Abstract is missing.
- Adoption and Evaluation of E-Business in Thai SMEs: A Process PerspectiveLaddawan Kaewkitipong, David H. Brown. 1 [doi]
- A Reference Process Model for IT Service ManagementMichael Rohloff. 2 [doi]
- Using ITIL to Improve IT ServicesKevin P. Duffy, Barbara B. Denison. 3 [doi]
- Quality of IS in Services: Theory of Constructs for Service, Information, and SystemYi Ding. 4 [doi]
- Information Systems and Stock Return VolatilityEran Rubin, Amir Rubin. 5 [doi]
- Complementarities in Extended Enterprises: A Framwork for IT ValueShivraj Kanungo, Srinivas Prasad, Vikas Jain. 6 [doi]
- A Methodological Examination of Empirical Research on Information Systems Success: 2003 to 2007Nils Urbach, Stefan Smolnik, Gerold Riempp. 7 [doi]
- Information Systems Ph.D. Program in Africa: The Case of Addis Ababa University - EthiopiaSolomon Negash, Richard Watson. 8 [doi]
- Learning from the Past & Charting the Future of IS Research on Africa: Reflections on Information Systems Research on Africa within Western Information Systems JournalsPeter Meso. 9 [doi]
- The Impacts of Socio-Economic and Cultural Factors on the Network Readiness of Nations: A Focus on the Regions of AfricaPrincely Ifinedo. 10 [doi]
- Using Biometric Authentication to Improve Fire Ground Accountability: An Assessment of Firefighter Privacy ConcernsDarrell Carpenter, Alexander J. McLeod Jr., Jan Guynes Clark. 11 [doi]
- Information Sharing and Emergency Services: An Examination Using Information Security PrinciplesWm. Arthur Conklin. 12 [doi]
- Perceived Risk and Resilience in the Face of Natural Disasters: A Study of HospitalInsu Park, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya. 13 [doi]
- Finding a Grassroots Voice for Consumer Empowerment in E-Healthcare: A State Level Perspective Using the Grounded Theory InvestigationSherrie Drye Cannoy, A. F. Salam, Lakshmi S. Iyer. 14 [doi]
- Bridging Care Communication and Health Management Within Diverse and Underserved PopulationsNathan Botts, Thomas A. Horan. 15 [doi]
- Prospective Analysis of the Mobile Health Information Systems in ChinaXiaoqing Li. 16 [doi]
- New Public Management and IT: A Mexican Case StudyJosé Martínez Vilchis, Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán. 17 [doi]
- An Exploratory Analysis of E-Government Development in the CaribbeanRhoda C. Joseph, Patrick I. Jeffers. 18 [doi]
- Social Inclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery in Germany - A Quantitative AnalysisJörg Becker, Philipp Bergener, Björn Niehaves, Michael Räckers. 19 [doi]
- Towards an Understanding of the Business Value of Business Process Standardization - A Case Study ApproachAlexander von Stetten, Bjoern Muenstermann, Andreas Eckhardt, Sven Laumer. 20 [doi]
- Towards an Economic Justification of Service Oriented Architectures - Measuring the Financial ImpactJan vom Brocke, Oliver Thomas, Christian Sonnenberg. 21 [doi]
- Comparing the Operational Integration of a Core Information System in Insourcing and Outsourcing FirmsDaniel Beimborn, Frank Schlosser, Tim Weitzel, Rudy Hirschheim, Andrew Schwarz. 22 [doi]
- Collaborative Worlds and Avatar-Based Communication: A Comparison of Virtual Worlds with Traditional Computer-Mediated Communications MediaSamuel H. Goh, David B. Paradice. 23 [doi]
- Being Interrupted by Instant Messaging: Does it Matter Who is Interrupting - The Boss or The Coworker?Ashish Gupta 0004, Han Li. 24 [doi]
- B2C Advice on Complex Service Products via Video Calls: Explanations from Social Presence and Adaptive Structuration TheoryMirjam Schmidt, Rita Walczuch, Ko de Ruyter. 25 [doi]
- The Effect of Learning Styles on Academic Performance in Technology Mediated LearningBob McQuaid. 26 [doi]
- Developing a Grounded Theory Model on Collaboration in LearningMichelle J. Boese, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall. 27 [doi]
- Employers' Support of the Use of E-Portfolios by Job ApplicantsDennis O. Gheris, Albert Fundaburk. 28 [doi]
- Studying Community Dynamics with an Incremental Graph Mining AlgorithmTanja Falkowski, Anja Barth, Myra Spiliopoulou. 29 [doi]
- Social Network and Content Analysis: An Integrated Methodology to Investigate a Global Community EvolutionMarco De Maggio, Francesca Grippa, Giuseppina Passiante. 30 [doi]
- The Evolution of the German Corporate Network (1896-1933)Karoline Krenn, Paul Windolf. 31 [doi]
- Information Theoretic Approach to Design of Emergency Response SystemsRui Chen, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya. 32 [doi]
- Application of Domain Ontology for Decision Support in Medical Emergency CoordinationFonny Sujanto, Frada Burstein, Andrzej Ceglowski, Leonid Churilov. 33 [doi]
- Mediated Internet Experience for Senior CitizensRajarshi Chakraborty, H. Raghav Rao, Vidyaraman Sankaranarayanan, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya. 34 [doi]
- Unweaving the Phisher's Net: An Exploratory StudyBegona Perez-Mira. 35 [doi]
- An Experimental Investigation of Online Banking Adoption in ChinaGuangying Hua. 36 [doi]
- Achieving Cultural Fit in Global Information Systems ImplementationEsther Brainin. 37 [doi]
- Understanding Music Sharing Behavior in China: Development of an InstrumentDonald L. Amoroso, Pamila Dembla, Hui Wang, Martina E. Greiner, Pengpeng Liu. 38 [doi]
- National Culture's Impact on B2B Technology Adoption in ThailandSavanid Vatanasakdakul. 39 [doi]
- An Empirical Study on the Effect of Attitude Toward Change and Computer Self-Efficacy on ERP Adoption: A Comparison of the Local and Global PackagesKee-Young Kwahk. 40 [doi]
- Toward a Theory of Socialization in Open Source Software Communities: A Symbolic Interactionist PerspectiveJijesh Devan, Dany Di Tullio. 41 [doi]
- Open Source Software in Complex Domains: Current Perceptions in the Embedded Systems AreaBjörn Lundell, Brian Lings, Anna Syberfeldt. 42 [doi]
- Impacts of Social Network Structure on Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Development TeamsYuan Long, Keng Siau. 43 [doi]
- How Users Respond to Authentication Methods: A Study of Security ReadinessJun Sun, Punit Ahluwalia. 44 [doi]
- Cross Domain Privacy Protection for Location-Based ServicesOliver Jorns, Gerald Quirchmayr. 45 [doi]
- Moving Towards Information System Security Accreditation within Australian State Government AgenciesStephen Smith, Rodger Jamieson, Deborah Bunker, Donald Winchester. 46 [doi]
- Orientação do Alinhamento Estratégico entre Negócio e Tecnologia de Informacao: Uma Analise Focade no Processo de Desenvolvimento de ProdutosEnor Tonolli, Angela F. Brodbeck. 47 [doi]
