Abstract is missing.
- Towards a new Robot GenerationGerd Hirzinger, Klaus Arbter, Bernhard Brunner, Reinhard Koeppe. 3-21
- Towards Evolution of Experimental RoboticsHirochika Inoue. 22-32
- Experimental Approach on Enveloping Grasp for Column ObjectsMakoto Kaneko, Nophawit Thaiprasert, Toshio Tsuji. 35-46
- DLR s Multisensory Articulated HandGerd Hirzinger, Jörg Butterfaß, S. Knoch, Hong Liu. 47-55
- Mechanical Design and Control of a High-Bandwidth Shape Memory Alloy Tactile DisplayParris S. Wellman, William J. Peine, Gregg Favalora, Robert D. Howe. 56-66
- Toward Dexterous Gaits and HandsSusanna Leveroni, Vinay Shah, John Kenneth Salisbury Jr.. 67-78
- Dexterous Manipulations of the Humanoid Robot SaikaAtsushi Konno, Koichi Nishiwaki, Ryo Furukawa, Mitsunori Tada, Koichi Nagashima, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue. 79-90
- Experiments of Spatial Impedance ControlFabrizio Caccavale, Ciro Natale, Bruno Siciliano, Luigi Villani. 93-104
- Optimal Control Based Skill Development System for the KipDarrell Nakawaki, Sangwan Joo, Fumio Miyazaki. 105-115
- Toward Virtual Sports with High Speed MotionTetsuya Morizono, Sadao Kawamura. 116-127
- A General Contact Model for Dynamically-Decoupled Force/MotionRoy Featherstone, Stef Sonck, Oussama Khatib. 128-139
- Control of a Rover-Mounted ManipulatorGilles Foulon, Jean-Yves Fourquet, Marc Renaud. 140-151
- Module-Based Architecture of World Model for Haptic Virtual RealityTsuneo Yoshikawa, Hitoshi Ueda. 155-166
- Haptic Augmented Simulation Supporting Teaching Skill to RobotsMonica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini, Caterina Rizzi. 167-172
- Interactive Visual and Force Rendering of Human-Knee DynamicsRandy E. Ellis, P. Zion, C. Y. Tso. 173-182
- Long Distance Outdoor Navigation of an Autonomous Mobile Robot by Playback of Perceived Route MapShoichi Maeyama, Akihisa Ohya, Shin ichi Yuta. 185-194
- Etherbot - An Autonomous Mobile Robot on a Local Area Network Radio TetherRay Jarvis. 195-206
- Automatic Mountain Detection and Pose Estimation for Teleoperation of Lunar RoversFabio Gagliardi Cozman, Eric Krotkov. 207-215
- A Landmark-based Motion Planner for Rough Terrain NavigationAlain Haït, Thierry Siméon, Michel Taïx. 216-226
- Evaluation of Impedance and Teleoperation Control of a Hydraulic Mini-ExcavatorS. E. Salcudean, S. Tafazoli, K. Hashtrudi-Zaad, P. D. Lawrence, Claude Reboulet. 229-240
- Control of Load Sway in Enhanced Container Handling CranesGamini Dissanayake, J. W. R. Coates, David C. Rye, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, M. A. Louda. 241-251
- The Design of Ultra-High Integrity Navigation System for Large Autonomous VehiclesHugh F. Durrant-Whyte, Eduardo Mario Nebot, Steve Scheding, Salah Sukkarieh, Steve Clark. 252-261
- Modeling and Control of a 3500 Tonne Mining RobotPeter I. Corke, Graeme J. Winstanley, Jonathan M. Roberts. 262-274
- Autonomous Maneuvers of a Nonholonomic VehicleIgor E. Paromtchik, Philippe Garnier, Christian Laugier. 277-288
- How to implement dynamic pathsMaher Khatib, H. Jaouni, Raja Chatila, Jean-Paul Laumond. 289-300
- From Paths to Trajectories for Multi-body Mobile RobotsFlorent Lamiraux, Jean-Paul Laumond. 301-309
- Preliminary Experiments with an Actively Tuned Passive Dynamic Running RobotMojtaba Ahmadi, Martin Buehler. 313-324
- ROBICEN: A Pneumatic Climbing Robot for Inspection of Pipes and TanksMiguel A. Serna, A. Avello, Leoncio Briones, Paul Bustamante. 325-334
- Control of an Eight Legged Pipe Crawling RobotThomas Roßmann, Friedrich Pfeiffer. 335-346
- Autonomous Vehicle Interaction with In-door EnvironmentsLars Henriksen, Ole Ravn, Nils A. Andersen. 349-360
- An Experimental System for Automated Paper RecyclingS. Faibish, H. Bacakoglu, Andrew A. Goldenberg. 361-372
