Abstract is missing.
- An Efficient and Robust Web Caching SystemZhiyong Xu, Rui Min, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Yiming Hu. [doi]
- Toward a Grid-Based Simulation of Multiphase Fluid Flow in Porous MediaJong G. Kim, Kum W. Cho, Hyoung-Woo Park. [doi]
- Group Scheduling in Systems SoftwareMichael Frisbie, Douglas Niehaus, Venkita Subramonian, Christopher D. Gill. [doi]
- Implementing an MPICH-2 Channel Device over VAPI on InfiniBandRené Grabner, Frank Mietke, Wolfgang Rehm. [doi]
- Parallel Mining of Association Rules from Text Databases on a Cluster of WorkstationsJohn D. Holt, Soon Myoung Chung. [doi]
- The Range Assignment Problem in Non-Homogeneous Static Ad-Hoc NetworksChristoph Ambühl, Andrea E. F. Clementi, Miriam Di Ianni, Gianluca Rossi, Angelo Monti, Riccardo Silvestri. [doi]
- A Self-Adapting Distributed Memory Package for Fast Signal TransformsKang Chen, Jeremy R. Johnson. [doi]
- Cost Efficient Synthesis of Real-Time Systems upon Heterogeneous Multiprocessor PlatformsSanjoy K. Baruah. [doi]
- Benchmark Probes for Grid AssessmentGreg Chun, Holly Dail, Henri Casanova, Allan Snavely. [doi]
- Automatic Simulation of Network Problems in UDP-Based Java ProgramsEitan Farchi, Yoel Krasny, Yarden Nir. [doi]
- Functional Realization of Coordination Environments for Mixed ParallelismJohn O Donnell, Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger. [doi]
- Evaluating the Information Power Grid Using the NAS Grid BenchmarksRob F. Van der Wijngaart, Michael A. Frumkin. [doi]
- Improving Data Locality in Parallel Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm for Pricing Financial DerivativesSajib Barua, Ruppa K. Thulasiram, Parimala Thulasiraman. [doi]
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- Cluster-Based Multiple Task Allocation in Distributed Computing SystemDeo Prakash Vidyarthi, Anil Kumar Tripathi, Biplab Kumer Sarker, Abhishek Dhawan, Laurence Tianruo Yang. [doi]
- Optimal Period of Workload Redistribution for Dynamic Bulk Synchronous Computations in Heterogeneous Computing SystemsKeqin Li. [doi]
- Achieving Structural and Composable Modeling of Complex SystemsDavid I. August, Sharad Malik, Li-Shiuan Peh, Vijay S. Pai. [doi]
- Limiting Flooding Expenses in On-demand Source-Initiated Protocols for Mobile Wireless NetworksLuisa Gargano, Mikael Hammar, Anna Pagh. [doi]
- A Source Code Analyzer for Performance PredictionMatthias Kühnemann, Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger. [doi]
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- A Reconfigurable Tag Computation Architecture for Terabit Packet SchedulingSakir Sezer, Ciaran Toal, Emi Garcia, V. Stewart. [doi]
- Efficient Simulation of the Acyclic DR-Mesh on the LR-MeshJosé Alberto Fernández-Zepeda, Daniel Fajardo-Delgado, José Antonio Cárdenas-Haro, Anu G. Bourgeois. [doi]
- A Flexible IO Scheme for Grid WorkflowsDavid Abramson, Jagan Kommineni. [doi]
- Fast Shared-Memory Algorithms for Computing the Minimum Spanning Forest of Sparse GraphsDavid A. Bader, Guojing Cong. [doi]
- An Algorithm for Geometric Load Balancing with Two ConstraintsJiyoun Kim, Marios C. Papaefthymiou, Athar B. Tayyab. [doi]
- Fault-Tolerant DSM on the SOME-Bus Multiprocessor Architecture with Message CombiningConstantine Katsinis, Diana Hecht. [doi]
- Parallel Routing Algorithms for Nonblocking Electronic and Photonic Multistage Switching NetworksEnyue Lu, S. Q. Zheng. [doi]
- Hardware Assisted Two Dimensional Ultra Fast PlacementManish Handa, Ranga Vemuri. [doi]
