Abstract is missing.
- A 3D Motion Controlled Method for the Training of Mental RotationChin-Yea Wang, Shin-Chen Yeh, Jing-Liang Wang, Shin-Chen Yang, Albert Rizzo. 1-3 [doi]
- A 3D Virtual Classroom Simulation for Supporting School Teachers Training Based on Synectics - Making the Strange Familiar Pavlos Kallonis, Demetrios G. Sampson. 4-6 [doi]
- A Case Study of an Academic Achievement-oriented Student in Game-based LearningMorris S. Y. Jong, Fong Lok Lee, Jimmy Ho-Man Lee, Junjie Shang. 7-11 [doi]
- A Cloud-based Cyberlearning Environment for Introductory Computing Programming EducationPrabir Bhattacharya, Minzhe Guo, Lixin Tao, Bin Wu, Kai Qian, E. Kent Palmer. 12-13 [doi]
- A Collaborative Interactive Cyber-learning Platform for Anywhere Anytime Java Programming LearningPrabir Bhattacharya, Minzhe Guo, Lixin Tao, Yujian Fu, Kai Qian. 14-16 [doi]
- A Computer Game Based Approach for Increasing Fluency in the Speech of the Autistic ChildrenAnika Anwar, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, S. M. Ferdous, Samiul Alam Anik, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed. 17-18 [doi]
- A Conceptual Design of Multi-Agent Based Personalized Quiz GameMartin M. Weng, Ireti Fakinlede, Fuhua Lin, Timothy K. Shih, Maiga Chang. 19-21 [doi]
- A Contextualized Annotation Model for Mobile LearningPierre-Yves Gicquel, Dominique Lenne. 22-24 [doi]
- A Digital Board Game Based Learning System for Authentic LearningKuan-Chang Chen, Chia-Jung Wu, Gwo-Dong Chen. 25-29 [doi]
- A Framework for Observation and Analysis of Learners Behavior in a Full-Scope Simulator of a Nuclear Power Plant - Approach Based on Modelled TracesOlivier Champalle, Karim Sehaba, Alain Mille, Yannick Prié. 30-31 [doi]
- A Framework of Educational Control in Game-based Learning EnvironmentRyo Takaoka, Masayuki Shimokawa, Toshio Okamoto. 32-36 [doi]
- A Keyword-based Video Summarization Learning Platform with Multimodal SurrogatesWen-Hsuan Chang, Jie Chi Yang, Yu-Chieh Wu. 37-41 [doi]
- A Location-Based Mobile Game for Business EducationJean-Christophe Puja, David Parsons. 42-44 [doi]
- A Mobile Learning Study in High School Mathematics: Challenges, Lessons Learned and RecommendationsVani Kalloo, Permanand Mohan. 45-47 [doi]
- A Multiagent Model for Searching Learning Objects in Heterogeneous Set of RepositoriesJonas Vian, Ronaldo Lima Rocha Campos, Cecilia Estela Giuffra Palomino, Ricardo Azambuja Silveira. 48-52 [doi]
- A New Application to Detect Emotional Perception and Styles of Primary School Children, and their Evolution with AgeCarlo Giovannella, Simone Carcone. 53-55 [doi]
- A New e-Learning Architecture for the Automatic Assessment of Network ServicesAntonio Robles-Gomez, Llanos Tobarra, Salvador Ros, Roberto Hernández, Agustín C. Caminero, Rafael Pastor. 56-57 [doi]
- A Robust Estimation Scheme of Reading Difficulty for Second Language LearnersYi-Ting Huang, Hsiao-Pei Chang, Yeali S. Sun, Meng Chang Chen. 58-62 [doi]
- A Robust Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition Framework for Intelligent Tutoring SystemsXiaoqing Liu, Lei Zhang, Jacob Yadegar, Niranjan Kamat. 63-65 [doi]
- A Semantic Web-enabled Tool for Self-Regulated Learning in the WorkplaceMelody Siadaty, Jelena Jovanovic, Kai Pata, Teresa Holocher-Ertl, Dragan Gasevic, Nikola Milikic. 66-70 [doi]
- A Shared Rationale Space for Supporting Knowledge Awareness in Collaborative Learning Activities: An Empirical StudyLu Xiao. 71-75 [doi]
