Abstract is missing.
- Outdoor Radar Mapping Using Measurement Likelihood EstimationJohn Mullane, Martin David Adams, Wijerupage Sardha Wijesoma. 3-12 [doi]
- Recovering the Shape of Objects in 3D Point Clouds with Partial OcclusionsRudolph Triebel, Wolfram Burgard. 13-22 [doi]
- Update Policy of Dense Maps: Efficient Algorithms and Sparse RepresentationManuel Yguel, Olivier Aycard, Christian Laugier. 23-33 [doi]
- Assessing Map Quality Using Conditional Random FieldsManjari Chandran-Ramesh, Paul Newman. 35-48 [doi]
- Robust Vision-Based Underwater Target Identification and Homing Using Self-Similar LandmarksAmaury Nègre, Cédric Pradalier, Matthew Dunbabin. 51-60 [doi]
- Vision-Based Handling Tasks for an Autonomous Outdoor ForkliftCédric Pradalier. 61-70 [doi]
- Robust Feature Extraction and Matching for Omnidirectional ImagesDavide Scaramuzza, Nicolas Criblez, Agostino Martinelli, Roland Siegwart. 71-81 [doi]
- Dynamic Obstacle Detection Based on Probabilistic Moving Feature RecognitionRoman Katz, Oliver Frank, Juan Nieto, Eduardo Mario Nebot. 83-91 [doi]
- Mobile Robot Geometry Initialization from Single CameraDaniel Pizarro, Manuel Mazo, Enrique Santiso, Hideki Hashimoto. 93-102 [doi]
- A Feature Based Navigation System for an Autonomous Underwater RobotJohn Folkesson, Jacques Leederkerken, Rob Williams, Andrew Patrikalakis, John Leonard. 105-114 [doi]
- Experiments in Navigation and Mapping with a Hovering AUVGeorge Kantor, Nathaniel Fairfield, Dominic Jonak, David Wettergreen. 115-124 [doi]
- Mobile Robot Sensing for Environmental ApplicationsAmarjeet Singh 0003, Maxim A. Batalin, Michael J. Stealey, Victor Chen, Mark H. Hansen, Thomas C. Harmon, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, William J. Kaiser. 125-135 [doi]
- Tracking Environmental Isoclines Using Polygonal Formations of Submersible Autonomous VehiclesShahab Kalantar, Uwe R. Zimmer. 137-145 [doi]
- A Miniature Biomimetic Robotic Fish and Its Realtime Path PlanningChao Zhou, Zhiqiang Cao, Shuo Wang, Xiang Dong, Min Tan. 147-156 [doi]
- Development of a 5 Degree-of-Freedom Towfish and Its Control StrategyMohammad Aamir Khan, Aazir Khan, Matteo Zoppi, Rezia M. Molfino. 157-166 [doi]
- Autonomous Robotic Inspection for Lunar Surface OperationsMaria Bualat, Laurence J. Edwards, Terrence Fong, Michael Broxton, Lorenzo Flueckiger, Susan Y. Lee, Eric Park, Vinh To, Hans Utz, Vandi Verma, Clayton Kunz, Matt MacMahon. 169-178 [doi]
- Roving Faster Farther CheaperMatt Roman, David P. Miller, Zac White. 179-188 [doi]
- Characterization and Comparison of Rover Locomotion Performance Based on Kinematic AspectsThomas Thueer, Roland Siegwart. 189-198 [doi]
- Robot Position Estimation on a RFID-Tagged Smart FloorThomas Kämpke, Boris Kluge, Erwin Prassler, Matthias Strobel. 201-211 [doi]
- Monte Carlo Localization in Outdoor Terrains Using Multi-Level Surface MapsRainer Kümmerle, Rudolph Triebel, Patrick Pfaff, Wolfram Burgard. 213-222 [doi]
- Estimating Vehicle Position Using Few Range Measurements to a Known Curved SurfaceMichael A. Kokko, Franz S. Hover. 223-232 [doi]
- Sensor Registration for Robotic ApplicationsAlen Alempijevic, Sarath Kodagoda, Gamini Dissanayake. 233-242 [doi]
- Reactive Collision Avoidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Doppler RadarAndrew Viquerat, Lachlan Blackhall, Alistair Reid, Salah Sukkarieh, Graham M. Brooker. 245-254 [doi]
- Combined Visual and Inertial Navigation for an Unmanned Aerial VehicleJonathan Kelly, Srikanth Saripalli, Gaurav S. Sukhatme. 255-264 [doi]
- Pedestrian Shape Extraction by Means of Active ContoursMassimo Bertozzi, Alberto Broggi, Stefano Ghidoni, Michael Del Rose. 265-274 [doi]
- The Small Outdoor Rover MERLIN and Its Assistance System for Tele-operationsDaniel Eck, Manuel Stahl, Klaus Schilling. 277-286 [doi]
- Visually-Guided Robot Navigation: From Artificial to Natural LandmarksEnric Celaya, Jose-Luis Albarral, Pablo Jiménez, Carme Torras. 287-296 [doi]
- An Advanced Teleoperation TestbedBill Ross, John Bares, David Stager, Larry D. Jackel, Michael Perschbacher. 297-304 [doi]
