Abstract is missing.
- Applied intelligent control - control of automotive paint processDimitar P. Filev. 1-6 [doi]
- Application of multiple artificial intelligence techniques for an aircraft carrier landing decision support toolRobert A. Richards. 7-11 [doi]
- Intelligent signal segment fault detection using fuzzy logicYi Lu Murphey. 12-17 [doi]
- A rough set solution to a fuzzy set problemC. L. Bean, Chandra Kambhampati, S. Rajasekharan. 18-23 [doi]
- Partitioned fuzzy integral logit modelFang-Mei Tseng, Ching-Ying Yu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng. 24-28 [doi]
- Fuzzy-rough sets for descriptive dimensionality reductionRichard Jensen, Qiang Shen 0001. 29-34 [doi]
- Fuzzy targeting of customers based on product attributesVivek Jain, Krishna Kummamuru, Raghu Krishnapuram, Vikas Agarwal. 35-40 [doi]
- Fuzzy information space characterization and analysis of the combustion processes in spark ignition enginesWladimir Rodriguez, Flor Narciso. 41-45 [doi]
- A universal fuzzy controller for a non-linear power electronic converterK. Viswanathan, D. Srinivasan, R. Oruganti. 46-51 [doi]
- Fuzzy control experiments on DC drives using various inference connectivesFrancesco Cupertino, Mariagrazia Dotoli, Vincenzo Giordano, Bruno Maione, Luigi Salvatore. 52-57 [doi]
- Speed control design of a 2-mass drive system by using integrated fuzzy observer and linear quadratic controlNeng-Sheng Pai, Tzuu-Hseng S. Li. 58-63 [doi]
- Power system load frequency control with fuzzy gain scheduling designed by new genetic algorithmsChia-Feng Juang, Chun-Feng Lu. 64-68 [doi]
- Structure identification in Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelingToshiharu Hatanaka, Katsuji Uosaki, Norio Manabe. 69-74 [doi]
- Minimization of quadratic performance function in T-S fuzzy modelTakashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama. 75-79 [doi]
- On the local interpretation of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models from a dynamical systems viewSeok-Beom Lee, Gary G. Yen. 80-85 [doi]
- Backpropagation based training algorithm for Takagi-Sugeno type MIMO neuro-fuzzy network to forecast electrical load time seriesAjoy Kumar Palit, Gerhard Doeding, Walter Anheier, Dobrivoje Popovic. 86-91 [doi]
- Upper bound covariance control for continuous fuzzy stochastic systems with structured perturbationsWen-Jer Chang, Sheng-Ming Wu. 92-97 [doi]
- An efficient optimality test for the fuzzy c-means algorithmJian Yu, Houkuan Huang, Shengfeng Tian. 98-103 [doi]
- Context-based fuzzy system for optimizationMoeljono Widjaja, Ly Fie Sugianto. 104-109 [doi]
- Finalizing the reason of the inconsistency of fuzzy inference templates based on triangular fuzzy relational compositions: a generic caseNasreddine Hallam, David Chek Ling Ngo, Johara Benyamina. 110-115 [doi]
- Multi-objective structure design for mechanical systemsShigeki Hori, Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang. 116-121 [doi]
- Fuzzy linearizing control approach for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems and its equivalence with internal model control structureReda Boukezzoula, Sylvie Galichet, Laurent Foulloy. 122-127 [doi]
- Minimizing TS controller via HOSVDPéter Baranyi, Domonkos Tikk, Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy, Yeung Yam, Imre J. Rudas. 128-133 [doi]
- Clustering in the framework of collaborative agentsWitold Pedrycz, George Vukovich. 134-138 [doi]
- A fuzzy incremental synchronous learning technique for embedded-agents learning and control in intelligent inhabited environmentsHani Hagras, Martin J. Colley, Victor Callaghan, Graham Clarke, Hakan Duman, Arran Holmes. 139-144 [doi]
- Dynamic domination for fuzzy cognitive mapsJian Ying Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Liu. 145-149 [doi]
- Discovering related Web pages through fuzzy-context reasoningVincenzo Loia, Sabrina Senatore, Maria I. Sessa. 150-155 [doi]
- An approach for dynamical adaptive fuzzy modelingMariela Cerrada, J. Aguilar, Eliézer Colina Morles, André Titli. 156-161 [doi]
- Hierarchical fuzzy relational models: linguistic interpretation and universal approximationRicardo J. G. B. Campello, Wagner C. Amaral. 162-167 [doi]
- Microtuning of membership functions: accuracy vs. interpretabilityQiang Shen 0001, Javier G. Marín-Blázquez. 168-173 [doi]
- Efficient data-driven modeling with fuzzy relational rule networkAdam E. Gaweda, Jacek M. Zurada, Peter B. Aronhime. 174-178 [doi]
- Adaptive coordination among fuzzy reinforcement learning agents performing distributed dynamic load balancingDavid Vengerov, Hamid R. Berenji, Alex Vengerov. 179-184 [doi]