- A Simple Low-Cost Portable Energy Efficient Device to Supplement Operating System CurriculumChia-Tien Dan Lo, Kai Qian, Yanqing Zhang. 76-77 [doi]
- A Study of Video-based Concordancer on Scene ClassificationTz-Yung Fang, Jie Chi Yang, Yu-Chieh Wu, Chi-Cheng Tsai. 78-82 [doi]
- A Study on an Automatic Early-Alert Mechanism for a Tag-based Learning Environment: Development of a Teaching Support Platform Based on a Tag-based Knowledge Acquisition ApproachJun-Ming Chen, Ying-Ying Chen, Yeali S. Sun, Meng Chang Chen. 83-87 [doi]
- A Trust-Personality Mechanism for Emotion CompensationJiwei Qin, Qinghua Zheng, Feng Tian. 88-92 [doi]
- A Web Application Dedicated to Online Practical Activities: The Case of System and Network ExperimentsAmine Bouabid, Philippe Vidal, Julien Broisin. 93-97 [doi]
- AADMLSS Practice: A Culturally Relevant Algebra TutorLingYan Wang, Wanda Moses, Joshua I. Ekandem, Juan E. Gilbert. 98-99 [doi]
- Across Continents: Using Web Based Collaboration Tools for LearningDiana Andone, Mark Frydenberg. 100-102 [doi]
- Adaptation of Shared Traces in e-learning EnvironmentKarim Sehaba. 103-104 [doi]
- Adapting Suitable Spaces in Learning Management Systems to Support Distance Learning in Adults with ADHDLaura Mancera, Silvia Baldiris, Ramón Fabregat, Ferran Vinas, Beatriz Caparros. 105-109 [doi]
- Affective Teachable Agent in VLE: A Goal Oriented ApproachAiliya, Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao. 110-114 [doi]
- An Analytic Process Schema for Collaborative Multi-Touch ApplicationsAndreas Lingnau, Andreas Harrer. 115-117 [doi]
- An Extendible Software for Learning to Write Chinese Characters in Correct Stroke Sequences on SmartphonesVincent Tam, Chao Huang. 118-119 [doi]
- An Indicator-based Approach to Support Teachers Activities: Use Case within the Framework of Learning Object-Oriented Programming with HOP3XAina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni. 120-122 [doi]
- Analysis and Interpretation of e-Reader User Logs: A Case Study of High School Students User BehaviorsWen-Hung Liao, Chien-Pao Chueh. 123-125 [doi]
- Anthropological Conversations: Augmented Reality Enhanced Artifacts to Foster Education in Cultural AnthropologyLuca Simeone, Salvatore Iaconesi. 126-128 [doi]
- Apply Problem-Based Learning in Mobile Learning EnvironmentShao-Chun Li, Ko-Kang Chun. 129-130 [doi]
- Applying Observational Learning in the Cloud Education System of Art Education in an Elementary SchoolWen-Wei Liao, Rong-Guey Ho. 131-135 [doi]
- Automated Assessment of Review Quality Using Latent Semantic AnalysisLakshmi Ramachandran, Edward F. Gehringer. 136-138 [doi]
- Behavior Patterns: Bridging Conceptual Models and Agent-Based Simulations in Interactive Learning EnvironmentsSwaroop Vattam, Ashok K. Goel, Spencer Rugaber. 139-141 [doi]
- Bridging the Gap between PLE and LMSFrancesco Di Cerbo, Gabriella Dodero, Teresa Liew Bao Yng. 142-146 [doi]
- Building Commons to Improve Teaching and Learning for Quality Assurance through Peer Review ProjectYukari Kato. 150-154 [doi]
- Business Simulation Games as Digital Tools for Supporting School Entrepreneurship EducationHercules Panoutsopoulos, Maria-Anna Lykourentzou, Demetrios G. Sampson. 155-156 [doi]
- Challenges in Locating Content and Services for Adaptive eLearning CoursesCormac Hampson, Owen Conlan, Vincent Wade. 157-159 [doi]
- Concept Map-based Framework for Learner-Centered Knowledge Management in ePortfoliosYuliya Bozhko, Eva Heinrich. 160-162 [doi]
