Abstract is missing.
- Orchestration of Time-Constrained BPEL4WS workflowsMarkus Mathes, Roland Schwarzkopf, Tim Dörnemann, Steffen Heinzl, Bernd Freisleben. 1-4 [doi]
- An evolutionary approach for the industrial introduction of virtual commissioningRainer Drath, Peter Weber, Nicolas Mauser. 5-8 [doi]
- A practical preprocessing treatment for pipeline leak locating improvingMarllene Daneti. 9-12 [doi]
- SARBAU - an IP-fieldbus based building automation networkStefan Knauth, Rolf Kistler, Christian Jost, Alexander Klapproth. 13-16 [doi]
- Aspects of development and engineering of a migration solution for existing heterogeneous Distributed Automation SystemsChristian Hahn, Robert Lehmann, Martin Wollschlaeger. 17-20 [doi]
- Integrated real-time system for perishable freight transport managementAthanasios P. Kalogeras, Konstantinos J. Charatsis, Ioannis Mourtos, Fotios Liotopoulos, George Asimakopoulos, Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos. 21-24 [doi]
- An IEC 61499 based run-to-run controller for chemical mechanical planarization processKiah Mok Goh, Benny Tjahjono, Abdul Manaf, Anton J. R. Aendenroomer. 25-28 [doi]
- Graphical representation of factory automation Markup LanguagesFabian Lopez, Edurne Irisarri, Elisabet Estevez, Marga Marcos. 29-32 [doi]
- e-based inter-enterprise supply chain Kanban for demand and order fulfilment managementLinton L. S. Chai. 33-35 [doi]
- On full aspect conveyed object inspection at high speedMarc Pearson, Tim Clarke. 36-39 [doi]
- An existing complete house control system based on the REFLEX operating system: Implementation and experiences over a period of 4 yearsKarsten Walther, Reinhardt Karnapke, Jörg Nolte. 40-45 [doi]
- Modules, version and variability management in automation engineering of machine and plant manufacturingTze Ying Sim, Fang Li, Birgit Vogel-Heuser. 46-49 [doi]
- Automation objects for Product Service System enabler deviceKiah Mok Goh, Benny Tjahjono, James Joseph, Li Qun Zhuang. 50-53 [doi]
- Dynamic operations and manpower scheduling for high-mix, low-volume manufacturingTay Jin Chua, Tian Xiang Cai, Joyce Mei Wan Low. 54-57 [doi]
- Determination of launching parameters for throwing objects in logistic processes with direct hitsHeinz Frank. 58-61 [doi]
- An approach to use model driven design in industrial automationElisabet Estevez, Marga Marcos. 62-65 [doi]
- Improving program flexibility and application engineering for decentralized control in factory automationHartmut Rüdele, Florian Kantz. 66-69 [doi]
- Aquaculture production quality certification model utilizing web semantics and wireless technologiesKonstantinos J. Charatsis, Athanasios P. Kalogeras, Christos E. Alexakos, Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos, Joanna Iliopoulou Georgudaki. 70-73 [doi]
- Evaluation of Sequential Function Charts execution techniques. The Active Steps AlgorithmRamon Piedrafita Moreno, José Luis Villarroel Salcedo. 74-81 [doi]
- Rapid prototyping of logic control in industrial automation exploiting the generalized actuator approachAndrea Paoli, Matteo Sartiniy, Andrea Tilli. 82-89 [doi]
- Selecting orchestrator paths in manufacturing lines: Alternatives to schedulingCorina Popescu, Jose L. Martinez Lastra. 90-96 [doi]
- Structured reactive controllers and transformational planning for manufacturingThomas Rühr, Dejan Pangercic, Michael Beetz. 97-104 [doi]
- An algorithm to compensate for large data dropouts in Networked control systemsPablo Millán, Isabel Jurado, Carlos Vivas, Francisco R. Rubio. 105-112 [doi]
- Constraints graph based approach for the control of time critical systemsPatrice Bonhomme. 113-120 [doi]
