speaker s capability to produce the ultimate perceptive objectives of speech? 1063Christophe Savariaux, Louis-Jean Boë, Pascal Perrier. 1063-1066 [doi]
- A step toward general model for symbolic description of the speech signal 1067Goran S. Jovanovic. 1067-1070 [doi]
- Referring in long term speech by using orientation patterns obtained from vector field of spectrum patternKiyoshi Furukawa, Masayuki Nakazawa, Takashi Endo, Ryuichi Oka. 1071-1074 [doi]
- Adaptation of time differentiated cepstrum for noisy speech recognitionTai-Hwei Hwang, Lee-Min Lee, Hsiao-Chuan Wang. 1075-1078 [doi]
- On the importance of various modulation frequencies for speech recognitionNoboru Kanedera, Takayuki Arai, Hynek Hermansky, Misha Pavel. 1079-1082 [doi]
- A robust RNN-based pre-classification for noisy Mandarin speech recognitionWei-Tyng Hong, Sin-Horng Chen. 1083-1086 [doi]
- A parallel environment model (PEM) for speech recognition and adaptationMazin Rahim. 1087-1090 [doi]
- Adaptive model combination for robust speech recognition in car environmentsVolker Schless, Fritz Class. 1091-1094 [doi]
- A comparative study of speech detection methodsStefaan Van Gerven, Fei Xie. 1095-1098 [doi]
- Voice activity detection using source separation techniquesNikos Doukas, Patrick Naylor, Tania Stathaki. 1099-1102 [doi]
- Voice activity detection using source separation techniquesTomohiko Taniguchi, Shoji Kajita, Kazuya Takeda, Fumitada Itakura. 1103-1106 [doi]
- Multiresolution channel normalization for ASR in reverberant environmentsCarlos Avendaño, Sangita Tibrewala, Hynek Hermansky. 1107-1110 [doi]
- A speech pre-processing technique for end-point detection in highly non-stationary environmentsRafael Martínez, Agustín Álvarez Marquina, Pedro Gómez Vilda, Mercedes Pérez, Victor Nieto Lluis, Victoria Rodellar. 1111-1114 [doi]
- Application of several channel and noise compensation techiques for robust speaker recognitionLaura Docío Fernández, Carmen García-Mateo. 1115-1118 [doi]
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- Model-based approach for robust speech recognition in noisy environements with multiple noise sourcesDo Yeong Kim, Nam Soo Kim, Chong Kwan Un. 1123-1126 [doi]
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- Comparative evaluations of several front-ends for robust speech recognitionDoh-Suk Kim, Jae-Hoon Jeong, Soo-Young Lee, Rhee Man Kil. 1135-1138 [doi]
- Speaker normalization through formant-based warping of the frequency scaleEvandro B. Gouvêa, Richard M. Stern. 1139-1142 [doi]
- The use of cepstral means in conversational speech recognitionMartin Westphal. 1143-1146 [doi]
- Compensation for environmental and speaker variability by normalization of pole locationsJuan M. Huerta, Richard M. Stern. 1147-1150 [doi]
- Cellular phone speech recognition: noise compensation vs. robust architecturesJean-Baptiste Puel, Régine André-Obrecht. 1151-1154 [doi]
- Speech recognition in noise using on-line HMM adaptationTung-Hui Chiang. 1155-1158 [doi]
- Incorporating linguistic knowledge and automatic baseform generation in acoustic subword unit based speech recognitionTrym Holter, Torbjørn Svendsen. 1159-1162 [doi]
- Modelling and decoding of crossword context dependent phones in the Philips large vocabulary continuous speech recognition systemPeter Beyerlein, Meinhard Ullrich, Patricia Wilcox. 1163-1166 [doi]
- Modelling inter-frame dependence with preceeding and succeeding framesPhilip Hanna, Ji Ming, Peter O Boyle, F. Jack Smith. 1167-1170 [doi]
- Continuous speech recognition using syllablesRhys James Jones, Simon Downey, John S. Mason. 1171-1174 [doi]
- A new approach to generalized mixture tying for continuous HMM-based speech recognitionDaniel Willett, Gerhard Rigoll. 1175-1178 [doi]
- State tying for context dependent phoneme modelsKlaus Beulen, Elmar Bransch, Hermann Ney. 1179-1182 [doi]
