Abstract is missing.
- Opening plenary speaker: Human genomics, precision medicine, and advancing human healthEric D. Green. [doi]
- Simple EMG-driven musculoskeletal model enables consistent control performance during path tracing tasksDustin L. Crouch, He Huang. 1-4 [doi]
- Reward gain model describes cortical use-dependent plasticityFiras Mawase, Nicholas F. Wymbs, Shintaro Uehara, Pablo Celnik. 5-8 [doi]
- The brain can mix different control strategies in a task-oriented and multi-referential manner: A simulation studyPietro Morasso, Taishin Nomura, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Jacopo Zenzeri. 9-12 [doi]
- Physiological mechanisms for stabilizing the limb when acting against physical constraintsPatrice Senot, Loïc Damm, Michele Tagliabue, Joseph McIntyre. 13-16 [doi]
- Intermittent control of unstable multivariate systems with uncertain system parametersIan Loram, Ryan Cunningham, Jacopo Zenzeri, Henrik Gollee. 17-20 [doi]
- A model-based exploration of the role of pattern generating circuits during locomotor adaptationAli Marjaninejad, James M. Finley. 21-24 [doi]
- Postural responses after utilization of a computerized biofeedback based intervention aimed at improving static and dynamic balance in traumatic brain injury: A case studyRakesh Pilkar, Nibal Arzouni, Arvind Ramanujam, Kathleen Chervin, Karen J. Nolan. 25-28 [doi]
- Postural flexibility during quiet standing in healthy elderly and patients with Parkinson's diseaseKazuyuki Matsuda, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Naoya Yoshikawa, Tomohisa Yamamoto, Ken Kiyono, Takao Tanahashi, Takuyuki Endo, Kei Fukada, Kunihiko Nomura, Saburo Sakoda, Taishin Nomura. 29-32 [doi]
- Virtual reality applications in assessing the effect of anxiety on sensorimotor integration in human postural controlChristopher Widdowson, Jatin Ganhotra, Mohammed Faizal, Marissa Wilko, Saurin Parikh, Zainulabidin Adhami, Manuel E. Hernandez. 33-36 [doi]
- Reinforcement learning for stabilizing an inverted pendulum naturally leads to intermittent feedback control as in human quiet standingKenjiro Michimoto, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Ken Kiyono, Yasushi Kobayashi, Pietro Morasso, Taishin Nomura. 37-40 [doi]
- Preliminary results of residual deficits observed in athletes with concussion history: Combined EEG and cognitive studyTamanna T. K. Munia, Jeffrey L. Gendreau, Ajay K. Verma, Benjamin D. Johnson, Mark Romanick, Kouhyar Tavakolian, Reza Fazel-Rezai. 41-44 [doi]
- An exergame system based on force platforms and body key-point detection for balance trainingMarcos D. Lavarda, Pedro A. de Borba, Matheus R. Oliveira, Gustavo B. Borba, Mauren Abreu de Souza, Humberto R. Gamba. 45-48 [doi]
- Resting-state EEG network change in alpha and beta bands after upper limb amputationYuanyuan Lyu, Xiaoli Guo, Zhuo Wang, Shanbao Tong. 49-52 [doi]
- Optimizing rTMS treatment of a balance disorder with EEG neural synchrony and functional connectivityGuofa Shou, Han Yuan, Diamond Urbano, Yoon-Hee Cha, Lei Ding. 53-56 [doi]
- Exploring spatiotemporal dynamics of the human brain by multimodal imagingHan Yuan, Jerzy Bodurka, Lei Ding. 57-60 [doi]
- Multiscale network activity in resting state fMRIShella D. Keilholz, Jacob C. Billings, Kai Wang, Anzar Abbas, Claudia Hafeneger, Wen-Ju Pan, Sadia Shakil, Maysam Nezafati. 61-64 [doi]
- Optical imaging of functional connectivity at the bedsideJoseph P. Culver, Karla M. Bergonzi, Adam T. Eggebrecht, Andrew K. Fishell, Jin-Moo Lee. 65-67 [doi]
