Abstract is missing.
- ICPR2006 Technical Chairs [doi]
- IAPR Member Societies and Members of the Governing Board [doi]
- IAPR Standing Committees [doi]
- ICPR2006 Technical Chairs [doi]
- ICPR2006 Additional Reviewers [doi]
- IAPR Standing Committees [doi]
- IAPR Technical Committees [doi]
- ICPR2006 Technical Chairs [doi]
- ICPR2006 Organizing Committee [doi]
- IAPR Standing Committees [doi]
- ICPR2006 Program Committee [doi]
- Message from the President of IAPR [doi]
- IAPR Member Societies and Members of the Governing Board [doi]
- ICPR2006 Additional Reviewers [doi]
- ICPR2006 Organizing Committee [doi]
- ICPR2006 Additional Reviewers [doi]
- ICPR2006 Additional Reviewers [doi]
- Message from the President of IAPR [doi]
- IAPR Member Societies and Members of the Governing Board [doi]
- A Complete and Rapid Feature Extraction Method for Face Recognition [doi]
- Message from the ICPR2006 General Co-Chairs [doi]
- ICPR2006 Organizing Committee [doi]
- Message from the President of IAPR [doi]
- Message from the President of IAPR [doi]
- Message from the ICPR2006 General Co-Chairs [doi]
- ICPR2006 Technical Chairs [doi]
- ICPR2006 Organizing Committee [doi]
- IAPR Standing Committees [doi]
- ICPR2006 Program Committee [doi]
- ICPR2006 Program Committee [doi]
- IAPR Member Societies and Members of the Governing Board [doi]
- Message from the ICPR2006 General Co-Chairs [doi]
- Message from the ICPR2006 General Co-Chairs [doi]
- IAPR Technical Committees [doi]
- IAPR Technical Committees [doi]
- ICPR2006 Program Committee [doi]
- IAPR Technical Committees [doi]
- Camera Calibration from Two Shadow TrajectoriesFei Lu, Xiaochun Cao, Yuping Shen, Hassan Foroosh. 1-4 [doi]
- Accurate 3D Scanning of Swaying Human Body Parts by One Projection Based on OIMP TechniqueCunwei Lu, Genki Cho. 1-4 [doi]
- Dense Estimation of Layer Motions in the AtmospherePatrick Héas, Étienne Mémin, Nicolas Papadakis. 1-4 [doi]
- 2D and 3D Vegetation Resource Parameters Assessment using Marked Point ProcessesGuillaume Perrin, Xavier Descombes, Josiane Zerubia. 1-4 [doi]
- Optimal Estimation of Perspective Camera PoseCarl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Magnus Oskarsson. 5-8 [doi]
- Multiresolution Mesh Reconstruction from Noisy 3D Point SetsWai-Shun Tong, Chi-Keung Tang. 5-8 [doi]
- Motion from FocusHuynh Quang Huy Viet, Makoto Sato, Hiromi T. Tanaka. 5-10 [doi]
- Recognition of Building Roof Facets by Merging Aerial Images and 3D Lidar Data in a Hierarchical Segmentation FrameworkFrédéric Bretar, Marc Pierrot Deseilligny, Michel Roux. 5-8 [doi]
- Plane Rectification Using a Circle and Points from a Single ViewFeng Guo. 9-12 [doi]
- A Novel Volumetric Shape from Silhouette Algorithm Based on a Centripetal Pentahedron ModelXin Liu, Hongxun Yao, Guilin Yao, Wen Gao. 9 [doi]
- Multimodal Range Image Segmentation by Curve GroupingMichal Haindl, Pavel Zid. 9-12 [doi]
- Structural flow smoothing for shape interpolationAshish Doshi, Adrian G. Bors. 11-14 [doi]
- Camera Motion Quantification and AlignmentXiaochun Cao, Jiangjian Xiao, Hassan Foroosh. 13-16 [doi]
- Discontinuity-Based Simplification of Free Form Surface From a Range ImageGuoqiang Fei, Yonghuai Liu, Baogang Wei, Longzhuang Li. 13-16 [doi]
- Segment-Based Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation and a Self-Adapting Dissimilarity MeasureAndreas Klaus, Mario Sormann, Konrad F. Karner. 15-18 [doi]