- ConceptMapWiki - A Collaborative Framework for Agglomerating Pedagogical KnowledgeLauri Lahti. 163-165 [doi]
- Connectivism as a Framework for Creative Productivity in Instructional TechnologyGregory Clinton, Eunbae Lee, Regene Logan. 166-170 [doi]
- Constructivist and Constructionist Approaches to Constructing Algorithm Visualizations: A ProposalMing-Han Lee, Guido Rößling. 171-173 [doi]
- Correlation between Student Performance and Use of an mLearning Application for High School MathematicsVani Kalloo, Permanand Mohan. 174-178 [doi]
- Cost Metrics for Effective Learning Objects ReuseDemetrios G. Sampson, Panagiotis Zervas. 179-183 [doi]
- Cross-Institutional Online Engineering Tutoring: Implementation of Tutoring at a DistanceSheila Warren, Stephanie Moore. 184-186 [doi]
- Curriculum-Guided Crowd-Sourcing of Assessments for Primary Schools in a Developing CountryImran A. Zualkernan, Anjana Raza, Asad Karim. 187-191 [doi]
- Design Electronic Botany Worksheet Generation Based on Bloom s Taxonomy for Mobile LearningRita Kuo, Maiga Chang, Keith Ying, Jia-Sheng Heh. 192-194 [doi]
- Design of a Long-Distance-Controlled Robot System for Distance EducationAkiyuki Minamide, Kazuya Takemata, Megan Hastie. 195-196 [doi]
- Design of Lifelong Learning Content Using Space Education: Development of the Mobile 3D (Three Dimensional) Image Projection SystemKazuya Takemata, Akiyuki Minamide, Sumio Nakamura, Nobuhiro Tanba. 197-198 [doi]
- Designing a Virtual Tutee System to Enhance College Student MotivationSeung Won Park, ChanMin Kim. 199-201 [doi]
- Development of a Game-based Learning System Using Toy RobotsLi-Der Chou, Tzu-Chien Liu, David Chunhu Li, Yi-Shou Chen, Man Tat Ieong, Pei-Husn Lee, Yi-Chun Lin. 202-204 [doi]
- Domain-Specific Modeling Approach to Support Instructional Design RationaleEl Amine Ouraiba, Christophe Choquet, Philippe Cottier. 205-206 [doi]
- Dual Mapping for Support of Problem Solving and Knowledge ConstructionBian Wu, Minhong Wang. 207-209 [doi]
- Dynamic Adaptation in OPENET4LDJuan Carlos Vidal, Manuel Lama, Beatriz Fernández-Gallego, Alberto Bugarín. 210-214 [doi]
- Dynamic Adaptive Mechanism in Learning Management System Based on Learning StylesSamar Alkhuraiji, Barry M. G. Cheetham, Omaima Bamasak. 215-217 [doi]
- Dynamic User Modeling and Adaptation Based on Learning Styles for Supporting Semi-Automatic Generation of IMS Learning DesignSilvia Baldiris, Sabine Graf, Ramón Fabregat. 218-220 [doi]
- Educational Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game for Teaching Youth FinanceDavid A. Jones, Maiga Chang. 221-223 [doi]
- Educational Robotics and Inquiry Learning: A Pilot Study in a Web-Based Learning EnvironmentHeilo Altin, Margus Pedaste, Alvo Aabloo. 224-226 [doi]
- Effectiveness of "Learning by Doing" Methodology in Training Programs - An Evaluation of a Teacher Training Program for Information Technology EducationSurya Kiran Reddy Karri, Sandhya Kode. 227-231 [doi]
- Effects of Applying STR for Group Learning Activities on Learning Performance in a Synchronous Cyber ClassroomTony C. T. Kuo, Rustam Shadiev, Wu-Yuin Hwang, Nian-Shing Chen. 232-236 [doi]
- e-Learning Using iPads - An e-learning Scenario Using Mobile Devices and Sensors for MeasurementsManfred Lohr. 237-238 [doi]
- Enhanced Understand of Biological Systems Using Structure-Behavior-Function ModelsMichael E. Helms, Swaroop Vattam, Ashok K. Goel, Jeannette Yen. 239-243 [doi]