- Measuring the agreement between brain connectivity networksJlenia Toppi, Nicolina Sciaraffa, Yuri Antonacci, Alessandra Anzolin, Stefano Caschera, Manuela Petti, Donatella Mattia, Laura Astolfi. 68-71 [doi]
- Intelligent hearing aids: The next revolutionTao Zhang, Fred Mustiere, Christophe Micheyl. 72-76 [doi]
- Adaptive attention-driven speech enhancement for EEG-informed hearing prosthesesNeetha Das, Simon Van Eyndhoven, Tom Francart, Alexander Bertrand. 77-80 [doi]
- Modern hearing aid technology - A user's critiqueRichard Einhorn. 81-84 [doi]
- Smartphone-based noise adaptive speech enhancement for hearing aid applicationsIssa M. S. Panahi, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Linda Thibodeau. 85-88 [doi]
- Difficulty understanding speech in noise by the hearing impaired: Underlying causes and technological solutionsEric W. Healy, Sarah E. Yoho. 89-92 [doi]
- A challenging issue: Detection of white matter hyperintensities in neonatal brain MRIBaptiste Morel, Yongchao Xu, Alessio Virzi, Thierry Géraud, Catherine Adamsbaum, Isabelle Bloch. 93-96 [doi]
- Automatic tissue characterization of air trapping in chest radiographs using deep neural networksAwais Mansoor, Geovanny F. Perez, Gustavo Nino, Marius George Linguraru. 97-100 [doi]
- Graph fractional-order total variation EEG source reconstructionYing Li, Jing Qin, Stanley Osher, Wentai Liu. 101-104 [doi]
- Comparison of imaging modalities and source-localization algorithms in locating the induced activity during deep brain stimulation of the STNKidist Gebremariam Mideksa, Abhinandan Singh, Nienke Hoogenboom, Helge Hellriegel, Holger Krause, Alfons Schnitzler, Günther Deuschl, Jan Raethjen, Gerhard Schmidt, Muthuraman Muthuraman. 105-108 [doi]
- Identifying epileptic source location and extent: An iterative sparse electromagnetic source imaging algorithmAbbas Sohrabpour, Yunfeng Lu, Gregory A. Worrell, Bin He. 109-112 [doi]
- Non-invasive imaging of ventricular activation during pacing and arrhythmia: Methods and validationLong Yu, Steven M. Pogwizd, Bin He. 113-116 [doi]
- High-resolution EEG source imaging of one-year-old childrenZeynep Akalin Acar, Silvia Ortiz-Mantilla, April A. Benasich, Scott Makeig. 117-120 [doi]
- Spatial characterization of innervation zones under electrically elicited M-waveChuan Zhang, Yun Peng, Sheng Li, Ping Zhou, Alvaro Munoz, Dan Tang, Yingchun Zhang. 121-124 [doi]
- Optimization of electrospun fibrous membranes for in vitro modeling of blood-brain barrierVirginia Pensabene, Spencer W. Crowder, Daniel A. Balikov, Jung Bok Lee, Hak-Joon Sung. 125-128 [doi]
- The effect of multiple thin-film coatings of protein loaded sol-gel on total multi-electrode array thicknessMatthew D. McDermott, Kevin J. Otto. 129-132 [doi]
- Hydrogel-reinforced polypyrrole electroactuatorYongchen Wang, Bingxi Yan, Yu Wu, Liang Guo. 133-136 [doi]
- Forecasting nanoparticle toxicity using nonlinear predictive regressor learning systemsNicola Toschi, Stefano Ciulli, Stefano Diciotti, Andrea Duggento, Maria Guerrisi, Andrea Magrini, Luisa Campagnolo, Antonio Pietroiusti. 137-140 [doi]
- Investigating parylene-HT as a substrate for human cell patterningBrad J. Raos, E. Scott Graham, Alan F. Murray, M. Cather Simpson, Charles P. Unsworth. 141-144 [doi]
- A simple method for micropatterning nanofibrous hydrogel filmKazuhiko Higashi, Norihisa Miki. 145-148 [doi]
- Pro-arrhythmic effect of heart rate variability during periodic pacingKanchan Kulkarni, Steven W. Lee, Elena G. Tolkacheva. 149-152 [doi]
- Role of cytosolic calcium diffusion in cardiac purkinje cellsBijay Limbu, Kushal Shah, Makarand Deo. 153-156 [doi]