- Evaluation of Information Technology Business Value: Review Theoretical and Initial Study in a Brazilian IndustryManoel Veras de Sousa Neto, Fernando Luiz Emerenciano Viana, Miguel Moreno Anez. 48 [doi]
- Uma Analise do Nivel de Maturidade do Alinhamento Estrategico Entre Negocio e Tecnologia de InformacaoAngela Freitag Brodbeck, Eduardo Henrique Rigoni, Norberto Hoppen. 49 [doi]
- RFID Adoption: An Exploratory Study of Issues and ConcernsAnand S. Kunnathur, Sridhar Vaithianathan. 50 [doi]
- Assessing the Effects of Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility Through RFIDAdam Melski, Jürgen Müller 0003, Alexander Zeier, Matthias Schumann. 51 [doi]
- Performance Improvements Based on RFID - Empirical Findings from a Cross-Sectional StudyTitus Faupel, Jens Strüker, Daniel Gille. 52 [doi]
- Strategic Alignment Maturity: A Structural Equation Model ValidationJerry N. Luftman, John Dorociak, Rajkumar M. Kempaiah, Eduardo Henrique Rigoni. 53 [doi]
- Real Options: Strategic Technology Migration Options in Wireless IndustryHak-Ju Kim. 54 [doi]
- An Exploratory Study on Environmental Sustainability and IT UseLutfus Sayeed, Sam Gill. 55 [doi]
- An Exploratory Study Comparing the Core Concepts of Information Systems Development and Software EngineeringNik R. Hassan, Lars Mathiassen. 56 [doi]
- Language-Critical Enterprise and Software EngineeringErich Ortner. 57 [doi]
- Journal Rakings 2008: A Synthesis of StudiesMark L. Gillenson, Tom Stafford. 58 [doi]
- B2B Online Reverse Auctions and the Future of Information Systems as the Discipline of ReferenceMohamed Hédi Charki, Nabila Boukef Charki. 59 [doi]
- Self-Organization Mechanisms for Information Systems - A SurveyAndré Miede, Nicolas Repp, Julian Eckert, Ralf Steinmetz. 60 [doi]
- Acculturation to the Global Culture, Ethnic Identification and the Adoption of Social ComputingReem Ayouby, Anne-Marie Croteau. 61 [doi]
- Culture and IS: A Criticism of Predefined Cultural Archetypes StudiesMaged Ali, Laurence Brooks. 62 [doi]
- A Preliminary Investigation of the Moderating Affects of National Culture and Regulation on the Relationship Between Innovation and Performanve of Information Service FirmsKallol Kumar Bagchi, Peeter Kirs. 63 [doi]
- Integrating Lightweight Systems Analysis into the United Process by Using Service Responsibility TablesXin Tan, Steven Alter, Keng Siau. 64 [doi]
- Systems Analysis Using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change: Encouraging Adoption of "Best Practices" Over "Standard Practices"Morgan C. Benton, Marilyn Tremaine. 65 [doi]
- Requirement Prioritization Decision Factors for Agile Development EnvironmentsGregory Hoff, Ann L. Fruhling, Kerry Ward. 66 [doi]
- Dynamic Healthcare Connectivity and Collaboration with Multi-Agent SystemsJoseph M. Woodside. 67 [doi]
- Toward Adopting a Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN): Promises and Challenges68 [doi]
- Examining HIV and Tuberculosis Using a Decision Support Systems Computer Simulation Model: The Case of the Russian FederationReda M. Lebcir, Jyoti Choudrie, Rifat A. Atun, Richard J. Coker. 69 [doi]
- Mobile Computing Trends in IS Research: An Inductive Categorization AnalysisYanjun Yu, Avimanyu Datta, D. Alan Ladd, Saonee Sarker. 70 [doi]
- Connecting to the Next Generation Mobile DesktopGeorge Mangalaraj, Chandra S. Amaravadi. 71 [doi]
- RFID-based Recommender Systems in Stationary TradeTorben Hansen, Peter Loos. 72 [doi]
- Blackberry Addiction: Symptoms and OutcomesOfir Turel, Alexander Serenko, Nick Bontis. 73 [doi]
- A Matching Algorithm for Selecting Web Services Based on Non-Functional FeaturesSaid Elnaffar. 74 [doi]
- Service Consumer Model: Understanding and Describing Consumers for New Service DevelopmentAxel Hochstein, Walter Brenner, Bernhard Schindlholzer. 75 [doi]
- Seeking Synergies Between Four Views of Service in the IS FieldSteven Alter. 76 [doi]
- Generation Y & Web Design: Usability Through Eye TrackingSoussan Djamasbi, Tom Tullis, Marisa Siegel, Daniel Capozzo, Robert Groezinger, Frankie Ng. 77 [doi]
- A Location-based Approach for Distributed Kiosk DesignAndy Luse, Susana Berenice Vidrio-Baron, Brian E. Mennecke, Anthony M. Townsend. 78 [doi]
- The Importance of "who" and "what" in Interruption Management: Empirical Evidence from a Cell Phone Use StudySukeshini A. Grandhi, Nate Laws, Brian Amento, Quentin Jones. 79 [doi]
- Emotional Responses to Computer-Based Training Materials in EducationSusan J. Chinn, Robert Heiser, James Suleiman. 80 [doi]
- Simulation Gaming in Technology ManagementTal Ben-Zvi, Thomas C. Carton. 81 [doi]
- An Empirical Investigation of the Relationshops Among Math Confidence, Computer Confidence and Computer Self-Efficacy: Implications for Technology EducationR. Franklin Morris Jr., Evelyn H. Thrasher. 82 [doi]
- Social Network Sites: Antecedents of User Adoption and UsageDeb Sledgianowski, Songpol Kulviwat. 83 [doi]
- Privacy Threat Model for Data Portability in Social Network ApplicationsStefan Weiss. 84 [doi]
- A Social Status Perspective of Network Utility Over Electronic Channels in Academic CommunitiesKarma Sherif, James Wilcox 0002, Jaeki Song. 85 [doi]
- Knowledge Integration in Software TeamsNikhil Mehta, Dianne Hall, Terry Anthony Byrd. 86 [doi]
- By When Do You Need This Done? Discovering Knowledge Workers' Time Management PracticesDezhi Wu, Katia Passerini, Michael R. Bartolacci. 87 [doi]
- Breaking Down the Boundaries: Interdisciplinary and the Future of KMRachel Jones. 88 [doi]
- IS-Related Operational Risk: An Exploratory AnalysisJames Goldstein, Michel Benaroch, Anna Chernobai. 89 [doi]
- Activity Theory Guided Role EngineeringManish Gupta. 90 [doi]
- Misalignment of Expectations for Entry-Level IT AuditorsJeffrey W. Merhout, Meredith A. Flittner, Douglas Havelka. 91 [doi]
- Internet Access in South African Homes: Factors Influencing Consumer ChoiceIrwin Brown, Boipelo Nancy Letsididi, Mohammed Nabeel Nazeer. 92 [doi]
- A Profile of Research on Adoption and Diffusion of ICT/IT/IS in the Consumer/Household/Residential ContextYogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Michael D. Williams, Banita Lal, Anju Dwivedi. 93 [doi]
- Factors Affecting Malaysian Accountants' Broadband Adoption and Use BehaviorMohamad Hisyam Selamat, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Muhammad Syahir Abd Wahab, Mohd Amir Mat Samsudin, Michael D. Williams, Banita Lal. 94 [doi]