- Efficient Clustering for Parallel Tasks Execution in Distributed SystemsAlbert Y. Zomaya, Gerard Chan. [doi]
- A Dynamically-Reconfigurable Image Recognition ProcessorKazuyuki Maruo, Masayoshi Ichikawa, Naoto Miyamoto, Leo Karnan, Takahiro J. Yamaguchi, Koji Kotani, Tadahiro Ohmi. [doi]
- On the Comparison of CPLEX-Computed Job Schedules with the Self-Tuning dynP Job SchedulerSven Grothklags, Achim Streit. [doi]
- A Categorisation Model for Distributed Virtual EnvironmentsRobert Bartlett. [doi]
- Capabilities-Based Query Planning in Mediator SystemsJiuyang Tang, Wei Ming Zhang, Jun-feng Song, Weidong Xiao. [doi]
- Fidgeting to the Point of No ReturnMarina Biberstein, Eitan Farchi, Shmuel Ur. [doi]
- On the Feasibility of Incremental Checkpointing for Scientific ComputingJosé Carlos Sancho, Fabrizio Petrini, Greg Johnson, Juan Fernández, Eitan Frachtenberg. [doi]
- Distributed Correction of Proximity Effect in Electron Beam Lithography on a Heterogeneous ClusterNoppachai Anupongpaibool, Soo-Young Lee. [doi]
- Loop-Based Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc NetworksHiroyuki Unoki, Hiroaki Higaki. [doi]
- A High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Architecture for Floating-Point Based LU Decomposition on FPGAsGokul Govindu, Seonil Choi, Viktor K. Prasanna, Vikash Daga, Sridhar Gangadharpalli, V. Sridhar. [doi]
- Implementing Cellular Automata in FPGA LogicMathias Halbach, Rolf Hoffmann. [doi]
- Multisite Resource Selection and Scheduling Algorithm on Computational GridWeizhe Zhang, Binxing Fang, Hui He, Hongli Zhang, Mingzeng Hu. [doi]
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- A Grid Service for Interactive Dataset AnalysisDavid A. Alexander, Brian Miller, Tony Johnson, Max Turri, Victor Serbo. [doi]
- Parallel Simulation of Fluid Slip in a MicrochannelJingyu Zhou, Luoding Zhu, Linda R. Petzold, Tao Yang. [doi]
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- Integrating Remote Invocation and Distributed Shared StateChunqiang Tang, DeQing Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott. [doi]
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- High Performance Implementation of MPI Derived Datatype Communication over InfiniBandJiesheng Wu, Pete Wyckoff, Dhabaleswar K. Panda. [doi]
- An Algorithmic Model for Heterogeneous Clusters: Rationale and ExperienceArnold L. Rosenberg. [doi]
- Using Speculation to Simplify Multiprocessor DesignDaniel J. Sorin, Milo M. K. Martin, Mark D. Hill, David A. Wood. [doi]
- An Executable Model for a Family of Election AlgorithmsWei Shi, Jean-Pierre Corriveau. [doi]
- A Probabilistic Parameterized Algorithm for Vertex Cover in Sticker ModelZhiyun Chen, Huiqin Qu, Mingming Lu, Hong Zhu. [doi]
- Communication Benchmarking and Performance Modelling of MPI Programs on Cluster ComputersDuncan A. Grove, Paul D. Coddington. [doi]
- A Multiprocessor Implementation of the Total Bandwidth ServerSanjoy K. Baruah, Giuseppe Lipari. [doi]
- Replication Under Scalable Hashing: A Family of Algorithms for Scalable Decentralized Data DistributionR. J. Honicky, Ethan L. Miller. [doi]
- Parallel Brutus: The First Distributed, FPGA Accelerated Chess ProgramChrilly Donninger, Alex Kure, Ulf Lorenz. [doi]
- Program Monitoring with LTL in EAGLEHoward Barringer, Allen Goldberg, Klaus Havelund, Koushik Sen. [doi]
- Utilizing Home Node Prediction to Improve the Performance of Software Distributed Shared MemorySong Peng, Evan Speight. [doi]
