Abstract is missing.
- Selling Packaged Software: An Ethical Analysis Alison Adam, Ben Light. 1-12 [doi]
- It outsourcing maturity modelOlayele Adelakun. 13-21 [doi]
- Grounding through operationalization: constructing tangible theory in IS researchPär J. Ågerfalk. 22-33 [doi]
- Integrating the IS personnel after a merger - managing challenges and opportunitiesMaria Alaranta, Maarit Viljanen. 34-41 [doi]
- Determinants of electronic commerce usage in small businesses in New ZealandNabeel A. Y. Al-Qirim, Brian J. Corbitt. 42-52 [doi]
- Stray dogs and wild cats tracking down information systems in government?Kim Viborg Andersen, Helle Zinner Henriksen, Amar Shazad Ahmed, Haukur Arnthórsson. 53-60 [doi]
- Panel: Change and innovation management in IS/IT: A simulation approachAlbert A. Angehrn, Federico Rajola. 61-65 [doi]
- What should the business know about information systems?Salvador Aragon, Ryan R. Peterson. 66-79 [doi]
- User acceptance of multifunctional smart cardsMitra Arami, Monika Koller, Robert Krimmer. 80-88 [doi]
- Bolstering Knowledge Management Systems with Appreciative InquiryMichel Avital. 89-102 [doi]
- Adopting the Knowledge Embedded in New Methods - The Challange of Aligning Old and New PracticesPer Backlund. 103-114 [doi]
- The scenario for constructing flexible, people-focused systems development methodologiesMarko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Rok Rupnik. 115-126 [doi]
- When Systems Loose their IdentityJorgen P. Bansler, Erling C. Havn. 127-138 [doi]
- Seconds out, round two: contextualising e-government projects within their institutional milieu - a London local authority case studyCarlos Barca, Antonio Cordella. 139-154 [doi]
- Agile Security For Information Warfare: A Call For ResearchRichard Baskerville. 155-164 [doi]
- Business alignment in the CRM domain: predicting CRM performanceRonald Batenburg, Johan Versendaal. 165-176 [doi]
- SMEs and internet adoption strategy: who do SMEs listen to?Martin Beckinsale, Margi Levy. 177-188 [doi]
- The problem of integrating ethics into IS practiceFrances Bell, Alison Adam. 189-199 [doi]
- Enhancing query reformulation by combinig content and hypertext analysesAnis Benammar. 200-210 [doi]
- Using web systems for e-procurement: an extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technologyYounes Benslimane, Michel Plaisent, Prosper Bernard. 211-219 [doi]
- The Utility of a Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach for a large complex Information Systems DevelopmentHilary Berger, Paul Beynon-Davies, Pat Cleary. 220-227 [doi]
- Constructing electronic government: the case of the UK inland revenuePaul Beynon-Davies. 228-239 [doi]
- Panel: Open acces - the new Internet enabled business model for scientific publishingBo-Christer Björk. 240-243 [doi]
- Employee development strategies in the B2C banking environment: Two Australian case studiesYvette Blount, Tanya Castleman, Paula M. C. Swatman. 244-255 [doi]
- Open University vs. Consorzio Nettuno: an institutional analysis of two techonology enabled higher educational systemsFlavia Blumetti, Paolo Ferri, Cristiano Ghiringhelli, Francesco Paoletti, Barbara Quacquarelli. 256-265 [doi]
- Discourse analysis: making complex methodology simpleTatyana V. Bondarouk, Huub J. M. Ruël. 266-279 [doi]
- Making SPI Happen: The Roads to Process ImplementationAnna Börjesson, Lars Mathiassen. 280-291 [doi]
- Inter-organisational infrastructure in the Australian travel sectorMark Borman. 292-302 [doi]
- Change management: the contribution of personal construct theory (PCT)Laurence Brooks, Christopher J. Davis, Mark Lycett. 303-314 [doi]
- Relations between organisational design and information processing systems: a passionate affair or a stormy interlude?Maria E. Burke. 315-324 [doi]
- Enhancing product development through ICT-based relationships with customers and consumersSven A. Carlsson. 325-336 [doi]
- Completing design in use: closing the appropriation cycleJennie Carroll. 337-347 [doi]
