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- 3D Positioning Algorithm for Low Cost Mobile RobotsRafael Socas, Sebastián Dormido, Raquel Dormido, Ernesto Fabregas. 5-14 [doi]
- Safe Predictive Mobile Robot Navigation in Aware EnvironmentsMichael Arndt, Karsten Berns. 15-23 [doi]
- Kinematic Analysis and Simulation of a Hybrid Biped Climbing RobotAdrian Peidro, Arturo Gil, José María Marín, Yerai Berenguer, Óscar Reinoso. 24-34 [doi]
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- RCON: Dynamic Mobile Interfaces for Command and Control of ROS-enabled RobotsRobert Codd-Downey, Michael R. M. Jenkin. 66-73 [doi]
- A Taxonomy of Distribution for Cooperative Mobile ManipulatorsAndreas Schierl, Andreas Angerer, Alwin Hoffmann, Michael Vistein, Wolfgang Reif. 74-83 [doi]
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- Using Tablets in the Vision-based Control of a Ball and Beam Test-bedJared Alan Frank, José Antonio De Gracia Gómez, Vikram Kapila. 92-102 [doi]
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- A Model Predictive Sliding Mode Control with Integral Action for Slip Suppression of Electric VehiclesTohru Kawabe. 151-158 [doi]
- Data Fusion Between a 2D Laser Profile Sensor and a CameraM. Wagner, P. Heß, Sebastian Reitelshöfer, Jörg Franke. 159-165 [doi]
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- Flatness based Feed-forward Control of a Flexible Robot Arm under Gravity and Joint FrictionElisha Didam Markus. 174-180 [doi]
- Filling Accuracy Analysis of the Rocket Propellant based on the Flowmeter Measuring ModelYouhuan Xiang, Ping Zhang, Weidong Liu, Benting Cui. 181-187 [doi]
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- Feasibility Study of a Pair of 2-DOF Step-climbing Units for a Manual Wheelchair UserYoshikazu Mori, Kaoru Katsumura, Katsuya Nagase. 196-201 [doi]
- Relative Height Estimation using Omnidirectional Images and a Global Appearance ApproachYerai Berenguer, Luis Payá, Adrian Peidro, Óscar Reinoso. 202-209 [doi]
- Rotation-Invariant Image Description from Independent Component Analysis for Classification PurposesRodrigo D. C. da Silva, George A. P. Thé, Fátima N. S. de Medeiros. 210-216 [doi]
- New Approach to the Artificial Force Concept for Skid-steering Mobile PlatformAlicja Mazur, Wojciech Domski, Mirela Kaczmarek, Mateusz Cholewinski. 217-222 [doi]
- Detection and Implementation Autonomous Target Tracking with a Quadrotor AR.DroneK. Boudjit, Chevif Larbes. 223-230 [doi]
- Next Generation Networks for Telecommunications Operators Providing Services to Transnational Smart Grid OperatorsGurkan Tuna, George C. Kiokes, Erietta Zountouridou, Vehbi Cagri Gungor. 231-238 [doi]
- An Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Synchronized Joint Position Tracking Control of Robot ManipulatorsYoumin Hu, Jie Liu, Bo Wu, Kaibo Zhou, Ming-Feng Ge. 239-245 [doi]
- Feature and Decision Level Audio-visual Data Fusion in Emotion Recognition ProblemMaxim Sidorov, Evgenii Sopov, Ilia Ivanov, Wolfgang Minker. 246-251 [doi]
- Design of Mobile Microrobots with Thermomechanical ActuatorsN. N. Bolotnik, V. G. Chashchukhin, V. G. Gradetsky, D. V. Kozlov, I. P. Smirnov, A. N. Sukhanov, A. A. Zhukov. 252-258 [doi]
- A Physics-based Optimization Approach for Path Planning on Rough TerrainsDiogo Amorim, Rodrigo Ventura. 259-266 [doi]
- HybridSLAM: A Robust Algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and MappingAmir Hossein Monjazeb, Jurek Z. Sasiadek, Dan S. Necsulescu. 267-274 [doi]
- A Formation Control Algorithm by Modified Next-state Approximation to Reduce Communication Requirements in Multirobot SystemsRoshin Jacob Johnson, Asokan Thondiyath. 275-280 [doi]
- Control Algorithm for a Cooperative Robotic System in Fault ConditionsViorel Stoian, Eugen Bobasu. 281-288 [doi]