- Message Routing in Multi-Segment FTT Networks: The Isochronous ApproachPaulo Pedreiras, Luís Almeida. [doi]
- On Constructing the Minimum Orthogonal Convex Polygon in 2-D Faulty MeshesJie Wu, Zhen Jiang. [doi]
- A Combined Safety/Security Approach for Co-Operative Distributed SystemsKarl-Erwin Großpietsch, Tanya A. Silayeva. [doi]
- Boltzmann Algorithms to Partition and Map Software for Computational GridsJason R. Adams, Camille C. Price. [doi]
- Improvements in the Efficient Composition of Applications Built Using a Component-Based Programming EnvironmentThomas Eidson, Victor Eijkhout, Jack Dongarra. [doi]
- Large-Scale Simulation of Eukaryotic Cell Signaling ProcessesJohn H. Miller, Yan Fang Zheng. [doi]
- SRUMMA: A Matrix Multiplication Algorithm Suitable for Clusters and Scalable Shared Memory SystemsManojkumar Krishnan, Jarek Nieplocha. [doi]
- A Poly-Algorithmic Approach Applied for Fast Matrix Multiplication on ClustersWahid Nasri, Denis Trystram. [doi]
- System-Level Parallelism and Throughput Optimization in Designing Reconfigurable Computing ApplicationsEsam El-Araby, Mohamed Taher, Kris Gaj, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, David Caliga, Nikitas A. Alexandridis. [doi]
- On Partitioning FEM Graphs Using DiffusionStefan Schamberger. [doi]
- Pipelined Multipliers for Reconfigurable HardwareMitchell J. Myjak, José G. Delgado-Frias. [doi]
- On Static WCET Analysis vs. Run-Time Monitoring of Execution TimeCharles Cavanaugh. [doi]
- Flecc: A Flexible Cache Coherence Protocol for Dynamic Component-Based SystemsAnca-Andreea Ivan, Vijay Karamcheti. [doi]
- State Space Reduction in SDL Models of Fault-Tolerant SystemsSabine M. Böhm, Klaus Echtle. [doi]
- Optimal Multi-Channel Data Allocation with Flat Broadcast Per ChannelAlan A. Bertossi, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Shashank Ramaprasad, Romeo Rizzi, Madhusudana V. S. Shashanka. [doi]
- Evaluation of Elementary Functions Using Multimedia FeaturesGerardo Bandera, Mario A. González, Julio Villalba, Javier Hormigo, Emilio L. Zapata. [doi]
- Performance Comparison of Parallel Programming Environments for Implementing AIAC AlgorithmsJacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Raphaël Couturier. [doi]
- Two Parallel Computational Geometry Algorithms: A Discrete Voronoi Diagram with Disappearing Seeds and Convex HullJoseph S. Szakas, Christian Trefftz. [doi]
- How to Run Experiments with Large Peer-to-Peer Data StructureErik Buchmann, Klemens Böhm. [doi]
- Secure and Reliable Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Web CacheBo Sheng, Farokh B. Bastani. [doi]
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- A Parallel Method for Near-Circulant Penta-Diagonal SystemsL. E. Garey, S. S. Nemani. [doi]
- Parallel Genetic Algorithms: Advances, Computing Trends, Applications and PerspectivesZdenek Konfrst. [doi]
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- Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB ApproachStefan Ihmor, Wolfram Hardt. [doi]
- Implementing a Reconfigurable Atomic Memory Service for Dynamic NetworksPeter M. Musial, Alexander A. Shvartsman. [doi]
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- A Trust Brokering System and Its Application to Resource Management in Public-Resource GridsFarag Azzedin, Muthucumaru Maheswaran. [doi]
- Predicting the Performance of GridFTP TransfersRashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj. [doi]
- Bounded Service Time and Memory Space Optimal Self-Stabilizing Token Circulation Protocol on Unidirectional RingsColette Johnen. [doi]