- Developments in WIS developmentPeter H. Carstensen. 348-359 [doi]
- Electronic commerce adoption by small- and medium-sized enterprises in Australia: an empirical study of influencing factorsSandy Chong. 360-371 [doi]
- Analysing the factors of broadband adoption in the householdJyoti Choudrie, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi. 372-383 [doi]
- Bundle pricing for location-based mobile servicesIoanna D. Constantiou, Jan Damsgaard. 384-391 [doi]
- Information system and information infrastructure deployment: the challenge of the Italian e-justice approachFrancesco Contini, Antonio Cordella. 392-404 [doi]
- Standardization in actionAntonio Cordella. 405-418 [doi]
- Mobile telecommunications market innovation: the transformation from 2g to 3gJan Damsgaard, Ping Gao. 419-425 [doi]
- Sustainable evolution of business model: cases from Scandinavian internet portal marketJan Damsgaard, Aleksi Horsti, Olle Nilsson. 426-438 [doi]
- The chief information officer in Germany - some empirical findingsMiriam Daum, Oliver Häberle, Inge Lischka, Helmut Krcmar. 439-446 [doi]
- Implementing Information Systems to support knowledge work: an exploration of work motifsChristopher J. Davis, Ellen M. Hunagel. 447-454 [doi]
- Beyond Knowledge Management - Introducing a framework for Learning Management SystemsAudrey Dunne, Tom Butler. 455-465 [doi]
- Behavioural economics of digital contentRanjan Dutta, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Kerem Tomak. 466-474 [doi]
- A fuzzy logic based approach to support users self-control of their private contextual data retrievalAmr Ali Eldin, René W. Wagenaar. 475-487 [doi]
- Author cocitation analysis using custom bibliographic databases: a exploratory tool for digging up reference disciplinesSean B. Eom. 488-498 [doi]
- The implementation and use of conceptual standards - the case of the rds-tmc serviceOwen Eriksson, Anders Forsman. 499-507 [doi]
- Using electronic invoicing to manage cash forecasting and working capital in the financial supply chainAlea M. Fairchild. 508-519 [doi]
- Web site information design: what small business needs to knowJulie Fisher, John Bentley, Annemieke Craig, Rodney Turner. 520-531 [doi]
- From websites to portals: success factors for business community portalsJulie Fisher, Annemieke Craig. 532-543 [doi]
- Seeking legitimation for an information system: a preliminary process modelDonal J. Flynn, Zahid Hussain. 544-552 [doi]
- Regional e-marketplaces: towards a unified theoretical framework for assessing facilitators and inhibitors of successDenise Gengatharen, Craig Standing. 553-565 [doi]
- At What Price Inclusion? Some Pedagogic Implications of the Digital DivideHazel Gillard. 566-576 [doi]
- Developing e-interaction - a framework for business capabilities and exchangesGöran Goldkuhl, Mikael Lind. 577-589 [doi]
- A study of information systems outsourcing risksReyes-G. Gonzalez, Jose Gasco, Juan Llopis. 590-601 [doi]
- From asp to web services: identifying key performance areas and indicators for healthcareMatthew W. Guah, Wendy Currie. 602-615 [doi]
- Mobilizing medical information and knowledge: some insights from a surveyShengnan Han, Ville Harkke, Pekka Mustonen, Matti Seppänen, Markku Kallio. 616-627 [doi]
- Requirements Engineering During Global Software Development: Some Impediments to the Requirements Engineering Process: a case studyJo Hanisch, Brian J. Corbitt. 628-640 [doi]
- Aligning customer relationship and product strategy at internet speedNikolaj Hansen, Jan Pries-Heje. 641-652 [doi]
- Hungarian IT: Coping with Economic Transition and GlobalisationG. Harindranath. 653-663 [doi]
- The use of embedded open source software in commercial productsHanna Heikinheimo, Tuija Kuusisto. 664-671 [doi]
- Adapt at agent.hospital - agent based support of clinical processesChristian Heine, Stefan Kirn. 672-685 [doi]
- A strategy modelling technique for financial servicesBernd Heinrich, Robert Winter. 686-697 [doi]