- Identification of incompatible states in mode switchingGregory Faraut, Laurent Piétrac, Éric Niel. 121-128 [doi]
- Observability analysis of interpreted Petri nets under partial state observations using estimations reachability graphLuis I. Aguirre-Salas, Alejandra Santoyo-Sanchez. 129-136 [doi]
- Robust control of a manufacturing system: Flow-quality approachAchraf Jabeur Telmoudi, Lotfi Nabli, Radhi M hiri. 137-142 [doi]
- Real number laplace transformation-based identification for first-order system including time-delaySatoshi Suzuki, Katsuhisa Furuta. 143-149 [doi]
- Speaker selection algorithm using audio and video information in a cluttered environmentYoonseob Lim, JongSuk Choi. 150-155 [doi]
- Analysis of machine operation skills using hand discrete movementSatoshi Suzuki, Fumio Harashima. 156-163 [doi]
- Object-transportation control for a human-operated robotic manipulatorNaoki Uchiyama, Atsushi Mori, Yuichiro Kajita, Shigenori Sano, Shoji Takagi. 164-169 [doi]
- Teleoperation mechanisms in a multi-agent systemVasco Santos, Pedro Santana, Luís Correia, José Barata. 170-176 [doi]
- Shared control of a pan-tilt camera on an all-terrain mobile robotCarlos Cândido, Pedro Santana, Luís Correia, José Barata. 177-183 [doi]
- An IEC 61499 interpretation and implementation focused on usabilityFlorian Wagner, Joachim Bohl, Georg Frey. 184-191 [doi]
- CEC designer: Domain specific modelling for the industrial automation based on the IEC 61499 standardMarco Colla, Tiziano Leidi, Murat Kunt, Jean-Philippe Thiran. 192-199 [doi]
- Framework for management of replicated IEC 61499 applicationsAdriano A. Santos, Mário de Sousa. 200-206 [doi]
- An engineering method for batch process automation using a component oriented design based on IEC 61499Wilfried Lepuschitz, Alois Zoitl. 207-214 [doi]
- Implementation alternatives for the OMAC state machines using IEC 61499Nils H. Hagge, Bernardo Wagner. 215-220 [doi]
- A survey of distributed intelligence in automation in European industry, research and marketIvanka Terzic, Alois Zoitl, Bernard Favre, Thomas Strasser. 221-228 [doi]
- Application-based approach for automatic texture defect recognition on synthetic surfacesMarcus Niederhöfer, Volker Lohweg. 229-232 [doi]
- Integrating agents and soft computing in Intelligent Manufacturing System modelsLuiz Marcio Spinosa, Leandro dos Santos Coelho. 233-236 [doi]
- Efficient failure-free foundry productionYoseba K. Penya, Pablo Garcia Bringas, Argoitz Zabala. 237-240 [doi]
- Modular assembly machine - ontology based conceptIvanka Terzic, Munir Merdan, Alois Zoitl, Ingo Hegny. 241-244 [doi]
- Gesture recognition using evolution strategy neural networkJohan Hägg, Baran Çürüklü, Batu Akan, Lars Asplund. 245-248 [doi]
- A biological inspired multi-agent based shop floor control architecture for manufacturing systemsDania A. El-Kebbe, Juan Gomez-Fernandez. 249-252 [doi]
- Green surveillance applicationsJavier Silvestre-Blanes. 253-256 [doi]
- Descending Deviation Optimization techniques for scheduling problemsKevin McCarty, Milos Manic. 257-260 [doi]
- Refining the window size of sliding window operations in running data processing systemsBernhard Wolf, Mario Neugebauer. 261-264 [doi]
- Considerations on PID controller operation: Application to a continuous stirred tank reactorOrlando Arrieta, Ramon Vilanova, Victor M. Alfaro, Romualdo Moreno. 265-272 [doi]
- Analytical robust tuning of PI controllers for first-order-plus-dead-time processesVictor M. Alfaro, Ramon Vilanova, Orlando Arrieta. 273-280 [doi]
- Sucker-rod pumping system: Simulator and dynamic level control using bottom hole pressureBernardo Ordonez, Andres Codas, Ubirajara Franco Moreno, Alex Teixeira. 282-289 [doi]
