Abstract is missing.
- Designing robot faces suited to specific tasks that these robots are good atTakanori Komatsu, Masahiro Kamide. 1-5 [doi]
- Video conference environment using representative eye-gaze motion of remote participantsGenki Takahashi, Yugo Takeuchi. 6-11 [doi]
- Projection mapping of behavioral expressions onto manufactured figures for speech interactionYoshihisa Ishihara, Kazuki Kobayashi. 12-16 [doi]
- Investigating effects of light animations on perceptions of a computer: Preliminary resultsSichao Song, Seiji Yamada. 17-22 [doi]
- Entropy-based eye-tracking analysis when a user watches a PRVA's recommendationsTetsuya Matsui, Seiji Yamada. 23-28 [doi]
- A pilot study investigating self-disclosure by elderly participants in agent-mediated communicationYohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka. 29-34 [doi]
- Puffy - An inflatable robotic companion for pre-schoolersMarzia Degiorgi, Franca Garzotto, Mirko Gelsomini, Giulia Leonardi, Simone Penati, Noëlie Ramuzat, Jacopo Silvestri, Francesco Clasadonte, Yosuke Kinoe. 35-41 [doi]
- Would you like to sample? Robot engagement in a shopping centreMeg Tonkin, Jonathan Vitale, Suman Ojha, Mary-Anne Williams, Paul Fuller, William Judge, Xun Wang. 42-49 [doi]
- Semantic-based interaction for teaching robot behavior compositionsVictor Paleologue, Jocelyn Martin, Amit Kumar Pandey, Alexandre Coninx, Mohamed Chetouani. 50-55 [doi]
- He said, she said, it said: Effects of robot group membership and human authority on people's willingness to follow their instructionsCatherine E. Sembroski, Marlena R. Fraune, Selma Sabanovic. 56-61 [doi]
- Effectiveness of socially assistive robotics during cognitive stimulation interventions: Impact on caregiversJainendra Shukla, Miguel Barreda-Ángeles, Joan Oliver, Domenec Puig. 62-67 [doi]
- Evaluation of experiments in social robotics: Insights from the MOnarCH projectJoão Silva Sequeira. 68-73 [doi]
- I see you lying on the ground - Can I help you? Fast fallen person detection in 3D with a mobile robotBenjamin Lewandowski, Tim Wengefeld, Thomas Schmiedel, Horst-Michael Gross. 74-80 [doi]
- Sit-to-stand assistance system based on using EMG to predict movementTakahiro Hiyama, Yusuke Kato, Tsuyoshi Inoue. 81-87 [doi]
- A vibrotactile stimulation system for improving postural control and knee joint proprioception in lower-limb amputeesClemente Lauretti, Giulia Pinzari, Anna Lisa Ciancio, Angelo Davalli, Rinaldo Sacchetti, Silvia Sterzi, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Loredana Zollo. 88-93 [doi]
- Empirical mode decomposition use in electroencephalography signal analysis for detection of starting and stopping intentions during gait cycleM. Ortiz, Eduardo Iáñez, Marisol Rodriguez-Ugarte, José Maria Azorín. 94-100 [doi]
- Estimating double support in pathological gaits using an HMM-based analyzer for an intelligent robotic walkerGeorgia Chalvatzaki, Xanthi S. Papageorgiou, Costas S. Tzafestas, Petros Maragos. 101-106 [doi]
- Short-range gait pattern analysis for potential applications on assistive roboticsJoao Paulo, Luis Garrote, Alireza Asvadi, Cristiano Premebida, Paulo Peixoto. 107-112 [doi]
- NICO - Neuro-inspired companion: A developmental humanoid robot platform for multimodal interactionMatthias Kerzel, Erik Strahl, Sven Magg, Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero, Stefan Heinrich, Stefan Wermter. 113-120 [doi]
- Huggable: Impact of embodiment on promoting verbal and physical engagement for young pediatric inpatientsSooyeon Jeong, Cynthia Breazeal, Deirdre E. Logan, Peter Weinstock. 121-126 [doi]
- Improving quality of life with a narrative companionPeter Ford Dominey, Victor Paleologue, Amit Kumar Pandey, Jocelyne Ventre-Dominey. 127-134 [doi]
