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- Intention-Aware Supervisory Control with Driving Safety ApplicationsYunus Emre Sahin, Zexiang Liu, Kwesi J. Rutledge, Dimitra Panagou, Sze Zheng Yong, Necmiye Ozay. 1-8 [doi]
- A Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based Virtual Driver for high performance drivingMattia Bruschetta, Enrico Picotti, Enrico Mion, Yutao Chen, Alessandro Beghi, Diego Minen. 9-14 [doi]
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- Optimal Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Control for Connected and Automated VehiclesLiuhui Zhao, A. M. Ishtiaque Mahbub, Andreas A. Malikopoulos. 33-38 [doi]
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- Recursive Gaussian Process-based Adaptive Control: Theoretical Framework and Application to an Airborne Wind Energy SystemJoe Deese, Chris Vermillion. 130-135 [doi]
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- Attack Detection in Linear Networked Control Systems by Using Learning MethodologyHaifeng Niu, Avimanyu Sahoo, Chandreyee Bhowmick, Sarangapani Jagannathan. 148-153 [doi]
- Regional consensus for non-ANCBC systems with input saturationZengming Yu, Fei Chen 0008, Weiyao Lan. 154-159 [doi]
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- Distributed algorithm for solving linear algebraic equations: An implicit gradient neural network approachPeijun Wang, Wenwu Yu, Guanghui Wen. 178-183 [doi]
- Consensus of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertainties Using Only Position Measurements under a Directed GraphZhenhong Guo, Jie Mei, Guangfu Ma. 184-188 [doi]
- A control-theory approach for cluster autonomic management: maximizing usage while avoiding overloadAgustín Gabriel Yabo, Bogdan Robu, Olivier Richard, Bruno Bzeznik, Éric Rutten. 189-195 [doi]
- Model Predictive Load Frequency Control of a Deregulated Power System with Battery Energy StorageAbidemi Ajiborisha, Paul A. Trodden. 196-202 [doi]
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- Control System Design for a 20 MW Reference Wind TurbineAdrian Gambier, Fanzhong Meng. 258-263 [doi]
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- *Hongwei Chen, Bo Shen 0001, Nan Li. 555-560 [doi]
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- *Fei Gao 0012, Yanwen Li, Siyang Gao, Hui Xiao. 851-855 [doi]
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- *Sachit Rao. 970-975 [doi]
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