- 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras and Uncalibrated Projectors from ShadowsKeisuke Nishie, Jun Sato. 15-18 [doi]
- Rectification with Intersecting Optical Axes for Stereoscopic VisualizationJin Zhou, Baoxin Li. 17-20 [doi]
- Flag Guided Integration of Multiple Registered Range ImagesHong Zhou, Yonghuai Liu. 17-20 [doi]
- Partitioning of 3D Meshes using Reeb GraStefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo, Pietro Pala. 19-22 [doi]
- Object Detection with Adaptive Background Model and Margined Sign Cross CorrelationHironori Yoshimura, Yoshio Iwai, Masahiko Yachida. 19-23 [doi]
- Fundamental Matrix Estimation via TIP - Transfer of Invariant ParametersFrank Riggi, Matthew Toews, Tal Arbel. 21-24 [doi]
- Adaptive Feature Integration for Segmentation of 3D Data by Unsupervised Density EstimationMarco Cristani, Umberto Castellani, Vittorio Murino. 21-24 [doi]
- Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building ReconstructionWolfgang von Hansen, Eckart Michaelsen, Ulrich Thoennessen. 23-26 [doi]
- Convex Quadratic Programming for Object LocalizationHao Jiang, Mark S. Drew, Ze-Nian Li. 24-27 [doi]
- Human Tracking by Particle Filtering Using Full 3D Model of Both Target and EnvironmentTatsuya Osawa, Xiaojun Wu, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Takayuki Yasuno. 25-28 [doi]
- Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour TexturesJirí Filip, Michal Haindl, Dmitry Chetverikov. 25-28 [doi]
- Surface Reconstruction from Stereovision Data Using a 3-D MRF of Discrete Object ModelsHotaka Takizawa, Shinji Yamamoto. 27-30 [doi]
- Real-time Object Recognition using Relational Dependency based on Graphical ModelWoo-han Yun, Sung Yang Bang, Daijin Kim. 28-32 [doi]
- A Non-Parametric HMM Learning Method for Shape Dynamics with Application to Human Motion RecognitionNing Jin, Farzin Mokhtarian. 29-32 [doi]
- Multiscale Blob Features for Gray Scale, Rotation and Spatial Scale Invariant Texture ClassificationQi Xu, Yan Qiu Chen. 29-32 [doi]
- Noise Variance Adaptive SEA for Motion Estimation: A Two-Stage SchemaWei-Gang Chen. 31-34 [doi]
- 3D Texture Classification Using the Belief Net of a Segmentation TreeSinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja. 33-36 [doi]
- Recognizing Facial Expressions by Tracking Feature ShapesAtul Kanaujia, Dimitris N. Metaxas. 33-38 [doi]
- Tensor Discriminant Analysis for View-based Object RecognitionYong Wang, Shaogang Gong. 33-36 [doi]
- A Three-Frame Approach to Constraint-Consistent Motion EstimationZhaohui Sun. 35-38 [doi]
- Self-Validated and Spatially Coherent Clustering with Net-Structured MRF and Graph CutsWei Feng, Zhi-Qiang Liu. 37-40 [doi]
- Robust Visual Tracking via Pixel Classification and IntegrationCha Zhang, Yong Rui. 37-42 [doi]
- A Person and Context Specific Approach for Skin Color ClassificationMatthias Wimmer, Bernd Radig, Michael Beetz. 39-42 [doi]
- Robust Factorisation with Uncertainty AnaSami S. Brandt. 39-42 [doi]
- Object localization/segmentation using generic shape priorsMichael Fussenegger, Andreas Opelt, Axel Pinz. 41-44 [doi]
- A Target Dependent Colorspace for Robust TrackingFrancesc Moreno-Noguer, Alberto Sanfeliu, Dimitris Samaras. 43-46 [doi]
- Geodesic Curves for Analysis of Continuous Implicit ShapesJan Erik Solem. 43-46 [doi]