- Effects and underlying mechanisms of refractory period pacing on repolarization dynamics in the human heartDiogo Santos, Michele Orini, Xin Zhou, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Ben Hanson, Peter Taggart, Martin P. Hayward, Blanca Rodríguez, Pier Lambiase. 157-160 [doi]
- Cardiac KATP channel modulation by 16Hz magnetic fields - A theoretical studyYuval Aharonovich, Mickey Scheinowitz, Sharon Zlochiver. 161-164 [doi]
- Modulation of cardiac pacemaker inter beat intervals by sinoatrial fibroblasts - A numerical studyAriel Greisas, Sharon Zlochiver. 165-168 [doi]
- In-silico pre-clinical trials for implantable cardioverter defibrillatorsZhihao Jiang, Houssam Abbas, Kuk Jin Jang, Marco Beccani, Jackson Liang, Sanjay Dixit, Rahul Mangharam. 169-172 [doi]
- Using respiratory signals for the recognition of human activitiesRaul I. Ramos-Garcia, Stephen Tiffany, Edward Sazonov. 173-176 [doi]
- Wearable deep body thermometers and their uses in continuous monitoring for daily healthcareMing Huang, Toshiyo Tamura, Takumi Yoshimura, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Shigehiko Kanaya. 177-180 [doi]
- From good intentions to healthy habits: Towards integrated computational models of goal striving and habit formationPeter Pirolli. 181-185 [doi]
- Towards 24/7 continuous heart rate monitoringAdrian Tarniceriu, Jakub Parák, Philippe Renevey, Marko Nurmi, Mattia Bertschi, Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo, Ilkka Korhonen. 186-189 [doi]
- Behavioral informatics: Dynamical models for measuring and assessing behaviors for precision interventionsMisha Pavel, Holly B. Jimison, Bonnie Spring. 190-193 [doi]
- A cost-effective, non-invasive system for pressure monitoring during epidural needle insertion: Design, development and bench testsMarco Tesei, Paola Saccomandi, Carlo Massaroni, Rossella Quarta, Massimiliano Carassiti, Emiliano Schena, Roberto Setola. 194-197 [doi]
- Statistical approach for lightweight detection of anomalies in ECGIhor Vasyltsov, Changgyu Bak, Jiseung Jeong. 198-203 [doi]
- Alterations in cardiovascular system under artificially simulated microgravity: Preliminary studyAleksandr A. Fedotov, Sergey A. Akulov, Anna S. Akulova. 204-206 [doi]
- Estimation of arterio-venous access blood flow in hemodialysis patients using video image processing techniqueFansan Zhu, Schantel Williams, Hannah Putnam, Israel Campos, Jie Ma, Camille Johnson, Franz Kappel, Peter Kotanko. 207-210 [doi]
- A telemonitoring platform for the investigation of blood pressure profiles in pacemaker patientsGiovanni Calcagnini, Eugenio Mattei, Raffaele Quaglione, Ermenegildo De Ruvo, Gianluca Biancalana, Giuseppe Pavone, Alessio Gargaro, Leonardo Calo, Fabrizio Ammirati, Federica Censi. 211-214 [doi]
- Ultrasound characterization of interface oscillation as a proxy for ventriculoperitoneal shunt functionApril Joy C. Aralar, Matthew D. Bird, Robert D. Graham, Beomseo Koo, Mahesh B. Shenai, Parag V. Chitnis, Siddhartha Sikdar. 215-218 [doi]
- Improving resolution of robotic capsule locomotion using dynamic electromagnetic fieldFahad N. Alsunaydih, Jean-Michel Redoute, Mehmet R. Yuce. 219-222 [doi]
- Fast L1-based sparse representation of EEG for motor imagery signal classificationYounghak Shin, Heung-No Lee, Ilangko Balasingham. 223-226 [doi]
- Extracting remote photoplethysmogram signal from endoscopy videos for vessel and capillary density recognitionSeyyed Hamed Fouladi, Ilangko Balasingham, Kimmo Kansanen, Tor Audun Ramstad. 227-230 [doi]
- EEG based image encryption via quantum walksNitin Rawat, Younghak Shin, Ilangko Balasingham. 231-234 [doi]