- An intelligence representation in agent systems: an extended π-calculusShahram Rahimi, Maria A. Cobb, Dia Ali, HuiQing Yang. 185-190 [doi]
- Decomposition of complex systems into set of autonomous agents by fuzzy-genetic approach and its application in economic and business environmentsRafik A. Aliev, Bijan Fazlollahi. 191-196 [doi]
- A fuzzy evolutionary approach for collaborative clustering in multi-agent systems with application to emergent virtual organizationsMihaela Ulieru. 197-202 [doi]
- Combination of evidence in recommendation systems characterized by distance functionsLuis M. Rocha. 203-208 [doi]
- Multi-layered multi-agent architecture with fuzzy application in electrical power systemsR. Khosla, Q. Li. 209-214 [doi]
- 2 controller synthesis of fuzzy dynamic systems based on piecewise Lyapunov functionsGang Feng, Dong Sun. 215-220 [doi]
- A construction method of switching Lyapunov function for nonlinear systemsHiroshi Ohtake, Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang. 221-226 [doi]
- Adaptive fuzzy controller for a class of nonlinear systems with uncertaintyHugang Han, Chun-Yi Su, Shuta Murakami. 227-231 [doi]
- Design and stability analysis of fuzzy model based nonlinear controller for nonlinear systems using genetic algorithmHak-Keung Lam, Frank H. F. Leung, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam. 232-237 [doi]
- Global stability condition of fuzzy model-based controllers via evolutionary computationLanka Udawatta, Keigo Watanabe, Kazuo Kiguchi, Kiyotaka Izumi. 238-243 [doi]
- Relaxed stability condition for T-S fuzzy discrete systemWen-June Wang, Chun-Shiun Sun. 244-249 [doi]
- Robust analysis of fuzzy logic control systems with uncertaintiesWen-Hou Chu, Chyun-Chau Fuh, Pi-Cheng Tung. 250-255 [doi]
- High-speed learning algorithm for constructive granular systemsYan-Qing Zhang. 256-260 [doi]
- Fault diagnosis for dynamical systems using soft computingFuminori Yakuwa, Shingo Satoh, Muhammad Shafique Shaikh, Yasuhiko Dote. 261-266 [doi]
- Mining fuzzy association rules in incomplete databasesDragos Arotaritei. 267-271 [doi]
- An intelligent algorithm for engine transient state working condition test-standJ. Sun, X. Y. Gao, Y. Sun. 272-277 [doi]
- Design the T-S fuzzy controller for a class of T-S fuzzy models via genetic algorithmChein-Chung Sun, Hung-Yuan Chung, Wen-Jer Chang. 278-283 [doi]
- Quantitative measures of the accuracy, comprehensibility, and completeness of a fuzzy expert systemPhayung Meesad, Gary G. Yen. 284-289 [doi]
- Robust T-S fuzzy model-based for chaotic cryptosystemTung-Sheng Chiang, Chun-Chieh Wang, Ching-Tsan Chiang. 290-295 [doi]
- FL-FN based traffic signal controlWu Wei, Yi Zhang 0029. 296-300 [doi]
- Block replacement for multi-component system with fuzzy lifetimesRuiqing Zhao, Kaoping Song, Jianhua Zhu. 301-304 [doi]
- Universal fuzzy system to Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system compilerEnrique Frías-Martínez. 305-309 [doi]
- Fuzzy sliding mode control for trajectory tracking on mechatronic armsWen-Shyong Yu. 310-315 [doi]
- Fuzzy terrain-based path planning for planetary roversAyanna M. Howard, Homayoun Seraji, Barry Brian Werger. 316-320 [doi]
- Optimal nonlinear filters based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelKiriakos Kiriakidis. 321-323 [doi]
- Fuzzy-Logic in the Supply Chain Management - An approach to quantify the uncertainties in production and supply processesTobias Teich, Lars Zschorn, Ralf Neubert, Otmar Görlitz. 324-329 [doi]
- Fuzzy adaptive control of multivariable nonlinear systemsNoureddine Goléa, Amar Goléa. 330-334 [doi]
- Two new approaches for linguistic fuzzy modeling and introduction to their stability analysisAmir Abolfazl Suratgar, Seyyed Kamaleddin Yadavar Nikravesh. 335-339 [doi]
- Combining fuzzy rules and a neural network in an adaptive systemRainer Spiegel, M. E. Le Pelley, Mark Suret, I. P. L. Mclaren. 340-345 [doi]
- Fault-tolerant model-based predictive control using multiple Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelsAlexandar Ichtev, J. Hellendoom, Robert Babuska, Stanimir Mollov. 346-351 [doi]
- FPGA based fuzzy computation acceleratorS. Himavathi, B. Umamaheswari. 352-357 [doi]
- Automatic fingerprint classification system using fuzzy neural techniquesSuliman M. Mohamed, Henry O. Nyongesa. 358-362 [doi]
- A classifier based on the fuzzy similarity in the Lukasiewicz structure with different metricsKalle Saastamoinen, Ville Könönen, Pasi Luukka. 363-367 [doi]
