Abstract is missing.
- Enhanced speaker recognition based on intra-modal fusion and accent modelingSrikanth Mangayyagari, Tanmoy Islam, Ravi Sankar. 1-4 [doi]
- Cervicographic image retrieval by spatial similarity of lesionsZhiyun Xue, L. Rodney Long, Sameer Antani, George R. Thoma, Jose Jeronimo. 1-4 [doi]
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- IR and visible face recognition using fusion of kernel based featuresShahbe Mat Desa, Subhas Hati. 1-4 [doi]
- Improvements in hidden Markov model based Arabic OCRRohit Prasad, Shirin Saleem, Matin Kamali, Ralf Meermeier, Premkumar Natarajan. 1-4 [doi]
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- A Hilbert warping method for camera-based finger-writing recognitionHiroyuki Ishida, Tomokazu Takahashi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase. 1-5 [doi]
- Approximating a non-homogeneous HMM with Dynamic Spatial Dirichlet ProcessHaijun Ren, Liang Wu, Predrag Neskovic, Leon N. Cooper. 1-4 [doi]
- Categorization using semi-supervised clusteringJianying Hu, Moninder Singh, Aleksandra Mojsilovic. 1-4 [doi]
- HMM-based unusual motion detection without trackingÁkos Utasi, László Czúni. 1-4 [doi]
- Real-time camera position and posture estimation using a feature landmark database with prioritiesTakafumi Taketomi, Tomokazu Sato, Naokazu Yokoya. 1-4 [doi]
- A non-cooperative long-range biometric system for maritime surveillanceXiaokun Li, Genshe Chen, Qiang Ji, E. Blasch. 1-4 [doi]
- Recognition of blurred faces using Local Phase QuantizationTimo Ahonen, Esa Rahtu, Ville Ojansivu, Janne Heikkilä. 1-4 [doi]
- Script identification of camera-based imagesLinlin Li, Chew Lim Tan. 1-4 [doi]
- Hybrid wavelet support vector classification of temporal bone abnormalitiesJose George, Subin T. Karthikeyan, Rajeev Kumaraswamy. 1-4 [doi]
- A hypergraph-based approach to affine parameters estimationSamuel Rota Bulò, Andrea Albarelli, Andrea Torsello, Marcello Pelillo. 1-4 [doi]
- A new algorithm for static camera foreground segmentation via active coutours and GMMChengkai Wan, Baozong Yuan, Zhenjiang Miao. 1-4 [doi]
- Ancient document analysis based on text line extractionFlorian Kleber, Robert Sablatnig, Melanie Gau, Heinz Miklas. 1-4 [doi]
- Image analysis approach for identification of renal transplant rejectionAyman El-Baz, Georgy L. Gimel farb, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar. 1-4 [doi]
- Bi-model tracking of object of interest using invariant spatiogram descriptorJun Li, Wei-Yun Yau, Jian-Gang Wang, Wee Ser. 1-4 [doi]
- Unsupervised categorization of heterogeneous text images based on fractalsBadreddine Khelifi, Nizar Zaghden, Adel M. Alimi, Rémy Mullot. 1-4 [doi]
- VoB predictors: Voting on bagging classificationsXiaoyuan Su, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Xingquan Zhu. 1-4 [doi]
- Image sampling for localization using entropyLoic Lacheze, Ryad Benosman. 1-4 [doi]
- FastNMF: A fast monotonic fixed-point non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm with high ease of useLe Li, Yu-Jin Zhang. 1-4 [doi]
- Human action recognition using temporal-state shape contextsPei-Chi Hsiao, Chu-Song Chen, Long-Wen Chang. 1-4 [doi]
- Automatic video annotation with adaptive number of key wordsFangshi Wang, Wei Lu, Jingen Liu, Mubarak Shah, De Xu. 1-4 [doi]
- Tree-serial dynamic programming for image processingAndrey Kopylov. 1-4 [doi]
- A fast algorithm of video super-resolution using dimensionality reduction by DCT and example selectionKiyotaka Watanabe, Yoshio Iwai, Tetsuji Haga, Masahiko Yachida. 1-5 [doi]
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- Direct 3-D shape recovery from image sequence based on multi-scale Bayesian networkNorio Tagawa, Junya Kawaguchi, Shoichi Naganuma, Kan Okubo. 1-4 [doi]
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- Analysis on two fishermethods and a synthesized discriminant projectionZhaoxiong Zeng, Changping Liu, Lei Huang. 1-4 [doi]
- A new HMM for on-line character recognition using pen-direction and pen-coordinate featuresYoshinori Katayama, Seiichi Uchida, Hiroaki Sakoe. 1-4 [doi]
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- Image retrieval with graph kernel on regionsJustine Lebrun, Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet, Philippe Henri Gosselin. 1-4 [doi]