- Subthreshold linear modeling of dendritic trees: A computational approachAlireza Khodaei, Massimiliano Pierobon. 235-238 [doi]
- An EM imaging-based localization method with sparse reconstruction for implant devicesTakahiro Ito, Taiki Iida, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang. 239-242 [doi]
- Experimental evaluation of regression model-based walking speed estimation using lower body-mounted IMUShaghayegh Zihajehzadeh, Edward J. Park. 243-246 [doi]
- Design, simulation and evaluation of uniform magnetic field systems for head-free eye movement recordings with scleral search coilsKarin Eibenberger, Bernhard Eibenberger, Michele Rucci. 247-250 [doi]
- Testing and comparing of film-type sensor materials in measurement of plantar pressure distributionSatu Rajala, Timo Salpavaara, Sampo Tuukkanen. 251-254 [doi]
- A study for the development of K-sound based automatic blood pressure device using PVDF filmXiong Li, Gayathri V. Panicker, Jae J. Im. 255-258 [doi]
- Asynchronous noise removal for earbud-based PPG sensorsYohei Tomita. 259-262 [doi]
- Synchrosqueezing an effective method for analyzing Doppler radar physiological signalsEhsan Yavari, Ashikur Rahman, Jia Xu, Danilo P. Mandic, Olga Boric-Lubecke. 263-266 [doi]
- 3D printed microfluidic mixer for point-of-care diagnosis of anemiaKimberly Plevniak, Matthew Campbell, Mei He. 267-270 [doi]
- Migraine factors as reported by smartphone usersJose Berengueres, Francois Cadiou. 271-274 [doi]
- Effect of self-monitoring clusters on weight and hemoglobin A1cNikhil S. Padhye, Jing Wang. 275-278 [doi]
- Toward an analysis of emotion regulation in children using late positive potentialRaja Majid Mehmood, Hyo Jong Lee. 279-282 [doi]
- Towards an unsupervised device for the diagnosis of childhood pneumonia in low resource settings: Automatic segmentation of respiratory soundsJosep Solà, Fabian Braun, E. Muntane, Christophe Verjus, Mattia Bertschi, Florence Hugon, Sergio Manzano, Mohamed Benissa, Alain Gervaix. 283-286 [doi]
- Upper extremity prosthesis user perspectives on unmet needs and innovative technologyHeather L. Benz, Jia Yao, Laura Rose, Okan Olgac, Karen Kreutz, Anindita Saha, Eugene F. Civillico. 287-290 [doi]
- A PMMA microfluidic dielectric sensor for blood coagulation monitoring at the point-of-careDebnath Maji, Michael A. Suster, Erdem Kucukal, Umut A. Gurkan, Evi X. Stavrou, Pedram Mohseni. 291-294 [doi]
- Nano-fabricated memristive biosensors for biomedical applications with liquid and dried samplesIoulia Tzouvadaki, Xiaoling Lu, Giovanni De Micheli, Sven Ingebrandt, Sandro Carrara. 295-298 [doi]
- Simulations and design of microfabricated interdigitated electrodes for use in a gold nanoparticle enhanced biosensorPeter Hermansen, Scott MacKay, David Wishart, Jie Chen. 299-302 [doi]
- A diaper-embedded disposable nitrite sensor with integrated on-board urine-activated battery for UTI screeningWuyang Yu, Weeseong Seo, Tianlin Tan, Byunghoo Jung, Babak Ziaie. 303-306 [doi]
- Origami microfluidic paper-analytical-devices (omPAD) for sensing and diagnosticsMeera Punjiya, Chung Hee Moon, Yu Chen, Sameer R. Sonkusale. 307-310 [doi]
- Sensing textile seam-line for wearable multimodal physiological monitoringMichael McKnight, M. Talha Agcayazi, Hannah Kausche, Tushar Ghosh, Alper Bozkurt. 311-314 [doi]
- Selecting the optimal movement subset with different pattern recognition based EMG control algorithmsAli Al-Timemy, Rami N. Khushaba, Javier Escudero. 315-318 [doi]