- A resource based and real options perspective on IT infrastructure investments aiming for strategic flexibilityCocky Hilhorst, Martin Smits. 698-709 [doi]
- Beyond Access: Bridging the Digital DivideRebecca A. Hill, Ian Owens, Paul Beynon-Davies, Michael D. Williams. 710-717 [doi]
- Leveraging Methodological Pluralism in interpretive IS research: The example of ERP as a complex phenomenonXiu-Xian Ho, Michael T. K. Tan. 718-729 [doi]
- Electronic business models: five cases from five industriesAleksi Horsti, Jyrki Tolonen, Malin Brännback. 730-741 [doi]
- Innovation and hybrid genres: disturbing social rhythm in legal practiceKeith S. Horton, Elisabeth Davenport. 742-752 [doi]
- Inter-organizational collaboration and value creation in the automotive industryMickey Howard, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen. 753-766 [doi]
- Exploring industry dynamics in e-procurement: sense making by collaborative investigationMickey Howard, Richard T. Vidgen, Philip Powell. 767-778 [doi]
- An ethnographic study of IS investment appraisalDebra Howcroft, Robert McDonald. 779-792 [doi]
- Risk Mitigation and Risk Absorption in IOS: A Proposed Investigative StudyMartin Hughes, Philip Powell, Niki Panteli, William Golden. 793-800 [doi]
- Using IT for Strategic Competence Management: Potential Benefits and ChallengesEli Hustad, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Brigitte Vigemyr Møll. 801-812 [doi]
- Ontology and business: creating structure for storing and accessing organisational knowledge on intranetsPaul Jackson. 813-824 [doi]
- Fight risk with risk: reflexivity of risk and globalization in ISEdoardo Jacucci, Miria Grisot, Ole Hanseth. 825-835 [doi]
- Leveraging wireless technology for mobile advertisingTawfik Jelassi, Albrecht Enders. 836-846 [doi]
- Communication Media in Distance Selling - Business Interactions in a B2C SettingBritt-Marie Johansson, Karin Axelsson. 847-857 [doi]
- Developing and Codifying business models and process models in e-business designPhilip Joyce, Graham Winch. 858-871 [doi]
- Uncovering the potential benefits of mobile technology in business relationship context: a case studyVaida Kadyte. 872-879 [doi]
- Inter-organizational knowledge management systems: typology and casesKostas Kafentzis, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas. 880-892 [doi]
- Relationship between risk and intention to purchase in an online context: role of gender and product categoryShivraj Kanungo, Vikas Jain. 893-905 [doi]
- Value-based business modelling for network organizations: lessons learned from the electricity sectorVera Kartseva, Jaap Gordijn, Yao-Hua Tan. 906-918 [doi]
- Change management perspectives in an ERP implementationIlkka Kemppainen. 919-927 [doi]
- Evaluating integration approaches benefits adopted by healthcare organisationsKhalil Khoumbati, Marinos Themistocleous, Zahir Irani. 928-936 [doi]
- The challenges of sustainability of health information systems in developing countries: comparative case studies of Mozambique and TanzaniaHonest C. Kimaro, José Leopoldo Nhampossa. 937-950 [doi]
- Integrative Teaching Aspects for the IS Profession: Development and Application of a Teaching FrameworkKarsten Klose, Marit Schallert, Roland Holten, Jörg Becker, Michael Rosemann. 951-962 [doi]
- Network analysis of disconnect in the hollow state: the case of e-government service portalsGeorge Kuk. 963-974 [doi]
- Pitfalls of Electronic Commerce in Large CorporationsJoze Kuzic, Judy McKay. 975-985 [doi]
- Strategic Sourcing in Banking - A FrameworkMarkus Lammers, Nils Loehndorf, Tim Weitzel. 986-998 [doi]
- Adverse Events in Hospitals: The Contribution of Poor Information SystemsReeva M. Lederman. 999-1006 [doi]
- Calculative-based trust and social welfareSang-Yong Tom Lee, Zhaoli Meng. 1007-1016 [doi]
- The Long Road to being an IS Professional: A Newcomer PerspectiveKim-Chung Leong, Michael T. K. Tan. 1017-1028 [doi]
- Professional Skills in the ICT industry - Turbulent Times Resulting Contradictions and New CombinationsSami Leppimäki, Mari Tammi, Tarja Meristö. 1029-1039 [doi]