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- Semi-supervised feature selection under logistic I-RELIEF frameworkYubo Cheng, Yunpeng Cai, Yijun Sun, Jian Li. 1-4 [doi]
- C1 units for scene classificationDongjin Song, Dacheng Tao. 1-4 [doi]
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- Recursive structure and motion estimation from noisy uncalibrated video sequencesDu Q. Huynh, Anders Heyden. 1-5 [doi]
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- On the gaussian distribution of stringsSébastien Rebecchi, Jean-Michel Jolion. 1-4 [doi]
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- Detection and tracking of marine vehicles in videoSergiy Fefilatyev, Dmitry B. Goldgof. 1-4 [doi]
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- Calibration of a structured light system by observing planar object from unknown viewpointsKoichiro Yamauchi, Hideo Saito, Yukio Sato. 1-4 [doi]
- Noise robust voice detector for speaker recognitionGabriel Hernández, José R. Calvo, Rafael Fernández, Ivis Rodés, Rafael Martínez. 1-4 [doi]
- A new edge-based text verification approach for videoJing Zhang, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Rangachar Kasturi. 1-4 [doi]
- A layered method of visibility resolving in depth image-based renderingYu Huang, Chao Zhang. 1-4 [doi]
- Detection of anatomical landmarks in human colon from computed tomographic colonography imagesAnanda S. Chowdhury, Jianhua Yao, Robert L. Van Uitert Jr., Marius George Linguraru, Ronald M. Summers. 1-4 [doi]
- Augment document image binarization by learningYuanping Zhu. 1-4 [doi]
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- Machine reading of camera-held low quality text images: An ICA-based image enhancement approach for improving OCR accuracyUtpal Garain, Atishay Jain, Anjan Maity, Bhabatosh Chanda. 1-4 [doi]
- Block-diagonal form of distance matrix for region-based image retrievalDmitry Kinoshenko, Vladimir Mashtalir, Elena Yegorova. 1-4 [doi]
- A corner strength based Fingerprint segmentation algorithm with dynamic thresholdingAsim Baig, Ahmed Bouridane, Fatih Kurugollu. 1-4 [doi]
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- Improving Bayesian Network parameter learning using constraintsCassio Polpo de Campos, Qiang Ji. 1-4 [doi]
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- On efficient Viterbi decoding for hidden semi-Markov modelsRitendra Datta, Jianying Hu, Bonnie K. Ray. 1-4 [doi]
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- A microeconomic approach to multi-objective spatial clusteringUpavan Gupta, Nagarajan Ranganathan. 1-4 [doi]
- Learning combined similarity measures from user data for image retrievalMiguel Arevalillo-Herráez, Francesc J. Ferri, Juan Domingo. 1-4 [doi]
- Three-dimensional cell counting for in-situ microscopyGeovanni Martinez, Jan-Gerd Frerichs, Guido Rudolph, Thomas Scheper. 1-4 [doi]
- Filtering large fingerprint database for latent matchingJianjiang Feng, Anil K. Jain. 1-4 [doi]
- A comparative evaluation of Average Face on holistic and local face recognition approachesSanqiang Zhao, Xiaozheng Zhang, Yongsheng Gao. 1-4 [doi]
- Sitting posture analysis by pressure sensorsKazuhiro Kamiya, Mineichi Kudo, Hidetoshi Nonaka, Jun Toyama. 1-4 [doi]
- Kernel oriented discriminant analysis for speaker-independent phoneme spacesHeeyoul Choi, Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, Seungjin Choi, Yoonsuck Choe. 1-4 [doi]
- Facial expression analysis with facial expression deformationSungsoo Park, Jongju Shin, Daijin Kim. 1-4 [doi]
- An evaluation of Gabor orientation as a feature for face recognitionAdams Kong. 1-4 [doi]
- Clip retrieval using multi-modal biometrics in meeting archivesHimanshu Vajaria, Sudeep Sarkar, Rangachar Kasturi. 1-4 [doi]
- Effective scene matching with local feature representativesShugao Ma, Weiqiang Wang, Qingming Huang, Shuqiang Jiang, Wen Gao. 1-4 [doi]
- Merging maps of multiple robotsNagesh Adluru, Longin Jan Latecki, Marc Sobel, Rolf Lakämper. 1-4 [doi]
- Model-based visual self-localization using geometry and graphsDavid Israel Gonzalez-Aguirre, Tamim Asfour, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Rüdiger Dillmann. 1-5 [doi]