- Robotic companions in stroke therapy: A user study on the efficacy of assistive robotics among 30 patients in neurological rehabilitationSibylle Meyer, Christa Fricke. 135-142 [doi]
- Sociable driving agents to maintain driver's attention in autonomous drivingNihan Karatas, Soshi Yoshikawa, Shintaro Tamura, Sho Otaki, Ryuji Funayama, Michio Okada. 143-149 [doi]
- Both "look and feel" matter: Essential factors for robotic companionshipSeyedeh Maryam Fakhrhosseini, Dylan Lettinga, Eric Vasey, Zhi Zheng, Myounghoon Jeon, Chung Hyuk Park, Ayanna M. Howard. 150-155 [doi]
- A teleoperated control approach for anthropomorphic manipulator using magneto-inertial sensorsA. Noccaro, Francesca Cordella, Loredana Zollo, Giovanni Di Pino, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Domenico Formica. 156-161 [doi]
- Blame my telepresence robot joint effect of proxemics and attribution on interpersonal attractionJosca van Houwelingen-Snippe, Jered Vroon, Gwenn Englebienne, Pim Haselager. 162-168 [doi]
- Exploring user-defined gestures to control a group of four UAVsEkaterina Peshkova, Martin Hitz. 169-174 [doi]
- Exploring intuitiveness of metaphor-based gestures for UAV navigationEkaterina Peshkova, Martin Hitz, David Ahlström, Rainer W. Alexandrowicz, Alexander Kopper. 175-182 [doi]
- Study investigating the ease of talking via a robot tele-operated from same or different roomsJiro Shimaya, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro. 183-188 [doi]
- Ontology for autonomous roboticsJoanna Isabelle Olszewska, Marcos E. Barreto, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Joel Luis Carbonera, Abdelghani Chibani, Sandro Rama Fiorini, Paulo Jorge Sequeira Gonçalves, Maki K. Habib, Alaa Khamis, Alberto Olivares Alarcos, Edison Pignaton de Freitas, Edson Prestes, S. Veera Ragavan, Signe Redfield, Ricardo Sanz, Bruce Spencer, Howard Li. 189-194 [doi]
- Investigating how people deal with silence in a human-robot conversationKiyona Oto, Jianmei Feng, Michita Imai. 195-200 [doi]
- Agent auto-generation system: Interact with your favorite thingsShiori Sawada, Taichi Sono, Michita Imai. 201-206 [doi]
- A robot counseling system - What kinds of topics do we prefer to disclose to robots?Takahisa Uchida, Hideyuki Takahashi, Midori Ban, Jiro Shimaya, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro. 207-212 [doi]
- Telepresence robot with behavior synchrony: Merging the emotions and behaviors of usersSoji Yonezu, Hirotaka Osawa. 213-218 [doi]
- Analysis of robot hotel: Reconstruction of works with robotsHirotaka Osawa, Arisa Ema, Hiromitsu Hattori, Naonori Akiya, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Akinori Kubo, Tora Koyama, Ryutaro Ichise. 219-223 [doi]
- Stopping distance for a robot approaching two conversating personsPeter A. M. Ruijten, Raymond H. Cuijpers. 224-229 [doi]
- Security and guidance: Two roles for a humanoid robot in an interaction experimentGabriele Trovato, Alexander López, Renato Paredes, Francisco Cuéllar. 230-235 [doi]
- Understanding social interactions with socially assistive robotics in intergenerational family groupsElaine Schaertl Short, Katelyn Swift-Spong, Hyunju Shim, Kristi M. Wisniewski, Deanah Kim Zak, Shinyi Wu, Elizabeth M. Zelinski, Maja J. Mataric. 236-241 [doi]
- He can read your mind: Perceptions of a character-guessing robotZachary Henkel, Cindy L. Bethel, John Kelly, Alexis Jones, Kristen Stives, Zach Buchanan, Deborah K. Eakin, David C. May, Melinda Pilkinton. 242-247 [doi]
- A robotic couples counselor for promoting positive communicationDina Utami, Timothy W. Bickmore, Louis J. Kruger. 248-255 [doi]
- The influence of individual social traits on robot learning in a human-robot interactionHakim Guedjou, Sofiane Boucenna, Jean Xavier, David Cohen, Mohamed Chetouani. 256-262 [doi]