- Multivariable PID control tuning: A controller validation approachPedro Balaguer, Norhaliza Abdul Wahab, M. Reza Katebi, Ramon Vilanova. 289-294 [doi]
- An adaptive network architecture for home- and building environmentsRolf Kistler, Stefan Knauth, Alexander Klapproth. 295-302 [doi]
- A data exchange format for the engineering of building automation systemsStefan Runde, Alexander Fay. 303-310 [doi]
- Functional safety and system security in automation systems - a life cycle modelThomas Novak, Albert Treytl. 311-318 [doi]
- Localization by superposing beats: First laboratory experiments and theoretical analyzesMatthias Schneider, Ralf Salomon. 319-325 [doi]
- Practical obstacle avoidance using potential field for a nonholonmic mobile robot with rectangular bodyHiroaki Seki, Satoshi Shibayama, Yoshitsugu Kamiya, Masatoshi Hikizu. 326-332 [doi]
- Localization in a wide range of industrial environments using relative 3D ceiling featuresDaniel Lecking, Oliver Wulf, Bernardo Wagner. 333-337 [doi]
- Optimal test-point positions for calibrating an ultrasonic LPS systemF. Daniel Ruiz, Jesús Ureña, Jose M. Villadangos, Isaac Gude, Juan Jesús García, Álvaro Hernández, Ana Jiménez. 338-344 [doi]
- Two camera system for robot applications; navigationJörgen Lidholm, Fredrik Ekstrand, Lars Asplund. 345-352 [doi]
- A fast visual line segment trackerPeer Neubert, Peter Protzel, Teresa Vidal-Calleja, Simon Lacroix. 353-360 [doi]
- Restricting IEC 61131-3 programming languages for use on high integrity applicationsMario de Sousa. 361-368 [doi]
- Transformation of existing IEC 61131-3 automation projects into control logic according to IEC 61499Christoph Sünder, Monika Wenger, Christian Hanni, Ivo Gosetti, Heinrich Steininger, Josef Fritsche. 369-376 [doi]
- Analyzing the liveliness of IEC 61499 function blocksNils H. Hagge, Bernardo Wagner. 377-382 [doi]
- A formal approach to check and schedule reconfigurable embedded control systemsMohamed Khalgui, Olfa Mosbahi, Hans-Michael Hanisch. 383-391 [doi]
- Segmentation of standard ethernet messages in the time-triggered ethernetVaclav Mikolasek, Astrit Ademaj, Stanislav Racek. 392-399 [doi]
- An evaluation of switched ethernet and linux traffic control for real-time transmissionJoan Vila-Carbó, Joaquim Tur-Masanet, Enrique Hernández-Orallo. 400-407 [doi]
- A performance analysis of EtherCAT and PROFINET IRTGunnar Prytz. 408-415 [doi]
- An arbitration-based access scheme for EtherCAT networksGianluca Cena, Adriano Valenzano, Claudio Zunino. 416-423 [doi]
- A mechanism for deadline missing prediction in systems based on distributed threadsPatricia Della Mea Plentz, Carlos Montez, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira. 424-427 [doi]
- Accurate modeling of repair time in two-machine production linesHassanein H. Amer, Ramez M. Daoud. 428-431 [doi]
- Web services on deeply embedded devices with real-time processingGuido Moritz, Steffen Prüter, Dirk Timmermann, Frank Golatowski. 432-435 [doi]
- Proposal of an industrial information system model for automatic performance evaluationEduardo Alves Portela Santos, Eduardo De Freitas Rocha Loures, Fernando Deschamps, Marco Antonio Busetti de Paula. 436-439 [doi]
- A simulation approach to a Real-Time Ethernet protocol: EtherCATLucia Seno, Claudio Zunino. 440-443 [doi]
- Verification and analysis of dependable automotive communication systems based on HW/SW co-simulationMichael Karner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss, Eric Armengaud, Daniel Watzenig, Gernot Knoll. 444-447 [doi]
- A model for security management of SCADA systemsIvano Miranda dos Anjos, Agostinho M. Brito, Paulo S. Motta Pires. 448-451 [doi]