- Java-Based Distributed Architectures for Intensive Computations related to Electrical GridMichele Di Santo, Nadia Ranaldo, Alfredo Vaccaro, Eugenio Zimeo. [doi]
- Performance Measurement and Modeling of Component Applications in a High Performance Computing Environment: A Case StudyJaideep Ray, Nick Trebon, Robert C. Armstrong, Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony. [doi]
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- Linear Feedback Shift Register Interconnection NetworksFernando Rodríguez Salazar, John R. Barker. [doi]
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- On the Interference of Communication on Computation in JavaBarbara Kreaseck, Larry Carter, Henri Casanova, Jeanne Ferrante. [doi]
- D-Test: An Extension to Banerjee Test for a Fast Dependence Analysis in a Multimedia Vectorizing CompilerPatricio Bulic, Veselko Gustin. [doi]
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- Average-Case Performance Analysis and Validation of Online Scheduling of Independent Parallel TasksKeqin Li. [doi]
- Optimal Layout for Fast Fourier Transform in Multilayer VLSIChi-Hsiang Yeh. [doi]
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- A Utility-Based Approach to Scheduling Multimedia Streams in Peer-to-Peer SystemsFang Chen. [doi]
- A Framework for Heterogeneous Middleware SecuritySimon N. Foley, Thomas B. Quillinan, Maeve O Connor, Barry P. Mulcahy, John P. Morrison. [doi]
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- Distributing Data in Composite Grid Applications for Grid ComputingLorie M. Liebrock, Yuan Ye, Ramesh Naidu Ande, Paul Richard Chen Ming. [doi]
- Cost-Effective Unique-Path WDM Optical InterconnectsHui Zhang, Yuanyuan Yang. [doi]
- Topology Transparent Scheduling, Synchronization, and Maximum DelayWensong Chu, Charles J. Colbourn, Violet R. Syrotiuk. [doi]
- Quality-Based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management ServiceDavid Fleeman, Matthew Gillen, Andrew Lenharth, M. Delaney, Lonnie R. Welch, David W. Juedes, Chang Liu. [doi]
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- Scalable Regularized Tomography without Repeated ProjectionsJonas August, Takeo Kanade. [doi]
- A Fast, Parallel Spanning Tree Algorithm for Symmetric MultiprocessorsDavid A. Bader, Guojing Cong. [doi]
- Managing Communication in Integrated Modular ArchitecturesSathish Gopalakrishnan. [doi]
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- On the Joint Utility Accrual ModelHaisang Wu, Binoy Ravindran, E. Douglas Jensen. [doi]
- Experimental Studies of Scalability in Clustered Web SystemsIbrahim Haddad, Greg Butler. [doi]
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- Implementation of a HiperLAN/2 Receiver on the Reconfigurable Montium ArchitecturePaul M. Heysters, Gerard K. Rauwerda, Gerard J. M. Smit. [doi]
- A Distributed Hash Table for Computational GridsChris Riley, Christian Scheideler. [doi]
- A Model of Distributed-Shared-Memory on the SOME-Bus ArchitectureConstantine Katsinis. [doi]
- Increasing Object Availability in Peer-to-Peer SystemsMurali Krishna Ramanathan. [doi]
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- Parallel Implementation of the Treecode Ewald MethodDongqing Liu, Zhong-Hui Duan, Robert Krasny, Jianping Zhu. [doi]
- Tuning Reconfigurable Microarchitectures for Power EfficiencyAshutosh S. Dhodapkar, James E. Smith. [doi]
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