- Learning and Inference of 3D Human Poses from Gaussian Mixture Modeled SilhouettesFeng Guo, Gang Qian. 43-47 [doi]
- Automatic Object-of-Interest segmentation from natural imagesByoungChul Ko, Jae Yeal Nam. 45-48 [doi]
- Robust Appearance-based Tracking using a sparse Bayesian classifierShu-Fai Wong, Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong, Roberto Cipolla. 47-50 [doi]
- Symmetric Pixel-Group Based Stereo Matching for Occlusion HandlingXiuzhi Zhou, Runsheng Wang. 47-50 [doi]
- A New Affine Invariant Curve Normalization Technique Using Independent Component AnalysisSait Sener, Mustafa Unel. 48 [doi]
- Better Foreground Segmentation for Static Cameras via New Energy Form and Dynamic Graph-cutYunda Sun, Baozong Yuan, Zhenjiang Miao, Chengkai Wan. 49-52 [doi]
- Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded ScenesYao-Te Tsai, Huang-Chia Shih, Chung-Lin Huang. 51-54 [doi]
- Automatic Estimation of 3D Transformations using Skeletons for Object AlignmentTao Wang, Anup Basu. 51-54 [doi]
- Fast Linear Discriminant Analysis Using Binary BasesFeng Tang, Hai Tao. 52-55 [doi]
- Contrast Context Histogram - A Discriminating Local Descriptor for Image MatchingChun-Rong Huang, Chu-Song Chen, Pau-Choo Chung. 53-56 [doi]
- Multi-User Natural Interaction System based on Real-Time Hand Tracking and Gesture RecognitionAlberto Del Bimbo, Lea Landucci, Alessandro Valli. 55-58 [doi]
- Real-Time Multi-Frame Analysis of Dominant TranslationAlexander Sibiryakov, Miroslaw Bober. 55-58 [doi]
- Moment-based Shape Priors for Geometric Active ContoursFuzhen Huang, Jianbo Su. 56-59 [doi]
- Global-to-Local Non-Rigid Shape RegistrationHui Chen, Bir Bhanu. 57-60 [doi]
- Combinatorial Surface IntegrationRoberto Fraile, Edwin R. Hancock. 59-62 [doi]
- Efficient Tracking in 6-DoF based on the Image-Constancy Assumption in 3-DWolfgang Sepp. 59-62 [doi]
- Occlusion Resistant Shape Classifier based onWarped Optimal Path MatchingNinad Thakoor, Sungyong Jung, Quan Wen, Jean Gao. 60-63 [doi]
- Description of Local Singularities for Image RegistrationJulien Ros, Christophe Laurent. 61-64 [doi]
- 3D Segmentation by Maximally Stable Volumes (MSVs)Michael Donoser, Horst Bischof. 63-66 [doi]
- Video Completion for Perspective Camera Under Constrained MotionYuping Shen, Fei Lu, Xiaochun Cao, Hassan Foroosh. 63-66 [doi]
- Canonical Skeletons for Shape MatchingM. van Eede, Diego Macrini, Alexandru Telea, Cristian Sminchisescu, Sven J. Dickinson. 64-69 [doi]
- Perspective Symmetry Invariant and Its ApplicationsTianqiang Yuan, Shuicheng Yan, Xiaoou Tang. 65-68 [doi]
- Effective and Generic Structure from Motion using Angular ErrorMaxime Lhuillier. 67-70 [doi]
- Video Local Pattern based Image Matching for Visual MappingLei Wang, Hongdong Li, Richard I. Hartley. 67-70 [doi]
- Reconciling Landmarks and Level SetsPierre Maurel, Renaud Keriven, Olivier D. Faugeras. 69-72 [doi]
- Disparity Flow Estimation using Orthogonal Reliability-based Dynamic ProgrammingMinglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang. 70-73 [doi]
- Video Synchronization Based on Co-occurrence of Appearance Changes in Video SequencesManabu Ushizaki, Takayuki Okatani, Koichiro Deguchi. 71-74 [doi]
- 3D Object Digitization: Majority Interpolation and Marching CubePeer Stelldinger, Longin Jan Latecki. 71-74 [doi]