- Modeling flexible mechatronical based assembly systems through simulation supportMartijn N. Rooker, Thomas Strasser, Gerhard Ebenhofer, Michael Hofmann, Ricardo Velez Osuna. 452-455 [doi]
- Development of a flexible gateway platform for automotive networksAndreas Puhm, Peter Roessler, Marcus Wimmer, Rafael Swierczek, Peter Balog. 456-459 [doi]
- Why IEEE 1394 ( FireWire ) might not be a perfect choice for factory automation today - a case study from the printing industryAndreas Rehkopf, Johannes Weber, Hans-Detlef Groeger. 460-463 [doi]
- Using a CORBA synchronous scheduling service in Pick&Place operationsIsidro Calvo, Itziar Cabanes, Adrian Noguero, Asier Zubizarreta, Luís Almeida, Marga Marcos. 464-467 [doi]
- Denial-of-service in automation systemsWolfgang Granzer, Christian Reinisch, Wolfgang Kastner. 468-471 [doi]
- Real-time enabled debugging for distributed systemsGeorg Gaderer, Patrick Loschmidt, Thilo Sauter. 472-475 [doi]
- Network diagnostics for industrial EthernetOliver Kleineberg, Max Felser. 476-479 [doi]
- Security in virtual automation networksDirk Reinelt, Mario Wolframm. 480-483 [doi]
- Designing and verifying media management in ReCANcentrateManuel Barranco, Julian Proenza, Luís Almeida. 484-487 [doi]
- Use of interleaving and error correction to infrared patterns for the improvement of position estimation systemsNikos Petrellis, Fotios Gioulekas, Michael K. Birbas, John C. Kikidis, Alexios N. Birbas. 488-491 [doi]
- A secure agent platform for active RFIDAlbert Treytl, Werner Spenger, Bilal Riaz. 492-495 [doi]
- Clock synchronization of PTP-based devices through PROFINET IO networksPaolo Ferrari, Alessandra Flammini, Daniele Marioli, Stefano Rinaldi, Emiliano Sisinni, Andrea Taroni, Francesco Venturini. 496-499 [doi]
- Event-based control and wireless sensor network for greenhouse diurnal temperature control: A simulated case studyAndrzej Pawlowski, José Luis Guzmán, Francisco Rodríguez, Manuel Berenguel, José Sánchez, Sebastián Dormido. 500-507 [doi]
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- Resource management and usage in highly flexible and adaptable manufacturing systemsMichael Heinze, Arndt Lüder, Jörn Peschke. 516-523 [doi]
- Improvement of output voltage using six-phase matrix converterManuel Ortega, Francisco Jurado. 524-529 [doi]
- An application of BPEL for service orchestration in an industrial environmentJuha Puttonen, Andrei Lobov, Jose L. Martinez Lastra. 530-537 [doi]
- Fault diagnosis of electrical systems using Interpreted Petri netsAlejandra Santoyo-Sanchez, Elvia Ruiz-Beltrán, Luis I. Aguirre-Salas, Victor H. Ortiz-Muro. 538-546 [doi]
- Extension of model-reference based estimator for fault isolation in a bioprocessNabil Kabbaj, Andrei Doncescu. 547-551 [doi]
- Network calculus based fault diagnosis decision-making for Networked Control SystemsChristophe Aubrun, Jean-Philippe Georges, Dominique Sauter, Eric Rondeau. 552-558 [doi]
- Diagnosis of intermittent fault dynamicsAntonio Correcher Salvador, Emilio García, Francisco Morant, Ramón Blasco Giménez, Eduardo Quiles Cucarella. 559-566 [doi]
- A neural network multiagent architecture applied to fieldbus intelligent controlVinicius Ponte Machado, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto, Jorge Dantas de Melo, Leonardo Guanabara, Juliana Medeiros. 567-574 [doi]
- Scheduling of semi-independent real-time components: Overrun methods and resource holding timesMoris Behnam, Insik Shin, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Nolin. 575-582 [doi]
- Adaptive real-time scheduling for legacy applicationsLuca Abeni, Luigi Palopoli. 583-590 [doi]
- Scheduling analysis of distributed real-time systems under functional constraintsAlexander Metzner. 591-599 [doi]
