Abstract is missing.
- A comparative study for autonomous highway driving system with satellite-based positioningAlessandro Gallione, Vincenzo Murdocco, Sebastiano Campo. 1-6 [doi]
- Rollover prevention for heavy trucks using frequency shaped sliding mode controlTankut Acarman, Ümit Özgüner. 7-12 [doi]
- HIL system for steering controller testsLevent Guvenç, Bilin Aksun Güvenç, Tevfik Yigit, Eyüp Serdar Öztürk. 13-18 [doi]
- ABS with constrained minimum energy control lawSaverio Armeni, Edoardo Mosca. 19-24 [doi]
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- Model regulator based individual wheel braking controlBilin Aksun Güvenç, Levent Güvenç, Eyüp Serdar Öztürk, Tevfik Yigit. 31-36 [doi]
- An experimental study on the closed-loop system identification by observer/controller identification (OCID) algorithmMun-Soo Park, Dong-Hoon Yang, Duck-Gee Park, Suk-Kyo Hong. 37-42 [doi]
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- System identification for nano-control: A finite wordlength problemAtsuhiko Okao, Masao Ikeda, Ryoichi Takahashi. 49-53 [doi]
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- Experimental online identification of a three-mass mechanical systemIlyas Eker, Mete Vural. 60-65 [doi]
- Experimental nonlinear identification of a two mass systemTolgay Kara, Ilyas Eker. 66-71 [doi]
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- Application of Proportional-Integral sliding mode tracking controller to robot manipulatorsMohamad Noh Ahmad, Johari H. S. Oman. 87-92 [doi]
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- On the neuro-genetic approach for determining optimal control of a rotary craneChokri Rekik, Mohamed Djemel, Nabil Derbel. 124-128 [doi]
- Application of genetic algorithm and recurrent network to nonlinear system identificationJih-Gau Juang. 129-134 [doi]
- Optimal placement of loudspeakers and microphones in an enclosure using genetic algorithmAllahyar Montazeri, Javad Poshtan, Mohammad Hossein Kahaei. 135-139 [doi]
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- Development of calibration tools for model based engine control strategiesFerdinando De Cristofaro, Agostino Funel, Stefano Scala. 146-148 [doi]
- Self-tuning control of an electronic throttleDanijel Pavkovic, Josko Deur, Martin Jansz, Nedjeljko Peric. 149-154 [doi]
- Control-oriented linear parameter-varying modelling of a turbocharged diesel engineMerten Jung, Keith Glover. 155-160 [doi]
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- Model of a VSC HVDC terminal attached to a weak AC systemMartyn Durrant, Herbert Werner, Keith Abbott. 178-182 [doi]
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- Power systems voltage emergency control approach using trajectory sensitivitiesMarek Zima, Petr Korba, Göran Andersson. 189-194 [doi]
- Detection of internal faults in transformers using nonlinear observersM. F. Jorge-Zavala, Efraín Alcorta-García. 195-199 [doi]
- Robust H∞ control of a fly-by-wire aircraft: an LFT approachFrancesco Amato 0001, Carlo Cosentino, Raffaele Iervolino, Umberto Ciniglio. 200-205 [doi]
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- ∞ techniqueA. M. Amani, Mohammad Javad Yazdanpanah, Ali Khaki Sedigh. 224-229 [doi]
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- A fuzzy classifier for fault diagnosis of valve actuatorsJosé Sá da Costa, Cosmin Danut Bocaniala, Rui Louro. 251-256 [doi]
- An advanced tuning methodology for fuzzy control: with application to a vacuum cleanerM. Kemal Ciliz. 257-262 [doi]
- Supervisory fuzzy logic controller used for process loop control in DCS systemMostafa Abd El-Geliel, Mohamed A. El-Khazendar. 263-268 [doi]
- Lateral control of tractor-trailer vehiclesStefania Martini, Vincenzo Murdocco. 269-273 [doi]
- Active suspension control: performance comparison using proportional integral sliding mode and linear quadratic regulator methodsYahaya Md. Sam, Johari Halim Shah Osman, M. Ruddin A. Ghani. 274-278 [doi]
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- Robust nonlinear control of TCSC for power system via adaptive back-stepping designWenlei Li, Yuanwei Jing, Georgi M. Dimirovski, Xiaoping Liu 0004. 296-300 [doi]
- OTA-based control system of active power filter for harmonic and reactive power compensationSombat Vanichprapa, Boonruk Chipipop, Chayant Koompai, Kenzo Watanabe. 301-305 [doi]
- Optimal nonlinear transient controller for a single machine-infinite bus power systemMahdi Jalili-Kharaajoo, Kaveh Moezzi Madani. 306-311 [doi]
- Optimal and adaptive voltage and current harmonics compensation under non-stiff voltage conditionsMohammad-Reza Rafiei. 312-318 [doi]
- An intelligent cognitive expert system for voltage control in power systemsMohamad R. Khaldi. 319-324 [doi]
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- A fuzzy Lyapunov-based control strategy for a macro-micro manipulatorAmin Mannani, Heidar Ali Talebi. 368-373 [doi]
- TS-model-based fuzzy tracking control for a single-link flexible manipulatorAmin Mannani, Heidar Ali Talebi. 374-379 [doi]
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- Adaptation algorithm for robust fuzzy controller of nonlinear uncertain systemsNajib Essounbouli, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, Khier Benmahammed. 386-391 [doi]
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- Quantization for LTI systems with noiseless channelsSerdar Yüksel, Tamer Basar. 423-429 [doi]
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- Multichannel active noise control algorithm using align matrixJavad Poshtan, Farzin Taringoo, Alireza Nasiri, M. H. Kahaie. 435-438 [doi]
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- State space representation of MIMO predictive PID controllerMohammad Hassan Moradi 0001. 452-457 [doi]
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- Neural network based adaptive control of current regulated PWM invertersMohammad-Reza Rafiei. 598-602 [doi]
- ∞, μ, and fuzzy logic based approachesMohammadreza Rafiei, Reza Ghazi, R. Asgharian, Masoud Barakati, Hamid A. Toliyat. 603-608 [doi]
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- New techniques for PID controller designMohammad Hassan Moradi 0002. 903-908 [doi]
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