- Moving cast shadows detection based on ratio edgeWei Zhang, Xiang Zhong Fang, Xiaokang Yang. 73-76 [doi]
- Edge-preserving Simultaneous Joint Motion-Disparity EstimationDong Bo Min, Kwanghoon Sohn. 74-77 [doi]
- Detection of 3D-Flow by Characteristic of Convex-concave and ColorKimiya Aoki, Hiroyasu Koshimizu. 75-78 [doi]
- Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video SequencesRomain Dupont, Olivier Juan, Renaud Keriven. 75-78 [doi]
- A New Approach to Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Multiscale AnalysisQin Li, Lei Zhang, David Zhang, Prabir Bhattacharya. 77-80 [doi]
- A PDE-Based Method For Optical Flow EstimationZongqing Lu, Weixin Xie. 78-81 [doi]
- Multiple Object Tracking Using Local PCACsaba Beleznai, Bernhard Frühstück, Horst Bischof. 79-82 [doi]
- Moving Obstacles Extraction with Stereo Global Motion ModelZhencheng Hu, Keiichi Uchimura, Jia Wang. 79-83 [doi]
- Computation of Rotation Local Invariant Features using the Integral Image for Real Time Object DetectionMichael Villamizar, Alberto Sanfeliu, Juan Andrade-Cetto. 81-85 [doi]
- Estimating Geospatial Trajectory of a Moving CameraAsaad Hakeem, Roberto Vezzani, Mubarak Shah, Rita Cucchiara. 82-87 [doi]
- Discriminative Descriptor-Based Observation Model for Visual TrackingWen-Yan Chang, Chu-Song Chen, Yi-Ping Hung. 83-86 [doi]
- A New Structural Constraint and its Application in Wide Baseline MatchingXiaoye Lu, Roberto Manduchi. 84-89 [doi]
- Estimating Cast Shadows using SFS and Class-based Surface CompletionWilliam A. P. Smith, Edwin R. Hancock. 86-90 [doi]
- Novel Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Based On Hit-DistanceZhen Lou, Zhong Jin. 87-90 [doi]
- Texture-Constrained Shape Prediction for Mouth Contour Extraction and its State EstimationZhaorong Li, Haizhou Ai. 88-91 [doi]
- Real-Time 3D Articulated Pose Tracking using Particle Filters Interacting through Belief PropagationOlivier Bernier. 90-93 [doi]
- Emotional Speech Analysis on Nonlinear ManifoldMingyu You, Chun Chen, Jiajun Bu, Jia Liu, Jianhua Tao. 91-94 [doi]
- Estimation of Dynamic Light Changes in Outdoor Scenes Without the use of Calibration ObjectsMikkel Sandberg Andersen, Tommy Jensen, Claus B. Madsen. 91-94 [doi]
- Segmentation and Probabilistic Registration of Articulated Body ModelsAravind Sundaresan, Rama Chellappa. 92-96 [doi]
- Spatial and Fourier Error Minimization for Motion Estimation and SegmentationAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja. 94-97 [doi]
- Object Localization Using Input/Output Recursive Neural NetworksMonica Bianchini, Marco Maggini, Lorenzo Sarti. 95-98 [doi]
- A Statistical Assembled Model for Segmentation of Entire 3D VasculatureJudy Jun Feng, Horace Ho-Shing Ip. 95-98 [doi]
- Adaptation to Walking Direction Changes for Gait IdentificationYasushi Makihara, Ryusuke Sagawa, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Tomio Echigo, Yasushi Yagi. 96-99 [doi]
- Towards Robust Voxel-Coloring: Handling Camera Calibration Errors and Partial Emptiness of Surface VoxelsZeeshan Anwar, Frank P. Ferrie. 98-102 [doi]
- A Maximum-Likelihood Approach to Symbolic Indirect CorrelationAshutosh Joshi, George Nagy, Daniel P. Lopresti, Sharad C. Seth. 99-103 [doi]
- Analysis of Ramp Discontinuity Model for Multiscale Image SegmentationHimanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja. 99-103 [doi]
