Abstract is missing.
- Development of Girls' Interests and Identities in Computer Sciences Within an CSCL EnvironmentYu-Hui Chang, Sarah Barksdale, Lana Peterson, Cassandra Scharber. [doi]
- College Goes Online With Avatars: Extended Learning in a Middle SchoolMartine Gadille, Maria Antonietta Impedovo. [doi]
- Identifying Learning Leaders in Collaborative LearningYinying Wang, Min-Kyu Kim. [doi]
- BacToMars: A Collaborative Video Game for BioDesignClarissa Verish, Amanda Strawhacker, Lauren Westendorf, Christina Pollalis, Amanda Sullivan, Anna Loparev, Marina Umaschi Bers, Orit Shaer. [doi]
- Bugs as a Nexus for Emergent Peer Collaborations: Contextual and Classroom Supports for Solving Problems in Electronic TextilesDeborah A. Fields, Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Kafai. [doi]
- "Can't Nobody Floss Like This!": Exploring Embodied Science Learning in the Third SpaceChris Georgen. [doi]
- Knowledge Building, Robotics, and Math EducationAhmad Khanlari, Marlene Scardamalia. [doi]
- Collaborative Remembering, temporal cement of Collaborative Learning: An ExplorationLucas M. Bietti, Michael J. Baker. [doi]
- Arguing about Synthetic Biology in 140 Characters or Less: Affordances of Microblogging for High School Students Discussions of Socioscientific IssuesMia S. Shaw, Justice T. Walker, Yasmin B. Kafai. [doi]
- Intelligent Cognitive Assistants to Support Orchestration in CSCLHaesol Bae, Krista D. Glazewski, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, James C. Lester, Bradford W. Mott, Jonathan P. Rowe. [doi]
- Collaboration Script Appropriation in a Science ClassSi Zhang, Wenli Chen, Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Aileen S. W. Chai, J. L. Ang. [doi]
- Making the Design of CSCL Analytics Interfaces a Co-design Process: the Case of Multimodal Teamwork in HealthcareRoberto Martínez Maldonado, Vanessa Echeverría, Doug Elliott, Carmen Axisa, Tamara Power, Simon Buckingham Shum. [doi]
- What Can Be Learned About Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning From a Bibliographic Coupling Analysis?Heisawn Jeong, Sujong Seo, Jiyeon Jeong, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Sebastian Grauwin. [doi]
- On a Making-&-Tinkering Approach to Learning Mathematics in Formal Education: Knowledge Gains, Attitudes, and 21st-Century SkillsStella Timotheou, Andri Ioannou. [doi]
- Examining the Educative Value of Person-to-person Knowledge Sharing on Social Media: The Case of YouTube as a Site of CSCL?Ilana Dubovi, Iris Tabak. [doi]
- Video Annotation for Content-Focused CoachingJulie Amador, Jeffrey Choppin, Cynthia Carson, Ryan Gillespie. [doi]
- Fostering Collective Knowledge Advancement Through Idea-Friend Maps in a Large Knowledge Building CommunityXueqi Feng, Jan van Aalst, Carol K. K. Chan, Yuqin Yang. [doi]
- Shall We Learn Together in Loud Spaces? Towards Understanding the Effects of Sound in Collaborative LearningMilica Vujovic, Davinia Hernández Leo. [doi]
- Parent and Educator Perspectives on the Benefits of an Online Space to Promote Offline Program Collaborative LearningSusan Walker, Cheuk Hei, Bosco Cheng, Alize Rattenni, Caroline Reynolds, Sam Lapham. [doi]
- Developing a Model of Collaborative Learning with Minecraft for Social Studies Classrooms Using Role-play Theory and PracticeAnders I. Mørch, Louise Mifsud, Siv Eie. [doi]
- Collaboration on a Massive Scale - Conceptual Implications of the CrowdNorma Reichelt, Christine Bussian, Christoph Richter, Heidrun Allert, Lars-Arne Raffel. [doi]
- Towards Automatic and Pervasive Physiological Sensing of Collaborative LearningKshitij Sharma, Ilias O. Pappas, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Michail N. Giannakos. [doi]