- A new fuzzy normalization algorithm for handwritten Chinese characters recognitionCheng-Min Cho, Shuenn-Shyang Wang. 368-371 [doi]
- Fuzzy integral for leaf image retrievalZhiyong Wang 0001, Zheru Chi, Dagan Feng. 372-377 [doi]
- Color design support system considering color harmonyMasataka Tokumaru, Noriaki Muranaka, Shigeru Imanishi. 378-383 [doi]
- Automatic feature selection for adaptive resolution classifiersAntonello Rizzi, Massimo Panella, F. M. Frattale Mascioli, Giuseppe Martinelli. 384-389 [doi]
- A new information fusion algorithm for handling heterogeneous group decision-making problemsShi-Jay Chen, Shyi-Ming Chen. 390-395 [doi]
- Structure identification of fuzzy controllers in real timeHéctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, J. González. 396-401 [doi]
- An optimal controller with synthetic fuzzy logic for tracking mean arterial pressureShing-hong Liu, I-Fang Chung, Chin-Teng Lin. 402-407 [doi]
- Parameter tuning of fuzzy neural networks by immune algorithmDong Hwa Kim. 408-413 [doi]
- Fuzzy clustering of gene expression dataMatthias E. Futschik, Nikola K. Kasabov. 414-419 [doi]
- Mapping lightning processes using fuzzy inference systemAndré Nunes De Souza, Ivan Nunes da Silva, Maria Goretti Zago, Rogério Andrade Flauzino. 420-424 [doi]
- A real-time method to tune rules base of fuzzy control systemYongquan Yu, Bi Zeng, Guokun Zhong, Haixia Peng. 425-430 [doi]
- Intelligent fuzzy image filter for impulse noise removalChang-Shing Lee, Chin-Yuan Hsu, Yau-Hwang Kuo. 431-436 [doi]
- On the effect of membership function in a high-order fuzzy time seriesChao-Chih Tsai, Shun-Jyh Wu, Wen-Huei Ting. 437-442 [doi]
- On interpretation of graffiti digits and commands for eBooks: neural fuzzy network and genetic algorithm approachHak-Keung Lam, K. F. Leung, Sai-Ho Ling, Frank H. F. Leung, Peter Kwong-Shun Tam. 443-448 [doi]
- A color image segmentation approach based on fuzzy similarity measureBeen-Chian Chien, Ming-Cheng Cheng. 449-454 [doi]
- ∞ output feedback control for rotor magnetic bearing systemSae Kyu Nam, Ho Shik Kang, Oh Seop Song. 455-459 [doi]
- Modified center average defuzzifier for improving the inverted pendulum dynamicsMiguel A. Melgarejo. 460-463 [doi]
- Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementationA. Cabrera, Santiago Sánchez-Solano, Raouf Senhadji, Angel Barriga, Carlos J. Jiménez. 464-469 [doi]
- Behavior-based fuzzy logic control for a one-on-one robot soccer competitionTzuu-Hseng S. Li, I-Fong Lin, Tsung-Ming Hung. 470-475 [doi]
- Prototyping and browsing image databases using linguistic summariesRégis Saint-Paul, Guillaume Raschia, Noureddine Mouaddib. 476-481 [doi]
- On the choice of the adequate fuzzy implication operator with the center of gravity defuzzification method based on precision criterion in fuzzy controlAnis Sakly, Mohamed Benrejeb. 482-487 [doi]
- Improving the performance of fuzzy classification systems by membership function learning and feature selectionTomoharu Nakashima, Gaku Nakai, Hisao Ishibuchi. 488-493 [doi]
- Mining from quantitative data with linguistic minimum supports and confidencesTzung-Pei Hong, Ming-Jer Chiang, Shyue-Liang Wang. 494-499 [doi]
- Multi-axis fuzzy control and performance analysis for an industrial robotP. J. Breedon, Kandiah Sivayoganathan, Velupillai Balendran, David Al-Dabass. 500-505 [doi]
- Fuzzy systems design via ensembles of ANFISClodoaldo Ap. M. Lima, André L. V. Coelho, Fernando J. Von Zuben. 506-511 [doi]
- Subspace clustering for hierarchical fuzzy system constructionA. Chong, T. D. Gedeon. 512-517 [doi]
- Association analysis with interval valued fuzzy sets and body of evidencePing Chen 0001, André de Korvin, Chenyi Hu. 518-523 [doi]
- A conditioning interval based on superconditionals and superpower setsBart Kosko. 524-529 [doi]
- Probability of implication, logical version of Bayes theorem, and fuzzy logic operationsHung T. Nguyen 0002, Masao Mukaidono, Vladik Kreinovich. 530-535 [doi]
- Use of satellite image referencing algorithms to characterize asphaltic concrete mixturesScott A. Starks, Soheil Nazarian, Vladik Kreinovich, Joseph Adidhela. 536-540 [doi]
- Comparative analysis of fuzzy PI/PD/PID controller based on classical PID controller approachPetr Pivonka. 541-546 [doi]
- A survey of fuzzy control strategies for neuromuscular blockade using continuous infusion of atracuriumPaulo A. P. Fazendeiro, José Valente de Oliveira. 547-552 [doi]
- Analysis and design of fuzzy control systems with random delays using invariant conesAkhouri S. C. Sinha, Ramana Pidaparti, Maher E. Rizkalla, Mohamed A. El-Sharkawy 0001. 553-557 [doi]