- Hand Gesture Recognition for Deaf People InterfacingIsaac García Incertis, Jaime Gómez García-Bermejo, Eduardo Zalama Casanova. 100-103 [doi]
- An Information Theoretic Approach for Next Best View Planning in 3-D ReconstructionStefan Wenhardt, Benjamin Deutsch, Joachim Hornegger, Heinrich Niemann, Joachim Denzler. 103-106 [doi]
- Basic Concepts For Testing The Torah Code HypothesisRobert M. Haralick. 104-109 [doi]
- Forest Extension of Error Correcting Output Codes and Boosted LandmarksSergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, Petia Radeva. 104-107 [doi]
- In this paper, an approach for deaf-peopleZhi-Wei Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin, Cheng-Chin Chiang. 104-107 [doi]
- Exact View-Dependent Visual HullsGregor Miller, Adrian Hilton. 107-111 [doi]
- A New Hierarchical Image Segmentation MethodXiaojun Du, Tien D. Bui. 108-112 [doi]
- Detecting Coarticulation in Sign Language using Conditional Random FieldsRuiDuo Yang, Sudeep Sarkar. 108-112 [doi]
- Testing The Torah Code Hypothesis: The Experimental ProtocolRobert M. Haralick. 110-115 [doi]
- Concurrent Stereo under Photometric Image DistortionsGeorgy L. Gimel farb, Jiang Li, John Morris, Patrice Delmas. 111-114 [doi]
- A Geometric Active Contour Framework using Multi-Cue and Local FeatureZhenglong Li, Qingshan Liu, Hanqing Lu. 113-116 [doi]
- Finding Text in Natural Scenes by Figure-Ground SegmentationHuiying Shen, James Coughlan. 113-118 [doi]
- Cross Validation and Segment Support for Stereo Belief PropagatiMurray Evans, James M. Ferryman. 115-118 [doi]
- A Model-based Approach for Rigid Object RecognitionChee Boon Chong, Tele Tan, Fee-Lee Lim. 116-120 [doi]
- Bottom-Up Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Region Competition and the Mumford-Shah FunctionalYongsheng Pan, J. Douglas Birdwell, Seddik M. Djouadi. 117-121 [doi]
- Linear model combining by optimizing the Area under the ROC curveDavid M. J. Tax, Robert P. W. Duin. 119-122 [doi]
- Modeling Spatial Relationships between 3D ObjectsStefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo. 119-122 [doi]
- A Unified Formulation of Invariant Point Pattern MatchingTibério S. Caetano, Terry Caelli. 121-124 [doi]
- An Iterative Bayesian Approach for Digital MattingHang Chang, Qing Yang, Chunhong Pan. 122-125 [doi]
- Precision-recall operating characteristic (P-ROC) curves in imprecise environmentsThomas Landgrebe, Pavel Paclík, Robert P. W. Duin. 123-127 [doi]
- Stereo Correspondence Using Stripe Adjacency GraphChang-Chang Wu, Zeng-Fu Wang. 123-126 [doi]
- Efficient Feature Extraction Based on Regularized Uncorrelated Chernoff Discriminant AnalysisA. Kai Qin, Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, Marco Loog. 125-128 [doi]
- Genus-Zero Shape Classification Using Spherical Normal ImageShaojun Liu, Jia Li. 126-129 [doi]
- New Efficient Octree Construction from Multiple Object Silhouettes with Construction Quality ControlZen Chen, Hong-Long Chou. 127-130 [doi]
- Reliable Video Clock Time RecognitionYiqun Li, Changsheng Xu, Kongwah Wan, Xin Yan, Xinguo Yu. 128-131 [doi]
- Minimum Enclosing and Maximum Excluding Machine for Pattern Description and DiscriminationYi Liu, Yuan F. Zheng. 129-132 [doi]
- A Higher-Order Active Contour Model for Tree DetectionPéter Horváth, Ian Jermyn, Josiane Zerubia, Zoltan Kato. 130-133 [doi]