- Using Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) for Global Curriculum Inquiry: A Case Study in Hong KongSally Wai-Yan Wan. [doi]
- An Interactive Visualization to Enhance Social Learning Practices in MOOC PlatformsPhilip Tubman, Phillip Benachour, Murat Öztok. [doi]
- Maggie Mars: Theatrical Modeling and the Phenomenological Understanding of Solar SystemsJackson Reimers, Corey E. Brady. [doi]
- Developing Productive Discourse through Collective Inquiry of Knowledge-Building PrinciplesYuyao Tong, Carol K. K. Chan. [doi]
- Comparing the Effectiveness of Supports for Collaborative Dialogic Sense-Making with Agent-Based ModelsIlana Dubovi, Victor R. Lee. [doi]
- Effects of the Need for Cognitive Closure and Guidance on Contribution Quality in Wiki-Based LearningSven Heimbuch, Daniel Bodemer. [doi]
- Using A Virtual Design Studio to Support Collaborative Studio InstructionJessica Briskin, Susan M. Land. [doi]
- How Teachers Implement Active Learning: Typologies of Orchestrational FlowElizabeth S. Charles, Jim Slotta, Robert Cassidy, Michael Dugdale, Chao Zhang, Kevin Lenton. [doi]
- Taking the Patch Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of a Patch Based Participatory SimulationLauren Vogelstein, Corey E. Brady. [doi]
- Gaming the Schoolyard: Promoting High School Students' Collaborative Learning Through Geolocative Mobile Game DesignJudy Perry. [doi]
- A Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement to Support CollaborativeWenli Chen, Si Zhang, Yun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi, Jennifer Yeo. [doi]
- Location, Location, Location: The Effects of Place in Place-Based SimulationsAmanda Siebert-Evenstone, David W. Shaffer. [doi]
- From Face-to-Face to Online: Considerations for a Social Capital Design to Scale Science Teacher Access to High-Quality PDSusan A. Yoon, Kate Miller, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider. [doi]
- An Alternate Statistical Lens to Look at Collaboration Data: Extreme Value TheoryKshitij Sharma, Jennifer K. Olsen. [doi]
- The Development and Application of a Social Reading Platform and the Double-level ScaffoldingXiangdong Chen, Chen Guo. [doi]
- Family Collaboration in the Digital Age: Parent Learning Partner Roles Are Linked to Child Expertise and Parents' WorkBrigid Barron, Caitlin Kennedy Martin, Judy Nguyen. [doi]
- Does Order Matter? Investigating Sequential and Cotemporal Models of CollaborationZachari Swiecki, Zheming Lian, Andrew R. Ruis, David W. Shaffer. [doi]
- Conflicts and Collaboration: A Study of Upper Elementary Students Solving Computer Science ProblemsJennifer Tsan, Jessica Vandenberg, Xiaoting Fu, Jamieka Wilkinson, Danielle Boulden, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Collin F. Lynch, Eric N. Wiebe. [doi]
- Ghost in the Machine: A Symposium on Collaboration Between Human and Computerized Agents in Educational ContextsMatthias Stadler, Frank Fischer 0001, Art Graesser, Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Anika Radkowitsch, Ralf Schmidmaier, Martin R. Fischer, Haiying Li, Jiangang Hao, Samuel Greiff. [doi]
- Assessing Iterative Planning for Real-world Design TeamsDaniel Rees Lewis, Elizabeth Gerber, Matthew W. Easterday. [doi]
- Scaffolding Inclusivity Through Making: A Preliminary Analysis of Diverse Learners' Meaning Making Through Designing Complex SystemsGabriela T. Richard, Sagun Giri, Robert William Ashley, Nakisha Whittington. [doi]
- The Lifespan and Impact of Students' Ideas Shared During Classroom Science InquiryCamillia Matuk, Wanjing Ma, Garima Sharma, Marcia C. Linn. [doi]
