Abstract is missing.
- Track IntroductionJay F. Nunamaker Jr., Robert O. Briggs. 1 [doi]
- Minitack Introduction: Advances in Teaching and Learning TechnologiesEric L. Santanen, David H. Spencer. 2 [doi]
- Distance Education: Some Differences in Course TypeChuck Beck, Wm. Benjamin Martz Jr.. 3 [doi]
- Control Structure in Project-Based Asynchronous Collaborative LearningTimothy J. Ellis, William Hafner. 3 [doi]
- Faculty Motivators and De-motivators for Teaching Online: Results of Focus Group Interviews at One UniversityStarr Roxanne Hiltz, Eunhee Kim, Peter Shea. 3 [doi]
- Do Mobile Device Applications Affect Learning?Doug Vogel, David M. Kennedy, Kevin Kuan, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Jean Lai. 4 [doi]
- Delivering Chalk Talks on the InternetSatoshi Ichimura. 4 [doi]
- An Abstract Transcript Notation for Analyzing Interactional Construction of Meaning in Online LearningDaniel Suthers, Nathan Dwyer, Ravikiran Vatrapu, Richard Medina. 4 [doi]
- Design Experiences with the Learning Objects Board SystemPatrícia Castanheira Dinis Duarte Silva, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva. 5 [doi]
- Teacher Bridge: Creating a Community of Teacher DevelopersMary Beth Rosson, Daniel R. Dunlap, Philip L. Isenhour, John M. Carroll. 5 [doi]
- TXT-2-LRN: improving students learning exper ience in the classroom through interactive SMSEusebio Scornavacca Jr., Stephen Marshall. 5 [doi]
- Mini-Track Introduction: Collaboration Issues in Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/ITNicholas C. Romano Jr., James B. Pick, Narcyz Roztocki. 6 [doi]
- An Interoperability Framework for Pan-European E-Government Services (PEGS)Arnold van Overeem, Johan Witters, Vassilios Peristeras. 7 [doi]
- Information Technology and Diversification: How Their Relationship Affects Firm PerformanceNamchul Shin. 7 [doi]
- Creating Strategic Value from Supply Chain Visibility- the Dynamic Capabilities ViewHsiao-Lan Wei, Eric T. G. Wang. 7 [doi]
- Minitrack: Collaboration support for Joint Modeling and SimulationJaco H. Appelman, Vlatka Hlupic, Alan Serrano. 8 [doi]
- Information losses within the collaborative integration of different process models - BPML as an XML-based interchange format for BPMN business process modelsJohannsen Florian, Susanne Leist, Gregor Zellner. 9 [doi]
- Joint Reference Modeling: Collaboration Support through Version ManagementOliver Thomas. 9 [doi]
- Some considerations of cognitive modeling for collective decision supportGilles Coppin, Frédéric Cadier, Philippe Lenca. 10 [doi]
- Framework for Establishing Enterprise Modeling in the Context of Collaborative EnterprisesThomas Knothe, Timo Kahl, Dieter Boell, Kristof Schneider. 10 [doi]
- Minitack Introduction: Cross-cultural Issues in Collaboration TechnologyDongsong Zhang, Doug Vogel, Paul Benjamin Lowry. 11 [doi]
- Immigrants and the Job Search: Comparing the Internet to Other Paths to JobsArent Greve, Janet W. Salaff, Elic Chan. 12 [doi]
- The Impact of National Culture and Social Pr esence on Trust and Communication Quality within Collabor ative GroupsPaul Benjamin Lowry, Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou, Xiaolan Fu. 12 [doi]
- Does Culture Interact with Media Richness? The Effects of Audio vs. Video Conferencing on Chinese and American DyadsLeslie D. Setlock, Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, Susan R. Fussell. 13 [doi]
- Minitack Introduction: Designing Collaboration Processes and SystemsGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs. 14 [doi]
- Designing and Evaluating Collaborative Processes for Requirements Elicitation and ValidationAnn L. Fruhling, Lucas Steinhauser, Gregory Hoff, Christopher Dunbar. 15 [doi]
- Collaboration Engineering For Incident Response Planning: Process Development and ValidationMehruz Kamal, Alanah J. Davis, Josephine Nabukenya, Terrance V. Schoonover, Leah Rose Pietron, Gert-Jan de Vreede. 15 [doi]
- How to increase GSS transition? A case study at a Dutch Police ForceMariëlle den Hengst, Lis Weimar, Stephan O. den Hengs. 15 [doi]
- A Framework for Studying Voting in Group Support SystemsKung-E Cheng, Fadi P. Deek. 16 [doi]
- Reconceptualizing Generate thinkLets: the Role of the ModifierGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Eric L. Santanen. 16 [doi]
- Bounded Ideation Theory: A New Model of the Relationship Between Ideaquantity and Idea-quality during IdeationRobert O. Briggs, Bruce A. Reinig. 16 [doi]
- An Assessment Framework for Discovering and Using Patterns in Virtual Project ManagementDeepak Khazanchi, Ilze Zigurs. 17 [doi]
- KnowFlow - A Hybrid Approach to Identifying and Visualizing Distributed Knowledge Work PracticesMarkus Strohmaier, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt. 17 [doi]
- Which collaboration patterns are most challenging: A global survey of facilitatorsMariëlle den Hengst, Mark Adkins. 17 [doi]
- Developing Applications and Methodologies for Electronically Facilitated Project Planning: a Coast Guard Case StudyLionel Q. Mew, William H. Money. 18 [doi]
- Innovating Collaborative Content Creation: The Role of Altruism and Wiki TechnologyChristian Wagner, Pattarawan Prasarnphanich. 18 [doi]
- Participant-driven GSS: Quality of Brainstorming and Allocation of Participant ResourcesJoel H. Helquist, Eric L. Santanen, John Kruse. 18 [doi]
- Digital Relationships in the MySpace Generation: Results From a Qualitative StudyCatherine Dwyer. 19 [doi]
- Perceived Benefits and Concerns of Prospective Users of the SmartCampus Location-Aware Community System Test-bedEunhee Kim, Maria Plummer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Quentin Jones. 19 [doi]
- Implementation and Per formance of a New Teleconference System by HighYosuke Sato, Yuya Maita, Koji Hashimoto, Yoshitaka Shibata. 20 [doi]
- Minitrack: Emergency Response SystemsTung X. Bui, Murray Turoff, Bartel Van de Walle. 21 [doi]
- Hybrid Communication Infrastructure and Social Implications for Disaster ManagementRaheleh B. Dilmaghani, Ramesh R. Rao. 22 [doi]
- Socio-Technological Systems Integration to Support Tsunami Warning and EvacuationRichard G. Little, William A. Wallace, Thomas A. Birkland, Pannapa Herabat. 22 [doi]
- Modeling Emergency Response SystemsMurray E. Jennex. 22 [doi]
- A Tool for Training and Assistance in Emergency Response PlanningGheorghe Tecuci, Mihai Boicu, Thomas Hajduk, Dorin Marcu, Marcel Barbulescu, Cristina Boicu, Vu Le. 23 [doi]
- Shared Situational Awareness in Emergency Management Mitigation and ResponseJohn R. Harrald, Theresa Jefferson. 23 [doi]
- Towards a Unified Public Safety ScaleElizabeth Avery Gomez, Linda Plotnick, Eli Rohn, Jon Kenneth Morgan, Murray Turoff. 23 [doi]
- IT for Corporate Crisis Management: Findings from a Survey in 6 different Industries on Management Attention, Intention and Actual UseKoen Milis, Bartel Van de Walle. 24 [doi]
- Community Crisis Response Teams: Leveraging Local Resources through ICT E-ReadinessElizabeth Avery Gomez, Murray Turoff. 24 [doi]
- Minitrack Introduction: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) MinitrackJoseph S. Valacich, John D. Wells. 25 [doi]
- Supporting distributed scientific collaboration: Implications for designing the CiteSeer collaboratoryUmer Farooq, Craig H. Ganoe, John M. Carroll, C. Lee Giles. 26 [doi]
- Fully-automatic generation of user interfaces for multiple devices from a high-level model based on communicative actsJürgen Falb, Roman Popp, Thomas Röck, Helmut Jelinek, Edin Arnautovic, Hermann Kaindl. 26 [doi]
- Advice Availability and Gender Differences in Risky Decision Making: A Study of Online Retirement PlanningClayton A. Looney, Robin S. Poston, Asli Yagmur Akbulut. 26 [doi]
- Music Composition Theory and Web PurchasesYounghwa Lee, Kenneth A. Kozar. 27 [doi]
- Fine-Tuning the Human-Computer Interface: Verbal versus Keyboard Input in an Idea Generation ContextJay J. H. Jung, Clayton A. Looney, Joseph S. Valacich. 27 [doi]
- Agent-based Human-computer-interaction for Real-time Monitoring Systems in the Trucking IndustryElfriede Krauth, Jos van Hillegersberg, Steef L. van de Velde. 27 [doi]
- Understanding the Intention of Information Contribution to Online Feedback Systems from Social Exchange and Motivation Crowding PerspectivesYu Tong, Xinwei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo. 28 [doi]
- Minitrack: Mobile Technologies and CollaborationJoseph S. Valacich, Clayton A. Looney. 29 [doi]
- Gulliver-A Framework for Building Smart Speech-Based ApplicationsWerner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck. 30 [doi]
- Towards a Theor etical Fr amework for Studying the Effect of Mobile- ICT on Coor dinationDavid Tilson. 30 [doi]
- Mobile Information and Communication Technologies in the Context of the Pharmaceutical Sales Force WorkChihab BenMoussa. 30 [doi]
- Revisiting Collaboration Under Conditions of Mobility Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suprateek Sarker. 31 [doi]
- Minitrack: Negotiation Support SystemsTung X. Bui, Melvin F. Shakun. 32 [doi]
- Second-Best Combinatorial Auctions - The Case of the Pricing-Per-Column MechanismDirk Neumann, Björn Schnizler, Ilka Weber, Christof Weinhardt. 33 [doi]
- Enabling Web Services Policy Negotiation with Privacy preserved using XACMLVivying S. Y. Cheng, Patrick C. K. Hung, Dickson K. W. Chiu. 33 [doi]
- A Template-based Methodology for Large-Scale HA/DR involving Ephemeral Groups - A Workflow PerspectiveTung X. Bui, Alex Tan. 34 [doi]
- Comprehensive Urban Planning: A Framework for Group DecisionJim Sheffield. 34 [doi]
- User Assessment of E-negotiation SystemsGregory E. Kersten, Jamshid Etezadi, Eva Chen, Rudolf Vetschera. 34 [doi]
- Effect of Gender Composition and Negotiation Support Systems in Dyadic SettingZhen Wang, John Lim. 35 [doi]
- Social Cognition and Knowledge Creation using Collaborative TechnologySouren Paul, Derek L. Nazareth. 36 [doi]
- Collective Team Identification in Temporary TeamsMary R. Lind. 37 [doi]
- The Role of a Shared Mental Model of Collaboration Technology in Facilitating Knowledge Work in Virtual TeamsDominic M. Thomas, Robert P. Bostrom. 37 [doi]