- Augmenting fast stereo with silhouette constraints for dynamic 3D captureStefaan De Roeck, Nico Cornelis, Luc J. Van Gool. 131-134 [doi]
- Metric tree partitioning and Taylor approximation for fast support vector classificationThang V. Pham, Arnold W. M. Smeulders. 132-135 [doi]
- Graph Matching using Interference of Coined Quantum WalksDavid Emms, Edwin R. Hancock, Richard C. Wilson. 133-136 [doi]
- Scale Adaptive Complexity Measure of 2D ShapesHongjiang Su, Ahmed Bouridane, Danny Crookes. 134-137 [doi]
- Depth Recovery from Motion Blurred ImagesHuei-Yung Lin, Chia-Hong Chang. 135-138 [doi]
- Robust Multiclass Ensemble Classifiers via Symmetric FunctionsPatrice Lefaucheur, Richard Nock. 136-139 [doi]
- Dissimilarity-based classification for vectorial representationsElzbieta Pekalska, Robert P. W. Duin. 137-140 [doi]
- Comparing Different Localization Approaches of the Radon Transform for Road Centerline Extraction from Classified Satellite ImageryQiaoping Zhang, Isabelle Couloigner. 138-141 [doi]
- Euclidean Reconstruction of Deformable Structure Using a Perspective Camera with Varying Intrinsic ParametersXavier Lladó, Alessio Del Bue, Lourdes de Agapito. 139-142 [doi]
- Mixing spectral representations of graphsDavid White, Richard C. Wilson. 140-144 [doi]
- Scale Invariants of Three-Dimensional Legendre MomentsLee-Yeng Ong, Chee-Way Chong, Rosli Besar. 141-144 [doi]
- Object Localization Based on Directional Information: Case of 2D Raster DataPascal Matsakis, JingBo Ni, Xin Wang. 142-146 [doi]
- Efficient Monocular 3D Reconstruction from Segments for Visual Navigation in Structured EnvironmentsPedro E. López-de-Teruel, Alberto Ruiz, Lorenzo Fernández. 143-146 [doi]
- Multiscale Feature Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Based on Curvelets and Local Interconnection Structure Neural NetworkZhongbo Zhang, Siliang Ma, Xiao Han. 145-148 [doi]
- An Interweaved HMM/DTW Approach to Robust Time Series ClusteringJianying Hu, Bonnie K. Ray, Lanshan Han. 145-148 [doi]
- Characteristic Line of Planar Homography Matrix and Its Applications in Camera CalibrationJianhua Wang, Yuncai Liu. 147-150 [doi]
- Texture Segmentation Using Independent Component Analysis of Gabor FeaturesYang Chen, Runsheng Wang. 147-150 [doi]
- Patterns of Co-Linear Equidistant Letter Sequences and VersesNachum Bombach, Harold Gans. 149-151 [doi]
- Hierarchical Identification of Palmprint using Line-based Hough TransformFang Li, Maylor K. H. Leung. 149-152 [doi]
- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Spectral-Spatial-Independent ClusteringGiuseppe Scarpa, Michal Haindl. 151-154 [doi]
- Reconstruction of Spheres using Occluding Contours from Stereo ImagesSudanthi N. R. Wijewickrema, Andrew P. Paplinski, Charles E. Esson. 151-154 [doi]
- Experimental Comparison of Combination Rules using Simulated DataHéla Zouari, Laurent Heutte, Yves Lecourtier. 152-155 [doi]
- Content-Based Image Retrieval: on theWay to Object FeaturesNicolas Zlatoff, Guillaume Ryder, Bruno Tellez, Atilla Baskurt. 153-156 [doi]
- Visible Edges Thresholding: a HVS based ApproachNicolas Hautière, Didier Aubert. 155-158 [doi]
- Concurrent Segmentation and Recognition with Shape-Driven Fast Marching MethodsAbdulkerim Çapar, Muhittin Gökmen. 155-158 [doi]
- Comparative Classifier AggregationAhmad Abdulkader, John A. Drakopoulos, Qi Zhang. 156-159 [doi]