- Enhancing English Reading Comprehension by Integrating Direct Access to Digital Materials and Scaffolded Questionings in Paper PrintsDaniel Chia-En Teng, Nian-Shing Chen, Cheng-Han Lee. 244-248 [doi]
- Enhancing Learning Paths with Concept Clustering and Rule-Based OptimizationS. T. Fung, Vincent Tam, Edmund Y. Lam. 249-253 [doi]
- Evaluation of Personalization Strategies Based on Fuzzy LogicFathi Essalmi, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed, Mohamed Jemni, Kinshuk, Sabine Graf. 254-256 [doi]
- Evolution of an Integrated Technology for Supporting Learning about Complex SystemsDavid A. Joyner, Ashok K. Goel, Spencer Rugaber, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan. 257-259 [doi]
- Examining the Effects of Technology-Based Learning on Children with Autism: A Case StudyRayshun Dorsey, Ayanna M. Howard. 260-261 [doi]
- Expanding the Concept of Learner Control in Higher Education: Consequences for Intervention DesignSebastian Fiedler, Terje Väljataga. 262-264 [doi]
- Experiences in Visualizing the Analysis of Blended-Learning Interactions to Support TeachersMaite Martín, Ainhoa Alvarez, Isabel Fernández-Castro, David Reina, Maite Urretavizcaya. 265-266 [doi]
- Exploring a Standards-based Approach to the Design and Delivery of Adaptable Learning Content: A Case StudyVoula Gkatzidou, Elaine Pearson. 267-271 [doi]
- Facilitating Informal Learning in a Mobile Application for a Group of Type 2 DiabeticsSalys Sultan, Permanand Mohan. 272-273 [doi]
- Flexible Learning Support in an Inflexible SocietyLee Griffiths. 274-276 [doi]
- From Behavioral Indicators to Contextualized Competence AssessmentMichael Bedek, Sobah Abbas Petersen, Tuija Heikura. 277-281 [doi]
- From Collections of Exercises to Educational Games: A Process Model and a Case StudyDaniel Rodriguez-Cerezo, Mercedes Gómez-Albarrán, José Luis Sierra. 282-284 [doi]
- From Learning Objects Repositories to Learning Design Repositories: The COSMOS Learning Design RepositoryDemetrios G. Sampson, Panagiotis Zervas, Sofoklis Sotiriou. 285-289 [doi]
- Gathering Practice Sharing and Problem Solving on a Single Platform for Teacher Training: A Collaborative Platform Model for Teacher Professional DevelopmentThierry Condamines. 290-294 [doi]
- Hoodies and Barrels: Using a Hide-and-seek Ubiquitous Game to Teach MathematicsIvon Arroyo, Imran A. Zualkernan, Beverly Park Woolf. 295-299 [doi]
- How Can Psychology Inform the Design of Learning Experiences?Milos Kravcik, Ralf Klamma, Zinayida Petrushyna. 300-301 [doi]
- How Students Use Contextual Cues in Finding Information in Paper and Electronic TextbooksSheng-Jie Yang, Gwo-Dong Chen, Liang-Yi Li. 302-304 [doi]
- How to Learn Chinese through Online Tools? From the Perspective of Informal Learning to Culture ImmersionMei Jen Audrey Shih, Jie Chi Yang. 305-306 [doi]
- Identification of Learning Goals in Forum-based CommunitiesJulian Krenge, Zinayida Petrushyna, Milos Kravcik, Ralf Klamma. 307-309 [doi]
- Implementation of an Intelligent Framework for Utilization within an InfoStation-based mLearning EnvironmentZhanlin Ji, Damien Meere, Ivan Ganchev, Mairtin O Droma. 310-311 [doi]
- Implementing a Classroom Oral Reading Platform for Primary EFL Students Oral Reading RateKuo-Ping Liu, Cheng-Chung Liu, Kuo-Chun Hung, Chih-Hsin Huang, Chia-Jung Chang. 312-313 [doi]
- Improving Students Satisfaction in a Massive Online Academic Writing CourseJorge J. Villalón, Carolina Heiremans. 314-316 [doi]