- Measuring multimodal deformations in soft inflatable actuators using embedded strain sensorsAlexander M. Hart, Thomas W. Cahoon, Frank L. Hammond. 263-270 [doi]
- The Wheelie - A facial expression controlled wheelchair using 3D technologyPaulo Gurgel Pinheiro, Claudio Gurgel Pinheiro, Eleri Cardozo. 271-276 [doi]
- Multimodal sensory feedback for virtual proprioception in powered upper-limb prosthesesJoshua Lee, Mi-Hyun Choi, Ji-Hwan Jung, Frank L. Hammond. 277-283 [doi]
- What's "up"? - Resolving interaction ambiguity through non-visual cues for a robotic dressing assistantGreg Chance, Praminda Caleb-Solly, Aleksandar Jevtic, Sanja Dogramadzi. 284-291 [doi]
- A taxonomy of preferences for physically assistive robotsGerard Canal, Guillem Alenyà, Carme Torras. 292-297 [doi]
- Development of an upper limb neuroprosthesis to voluntarily control elbow and handYosuke Ogiri, Yusuke Yamanoi, Wataru Nishino, Ryu Kato, Takehiko Takagi, Hiroshi Yokoi. 298-303 [doi]
- Learning to understand questions on the task history of a service robotVittorio Perera, Manuela M. Veloso. 304-309 [doi]
- Reprompts as error handling strategy in human-agent-dialog? User responses to a system's display of non-understandingChristiane Opfermann, Karola Pitsch. 310-316 [doi]
- Context-aware selection of multi-modal conversational fillers in human-robot dialoguesMatthias Gallé, Ekaterina Kynev, Nicolas Monet, Christophe Legras. 317-322 [doi]
- Strategies and mechanisms to enable dialogue agents to respond appropriately to indirect speech actsGordon Briggs, Matthias Scheutz. 323-328 [doi]
- Dealing with 'long turns' produced by users of an assistive system: How missing uptake and recipiency lead to turn incrementsKatharina Cyra, Karola Pitsch. 329-334 [doi]
- Recommendation dialogue system through pragmatic argumentationChing-Ying Cheng, Xiaobei Qian, Shih-Huan Tseng, Li-Chen Fu. 335-340 [doi]
- Co-representation of human-generated actions vs. machine-generated actions: Impact on our sense of we-agency?Aisha Sahai, E. Pacherie, Ouriel Grynszpan, Bruno Berberian. 341-345 [doi]
- Proactive, incremental learning of gesture-action associations for human-robot collaborationDadhichi Shukla, Özgür Erkent, Justus H. Piater. 346-353 [doi]
- Legible action selection in human-robot collaborationHuaijiang Zhu, Volker Gabler, Dirk Wollherr. 354-359 [doi]
- Adaptation to a humanoid robot in a collaborative joint taskFabio Vannucci, Alessandra Sciutti, Marco Jacono, Giulio Sandini, Francesco Rea. 360-365 [doi]
- A human workload assessment algorithm for collaborative human-machine teamsJamison Heard, Caroline E. Harriott, Julie A. Adams. 366-371 [doi]
- A robust multimodal fusion framework for command interpretation in human-robot cooperationJonathan Cacace, Alberto Finzi, Vincenzo Lippiello. 372-377 [doi]
- Adapting a Robot's linguistic style based on socially-aware reinforcement learningHannes Ritschel, Tobias Baur, Elisabeth André. 378-384 [doi]
- Robot moderation of a collaborative game: Towards socially assistive robotics in group interactionsElaine Short, Maja J. Mataric. 385-390 [doi]
- Semantic structure for robotic teaching and learningSayanti Roy, Emily Kieson, Charles Abramson, Christopher Crick. 391-396 [doi]
- The authority of appearance: How robot features influence trait inferences and evaluative responsesJ. Benitez, Alisa B. Wyman, Colleen M. Carpinella, Steven J. Stroessner. 397-404 [doi]
- Socially-aware navigation planner using models of human-human interactionMeera Sebastian, Santosh Balajee Banisetty, David Feil-Seifer. 405-410 [doi]
- Pardon the rude robot: Social cues diminish reactance to high controlling languageAimi Shazwani Ghazali, Jaap Ham, Emilia I. Barakova, Panos Markopoulos. 411-417 [doi]