- An ensemble-based regression approach for continuous estimation of wrist and fingers movements from surface electromyographyRami Alazrai, Ala Khalifeh, Nasim Alnuman, Deena Alabed, Yaser Mowafi. 319-322 [doi]
- Serial estimation of motor unit numbers using an implantable system following nerve injury and repair in ratsMichael P. Willand, Joseph Catapano. 323-326 [doi]
- Short latency hand movement classification based on surface EMG spectrogram with PCAXiaolong Zhai, Beth Jelfs, Rosa H. M. Chan, Chung Tin. 327-330 [doi]
- The variability of co-activation pattern of antagonist muscles in human infant crawlingQi L. Xiong, Xiao Y. Wu, Nong Xiao, Si Y. Zeng, Xiao L. Zheng, Di Wu, Wen S. Hou. 331-334 [doi]
- Properties of the motor unit action potential shape in proximal and distal muscles of the upper limb in healthy and post-stroke individualsLaura Miller McPherson, Francesco Negro, Chris K. Thompson, Laura Sánchez, C. J. Heckman, Jules P. A. Dewald, Dario Farina. 335-339 [doi]
- Theranostic microwave applicator suitable for minimal invasive therapy of malignant tissueCarolin Reimann, Margarita Puentes, Martin Schüßler, Frank Hübner, Babak Bazrafshan, Thomas J. Vogl, Rolf Jakoby. 340-343 [doi]
- Temperature monitoring during radiofrequency ablation of liver: In vivo trialsPaola Saccomandi, Giulia Frauenfelder, Carlo Massaroni, Michele A. Caponero, Andrea Polimadei, Fabrizio Taffoni, Francesco Maria Di Matteo, Guido Costamagna, Francesco Giurazza, Emiliano Schena. 344-347 [doi]
- Design of a dual slot antenna for small animal microwave ablation studiesTyler J. Moon, Christopher L. Brace. 348-351 [doi]
- Microwave to near-infrared conversion with a millimeter-scale wireless laser for activating molecular transducersAnthony Romano, John S. Ho. 352-354 [doi]
- Characterization of thrombus stiffening in radio frequency (rf Mechanical thrombectomyChris C. H. Chon, Jack Z. Qin, John C. K. Kwok, David C. C. Lam. 355-358 [doi]
- Hyperthermia by electromagnetic fields to enhanced clinical results in oncologyGerard C. Van Rhoon, Maarten M. Paulides, Jeannette M. L. van Holthe, Martine Franckena. 359-362 [doi]
- Classification of ADHD and non-ADHD using AR modelsJuan L. Lopez Marcano, Martha Ann Bell, A. A. (Louis) Beex. 363-366 [doi]
- Single-channel EEG-based mental fatigue detection based on deep belief networkPinyi Li, Wenhui Jiang, Fei Su. 367-370 [doi]
- Classification in emotional BCI using phase information from the EEGLorena Santamaría, Christopher J. James. 371-374 [doi]
- Continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation affects brain functional connectivityDan Cao, Yingjie Li 0005, Ling Wei, Yingying Tang. 375-378 [doi]
- Phase to amplitude coupling as a potential biomarker for creative ideation: An EEG studyMina Marmpena, Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Nitish V. Thakor, Anastasios Bezerianos. 383-386 [doi]
- Frequency-of-occurrence of myoelectric patterns to evaluate gait motor control strategies after hip replacement surgeryValentina Agostini, Francesco Di Nardo, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini, Samanta Rosati, Gabriella Balestra, Marco Knaflitz. 387-390 [doi]
- Novel method to characterize upper-limb movements based on paraconsistent logic and myoelectric signalsGabriela W. Favieiro, Karina O. A. Moura, Alexandre Balbinot. 395-398 [doi]
- Gender-specific automatic valence recognition of affective olfactory stimulation through the analysis of the electrodermal activityAlberto Greco, Antonio Lanata, Gaetano Valenza, Fabio Di Francesco, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo. 399-402 [doi]