- Feature selection combining genetic algorithm and Adaboost classifiersHassan Chouaib, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Salvatore Tabbone, Florence Cloppet, Nicole Vincent. 1-4 [doi]
- Control and recognition on a humanoid head with cameras having different field of viewAles Ude, Tamim Asfour. 1-4 [doi]
- Unsupervised design of Artificial Neural Networks via multi-dimensional Particle Swarm OptimizationSerkan Kiranyaz, Ince Turker, E. Alper Yildirim, Moncef Gabbouj. 1-4 [doi]
- A network intrusion detection method using independent component analysisDayu Yang, Hairong Qi. 1-4 [doi]
- A Mixed Markov model for change detection in aerial photos with large time differencesCsaba Benedek, Tamás Szirányi. 1-4 [doi]
- Beyond partitions: Allowing overlapping groups in pairwise clusteringAndrea Torsello, Samuel Rota Bulò, Marcello Pelillo. 1-4 [doi]
- Robust estimation of foreground in surveillance videos by sparse error estimationMert Dikmen, Thomas S. Huang. 1-4 [doi]
- 3D object recognition by fast spherical correlation between combined view EGIs and PFTDonghui Wang, Hui Qian. 1-4 [doi]
- Visual features with semantic combination using Bayesian network for a more effective image retrievalSabine Barrat, Salvatore Tabbone. 1-4 [doi]
- Finding the splitting vector for image resolution up-conversionXinyu Xu, Hao Pan. 1-4 [doi]
- Non-dominated Sorting Evolution Strategy-based K-means clustering algorithm for accent classificationSameeh Ullah, Fakhri Karray, Jin Myung Won. 1-4 [doi]
- Support Vector Data Description for image categorization from Internet imagesXiaodong Yu, Daniel DeMenthon, David S. Doermann. 1-4 [doi]
- Confidence rated boosting algorithm for generic object detectionNayyar Abbas Zaidi, David Suter. 1-4 [doi]
- A statistical signature for automatic dialogue classificationAnna Pesarin, Marco Cristani, Vittorio Murino, Carlo Drioli, Alessandro Perina, Alessandro Tavano. 1-4 [doi]
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- Indexing and retrieving cursive documents without recognitionAntonio Clavelli, Luigi P. Cordella, Claudio De Stefano, Angelo Marcelli. 1-4 [doi]
- How current BNs fail to represent evolvable pattern recognition problems and a proposed solutionNirmalya Ghosh, Bir Bhanu. 1-4 [doi]
- Interactive labeling of facial action unitsLei Zhang, Yan Tong, Qiang Ji. 1-4 [doi]
- An adaptive scene description for activity analysis in surveillance videoBrendan Morris, Mohan M. Trivedi. 1-4 [doi]
- Markerless human motion capture: An application of simulated annealing and Fast Marching MethodYifan Lu. 1-4 [doi]
- An approximate algorithm for median graph computation using graph embeddingMiquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny, Francesc Serratosa, Kaspar Riesen, Horst Bunke. 1-4 [doi]
- Deformable template combining alignable and non-alignable sketchesLinjie Zhang, Haifeng Gong, Tianfu Wu, Junyu Dong. 1-4 [doi]
- Bayesian classification for the Statistical Hough transformRozenn Dahyot. 1-4 [doi]
- An improved mean-shift tracker with kernel prediction and scale optimisation targeting for low-frame-rate video trackingZhidong Li, Jing Chen, Nicol N. Schraudolph. 1-4 [doi]
- Transductive optimal component analysisYuhua Zhu, Yiming Wu, Xiuwen Liu, Washington Mio. 1-4 [doi]
- Robust outdoor text detection using text intensity and shape featuresZongyi Liu, Sudeep Sarkar. 1-4 [doi]
- Usage of needle maps and shadows to overcome depth edges in depth map reconstructionMasaaki Iiyama, Koki Hamada, Koh Kakusho, Michihiko Minoh. 1-4 [doi]
- Text detection from scene images using sparse representationWumo Pan, Tien D. Bui, Ching Y. Suen. 1-5 [doi]
- Monte Carlo subspace method: An incremental approach to high-dimensional data classificationTomoya Sakai. 1-4 [doi]
- Hybrid statistical-structural on-line Chinese character recognition with fuzzy inference systemAdrien Delaye, Sébastien Macé, Éric Anquetil. 1-4 [doi]
- Multimodal biometrics management using adaptive score-level combinationAjay Kumar, Vivek Kanhangad, David Zhang. 1-4 [doi]
- Combining speech energy and edge information for fast and efficient voice activity detection in noisy environmentsXiaokun Li, Yunbin Deng. 1-4 [doi]
- Automatic pose estimation of 3D facial modelsYi Sun, Lijun Yin. 1-4 [doi]
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