- The Role of Access to Personal Support in Fostering Frequent Information Systems UseBrent Furneaux. 95 [doi]
- Exploring the Relationship Between Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning via Fuzzy Cognitive MappingAmir M. Sharif, Zahir Irani. 96 [doi]
- How the Web Influences the Way We Perceive and Evaluate Goods: An Exploratory StudyYun Wan, Makoto Nakayama, Norma G. Sutcliffe. 97 [doi]
- A Design Study of an Animated System for Representing Financial RatiosLin Zhao, Julia Grant, Fred L. Collopy, Richard Boland Jr.. 98 [doi]
- Facilitating Flexibility in Supply Chain Organizations: The Confounding Effect of InformationJoseph B. Skipper, W. Heath Landrum, Joseph R. Huscroft, Todd Peachey, Dianne Hall, Joseph B. Hanna. 99 [doi]
- A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Prove Bullwhip Effect in Supply ChainsMohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi, Milad Avazbeigi. 100 [doi]
- Calculating the Process Driven Business Value of RFID Investments - A Causal Model for the Measurement of RFID Technologies in Supply Chain LogisticsJörg Becker, Lev Vilkov, Burkhard Weiß, Axel Winkelmann. 101 [doi]
- Internet Business Practices Across the Globe: Lessons from Emerging EconomiesJonathan Whitaker, Nigel Melville, Robert K. Plice, Jason L. Dedrick. 102 [doi]
- Barriers to Enterprise System Implementation Success: Learning from Practitioners in PolandPiotr Soja. 103 [doi]
- End User Adoption of ERP Systems: Investigation of Four BeliefsIbrahim M. Al-Jabri, Ahmad Al-Hadab. 104 [doi]
- Information Technology and Business Value in a Global Economy: Do Information Technology Investments Pay Off In a Developing Economy?Acklesh Prasad, Jon Heales. 105 [doi]
- Conceptualization and Measurement of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM): An Examination of Past Practices and Suggestions for Future ApplicationsMatthew Swinarski, Eric Jackson, Rajiv Kishore. 106 [doi]
- Critical Success Factors in SOA ImplementationJohn Erickson, Keng Siau. 107 [doi]
- Migrating Legacy Systems in the Global Merger & Acquisition Environment Teaching CasePairin Katerattanakul, Hwee-Joo Kam, James J. Lee, Soongoo Hong. 108 [doi]
- Dynamic Effects of Communication in Software Development Teams: A Comparison of Three ModelsJun He. 109 [doi]
- A Flexible Telemedicine Framework for the Continuous Upkeep of Patient Lifetime Health Records (F2U-LHR)Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani, Rajeev K. Bali, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Ian M. Marshall, Vikraman Baskaran, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, John Puentes. 110 [doi]
- Health Informatics: A UK and Canadian Perspective on Current and Future ChallengesVikraman Baskaran, Rajeev K. Bali, Hisbel Arochena, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Mohd Khanapi Abd Khanapi, B. Shah, Aziz Guergachi, C. Cyrne, Nilmini Wickramasinghe. 111 [doi]
- Towards a Knowledge-Based Secure Healthcare Resource Balancing SystemAapo Immonen, Rajeev K. Bali, Nilmini Wickramasinghe. 112 [doi]
- A Cross-Category Analysis of the Effects of Consumer Reviews and RatingsBin Wang, Bao-Jun Jiang. 113 [doi]
- The Mediating Role of Trust in the Relationship Between Online Shopping Experience and Consumer's Shopping ValuesMisuk Kim, Chul Woo Yoo, Cheul Rhee, Young Chan Choe. 114 [doi]
- Flexible VWAP Executions in Electronic TradingPeter Gomber, Marco Lutat, Adrian Wranik. 115 [doi]
- Virtual Community Ventures: Success Drivers in the Case of Online Video SharingClaudia Loebbecke, Claudio Huyskens. 116 [doi]
- Towards a Reference Architecture of Intent for Information Systems Strategic AlignmentRichard W. Woolridge, Joanne E. Hale, David P. Hale. 117 [doi]
- Framework and Reference for Architecture DesignMichael Rohloff. 118 [doi]
- Enterprise Systems Education: New Directions & Challenges for the FutureBrian H. Cameron. 119 [doi]
- e-Accessibility: Making the Web Accessible to the Visually Impaired PersonsSimone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Denis Silva da Silveira, Marie Agnes Chauvel, Marcos Gurgel do Amaral Leal Ferreira. 120 [doi]
- Will Flow Experience Lead to Better Outcomes in Online Shopping?Yi Maggie Guo, Marshall Scott Poole. 121 [doi]
- Measuring the Value of User Participation in Change Projects - Results from Case Studies in the Mobile IT-Service SectorBettina Thurnher, Jan vom Brocke. 122 [doi]
- Pleasing Some of the People Most of teh Time: A Pilot Study of a Citrix ImplementationJanos Fustos, Kathryn A. Marold, Gerard J. Morris. 123 [doi]
- Curriculum Decisions: Assessing and Updating IS CurriculumTracie M. Dodson, Rebecca Giorcelli. 124 [doi]
- Toward an Engaging Learning Experience for StudentsRoberto Muñoz Rosario, George R. Widmeyer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz. 125 [doi]
- The Sieve of OverspecializationWilliam (Bill) Bonner. 126 [doi]
- Introduction of a Coding Scheme of the Source and Target in Appropriation MovesDavid W. Miller. 127 [doi]
- The "Love of Art" vs. Website Design: An Application of Bourdieu's Theory in Online EnvironmentsJessie Pallud, Detmar W. Straub. 128 [doi]
- Towards a Semantic Data Quality Management - Using Ontologies to Assess Master Data Quality in RetailingJörg Becker, Martin Matzner, Oliver Müller, Axel Winkelmann. 129 [doi]
- The Economic Sciences and the Information Age: Lessons from the Nobel LaureatesPaulette S. Alexander, James G. Alexander. 130 [doi]
- A Framework for Classification of the Data and Information Quality Literature and Preliminart Results (1996-2007)M. Pamela Neely, Jack S. Cook. 131 [doi]
- A Model of Error Propagation in Satisficing Decisions and its Application to Database Quality ManagementIrit Askira Gelman. 132 [doi]
- Threat Modeling the EnterpriseJeffrey A. Ingalsbe, Daniel Shoemaker, Nancy R. Mead, Antonio Drommi. 133 [doi]
- A Dynamic Query-Rewriting Mechanism for Role-Based Access Control in DatabasesJay Jarman, James A. McCart, Donald J. Berndt, Jay Ligatti. 134 [doi]
- Enabelers and Inhibitors of Healthcare Information Technology Adoption: Toward a Dual-Factor ModelAnol Bhattacherjee, Neset Hikmet. 135 [doi]
- Reconsidering Subjective Norm - A Multilayer-Framework for Modeling Normative Beliefs in IT AdoptionAndreas Eckhardt, Sven Laumer, Tim Weitzel. 136 [doi]
- Open Source Software Adoption: An Investigation Into Motivations and Amotivations of UsersYan Li, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Hock-Hai Teo. 137 [doi]