- Impacts of Augmented Reality on Collaborative Physics Learning, Leadership, and Knowledge ImbalanceIulian Radu, Bertrand Schneider. [doi]
- Visualizing Representations of Interaction States during CSCL ........Saadeddine Shehab, Emma Mercier. [doi]
- Reinforce Context Awareness in Augmented Reality-based Learning DesignYun Wen, Chee-Kit Looi. [doi]
- Designing Epistemic Scaffolding in CSCLFeng Lin, Sadhana Puntambekar. [doi]
- Studying Computational Thinking Practices Through Collaborative Design Activities with ScratchJoey Huang, Kylie Peppler. [doi]
- Developing Relationships, Changing Participation: Computational IdentityMelissa S. Gresalfi, Amanda Bell, Alexandria Cervantes. [doi]
- Technology-Mediated Teacher-Researcher Collaborations: Professional Learning Through Co-DesignSusan R. Goldman, Andrea S. Gomoll, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Allison Hall, Monlin Ko, Angela Fortune, Eleni A. Kyza, Andria Agesilaou, Kimberley Gomez, Louis Gomez, Emily Pressman, Katherine Rodela, Iris Tabak. [doi]
- Using a Resource Activation Lens to Understand Classroom Enactments of Computationally-Based Science CurriculaJooeun Shim, Susan A. Yoon, Noora F. Noushad. [doi]
- A Scaled Analysis of How Minecraft Gamers Leverage YouTube Comment Boxes to Participate and CollaborateJustice T. Walker, Stefan Slater, Yasmin B. Kafai. [doi]
- Adaptive Support for Collaboration on Tabletop ComputersAbigail Evans, Katie Davis, Jacob O. Wobbrock. [doi]
- Tools and Methods for '4E Analysis': New Lenses for Analyzing Interaction in CSCLRolf Steier, Ben Rydal Shapiro, Dimitra Christidou, Palmyre Pierroux, Jacob Davidsen, Rogers Hall. [doi]
- See the Collaboration Through the Code: Using Data Mining and CORDTRA Graphs to Analyze Blocks-Based ProgrammingMike Tissenbaum, Vishesh Kumar. [doi]
- Personal Embodiment, Social Enactment: Collaborative Learning With Body TechnologyDeborah A. Fields, Cynthia Carter Ching, Victor R. Lee, Breanne K. Litts, Chase K. Mortensen, Joshua A. Danish, Megan Humburg, Bria Davis, Xintian Tu, Debora Lui, Mia S. Shaw, Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Kafai, Lindsay Lindberg, Robb Lindgren, James Planey, Jason Morphew, Katie Headrick Taylor, Adam Bell, Erin Riesland, Maria Hays, Deborah Silvis, Ilana Dubovi, Noel Enyedy, Rogers Hall. [doi]
- Child-Material Computing: Material Collaboration in Fiber CraftsAnna Keune, Kylie Peppler. [doi]
- StandUp: Engaging Professionals to Coach Design ProjectsDaniel Rees Lewis, Matthew W. Easterday, Elizabeth Gerber. [doi]
- How Augmented Reality Affects Collaborative Learning of Physics: a Qualitative AnalysisApittha Unahalekhaka, Iulian Radu, Bertrand Schneider. [doi]
- Expansively Framing Social Annotations for Generative Collaborative Learning in Online CoursesChristopher Andrews, Grant T. Chartrand, Daniel T. Hickey. [doi]
- Understanding CSCL Through the Lens of Research SynthesesFreydis Vogel, Heisawn Jeong, Susan A. Yoon, Stian Håklev, Léonore V. Guillain, Nour Ghalia Abassi, Sally Wai-Yan Wan, Sancia Wai-San Wan, Anika Radkowitsch, Frank Fischer 0001, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver. [doi]
- Reflective Assessment for Idea Improvement Through Collective Concept MappingHyejin Park, Jianwei Zhang 0004. [doi]
- Perceptions of Online Professional Development: Do Newer and Experienced Teachers Differ?Denise M. Bressler, Susan A. Yoon, Katherine Miller, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider. [doi]
- Exploration of Scaffolding in Teachers' Dialogue AnalysisMoegi Saito, Shinya Iikubo, Hajime Shirouzu. [doi]
- Using Voice Assistant Skills in Family LifeDiana Beirl, Nicola Yuill, Yvonne Rogers. [doi]