- Positioning of the Mobile Robot LiAS With Line Segments Extracted from 2D Range Finder Data using Total Least SquaresJurgen Vandorpe, Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter, Hong Xu, Ronny Moreas. 373-384
- Mobile Robot Localization Based on Efficient Processing of Sensor Data and Set-theoretic State EstimationUwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt. 385-396
- i.ARES Manipulation SubsystemSabin Fernández, Kepa Mayora, Jon Basurko, Javier Gómez-Elvira, Ricardo García, Carlos González, Javier Selaya. 399-409
- Modeling of Nonlinear Friction in Complex Mechanisms Using Spectral AnalysisMilos R. Popovic, Andrew A. Goldenberg. 410-422
- Development of the Carpal Robotic WristStephen L. Canfield, Charles F. Reinholtz. 423-434
- First experiments with MIPS 1 (Mini In-Parallel Positioning System)Jean-Pierre Merlet. 435-442
- FREEDOM-7: A High Fidelity Seven Axis Haptic Device with Application to Surgical TrainingVincent Hayward, P. Gregorio, Oliver R. Astley, Stephanie Greenish, Michel Doyon, L. Lessard, J. McDougall, I. Sinclair, S. Boelen, X. Chen, J.-G. Demers, J. Poulin, I. Benguigui, N. Almey, B. Makuc, X. Zhang. 445-456
- Tele-micro-surgery: analysis and tele-micro-blood-vessel suturing experimentMamoru Mitsuishi, Hiroyoshi Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kubota, Yasuhiro Iizuka, Hiroyuki Hashizume. 457-470
- Active Forceps for Endoscopic SurgeryYoshihiko Nakamura, Kensuke Onuma, Hiro Kawakami, Tsutomu Nakamura. 471-480
- Synergistic Robots in Surgery-Surgeons and Robots Working Co-OperativelyBrian L. Davies. 481-489
- Control Experiments on two SMA based micro-actuatorsN. Troisfontaine, Philippe Bidaud, Paolo Dario. 490-499
- Optimal Nonlinear Position Tracking Control of a Two-Link Flexible-Joint Robot ManipulatorTarek Lahdhiri, Hoda A. ElMaraghy. 503-514
- Motion Control of Tendon Driven Robotic Fingers Actuated with DC Torque Motors: Analysis and ExperimentsG. M. Prisco, D. Madonna, Massimo Bergamasco. 515-531
- Experiments on a High Performance Hydraulic Manipulator Joint: Modelling for ControlGlen Bilodeau, Evangelos Papadopoulos. 532-543
- Adaptive Visual Servoing for Various Kinds of Robot SystemsKoh Hosoda, Minoru Asada. 547-558
- Underwater Hydrojet Explorer Camera Controller by VisionJosep Amat, Joan Aranda, Ricard Villà. 559-569
- Experiments in Real-Time Vision-Based Point Stabilization of a Nonholonomic Mobile ManipulatorDimitris P. Tsakiris, Konstantinos Kapellos, Christophe Samson, Patrick Rives, Jean-Jacques Borrelly. 570-581
- Distributed Control of a Free-floating Underwater Manipulation SystemKonstantinos Kapellos, Daniel Simon, S. Granier, V. Rigaud. 582-593
- Towards a Reliable Set-Up for Bio-Inspired Collective Experiments with Real RobotsAlcherio Martinoli, E. Franzi, O. Matthey. 597-608
- Experiments in Realising Cooperation between Autonomous Mobile RobotsDavid Jung, Gordon Cheng, Alexander Zelinsky. 609-620
- Self-reconfigurable Robots for Navigation and ManipulationKeith Kotay, Daniela Rus. 621-632
- Human-Robot Interface System with Robot Group Control for Multiple Mobile Robot SystemsJosé Beltrán-Escavy, Tamio Arai, Akio Nakamura, Shinjiro Kakita, Jun Ota. 633-644
- Exploration-Based Path-Learning by a Mobile Robot on an Unknown WorldRui Araújo, Anibal T. de Almeida. 647-658
- An Anthropomorphic Model of Sensory-Motor Co-Ordination of Manipulation for RobotsCecilia Laschi, Davide Taddeucci, Paolo Dario. 659-674
- Extracting Robotic Part-mating Programs from Operator Interaction with a Simulated EnvironmentJohn E. Lloyd, Dinesh K. Pai. 675-686
- Modeling and Learning Robot Manipulation StrategiesJiming Liu, Yuan Yan Tang, Oussama Khatib. 687-700