- Incorporating the Prisoners Dilemma in Peer-Assessment: An Experimental StudyHend S. Al-Khalifa, Henda Chorfi, Afnan A. Al-Subaihin, Amal Al-Ibrahim, Maha M. Al-Yahya. 317-319 [doi]
- Influences of AR-Supported Simulation on Learning Effectiveness in Face-to-face Collaborative Learning for PhysicsNai Li, Yuan Xun Gu, Leanne Chang, Henry Been-Lirn Duh. 320-322 [doi]
- Instructional Expertise for Phrase Singing and its Application for a Chorus Learning Support SystemMizue Kayama, Kazunori Itoh, Kazushi Asanuma, Masami Hashimoto, Makoto Otani. 323-325 [doi]
- Integrating Trust and Competency Management to Improve LearningNicola Capuano, Matteo Gaeta, Giuseppina Rita Mangione, Francesco Orciuoli, Pierluigi Ritrovato. 326-330 [doi]
- Interactions between Inquiry Processes in a Web-Based Learning EnvironmentMario Macots, Margus Pedaste, Tago Sarapuu. 331-335 [doi]
- Interactive Storytelling for Elementary School Nature Science EducationJui-Feng Weng, Hsiu-lien Kuo, Shian-Shyong Tseng. 336-338 [doi]
- Interpreter for the Deployment of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Mobile DevicesRamon Zatarain-Cabada, Maria Lucia Barrón-Estrada, L. Edgar Parra, Carlos A. Reyes García. 339-340 [doi]
- Introducing Accessibility Features in an Educational Game Authoring Tool: The <e-Adventure> ExperienceJavier Torrente, Jose Angel Vallejo Pinto, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón. 341-343 [doi]
- Investigations of Using Interactive Whiteboards with and without an Additional ScreenTing-Wen Chang, Kinshuk, Pao-Ta Yu, Jenq-Muh Hsu. 347-349 [doi]
- Knowledge Sharing in the Classroom: A Social Network Approach for Diagnostic Assessment and Learning TogetherJohannes Konert, Stefan Göbel, Kristina Richter, Regina Bruder. 350-354 [doi]
- Learning Functional Models of Biological Systems for Biologically Inspired DesignBryan Wiltgen, Swaroop Vattam, Michael E. Helms, Ashok K. Goel, Jeannette Yen. 355-357 [doi]
- Learning Object Repositories for Science Education: The Case of the OpenScienceResources RepositoryDemetrios G. Sampson, Panagiotis Zervas, Sofoklis Sotiriou. 358-359 [doi]
- LEXI: A Semantic Tool to Enrich Lexical Competence of Language LearnersMaha M. Al-Yahya, Hend S. Al-Khalifa, Alia Bahanshal, Iman Aloudah. 360-361 [doi]
- Live Programming Learning Objects on CloudBin Wu, Kai Qian, Prabir Bhattacharya, Minzhe Guo, Wanjun Hu. 362-363 [doi]
- Load Forecasting Mechanism for e-Learning Infrastructures Using Exponential SmoothingAgustín C. Caminero, Salvador Ros, Roberto Hernández, Antonio Robles-Gomez, Rafael Pastor. 364-365 [doi]
- Mapping Business Simulation Games to a Component ArchitectureAlexander Neef, Dennis Maciuszek, Alke Martens. 366-368 [doi]
- Matching and Mismatching in Web-based Learning: A Human Centered ApprachPei-Ren Huang, Li-Ping Chang, Yu-Cheng Shih, Yung-Chi Hsu, Sherry Y. Chen. 369-371 [doi]
- Mixed Reality for Learning Standard Mechanical ElementsJorge Martín-Gutiérrez, Manuel Contero. 372-374 [doi]
- Model-based Tagging: Promoting Access to Online Texts on Complex Systems for Interdisciplinary LearningSwaroop Vattam, Ashok K. Goel. 375-377 [doi]
- Modeling Mobile Learning System Using ANFISAhmed Al-Hmouz, Jun Shen, Jun Yan, Rami Al-Hmouz. 378-380 [doi]
- Modelling the Aggregation of Multimedia Data to Connect the Inputs and Outcomes of a Variety of ToolsEmilio Julio Lorenzo, M. Felisa Verdejo. 381-383 [doi]
- MuistiKoti - Towards Better Awareness of the Technological Solutions Designed for People with Alzheimer s DiseaseIlkka Niskanen, Jyri Toivonen, Julia Kantorovitch. 384-385 [doi]