- Extending covariance control for a class of discrete fuzzy stochastic systemsWen-Jer Chang, Chong-Cheng Shing. 558-563 [doi]
- Granular computing as a basis for a computational theory of perceptionsLotfi A. Zadeh. 564-565 [doi]
- Neural networks, qualitative-fuzzy logic and granular adaptive systemsTsau Young Lin. 566-571 [doi]
- Parallel granular neural networks for fast credit card fraud detectionMubeena Syeda, Yan-Qing Zhang, Yi Pan 0001. 572-577 [doi]
- A model of granular data: a design problem with the Tchebyschev-based clusteringAndrzej Bargiela, Witold Pedrycz. 578-583 [doi]
- Constraint-based granular computing for fuzzy modelingRobert Lai, David Chiang 0002. 584-589 [doi]
- Knowledge-based representation of fuzzy setsRolly Intan, Masao Mukaidono, Masashi Emoto. 590-595 [doi]
- Towards a linguistic probability theoryJoe Halliwell, Qiang Shen 0001. 596-601 [doi]
- Interval-representation of sets: Dempster-Pawlak-Turksen schemaI. Burhan Türksen. 602-606 [doi]
- Inequalities in De Morgan systems. ICarol L. Walker, Elbert A. Walker. 607-609 [doi]
- Inequalities in De Morgan systems. IICarol L. Walker, Elbert A. Walker. 610-615 [doi]
- Interval and fuzzy techniques for plan checking under uncertaintyRaúl A. Trejo. 616-620 [doi]
- Text classification with enhanced semi-supervised fuzzy clusteringGirish Keswani, Lawrence O. Hall. 621-626 [doi]
- 3M algorithm: finding an optimal fuzzy cluster scheme for proximity dataYing Xie, Vijay V. Raghavan 0001, Xiaoquan Zhao. 627-632 [doi]
- ∞ fuzzy control via dynamic output feedback for discrete-time systemsJi-Chang Lo, Yu-Cheng Lin. 633-638 [doi]
- Robustly stable fuzzy controller for uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown input gain signJang-Hyun Park, Sung-Hoe Huh, Pil-Sang Yoon, Gwi-Tae Park. 639-643 [doi]
- Variable structure control using Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system as a sliding surfaceBoyko Iliev, Iasen Hristozov. 644-649 [doi]
- Design of fuzzy adaptive robust control algorithm via small gain approachYansheng Yang, Changjiu Zhou. 650-655 [doi]
- Hierarchical fuzzy sliding-mode controlYi-Jen Mon, Chih-Min Lin. 656-661 [doi]
- Decoupled fuzzy sliding-mode control of a nonlinear aeroelastic structureChih-Min Lin, Chun-Fei Hsu. 662-667 [doi]
- Decentralized adaptive fuzzy controller design of large-scale nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertaintiesChiang-Cheng Chiang, Zu-Hung Kuo. 668-673 [doi]
- Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller designChung-Chun Kung, Tung-Yun Kao, Ti-Hung Chen. 674-679 [doi]
- Prototype reasoning and knowledge creation using granular objectsRonald R. Yager. 680-684 [doi]
- Non-destructive testing of aerospace structures: granularity and data mining approachRoberto A. Osegueda, Vladik Kreinovich, Lakshmi Potluri, Richard Aló. 685-689 [doi]
- Automated mining of granular database schemeS. K. Michael Wong, Dan Wu. 690-694 [doi]
- Fuzzy information granules in time series dataMarco Ortolani, Heiko Hofer, David E. Patterson, Frank Höppner, Michael R. Berthold. 695-699 [doi]
- Rule based delay proportion adjustment for differentiated servicesSunthiti Patchararungruang, Nirmala Shenoy, Saman K. Halgamuge. 700-704 [doi]
- Clustering for personalized mobile Web usageDhananjay S. Phatak, Rory G. Mulvaney. 705-710 [doi]
- The fuzzy artificial immune system: motivations, basic concepts, and application to clustering and Web profilingOlfa Nasaroui, Fabio Gonzalez, Dipankar Dasgupta. 711-716 [doi]
- On the use of fuzzy logic in a hybrid scheme for tolerating mobile support station failureSalman A. Khan, Mostafa I. H. Abd-El-Barr. 717-722 [doi]
- Dealing with covering problems in fuzzy rule systems by similarity-based extrapolationLluís Godo, Sandra A. Sandri. 723-728 [doi]
- Exploiting similarity and experience in decision makingEyke Hüllermeier. 729-734 [doi]
- Case-based querying and prediction: a fuzzy set approachMartine de Calmès, Didier Dubois, Eyke Hüllermeier, Henri Prade, Florence Sèdes. 735-739 [doi]
- An interpretation of interpolative reasoning by means of measures of comparisonBernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Laure Mouillet. 740-745 [doi]
- Similarity in hierarchical fuzzy rule-base systemsLeila Muresan, László T. Kóczy. 746-750 [doi]
- Generalized multisets and rough approximationsSadaaki Miyamoto. 751-756 [doi]
- Statistical evidence for rough set analysisShusaku Tsumoto. 757-762 [doi]
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- A generalized decision logic language for granular computingY. Y. Yao, Churn-Jung Liau. 773-778 [doi]