- Balancing the Scales: Implications of Model Size for Mathematical EngagementKylie Peppler, R. Mishael Sedas, Anna Keune, Suraj Uttamchandani. [doi]
- Structure for Agency: Possibilities and Challenges for Adaptive Collaborative Learning Support in Educational Equity ProjectsSuraj Uttamchandani, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver. [doi]
- Unpacking Socio-Metacognitive Sense-Making Patterns to Support Collaborative DiscourseMarcela Borge, Tugce Aldemir, Yu Xia. [doi]
- Exploring the Potential of IVR Technology to Promote Collaborative Learning in Science ExperiencesOmar Ceja-Salgado, Sara Price. [doi]
- Synergy: An Online Platform for Dialogic Peer Feedback at ScaleErkan Er, Yannis Dimitriadis 0001, Dragan Gasevic. [doi]
- Reading for Breadth, Reading for Depth: Understanding the Relationship Between Reading and Complex Thinking Using Epistemic Network AnalysisHanall Sung, Shengyang Cao, Andrew R. Ruis, David W. Shaffer. [doi]
- The Roles of Knowledge in Knowledge CreationCarl Bereiter, Carol K. K. Chan, Huang-Yao Hong, Jiyeon Lee, Ahmad Khanlari, Pei-Yi Lin, Ching Sing Chai, Chin-Chung Tsai, Marlene Scardamalia, Seng Chee Tan, Yuyao Tong, Jan van Aalst, Jianwei Zhang 0004, Yibing Zhang. [doi]
- Embodiment of Computational Thinking During Collaborative Robotics ActivityTheodore J. Kopcha, Ceren Ocak. [doi]
- An Initial Look at the Developing Culture of Online Global Meet-ups in Establishing a Collaborative, STEM Media-Making CommunityDanielle P. Espino, Seung B. Lee, Brendan R. Eagan, Eric Hamilton 0001. [doi]
- Examining the Role of Emotion Awareness and Sharing Emotions during Collaborative LearningMaedeh Kazemitabar, Élise Lavoué, Susanne P. Lajoie, Rubiella Carrillo, Tenzin Doleck. [doi]
- Online Mob Programming: Bridging the 21st Century Workplace and the ClassroomSreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Xu Wang 0016, Cameron Dashti, Haokang An, Clarence Ngoh, Michael Hilton, Majd Sakr, Carolyn Penstein Rosé. [doi]
- Using Epistemic Network Analysis to Explore Ways of Contributing to Knowledge Building DiscourseLeanne Ma, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Marlene Scardamalia. [doi]
- Understanding the Connections of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills in a Simulation-based Task Through Network AnalysisMengxiao Zhu, Jessica Andrews-Todd. [doi]
- Conceptualizations of Learning in ijCSCLJonan Donaldson. [doi]
- Using Digital Interrupted Case Studies for Whole Class Inquiry in Life SciencesLeslie Schneider, Berri Jacque, Jim Slotta, Emily Kate McDonough, Jessica Henry. [doi]
- "I Cannot Explain Why I Like This Shape Better Than That Shape": Intercorporeality in Collaborative LearningJacob Davidsen, Thomas Ryberg. [doi]
- Impact of Choice on Students' Use of an Experimentation Model for Investigating Ideas About ThermodynamicsJennifer King Chen, Marcia C. Linn. [doi]
- Initial Knowledge and the Intensity of Online DiscussionMiiikka Turkkila, Henri Lommi, Ismo Koponen. [doi]
- A Review of the Evolving Definition of Orchestration: Implications for Research and DesignLuEttaMae Lawrence, Emma Mercier. [doi]
- Theorizing and Measuring Collective Productive Disciplinary EngagementBritte Cheng, Melissa S. Gresalfi, Amanda Bell, Corey E. Brady, Lauren Vogelstein, Crina Damsa, Tuire Palonen, Toni Kempler Rogat, Anne Traynor, Temitope Adeoye, Andrea S. Gomoll, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Daniel T. Hickey, Christopher Andrews, Grant T. Chartrand, Rebecca C. Itow, Patrik Lundh, Sten R. Ludvigsen. [doi]
- CoProStory: A Tangible Programming Tool for Children's CollaborationXiaozhou Deng, Danli Wang, Qiao Jin. [doi]