- Collaboration Technology Support for Knowledge Conversion in Virtual Teams: A Theoretical PerspectiveImad Samarah, Souren Paul, Suresh Tadisina. 37 [doi]
- Applying the Repgrid Technique to Resolve Cognitive Conflicts Among Experts During Knowledge CaptureAnanth Chiravuri, Derek L. Nazareth, K. Ramamurthy. 38 [doi]
- How up-to-date are Online Tourism Communities? An Empirical Evaluation of Commercial and Non-commercial Information QualityMarco Prestipino, Felix-Robinson Aschoff, Gerhard Schwabe. 38 [doi]
- Helping Knowledge Cross Boundaries: Using Knowledge Visualization to Support Cross-Community SensemakingJasminko Novak. 38 [doi]
- Social Decision Making with Multi-Relational Networks and Grammar-Based Particle SwarmsMarko A. Rodriguez. 39 [doi]
- Time Pressure and Reward Inspiration as Outcome Controls for Information Sharing in Problem-Solving Virtual TeamsFang He, Souren Paul. 39 [doi]
- Minitrack Introduction: Virtual Work, Teams, And OrganizationsManju Ahuja, France Belanger, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim. 40 [doi]
- Audio vs. Chat: The Effects of Group Size on Media ChoiceAndreas Löber, Gerhard Schwabe, Sibylle Grimm. 41 [doi]
- Effective Versus Ineffective Communication Behaviors in Virtual TeamsDaphne M. Dekker. 41 [doi]
- Organizational Assimilation of Collaborative Information Technologies: Global ComparisonsDeepinder S. Bajwa, L. Floyd Lewis, Graham Pervan, Vincent Lai, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Gerhard Schwabe. 41 [doi]
- Redefining and Measuring Virtual Work in Teams: An Application of Social Network AnalysisPriscilla Arling. 42 [doi]
- Warm Fronts and High Pressure Systems: Overcoming Geographic Dispersion in a Meteorological Cyberinfrastructure ProjectKatherine A. Lawrence, Thomas A. Finholt, Il-Hwan Kim. 42 [doi]
- Conflicts and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Remote Collaboration via VideoconferencingAndreas Eckhardt, Tobias Keim. 43 [doi]
- The Strength of Virtuality in Teams: Social Capital built on Weak TiesKeith Dixon, Niki Panteli. 43 [doi]
- A Framework for Workgroup Collaboration in a Vir tual Environment: Theoretical Synthesis and Empir ical ExplorationAyoung Suh, Kyung-shik Shin. 43 [doi]
- Feedback on Collaborative Skills in Remote Studio DesignGina Turner, Michael F. Schober. 44 [doi]
- Ambidexterity and Global IS Project Success: A Theoretical ModelGwanhoo Lee, William H. DeLone, J. Alberto Espinosa. 44 [doi]
- Multitasking and Innovation in Virtual TeamsKaren Sobel Lojeski, Richard Reilly, Peter Dominick. 44 [doi]
- Track Introduction: Agent Technology, Intelligent Systems and Software Computing in Management SupportDaniel R. Dolk. 45 [doi]
- Courier Assignment in Social NetworksJeffrey V. Nickerson, Stephan Olariu. 46 [doi]
- Introducing Executable Product Models for the Service IndustryMarkus Kress, Joachim Melcher, Detlef Seese. 46 [doi]
- Dynamic Supply Chain Integration through Intelligent AgentsMinhong Wang, Huaiqing Wang, Jiming Liu. 46 [doi]
- Ontology-based Knowledge in Interactive Maintenance GuideSeppo Nyrkko, Lauri Carlson, Matti Keijola, Helena Ahonen-Myka, Jyrki Niemi, Jussi Piitulainen, Sirke Viitanen, Martti Meri, Lauri Seitsonen, Petri Mannonen, Jani Juvonen. 47 [doi]
- Mining Negotiation Knowledge for Adaptive Negotiation Agents in e-MarketplacesRaymond Y. K. Lau, On Wong. 47 [doi]
- A Hybrid Knowledge and Model Approach for Reviewer AssignmentYong-Hong Sun, Jian Ma, Zhi-Ping Fan, Jun Wang. 47 [doi]
- BDFS: A Real-Time Search Algorithm for Central Office (CO) OptimizationSethuraman Janardhanan, Ambuj Mahanti, Debashis Saha, Samir K. Sadhukhan. 48 [doi]
- Predicting Stock Prices Using a Hybrid Kohonen Self Organizing Map (SOM)Mark O. Afolabi, Olatoyosi Olude. 48 [doi]
- Applying Graph Search Techniques for Workflow VerificationSinnakkrishnan Perumal, Ambuj Mahanti. 48 [doi]
- Minitrack: Business Models for Mobile CommerceMatti Rossi, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen. 49 [doi]
- Analysis of Trust in Internet and Mobile Commerce AdoptionDai-Yon Cho, Hyun Jung Kwon, Hyoung Yong Lee. 50 [doi]
- Dealing with the Barriers to Performance through Value-Adding Mobile Solutions: Case Study of the Sales Force of a Pharmaceutical CompanyChihab BenMoussa. 50 [doi]
- Understanding Changes in Consumer Payment Habits - Do Mobile Payments and Electronic Invoices Attract Consumers?Tomi Dahlberg, Anssi Öörni. 50 [doi]
- Making Sense of Stories: the development of a new mobile computer gamePatrick Stacey, Andrew Brown, Joe Nandhakumar. 51 [doi]
- Mobile TV - To Live or Die by ContentChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden. 51 [doi]
- A Cluster-based Approach to Filtering Spam under Skewed Class DistributionsWen-Feng Hsiao, Te-Ming Chang, Guo-Hsin Hu. 53 [doi]
- Mining Fuzzy Weighted Association RulesDavid L. Olson, Yanhong Li. 53 [doi]
- Visualizing Attribute Interdependencies Using Mutual Information, Hierarchical Clustering, Multidimensional Scaling, and Self-organizing MapsDerek L. Nazareth, Ehsan S. Soofi, Huimin Zhao. 53 [doi]
- Outsourcing Resource Selection: A Rough Set ApproachDan Zhu, Qiang Meng, J. Leon Zhao. 54 [doi]
- Knowledge Management in Decision Making: Instance-Based Cognitive MappingNatalie M. Steiger, David M. Steiger. 54 [doi]
- Patent Mining - Discover y of Business Value from Patent Repositor iesKas Kasravi, Maria Risov. 54 [doi]
- Synergies of Data Mining and Operations ResearchStephan Meisel, Dirk C. Mattfeld. 56 [doi]
- Decision Tools for Reducing Congestion at Locks on the Upper Mississippi RiverJames F. Campbell, L. Douglas Smith, Donald C. Sweeney II, Ray Mundy, Robert M. Nauss. 56 [doi]
- A Simulation Model to Evaluate Decision Rules for Lock Operations on the Upper Mississippi RiverL. Douglas Smith, Donald C. Sweeney II, James F. Campbell. 56 [doi]
- The Impact of Information Technology on the Temporal Optimization of Supply Chain PerformanceKen Dozier, David Chang. 57 [doi]
- Using Classifiers to Solve Warehouse Location ProblemsKurt DeMaagd, Scott Moore. 57 [doi]
- A Convolution Algorithm for Evaluating Supply Chain Delivery PerformanceAlfred L. Guiffrida, Robert A. Rzepka, Mohamad Y. Jaber. 57 [doi]
- Offering Mobile Security as a ServiceAki Lassila. 58 [doi]
- The Internet of Things - Context-based Device FederationsAndreas Heil, Mirko Knoll, Torben Weis. 58 [doi]
- An Empirical Assessment of Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of SMS AdvertisingDimitris Drossos, George M. Giaglis, George Lekakos. 58 [doi]
- Minitack: Software Agents and Semantic Web TechnologiesMark T. Elmore, Thomas E. Potok. 59 [doi]
- Towards Context-Sensitive Domain Ontology ExtractionRaymond Y. K. Lau, Jin-Xing Hao, Maolin Tang, Xujuan Zhou. 60 [doi]
- A Methodology to Evaluate Agent Oriented Software Engineering TechniquesChia-En Lin, Krishna M. Kavi, Frederick T. Sheldon, Kris M. Daley, Robert K. Abercrombie. 60 [doi]
- Ontology Revision on the Semantic Web: Integration of belief revision theorySeung Hwan Kang, Sim Kim Lau. 61 [doi]
- Minitrack: Towards the Service Oriented Enterprise Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul, George W. Brown. 62 [doi]
- Grid Computing Infrastructures and their Value for Risk ManagementWolfgang Hackenbroch, Matthias Henneberger. 63 [doi]
- Value-at-Risk in IT Services ContractsRobert J. Kauffman, Ryan Sougstad. 63 [doi]
- Formal Specification of Web Service Contracts for Automated Contracting and MonitoringSteffen Lamparter, Stefan Luckner, Sybille Mutschler. 63 [doi]
- Enhancing Workflow Automation in Insurance Underwriting Processes with Web Services and AlertsRaymond C. M. Lee, Kai-Pan Mark, Dickson K. W. Chiu. 64 [doi]
- iDesign : An Intelligent Design Framework for Service InnovationWei-Feng Tung, Soe-Tsyr Yuan. 64 [doi]
- Towards a Methodology for Service ConstructionJoachim Schelp, Robert Winter. 64 [doi]
- Track Introduction: Digital Media: Content and CommunicationMichael A. Shepherd. 65 [doi]
- Minitrack: Digital DivideKarine Barzilai-Nahon. 66 [doi]
- Social Facilitators and Inhibitors to Online FluencyCaroline Haythornthwaite. 67 [doi]
- Re-conceptualizing the digital divide: a knowledge-based approachWilliam Tibben. 67 [doi]
- A History of Indonesian Telecommunication Reform 1999-2006Susan Eick. 67 [doi]
- Telecommunications Stakeholder Perceptions of Teledensity: A Comparison of Stakeholders in the Latin American Region to those in Sub-Saharan AfricaVictor Wacham A. Mbarika, Peter Meso, Philip F. Musa. 68 [doi]
- Overcoming the Digital Divide through Electronic Commerce: Harnessing opportunities in IT for DevelopmentSajda Qureshi, Alanah J. Davis. 68 [doi]
- Minitrack: Genres of Digital DocumentsDmitri Roussinov, Kevin Crowston, Carina Ihlström. 69 [doi]
- Genre, Narrative and the Nigerian Letter in Electronic MailWendy L. Cukier, Eva J. Nesselroth, Susan Cody. 70 [doi]
- Social Network and Genre Emergence in Amateur Flash MultimediaJohn C. Paolillo, Jonathan Warren, Breanne Kunz. 70 [doi]
- Collection of U.S. Extremist Online Forums: A Web Mining ApproachYilu Zhou, Jialun Qin, Guanpi Lai, Hsinchun Chen. 70 [doi]
- Characterizing Genres of Web Pages: Genre Hybridism and IndividualizationMarina Santini. 71 [doi]
- Information Retrieval and Digital Library Applications Minitrack IntroductionRay R. Larson, Fredric C. Gey. 72 [doi]
- Essential Dimensions of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)April Kontostathis. 73 [doi]
- Automatic Web Page Categorization using Principal Component AnalysisRichong Zhang, Michael A. Shepherd, Jack Duffy, Carolyn R. Watters. 73 [doi]
- Text Categorization for Aligning Educational StandardsOzgur Yilmazel, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Sarah Harwell, Jennifer Bailey, Anne Diekema, Elizabeth D. Liddy. 73 [doi]
- Predicting Query Performance in Domain-Specific CorporaSurendra Sarnikar, Zhu Zhang, J. Leon Zhao. 74 [doi]
- Minitrack: Persistent Conversation 8: Design and Analysis of CMC SystemsThomas Erickson, Susan C. Herring. 75 [doi]
- Visual Conversation Styles in Web CommunitiesDavid W. McDonald. 76 [doi]
- Interactive Community Bulletin Boards as Conversational Hubs and Sites for Playful Visual ReparteeElizabeth F. Churchill, Les Nelson. 76 [doi]