- Strategic intent and e-business in SMEs: enablers and inhibitorsMargi Levy, Philip Powell, Les Worrall. 1040-1051 [doi]
- Organizational Performance of a Firm in a Modular Business NetworkDiederik W. van Liere, Lorike Hagdorn van der Meijden, Martijn R. Hoogeweegen, Peter H. M. Vervest. 1052-1061 [doi]
- Reasons Behind ERP Package Adoption: A Diffusion of Innovations PerspectiveBen Light, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou. 1062-1074 [doi]
- A survey on evaluating and realizing IS/IT benefits in Taiwanese b2bec companiesChad Lin, Graham P. Pervan, Hsiu-Yuan Tsao, Koong H. C. Lin. 1075-1087 [doi]
- Digital video recorder-driven impacts on the video content Services industryClaudia Löbbecke. 1088-1099 [doi]
- An Exploratory Study of Psychological Adjustment and Coping among Information Technology Personnel in AustraliaPeter E. D. Love, Zahir Irani, Marinos Themistocleous. 1100-1112 [doi]
- On integration of digital rights management processes preceding content publishingEetu Luoma, Jarmo Järvi. 1113-1124 [doi]
- Forecasting ERP implementation success - Towards a grounded frameworkJohan Magnusson, Andreas Nilsson, Fredrik Carlsson. 1125-1133 [doi]
- Implementing mass customisation strategy to enhance customer value - findings from e-business research of Finnish metal and electronics companiesMarko Mäkipää, Jaakko Riihimaa, Mikko J. Ruohonen. 1134-1141 [doi]
- Patterns in Application Development Sourcing in the Financial IndustryAnders Mårtensson. 1142-1153 [doi]
- Decoupling Application Roles and Technology Generations: A Life-Cycle ApproachAnders Mårtensson, Pablo Valiente. 1154-1165 [doi]
- Consequences of implementing knowledge management initiatives in different organizational subculturesRavi Shankar Mayasandra, Shan Ling Pan. 1166-1177 [doi]
- The evaluation of CRM systems: a behaviors-based conceptual frameworkRachel McCalla, Jean-Noël Ezingeard, Kevin Money. 1178-1185 [doi]
- Deriving business value from IT: converting IT expenditures into assets with desired impactsJudy McKay, Peter Marshall. 1186-1198 [doi]
- The value of life histories in researching the adoption and use of M-servicesPatricia McManus, Craig Standing. 1199-1211 [doi]
- Activity Based generation of requirements for web-based information systems: the SSM/ICDT approachMary Meldrum, Jeremy Rose. 1212-1223 [doi]
- Using probabilistic feature models to determine success criteria for ICT projectsKoen Milis. 1224-1233 [doi]
- Towards a Framework for Realizing healthcare management benefits through the Integration of Patient s InformationFarouk Missi, Sarmad Alshawi, Guy Fitzgerald. 1234-1246 [doi]
- Challenges of developing an interactive knowledge warehouse within the media industry: Significance of emergent frameworksAmit Mitra, Jenny Lau. 1247-1258 [doi]
- Ontology-based repository for specifying investment advisory services as a knowledge servicesDonna D. Mommsen-Ghosh. 1259-1271 [doi]
- Assessing UK e-government websites: classification and benchmarkingBenjamin Mosse, Edgar A. Whitley. 1272-1281 [doi]
- IS Process Innovation Unlearning in OrganisationsErja Mustonen-Ollila. 1282-1293 [doi]
- Reflections on technology acceptance in higher educationJyri Naarmala. 1294-1300 [doi]
- The effect of power on the adoption of interorganizational information systems: The Adoption Position modelAkos Nagy. 1301-1308 [doi]
- ERP revelations: the dynamics of contextual forces of ERP implementationJoe Nandhakumar, Jari M. Talvinen, Matti Rossi. 1309-1321 [doi]
- Information requirements for Customer Relationship Management: A case study in a New Zealand BankHooi Yee Ng, Beverly G. Hope. 1322-1335 [doi]
- Symbolic Processes in ERP versus Legacy System SupportMartin M. T. Ng, Michael T. K. Tan. 1336-1347 [doi]
- Power relations in cyber communitiesLeMai Nguyen, Luba Torlina, Konrad J. Peszynski, Brian J. Corbitt. 1348-1360 [doi]
- The challenge of translating health information systems from one developing country context to another: case study from MozambiqueJosé Leopoldo Nhampossa. 1361-1374 [doi]