- Towards World of Warcraft as an Experiment Platform for TeamsAchim Dannecker, Sebastian Richter, Ulrike Lechner, Nico Dressner, Sebastian Fabisch, Anne Ilsemann. 138 [doi]
- Second Life: Community and Society as a Focus for Marketing ApproachesRobert Hooker, David B. Paradice. 139 [doi]
- Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds: An Exploratory StudyJia Shen, Lauren B. Eder. 140 [doi]
- The Benefits of Unexpected Informal Customer Support from Vendors in Online CommunitiesYitshak Merin, Wenli Wang. 141 [doi]
- Virtual Organizations in Practice: A European PerspectiveAisha Abuelmaatti, Yacine Rezgui. 142 [doi]
- Online Consumer Reviews: Does Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth Hurt More?Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee. 143 [doi]
- Isolation and Emotions in the Workplace: The Influence of Perceived Media Richness and VirtualityJessie Pallud, Christophe M. Elie-Dit-Cosaque. 144 [doi]
- Understanding the Motivations of Consumer Knowledge Sharing in Online CommunitySarah P. W. Shek, Choon-Ling Sia. 145 [doi]
- Information Buried in B2B Contracts: Towards Identifying Interdependencies in IT Service ProcessesSagnika Sen, Amit V. Deokar. 146 [doi]
- Business Intelligence Center ConceptsCarsten Unger, Hans-Georg Kemper, Arvid Russland. 147 [doi]
- Towards a Stage Model for E-Business Adoption Among SMEs: Preliminary Results for Manufacturing and Service FirmsSimha R. Magal, Parag Kosalge, Nancy M. Levenburg. 148 [doi]
- An Analysis of the Management Capabilities of ICT Innovation for Sustained Competitiveness in SMEsShari S. C. Shang, Liang-yu Liao. 149 [doi]
- An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Gender Perception of Computing, Computer Self-Efficacy and Anxiety: Comparison Between the US and IndiaKittipong Laosethakul, Thaweephan Leingpibul. 150 [doi]
- Cross Cultural Study of Multimedia Effects on First Impression BiasXiang Fang, T. M. Rajkumar. 151 [doi]
- An Ethnorelative Framework for Information Systems DesignDavid J. Saab. 152 [doi]
- Percieved Evaluability - Development of a Theoretical Model and a Measurement ScaleJörg Becker, Daniel Pfeiffer, Christian Janiesch. 153 [doi]
- System Analysis as Scientific InquiryJoerg Evermann, Riddhi Mistry. 154 [doi]
- Associations and Mutual Properties - An Experimental AssessmentJoerg Evermann, Haidir Hallimi. 155 [doi]
- Quality Assurance Based Healthcare Information System DesignMark Christopher Shaw, Bernd Carsten Stahl. 156 [doi]
- Cost of Controlling Modern Healthcare With Information SystemsMatthew W. Guah, Kerstin Fink. 157 [doi]
- Technology Management Competency of Healthcare IS Professionals and Its Effects on IT-healthcare PartnershipsJen-Her Wu, Yi-Cheng Chen. 158 [doi]
- Prototypical Implementation of an Intermediary Platform for Context-Sensitive Mobile Marketing ApplicationsAndreas Albers, Christian Kahl. 159 [doi]
- The Impact Logic of Mobile Technology Usage on Job ProductionSina Deibert, Armin Heinzl, Franz Rothlauf. 160 [doi]
- A Mobile Support System for Collaborative Multi-Vendor Sales ProcessesJochen Kokemüller, Holger Kett, Oliver Höß, Anette Weisbecker. 161 [doi]
- Enterprise Architecture: Charting the Territory for Academic ResearchLeon A. Kappelman, Tom McGinnis, Alex Pettite, Anna Sidorova. 162 [doi]
- The Role of Information Technology in Firm Agility: An Electronic Integration PerspectiveSalman Nazir, Alain Pinsonneault. 163 [doi]
- Striking the Right Balance When Users are Good at IT Too!: Partnering for Enterprise System SuccessJoshua M. Davis, William J. Kettinger. 164 [doi]
- Workflow and Performance Under Computer Mediated InterruptionsK. Asli Basoglu, Mark A. Fuller. 165 [doi]
- Understanding and Managing Website Information Content: The WICS MethodJoseph P. Hasley, Dawn G. Gregg. 166 [doi]
- Online Form Complexity Assessment for Developing Assistive TechnologiesTony Elliman, Arthur G. Money, Lorna Lines, Senaka Fernando. 167 [doi]
- Teaching and Learning about Virtual Collaboration: What We Know and Need to KnowAlanah J. Davis, Ilze Zigurs. 168 [doi]
- Using Technologlical Tools to Solve Group Work Problems in Higher Education of Under Developing Countries: A Case StudyHabib Ullah Khan. 169 [doi]
- Towards the Development of an Integrative Framework for Technology Mediated LearningYujong Hwang. 170 [doi]
- Social Sensors for Automatic Data CollectionDaniel Olguín Olguín, Alex Pentland. 171 [doi]
- Social Network Analysis Using Author Co-Citation DataHyunjung Kim, George A. Barnett. 172 [doi]
- Profile of the Social Network in Photo Sharing SystemsPrzemyslaw Kazienko, Katarzyna Musial, Tomasz Kajdanowicz. 173 [doi]
- Smart Knowledge Capture for Developing Adaptive Management SystemsPhilip J. Murphy, Naicong Li, Roy C. Averill-Murray, Paul Burgess, Nathan Strout. 174 [doi]
- An Integrated Logistics Model for Environmental Conscious Supply Chain Network DesignAmin Chaabane, Amar Ramudhin, Marc Paquet, Mohammed Amine Benkaddour. 175 [doi]
- The Land and Water Integration Decision Support SystemIsaac W. S. Wong, Phil Fong, William G. Booty, Cathy Neilsen, Glenn Benoy, David A. Swayne. 176 [doi]
- A Method for Authentication Services in Wireless NetworksHuy Hoang Ngo, Xianping Wu, Phu Dung Le, Campbell Wilson. 177 [doi]
- Efficacy of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms in the Context of Disclosing Health Information OnlineGaurav Bansal, Fatemeh Zahedi, David Gefen. 178 [doi]
- Mobile User's Privacy Decision Making: Integrating Economic Exchange and Social Justice PerspectivesHeng Xu, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll. 179 [doi]
- Extending IT Infastructures in the Local Government Authorities Through Enterprise Application IntegrationMuhammad Mustafa Kamal, Marinos Themistocleous, Tony Elliman. 180 [doi]
- Realising Transformational Stage E-Government: Challenges, Issues and ComplexitiesVishanth Weerakkody, Gurgit Dhillon, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi, Wendy L. Currie. 181 [doi]
- An Ontology-based Approach for Model Representation, Sharing and ReuseAmit V. Deokar, Omar F. El-Gayar, Nazim Taskin, Ruba Aljafari. 182 [doi]
- IT Portfolio Management: A Case StudyJohn C. Burke, Michael J. Shaw. 183 [doi]
- Teenagers' Elective Use of Computer Technology in Middle and High Schools: The Role of GenderSonia Vilvovsky, Jane Fedorowicz, Andrew J. Golibersuch. 184 [doi]
- The Role of IT Culture in IT Management: Searching for Individual Archetypal IT Cultural ProfilesIsabelle Walsh, Hajer Kefi. 185 [doi]