- Understanding Climate Change Through Collaborative Versus Individual Inquiry With Constructive or Example-Based ScaffoldsSarah Bichler, Sonya Richards, Lisa Hasenbein, Marcia C. Linn, Frank Fischer 0001. [doi]
- Promoting and Tracing High School Students' Identity Change in an Augmented Virtual Learning EnvironmentHamideh Talafian, Mamta Shah, Amanda Barany, Aroutis Foster. [doi]
- Mapping Individual to Group Level Collaboration Indicators Using Speech DataCynthia D'Angelo, Jennifer Smith 0006, Nonye Alozie, Andreas Tsiartas, Colleen Richey, Harry Bratt. [doi]
- Mezclado: History of Our Neighborhoods in Augmented RealityKit Martin. [doi]
- Group Formation in the Digital Age: Relevant Characteristics, Their Diagnosis, and Combination for Productive CollaborationDimitra Tsovaltzi, Armin Weinberger, Lara Johanna Schmitt, Henrik Bellhäuser, Adrienne Müller, Johannes Konert, René Röpke, Hannie Gijlers, Elise H. Eshuis, Tessa H. S. Eysink, Melanie Erkens, Sven Manske, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Daniel Bodemer, Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Cameron Dashti, Christopher Bogart, Xu Wang 0016, Majd Sakr, Michael Hilton, Carolyn Penstein Rosé. [doi]
- Collaboration Within Mathland: What Do We Become TogetherIsaac Nichols-Paez, Corey E. Brady. [doi]
- RoomCast: Distributing Digital Resources in the Classroom of ThingsTom Moher, Alessandro Gnoli. [doi]
- Dialogic Intervisualizing: Rethinking Text-Discourse-Learning Relations in Multimodal Problem-based LearningSusan Bridges, Lap-Ki Chan, Judith L. Green, Asmalina Saleh, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver. [doi]
- Using Collaborative Agent-based Modeling to Explore Complex Phenomena with Elementary Preservice Science TeachersTony Petrosino, Maximilan Sherard, Corey E. Brady. [doi]
- Understanding Teachers' Collaboration for Designing Technology-Enhanced LearningChunli Wang, Xiaoqing Gu. [doi]
- Social Media and Personal Histories: Practices, Identities, and Algorithms in the Age of Digital NostalgiaSarah K. Burriss. [doi]
- Negotiation of Epistemic Territories and Collaborative Learning in Workplace Interactions: The Case of Requests for AssistanceVasiliki Markaki-Lothe, Laurent Filliettaz. [doi]
- Toccata: A Multi-Device System for Activity Scripting and Classroom OrchestrationValentin Lachand, Aurélien Tabard, Christine Michel. [doi]
- Collaborative Talk Across Two Pair-Programming ConfigurationsZarifa Zakaria, Danielle Boulden, Jessica Vandenberg, Jennifer Tsan, Collin F. Lynch, Eric N. Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. [doi]
- Flexible CSCL Orchestration Technology: Mechanisms for Elasticity and Dynamism in Pyramid Script FlowsKalpani Manathunga, Davinia Hernández Leo. [doi]
- Teacher Perceptions on Collaborative Online Professional Development for In-Service Teachers on a MOOC PlatformKatherine Miller, Susan A. Yoon, Jooeun Shim, Daniel Wendel, Ilana Schoenfeld, Emma Anderson, David Reider. [doi]
- Young Interpreters: The Situated as SupportiveKevin Johnstun, Heather Leary, Bryant Jensen. [doi]
- Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital ContextsIshrat Ahmed, Victor Girotto, Areej Mawasi, Amanda Whitehurst, Ruth Wylie, Erin Walker. [doi]
- Citizen Science in Schools: Supporting Implementation of Innovative Learning Environments Using Design-Centric Research-Practice PartnershipsMaya Benichou, Osnat Atias, Ornit Sagy, Yael Kali, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari. [doi]
- Digital Badges for Capturing, Recognizing, Endorsing, and Motivating Broad Forms of Collaborative LearningDaniel T. Hickey, Christopher Andrews, Grant T. Chartrand. [doi]
- Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving: What and How?Haley Tsang, Seung Won Park, Laure Lu Chen, Nancy Law. [doi]
- Collaborative Knowledge Construction Mediated by TechnologyAfaf Baabdullah. [doi]
- Unpacking Collaborative Learning Processes During Hands-on Activities Using Mobile Eye-TrackersBertrand Schneider. [doi]
- The CUBE: A Tangible for Embodied Learning, Balanced Engagement, and Classroom OrchestrationPantelis M. Papadopoulos. [doi]
- Supporting Collaborative Problem Solving in a Game-Based Learning EnvironmentAsmalina Saleh, Yuxin Chen, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Krista D. Glazewski, Bradford W. Mott, Robert G. Taylor, Jonathan P. Rowe, James C. Lester. [doi]
- The Impacts of Online Peer Feedback Supported by Argumentation Instruction and Argumentative Scripts on Students' Learning OutcomesSaeed Latifi, Omid Noroozi, Javad Hatami, Harm J. A. Biemans. [doi]
- Use of Spatial Sensemaking Practices in Spatial LearningAbha Vaishampayan, Julia Plummer, Patricia Udomprasert, Susan Sunbury. [doi]
- FROG, A Tool to Author and Run Orchestration Graphs: Affordances and TensionsStian Håklev, Louis Faucon, Jennifer K. Olsen, Pierre Dillenbourg. [doi]
- Analysis of Touchscreen Interactive Gestures During Embodied Cognition in Collaborative Tabletop Science Learning ExperiencesNikita Soni, Alice Darrow, Annie Luc, Schuyler Gleaves, Carrie Schuman, Hannah Neff, Peter Chang, Brittani Kirkland, Jeremy Alexandre, Amanda Morales, Kathryn A. Stofer, Lisa Anthony. [doi]
- Learning with Multiple Representations and Student Engagement in Secondary Education: A Preliminary Review of LiteratureEngida Gebre, Addisu Bailie. [doi]
- Mission HydroSci: Meeting Learning Standards Through GameplayJames M. Laffey, Joe Griffin, Justin Sigoloff, Troy D. Sadler, Sean P. Goggins, Andrew J. Womack, Eric Wulff, Sean Lander. [doi]
- Enhancing Free-text Interactions in a Communication Skills Learning EnvironmentRaja Lala, Marcell van Geest, Stefan Ruseti, Johan Jeuring, Mihai Dascalu, Jordy van Dortmont, Gabriel Gutu-Robu, Michiel Hulsbergen. [doi]
- Understanding the Effect of Group Variance on LearningSinan Yavuz, Michael Forkner, Dana Gnesdilow, Catherine Dornfeld Tissenbaum, Jee-Seon Kim, Sadhana Puntambekar. [doi]
- Idea Thread Mapper: Designs for Sustaining Student-Driven Knowledge Building Across ClassroomsJianwei Zhang 0004, Mei-Hwa Chen. [doi]
- A Systematic Review of the Quantification of Qualitative Data in Proceedings of International Conferences on CSCL from 2005 to 2017Yu Xia, Marcela Borge. [doi]
- When Words Are Not Enough: What Student Gestures and Embodied Responses Tell Us About Understanding Science Through DanceLindsay Lindberg, Danielle Keifert, Noel Enyedy, Joshua A. Danish. [doi]
- Collective Knowledge Advancement through Shared Epistemic Agency: Socio-Semantic Network AnalysesJun Oshima, Ritsuko Oshima, Ayano Ohsaki, Jin Michael Splichal. [doi]
- Longitudinal Analysis and Visualization of Participation in Online Courses Powered by Cohesion Network AnalysisMaria-Dorinela Sirbu, Mihai Dascalu, Scott A. Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara, Stefan Trausan-Matu. [doi]
- Assessing Collaborative Online Inquiry and Social Deliberation in Digital EnvironmentsJesse R. Sparks, Julie Coiro, Jill Castek, Carita Kiili, Beth Holland, ChangHee Lee. [doi]
- Contribution to the Integration of MOOC in a Hybrid-Learning Project in the Moroccan UniversityBouchaib Riyami. [doi]
- Girls as Experts, Helpers, Organizers, and Leaders: Designing for Equitable Access and Participation in CSCL EnvironmentsKay Ramey, Reed Stevens. [doi]