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- Human-like Humanoid Robot Posture ControlM. Zebenay, Vittorio Lippi, T. Mergener. 304-309 [doi]
- A Relative Measurement based Leader-follower Formation Control of Mobile RobotsYuri Zolotukhin, K. Yu. Kotov, Alexandr Maltsev, A. A. Nesterov, Maxim Sobolev, Michael Filippov. 310-313 [doi]
- A Vision-based Line Following Strategy for an Autonomous UAVAlexandre Carls Brandão Ramos, Felipe Martins, Higor Soneguetti. 314-319 [doi]
- Y-Pod Formation of Swarm Robots using Amber Force FieldsPurushotham Muniganti, Albert Oller Pujol. 320-327
- Exploring the Role of a Smartphone as a Motion Sensing and Control Device in the Wireless Networked Control of a Motor Test-bedJared Alan Frank, Anthony Brill, Jonghyun Bae, Vikram Kapila. 328-335 [doi]
- Bio-inspired Morphing Caudal Fin using Shape Memory Alloy Composites for a Fish-like Robot - Design, Fabrication and AnalysisWilliam Coral Cuellar, Claudio Rossi, Irene Perrino Martin. 336-343
- Comparison of Robust Control Techniques for Use in Flight Simulator Motion BasesMauricio Becerra-Vargas. 344-348 [doi]
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- Comparative Analysis of Methods for the Log Boundaries IsolationArtem Kruglov, Yuriy V. Chiryshev. 357-361 [doi]
- Progressive Co-adaptation in Human-Machine InteractionPaolo Gallina, Nicola Bellotto, Massimiliano Di Luca. 362-368 [doi]
- A Tactile-based Grasping Strategy for Deformable Objects' Manipulation and Deformability EstimationA. Delgado, C. A. Jara, D. Mira, F. Torres. 369-374 [doi]
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- Adaptive 3-D Object Classification with Reinforcement LearningJens Garstka, Gabriele Peters. 381-385 [doi]
- Impedance Control based Force-tracking Algorithm for Interaction Robotics Tasks: An Analytically Force Overshoots-free ApproachLoris Roveda, Federico Vicentini, Nicola Pedrocchi, Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti. 386-391 [doi]
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- Issues and Challenges in Robotic Trimming of CFRPMohamed Slamani, Jean-François Chatelain. 400-405 [doi]
- Motion Curved Surface Analysis and Composite for Skill Succession using RGBD CameraKaoru Mitsuhashi, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Ohyama. 406-413 [doi]
- Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance using Online Trajectory Time-scaling and Local ReplanningRan Zhao, Daniel Sidobre. 414-421 [doi]
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- Salient Foreground Object Detection based on Sparse Reconstruction for Artificial AwarenessJingyu Wang, Ke Zhang, Kurosh Madani, Christophe Sabourin, Jing Zhang. 430-437 [doi]
- Towards Multi-functional Robot-based Automation SystemsAndreas Angerer, Michael Vistein, Alwin Hoffmann, Wolfgang Reif, Florian Krebs, Manfred Schönheits. 438-443 [doi]
- Range Data Fusion for Accurate Surface Generation from Heterogeneous Range ScannersMahesh Kr. Singh, K. S. Venkatesh, Ashish Dutta. 444-449 [doi]
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- Towards the Quality Evaluation of Software of Control Systems of Nuclear Power Plants: Theoretical Grounds, Main Trends and ProblemsElena Jharko. 471-478 [doi]
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- Development of the Visualization Tool for the VMS Emulator SystemJung Sook Kim. 493-497 [doi]
- Order-up-to Networked Policy for Periodic-Review Goods Distribution Systems with DelayPrzemyslaw Ignaciuk. 498-503 [doi]
- FPGA-SOPC based Motion Controller with ACC/DEC using Digital ConvolutionHaiming Huang, Guangsheng Li, Wusheng Chou. 504-509
- Design of i-Fields System Component: Computer Model of Oil-Recovery by Polymer FloodingD. Zh. Ahmed-Zaki, S. T. Mukhambetzhanov, T. S. Imankulov. 510-516 [doi]
- Library for Simplified Timer Implementation using Standard C++Sérgio F. Lopes, Paulo Vicente, Ricardo Gomes. 517-524 [doi]