- 'Academic Capitalism': Universities' Consultancy AgendasKevin Grant, Gabriella Spinelli, Peter Duncan, Ray Hackney, David Edgar. 186 [doi]
- Exploratory Study of the Factors that Influence the Adoption of Electronic Commerce in a Latin-American ContextElizabeth E. Grandon, Nayaret Durán Poblete. 187 [doi]
- Mobile Telephony in Latin America: New Opportunities to Reduce Poverty?Carla Marisa Bonina, Martin Rivero Illa. 188 [doi]
- Factores que Influyen la Decision de "Outsource" Tecnologias de InformacionLidia Trejo Flores, Carlos J. Navarrete, Jose Gomez. 189 [doi]
- Attribute Noise-Sensitivity Impact: Model Performance and Feature RankingMohamed Sidahmed. 190 [doi]
- A Text Mining Approach to Support Intraday Financial Decision-MakingSven S. Groth, Jan Muntermann. 191 [doi]
- An Empirical Study of the Effects of Principal Component Analysis on Symbolic ClassifiersHuimin Zhao, Atish P. Sinha, Sudha Ram. 192 [doi]
- The Moderating Effect of Top Management's Collective Mindfulness on the Relationship between Top Management Support and IS Function PerformanceShaji A. Khan, Dinesh Mirchandani. 193 [doi]
- CIO and CEO Heterogeneity, IT Support, and IT Competitiveness in Stable and Unstable Environments: An Empirical StudyGeneviève Bassellier, Elisa Gagnon, Alain Pinsonneault. 194 [doi]
- A Moral Hazard Perspective on Environmental Uncertainty and IT GovernanceLing Xue, Gautam Ray, Bin Gu. 195 [doi]
- Revising the IT Outsourcing Decision Model: A Transaction Cost PerspectiveForough Karimi Alaghehband, Shikui Wu, Suzanne Rivard, Sylvain Goyette. 196 [doi]
- Boundary Spanning Capabilities in Offshored Information Systems Development Projects: A Conceptual FrameworkPoornima Krishnan, C. Ranganathan. 197 [doi]
- Stakeholder Analysis Framework for IT Enabled Healthcare Outsourcing: Critical Success FactorsSamir Chatterjee, Lorie Obal, Bengisu Tulu, Subbu Murthy. 198 [doi]
- IT Outsourcing: Examined Under the Resource-Based View LensShalini Wunnava, Selwyn Ellis, Mark Kroll, Jim Watkins. 199 [doi]
- Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration: A Literature ReviewMaria Madlberger, Narcyz Roztocki. 200 [doi]
- The Overreliance on Analyst Experience in the Selection of Requirements Elicitation TechniquesRobert M. Fuller, Christopher J. Davis. 201 [doi]
- The Impact of Operating System Obsolescence on the Life Cycle of Distributed TeamsHerbert J. Mattord, Tridib Bandyopadhyay. 202 [doi]
- Understanding Use Cases: Harnessing the Power of Narratives to Comprehend Application DomainsMerete Hvalshagen, Vijay Khatri, Venkataraman Ramesh. 203 [doi]
- Factors Affecting Mobile Commerce Adoption: A Cross-Cultural Study in China and The United StatesHua Dai, Prashant Palvia. 204 [doi]
- An Assessment of Mobile Consumer Interest in Jamaica: Preempting a Decline in Average Revenue per UserPaul Golding, Opal Alphine Donaldson. 205 [doi]
- Factors Influencing Intention to Gamble OnlineChang Boon Patrick Lee, Lin Hammer Xia. 206 [doi]
- Adoption of Mobile Service UpgradeL New and Current UsersKevin K. W. Ho. 207 [doi]
- Corporate Acceptance of M-Technology in the Service Sector: A Case StudyRana Tassabehji, James Wallace, Amit Srivastava. 208 [doi]
- Locating Base Stations for Mobile ServersTammy Drezner, Zvi Drezner. 209 [doi]
- Bidder Migration and Its Price Effects on AuctionsMingfeng Lin, Wolfgang Jank. 210 [doi]
- Modeling, Customer-Specific Configuration and Calculation of BundlesJörg Becker, Daniel Beverungen, Ralf Knackstedt, Oliver Müller. 211 [doi]
- Fit Between IT Outsourcing Supplier Sourcing Capabilities and Organizational Structure: A Conceptual ModelAlbert Plugge, Harry Bouwman. 212 [doi]
- The Role of Trust in the Intention to Use Feedback from Reputation SystemsSandra A. Vannoy, Anupam Kumar Nath, Lakshmi S. Iyer. 213 [doi]
- Trust and Satisfaction as the Relational Outcomes of Perceived Usefulness in B2C Online Servive ContextMatti Mäntymäki, Reetta Raitoharju. 214 [doi]
- Font Personality and B2C E-Commerce TrustSharath Sasidharan, Ganga Dhanesh. 215 [doi]
- Understanding the Formation and Effects of General Self Effocacy in Business StudentsJun He, Jon E. Adams. 216 [doi]
- Internationalizing The Information Systems Cirriculum: A Case StudyAlemayehu Molla, Hepu Deng, Brian J. Corbitt. 217 [doi]
- Examining Approaches to Effective Concept Delivery; One Professor's Approach in the MIS Survey CourseDana Schwieger. 218 [doi]
- The Appropriation and Enactment of E-Government Projects by ICT Professionals: A Case Study of DubaiNoora Alghatam. 219 [doi]
- Do We Need Intermediaries in E-Government? Intermediaries to Create a Demand-Driven GovernmentMarijn Janssen, Bram Klievink. 220 [doi]
- Is There Gold in California Data Mines?: Using Stakeholder Theory to Analyze the Tradeoff Berween Individual Privacy and the Public GoodJane Fedorowicz, Janis L. Gogan, Mary J. Culnan. 221 [doi]
- Increased Knowledge Transfer and Content ManagementJeff Erickson 0002, Jon Brickey. 222 [doi]
- A Business Process Oriented Method of KM Solution Design: The Case of Samsung Electronics Anycall GumiPeter Baloh, Katharina Uthicke, Gyewan Moon, Choi Jaekwon. 223 [doi]
- Infastructure Interdependencies Modeling and Analysis - A Review and SynthesisNan Xiao, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya. 224 [doi]
- A Novel Trust Model to Support Adhoc CollaborationKristie Kosaka, Samir Chatterjee, Hongwei Fu. 225 [doi]
- Effects of Prior Experience and Individual Differences on Perceived Risk of Online Shoppers: A Preliminary StudyIsaac J. Gabriel, Easwar A. Nyshadham. 226 [doi]
- Drivers and Inhibitors of SOA Business Value - Conceptualizing a Research ModelDaniel Beimborn, Nils Joachim, Tim Weitzel. 227 [doi]
- Linux vs. Windows in the Middle Kingdom: A Strategic Valuation Model for Platform CompetitionJohn Gallaugher, Yu-Ming Wang. 228 [doi]
- Decision Factors for the Adoption of E-Finance and other E-Commerce SystemsFang He, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr.. 229 [doi]
- The Impact of Virtuality on the Flexibility of Virtual Teams in Software Development ProjectsSumit Bakshi, S. Krishna. 230 [doi]
- Whose (Partially Distributed) Team Are You On? Interviews About "Us vs. Them" in Corporate SettingsRobin Privman, Starr Roxanne Hiltz. 231 [doi]
- Facilitating Sensemaking in Organizations Through Social Navigation SystemsJing Wu, Alain Pinsonneault. 232 [doi]
- A Rural Tale: A Cautionary Allegory for IS ResearchersMike Newman. 233 [doi]
- Developing the Concept of Individual IT-Culture: The Spinning Top MetaphorIsabelle Walsh, Hajer Kefi. 234 [doi]