- Exact scheduling analysis of accumulatively monotonic multiframe tasks subjected to release jitter and arbitrary deadlinesAreej Zuhily, Alan Burns. 600-607 [doi]
- Generic service information system architecture - A reference model based approach for evaluating information systems in industrial serviceMichael Amberg, Timo Holm, Kristian Dencovski, Mathias Maurmaier. 608-615 [doi]
- AutomationML - the glue for seamless automation engineeringRainer Drath, Arndt Lüder, Jörn Peschke, Lorenz Hundt. 616-623 [doi]
- Challenges in the development of Mechatronic systems: The Mechatronic ComponentKleanthis Thramboulidis. 624-631 [doi]
- XML-based Middleware approach for industrial wireless communication systemsVolker Schuermann, Aurel Buda, Joerg F. Wollert. 632-639 [doi]
- OPC UA supporting the automated engineering of production monitoring and control systemsMiriam Schleipen. 640-647 [doi]
- Exploiting publish/subscribe communication in wireless mesh networks for industrial scenariosAndré Herms, Michael Schulze, Jörg Kaiser, Edgar Nett. 648-655 [doi]
- Synchronized Wireless Sensor Networks for coexistencePaolo Ferrari, Alessandra Flammini, Daniele Marioli, Emiliano Sisinni, Andrea Taroni. 656-663 [doi]
- Some factors affecting performance of a wireless sensor network - entropy-based analysisMarko Paavola, Mika Ruusunen. 664-671 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of a compression algorithm for wireless sensor networks in monitoring applicationsIvanovitch M. D. Silva, Luiz Affonso Guedes, Francisco Vasques. 672-678 [doi]
- On the timeliness of multi-hop non-beaconed ZigBee broadcast communicationsPaulo Bartolomeu, José Alberto Fonseca, Francisco Vasques. 679-686 [doi]
- Customer-oriented innovation of engineering tools - a holistic methodology to close the gap to customer productivityKristian Dencovski, Thomas Wagner. 687-692 [doi]
- Concept for proactive ramp-up validation of body-in-white linesSven Mandel, Thomas Bar, Alexander Fay. 693-696 [doi]
- Virtual prototyping through co-simulation of a Cartesian plotterMarcel A. Groothuis, Arjen S. Damstra, Jan F. Broenink. 697-700 [doi]
- Communication performance simulation for object access of BACnet Web Service building facility monitoring systemsChuzo Ninagawa, Tomotaka Sato, Yahiko Kawakita. 701-704 [doi]
- Sharing IO devices using hardware virtualization method for component-based industrial controllersTatsuya Maruyama, Tsutomu Yamada. 705-708 [doi]
- On working with the concept of integration ontologiesAndreas Gössling, Martin Wollschlaeger. 709-712 [doi]
- XML-based modeling of an alarm managementAnnerose Braune, Stefan Hennig. 713-716 [doi]
- Towards migrating legacy real-time systems to multi-core platformsFarhang Nemati, Johan Kraft, Thomas Nolte. 717-720 [doi]
- Message-oriented and workflow-based inter-process communication for distributed manufacturingPatrick Otto, Erik Hennig, Martin Wollschlaeger. 721-724 [doi]
- Rapid migration and commissioning of industrial equipmentKlaus Kabitzsch, Jens Naake, Andre Roeder, Volodymyr Vasyutynskyy. 725-728 [doi]
- Feasibility analysis for networked control systems by simulation in ModelicaLiu Liu, Georg Frey. 729-732 [doi]
- Leveraging model-driven development for automation systems developmentMathias Maurmaier. 733-737 [doi]
- An asymptotic discrete second order sliding mode control law for highly non stationary systemsMohamed Mihoub, Ahmed Said Nouri, Ridha Ben Abdennour. 738-744 [doi]
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- 3D-based monocular SLAM for mobile agents navigating in indoor environmentsDejan Pangercic, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Michael Beetz. 839-845 [doi]