- Acquisition of hierarchy-structured probabilistic decision tables and rules from dataWojciech Ziarko. 779-784 [doi]
- Learning in recurrent, hybrid neurofuzzy networksRosangela Ballini, Fernando A. C. Gomide. 785-790 [doi]
- FURL-A theory revision approach to learning fuzzy rulesRyan Rozich, Thomas R. Ioerger, Ronald R. Yager. 791-796 [doi]
- Using fuzzy reinforcement learning for power control in wireless transmittersDavid Vengerov, Hamid R. Berenji. 797-802 [doi]
- Enabling neuro-fuzzy classification to learn from partially labeled dataAljoscha Klose, Rudolf Kruse. 803-808 [doi]
- Learning by switching generation and reasoning methods in several knowledge representations towards the simulation of human learning processMotohide Umano, Yuji Matsumoto 0001, Yushi Uno, Kazuhisa Seta. 809-814 [doi]
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- A new approach for quality control of sound speakers combining type-2 fuzzy logic and fractal theoryPatricia Melin, Oscar Castillo 0001. 825-830 [doi]
- Fuzzy aggregating functions for multiobjective VLSI placementJunaid A. Khan, Sadiq M. Sait. 831-836 [doi]
- Sensitive, specific, and interpretable: evolving a fuzzy mammographic-interpretation assessment toolCarlos Andrés Peña-Reyes, Moshe Sipper, Luis Prieto. 837-842 [doi]
- Fuzzy inheritance in fuzzy object modelsValerie V. Cross. 843-848 [doi]
- Objects resemblance in a fuzzy object-oriented contextNicolás Marín, Juan Miguel Medina 0001, Olga Pons, M. Amparo Vila. 849-854 [doi]
- Linguistic representation of imperfect spatial information in a fuzzy object oriented databaseGloria Bordogna, Sergio Chiesa. 855-860 [doi]
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- Associations and rules in data mining: a linkage analysisWitold Pedrycz. 867-871 [doi]
- Toward knowledge-driven spiral discovery of exception rulesYuu Yamada, Einoshin Suzuki. 872-877 [doi]
- Subsessions: a granular approach to click path analysisErnestina Menasalvas, Socorro Millán, José M. Peña 0002, Michael Hadjimichael, Oscar Marbán. 878-883 [doi]
- Dealing with multiple types of expert knowledge in medical image segmentation: a rough sets style approachShoji Hirano, Xiaoguang Sun, Shusaku Tsumoto. 884-889 [doi]
- Fuzzy data mining for discovering changes in association rules over timeWai-Ho Au, Keith C. C. Chan. 890-895 [doi]
- A systematic method to design a fuzzy data mining modelYo-Ping Huang, Ya-Hui Ke, Chi-Peng Ouyang, Kent Lin. 896-901 [doi]
- Fuzzy data association for image-based tracking in dense scenariosJesús García 0001, Juan A. Besada, José M. Molina, Javier I. Portillo, Gonzalo de Miguel. 902-907 [doi]
- Comparison of heuristic rule weight specification methodsHisao Ishibuchi, Takashi Yamamoto. 908-913 [doi]
- An analysis of aperture problem using fuzzy rules acquired from TAM networkIsao Hayashi, James R. Williamson. 914-919 [doi]
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- An interactive fuzzy fusion system applied to change detection in SAR imagesFlorentin T. Bujor, Lionel Valet, Emmanuel Trouvé, Gilles Mauris, Philippe Bolon. 932-937 [doi]
- Data mining - a semantic modelCovadonga Fernández 0001, Juan F. Martínez, Anita Wasilewska, Mike Hadjimichael, Ernestina Menasalvas. 938-943 [doi]
- Granulating data on non-scalar attribute valuesLawrence J. Mazlack, Sarah Coppock. 944-949 [doi]
- An OLAM framework for Web usage mining and business intelligence reportingXiaohua Hu, Nick Cercone. 950-955 [doi]
- Semantics oriented association rulesEric Louie, Tsau Young Lin. 956-961 [doi]
- About division operation on fuzzy bagsDaniel Rocacher. 962-967 [doi]
- Extending the possibilistic data model with one-level nested relationsPatrick Bosc, Ludovic Liétard, Olivier Pivert. 968-973 [doi]
- Database clustering for mining multi-databasesChengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang. 974-979 [doi]
- Fuzzy reliability analysis in the implementation of geographic information systemsFerdinando Di Martino, Vincenzo Loia, Salvatore Sessa 0002, Michele Giordano. 980-984 [doi]
- Towards a modeling framework for integrating hybrid techniquesAntonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta, Fernando Jiménez, Mercedes Valdés, Juan A. Botía, Antonio M. Padilla. 985-990 [doi]
- Fuzzy classification using probability-based rule weightingJan van den Berg, Uzay Kaymak, Willem-Max van den Bergh. 991-996 [doi]
- A neuro-fuzzy-evolutionary classifier of low-risk investmentsAntoaneta Serguieva, Tatiana Kalganova. 997-1002 [doi]