- A novel node splitting criterion in decision tree construction for semi-continuous HMMsJacques Duchateau, Kris Demuynck, Dirk Van Compernolle. 1183-1186 [doi]
- Creating unseen triphones by phone concatenation in the spectral, cepstral and formant domainsMats Blomberg. 1187-1190 [doi]
- Creating large subword units for speech recognitionThilo Pfau, Manfred Beham, Wolfgang Reichl, Günther Ruske. 1191-1194 [doi]
- Segmental modeling using a continuous mixture of non-parametric modelsJacob Goldberger, David Burshtein, Horacio Franco. 1195-1198 [doi]
- Segmentation and modeling in segment-based recognitionJane W. Chang, James R. Glass. 1199-1202 [doi]
- Using syllables in a hybrid HMM-ANN recognition systemAlfred Hauenstein. 1203-1206 [doi]
- Noise robust segment-based word recognition using vector quantisationRamalingam Hariharan, Juha Häkkinen, Kari Laurila, Janne Suontausta. 1207-1210 [doi]
- Viterbi based splitting of phoneme HMM sLuis Javier Rodríguez, M. Inés Torres. 1211-1214 [doi]
- The demiphone: an efficient subword unit for continuous speech recognitionJosé B. Mariño, Albino Nogueiras, Antonio Bonafonte. 1215-1218 [doi]
- Organizing phone models based on piecewise linear segment lattices of speech samplesHiroaki Kojima, Kazuyo Tanaka. 1219-1222 [doi]
- Automatic architecture design by likelihood-based context clustering with crossvalidationIvica Rogina. 1223-1226 [doi]
- Towards articulatory speech recognition: learning smooth maps to recover articulator informationSam T. Roweis, Abeer Alwan. 1227-1230 [doi]
- Selection of the most effective set of subword units for an HMM-based speech recognition systemAnastasios Tsopanoglou, Nikos Fakotakis. 1231-1234 [doi]
- Multi-band continuous speech recognitionChristophe Cerisara, Jean-Paul Haton, Jean-François Mari, Dominique Fohr. 1235-1238 [doi]
- The design of acoustic parameters for speaker-independent speech recognitionNabil N. Bitar, Carol Y. Espy-Wilson. 1239-1242 [doi]
- High quality split-band LPC vocoder and its fixed point real time implementationStephane Villette, Milos Stefanovic, Ian A. Atkinson, Ahmet M. Kondoz. 1243-1246 [doi]
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- Reducing the complexity of the LPC vector quantizer using the k-d tree search algorithmV. Ramasubramanian, Kuldip K. Paliwal. 1255-1258 [doi]
- Quantization using wavelet based temporal decomposition of the LSFAweke N. Lemma, W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Ed F. Deprettere. 1259-1262 [doi]
- A novel 1.7/2.4 kb/s DCT based prototype interpolation speech coding systemCostas S. Xydeas, Gokhan H. Ilk. 1263-1266 [doi]
- Improved regular pulse VSELP coding of speech at low bit-ratesYong-Soo Choi, Hong-Goo Kang, Sang Wook Park, Jae Ha Yoo, Dae Hee Youn. 1267-1270 [doi]
- Joint estimation of pitch, band magnitudes, and v/UV decisions for MBE vocoderYong Duk Cho, Hong Kook Kim, Moo-young Kim, Sang Ryong Kim. 1271-1274 [doi]
- A new distance measure in LPC coding: application for real time situationsBalázs Kövesi, Samir Saoudi, Jean-Marc Boucher, Gábor Horváth. 1275-1278 [doi]
- Consideration of processing strategies for very-low-rate compression of wideband speech signals with known text transcriptionPeter Veprek, Alan B. Bradley. 1279-1282 [doi]
- Zero-redundancy error protection for CELP speech codecsNorbert Görtz. 1283-1286 [doi]
- Low bit rate speech coding using an improved HSX modelRidha Matmti, Milan Jelinek, Jean-Pierre Adoul. 1287-1290 [doi]
- Phonetic vocoding with speaker adaptationCarlos M. Ribeiro, Isabel Trancoso. 1291-1294 [doi]
- Quantization of spectral sequences using variable length spectral segments for speech coding at very low bit rateGeneviève Baudoin, Jan Cernocký, Gérard Chollet. 1295-1298 [doi]
- On modeling event functions in temporal decomposition based speech codingShahrokh Ghaemmaghami, Mohamed Deriche, Boualem Boashash. 1299-1302 [doi]
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- A low-bit-rate speech coder using adaptive line spectral frequency prediction 1319Carl W. Seymour, Tony A. Robinson. 1319-1322 [doi]