- User Adoption of a CRM-based Information System Within a Financial Services Organization: An Empirical AnalysisAmir M. Sharif, Zahir Irani. 235 [doi]
- Improving End-User Satisfaction Through Techno-Stress Prevention: Some Empirical EvidencesQiang Tu, Monideepa Tarafdar, T. S. Ragu-Nathan, Bhanu S. Ragu-Nathan. 236 [doi]
- Understanding Factors Influencing Proficient Information Systems UsageBrenda Eschenbrenner, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah. 237 [doi]
- Gender, Media and Leader Emergence: Examining the Impression Management Strategies of Men and Women in Different SettingsLaku Chidambaram, JoAnne Yong-Kwan Lim, Traci A. Carte. 238 [doi]
- Risky Group Decision Making: A Comparative Analysis of FTF and CMC Teams in Stock-Trak Investment SimulationsFang He, John Pearson, Peter P. Mykytyn Jr., Yihua Philip Sheng. 239 [doi]
- Following the Sun: Exploring Productivity in Temporally Dispersed TeamsJorge A. Colazo. 240 [doi]
- An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between IT Infastructure Flexibility and IT Responsiveness in SMEs: A Resource-Based AnalysisJie Zhang, Han Li, Jennifer L. Ziegelmayer. 241 [doi]
- Change Agents Intervention in E-Business Adoption by SMEs: Evidence from a Developing CountrySheryl Thompson, David H. Brown. 242 [doi]
- An OBTG (Organizational - Business - Technological - Governmental) E-business Adoption Model for Small and Medium Sized EnterprisesDan J. Kim. 243 [doi]
- Readiness of Small Enterprises for GIS: The Question of StrategyJames B. Pick, Kamala Gollakota, Hamid Falatoon, Richard Greene. 244 [doi]
- Courting Multidisciplinary IlliteracyNik R. Hassan. 245 [doi]
- A Monte Carlo Investigation of Partial Least Squares, With Implications for Both Structural and Measurement ModelsMiguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, George M. Marakas, Michael E. Ellis, Wenying Nan Sun. 246 [doi]
- IT Innovation Capability and Returns on IT Innovation PersistenceJee-Hae Lim, Theophanis C. Stratopoulos. 247 [doi]
- Event Studies in Information Systems Research: A ReviewNarcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer. 248 [doi]
- Understanding the Information Technology Innovation Impact on Firm Performance: An Empirical InvestigationMyung S. Ko, Jan Guynes Clark. 249 [doi]
- Assessing Hospital Information Systems Processes: A Validation of PRISE Information Systems Success Model in HealthcareSevgi Ozkan, Nazife Byakal, Murat Sincan. 250 [doi]
- Error Reduction in Healthcare DeliveryDanny C. C. Poo, Sunil K. Sethi, Anil K. Ratty. 251 [doi]
- Adoption of e-Government in Europe: A Regional Level PerspectiveMichael D. Williams, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi. 252 [doi]
- Evaluating eGovernment in the Large - A Requirements Oriented ApproachThomas Matheis, Jörg Ziemann, Daniel M. Schmidt, Maria Wimmer, Peter Loos. 253 [doi]
- An Internet EDI Model for E-GovernmentFiona Holder, Anne Banks Pidduck. 254 [doi]
- A Leadership Knowledge Management Model for E-Government: A Preliminary Empirical TestXiaoni Zhang, Victor R. Prybutok, Sherry D. Ryan, Jason H. Sharp. 255 [doi]
- Inhibiting Factors for Adopting Enterprise Systems in Networks of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - An Exploratory Case StudyMarkus Schäfermeyer, Christoph Rosenkranz. 256 [doi]
- Experiences While Selecting, Adapting and Implementing ERP Systems in SMEs: A Case StudyAxel Winkelmann, Karsten Klose. 257 [doi]
- Integration Scenarios for Business CollaborationPetra Schubert. 258 [doi]
- Why and When Will Banner Blindness Occur? An Analysis Based on the Dual Processing TheoryYongqiang Sun, Kai H. Lim, Jerry Zeyu Peng, Chunping Jiang, Xiaojian Chen. 259 [doi]
- The Effect of Background Music-Induced Arousal on Online Consumer Search Behavior: Evaluating Search Performance and ExperienceLingling Xu, Chung Haur Koh, Hock Chuan Chan. 260 [doi]
- A Meta-Analytic Review of More than a Decade of Research on General Computer Self-Efficacy: Research in ProgressClay Posey, Yan Liu, Bryan Fuller. 261 [doi]
- The Effects of Using a Tablet PC on Teaching and Learning ProcessesFang Chen, James Sager, Gail Corbitt, Kent Sandoe. 262 [doi]
- Web-Based vs. Traditional Education: Does Distance Education at the Graduate Level Deserve a Failing GradeBrian M. Jones, Andrea Everard. 263 [doi]
- Factors Motivating Software Piracy in VietnamChul Woo Yoo, Misuk Kim, Young Chan Choe, Vo Quoc Tuan. 264 [doi]
- Using Actor Network Theory to Interpret the Introduction of Information Systems within the London Ambulance ServiceLaurence Brooks, Guy Fitzgerald, Christopher Atkinson. 265 [doi]
- The Impact of Structural Embeddedness on Perceived Trust on Alternative Trading Systems, Trading Cost, and Access to Information in the Fixed-Income MarketGokul Bhandari, John J. Siam. 266 [doi]
- User Perceptions and Employment of Interface Agents for Email Notification: An Inductive ApproachAlexander Serenko. 267 [doi]
- Enabling Attributes for Team-Based Knowledge Sharing: A Preliminary Empirical TestBashorat Ibragimova, Sherry D. Ryan. 268 [doi]
- Blowing the Whistle on Unethical Information Techmology Practices: The Role of Machiavellianism, Gender and Computer LiteacyYuan Niu, Antonis C. Stylianou, Susan J. Winter. 269 [doi]
- Mindful Administration of IS Security PoliciesJames L. Parrish Jr., John R. Kuhn Jr., James F. Courtney. 270 [doi]
- Analysis of Student Vulnerabilities to PhishingJanet L. Bailey, Robert B. Mitchell, Bradley K. Jensen. 271 [doi]
- Securing Personal Information Assets: Testing Antecedents of Behavioral IntentionsJongki Kim, Kirk P. Arnett, Gary F. Templeton. 272 [doi]
- Exploring the Role of Gender on Bloggers' Switching BehaviorsKem Z. K. Zhang, Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee, Huaping Chen. 273 [doi]
- The Impact of the Big Five Personality Traits on the Acceptance of Social Networking WebsitePeter A. Rosen, Donald H. Kluemper. 274 [doi]
- How Personality and Relationship Affect Customers' Adoption of Advanced Self Service Technology in Branch BankingSven C. Berger. 275 [doi]
- There All Along? A Preliminary Meta-Analysis of the Moderating Gender Effects in Technology Acceptance ResearchWenying Nan Sun, Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, Michael E. Ellis, George M. Marakas. 276 [doi]
- A Comparison of Evaluation Networks and Collaboration Networks in Open Source Software CommunitiesDaning Hu, J. Leon Zhao. 277 [doi]