- No Evidence of Correlation among Felder-Silverman s Learning Styles, Visual Memory and Visualization StylesCarlo Giovannella. 386-387 [doi]
- Ontologies and Knowledge Aggregation in the Active Semantic Learning SystemIoan Szilagyi, Radu Balog-Crisan, Ana Roxin, Ioan Roxin. 388-392 [doi]
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- Optimizing the Performance of Educational Web ServicesMark Floryan, Beverly Park Woolf. 399-400 [doi]
- Paleoclimate Clues: Problem-Based Learning Digital Media for Climate ScienceAnna Mansour, Chris Sumsky, Brian Magerko. 401-402 [doi]
- Pedagogy in Computer-Based Sport TrainingYulita Hanum P. Iskandar, Lester Gilbert, Gary B. Wills. 403-408 [doi]
- PeerSpace - An Online Collaborative Learning Environment for Computer Science StudentsCen Li, Zhijiang Dong, Roland H. Untch, Michael Chasteen, Nathan Reale. 409-411 [doi]
- Personalized Forecasting Student PerformanceNguyen Thai-Nghe, Tomás Horváth, Lars Schmidt-Thieme. 412-414 [doi]
- Petri Nets and Ontologies: Tools for the Learning Player Assessment in Serious GamesPradeepa Thomas, Amel Yessad, Jean-Marc Labat. 415-419 [doi]
- Pictures, Audio and Movies - Positioned around Me (PAM-PAM)Darren Mundy, Linda Hockley. 420-422 [doi]
- Preliminary Review of Assessment Technologies Visualizing Knowledge Structure: Exploring an Alternative ApproachMin-Kyu Kim. 423-427 [doi]
- Programming Turing Machines as a Game for Technology Sense-MakingAndrea Valente, Emanuela Marchetti. 428-430 [doi]
- Propelling Standards-based Sharing and Reuse in Instructional Modeling Communities: The Open Graphical Learning Modeler (OpenGLM)Michael Derntl, Susanne Neumann, Petra Oberhuemer. 431-435 [doi]
- Rashi Game: Towards an Effective Educational 3D Gaming ExperienceMark Floryan, Beverly Park Woolf. 436-437 [doi]
- Recommending Teachers for Collaborative Authoring ToolsBakhtiyor Bahritidinov, Eduardo Sánchez, Manuel Lama. 438-442 [doi]
- Representation of a Course Structure Focused on Activities Using Information Visualization TechniquesDavid Garcia-Solorzano, Germán Cobo, Eugènia Santamaria, Jose Antonio Morán, Javier Melenchón. 443-445 [doi]
- Research in Classroom Interaction: Insight from Cognitive ProcessXuefeng Wei, Li Li, Guangzuo Cui. 446-447 [doi]
- Reusing Educational Contents in M-learningAna María Fermoso García, Alberto Pedrero Esteban. 448-449 [doi]
- Reveling the Evolution of Semantic Content through Visual AnalysisDiego Alonso Gómez Aguilar, Miguel Ángel Conde González, Roberto Therón, Francisco José García Peñalvo. 450-454 [doi]
- Seeking Reusability of Computer Games Designs for Informal LearningTelmo Zarraonandia, Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo, Mario Rafael Ruiz Vargas. 455-459 [doi]
- Semantic Linking of a Learning Object Repository to DBpediaManuel Lama, Juan Carlos Vidal, Estefanía Otero-García, Alberto Bugarín, Senén Barro. 460-464 [doi]
- Sequencing Learning Objects: Space-time, Semiotic and Pedagogical ConstraintsHerli J. de Menezes, Sean W. M. Siqueira, Leila C. V. de Andrade. 465-466 [doi]
- Sociality of Mobile Collaborative AR: Augmenting a Dual-Problem Space for Social Interaction in Collaborative Social LearningNai Li, Yuan Xun Gu, Leanne Chang, Henry Been-Lirn Duh. 467-469 [doi]
- Standards for Learning, Education and Training A Proposal for an Improved ProcessTore Hoel, Paul A. Hollins. 470-472 [doi]