- Colin Mochrie vs. Jesus H. Christ: Messages About Masculinities and Fame in Online Video ConversationsLori Kendall. 76 [doi]
- Juggling Work Among Multiple Projects and PartnerPeter Scupelli, Susan R. Fussell, Sara B. Kiesler, Pablo Quinones, Gail Kusbit. 77 [doi]
- Multiplex conversations afforded by technologyTherese Ornberg Berglund. 77 [doi]
- Conversational Coherence in Instant Messaging and Getting Work DoneStephanie L. Woerner, JoAnne Yates, Wanda J. Orlikowski. 77 [doi]
- Talk Before You Type: Coordination in WikipediaFernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg, Jesse Kriss, Frank van Ham. 78 [doi]
- Conversation Clock: Visualizing audio patterns in co-located groupsTony Bergstrom, Karrie Karahalios. 78 [doi]
- Bridging and Persistence in Sustained, Collaborative Problem Solving OnlineJohann W. Sarmiento, Gerry Stahl. 78 [doi]
- Using Foreign ForumsYuri Takhteyev. 79 [doi]
- Learning Conversations in World of WarcraftBonnie A. Nardi, Stella Ly, Justin Harris. 79 [doi]
- Language Networks on LiveJournalSusan C. Herring, John C. Paolillo, Irene Ramos-Vielba, Inna Kouper, Elijah Wright, Sharon Stoerger, Lois Ann Scheidt, Benjamin Clark. 79 [doi]
- Corporate Blogging: Building community through persistent digital talkAnne Jackson, JoAnne Yates, Wanda J. Orlikowski. 80 [doi]
- Minitrack: Web Effectiveness: The User PerspectiveCarolyn R. Watters, Amanda Spink. 81 [doi]
- Knowledge and Choice Uncer tainty Affect Consumer Search and Buying BehaviorTheresa Lauraeus-Niinivaara, Timo Saarinen, Anssi Öörni. 82 [doi]
- Evaluating Usability of a Long Query Meta Search EngineIsak Taksa, Amanda Spink. 82 [doi]
- User-Based Evaluations of Search Engines: Hygiene Factors and Motivation FactorsYa-Lan Chuang, Ling-ling Wu. 82 [doi]
- Assigned tasks are not the same as self-chosen Web search tasksDaniel M. Russell, Carrie Grimes. 83 [doi]
- Minitrack Summary: Using Information: New Technologies, Ways & MeansDaniel M. Russell, Jonathan Grudin. 84 [doi]
- Discovering Web Communities in the BlogspaceYing Zhou, Joseph Davis. 85 [doi]
- The Social Structure of Tagging Internet Video on del.icio.usJohn C. Paolillo, Shashikant Penumarthy. 85 [doi]
- The Visual Side of WikipediaFernanda B. Viégas. 85 [doi]
- Exploring the Adoption, Utility, and Social Influences of Social Bookmarking in a Corporate EnvironmentLaurie E. Damianos, Donna L. Cuomo, John Griffith, David M. Hirst, James Smallwood. 86 [doi]
- Crossing Boundaries: A Case Study of Employee BloggingLilia Efimova, Jonathan Grudin. 86 [doi]
- Web Mash-ups and Patchwork Prototyping: User-driven technological innovation with Web 2.0 and Open Source SoftwareIngbert R. Floyd, M. Cameron Jones, Dinesh Rathi, Michael B. Twidale. 86 [doi]
- Leveraging Social Networks To Motivate Individuals to Reduce their Ecological FootprintsJennifer Mankoff, Deanna Matthews, Susan R. Fussell, Michael Johnson. 87 [doi]
- Personality Matters: Incorporating Detailed User Attributes and Preferences into the Matchmaking ProcessJens Riegelsberger, Scott Counts, Shelly Farnham, Bruce C. Philips. 87 [doi]
- Facilitating Mobile Music Sharing and Social Interaction with Push!MusicMaria Håkansson, Mattias Rost, Mattias Jacobsson, Lars Erik Holmquist. 87 [doi]
- Introduction to the 2007 Electronic Government TrackHans Jochen Scholl. 88 [doi]
- Minitrack: Electronic DemocracySuzanne Beaumaster, Ann Macintosh, Eric W. Welch. 89 [doi]
- Smartocracy: Social Networks for Collective Decision MakingMarko A. Rodriguez, Daniel J. Steinbock, Jennifer H. Watkins, Carlos Gershenson, Johan Bollen, Victor Grey, Brad deGraf. 90 [doi]
- An Observational Study of Voters on the InternetScott P. Robertson, Christine E. Wania, Sang Joon Park. 90 [doi]
- A Framework for Assessing eParticipation Projects and ToolsEfthimios Tambouris, Naoum Liotas, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis. 90 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Emerging TopicsTheresa A. Pardo, Jeremy Millard, Hans Jochen Scholl. 91 [doi]
- e-Government in Transition Countries: Prospects and ChallengesMysore Ramaswamy, Audrey N. Selian. 92 [doi]
- The Indicator Browser: A Web-Based Interface for Visualizing UrbanSim Simulation ResultsYael Schwartzman, Alan Borning. 92 [doi]
- Similarities and Differences of E-Commerce and e-Government: Insights from a Pilot StudyKarine Barzilai-Nahon, Hans Jochen Scholl. 92 [doi]
- Using the Structured-case Approach to Build Theory in E-GovernmentRené Riedl, Friedrich Roithmayr, Bernhard Schenkenfelder. 93 [doi]
- Implementation of Internet Technology for Local Government Website: Design GuidelinesHyung N. Kim, Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Tonya L. Smith-Jackson. 93 [doi]
- Examining the Impacts of Institutional Framework on E-Government Infrastructures: A Study of Hong Kong ExperiencesChun Yu, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu. 93 [doi]
- Towards Ubiquitous Government Services through Adaptations with Context and Views in a Three-Tier ArchitectureDickson K. W. Chiu, Dan Hong, S. C. Cheung, Eleanna Kafeza. 94 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Information and Knowledge ManagementMaria Wimmer, Michael Goul, Jing Zhang. 95 [doi]
- Does Visualization Affect Perceptions of Ethically Complex Policy Decisions: An Experimental StudyDeirdre Hahn, Rick Shangraw, Mark Keith, David H. Coursey. 96 [doi]
- Managing Citizen Relationships in Disasters: Hurricane Wilma, 311 and Miami-Dade CountyAlexander Schellong, Thomas Langenberg. 96 [doi]
- WSMO-PA: Formal Specification of Public Administration Service Model on Semantic Web Service OntologyXia Wang, Tomas Vitvar, Vassilios Peristeras, Adrian Mocan, Sotirios K. Goudos, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis. 96 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Information SecurityGregory B. White, Stephen Jones. 97 [doi]
- Barriers to Adoption of e-GovernmentWm. Arthur Conklin. 98 [doi]
- Understanding Socio-Technical Environments for Acceptance of Inter-Agency Anti/Counter-Terrorism Information Sharing SystemsJinKyu Lee, H. Raghav Rao. 98 [doi]
- Organizational Impacts of Cyber Security Provisions: A Sociotechnical FrameworkAnthony M. Cresswell, Shahidul Hassan. 98 [doi]
- An Action Research Program to Improve Information Systems Security Compliance across Government AgenciesStephen Smith, Rodger Jamieson, Donald Winchester. 99 [doi]
- The Community Cyber Security Maturity ModelGregory B. White. 99 [doi]
- Analysis of Payload Based Application level Network Anomaly DetectionLike Zhang, Gregory B. White. 99 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Infrastructure and InteroperabilityMarijn Janssen, Ralf Klischewski, Haluk Demirkan. 100 [doi]
- Cross - Border Public Services: Analysis and ModelingVassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis, Nikos Loutas. 101 [doi]
- Government-Enterprise Ecosystem Gateway (G-EEG) for Seamless e-GovernmentElsa Estevez, Tomasz Janowski. 101 [doi]
- Effective e-Government Process Monitoring and Interoperation: A Case Study on the Removal of Unauthorized Building Works in Hong KongJenny Y. Y. Wong, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Kai-Pan Mark. 101 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Organization and ManagementSharon S. Dawes, Christine Leitner, Thomas A. Horan. 102 [doi]
- Issues of Adopting Benefits Management Practices of IT Investments in Municipalities: A Delphi Study in NorwayTero Päivärinta, Willy Dertz, Leif Skiftenes Flak. 103 [doi]
- Successful Broadband Projects in the Public Sector - a Service Innovation PerspectiveBendik Bygstad, Gjermund Lanestedt, Jyoti Choudrie. 103 [doi]
- The Armed Forces Casualty Assistance Readiness Enhancement System (CARES) A Case Study in Rapid Prototyping and Design for FlexibilityErnest Y. Wong, William Bland, Simon R. Goerger. 103 [doi]
- Building a Research-Practice Partnership: Lessons from a Government IT Workforce StudySharon S. Dawes, Natalie Helbig. 104 [doi]
- Understanding Context through a Comprehensive Prototyping Experience: A Testbed Research Strategy for Emerging TechnologiesJosé Ramón Gil-García, Theresa A. Pardo, Andrea Baker. 104 [doi]
- IT outsourcing for E-government: Lessons from IT outsourcing projects initiated by agricultural organizations of the Korean governmentJunghoon Moon, Gu-Hyun Jung, Miri Chung, Young Chan Choe. 104 [doi]
- E-Government Evaluation: Reflections On Three Organisational Case StudiesStephen Jones, Zahir Irani, Amir M. Sharif. 105 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Government Services & InformationKim Viborg Andersen, Anthony M. Cresswell, Kristin R. Eschenfelder. 106 [doi]
- Investigating Factors Affecting the Adoption of Electronic Toll Collection: A Transaction Cost Economics PerspectiveChun-Der Chen, Yi-Wen Fan, Cheng-Kiang Farn. 107 [doi]
- Why People e-File (or Don t e-File) Their Income TaxesLinda M. Gallant, Mary J. Culnan, Patrick McLoughlin. 107 [doi]
- Multiple Measures of Website Effectiveness and their Association with Service Quality in Health and Human Service AgenciesEric W. Welch, Sanjay K. Pandey. 107 [doi]
- Minitrack: E-Policy, Law, and GovernanceRobert Krimmer, Keith Schildt, Pirkko Walden. 108 [doi]
- Information Privacy and Trust in Government: a citizen-based perspective from New ZealandRowena Cullen, Patrick Reilly. 109 [doi]
- Scenario building for E-Government in 2020: Consolidating the results from regional workshopsMarijn Janssen, Patrick van der Duin, René W. Wagenaar, Melanie Bicking, Maria Wimmer, Sharon S. Dawes, Rimantas Petrauskas. 109 [doi]
- Broadband and e-Government DiffusionEnrico Ferro, Daniele De Leonardis, Lucy Dadayan. 109 [doi]
- Introduction: Electric Power Systems Restructuring : Engineering, Economics and Policy TrackRobert J. Thomas. 110 [doi]
- Complex Interacting Infrastructure SystemsIan Dobson. 111 [doi]
- Interdependent Risk in Interacting Infrastructure SystemsBenjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Paul Gradney, Vickie E. Lynch, Ian Dobson. 112 [doi]
- Analyzing Cross-Sector InterdependenciesJames P. Peerenboom, Ronald E. Fisher. 112 [doi]
- Optimizing Investment for Recovery in Interdependent InfrastructureNingxiong Xu, Linda K. Nozick, Mark A. Turnquist, Dean A. Jones. 112 [doi]