- Content-Based Audio Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Independent Component AnalysisJia-Ching Wang, Jhing-Fa Wang, Cai-Bei Lin, Kun-Ting Jian, Wai-He Kuok. 157-160 [doi]
- Differential-Algebraic Multiview ConstraintsAnders Heyden. 159-162 [doi]
- Matching Images Features in a Wide Base Line with ICA DescriptorsRodrigo Munguía, Antoni Grau, Alberto Sanfeliu. 159-162 [doi]
- Object Detection Based on Combination of Conditional Random Field and Markov Random FieldPing Zhong, Runsheng Wang. 160-163 [doi]
- Texture Image Retrieval Using Novel Non-separable Filter Banks Based on Centrally Symmetric MatricesZhenyu He, Xinge You, Yuan Yan Tang, Patrick Shen-Pei Wang, Yun Xue. 161-164 [doi]
- Pay Attention When Selecting FeaturesSimone Frintrop, Patric Jensfelt, Henrik I. Christensen. 163-166 [doi]
- Correlation Based Image Defect DetectionToshiyuki Amano. 163-166 [doi]
- CAPTCHA Challenge Tradeoffs: Familiarity of Strings versus Degradation of ImagesSui-Yu Wang, Jon Louis Bentley. 164-167 [doi]
- Adaptive Discriminant Projection for Content-based Image RetrievalJie Yu, Qi Tian. 165-168 [doi]
- Automatic Segmentation of the Knee Bones using 3D Active Shape ModelsJurgen Fripp, Simon K. Warfield, Stuart Crozier, Sébastien Ourselin. 167-170 [doi]
- Matching Interest Points Using Affine Invariant Concentric CirclesHan-Pang Chiu, Tomás Lozano-Pérez. 167-170 [doi]
- Continuous-Discrete Filtering for Cardiac Kinematics Estimation under Spatio-Temporal Biomechanical ConstrainsShan Tong, Albert J. Sinusas, Pengcheng Shi. 167-170 [doi]
- A probabilistic model with parsinomious representation for sensor fusion in recognizing activity in pervasive environmentDung T. Tran, Dinh Q. Phung. 168-172 [doi]
- Efficient Region Based Indexing and Retrieval for Images with Elastic Bucket TriesSuman Karthik, C. V. Jawahar. 169-172 [doi]
- Initialization Techniques for Segmentation with the Chan-Vese ModelJan Erik Solem, Niels Chr. Overgaard, Anders Heyden. 171-174 [doi]
- The Hidden Birth Dates of Personalities of GenesisDoron Witztum. 173-176 [doi]
- 3-D Surface Moment InvariantsDong Xu, Hua Li. 173-176 [doi]
- Robust Partial Volume Segmentation with Bias Field Correction in Brain MRIHuiguang He, Bin Lv, Ke Lu. 175-178 [doi]
- Modelling Crowd Scenes for Event DetectionErnesto L. Andrade, Scott Blunsden, Robert B. Fisher. 175-178 [doi]
- Incremental Construction of Neighborhood Graphs for Nonlinear Dimensionality ReductionDongfang Zhao, Li Yang. 177-180 [doi]
- Blind Phase-Amplitude Modulation Classification with Unknown Phase OffsetM. L. Dennis Wong, Asoke K. Nandi. 177-180 [doi]
- Probabilistic Image-Based Rendering with Gaussian Mixture ModelWenfeng Li, Baoxin Li. 179-182 [doi]
- Matching 2D Shapes using their Symmetry SetsArjan Kuijper, Ole Fogh Olsen, Philip Bille, Peter J. Giblin. 179-182 [doi]
- 1D-PCA, 2D-PCA to nD-PCAHongchuan Yu, Mohammed Bennamoun. 181-184 [doi]
- Non-overlapping Distributed Tracking using Particle FilterWilson S. Leoputra, Tele Tan, Fee-Lee Lim. 181-185 [doi]
- Automatic Segmentation of the Papilla in a Fundus Image Based on the C-V Model and a Shape RestraintYandong Tang, Xiaomao Li, Axel von Freyberg, Gert Goch. 183-186 [doi]
- A Charged Geometric Model for Active ContoursRonghua Yang, Majid Mirmehdi. 183-186 [doi]