- Students that Benefit from Educational 3D GamesMark Floryan, Beverly Park Woolf. 473-475 [doi]
- Success Chances Estimation of University Curricula Based on Educational History, Self-Estimated Intellectual Traits and Vocational AmbitionsYoshitaka Sakurai, Setsuo Tsuruta, Rainer Knauf. 476-478 [doi]
- Supporting Mathematics Teachers' Online Discussion with the Use of Animated Classroom Stories as Reference PointVu Minh Chieu, Patricio G. Herbst. 479-481 [doi]
- System- and Information-Related Success Drivers of Virtual Learning EnvironmentsDaniel Müller, Melanie Heintz, Stefan Strohmeier. 482-483 [doi]
- A System for Adaptation of Educational Contents to Learners and their Mobile DeviceAntonio García-Cabot, Eva García, Luis de Marcos, José Ramón Hilera, José Antonio Gutiérrez, José María Gutiérrez, Salvador Otón, Roberto Barchino, José-Javier Martínez. 484-485 [doi]
- Tailoring Serious Games with Adaptive Pedagogical Scenarios: A Serious Game for Persons with Cognitive DisabilitiesAarij Mahmood Hussaan, Karim Sehaba, Alain Mille. 486-490 [doi]
- Teaching Web Security Using Portable Virtual LabsLi-Chiou Chen, Lixin Tao. 491-495 [doi]
- Technology-enhanced Learning for Students with Learning DisabilitiesOnintra Poobrasert, Piyada Sabayjai, Namnueng Mitsamarn. 496-497 [doi]
- The Definition of a Tunneling Strategy between Adaptive Learning and Reputation-based Group ActivitiesMaria De Marsico, Andrea Sterbini, Marco Temperini. 498-500 [doi]
- The Design and Implementation of an Enculturated Web-Based Intelligent Tutoring System for Computer Science EducationPhaedra Mohammed, Permanand Mohan. 501-505 [doi]
- The Impact of Animated Pedagogical Agents on Girls and Boys Emotions, Attitudes, Behaviors and LearningIvon Arroyo, Beverly Park Woolf, David G. Cooper, Winslow Burleson, Kasia Muldner. 506-510 [doi]
- The Influence of a Motion-sensing and Game-based Mobile Learning System on Learning Achievement and Learning RetentionKuo-Liang Ou, Wernhuar Tarng, Yu-Chung Yao, Gwo-Dong Chen. 511-515 [doi]
- The Interaction Analysis of Web Collaborative Exploration Learning in Two Scenarios: Shared-Computer and One-to-One ComputerChia-Jung Chang, Cheng-Chung Liu, Kuo-Ping Liu. 516-520 [doi]
- The Practice of Rationale Sharing in Virtual Group Learning Activities: An Empirical StudyLu Xiao. 521-523 [doi]
- The Relationships of Social Economic Status and Learners Motivation and Performance in Learning from a Game-Design ProjectLi-Chun Wang, Ming-Puu Chen. 524-528 [doi]
- The Role of Affordances and Motives in Explaining How and Why Students Use Computer-based ScaffoldsBrian R. Belland, Joel Drake, Zhiying Liu. 529-531 [doi]
- The Structure and Substance of Student Asynchronous Communication in Hybrid STEM CoursesZhongxiao Li, Kairui Chen, Xin Xu. 532-533 [doi]
- Tools for Context-Aware Learning Design and Mobile DeliveryPanagiotis Zervas, Sergio Eduardo Gomez Ardila, Ramón Fabregat, Demetrios G. Sampson. 534-535 [doi]
- Towards a Better Understanding of Learning Objects ContentRamzi Farhat, Bruno Defude, Mohamed Jemni. 536-540 [doi]
- Towards Non-invasive Adaptive Meta-Cognitive Support for Online TrainingAdam Moore, Owen Conlan, Declan Dagger, Vincent Wade. 541-542 [doi]
- TsoiChem: A Mobile Application to Facilitate Student Learning in Organic ChemistryMai Yin Tsoi, Sonal Dekhane. 543-547 [doi]
- Understanding Learners Interaction Patterns through Analyzing Context of Questions in Discussion TranscriptsYonghe Zhang, Yanyan Li, Peijie Cao, Ronghuai Huang. 548-552 [doi]