- Evolutionary optimization of fuzzy decision systems for automated insurance underwritingPiero P. Bonissone, Raj Subbu, Kareem S. Aggour. 1003-1008 [doi]
- Successive adaptation of fuzzy rule-based systems in a multi-agent modelHisao Ishibuchi, Teppei Seguchi. 1009-1014 [doi]
- Hybrid cooperative agents with online reinforcement learning for traffic controlMin Chee Choy, Dipti Srinivasan, Ruey Long Cheu. 1015-1020 [doi]
- Agent negotiation as fuzzy constraint processingRobert Lai, Menq-Wen Lin. 1021-1026 [doi]
- Fuzzy automaton for intelligent hybrid control systemsJanos L. Grantner, George A. Fodor. 1027-1032 [doi]
- Fuzzy logic and hybrid approaches to Web intelligence gathering and information managementRiza C. Berkan, Sheldon L. Trubatch. 1033-1038 [doi]
- Rough set clustering for Web miningPawan Lingras. 1039-1044 [doi]
- Personalized information management for Web intelligenceAh-Hwee Tan. 1045-1050 [doi]
- Exploiting contextual independencies in Web search and user profilingCory J. Butz. 1051-1056 [doi]
- An iterative fuzzy model for cognitive processes involved in environment quality judgementDick Botteldooren, Andy Verkeyn. 1057-1062 [doi]
- Towards language independent models based on survey dataAndy Verkeyn, Dick Botteldooren. 1063-1068 [doi]
- Simulation of one-dimensional water movement in the unsaturated zone by means of a first order Takagi-Sugeno modelHilde Vernieuwe, Bernard De Baets, Niko E. C. Verhoest. 1069-1074 [doi]
- "Evolution of fuzzy systems and dynamics theory"Uziel Sandler. 1075-1080 [doi]
- Improved covariance estimation for Gustafson-Kessel clusteringR. Babuska, P. J. van der Veen, Uzay Kaymak. 1081-1085 [doi]
- On the use of image data information for getting a brightness' perceptual fuzzy modelEduard Montseny, Pilar Sobrevilla. 1086-1091 [doi]
- Information retrieval support systemsY. Y. Yao. 1092-1097 [doi]
- Extension of rough set under incomplete information systemsGuoyin Wang. 1098-1103 [doi]
- Computational Web Intelligence (CWI): synergy of computational intelligence and Web technologyYan-Qing Zhang, Tsau Young Lin. 1104-1107 [doi]
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- Japanese pun analyzer using articulation similaritiesToshihiko Yokogawa. 1114-1119 [doi]
- Natural language understanding through fuzzy logic inference and its application to speech recognitionJiping Sun, Fakhri Karray, Otman Basir, Mohamed Kamel. 1120-1125 [doi]
- Hybrid model-based adaptive fuzzy control systemJen-Yang Chen. 1126-1131 [doi]
- Applying incremental best estimate directed search to optimize fuzzy logic controllers for a ball-and-beam systemFeijun Song, Samuel M. Smith. 1132-1137 [doi]
- Flexible link robot arm control by a hierarchical fuzzy logic approachJ. Lin. 1138-1143 [doi]
- Solving robot motion planning problem using Hopfield neural network in a fuzzified environmentNasser Sadati, Javid Taheri. 1144-1149 [doi]
- Fuzzy concepts and formal methods: a sample specification for a fuzzy expert systemChris Matthews. 1150-1155 [doi]
- Software quality analysis with the use of computational intelligenceMarek Reformat, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi. 1156-1161 [doi]
- Can neural networks be easily interpreted in software cost estimation?Ali Idri, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Alain Abran. 1162-1167 [doi]
- A note on current approaches to extending software engineering with fuzzy logicJonathan Lee, Jong-Yih Kuo, Yong-Yi Fanjiang. 1168-1173 [doi]
- Constructing neuro-fuzzy systems with TSK fuzzy rules and hybrid SVD-based learningWan-Jui Lee, Chen-Sen Ouyang, Shie-Jue Lee. 1174-1179 [doi]
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- Fuzzy system implementation through its approximation with simplified radial basis networksLeonid K. Reznik. 1186-1191 [doi]
- Fuzzy mixtures of complementary local experts: towards neuro-fuzzy modular networksEiji Mizutani, Kenichi Nishio. 1192-1197 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of fuzzy partitions with different fuzzification gradesHisao Ishibuchi, Takashi Yamamoto. 1198-1203 [doi]
- Improved algorithm on rule-based reasoning systems modeled by fuzzy Petri netsRong Yang, Wing Shan Leung, Pheng-Ann Heng, Kwong-Sak Leung. 1204-1209 [doi]
- Different methods for the fine-optimization of fuzzy-rule-based-systemsWolfram-Manfred Lippe, Steffen Niendieck. 1210-1215 [doi]
- Complexity reduction of rule based models: a surveyOkyay Kaynak, Karel Jezernik, Ágnes Szeghegyi. 1216-1221 [doi]
- Multi-objective decision making: towards improvement of accuracy, interpretability and design autonomy in hierarchical genetic fuzzy systemsMyriam Regattieri Delgado, Fernando J. Von Zuben, Fernando A. C. Gomide. 1222-1227 [doi]