- A Cooporative Analysis Framework for Investment Decisions in Community Source PartnershipsManlu Liu, Daniel Dajun Zeng, J. Leon Zhao. 278 [doi]
- Lessons Learned from the Development and Marketing of Mozilla Firefox BrowserLeigh Jin, Bruce Robertson. 279 [doi]
- Managing of Information Systems Risks in Extended Enterprises: The Case of OutsourcingBastian Schlaak, Scott Dynes, Lutz M. Kolbe, Ragnar Schierholz. 280 [doi]
- An Open Reference Framework for Enterprise Information Security Risk Management Using the STOPE Scope and the Six-Sigma ProcessMohamed Saad Saleh, Abdulkader Alfantookh, John Mellor, Saad Haj Bakry. 281 [doi]
- An Exploratory Study of Bloggers' Information Sharing Behavior: The Role of Online Privacy ConcernsSangmi Chai, Sanjukta Das, H. Raghav Rao. 282 [doi]
- Social Cognitive Theory: Information Security Awareness and PracticeSantos M. Galvez, Indira R. Guzman. 283 [doi]
- Analisis de los roles de liderazgo en la implementacion de sistemas empresariales (ERP). Caso de una Universidad MexicanaNoe Garcia Sanchez, Pedro Lopez Santiago, Jose A. Santillan Mendoza, Juan J. Martinez-Herrejon. 284 [doi]
- El Impacto del Adiestramiento, Habilidades en Tecnologia de la Informacion y Gerencia de Proyectos en el Exito de Implementaciones de Sistemas Integrados de Planificacion de Recuersos Empresariales (ERP) en la Pequena ya Mediana Empresa: Una Investigacion Empirica en America LatinaMiguel Maldonado, Martin Santana, Oswaldo Lorenzo. 285 [doi]
- Stages in Adoption of RFID Innovations by Organizations: Identifying Facilitaors and InhibitorsAnand Jeyaraj, Arijit Sengupta, Vikram Sethi. 286 [doi]
- Drivers of RFID Adoption in the Automotive IndustryHanna Krasnova, Lorenz Weser, Lenka Ivantysynova. 287 [doi]
- Profiling Benefits of RFID ApplicationsHenning Baars, Xuanpu Sun, Jens Strüker, Daniel Gille. 288 [doi]
- On The Impact of Strategic Planning on Mandatory IS InvestmentsKatharina Krell, Sabine Matook. 289 [doi]
- Business-IS Alignment: Assessment Process to Align IT Projects With Business StrategyAnabel Gutierrez, Charalampos Mylonadis, Jorge Orozco, Alan Serrano. 290 [doi]
- How to Achieve IT Business Alignment? Investigating the Role of Business Process Documentation in US and German BanksDaniel Beimborn, Rudy Hirschheim, Frank Schlosser, Andrew Schwarz, Tim Weitzel. 291 [doi]
- Leadership and Trust in Partially Distributed Software Development TeamsLinda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Rosalie J. Ocker, Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, Mary Beth Rosson. 292 [doi]
- Real-Time Control Mediation in Agile Distributed Software DevelopmentJohn Stouby Persson, Ivan Aaen, Lars Mathiassen. 293 [doi]
- Supporting Global Software Development with Web 2.0 Technologies - Insights from and Empirical StudyAlexander Benlian, Thomas Hess. 294 [doi]
- The Hirsch Family of Bibliometric Indices as an Improved Measure of IS Academic Journal ImpactMichael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda, Duane P. Truex. 295 [doi]
- Classification of Communication Defects in DWH ProjectsAlexander Hoffmann, Wolf Behrmann. 296 [doi]
- Information Systems and Decision Quality: Lessons from Information Economics and Agency TheoryFriederike Wall. 297 [doi]
- e-Collaboration Satisfaction: Empirical Field Studies of Disconfirmation Theory Across Two CulturesGert-Jan de Vreede, Bruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs. 298 [doi]
- IT Outsourcing Relationship Quality Dimensions and Drivers: Empirical Evidence from the Financial IndustryStefan Blumenberg. 299 [doi]
- Defining the Business Model in the New World of Digital BusinessMutaz M. Al-Debi, Ramzi El-Haddadeh, David Avison. 300 [doi]
- Exploring Different Roles of Information Technology for Increasing Productivity: Manufacturing vs. Service IndustriesJunghoon Moon, Sooran Jo, Hong-Kyu Lee, Sun-Ok Kwon. 301 [doi]
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- Piloting RFID in an Aerospace and Defense Supply ChainAshish Kumar Tewary, Parag Kosalge, Jaideep Motwani. 303 [doi]
- Design Criteria for Transparent Mobile Event RecommendationsMike Radmacher. 304 [doi]
- Online Gaming Adoption in Competitive Social Networks: Combining the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Network TheoryThomas Weiss, Claudia Loebbecke. 305 [doi]
- Measuring Enjoyment of Computer Game PlayXiaowen Fang, Susy S. Chan, Jacek Brzezinski, Chitra Nair. 306 [doi]
- Learning REAL Business Skills in a Virtual World: An Action Learning PerspectiveRachael Kwai Fun Ip, Christian Wagner, Sesia J. Zhao. 307 [doi]
- Student Perceptions of Online Homework Grading SoftwareCindi Khanlarian, Ruth King. 308 [doi]
- A Study of the Changing Process of Knowledge-Sharing HabitsMei-Lien Young, Chun-Chi Chen. 309 [doi]
- A Graph Theoretic Approach for Analysis and Design of Community Wireless NetworksAbdelnasser Abdelaal, Hesham H. Ali. 310 [doi]
- Closing the Business-IT 'Gap': A Trust-Building ApproachTally Hatzakis. 311 [doi]
- If ICTs are Laboratories..Elisabeth Davenport, Keith S. Horton. 312 [doi]
- Sources of Conflict Between Developers and Testers in Software DevelopmentXihui Zhang, Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal, Mark L. Gillenson, Gertrude Moeller. 313 [doi]
- Would You Share? Examining How Knowledge Type and Communication Channel Influence Knowledge SharingPaul Michael Di Gangi, Molly Wasko. 314 [doi]
- Exploring the Influence of Ethical Norms on Organizaional Knowledge Management: An Ethical Climate PerspectiveFan-Chuan Tseng, Grace Feng Wang, Yen-Jung Fan. 315 [doi]
- IT and NPD Performance: Unveiling the Mediating Effects of Process Integration and Knowledge IntegrationShamel Addas, Alain Pinsonneault. 316 [doi]
- Decision Support for Perceived Threat in the Context of Intrustion Detection SystemsChristopher S. Leberknight, George R. Widmeyer, Michael Recce. 317 [doi]
- Defending Cyber Terrorism - A Game Theoretic Modeling ApproachTridib Bandyopadhyay, Herbert J. Mattord. 318 [doi]
- A Constructive Approach to Information Systems Security Training: An Action Research ExperienceJuhani Heikka. 319 [doi]
- Efficacy and Acceptance in E-File AdoptionLemuria Carter, L. Christian Schaupp. 320 [doi]
- E-Government Implementation Challenges at Local Level: A Citizens' Centric PerspectiveVikas Jain, Shalini Kesar. 321 [doi]
- The Use of Wireless Internet Parks to Facilitate Adoption and Diffusion of E-Government Services: An Empirical Study in QatarShafi Al-Shafi, Vishanth Weerakkody. 322 [doi]
- Updating Data Warehouses with Temporal DataNayem Rahman. 323 [doi]