- Implementing Public platforms for mobile phone content services: Standardization in an era of convergencePetter Nielsen. 1375-1385 [doi]
- The Discursive Divide: Women in IT IndustrySusan H. Nielsen, Liisa von Hellens, Jenine P. Beekhuyzen. 1386-1397 [doi]
- Using IT to Make Place in Space: Evaluating Mobile Technology Support for Sport SpectatorsAndreas Nilsson. 1398-1409 [doi]
- The Medium Matters: The Effects Of Media Attributes And Evidence Strength On Belief RevisionAnna H. Nöteberg. 1410-1421 [doi]
- Information systems and creativity management in the media and advertising industries: a critical viewOded Nov, Matthew Jones. 1422-1429 [doi]
- From intranets to wrestling information infrastructuresBrian O Flaherty, Jason Whalley. 1430-1441 [doi]
- Qualitative Analysis Software applied to IS Research - Developing a coding strategyBrian O Flaherty, Jason Whalley. 1442-1452 [doi]
- Measuring CRM performance: an exploratory casePhilip O Reilly, Sean Dunne. 1453-1463 [doi]
- Strategic alliances and shared IS/IT infrastructrues in b2b marketplaces: an exploratory casePhilip O Reilly, Pat Finnegan. 1464-1475 [doi]
- Unfreezing-changing-refreezing of actors commitment: the transition from escalation to de-escalation of commitment to information technology projectsGary S. C. Pan, Shan Ling Pan, Michael Newman, Donal J. Flynn. 1476-1487 [doi]
- The role of IT in the formation of a business offering - a framework for empirical analysisEsko Penttinen, Risto Rajala. 1488-1496 [doi]
- From mass customization to collaborative customer co-designFrank Piller, Petra Schubert, Michael Koch, Kathrin Möslein. 1497-1509 [doi]
- Exploring the perceptions of inhibitors and drivers of e-business progression among SMEs at different stages of e-business maturityAdi Prananto, Judy McKay, Peter Marshall. 1510-1521 [doi]
- To play, or not to play: building a learning environment through computer simulationsLuigi Proserpio, Magni Magni. 1522-1534 [doi]
- Analysis of Usability cost-benefit modelsMikko J. Rajanen, Timo Jokela. 1535-1545 [doi]
- Diffusion of e-procurement in the public sector - revisiting centralization versus decentralization debates as a twist in the taleSomasundaram Ramanathan. 1546-1556 [doi]
- An Epistemological Foundation of Conceptual ModelingMichael Ribbert, Björn Niehaves, Alexander Dreiling, Roland Holten. 1557-1568 [doi]
- It s not the Digital Divide - It s the Socio-Techno Divide!J. Dewald Roode, Hilary Speight, Michael Pollock, Russell Webber. 1569-1581 [doi]
- Context Engineering: An IS Development Research AgendaLicinio Roque, Ana Almeida, António Dias de Figueiredo. 1582-1595 [doi]
- E-HRM: innovation or irritation - explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRMHuub J. M. Ruël, Tatyana V. Bondarouk. 1596-1608 [doi]
- The HKNET Project: E-Collaboration and Virtual Team IdentityAnne-Françoise Rutkowski, Douglas R. Vogel, Michiel van Genuchten, Theo Bemelmans. 1609-1620 [doi]
- Curing health care information systems with open source softwareLauri Salmivalli, Jussi Nissilä. 1621-1633 [doi]
- Towards a model for evaluating organisational readiness for ERP and data warehousing projectsDavid Sammon, Frédéric Adam. 1634-1645 [doi]
- 100 percent E-corporation: identifying issues of concern in pursuing an e-supply chain strategyDavid Sammon, Paul Hanley. 1646-1659 [doi]
- Inserting ICT and IS in a complex organisational environment using an organisational learning modelSilvina Santana. 1660-1668 [doi]
- Structurational analysis of IT-enabled organizational change: a case of public organization in singaporeHendry Sumilo Santoso, Hee-Woong Kim. 1669-1680 [doi]
- Evaluation of phenomenological findings in IS research: a study in developing web-based ISPradipta K. Sarkar, Jacob L. Cybulski. 1681-1692 [doi]
- An empirical assessment of the business value derived from implementing mobile technology: a case study of two organisationsHelana Scheepers, Judy McKay. 1693-1705 [doi]