- Stochastic Model for Power Grid DynamicsMarian Anghel, Kenneth A. Werley, Adilson E. Motter. 113 [doi]
- Minitrack: Cyber SecurityCarl Hauser. 114 [doi]
- Leveraging Computational Grid Technologies for Building a Secure and Manageable Power GridHimanshu Khurana, Mohammad Maifi Hasan Khan, Von Welch. 115 [doi]
- Unified Architecture for Large-Scale Attested MeteringMichael LeMay, George Gross, Carl A. Gunter, Sanjam Garg. 115 [doi]
- Addressing IT Security for Critical Control SystemsMartin Naedele. 115 [doi]
- Minitrack: Electric Power System Monitoring and ControlPeter W. Sauer. 116 [doi]
- Towards Reliable Computation of Large-Scale Market-Based Optimal Power FlowHongye Wang, Robert J. Thomas. 117 [doi]
- Adaptive Influence Distance Algorithm for Contouring Bus-Based Power System DataDavid O. Savageau, Thomas J. Overbye. 117 [doi]
- The Next Generation of Monitoring and Control Systems Using Synchronized Sampling Technology and Multifunctional IEDsMladen Kezunovic. 117 [doi]
- EIPP Data Management Task Team ArchitecturePaul Myrda, Erich Gunther, Mel Gehrs, Jerry Melcher. 118 [doi]
- Benefits of Synchronized-Measurement Technology for Power-Grid ApplicationsDamir Novosel, Khoi Vu, Virgilio Centeno, Srdjan Skok, Miroslav Begovic. 118 [doi]
- Advances in the SuperCalibrator Concept - Practical ImplementationsA. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George J. Cokkinides, Floyd Galvan, Bruce Fardanesh, Paul Myrda. 118 [doi]
- Analog and Hybrid Computation Approaches for Static Power FlowAaron St. Leger, Chika O. Nwankpa. 119 [doi]
- On the Communication Architecture for Wide-Area Real-Time Monitoring in Power NetworksShrut Kirti, Zhifang Wang, Anna Scaglione, Robert J. Thomas. 119 [doi]
- Electric System-wide Measurements: North American DirectionsS. E. Widergren, Z. Huang, J. E. Dagle. 120 [doi]
- Visualization and Characterization of Stability Swings via GPS-Synchronized DataGeorge J. Cokkinides, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George Stefopoulos, Ramiz Alaileh, Apurva Mohan. 120 [doi]
- Minitrack: Engineering and Economics InteractionsShmuel S. Oren. 121 [doi]
- A Real Time Price Signal for FACTS Devices to Reduce Transmission CongestionJudith B. Cardell. 122 [doi]
- Elementary Analysis of Energy Options for Resource AdequacyRobert Entriken. 122 [doi]
- A Probabilistic Graphical Approach to Computing Electricity Price Duration Curves under Price and Quantity CompetitionPascal Michaillat, Shmuel Oren. 122 [doi]
- New England s Wholesale Electricity Market, Six Years LaterCarrie Conaway, Philip A. Fedora. 123 [doi]
- Delta Hedging Energy Portfolios: an Exploratory StudyRichard Goldberg, James Read, Art Altman, Remi Audouin. 123 [doi]
- Generators Bidding Behavior in the NYISO Day-Ahead Wholesale Electricity MarketNing Zhang, Timothy Mount, Richard Boisvert. 123 [doi]
- Colombia Firm Energy MarketPeter Cramton, Steven Stoft. 124 [doi]
- Modeling the Economic Cost of Transmission BottlenecksTimothy D. Mount, Jaeuk Ju. 124 [doi]
- Identification and Congestion Analysis of Transmission Corridors of the Eastern InterconnectionAleksandr Rudkevich, Kaan Egilmez, Minghai Liu, Prashant Murti, Poonsaeng Visudhiphan, Richard Tabors, Thomas J. Overbye. 124 [doi]
- Electricity industry restructuring in Australia: underlying principles and experience to dateHugh Outhred. 125 [doi]
- Introduction to the Information Technology in Health Care TrackWilliam G. Chismar. 126 [doi]
- Minitrack: Advanced Data Management Tools for Biomedical InformaticsHesham H. Ali, Simon Sherman. 127 [doi]
- AffyMiner - a Tool for Significant Gene Mining in Affymetrix GeneChip Microarray DataGuoqing Lu, The V. Nguyen, Yuannan Xia, Zhaoyi Wang, Michael Fromm. 128 [doi]
- Protein Homology Modeling with Heuristic Search for Sequence AlignmentShing-Hwang Doong. 128 [doi]
- A Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Genetic Anticipation with Application to Pancreatic CancerGleb R. Haynatzki, Randall E. Brand, Vera R. Haynatzka, Henry T. Lynch. 129 [doi]
- Virtual CGH: Prediction of Novel Regions of Chromosomal Alterations in Tumor from Gene Expression ProfilingHuimin Geng, Javeed Iqbal, Xutao Deng, Wing C. Chan, Hesham H. Ali. 129 [doi]
- Minitrack: Clinical Process and Data Integration and EvolutionJeff Sutherland, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel. 130 [doi]
- Using Computer Simulation in Operating Room Management: Impacts on Process Engineering and PerformanceAndre S. Baumgart, Anja Zöller, Christof Denz, Hans-Joachim Bender, Armin Heinzl, Essameddin Badreddin. 131 [doi]
- Protecting the Exchange of Medical Images in Healthcare Process Integration with Web ServicesDickson K. W. Chiu, Patrick C. K. Hung, Vivying S. Y. Cheng, Eleanna Kafeza. 131 [doi]
- Modular Integration Through Aspects: Making Cents of Legacy SystemsCelina Gibbs, Daniel Lohmann, Chunjian Robin Liu, Yvonne Coady. 132 [doi]
- Minitrack: Consumer Health Informatics, Patient Safety and Quality of PracticeCynthia LeRouge, Gordana Culjak, Thomas A. Horan. 133 [doi]
- AMulti-Agent Collabor ative Fr amework for Mobile E-HealthVictor Chan, Pradeep Ray, Nandan Parameswaran. 134 [doi]
- A Classifier to Evaluate Language Specificity of Medical DocumentsTrudi Miller, Gondy Leroy, Samir Chatterjee, Jie Fan, Brian Thoms. 134 [doi]
- Balancing Supply and Demand of an Electronic Health Record in the Netherlands; Not too open systems for not too open usersTon A. M. Spil, Christiaan P. Katsma. 134 [doi]
- Ontology Driven CPG Authoring and Execution via a Semantic Web FrameworkSajjad Hussain, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi. 135 [doi]
- Arriclides: An Architecture Integrating Clinical Decision Support ModelsKris Verlaenen, Wouter Joosen, Pierre Verbaeten. 135 [doi]
- Challenges in Health InformaticsMichael A. Shepherd. 135 [doi]
- Decision Support in Health Care via Root Evidence SamplingBenjamin B. Perry, Eli Faulkner. 136 [doi]
- Exploring the Clinical Notes of Pathology Ordering by Australian General Practitioners: a text mining perspectiveZoe Yan Zhuang, Rasika Amarasiri, Leonid Churilov, Damminda Alahakoon, Ken Sikaris. 136 [doi]
- Optimizing Regional Aid during Public Health Emergencies: An Autonomic Resource Allocation ApproachHina Arora, T. S. Raghu, Ajay S. Vinze. 136 [doi]
- Minitrack: HCI Issues in Healthcare ITAnn L. Fruhling, E. Vance Wilson. 137 [doi]
- Trajectories in Multiple Group Coordination: A Field Study of Hospital Operating SuitesYuqing Ren, Sara B. Kiesler, Susan R. Fussell, Peter Scupelli. 138 [doi]
- Privacy Policy Representation in Web-based HealthcareJulia Brande Earp, Matthew W. Vail, Annie I. Antón. 138 [doi]
- An Experiment on the Effects of Interruptions on Individual Work Trajectories and Performance in Critical EnvironmentsSuzanne P. Weisband, Kelly J. Fadel, Elisa Mattarelli. 138 [doi]
- Human Computer Interaction in the Pre-Hospital SettingMark Gaynor, Dan Myung, Raj Patel, Steve Moulton. 139 [doi]
- Usability Evaluation of a Mobile Medical Information System for Military PhysiciansShengnan Han, Franck Tétard, Ville Harkke, Mikael Collan. 139 [doi]
- Pediatric Electronic Health Record Interface Design: The PedOne SystemMark Ginsburg. 139 [doi]
- Minitrack: IT Adoption, Implementation, Use and Evaluation in HealthcareTon A. M. Spil, Kenneth J. Trimmer, Cynthia LeRouge, Carla Wiggins. 140 [doi]
- An investigation of factors affecting technology acceptance and use decisions by Australian allied health therapistsLouise K. Schaper, Graham P. Pervan. 141 [doi]
- Physicians Resistance toward Healthcare Information Technologies: A Dual-Factor ModelAnol Bhattacherjee, Neset Hikmet. 141 [doi]
- Identifying the User in Healthcare Information Systems ResearAlexander J. McLeod Jr., Jan Guynes Clark. 141 [doi]
- Process, Knowledge, Touchpoints in Mental Health Communities of PracticeIvor Perry. 142 [doi]
- Paper versus Electronic: Challenges Associated with Physicians Usage of Electronic Medical RecordsVirginia Ilie, James F. Courtney, Craig Van Slyke. 142 [doi]
- Introduction to the Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce MinitrackFu-ren Lin, Judith Gebauer, Michael J. Shaw. 142 [doi]
- Internet and the Digital Economy Introduction to the TrackDave King, Alan R. Dennis. 142 [doi]
- How Do Doctors Perceive the Organizing Vision for Electronic Medical Records? Preliminary Findings from a Study of EMR Adoption in Independent Physician PracticesJohn Lee Reardon, Elizabeth Davidson. 142 [doi]
- Tendering Process Model (TPM) Implementation for B2B Integration in a Web Services EnvironmentLick Lun Nick Ng, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Patrick C. K. Hung. 143 [doi]
- A Survey of B2B Methodologies and Technologies: From Business Models towards Deployment ArtifactsJürgen Dorn, Christoph Grun, Hannes Werthner, Marco Zapletal. 143 [doi]
- B-to-B E-Commerce: Assessing the Impacts of RFID Technology in a Five Layer Supply ChainYgal Bendavid, Élisabeth Lefebvre, Louis A. Lefebvre, Samuel Fosso Wamba. 143 [doi]
- On the Development of an Internetwork-Centric Defense for Scanning WormsScott E. Coull, Boleslaw K. Szymanski. 144 [doi]
- Armed for the Spam Battle: A Technological and Organizational Infrastructure FrameworkGuido Schryen. 144 [doi]
- The Use of Attack and Protection Trees to Analyze Security for an Online Banking SystemKenneth S. Edge, Richard A. Raines, Michael R. Grimaila, Rusty O. Baldwin, Robert W. Bennington, Christopher E. Reuter. 144 [doi]
- Emergent Vulnerability in Integrated Operations: A Proactive Simulation Study of Risk and Organizational LearningEliot Rich, Finn Olav Sveen, Ying Qian, Stefanie A. Hillen, Jaziar Radianti, Jose J. Gonzalez. 145 [doi]
- User Security Behavior on Wireless Networks: An Empirical StudyTim Chenoweth, Robert Minch, Sharon Tabor. 145 [doi]
- An Outcome-Based Learning Model to Identify Emerging Threats: Experimental and Simulation ResultsIgnacio J. Martinez-Moyano, Stephen H. Conrad, David F. Andersen. 145 [doi]
- Delivering Online Service: The Role of ICTMary Tate, Beverley G. Hope. 146 [doi]
- What Motivates Voluntary Engagement in Cooperative Information SystemsJames B. Freedman. 147 [doi]