- EDA-gram: Designing electrodermal activity fingerprints for visualization and feature extractionTheodora Chaspari, Andreas Tsiartas, Leah I. Stein Duker, Sharon A. Cermak, Shrikanth S. Narayanan. 403-406 [doi]
- Investigating mechanical properties of a fabric-based affective haptic display through electrodermal activity analysisAlberto Greco, Gaetano Valenza, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo. 407-410 [doi]
- Embedded clutter reduction and face detection algorithms for a visual prosthesisDerek M. Rollend, Paul E. Rosendall, Kevin C. Wolfe, Dean M. Kleissas, Seth Billings, Jonathan M. Oben, John B. Helder, Francesco Tenore, Philippe M. Burlina, Arup Roy, Robert J. Greenberg, Kapil D. Katyal. 411-414 [doi]
- Robust estimation of simulated urinary volume from camera images under bathroom illuminationChizuru Honda, Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan, Haruki Kawanaka, Eiichi Watanabe, Koji Oguri. 415-418 [doi]
- Pain detection from facial images using unsupervised feature learning approachReza Kharghanian, Ali Peiravi, Farshad Moradi. 419-422 [doi]
- Classification of facial-emotion expression in the application of psychotherapy using Viola-Jones and Edge-Histogram of Oriented GradientHenry Candra, Mitchell Yuwono, Rifai Chai, Hung T. Nguyen, Steven W. Su. 423-426 [doi]
- 3D detection of periodic limb movements in sleepHeinrich Garn, Bernhard Kohn, Klaus Dittrich, Christoph Wiesmeyr, Gerhard Kloesch, Robert Stepansky, Markus Wimmer, Osman Ipsiroglu, Dieter Grossegger, Manuel Kemethofer, Stefan Seidel. 427-430 [doi]
- Automatic grasp selection using a camera in a hand prosthesisJoseph DeGol, Aadeel Akhtar, Bhargava Manja, Timothy Bretl. 431-434 [doi]
- Shearlet transform: A good candidate for compressed sensing in optical coherence tomographyLesley-Ann Duflot, Alexandre Krupa, Brahim Tamadazte, Nicolas Andreff. 435-438 [doi]
- Low rank magnetic resonance fingerprintingGal Mazor, Lior Weizman, Assaf Tal, Yonina C. Eldar. 439-442 [doi]
- Bayesian deconvolution of scanning electron microscopy images using point-spread function estimation and non-local regularizationJoris Roels, Jan Aelterman, Jonas De Vylder, Hiêp Quang Luong, Yvan Saeys, Wilfried Philips. 443-447 [doi]
- Sampling and recovery of MRI data using low rank tensor modelsDaniel Banco, Shuchin Aeron, W. Scott Hoge. 448-452 [doi]
- Optimal experiment design for magnetic resonance fingerprintingBo Zhao, Justin P. Haldar, Kawin Setsompop, Lawrence L. Wald. 453-456 [doi]
- Example-based super-resolution for enhancing spatial resolution of medical imagesDai-Viet Tran, Sébastien Li-Thiao-Té, Marie Luong, Le-Tien Thuong, Françoise Dibos, Jean-Marie Rocchisani. 457-460 [doi]
- Probing the micromechanics of the fastest growing plant cell - The pollen tubeNaveen Shamsudhin, Huseyin Baris Atakan, Nino Laubli, Hannes Vogler, Chengzhi Hu, Abu Sebastian, Ueli Grossniklaus, Bradley J. Nelson. 461-464 [doi]
- Evaluation of a novel portable micro-pump and infusion system for drug deliveryPaul Pankhurst, Zahra McGuinness-Abdollahi. 465-468 [doi]
- Automated transepithelial electrical resistance measurements of the EpiDerm reconstructed human epidermis modelFrank A. Alexander, Joachim Wiest. 469-472 [doi]
- Sheathless and high throughput sorting of paramagnetic microparticles in a magneto-hydrodynamic microfluidic deviceVikash Kumar, Pouya Rezai. 473-476 [doi]
- Directing the spatial patterning of motor neuron differentiation in engineered microenvironmentsChristopher J. Demers, Greg Cox, Scott D. Collins, Rosemary L. Smith. 477-480 [doi]