- Legal issues of personalized e-commerce applicationsPetra Schubert, Mathias Kummer, Uwe Leimstoll. 1706-1718 [doi]
- Implementation Strategies for E-Government: A Stakeholder Analysis ApproachMurray Scott, William Golden, Martin Hughes. 1719-1731 [doi]
- Measuring enterprise systems success: the importance of a multiple stakeholder perspectiveDarshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan. 1732-1744 [doi]
- Measurement of user-perceived web qualityRavi T. Seethamraju. 1745-1757 [doi]
- Adoption of mobile communication technology: an empirical study on females working in elderly careAnna Sell, Erkki Patokorpi, Pirkko Walden, Bill Anckar. 1758-1766 [doi]
- Extending media richness theory: the influence of a shared social constructionIrem Sevinc, John D Ambra. 1767-1779 [doi]
- Electronic commerce strategy in the U.K. electricity industry: the case of Electric Co and Dataflow SoftwareDuncan R. Shaw, Christopher P. Holland, Peter Kawalek, Bob Snowdon, Brian Warboys. 1780-1788 [doi]
- Customer relationship management (CRM) evaluation: diffusing crm benefits into business processesMarianna Sigala. 1789-1800 [doi]
- E-learning: planned and emergent strategiesJulian M. Sims, Philip Powell, Richard T. Vidgen. 1801-1813 [doi]
- Leveraging Theoretical Pluralism in qualitative IS research: The example of IS professionals identity as a complex phenomenonJo-Ann Siregar, Michael T. K. Tan. 1814-1826 [doi]
- Towards a New design Metaphor: Supporting Boundary Objects as means of knowledge sharing in Community NetworksUlrika Lundh Snis, Bo-Göran Bernheim, Monika Hattinger. 1827-1840 [doi]
- Failures of reward-driven behaviour in industry: a case of systems, management and creativityDick Stenmark. 1841-1852 [doi]
- Towards a Process Model of Media Usage in Global Virtual TeamsJuliana Sutanto, Chee Wei Phang, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Bernard C. Y. Tan. 1853-1864 [doi]
- Conflicts in Knowledge Management: Visiting the Hidden PartnerChee-Wee Tan, Shan Ling Pan, Eric Tze Kuan Lim, Calvin Meng Lai Chan. 1865-1876 [doi]
- Retention by entertainment: how companies utilize websites to strengthen customer relationshipsHorst Treiblmaier, Andreas Pinterits, Roman Dapeci. 1877-1885 [doi]
- Security and privacy in a structured information networkTuomas Valtonen, Tero Reuna, Kalle Luhtinen. 1886-1893 [doi]
- The overconfidence effect and IT professionalsGlen L. Van der Vyver. 1894-1904 [doi]
- Group Decision Support for Resource Allocation Decisions in Three-person GroupsJerry van Leeuwen, Hans van der Heijden, Reinhard Kronsteiner, Gabriele Kotsis. 1905-1915 [doi]
- A conceptual framework of e-fraud control in an integrated supply chainLucian Vasiu. 1916-1923 [doi]
- Formulating an organizational knowledge strategy: the influence of existing IT infrastructureKrishna Venkitachalam, Rens Scheepers. 1924-1935 [doi]
- Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplacesTibert Verhagen, Yao-Hua Tan. 1936-1947 [doi]
- Business architecture: a new paradigm to relate e-business strategy to ICTGerrit Versteeg, Harry Bouwman. 1948-1960 [doi]
- Panel: Mobile challenges for travel and tourismPirkko Walden, Bill Anckar, Stefan Klein, Maria Sigala, Hannes Werthner. 1961-1963 [doi]
- The development of an augmented constrained-efficiency framework for the adoption of electronic interorganizational governanceXinwei Wang, Michael T. K. Tan, Kwok Kee Wei, K. S. Raman. 1964-1975 [doi]
- Panel: Knowledge management - a fad or a field with a future?Alf Westelius. 1976 [doi]
- Bringing The Enterprise System To The Frontline - Intertwining Computerised And Conventional Communication At BT EuropeAlf Westelius, Pablo Valiente. 1977-1988 [doi]
- Gender & teleworking identities: reconstructing the research agendaMelanie Wilson, Anita Greenhill. 1989-2001 [doi]
- Panel: Teradata University NetworkRobert Winter. 2002-2005 [doi]
- A conceptual model of customer value in e-commerceYunjie Xu, Shun Cai. 2006-2014 [doi]