- A Bayesian-Decision Analysis Framework for the Financial Evaluation of Automatic Incident Detection DevicesParag C. Pendharkar. 324 [doi]
- Economics of Virtual Communities - The Case of the Berlin Stock ExchangeJan vom Brocke, Christian Sonnenberg, Christoph Lattemann, Stefan Stieglitz. 325 [doi]
- Antecedents of Behavioral Intention of Virtual Community Participation: An Empirical StudyHonglei Li, Vincent S. Lai. 326 [doi]
- A Service Integration Model of Value Creation: A Study of Commercial Online CommunitiesJian Cai, Lingyun Qiu, Fei Ren. 327 [doi]
- A Model for Understanding Success of Virtual Community Management TeamsChristoph Rosenkranz, Christoph Feddersen. 328 [doi]
- Clusterizacion de la Industria de Software en MexicoCarlos Alberto Dorantes, Jorge Torres. 329 [doi]
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- Direction in Business Intelligence: An Analysis of ApplicationsRoger L. Hayen. 334 [doi]
- Adoption of Information Technology by Micro-enterprises: Insights from a Rural CommunitySajda Qureshi, Mehruz Kamal, Travis Good. 335 [doi]
- Because Excel will Mind Me! The State of Constituent Data Management in Small Nonprofit OrganizationsHannah West, Gina Green. 336 [doi]
- Good Works and Networks: Information System as Nexus for the Promotion of Sustainable Community DevelopmentNeil C. Ramiller, Madeleine Pullman. 337 [doi]
- e-HR Systems Implementation: A Conceptual FrameworkSomendra Pant, Abha Chatterjee. 338 [doi]
- Communication Ties in Distributed WorkAlbert S. M. Tay. 339 [doi]
- E-Collaboration Systems in Virtual Organizations - Recommednations for Tool Support Based on Genre AnalysisKai Riemer, Nadine Vehring. 340 [doi]
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- Information Technology and Business Value: How Complementary IT Usage Platform and Capable Resources Explain IT Business Value VariationAcklesh Prasad, Jon Heales. 343 [doi]
- Cognition and Culture in ICT ExperienceWeiwei Tan, Raafat Saade. 344 [doi]
- ICT Transformation in China After Its WTO Entry: Lessons from the Tobacco IndustryAxel Hochstein, Yan Zhu. 345 [doi]
- Drivers of Individual Performance in IT Offshore Outsourcing Projects - A Case Study from the German Banking IndustryRobert Wayne Gregory, Roman Beck, Michael Prifling. 346 [doi]
- Leveraging Group Cohesiveness to Form Workflow TeamsAkhilesh Bajaj, Robert Russell. 347 [doi]
- Managing Creative RisksJörg Becker, Stefan Seidel, Felix Müller-Wienbergen, Axel Winkelmann. 348 [doi]
- Health Service Providers' Preferences in ICT Use for Health Service Delivery in NamibiaMeke I. Shivute, Vesper Owei, Blessing Mukabeta Maumbe. 349 [doi]
- Value Oriented Process Modeling - Towards a Financial Perspective on Business Process RedesignJan vom Brocke, Jan Mendling, Jan Recker. 350 [doi]
- Simulation of Automated File Migratoon in Information Lifecycle ManagementLars Arne Turczyk, Christian Frei, Martin Behrens, Nicolas Liebau, Ralf Steinmetz. 351 [doi]
- A Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of eGovernment Technologies in Governmental AgenciesGemoets Leo. 352 [doi]
- Business Process Model-Based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public AdministrationsJörg Becker, Philipp Bergener, Stefan Kleist, Daniel Pfeiffer, Michael Räckers. 353 [doi]
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- Reasearch in Healthcare DSS: Where Do We Go From Here?W. Heath Landrum, Joseph R. Huscroft, Todd Peachey, Dianne Hall. 358 [doi]
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- Requirements Specification for Supply Chain Controlling - A Mini Case StudyMarcus Laumann. 363 [doi]
- Deriving a Holistic Performance Measurement System for the European Clearing IndustryMichael Chlistalla, Torsten Schaper. 364 [doi]
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- Healthcare Information Technology Adoption and Protection Motivation: A Study of Computerized Physicial Order Entry SystemsAndrew N. K. Chen, Younghwa Gabe Lee. 369 [doi]
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- Knowing a Few Rules Doesn't Mean You Can Play the Game: The LImits of "Best Practice" in Enterprise SystemsPaul Raj Devadoss, Mike W. Chiasson, Roger F. A. van Daalem Fuente. 371 [doi]
- Language of ChangeHumayun Rashid. 372 [doi]
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- Challenges in Teaching Large Online SectionsCarlos J. Navarrete, Ruth A. Guthrie. 377 [doi]
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- IT Outsourcing Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises: A Diffusion of Innovation ApproachAbhijit Chaudhury, Pratyush Bharati. 390 [doi]
- Understanding the Influence of the Providers' Organizational and Environmental Context on the Success of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Seeking to Access the Benefits of Outsourcing Through AggregationMark Borman. 391 [doi]
- Inscriptions on Intranets as Information Infastructures - Exposing the Cultivation ChasmBrian O'Flaherty, Jason Whalley. 392 [doi]
- Email as an Integration Device: A Study of Work Place Information SharingDick Stenmark, Taline Jadaan. 393 [doi]
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- Concepts from Coevolution in Information SystemsGaye Lewis. 395 [doi]
- Paradigm and Pluralism: Using Theory from Occupational Sociology and the Sociology of the Professions to Frame an Identity for ISMark John Somers. 396 [doi]
- Information Technology, Improvisation and Crisis Response: Review of Literature and Proposal for TheoryAnouck Adrot, Daniel Robey. 397 [doi]
- Bottlenecks in the Process of Improving ICT Infastructure in Developing Countries: A Chinese PerspectiveSomasheker Akkaladevi, Xin (Robert) Luo. 398 [doi]
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- Power Operation in ISD: Technological Frames PerspectivesChristina Ling-Hsing Chang. 400 [doi]
- Estimating Agile Software Project Effort: An Empirical StudyLan Cao. 401 [doi]
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- Towards the Specification of Digital Content - The Enterprise Content Modeling Language (ECML)Jan vom Brocke, Jörg Becker, Alexander Simons, Stefan Fleischer. 403 [doi]
- Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Internet and E-Business Technologies in Atlantic Canada's SMEs: A Structural Equation ModelPrincely Ifinedo. 404 [doi]
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- Analysis of Book Resale in Amazon Upgrade Framework: A Game-Theory ApproachLi Chen. 407 [doi]