- Micro-tube mass production device for microbial cultureKazuhiko Fujimoto, Miho Ogawa, K. Higashi, Norihisa Miki. 481-484 [doi]
- Combined reconstruction of atrial morphology and paracardial fat depositions to study remodeling in atrial fibrillationNatasa Popovic, Peter Haemers, Rik Willems, Piet Claus. 485-488 [doi]
- Towards patient-specific modelling of lesion formation during radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillationNavjeevan Soor, Ross Morgan, Marta Varela, Oleg V. Aslanidi. 489-492 [doi]
- Development of a novel probabilistic algorithm for localization of rotors during atrial fibrillationPrasanth Ganesan, Anthony J. Salmin, Elizabeth M. Cherry, Behnaz Ghoraani. 493-496 [doi]
- Kurtosis as a statistical approach to identify the pivot point of the rotorShivaram P. Arunachalam, Elizabeth M. Annoni, Siva K. Mulpuru, Paul A. Friedman, Elena G. Tolkacheva. 497-500 [doi]
- A novel catheter-guidance algorithm for localization of atrial fibrillation rotor and focal sourcesAnthony J. Salmin, Prasanth Ganesan, Kristina E. Shillieto, Elizabeth M. Cherry, David T. Huang, Arkady M. Pertsov, Behnaz Ghoraani. 501-504 [doi]
- Cardiac conduction velocity estimation from sequential mapping assuming known Gaussian distribution for activation time estimation errorMohammad H. Shariat, Saeed Gazor, Damian Redfearn. 505-508 [doi]
- Portable electrocardiogram device using Android smartphoneStanley Glenn Brucal, Gene Khyron Clamor, Lyston Alfred Pasiliao, Johannes Paolo Soriano, Lenard Philippe Varilla. 509-512 [doi]
- MobileHeart, a mobile smartphone-based application that supports and monitors coronary artery disease patients during rehabilitationInes Frederix, Supraja Sankaran, Karin Coninx, Paul Dendale. 513-516 [doi]
- An ICT and mobile health integrated approach to optimize patients' education on hypertension and its management by physicians: The Patients Optimal Strategy of Treatment(POST) pilot studyFabio Albini, Xiaoqiu Liu, Camilla Torlasco, Davide Soranna, Andrea Faini, Renata Ciminaghi, Ada Celsi, Matteo Benedetti, Antonella Zambon, Marco Di Rienzo, Gianfranco Parati. 517-520 [doi]
- Assessment of beat-to-beat heart rate detection method using a camera as contactless sensorLuca Iozzia, Luca Cerina, Luca T. Mainardi. 521-524 [doi]
- Beat-to-beat heart rate detection by smartphone's accelerometers: Validation with ECGFederica Landreani, Alba Martín-Yebra, Claudia Casellato, Carlo Frigo, Esteban Pavan, Pierre-François Migeotte, Enrico G. Caiani. 525-528 [doi]
- Patient-specific detection of ventricular tachycardia in remote continuous health devicesAmit Juneja, Michael M. Marefat. 529-532 [doi]
- Cascaded PID controller for anaesthesia deliveryAlena Simalatsar, Monia Guidi, Thierry Buclin. 533-536 [doi]
- Effects of a non-thermal plasma needle device on HPV-16 positive cervical cancer cell viability in vitroHollie A. Ryan, Johanna Neuber, Shutong Song, Stephen J. Beebe, Chunqi Jiang. 537-540 [doi]
- An ultrasonically powered implantable device for targeted drug deliveryJayant Charthad, Spyridon Baltsavias, Devleena Samanta, Ting-Chia Chang, Marcus J. Weber, Niloufar Hosseini-Nassab, Richard N. Zare, Amin Arbabian. 541-544 [doi]
- Optimization of extra corporeal enteral prosthesis (ECEP) by selective aspiration of the digestive flowJ. R. Nzamushe, J. P. Sozanski, Julien de Jonckheere, Mathieu Jeanne, Régis Logier. 545-548 [doi]
- In vitro examination of the pressure effect on clot dissolution with thrombolytic patchZhen Qin, Chi Hang Chon, John C. K. Kwok, David C. C. Lam. 549-552 [doi]