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- Towards an automated directory information systemFrank Seide, Andreas Kellner. 1327-1330 [doi]
- A strategy for mixed-initiative dialogue controlLars Bo Larsen. 1331-1334 [doi]
- On the design of effective speech-based interfaces for desktop applicationsJim Hugunin, Victor W. Zue. 1335-1338 [doi]
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- Optimal state dependent spectral representation for HMM modeling : a new theoretical frameworkChafic Mokbel, Guillaume Gravier, Gérard Chollet. 1351-1354 [doi]
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- A multiresolutionally oriented approach for determination of cepstral features in speech recognitionSimon Dobrisek, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic. 1367-1370 [doi]
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- Speaker verification based on phonetic decision makingJesper Ø. Olsen. 1375-1378 [doi]
- Analysis and comparison of score normalisation methods for text-dependent speaker verificationAladdin M. Ariyaeeinia, P. Sivakumaran. 1379-1382 [doi]
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- A lognormal tied mixture model of pitch for prosody based speaker recognitionM. Kemal Sönmez, Larry P. Heck, Mitchel Weintraub, Elizabeth Shriberg. 1391-1394 [doi]
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- A nonstationary autoregressive HMM and its application to speech enhancementKi Yong Lee, JaeYeol Rheem. 1407-1410 [doi]
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- A maximum likelihood model for topic classification of broadcast newsRichard M. Schwartz, Toru Imai, Francis Kubala, Long Nguyen, John Makhoul. 1455-1458 [doi]
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- On the use of prosody in a speech-to-speech translatorVolker Strom, Anja Elsner, Wolfgang Hess, Walter Kasper, Alexandra Klein, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Jörg Spilker, Hans Weber, Günther Görz. 1479-1482 [doi]
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- A voice activity detector for the ITU-t 8kbit/s speech coding standard g.729Scott D. Watson, Barry M. G. Cheetham, P. A. Barrett, W. T. K. Wong, A. V. Lewi. 1571-1574 [doi]
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- On the robustness of the critical-band adaptive filtering method for multi-source noisy speech recognitionGeorge Nokas, Evangelos Dermatas, George Kokkinakis. 1587-1590 [doi]
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- A multimedia platform for audio-visual speech processingAli Adjoudani, Thierry Guiard-Marigny, Bertrand Le Goff, Lionel Revéret, Christian Benoît. 1671-1674 [doi]
- An intelligent system for information retrieval over the internet through spoken dialogueHiroya Fujisaki, Hiroyuki Kameda, Sumio Ohno, Takuya Ito, Ken Tajima, Kenji Abe. 1675-1678 [doi]
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- Preliminary results of a multilingual interactive voice activated telephone service for people-on-the-moveFulvio Leonardi, Giorgio Micca, Sheyla Militello, Mario Nigra. 1771-1774 [doi]
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- On the use of acoustic segmentation in speaker identificationLeandro Rodríguez Liñares, Carmen García-Mateo. 2315-2318 [doi]
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- A comparison of human and machine in speaker recognitionLi Liu, Jialong He, Günther Palm. 2327-2330 [doi]
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- A new procedure for classifying speakers in speaker verification systemsJohan Koolwaaij, Lou Boves. 2355-2358 [doi]
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- What is wrong with the lexicon - an attempt to model pronunciations probabilisticallyUwe Jost, Henrik Heine, Gunnar Evermann. 2475-2478 [doi]
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