- Perceived Service Quality in a University Web Portal: Revising the E-Qual InstrumentMary Tate, Joerg Evermann, Beverley G. Hope, Stuart Barnes. 147 [doi]
- Identifying Barriers to using Business-to-Employee (B2E) Portals: Some Lessons Learned from an Australian UniversityMd. Mahbubur Rahim. 147 [doi]
- Managing eBusiness Continuity: Formulating an Appropriate Strategy to Manage System ScalabilityRoman M. Wong, Cretson L. Dalmadge, Anne M. Fiedler. 148 [doi]
- Bank Customers Channel Preferences for Requesting Account BalancesTommi Laukkanen. 148 [doi]
- Minitrack: Electronic Customer Relationship ManagementSusanne Glissmann, Lutz Kolbe, Nicholas C. Romano Jr., Jerry Fjermestad. 149 [doi]
- Performance Monitoring of CRM InitiativesSonja Grabner-Kräuter, Gernot Moedritscher, Martin Waiguny, Werner Mussnig. 150 [doi]
- Voids in the Current CRM Literature: Academic Literature Review and Classification (2000-2005)Kristel Paulissen, Koen Milis, Malaika Brengman, Jerry Fjermestad, Nicholas C. Romano Jr.. 150 [doi]
- A Study on Developing CRM ScorecardHyung-Su Kim, Young-Gul Kim. 150 [doi]
- How New Network Markets Emerge: A Comparative Analysis of the Mobile Internet in Japan and EuropeMichael Haas. 151 [doi]
- A Study of Intention on Continuous Use of Online Financial Services: The Mediated Effects of Website TrustShih-Ming Pi, Shih-Hua Li, Tsang-Yao Chen, Hui-Min Chen. 151 [doi]
- The Effects of Mobile Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty: Brand Image Does MatterJashen Chen, Russell K. H. Ching. 151 [doi]
- Electronic MarketingAjit Kambil, Arnold Kamis, Marios Koufaris, Bruce D. Weinberg. 152 [doi]
- The Impact of Additional Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Sales of Digital Micro-products over Time: A Longitudinal Analysis of Amazon ShortsNaveen Amblee, Tung X. Bui. 153 [doi]
- Stay out of My Forum! Evaluating Firm Involvement in Online Ratings CommunitiesNeveen Farag Awad, Jian Zhang. 153 [doi]
- Product Heterogeneity: Moderating Effect on Online Consumer BehaviorYoung Chan Choe, Deok-Ran Hwang, Miyoung Kim, Junghoon Moon. 153 [doi]
- Cognition, Emotion, Satisfaction, and Post-Adoption Behaviors of E-Service CustomersSophea Chea, Margaret Meiling Luo. 154 [doi]
- The Influence of Online Brand Community Characteristics on Community Commitment and Brand LoyaltyH. Y. Jang, I. S. Ko, J. Koh. 154 [doi]
- An Empirical Analysis of Fraud Detection in Online Auctions: Credit Card Phantom TransactionMyungsin Chae, Seonyoung Shim, HyungJun Cho, Byungtae Lee. 155 [doi]
- The Social Efficiency of Fairness: An Innovation Economics Approach to InnovationGavin Clarkson, Marshall W. van Alstyne. 155 [doi]
- Understanding Hidden Information Security Threats: The Vulnerability Black MarketJaziar Radianti, Jose J. Gonzalez. 156 [doi]
- Employees Behavior towards IS Security Policy ComplianceSeppo Pahnila, Mikko T. Siponen, Adam Mahmood. 156 [doi]
- Security Ontologies: Improving Quantitative Risk AnalysisAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Markus D. Klemen, Edgar Weippl. 156 [doi]
- A Trust Based Information Dissemination Model for Evaluating the Effect of Deceptive DataYi Hu, Zhichun Xiao, Brajendra Panda. 157 [doi]
- Development of a Conceptual Framework for Managing Identity FraudRodger Jamieson, Donald Winchester, Stephen Smith. 157 [doi]
- Identifying Governance Dimensions to Evaluate Information Systems Security in OrganizationsGurpreet Dhillon, Gurvirender Tejay, Weiyin Hong. 157 [doi]
- E-Risk Management through Self Insurance: An Option ModelArunabha Mukhopadhyay, Binay Bhushan, Debashis Saha, Ambuj Mahanti. 158 [doi]
- Insuring Big Losses Due to Security Breaches through Insurance: A Business ModelArunabha Mukhopadhyay, Samir Chatterjee, Rahul Roy, Debashis Saha, Ambuj Mahanti, Samir K. Sadhukhan. 158 [doi]
- Interactive Digital Entertainment, Social Computing, and Lifestyle ComputingPaul Benjamin Lowry, Scott McCoy. 159 [doi]
- A Longitudinal Study of Game Perceptions from the Perspective of Yin-Yang TheoryEui Jun Jeong, Dan Jong Kim. 160 [doi]
- Simulating Indirect Network Effects in the Video Game MarketJochen Strube, Sven Schade, Patrick Schmidt, Peter Buxmann. 160 [doi]
- The Interactive Digital Entertainment (IDE) Unification Framework: Creating a Taxonomy of IDE and Lifestyle ComputingGreg Moody, Taylor Wells, Paul Benjamin Lowry. 160 [doi]
- The Effects of Users Motivation on their Perception to Trading Systems of Digital Content Accessories: Focusing on Trading Items in Online GamesBoreum Choi, Inseong Lee, Kiho Lee, Seungki Jung, Sunju Park, Jinwoo Kim. 161 [doi]
- Internet Security: Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Mobile SystemsJoseph G. Tront, Randy C. Marchany. 162 [doi]
- A Survey of Location Privacy and an Approach for Solitary UsersCalvert L. Bowen III, Thomas L. Martin. 163 [doi]
- Battery-Sensing Intrusion Protection for Wireless Handheld Computers Using a Dynamic Threshold Calculation Algorithm for Attack DetectionTimothy Buennemeyer, Faiz Munshi, Randy C. Marchany, Joseph G. Tront. 163 [doi]
- Towards a Taxonomy of VulnerabilitiesAnil Bazaz, James D. Arthur. 163 [doi]
- Screening Mobile Devices to Examine Network HealthGrant A. Jacoby, J. Scot Ransbottom, Thadeus Hickman, Maxwell Potasznik. 164 [doi]
- Empirical Studies of Open Source Software DevelopmentKevin Crowston, Hala Annabi. 165 [doi]
- Patch Review Processes in Open Source Software Development Communities: A Comparative Case StudyJai Asundi, Rajiv Jayant. 166 [doi]
- Sampling in Open Source Software Development: The Case for Using the Debian GNU/Linux DistributionSebastian Spaeth, Matthias Stuermer, Stefan Haefliger, Georg von Krogh. 166 [doi]
- Analysis of Activity in the Open Source Software Development CommunityScott Christley, Gregory R. Madey. 166 [doi]
- Recommender SystemsHannes Werthner, Hans Robert Hansen, Francesco Ricci. 167 [doi]
- Recommender Systems Based on an Active Data Warehouse with Text DocumentsCarsten Felden, Peter Chamoni. 168 [doi]
- Context-Based Recommender Systems in Conventional Grocery--An Economic AnalysisDaniel Ch. Buser. 168 [doi]
- Consumers Interest in Personalized Recommendations: The Role of Product-Involvement and Opinion SeekingNicolas Knotzer, Maria Madlberger. 168 [doi]
- Extending the Applicability of Recommender Systems: A Multilayer Framework for Matching Human ResourcesTobias Keim. 169 [doi]
- Technology and Strategies for Realizing Service-Oriented Architectures with Web ServicesWilliam (Dave) Haseman, Marc N. Haines, Frank Armour. 170 [doi]
- Does SOA Improve the Supply Chain? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of SOA Adoption on Electronic Supply Chain PerformanceSanjeev Kumar, Vijay Dakshinamoorthy, M. S. Krishnan. 171 [doi]
- Binding Now or Binding Later: The Performance of UDDI RegistriesM. Brian Blake, Amy Lynn Sliva, Michael zur Muehlen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson. 171 [doi]
- A Service-Oriented Data Integration and Analysis Environment for In Silico Experiments and Bioinformatics ResearchXiaorong Xiang, Gregory R. Madey, Jeanne Romero-Severson. 171 [doi]
- The Impact of Service-Oriented Application Development on Software Development MethodologyMarc N. Haines. 172 [doi]
- Service-Oriented Software Reengineering: SoSRSam Chung, Joseph Byung Chul An, Sergio Davalos. 172 [doi]
- Towards Co-Design of Business Processes and Information Systems Using Web ServicesKarthikeyan Umapathy. 172 [doi]
- Software Platforms - How to Win the PeaceTim Romberg. 173 [doi]
- Organizational Assimilation of Vertical Standards: An Integrative ModelRubén A. Mendoza, T. Ravichandran. 173 [doi]
- The Emergence of Standards: A Meta-AnalysisGeerten van de Kaa, Henk Jan de Vries, Eric van Heck, Jan Van Den Ende. 173 [doi]
- Value Webs in the Digital EconomyHelmut Krcmar, Kalle Lyytinen, Jan Marco Leimeister. 174 [doi]
- Bridging Business Value Models and Process Models in Aviation Value Webs via Possession RightsVincent Pijpers, Jaap Gordijn. 175 [doi]
- Strategic Analysis Using Value Modeling--The c3-Value ApproachHans Weigand, Paul Johannesson, Birger Andersson, Maria Bergholtz, Ananda Edirisuriya, Tharaka Ilayperuma. 175 [doi]
- The Impact of Value on Governance Decisions for IT-Based Alliances: Evidence from a Joint Venture in the Wireless Networks IndustryAdamantia G. Pateli, George M. Giaglis. 175 [doi]
- Value Capture and Value Networks in Open Source Vendor StrategiesJoel West. 176 [doi]
- Minitrack Virtual Communities Karine Barzilai-Nahon. 177 [doi]
- A System Dynamics Approach to Study Virtual CommunitiesYan Mao, Julita Vassileva, Winfried K. Grassmann. 178 [doi]
- An Empirical Study of Web-Based Knowledge Community SuccessHui Lin 0003, Weiguo Fan, Linda Wallace, Zhongju Zhang. 178 [doi]
- False Information in Internet Auction CommunitiesOliver Hinz. 178 [doi]
- An Online Community as a New Tribalism: The World of WarcraftThomas W. Brignall III, Thomas L. Van Valey. 179 [doi]
- Connected Giving: Ordinary People Coordinating Disaster Relief on the InternetCristen Torrey, Moira Burke, Matthew L. Lee, Anind K. Dey, Susan R. Fussell, Sara B. Kiesler. 179 [doi]
- The Effect of Individual Needs, Trust and Identification in Explaining Participation Intentions in Virtual CommunitiesJuan Juan Han, Raymond Jun Zheng, Yunjie Xu. 179 [doi]
- It s All News to Me: The Effect of Instruments on Ratings ProvisionCliff Lampe, R. Kelly Garrett. 180 [doi]
- The Future of Work: What Does Online Community Have to Do with It?Dejin Zhao, Mary Beth Rosson, Sandeep Purao. 180 [doi]
- Knowledge Management Systems Track IntroductionMurray Jennex, David T. Croasdell. 181 [doi]
- Philosophy and Ethics in Knowledge ManagementJim Sheffield, Robert M. Mason. 182 [doi]
- A Look into the Relationship between Knowledge Management and the Knowledge HierarchiesJudith Pinn Carlisle. 183 [doi]
- Surfacing the Philosophical Assumptions of KM FrameworksJim Sheffield, Edward Lau. 183 [doi]
- Knowledge Management for Multi- and Crossdisciplinary Research ProjectsPieter J. Beers, Pieter W. G. Bots. 184 [doi]
- Eliciting Conceptual Models to Support Interdisciplinary ResearchPieter J. Beers, Pieter W. G. Bots. 185 [doi]