- Towards a time-constrained web service infrastructure for industrial automationMarkus Mathes, Steffen Heinzl, Bernd Freisleben. 846-853 [doi]
- Extending the Watchdog Pattern for multi-threaded windows based traffic management and control applicationsChristoph Stogerer, Wolfgang Kastner. 854-860 [doi]
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- Is CSMA/CA really efficient against interference in a wireless control system? An experimental answerMatteo Bertocco, Giovanni Gamba, Alessandro Sona. 885-892 [doi]
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- When HART goes wireless: Understanding and implementing the WirelessHART standardAnna N. Kim, Fredrik Hekland, Stig Petersen, Paula Doyle. 899-907 [doi]
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- Step state-feedback supervisory control of Discrete Event Systems using Interpreted Petri NetsAlejandra Santoyo-Sanchez, Antonio Ramírez-Treviño, Carlos De Jesus-Velasquez, Luis I. Aguirre-Salas. 926-933 [doi]
- Structuring of large scale distributed control programs with IEC 61499 subapplications and a hierarchical plant structure modelThomas Strasser, Martijn N. Rooker, Gerhard Ebenhofer, Alois Zoitl, Christoph Sünder, Antonio Valentini, Allan Martel. 934-941 [doi]
- A topology management protocol with bounded delay for Wireless Sensor NetworksEmanuele Toscano, Lucia Lo Bello. 942-951 [doi]
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- FZepel: RF-level power consumption measurement (RF-PM) for Zigbee wireless sensor network-towards cross layer optimizationMd. Rezaul Hoque Khan, Roberto Passerone, David Macii. 959-966 [doi]
- CoReDac: Collision-free command-response data collectionThiemo Voigt, Fredrik Österlind. 967-973 [doi]
- Modeling of magneto rheological fluid actuator enabling safe human-robot interactionRehan M. Ahmed, Ivan Kalaykov, Anani Ananiev. 974-979 [doi]
- Sensor and actuator modeling of a realistic wheeled mobile robot simulatorJose Goncalves, Jose Lima, Helder Oliveira, Paulo Costa. 980-985 [doi]
- Humanoid robot simulation with a joint trajectory optimized controllerJose Luis Lima, Jose Alexandre Goncalves, Paulo Gomes Costa, Antonio Paulo Moreira. 986-993 [doi]
- Position-based navigation using multiple homographiesEduardo Montijano, Carlos Sagüés. 994-1001 [doi]
- Optimized FPGA implementations of demanding PLC programs based on hardware high-level synthesisChristoforos Economakos, George Economakos. 1002-1009 [doi]
- BOUNCE, a concept to measure picosecond time intervals with standard hardwareRalf Joost, Ralf Salomon. 1010-1015 [doi]
- Performance investigation and optimization of IEEE802.15.4 for industrial wireless sensor networksMohsin Hameed, Henning Trsek, Olaf Graeser, Jürgen Jasperneite. 1016-1022 [doi]
- Synchronization in a force measurement system using EtherCATMattias Rehnman, Tobias Gentzell. 1023-1030 [doi]
- Reactivity analysis of different Networked Automation System architecturesJürgen Greifeneder, Georg Frey. 1031-1038 [doi]
- Using wireless sensor networks to enable increased oil recoverySimon Carlsen, Amund Skavhaug, Stig Petersen, Paula Doyle. 1039-1048 [doi]
- Simulative investigation of intermediate checksum schemes in the presence of deadlinesAndreas Willig. 1049-1054 [doi]
- Next generation of embedded controllers: Developing FPGA-based reconfigurable controllers using Matlab/SimulinkT. Barlas, M. Moallem. 1055-1058 [doi]
- Smith Predictor based intelligent control of multiple-input-multiple-output systems with unknown delaysJorge A. Herrera, Asier Ibeas, Salvador Alcantara, Ramon Vilanova, Pedro Balaguer. 1059-1062 [doi]
- Using neuroevolution for optimal impedance controlJose de Gea, Frank Kirchner. 1063-1066 [doi]