- Usage-based Clustering of Learning Objects for RecommendationMarc-Andre Orthmann, Martin Friedrich, Uwe Kirschenmann, Katja Niemann, Maren Scheffel, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Martin Wolpers. 553-557 [doi]
- Using Collaborative Concept Maps for Coordination and Knowledge-sharing in Learning Communities for ScienceEmilio Julio Lorenzo, Miguel Rodríguez-Artacho, Beatriz Barros Blanco. 558-562 [doi]
- Using Educational Resources to Improve the Efficiency of Web Searches for Additional Learning MaterialJoão C. Prates, Sean S. M. Siqueira. 563-567 [doi]
- Using Indicators During Synchronous Tutoring of Practical WorkAina Lekira, Christophe Després, Pierre Jacoboni, Christophe Choquet, Sébastien Iksal, Dominique Py, Diem Pham Thi Ngoc. 568-572 [doi]
- Using Logical Sensors Network to the Accurate Monitoring of the Learning Process in Distance Education CoursesGislaine Cristina Micheloti Rosales, Regina Borges de Araujo, Joice Lee Otsuka, Rodrigo Vilela da Rocha. 573-575 [doi]
- Using Robot Based Learning to Enhance CS Curriculum DeliveryS. A. Bogle, W. D. Potter. 576-578 [doi]
- Using the Think Aloud Method to Observe Students Help-seeking Behavior in Math Tutoring SoftwareMinghui Tai, Beverly Park Woolf, Ivon Arroyo. 579-581 [doi]
- Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Academic Education for Students in EngineeringRadu Vasiu, Diana Andone. 582-584 [doi]
- Video Bookmarking for Learner Support in Blended Learning: Selection of Appropriate Keywords for Efficient Review of Lecture VideoYusuke Kometani, Takehiro Furuta, Takako Akakura. 585-586 [doi]
- Visualizing e-Learner Emotion, Topic, and Group Structure in Chinese Interactive TextsFeng Tian, Huisan Zhang, Longzhuang Li, Qinghua Zheng, Yang Yang. 587-589 [doi]
- Widgets to Support the Concept of an Adaptable Personal Learning EnvironmentElaine Pearson, Voula Gkatzidou, Steve Green. 590-592 [doi]
- Working WITH vs. Working ON Audiovisual Educational ContentMari Luz Guenaga, Andoni Eguíluz, Iker Jamardo. 593-595 [doi]
- Purposeful Learning is Transformative: How Experience with Media Production Tools at a Digital Agricultural Extension in India Suggests an Approach for Deepening the Impact of Educational ICT4D ProjectBoris Kizelshteyn, John Bosco Lourdusamy. 596-597 [doi]
- A Recommender System that Allows Reasoning and Interoperability over Educational Content MetadataTiago Thompsen Primo, Rosa Maria Vicari. 598-599 [doi]
- Cross-Cultural Learning Design: Past the Head and the Hands to the HEART of the MatterAdam Blake, Claire Donald, Ashwini Datt, Xiaoyan Bai. 600-601 [doi]
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Development in Indian Schools: A Case StudySwarandeep Singh, Esha Goel, Aman Goyal, Anupriya Chauhan, Manu Sheel Gupta. 602-606 [doi]
- Supporting Self-Regulated Learning within a Personal Learning Environment: The OpenLearn Case StudyAlexander Mikroyannidis. 607-608 [doi]
- Learning Analytics for Communities of Lifelong Learners: A Forum CaseZinayida Petrushyna, Milos Kravcik, Ralf Klamma. 609-610 [doi]
- Competence Development of Pre-Service Teachers with the Support of LeContractTerje Väljataga, Kairit Tammets, Hans Poldoja. 611-612 [doi]
- Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Technical Domains with Repositories of Learning Objects and Recommender SystemsDaniel Rodriguez-Cerezo, Mercedes Gómez-Albarrán, José Luis Sierra. 613-614 [doi]
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