- Antecedents to Relational and Nonrelational Source Use: An Exploratory InvestigationJ. Christopher Zimmer, Raymond M. Henry. 185 [doi]
- Build Up Organizational Innovativeness: An Integrated ViewMohamed Khalifa, Angela Yan Yu, Kathy Ning Shen. 185 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Flows: Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Exchange in OrganizationsKshiti D. Joshi, Mark E. Nissen, Saonee Sarker. 186 [doi]
- A Theoretical Perspective on Effective Interorganizational KnowledgeNongkran Lertpittayapoom, Souren Paul, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.. 187 [doi]
- Prediction of Information Sharing Behavior in China: Understanding the Cultural and Social DeterminantsJessica Pu Li, Seungkyoon Shin, G. Lawrence Sanders. 187 [doi]
- Knowledge Sharing Behavior from Game Theory and Socio-Psychology PerspectivesHanan M. Samieh, Khaled Wahba. 187 [doi]
- Analyzing Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness--An Agent-Oriented Modeling ApproachMarkus Strohmaier, Eric S. K. Yu, Jennifer Horkoff, Jorge Aranda, Steve M. Easterbrook. 188 [doi]
- Inter-organizational Knowledge Transfer in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: A Buyer s PerspectiveSung-Byung Yang, Young-Gul Kim. 188 [doi]
- The Dimensions of Tacit & Explicit Knowledge: A Description and MeasureMichael A. Chilton, James M. Bloodgood. 188 [doi]
- Building a Learning Organization: Three Phases of Communities of Practice in a Software Consulting CompanyAase Mestad, Rune Myrdal, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Tore Dybå. 189 [doi]
- Path to Stardom in Globally Distributed Teams: An Examination of a Knowledge-Centered Perspective Using Social Network AnalysisSaonee Sarker, Sarah Kirkeby, Suranjan Chakraborty. 189 [doi]
- A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Integration in Distributed Networks of PracticeEli Hustad. 189 [doi]
- How Good is the Advice You Receive? The Influence of Social Value Orientation and Knowledge Asymmetry on the Formulation of AdviceSamantha P. L. Lee, Marcus O Connor. 190 [doi]
- Neither Here nor There: Knowledge Sharing and Transfer with Proactive StructurationTerri L. Griffith, Mark A. Fuller, Gregory B. Northcraft. 190 [doi]
- Organizational Metacognition: The Importance of Knowing the Knowledge NetworkJohn P. Looney, Mark E. Nissen. 190 [doi]
- Knowledge Management/Organizational Memory Success and Performance MeasurementsMurray E. Jennex, Stefan Smolnik, David T. Croasdell. 191 [doi]
- Modeling Enablers for Successful KM ImplementationVittal S. Anantatmula, Shivraj Kanungo. 192 [doi]
- Measuring Knowledge Management Projects: Fitting the Mosaic Pieces TogetherAlton Yeow-Kuan Chua, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh. 192 [doi]
- Influence of System, Environment, and Procedures on Knowledge Submission FrequencyAlexandra Durcikova, Susan A. Brown. 192 [doi]
- An Empirical Investigation of the Customer Knowledge Creation Impact on NPD PerformanceNassim Belbaly, Hind Benbya, Regis Meissonier. 193 [doi]
- Group Invariance: Culture, KM & IT Capability PerceptionsRonald Freeze. 193 [doi]
- Towards Defining Knowledge Management SuccessMurray E. Jennex, Stefan Smolnik, David T. Croasdell. 193 [doi]
- The Influence of Information Linkage on User Acceptance of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) in Small to Mid-size Enterprises (SME)Robert Judge. 194 [doi]
- Supporting Knowledge and Expertise Finding within Australia s Defence Science and Technology OrganisationPaul Prekop. 194 [doi]
- The Mediating Role of Knowledge Management in Translating the Firm s Learning Orientation and Market Orientation to Business PerformanceDavid Di Zhang, Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan, Marjorie Delbaere, Edward R. Bruning. 194 [doi]
- Converting Project Team Experience to Organizational Learning: A Case StudyLynne P. Cooper. 195 [doi]
- Effectively Complying with Sarbanes-Oxley in Dynamic Business Environments: A Knowledge Traceability ApproachAnthony Vance. 196 [doi]
- Pruning Bio-OntologiesJong Woo Kim, Jordi Conesa Caralt, Julia K. Hilliard. 196 [doi]
- Network Subnetting: An Instance of Technical Problem Solving in Kolb s Experiential Learning CycleArnold Kamis, Heikki Topi. 196 [doi]
- Ontology Driven Requirements QueryJordi Conesa Caralt, Jong Woo Kim. 197 [doi]
- Reuse of Process Knowledge in Enterprise Systems DevelopmentEunhee Park, Han G. Woo. 197 [doi]
- Facilitating Interdisciplinary Modelling of Complex ProblemsIgor Nikolic, Pieter J. Beers, Gerard P. J. Dijkema. 197 [doi]
- Using Systems Dynamics to Explore Effects of Counterterrorism PolicyTara Leweling, Otto Sieber. 198 [doi]
- Social and Distributed Cognition in Knowledge Management SystemsSusan Gasson, James Waters. 199 [doi]
- Leveraging and Limiting Practical Drift in Emergency Response PlanningSteven R. Haynes, Wendy A. Schafer, John M. Carroll. 200 [doi]
- Embedding New IT Artifacts into Design Practice for Knowledge CreationRyan Baxter, Nicholas Berente. 200 [doi]
- Distributed Knowledge Construction in an Online Community of InquiryJames Waters, Susan Gasson. 200 [doi]
- Potentials of Social Networks for Knowledge Management with Regard to the Development of Stable Competences and Dynamic Capabilities--Conceptualization and Case Study ResultsHarald F. O. von Kortzfleisch, Ines Mergel, Christian Proll. 201 [doi]
- Technological Aspects of Knowledge SystemsRichard Orwig, Dianne Hall, James F. Courtney. 202 [doi]
- Assessing User Acceptance of a Knowledge Management System in a Global Bank: Process Analysis and Concept DevelopmentCristof Bals, Stefan Smolnik, Gerold Riempp. 203 [doi]
- The Co-evolution of Design and User Requirements in Knowledge Management Systems: The Case of Patent Management SystemsTony Briggs, Bala Iyer, Paul Carlile. 203 [doi]
- A Multi-agent Model to Develop Knowledge Management SystemsAurora Vizcaíno, Juan Pablo Soto, Javier Portillo-Rodríguez, Mario Piattini. 203 [doi]
- Supporting Knowledge Transfer through Decomposable Reasoning ArtifactsWilliam Pike, Richard May, Alan Turner. 204 [doi]
- Decision Support as Knowledge Creation: An Information System Design TheoryDavid M. Steiger, Natalie M. Steiger. 204 [doi]
- Knowledge Management: Using Topic Maps in Organizational MemoryLeslie L. Miller, Sree Nilakanta, Yunan Song, Lei Zhu, Ming Hua 0002. 204 [doi]
- Introduction to the Organizational Systems and Technology TrackHugh J. Watson. 205 [doi]
- Benefits Management and Strategic Alignment in an IT Outsourcing ContextJoost van Lier, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse, Liesje De Boeck, Ton Dohmen, Nico Vandaele, Marc Lambrecht. 206 [doi]
- Managing Benefits from IS/IT Investments: An Empirical Investigation into Current PracticeJohn Ward, Steven De Hertogh, Stijn Viaene. 206 [doi]
- Investing in Networkability to Improve Supply Chain PeformanceWim Huisman, Martin Smits. 207 [doi]
- Competitive Strategy, Economics and IS: An Introduction to the Mini-TrackEric K. Clemons, Rajiv M. Dewan, Robert J. Kauffman. 208 [doi]
- Competing in the Era of Emergent Architecture: The Case of Packaged Software IndustryBala Iyer, Chi-Hyon Lee, David Dreyfus. 209 [doi]
- Modeling Network Decisions under Uncertainty: Countervailing Externalities and Embedded OptionsRobert J. Kauffman, Ajay Kumar. 209 [doi]
- Software as a Service: Implications for Investment in Software DevelopmentVidyanand Choudhary. 209 [doi]
- Analyst Forecast Revision and Market Sales Discovery of Online Word of MouthNan Hu, Ling Liu, Jennifer Zhang. 210 [doi]
- Using Online Competitor s Inventory Information for PricingRajiv M. Dewan, Marshall L. Freimer, Yabing Jiang. 210 [doi]
- Analyzing Online Information Privacy Concerns: An Information Processing Theory ApproachIl-Horn Hann, Kai Lung Hui, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Ivan P. L. Png. 210 [doi]
- Business & IT Alignment in Theory and PracticeA. J. Gilbert Silvius. 211 [doi]
- Proximity and Software Programming: IT Outsourcing and the Local MarketAshish Arora, Chris Forman. 211 [doi]
- Digital Consumer Networks and Producer-Consumer Collaboration: Innovation and Product Development in the Digital Entertainment IndustryReina Y. Arakji, Karl Reiner Lang. 211 [doi]
- buySAFE: Creating and Profiting from the Bonded Seller^TM AdvantageEric K. Clemons, Jeff Grass, Steve Woda. 212 [doi]
- Exploring Virtual Integration as an Alternative Governance Mechanism to Supply Chain IntegrationJeffrey C. F. Tai, Eric T. G. Wang. 212 [doi]
- A Retrospective on Information, Strategy, and Economics: After 20 Years at HICSS, What Have We Learned about IT and Strategy?Eric K. Clemons. 212 [doi]
- Looking Ahead: A Contributor s Perspective on the Next-Stage Advances in Competitive Strategy, Economics and Information Systems ResearchRobert J. Kauffman. 213 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Warehousing and Business IntelligenceBarbara Wixom, Hugh J. Watson. 214 [doi]
- Organizational Forms of Data Warehousing: An Explorative AnalysisMario Klesse, Robert Winter. 215 [doi]
- Coordination Network Analysis: A Research Framework for Studying the Organizational Impacts of Service-Orientation in Business IntelligenceMark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul. 215 [doi]
- The Next Stage of Operational Business Intelligence: Creating New Challenges for Business Process ManagementOlivera Marjanovic. 215 [doi]
- Individual Privacy and Organizational Privacy in Business AnalyticsSiu Man Lui, Ling Qiu. 216 [doi]
- Architecting a Dimensional Document WarehouseGregory Schymik, Karen Corral, David Schuff, Robert D. St. Louis. 216 [doi]
- Enterprise Architecture: Challenges and ImplementationsFrank Armour, Stephen H. Kaisler, Jeff Bitner. 217 [doi]
- Experience Report: Assessing a Global Financial Services Company on its Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness Using NAOMIBas van der Raadt, Raymond Slot, Hans van Vliet. 218 [doi]
- The Integrated Enterprise: Enterprise Architecture, Investment Process and System DevelopmentChristopher Emery, Stephanie M. Faison, Jonathan Houk, John S. Stan Kirk. 218 [doi]
- Analyzing Enterprise Architecture in National Governments: The Cases of Denmark and the NetherlandsMarijn Janssen, Kristian Hjort-Madsen. 218 [doi]
- Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA): Assessment of Current Practices in Malaysian OrganizationsRafidah Abd. Razak, Zulkhairi Md. Dahalin, Rohaya Dahari, Siti Sakira Kamaruddin, Sahadah Abdullah. 219 [doi]
- Mastering the Integration Chaos Following Frequent M&As: IS Integration with SOA TechnologyStefan Henningsson, Claes Svensson, Linus Vallen. 219 [doi]
- Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance: A Risk-Based ApproachJames R. Getter. 220 [doi]
- Leveraging Integrated IS for Competitive AdvantageVincenzo Morabito, Marinos Themistocleous. 221 [doi]
- How Do Investments in Enterprise Application Integration Drive Stock Prices?Narcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer. 221 [doi]
- Strategic Value of IS Integration in M&A - The Relation between IS Integration and M&A as a Tool for Corporate StrategyStefan Henningsson. 221 [doi]
- Process Compliance and Enterprise System ImplementationNicholas Berente, Danail Ivanov, Betty Vandenbosch. 222 [doi]
- Implementation and Usage of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Frederick J. Riggins, Bill C. Hardgrave. 223 [doi]
- RFID Assimilation HierarchyBill C. Hardgrave, Deborah J. Armstrong, Cynthia K. Riemenschneider. 224 [doi]
- Data-on-Network vs. Data-on-Tag: Managing Data in Complex RFID EnvironmentsThomas Diekmann, Adam Melski, Matthias Schumann. 224 [doi]
- Strategic and Institutional Perspectives in the Adoption and Early Integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Aditya Sharma, Alex Citurs, Benn R. Konsynski. 224 [doi]
- Information Technology for Development Introduction to Mini-track at HICSS 40Sajda Qureshi, Peter Wolcott, Maung Sein. 225 [doi]
- Scale and Scope Externalities in Growth of IT Industries in India: An Agglomeration PerspectiveRobert J. Kauffman, Ajay Kumar. 226 [doi]
- Knowledge Networking for Development: Building Bridges across the Digital DivideSajda Qureshi, Peter Keen, Mehruz Kamal. 226 [doi]
- Open Source Software Adoption in ASEAN Member CountriesJoshua L. Mindel, Lik Mui, Sameer Verma. 226 [doi]
- Minitrack on Innovation and Innovation ManagementDesai Narasimhalu, Gina Poole, Marko Torkkeli. 227 [doi]
- Innovation in Large-Grained Software Reuse: A Case from BankingPaul D. Witman, Terry Ryan. 228 [doi]
- Innovation Patterns in KIBS Organizations: A Case Study of Finnish Technical Engineering IndustryVille Ojanen, Pekka Salmi, Marko Torkkeli. 228 [doi]
- The Case of Honda: A Dialectical yet Coherent FirmW. David Holford, Mehran Ebrahimi. 228 [doi]
- Managing a New Computer Device Development in a Creative ISO 9001 Certified Company: A Case StudyWolfgang Molnar, Joe Nandhakumar. 229 [doi]
- The Length of the Product Generation Life Cycle as a Moderator of Innovation Strategy: A Comparative Cross-Industry Study of Ten Leading Technology-Based CompaniesFrances T. J. M. Fortuin, S. W. F. Omta. 229 [doi]
- Networked Innovation Management: A Framework and Case ApplicationJouni Koivuniemi, Jan Edelmann. 229 [doi]
- Looking for the Locus of Innovation in New Service DevelopmentIris Ginzburg, Allen Higgins, Yossi Lichtenstein. 230 [doi]
- A New Way to Plan for the FutureRay Strong, Joseph Ryan, Doug McDavid, Ying Leung, Ruoyi Zhou, Eric Strauss, John Bosma, Tony Sabbadini, David Jarvis, Sonia R. Sachs, Peter Bishop, Cody Clark. 230 [doi]
- Case Study in Mobile Internet Innovation: Does Advertising or Acquaintances Communication Decide Taiwan s Mobile Internet Diffusion?Hui-Chih Wang, Yi-Cheng Ku, Her-Sen Doong. 230 [doi]
- Minitrack on IT and Project ManagementSue Newell, Jacky Swan, Joseph Weiss. 231 [doi]
- Socio-technical Self-Description as a Means for Projects of Introducing Computer Supported CooperationThomas Herrmann, Gabriele Kunau, Kai-Uwe Loser. 232 [doi]
- Mediating Organizational Innovation: A Study of Implementation of Digital Technologies in TV NewsTsui-Chuan Lin, Elizabeth Davidson. 232 [doi]
- Communication Patterns over the Project Life Cycle--Evidence from a Virtual Project ExerciseAntti Nurmi, Pentti Marttiin, Matti Rossi. 232 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack IT Governance and Its Mechanisms Wim Van Grembergen. 233 [doi]
- IT Governance in the Light of Paradox - A Social Systems Theory PerspectiveU. Ask, H. Bjornsson, M. Johansson, Johan Magnusson, Andreas Nilsson. 234 [doi]
- Examining the Relationship between IT Governance Software and Business Value of IT: Evidence from Four Case StudiesHauke Heier, Hans P. Borgman, Mervyn G. Maistry. 234 [doi]
- The Influence of Alignment on the Post-Implementation Success of a Core Banking Information System: An Embedded Case StudyDaniel Beimborn, Jochen Franke, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Tim Weitzel. 234 [doi]
- Aligning IT Strategy with Business Strategy through the Balanced Scorecard in a Multinational Pharmaceutical CompanyRichard Bricknall, Gunilla Darrell, Hans Nilsson, Kalevi Pessi. 235 [doi]
- A Metrics Generation Model for Measuring the Control Objectives of Information Systems AuditMathew Nicho, Brian Cusack. 235 [doi]
- Prioritising and Linking Business and IT Goals in the Financial SectorWim Van Grembergen, Steven De Haes, Hilde Van Brempt. 235 [doi]
- IT Governance Maturity and IT Outsourcing Degree: An Exploratory StudyTomi Dahlberg, Pirkko Lahdelma. 236 [doi]
- Outsourcing Relationships: The Contract as IT Governance ToolCornelia Gellings. 236 [doi]
- Control in Outsourcing Relationships: Governance in ActionErik Beulen, Pieter M. A. Ribbers. 236 [doi]
- Shaping the Post-merger Information Systems Integration StrategyMaria Alaranta, Stefan Henningsson. 237 [doi]
- Understanding CIO Role Effectiveness: The Antecedents and ConsequentsDaniel Q. Chen, David S. Preston. 237 [doi]
- Introduction to the Outsourcing of Information Systems MinitrackBenoit Aubert, Suzanne Rivard. 238 [doi]
- Does Interpersonal Trust Also Matter? Exploring the Role of Trust in Successful IT OutsourcingQi Cong, Patrick Y. K. Chau. 239 [doi]
- Contract as a Source of Trust--Commitment in Successful IT Outsourcing Relationship: An Empirical StudyJahyun Goo, Kichan Nam. 239 [doi]
- Managing the Outsourcing Marriage to Achieve SuccessHugo Gong, Mary Tate, Shawn Alborz. 239 [doi]
- Is Transaction Cost Economics Theory Able to Explain Contracts Used for and Success of Firm-Wide IT-Infrastructure Outsourcing?Mari Nyrhinen, Tomi Dahlberg. 240 [doi]
- An Empirical Exploration of How Process Standardization Reduces Outsourcing RisksKim Wüllenweber, Tim Weitzel. 240 [doi]
- The Formation and Management of a Software Outsourcing Partnership ProcessMarianne Kinnula, Veikko Seppänen, Juhani Warsta, Sari Vilminko. 240 [doi]
- Research Methods and Applications Introduction to Minitrack at HICSS 40Sajda Qureshi, Douglas R. Vogel, Kerry Ward. 241 [doi]
- Articulation Work Supporting Information Infrastructure Design: Coordination, Categorization, and Assessment in PracticeKaren S. Baker, Florence Millerand. 242 [doi]
- Rescuing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from Inefficient Information Systems - A Multi-disciplinary Method for ERP System Requirements EngineeringInka Vilpola, Ilkka Kouri, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila. 242 [doi]
- Validation in Internet Survey Research: Reviews and Future SuggestionsHui-Chih Wang, Her-Sen Doong. 243 [doi]
- The Significance of Member Validation in Qualitative Analysis: Experiences from a Longitudinal Case StudyBendik Bygstad, Bjørn Erik Munkvold. 243 [doi]
- Enriching Literature Reviews with Computer-Assisted Research Mining. Case: Profiling Group Support Systems ResearchJohanna Bragge, Sami Relander, Anne Sunikka, Petri Mannonen. 243 [doi]
- Qualitative Research Genres in the IS Literature: Emerging Issues and Potential ImplicationsSuprateek Sarker. 244 [doi]
- Social Issues in OrganizationsDonald L. Amoroso, Michael B. Knight. 245 [doi]
- Information Security and Task Interdependence: An Exploratory InvestigationKenneth J. Knapp, Thomas E. Marshall. 246 [doi]
- The Impact of Negative Relations on Performance and Satisfaction in Group WorkLing Xia, N. Sadat Shami, Y. Connie Yuan, Geri Gay. 246 [doi]
- Exploring Trust among Globally Distributed Work TeamsSue Newell, Gary David, Donald Chand. 246 [doi]
- The Influence of Media Factors on Ethical BehaviorWm. Benjamin Martz Jr., Morgan M. Shepherd. 247 [doi]
- E-Quality and E-Service EqualityPnina Shachaf, Shannon M. Oltmann. 247 [doi]
- Identifying Employee Internet AbuseJeffrey J. Johnson, Kenneth W. Chalmers. 247 [doi]
- Organizational Storytelling and Technology InnovationMaureen MacLeod, Elizabeth Davidson. 248 [doi]
- Re-examining IT Enabled Change with a New Model of the Information Field: The Tiger Creek CaseXiaozhong Liu, Robert I. Benjamin, Ping Zhang. 248 [doi]
- Managing Resistance to Organizational Change: How GSS Can Reveal Role Related Resistance BehaviorsSajda Qureshi, Alanah J. Davis. 248 [doi]
- Theoretical Approaches to Information Systems ResearchScott L. Schneberger, Mike Wade. 249 [doi]
- The Ability-Motivation-Opportunity Framework for Behavior Research in ISJerald Hughes. 250 [doi]
- Theorizing in Information Systems Research: Some Preliminary FindingsBrent Furneaux, Michael Wade, Hossam Ali-Hassan. 250 [doi]
- The Efficacy of Little t TheoriesScott L. Schneberger, Hugh J. Watson, Carol E. Pollard. 250 [doi]
- Fit Perspectives and Theory Building in Information SystemsVictoria Mitchell, Hasan Mohammad, Tracey Stock, Xueqi (David) Wei. 251 [doi]
- Topics in Organizational Systems & Technology MinitrackKelly Rainer, Mark N. Frolick. 252 [doi]
- Building Environmental Information Systems: Myths and Interdisciplinary LessonsKaren S. Baker, Karen I. Stocks. 253 [doi]
- A Program of Study of the Use of Stories in DSSDavid B. Paradice. 253 [doi]
- Wikipedia as Rational Discourse: An Illustration of the Emancipatory Potential of Information SystemsSean Hansen, Nicholas Berente, Kalle Lyytinen. 253 [doi]
- Collaborative Culture and Perceived Issues with University-to-Industry Knowledge TransferKaran J. Sorensen. 254 [doi]
- Nested Difference Tests for Examining Effects of Dependability on Enterprise Applications Success in E-BusinessJung-Yu Lai, Chun-Chieh Yang. 254 [doi]