- The Role of Funds of Knowledge in Online Search and BrokeringWendy Roldan, Paola Vanegas, Laura R. Pina, Carmen González, Jason C. Yip. [doi]
- Tracing Teacher Collaborative Learning and Innovation Adoption: a Case Study in an Inquiry Learning PlatformMaría Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Luis Pablo Prieto, Tobias Ley, Ton de Jong, Denis Gillet. [doi]
- How Embodied Interactions Manifest Themselves During Collaborative Learning in Classroom SettingsZuzanna Lechelt, Yvonne Rogers, Nicolai Marquardt. [doi]
- Moving Beyond the "Façade of Participation": Using Choice-based Design to Enhance Online DiscussionsValerie Barbaro. [doi]
- Conceptualizing and Analyzing the Instructor-Student CollaborationFan Ouyang. [doi]
- Theorizing and Operationalizing Social Engagement as a Precursor to Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Collaborative GroupsToni Kempler Rogat, Britte Cheng, Andrea S. Gomoll, Temitope Adeoye, Anne Traynor, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Patrik Lundh. [doi]
- Disciplinary Task Models for Designing Classroom Orchestration: The Case of Data Visualization for Historical InquiryJosh Radinsky, Iris Tabak, Monika Moore. [doi]
- Emergent Roles, Collaboration, and Conceptual Outcomes for Two Eighth-Grade Groups in CSCL Science ClassesCatherine Dornfeld Tissenbaum, Dana Gnesdilow, Nicole D. Martin, Sadhana Puntambekar. [doi]
- The Role of Asynchronous Digital Feedback in Youth Maker ProjectsErica Halverson, Amy Mueller, Zhaohui Dai. [doi]
- Advancing Elementary Students' Reading Comprehension Through Knowledge BuildingPei-Yi Lin, Huang-Yao Hong, Leanne Ma. [doi]
- Designing for Productive Problem Posing in Informal STEM SpacesKatherine Chapman, Lara Jasien, Paul Reimer, Lauren Vogelstein. [doi]
- Collaborative Uncertainty Management While Solving an Engineering Design ProblemNavneet Kaur, Aastha Patel, Chandan Dasgupta. [doi]
- Exploring Disciplinary Boundaries in Early Elementary Students' Developing PracticesKylie Peppler, Joshua A. Danish, Naomi Thompson. [doi]
- A Wide Lens on Learning in a Networked Society: What Can We Learn by Synthesizing Multiple Research Perspectives?Yael Kali, Iris Tabak, Dani Ben-Zvi, Christopher Hoadley, Hava Ben-Horin, Dror Angel, Keren Aridor, Osnat Atias, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Maya Benichou, Oren Golan, Yaela Golumbic, Yotam Hod, Carmel Kent, Adi Kidron, Hana Manor, Nakhi Mishol-Shauli, Carmit Pion, Sheizaf Rafaeli, Amit Rechavi, Malka Shacham, Amit Schejter, Noam Tirosh, Patrice L. Weiss, Oren Zuckerman. [doi]
- Using Sentence Embeddings to Automatically Extract Cohesion and Alignment Metrics in Problem-Solving TasksAlejandro Andrade, Chris Georgen, Michael Stucker. [doi]
- Computerized Text Analysis: Assessment and Research Potentials for Promoting LearningHee-Sun Lee, Danielle S. McNamara, Zoë Buck Bracey, Ou Lydia Liu, Libby F. Gerard, Bruce Sherin, Chris Wilson, Amy Pallant, Marcia C. Linn, Kevin C. Haudek, Jonathan Osborne. [doi]
- An Innovative Social-Cognitive Engagement Network RepresentationFan Ouyang, Yu-Hui Chang. [doi]
- Supporting Collaborative Curriculum Customizations Using the Knowledge Integration FrameworkKorah J. Wiley, Allison Bradford, Marcia C. Linn. [doi]
- From Material Objects to Social Objects: Researching the Material-Dialogic Spaces of Joint Attention in a School-based MakerspaceKristiina Kumpulainen, Anu Kajamaa. [doi]
- Embedding Microblogging Technology to Support Classroom DialogueAnja Amundrud, Ingvill Rasmussen. [doi]
- Telepresence Robots as Embodied Agents in the ClassroomPenny Thompson, Yam Chaivisit. [doi]