- A device for controlled jet injection of large volumes of liquidJames W. Mckeage, Bryan P. Ruddy, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Andrew J. Taberner. 553-556 [doi]
- Testing non-wearable fall detection methods in the homes of older adultsMarjorie Skubic, Bradford H. Harris, Erik E. Stone, K. C. Ho, Bo Yu Su, Marilyn Rantz. 557-560 [doi]
- Biomechanical analysis of a fall: Velocities at impactNorbert Noury, Julien Poujaud, Pierre Cousin, Nicolas Poujaud. 561-565 [doi]
- Feasibility of unobstrusive ambient sensors for fall detections in home environmentQing Zhang, Mohan Karunanithi. 566-569 [doi]
- Context-aware fall detection using inertial sensors and time-of-flight transceiversMahesh C. Shastry, Meysam Asgari, Eric A. Wan, Joseph Leitschuh, Nicholas Preiser, Jon Folsom, John Condon, Michelle Cameron, Peter G. Jacobs. 570-573 [doi]
- Real-time measures of context to improve fall-detection modelsHolly B. Jimison, Misha Pavel. 574-577 [doi]
- Hand rehabilitation after stroke using a wearable, high DOF, spring powered exoskeletonTianyao Chen, Peter S. Lum. 578-581 [doi]
- Design of a thumb module for the FINGER rehabilitation robotEric T. Wolbrecht, Kyle J. Morse, Joel C. Perry, David J. Reinkensmeyer. 582-585 [doi]
- Quantifying the human-robot interaction forces between a lower limb exoskeleton and healthy usersAshish Rathore, Matthew Wilcox, Dafne Zuleima Morgado Ramirez, Rui Loureiro, Tom Carlson. 586-589 [doi]
- An effective 3-fingered augmenting exoskeleton for the human handC. James Gearhart, Benjamin Varone, Martha H. Stella, Brett F. BuSha. 590-593 [doi]
- Design of a spring-assisted exoskeleton module for wrist and hand rehabilitationJoel C. Perry, Shawn Trimble, Luiz Gustavo Castilho Machado, Jeremiah S. Schroeder, Aitor Belloso, Cristina Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Thierry Keller. 594-597 [doi]
- Flexible sliding frame for gait enhancing mechatronic system (GEMS)Younbaek Lee, Byungjung Choi, Jongwon Lee, Minhyung Lee, Se-gon Roh, Jeonghun Kim, Hyundo Choi, Yong Jae Kim. 598-602 [doi]
- A wearable signal acquisition system for physiological signs including throat PPGYizhou Zhong, Yun Pan, Ling Zhang, Kwang-Ting Cheng. 603-606 [doi]
- Cuff-less PPG based continuous blood pressure monitoring - A smartphone based approachAman Gaurav, Maram Maheedhar, Vijay N. Tiwari, Rangavittal Narayanan. 607-610 [doi]
- Photoplethysmography: Towards a non-invasive pressure measurement techniqueHaneen Njoum, Panayiotis A. Kyriacou. 611-614 [doi]
- A preliminary study on multi-wavelength PPG based pulse transit time detection for cuffless blood pressure measurementJing Liu, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Xiao-Rong Ding, Wenxuan Dai, Ni Zhao. 615-618 [doi]
- A temperature-controlled glove with non-invasive arterial pulse sensing for active neuro-vascular assessmentAndrew M. Carek, Omer T. Inan. 619-622 [doi]
- Wearable ECG platform for continuous cardiac monitoringS. P. Preejith, R. Dhinesh, Jayaraj Joseph, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam. 623-626 [doi]
- Fetal facial standard plane recognition via very deep convolutional networksZhen Yu, Dong Ni, Siping Chen, Shengli Li, Tianfu Wang, Bai Ying Lei. 627-630 [doi]
- Semi-advised learning model for skin cancer diagnosis based on histopathalogical imagesAmmara Masood, Adel Ali Al-Jumaily. 631-634 [doi]
- Automatic prostate segmentation on MR images with deep network and graph modelKe Yan, ChangYang Li, Xiuying Wang, Ang Li, Yuchen Yuan, Dagan Feng, Mohamed Khadra, Jinman Kim. 635-638 [doi]
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