- Software Technology Track IntroductionRick Kazman, Gul Agha. 255 [doi]
- Adaptive and Evolvable Software Systems: Techniques, Tools and ApplicationsJeffrey G. Gray, Raymond Klefstad, Yvonne Coady. 256 [doi]
- A Constrained Executable Model of Dynamic System ReconfigurationD Arcy Walsh, Francis Bordeleau, Bran Selic. 257 [doi]
- Building a Coordination Framework to Support Behavior-Based Adaptive Checkpointing for Open Distributed Embedded SystemsNianen Chen, Shangping Ren. 257 [doi]
- Driving Component Composition from Early Stages Using Aspect-Oriented TechniquesPedro J. Clemente, Juan Hernández, Fernando Sánchez. 257 [doi]
- Multi-level Architectural Evolution ManagementTien N. Nguyen. 258 [doi]
- RiverInk--An Extensible Framework for Multimodal Interoperable InkJonathan Neddenriep, William G. Griswold. 258 [doi]
- Composable Language Extensions for Computational Geometry: A Case StudyEric {Van Wyk}, Eric Johnson. 258 [doi]
- Adaptive Systems Require Adaptive Support--When Tools Attack!Jennifer Baldwin, Yvonne Coady. 259 [doi]
- Automated Software Testing and Analysis: Techniques, Practices and ToolsZhiquan Zhou, Bernhard Scholz, Giovanni Denaro. 260 [doi]
- A Runtime and Analysis Framework Support for Unit Component Testing in Distributed SystemsJun Li, Keith Moore. 261 [doi]
- Reconciling Manual and Automated Testing: The AutoTest ExperienceAndreas Leitner, Ilinca Ciupa, Bertrand Meyer, Mark Howard. 261 [doi]
- A Multipurpose Code Coverage Tool for JavaRaghu Lingampally, Atul Gupta, Pankaj Jalote. 261 [doi]
- An Innovative Approach to Tackling the Boundary Effect in Adaptive Random TestingTsong Yueh Chen, Dehao Huang, T. H. Tse, Zongyuan Yang. 262 [doi]
- Stochastic Formal Methods: An Application to Accuracy of Numeric SoftwareMarc Daumas, David Lester. 262 [doi]
- Digital Forensics--State of the Science and Foundational Research ActivityRayford B. Vaughn, David A. Dampier. 263 [doi]
- Master s Degree in Digital ForensicsPhilip Craiger, Lucille Ponte, Carrie Morgan Whitcomb, Mark Pollitt, Ronald Eaglin. 264 [doi]
- Online Education in Computer and Digital Forensics: A Case StudyGary C. Kessler. 264 [doi]
- Graduate Digital Forensics Education at the Air Force Institute of TechnologyG. L. Peterson, Richard A. Raines, Rusty O. Baldwin. 264 [doi]
- Promoting Digital Forensics Awareness through the University of Alaska Fairbanks ASSERT CenterKara L. Nance, Brian Hay, Christopher Hecker. 265 [doi]
- Out of the Box Forensics LabsRonald C. Dodge, Dave Cook. 265 [doi]
- The Development of a University-Based Forensics Training Center as a Regional Outreach and Service ActivityRayford B. Vaughn, David A. Dampier. 265 [doi]
- Is the Open Way a Better Way? Digital Forensics Using Open Source ToolsDan Manson, Anna Carlin, Steve Ramos, Alain Gyger, Matthew Kaufman, Jeremy Treichelt. 266 [doi]
- Digital Forensics: Validation and Verification in a Dynamic Work EnvironmentJason Beckett, Jill Slay. 266 [doi]
- Support for Computer Forensics Examination Planning with Domain Modeling: A Report of One Experiment TrialAlfred C. Bogen, David A. Dampier, Jeffrey C. Carver. 267 [doi]
- Wireless Forensic Analysis Tools for Use in the Electronic Evidence Collection ProcessBenjamin Turnbull, Jill Slay. 267 [doi]
- iPod Forensics: Forensically Sound Examination of an Apple iPodJill Slay, Andrew Przibilla. 267 [doi]
- Hardware-Assisted Scanning for Signature Patterns in Image File FragmentsYoginder S. Dandass. 268 [doi]
- Information Security Education and Foundational ResearchLinda Morales, Melissa Dark. 269 [doi]
- Computing Cross Associations for Attack Graphs and Other ApplicationsMohammad Hossain Heydari, Linda Morales, C. O. Shields Jr., Ivan Hal Sudborough. 270 [doi]
- Authentication in Wireless NetworksG. V. S. Raju, Rehan Akbani. 270 [doi]
- Phighting the Phisher: Using Web Bugs and Honeytokens to Investigate the Source of Phishing AttacksCraig M. McRae, Rayford B. Vaughn. 270 [doi]
- The Impact of the NSA Cyber Defense Exercise on the Curriculum at the Air Force Institute of TechnologyBarry E. Mullins, Timothy H. Lacey, Robert F. Mills, Joseph M. Trechter, Samuel D. Bass. 271 [doi]
- Breaking Down Stereotypes: A Call for an Ontological ModelRussell D. Rosco, Marcus K. Rogers, Samuel Liles. 271 [doi]
- Building Tomorrow s Information Assurance Workforce through Experiential LearningDavid Dellacca, Connie Justice. 271 [doi]
- Secure Software Engineering: A New ParadigmWm. Arthur Conklin, Glenn B. Dietrich. 272 [doi]
- Incorporating Lean Development Practices into Agile Software DevelopmentJeff Sutherland, Jean Tabaka. 273 [doi]
- Distributed Scrum: Agile Project Management with Outsourced Development TeamsJeff Sutherland, Anton Viktorov, Jack Blount, Nikolai Puntikov. 274 [doi]
- The Impact of Scaling on Planning Activities in an Agile Software Development CenterHubert Smits. 274 [doi]
- Experiences of Using Pair Programming in an Agile ProjectJari Vanhanen, Harri Korpi. 274 [doi]
- Using Agile Practices to Spark Innovation in a Small to Medium Sized BusinessKen H. Judy, Ilio Krumins-Beens. 275 [doi]
- Implementing a Professional Services Organization Using Type C ScrumBrent Barton, Evan Campbell. 275 [doi]
- Next-Generation Software Engineering Introduction to MinitrackAlan R. Hevner, Richard C. Linger, Gwendolyn H. Walton. 276 [doi]
- Automated Testing of Generic Computational Science LibrariesKirk Sayre, Jesse H. Poore. 277 [doi]
- A Semantic Recognizer Infrastructure for Computing Loop BehaviorAli Mili, Tim Daly, Mark Pleszkoch, Stacy J. Prowell. 277 [doi]
- Next-Generation Software Engineering: Function Extraction for Computation of Software BehaviorRichard C. Linger, Mark G. Pleszkoch, Luanne Burns, Alan R. Hevner, Gwendolyn H. Walton. 277 [doi]
- Implementation-Oriented Secure ArchitecturesDaniel Conte de Leon, Jim Alves-Foss, Paul W. Oman. 278 [doi]
- Measuring Reliability of Applications Composed of Web ServicesHangjung Zo, Derek L. Nazareth, Hemant K. Jain. 278 [doi]
- Capabilities Engineering: Constructing Change-Tolerant SystemsRamya Ravichandar, James D. Arthur, Shawn A. Bohner. 278 [doi]
- Secure Software Architecture, Design, Implementation and AssuranceRobert C. Seacord, Sven Dietrich, Daniel Plakosh. 279 [doi]
- Web Application Scanners: Definitions and FunctionsElizabeth Fong, Vadim Okun. 280 [doi]
- Value Driven Security Threat Modeling Based on Attack Path AnalysisYue Chen, Barry W. Boehm, Luke Sheppard. 280 [doi]
- Fine-Grained and Scalable Approaches for Message IntegrityJoon S. Park, Ganesh Devarajan. 280 [doi]
- Towards an Engineering Discipline of Computational SocietyAli Mili, Alex Vinokurov, Lamia Labed Jilani, Frederick T. Sheldon, Rahma Ben Ayed. 281 [doi]
- Software Engineering Decision SupportGünther Ruhe, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. 282 [doi]
- Interactive Decision Support for Multiobjective COTS SelectionThomas Neubauer, Christian Stummer. 283 [doi]
- Formalizing Informal Stakeholder Decisions--A Hybrid Method ApproachHasan Kitapci, Barry W. Boehm. 283 [doi]
- A Process-Centric Approach for Coordinating Product Configuration DecisionsMarcílio Mendonça, Donald D. Cowan, Toacy Cavalcante de Oliveira. 283 [doi]
- Tools for Model Driven DevelopmentLiming Zhu, Yan Liu, Ian Gorton, Ihor Kuz. 284 [doi]
- Towards Model Transformation Generation By-ExampleManuel Wimmer, Michael Strommer, Horst Kargl, Gerhard Kramler. 285 [doi]
- Automated Software Product Line Engineering and Product DerivationHassan Gomaa, Michael E. Shin. 285 [doi]
- Model Driven Design and Implementation of Statistical SurveysChul Hwee Kim, John G. Hosking, John C. Grundy. 285 [doi]
- Model Driven Development with NORMAMatthew Curland, Terry A. Halpin. 286 [doi]
- Using Software Component Models and Services in Embedded Real-Time SystemsFrank Lüders, Shoaib Ahmad, Faisal Khizer, Gurjodh Singh-Dhillon. 286 [doi]
- A Model-Based Approach for Platform-Independent Binary Components with Precise Timing and Fine-Grained ConcurrencyTim Schattkowsky, Gregor Engels, Alexander Förster. 286 [doi]
- Model-Driven HMI Development: Can Meta-CASE Tools do the Job?Carsten Bock. 287 [doi]
- Performance Analysis of a Middleware Demultiplexing PatternU. Praphamontripong, Swapna S. Gokhale, Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Jeffrey G. Gray. 287 [doi]
- Visual Interactions in Software TechnologyGuido Wirtz, Kang Zhang. 288 [doi]
- CMP: A UML Context Modeling Profile for Mobile Distributed SystemsChristof Simons. 289 [doi]
- A Visualization Framework for Task-Oriented Modeling Using UMLChristian F. J. Lange, Martijn A. M. Wijns, Michel R. V. Chaudron. 289 [doi]
- POSAML: A Visual Modeling Framework for Middleware ProvisioningDimple Kaul, Arundhati Kogekar, Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Jeffrey G. Gray, Swapna S. Gokhale. 289 [doi]
- Ambiguities in Sketch-Based InterfacesDanilo Avola, Maria Chiara Caschera, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni. 290 [doi]
- Design Pattern Evolution and Verification Using Graph TransformationChunying Zhao, Jun Kong, Kang Zhang. 290 [doi]
- Minitrack Summary: Wireless Sensor NetworksEdoardo Biagioni, Stefan Olariu. 291 [doi]
- Assembling Sensor NetworksJeffrey V. Nickerson. 292 [doi]
- An Adaptable Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksJustin T. Kautz, Barry E. Mullins, Rusty O. Baldwin, Scott R. Graham. 292 [doi]
- Dynamic Address Allocation for Management and Control in Wireless Sensor NetworksZheng Yao, Falko Dressler. 292 [doi]
- Connectivity in Sensor NetworksPatrick Vincent, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen. 293 [doi]
- Incentive-Compatible, Energy-Optimal, and Efficient Ad Hoc Networking in a Selfish MilieuStephan Eidenbenz, Luzi Anderegg, Roger Wattenhofer. 293 [doi]
- A Comparison of Optimized Link State Routing with Traditional Routing Protocols in Marine Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor NetworksPore Ghee Lye, John C. McEachen. 293 [doi]
- Protecting with Sensor Networks: Attention and ResponseJeffrey V. Nickerson, Stephan Olariu. 294 [doi]
- Neo-symbiosis: A Conceptual Tool for System DesignDoug Griffith. 294 [doi]