- Recurrent fuzzy controller design by two-stage genetic algorithm with local and global mapping searchesChia-Feng Juang. 1228-1233 [doi]
- GA-based learning of BMF fuzzy-neural networkWei-Yen Wang, Tsu-Tian Lee, Chen-Chian Hsu, Yi-Hsum Li. 1234-1239 [doi]
- A new model of nonlinear multiregressions by projection pursuit based on generalized Choquet integralsZhenyuan Wang. 1240-1244 [doi]
- Fuzzy critical path method based on statistical dataFeng-Tse Lin. 1245-1250 [doi]
- A comparative study of fuzzy target selection methods in direct marketingJoão M. Sousa, Uzay Kaymak, Sara C. Madeira. 1251-1256 [doi]
- Fuzzy optimization of logistic processesJ. M. Sousa, Rainer Palm, C. Silva, Thomas A. Runkler. 1257-1262 [doi]
- Fuzzy multi-criteria optimization based on fuzzy relationsJaroslav Ramík. 1263-1268 [doi]
- A preference-based approach to fuzzy multiattribute evaluation of service qualityChung-Hsing Yeh. 1269-1273 [doi]
- Soft spatial decision supportViveca Asproth, Stig C. Holmberg, Anita Håkansson. 1274-1279 [doi]
- A general collective choice rule in group decision making under fuzzy preferences and fuzzy majority: an OWA operator based approachJanusz Kacprzyk, Slawomir Zadrozny. 1280-1285 [doi]
- A consumer decision support system for Internet shoppingRonald R. Yager, Gabriella Pasi. 1286-1291 [doi]
- New approach to controller-adaptor based intelligent control systemsLiang-Hsuan Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Chiang. 1292-1297 [doi]
- Anti-swing fuzzy control of overhead traveling craneJianqiang Yi, Naoyoshi Yubazaki, Kaoru Hirota. 1298-1303 [doi]
- PSP-learning design of hierarchical intelligent controller for nonholonomic vehicleYaya Suryana, Seiji Yasunobu, Noriaki Suetake. 1304-1309 [doi]
- Vehicle routing based on self-organization with and without fuzzy inferenceLalinka de C. T. Gomes, Fernando J. Von Zuben. 1310-1315 [doi]
- Embedded interval valued type-2 fuzzy setsRobert I. John. 1316-1320 [doi]
- Type 2 fuzzy set analysis in management surveysSansanee Auephanwiriyakul, Allyson D. Adrian, James M. Keller. 1321-1325 [doi]
- Type-2 fuzzy diagnosisP. R. Innocent, R. I. John. 1326-1330 [doi]
- An interval type-2 fuzzy perceptronFrank Chung-Hoon Rhee, Cheul Hwang. 1331-1335 [doi]
- Uncertainty versus choice in rule-based fuzzy logic systemsJerry M. Mendel, Hongwei Wu. 1336-1341 [doi]
- Uncertainty in risk analysis: towards a general second-order approach combining interval, probabilistic, and fuzzy techniquesScott Ferson, Lev Ginzburg, Vladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, Scott A. Starks. 1342-1347 [doi]
- Fuzzy similarity-based models in case-based reasoningFrancesc Esteva, Pere Garcia-Calvés, Lluís Godo. 1348-1353 [doi]
- Half true [half-negation operator]Antonio di Nola. 1354-1356 [doi]
- Application perspectives of fuzzy orderingsUlrich Bodenhofer. 1357-1362 [doi]
- Representation of interactions among attributes, and its axiomatizationKatsushige Fujimoto. 1363-1368 [doi]
- Transitivity of comparison measuresSaskia Janssens, Bernard De Baets, Hans E. De Meyer. 1369-1374 [doi]
- T-transitive closures, openings and approximations of similarity relationsBernard De Baets, Hans E. De Meyer. 1375-1380 [doi]
- Online tuning scheme for generalized predictive controller via simulation-optimizationShaoyuan Li, Guoning Du. 1381-1386 [doi]
- Satisfactory optimization control algorithm based on infinite-norm performance indexShaoyuan Li, Weidong Qu. 1387-1392 [doi]
- Chattering-free sliding mode fuzzy control with continuous inherent boundary layerHamid Allamehzadeh, John Y. Cheung. 1393-1398 [doi]
- Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models within orthonormal basis function framework and their application to process controlRicardo J. G. B. Campello, Wagner C. Amaral. 1399-1404 [doi]
- Radar tracking for a maneuvering target using neural fuzzy based Kalman filterFun-Bin Duh, Chin-Teng Lin. 1405-1409 [doi]
- A DSP-based fuzzy robust tracking control for piezoelectric servosystemsChih-Lyang Hwang, Chau Jan. 1410-1415 [doi]
- Output tracking control of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with application to an underactuated robotZhen Cai, Chun-Yi Su. 1416-1421 [doi]
- Tracking control design for robot manipulator via fuzzy neural networkRong-Jong Wai, Kuan-Yun Hsieh. 1422-1427 [doi]
- Multicriteria expected value models in fuzzy decision systemsYian-Kui Liu, Baoding Liu. 1428-1431 [doi]
- A fuzzy rule-based system for ensembling classification systemsTomoharu Nakashima, Gaku Nakai, Hisao Ishibuchi. 1432-1437 [doi]