- Teleoperation of a Surgical Robot Via Airborne Wireless Radio and Transatlantic Internet LinksMitchell J. H. Lum, Diana C. W. Friedman, Hawkeye H. I. King, Regina Donlin, Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, Timoty J. Broderick, Mika N. Sinanan, Jacob Rosen, Blake Hannaford. 305-314 [doi]
- SIFT Based Graphical SLAM on a PackbotJohn Folkesson, Henrik I. Christensen. 317-328 [doi]
- Look-Ahead Proposals for Robust Grid-Based SLAMSlawomir Grzonka, Christian Plagemann, Giorgio Grisetti, Wolfram Burgard. 329-338 [doi]
- Tradeoffs in SLAM with Sparse Information FiltersZhan Wang, Shoudong Huang, Gamini Dissanayake. 339-348 [doi]
- Robust Real-Time Local Laser Scanner Registration with Uncertainty EstimationJustin Carlson, Charles E. Thorpe, David L. Duke. 349-357 [doi]
- A FastSLAM Algorithm Based on the Unscented Filtering with Adaptive Selective ResamplingManuel Cugliari, Francesco Martinelli. 359-368 [doi]
- Tree Measurement and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System for Forest HarvestersMatti Öhman, Mikko Miettinen, Kosti Kannas, Jaakko Jutila, Arto Visala, Pekka Forsman. 369-378 [doi]
- Modelling Smooth Paths Using Gaussian ProcessesChristopher Tay Meng Keat, Christian Laugier. 381-390 [doi]
- Data-Driven Identification of Group Dynamics for Motion Prediction and ControlMac Schwager, Dean M. Anderson, Daniela Rus. 391-400 [doi]
- Unsupervised Detection of Artificial Objects in Outdoor EnvironmentsLuciano Spinello, Roland Siegwart. 401-410 [doi]
- Online Learning of Multiple Perceptual Models for Navigation in Unknown TerrainGregory Z. Grudic, Jane Mulligan, Michael W. Otte, Adam Bates. 411-420 [doi]
- Implementation of Formation Transition System Using Synchronization in a Mobile Robot GroupTakaaki Shimone, Daisuke Kurabayashi, Kunio Okita, Tetsuro Funato. 423-432 [doi]
- Coordinated Search in Cluttered Environments Using Range from Multiple RobotsGeoffrey Hollinger, Joseph Djugash, Sanjiv Singh. 433-442 [doi]
- A Plan Manager for Multi-robot SystemsSylvain Joyeux, Rachid Alami, Simon Lacroix. 443-452 [doi]
- Development of a Networked Robotic System for Disaster MitigationKeiji Nagatani, Kazuya Yoshida, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Yasushi Yagi, Tadashi Adachi, Hiroaki Saitoh, Toshiya Suzuki, Osamu Takizawa. 453-462 [doi]
- Cooperative Localization for Multi-robot Incorporating Proprioceptive/Exteroceptive Position SensorsJihong Lee, Kyounghwan Jo, ChoulSoo Jang. 463-471 [doi]
- Experiments in Autonomous Reversing of a Tractor-Trailer SystemCédric Pradalier, Kane Usher. 475-484 [doi]
- ATRS - A Technology-Based Solution to Automobility for Wheelchair UsersChao Gao, Ira Hoffman, Thomas Panzarella, John R. Spletzer. 485-494 [doi]
- Design and Validation of a Mobile Robot for Power Line Inspection and MaintenanceSerge Montambault, Nicolas Pouliot. 495-504 [doi]
- Kinematics and Sensor and Control Systems of the Fully Automated Facade Cleaning Robot SIRIUSc for Fraunhofer Headquarters in MunichNorbert Elkmann, Mario Lucke, Tino Krüger, Dietmar Kunst, Thomas Stürze. 505-512 [doi]
- Automated Steam Turbine Straddle Root Disc Head InspectionRoland Moser, Chris Udell, Alistair Montgomery. 513-520 [doi]
- Design and Field Testing of an Autonomous Underground Tramming SystemJoshua A. Marshall, Timothy D. Barfoot. 521-530 [doi]
- Autonomous Fruit Picking Machine: A Robotic Apple HarvesterJohan Baeten, Kevin Donné, Sven Boedrij, Wim Beckers, Eric Claesen. 531-539 [doi]
- Standing Assistance System for Rehabilitation WalkerDaisuke Chugo, Wataru Matsuoka, Songmin Jia, Kunikatsu Takase, Hajime Asama. 541-550 [doi]
- Magnetic Wall Climbing Robot for Thin Surfaces with Specific ObstaclesWolfgang Fischer, Fabien Tâche, Roland Siegwart. 551-561 [doi]
- Picking up an Unknown Object through Autonomous Modeling and Grasp Planning by a Mobile ManipulatorKimitoshi Yamazaki, Masahiro Tomono, Takashi Tsubouchi. 563-571 [doi]
- An Architecture for Automated Driving in Urban EnvironmentsGang Chen, Thierry Fraichard. 575-584 [doi]
- State Space Sampling of Feasible Motions for High Performance Mobile Robot Navigation in Highly Constrained EnvironmentsThomas M. Howard, Colin J. Green, Alonzo Kelly. 585-593 [doi]