- A New Objective Function for Ensemble Selection in Random SubspacesAlbert Hung-Ren Ko, Robert Sabourin, Alceu de Souza Britto Jr.. 185-188 [doi]
- Protein Fold Recognition using a Structural Hidden Markov ModelDjamel Bouchaffra, Jun Tan. 186-189 [doi]
- An Image Segmentation Framework Based on Patch Segmentation FusionLei Zhang, Xun Wang, Nicholas Penwarden, Qiang Ji. 187-190 [doi]
- A Compact Model of Human Postures Extracting Common Motion from Individual SamplesRui Ishiyama, Hiroo Ikeda, Shizuo Sakamoto. 187-190 [doi]
- An Empirical Model for Saturation and Capacity in Classifier SpacesRobert B. Fisher. 189-193 [doi]
- A Novel Approach to Very Fast and Noise Robust, Isolated Word Speech RecognitionRamin Halavati, Saeed Bagheri Shouraki, Hossein Tajik, Arpineh Cholakian, Mina Razaghpour. 190-193 [doi]
- Learning to Imitate Human Movement to Adapt to Environmental ChangesStephan Al-Zubi, Gerald Sommer. 191-194 [doi]
- Inference of moving forms via Belief PropagationGiuseppe Boccignone, Angelo Marcelli, Paolo Napoletano. 191-194 [doi]
- Separating Reflections from Images Using Kernel Independent Component AnalysisMasaki Yamazaki, Yen-Wei Chen, Gang Xu. 194-197 [doi]
- Building Connected Neighborhood Graphs for Locally Linear EmbeddingLi Yang. 194-197 [doi]
- Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based SegmentationYll Haxhimusa, Adrian Ion, Walter G. Kropatsch. 195-198 [doi]
- Recognizing Rotated Faces from Two Orthogonal Views in Mugshot DatabasesXiaozheng Zhang, Yongsheng Gao, Bailing Zhang. 195-198 [doi]
- Building a Multi-Modal Thesaurus from Annotated ImagesHichem Frigui, Joshua Caudill. 198-201 [doi]
- A Generalized K-Means Algorithm with Semi-Supervised Weight CoefficientsFujiki Morii. 198-201 [doi]
- Real-Time Camera Tracking Using Known 3D Models and a Particle FilterMark Pupilli, Andrew Calway. 199-203 [doi]
- Texture Edge Detection using Multi-resolution Features and SOMLalit Gupta, Sukhendu Das. 199-202 [doi]
- Human Behavior Recognition with Generic Exponential Family Duration Modeling in the Hidden Semi-Markov ModelThi V. Duong, Dinh Q. Phung, Hung Hai Bui, Svetha Venkatesh. 202-207 [doi]
- Locally Multidimensional Scaling for Nonlinear Dimensionality ReductionLi Yang. 202-205 [doi]
- Relightning of Facial VideoPéter Csákány, Adrian Hilton. 203-206 [doi]
- Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multispectral Modelling ApproachMichal Haindl, Stanislav Mikes. 203-206 [doi]
- Invariant Features for 3D-Data based on Group Integration using Directional Information and Spherical Harmonic ExpansionMarco Reisert, Hans Burkhardt. 206-209 [doi]
- Separating Subsurface Scattering from Photometric ImageTai-Pang Wu, Chi-Keung Tang. 207-210 [doi]
- Binocular Hand Tracking and Reconstruction Based on 2D Shape MatchingAntonis A. Argyros, Manolis I. A. Lourakis. 207-210 [doi]
- Extraction of Consistent Subsets of Descriptors using Choquet IntegralJan Rendek, Laurent Wendling. 208-211 [doi]
- Combining Dichotomizers for MAP Field ClassificationSrinivas Andra, George Nagy. 210-214 [doi]
- Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Dynamic Texture RecognitionGuoying Zhao, Matti Pietikäinen. 211-214 [doi]
- Using Evolution to Learn How to Perform Interest Point DetectionLeonardo Trujillo, Gustavo Olague. 211-214 [doi]
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