- Learning fuzzy rules from incomplete quantitative data by rough setsTzung-Pei Hong, Li-Huei Tseng, Been-Chian Chien. 1438-1443 [doi]
- Linear fuzzy clustering based on least absolute deviationsKatsuhiro Honda, Nobuhiro Togo, Taro Fujii, Hidetomo Ichihashi. 1444-1449 [doi]
- Extension of the objective functions in fuzzy clusteringMichel Ménard. 1450-1455 [doi]
- A possibilistic type of alternative fuzzy c-meansMiin-Shen Yang, Kuo-Lung Wu. 1456-1459 [doi]
- A modification to improve possibilistic fuzzy cluster analysisHeiko Timm, Rudolf Kruse. 1460-1465 [doi]
- Soft fusion of information accessesGloria Bordogna. 1466-1471 [doi]
- A novel information fusion methodology for intelligent terrain analysisAyanna Howard. 1472-1475 [doi]
- Studies on the complexity reduction with orthogonal transformationÖzer Ciftcioglu. 1476-1481 [doi]
- Sensor selected fusion with sensor selection based gating neural networkFutoshi Kobayashi, T. Fukui, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Fumio Kojima, Makoto Onoda, Yuzo Hotta. 1482-1487 [doi]
- Detecting regions of interest in fMRI: an application on exploratory-based data analysisEvgenia Dimitriadou, Markus Barth, Christian Windischberger, Kurt Hornik, Ewald Moser. 1488-1492 [doi]
- A validity measure for hard and fuzzy clustering derived from Fisher's linear discriminantCláudia Rita de Franco, Leonardo Silva Vidal, Adriano Joaquim de Oliveira Cruz. 1493-1498 [doi]
- Fuzzy c-regression model with a new cluster validity criterionChung-Chun Kung, Chih-Chien Lin. 1499-1504 [doi]
- An improved fuzzy c-means algorithm for manufacturing cell formationJie Li, Chao-Hsien Chu, Yunfeng Wang, Weili Yan. 1505-1510 [doi]
- Hybrid soft computing techniques for heterogeneous data classificationYu Sun, Fakhreddine Karray, Salah Al-Sharhan. 1511-1516 [doi]
- A neuro-fuzzy method of power disturbances recognition and reductionLeon Reznik, Michael Negnevitsky. 1517-1522 [doi]
- Combining multiple decision trees using fuzzy-neural inferenceKeeley A. Crockett, Zuhair Bandar, David Mclean 0001. 1523-1527 [doi]
- Fuzzy modeling by hyperbolic fuzzy k-means clusteringNorio Watanabe. 1528-1531 [doi]
- Intelligent interface of an exoskeletal robot for human elbow motion support considering subject's arm postureKazuo Kiguchi, Shingo Kariya, Takakazu Tanaka, Noritaka Hatao, Keigo Watanabe, Toshio Fukuda. 1532-1537 [doi]
- Neuro-adaptive control of mobile manipulators for traveling operation on unknown irregular terrainMamoru Minami, Yoshimura Fujiyou, Toshiyuki Asakura. 1538-1543 [doi]
- Sharing of exploring information using belief measure for multi robot explorationFutoshi Kobayashi, Shiro Sakai, Fumio Kojima. 1544-1549 [doi]
- Flexible control of a grasping object with posture errorYasuhisa Hasegawa, Masaki Higashiura, Toshio Fukuda. 1550-1555 [doi]
- Modified Q-learning method with fuzzy state division and adaptive rewardsYoichiro Maeda. 1556-1561 [doi]
- Perceptual system and action system of a mobile robot with structured intelligenceNaoyuki Kubota, Hiroyuki Masuta, Fumio Kojima, Toshio Fukuda. 1562-1567 [doi]
- A digital watermarking algorithm using image compression method based on fuzzy relational equationHajime Nobuhara, Witold Pedrycz, Kaoru Hirota. 1568-1573 [doi]
- Continuous gesture recognition system for Korean sign language based on fuzzy logic and hidden Markov modelJung-Bae Kim, Kwang-Hyun Park, Won-Chul Bang, Z. Zenn Bien. 1574-1579 [doi]
- Analysis of active feature selection in optic nerve data using labeled fuzzy C-means clusteringJong Min Park, Hyae-Duk Yae. 1580-1585 [doi]
- Use of fuzzy feature descriptions to recognize handwritten alphanumeric charactersG. E. M. D. C. Bandara, S. D. Pathirana, Romesh M. Ranawana. 1586-1591 [doi]
- Soft feature evaluation indices for the identification of significant image cytometric factors in assessment of nodal involvement in breast cancer patientsHuseyin Seker, Michael O. Odetayo, Dobrila Petrovic, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, C. Bartoli, L. Alasio, M. S. Lakshmi, G. V. Sherbet. 1592-1595 [doi]
- The fuzzy line between among and surroundPascal Matsakis, Serge Andréfouët. 1596-1601 [doi]
- Computational method of the fuzzy goals at management of a portfolioArtem F. Ereshko. 1602-1607 [doi]
- Reflexive games with uncertain and fuzzy interestsF. I. Ereshko. 1608-1612 [doi]
- Reflexive Soros's model in fuzzy marketF. I. Ereshko. 1613-1615 [doi]
- Analysis of hybrid soft and hard computing techniques for forex monitoring systemsAjith Abraham. 1616-1622 [doi]