- Negotiating Uncertainty to Develop a Joint Deepening Focus in Knowledge Building DiscourseSimona Pesaresi, Jianwei Zhang 0004. [doi]
- Data Wrangling Practices and Process in Modeling Family Migration Narratives with Big Data Visualization TechnologiesShiyan Jiang, Jennifer Kahn. [doi]
- The Affordable Touchy Feely Classroom: Textbooks Embedded with Manipulable Vectors and Lesson Plans Augment Imagination, Extend Teaching-Learning PracticesDurgaprasad Karnam, Harshit Agrawal, Priyanka Borar, Sanjay Chandrasekharan. [doi]
- Effects of a Digital Guided Peer Feedback System on Student Learning and SatisfactionOmid Noroozi, Arash Bayat, Javad Hatami. [doi]
- Integrative Visualization: Exploring Data Collected in Collaborative Learning ContextsBen Shapiro. [doi]
- Assessing Collaborative Problem Solving in the Context of a Game-based Learning EnvironmentAsmalina Saleh, Yuxin Chen, Abeera P. Rehmat, Karyn Housh, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Krista D. Glazewski, James C. Lester. [doi]
- Using Participatory Design to Facilitate In-service Teacher Learning of Computational ThinkingShamya Karumbaiah, Sugat Dabholkar, Jooeun Shim, Susan A. Yoon, Betty Chandy, Andy Ye. [doi]
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning and Learning Sciences Research in EducMapHeisawn Jeong, Joomi Kim, Kristine Lund, Sebastian Grauwin. [doi]
- Please Don't Shoot the Messenger! Prompts in Online Learning Groups - Influences of Nudging Messages' Sender and Publicness on Recipients' Perception and AttributionFilipa Stoyanova, Nicole Krämer 0001. [doi]
- Mediating Collaboration in History with Network AnalysisHaesol Bae, Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Suraj Uttamchandani, Maksymilian Szostalo. [doi]
- Exploring Students' Self-assessment on Collaborative Process, Calibration, and Metacognition in an Online DiscussionYu Xia, Hyeyeon Lee, Marcela Borge. [doi]
- Application of the IBE-UNESCO Global Competences Framework in Assessing STEM-focused, Global Collaborative Learning Within a Digital Makerspace EnvironmentDanielle P. Espino, Seung B. Lee, Lauren Van Tress, Eric Hamilton 0001. [doi]
- Exploring Teaching and Course Assistants' Interventions with Groups During Collaborative Problem-SolvingSaadeddine Shehab, Emma Mercier. [doi]
- Impacts to Students of Infused Computational-Thinking, Problem-Based-Learning Science Curriculum: Engagement, Opportunity to Learn, Interest, and IdentityAmy Semerjian, Collette Roberto. [doi]
- Teacher Monitoring Routines: Understanding Pedagogical Judgments During Students' Collaborative LearningNadav Ehrenfeld, Ilana Horn. [doi]
- Children's Interactive Strategies Around Digital Technology in Collaborative Learning EnvironmentsDhvani Toprani, Mona AlQahtani, Marcela Borge. [doi]
- An Empirical Study of Educational Robotics as Tools for Group Metacognition and Collaborative Knowledge ConstructionChrysanthos Socratous, Andri Ioannou. [doi]
- Supporting Meaningful Revision of Scientific Ideas in an Online Genetics UnitEmily Harrison, Libby F. Gerard, Marcia C. Linn. [doi]
- Robots to Help Us Feel Safe: A Problem-Based CSCL ExperienceAndrea S. Gomoll. [doi]
- Designing Representations in Deeply Disciplinary Educational GamesRavit Golan Duncan, Frieda Reichsman, Kiley McElroy-Brown, Veronica Cavera. [doi]
- A Case Study on the Development of Pre-Service Teachers' Design ThinkingChih Hui Seet, Huang-Yao Hong, Ching Sing Chai. [doi]
- The Knowledge Building Network Pilot Project: An Exploration of Emergent Designs to Enhance Collective Teacher EfficacyLeanne Ma, Monica Resendes, Marlene Scardamalia, Karen Dobbie. [doi]
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