- Multi-domain model-driven design of Industrial Automation and Control SystemsThomas Strasser, Martijn N. Rooker, Gerhard Ebenhofer, Ingo Hegny, Monika Wenger, Christoph Sünder, Allan Martel, Antonio Valentini. 1067-1071 [doi]
- Online Management and Control System for growing of monocrystal semiconductor materials in multi-zone furnacesDirk Bräuer, Andreas Rehkopf. 1072-1075 [doi]
- A Java based tool for distributed control systemsMikel Eguiraun, Josu Jugo. 1076-1079 [doi]
- A closed loop welding controller for a rapid manufacturing processGiovanni Muscato, Giacomo Spampinato, Luciano Cantelli. 1080-1083 [doi]
- Extended Kalman filtering using wireless sensor networksPietro Muraca, Paolo Pugliese, Giuseppe Rocca. 1084-1087 [doi]
- A neuro-fuzzy delay compensator for distributed control systemsAna Antunes, Fernando Morgado Dias, Jose Antonio Vieira, Alexandre Mota. 1088-1091 [doi]
- Stabilization of a 5-link bipedal robot by means of dorsal movement compensationLuiz R. Douat, Eugênio B. Castelan, Ubirajara F. Moreno. 1092-1095 [doi]
- Analysis of evaluation metrics for networked control systemsCarlos H. Costa, Carlos B. Montez, Ubirajara F. Moreno. 1096-1099 [doi]
- Component based colored Petri net model for Ethernet based networked control systemsAbouelabbas Ghanaim, Georg Frey. 1100-1103 [doi]
- Adaptation of powered wheelchairs for quadriplegic patients with reduced strengthMargarida Urbano, José Alberto Fonseca, Urbano Nunes, Luis Figueiredo, Arminda Lopes. 1104-1107 [doi]
- Supervisory system for hybrid productive systems based on Bayesian networks and OO-DPT NetsJose Isidro Garcia, Roy A. Gomez Morales, Paulo Eigi Miyagi. 1108-1111 [doi]
- Function blocks for decentralised analysis of product flow pathsGustavo Quiros, Martin Mertens, Ulrich Epple. 1112-1119 [doi]
- UML-based modeling and model-driven development of distributed control systemsFrancesco Basile, Pasquale Chiacchio, Domenico Del Grosso. 1120-1127 [doi]
- Evaluation of effectiveness and impact of decentralized automationThomas Wagner, Andreas Schertl, Jurgen Elger, Jan Vollmar. 1128-1136 [doi]
- Measuring the effort of a reconfiguration processAmro M. Farid, Wuttiphat Covanich. 1137-1144 [doi]
- Porting application between wireless sensor network software platforms: TinyOS, MANTIS and ZigBeeMohammad Mostafizur Rahman Mozumdar, Francesco Gregoretti, Luciano Lavagno, Laura Vanzago. 1145-1148 [doi]
- Investigating wireless networks coexistence issues through an interference aware simulatorMatteo Bertocco, Giovanni Gamba, Alessandro Sona, Federico Tramarin. 1153-1156 [doi]
- An experimental evaluation on using TDMA over 802.11 MAC for Wireless Networked Control SystemsGennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Giammarco Zacheo. 1157-1160 [doi]
- DSTiPE algorithm for fuzzy spatio-temporal risk calculation in wireless environmentsKurt Derr, Milos Manic. 1161-1164 [doi]
- Distributed asset tracking using wireless sensor networkLiqun Zhuang, Wei Liu, Jing-Bing Zhang, Dan Hong Zhang, Ian Kamajaya. 1165-1168 [doi]
- Preamble detection for wireless clock synchronization in frequency selective fading channelsAneeq Mahmood, Georg Gaderer. 1169-1172 [doi]
- Modular wireless fieldbus gateway for fast and reliable sensor/actuator communicationRalf Heynicke, Dirk Kruger, Housam Wattar, Gerd Scholl. 1173-1176 [doi]
- Genetic machine learning approach for data fusion applications in dense Wireless Sensor NetworksAlex R. Pinto, Benedito Bitencort, Mario A. R. Dantas, Carlos B. Montez, Francisco Vasques. 1177-1180 [doi]
- Wireless technologies for safe automation - insights in protocol developmentDirk Lill, Axel Sikora. 1181-1184 [doi]
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