- A hug from a robot encourages prosocial behaviorMasahiro Shiomi, Aya Nakata, Masayuki Kanbara, Norihiro Hagita. 418-423 [doi]
- Enriching robot's actions with affective movementsJulian M. Angel Fernandez, Andrea Bonarini. 424-429 [doi]
- Gesture mimicry in social human-robot interactionJanis Stolzenwald, Paul Bremner. 430-436 [doi]
- A speech-driven pupil response robot synchronized with burst-pause of utteranceYoshihiro Sejima, Shoichi Egawa, Ryosuke Maeda, Yoichiro Sato, Tomio Watanabe. 437-442 [doi]
- I get it already! the influence of ChairBot motion gestures on bystander responseHeather Knight, Timothy Lee, Brittany Hallawell, Wendy Ju. 443-448 [doi]
- Robots educate in style: The effect of context and non-verbal behaviour on children's perceptions of warmth and competenceRifca Peters, Joost Broekens, Mark A. Neerincx. 449-455 [doi]
- Stiffness perception during pinching and dissection with teleoperated haptic forcepsCanaan Ng, Kourosh Zareinia, Qiao Sun, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker. 456-463 [doi]
- Exploring the effectiveness of using temporal order information for the early-recognition of suture surgery's six steps based on video image analyses of surgeons' hand actionsMiwa Tsubota, Ye Li, Jun Ohya. 464-469 [doi]
- Development of a two DOF needle driver for CT-guided needle insertion-type interventional robotic systemKi-Young Kim, Hyun Soo Woo, Jang Ho Cho, Yong Koo Lee. 470-475 [doi]
- Teleoperated multimodal robotic interface for telemedicine: A case study on remote auscultationSara Falleni, Alessandro Filippeschi, Emanuele Ruffaldi, Carlo Alberto Avizzano. 476-482 [doi]
- Integrating the users in the design of a robot for making Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments (CGA) to elderly people in care centersKarine Lan Hing Ting, Dimitri Voilmy, Ana Iglesias, José Carlos Pulido, Javier García-Polo, Adrián Romero-Garcés, Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio, Rebeca Marfil, Alvaro Dueñas. 483-488 [doi]
- Interactive balance rehabilitation tool with wearable skin stretch deviceYi-Tsen Pan, Pilwon Hur. 489-494 [doi]
- Contact detection and physical interaction for low cost personal robotsFabrizio Flacco, Abderrahmane Kheddar. 495-501 [doi]
- Contextual awareness: Understanding monologic natural language instructions for autonomous robotsJacob Arkin, Matthew R. Walter, Adrian Boteanu, Michael E. Napoli, Harel Biggie, Hadas Kress-Gazit, Thomas M. Howard. 502-509 [doi]
- Towards robot-human reliable hand-over: Continuous detection of object perturbation force directionAugusto Gomez Eguiluz, I. Rano, Sonya A. Coleman, T. Martin McGinnity. 510-515 [doi]
- Towards understanding user preferences in robot-human handovers: How do we decide?Eric Martinson, Ana C. Huamán Quispe, Kentaro Oguchi. 516-521 [doi]
- Where are the robots? In-feed embedded techniques for visualizing robot team member locationsStela H. Seo, James E. Young, Pourang Irani. 522-527 [doi]
- Predicting trust in human control of swarms via inverse reinforcement learningChangjoo Nam, Phillip M. Walker, Michael Lewis 0001, Katia P. Sycara. 528-533 [doi]
- Cultural differences in social acceptance of robotsTatsuya Nomura. 534-538 [doi]
- Ethical considerations of gendering very humanlike androids from an interdisciplinary perspectiveElena Knox, Katsumi Watanabe. 539-546 [doi]
- Encoding cultures in robot emotion representationThi Le Quyen Dang, Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong. 547-552 [doi]
- Paving the way for culturally competent robots: A position paperBarbara Bruno, Nak Young Chong, Hiroko Kamide, Sanjeev Kanoria, Jaeryoung Lee, Yuto Lim, Amit Kumar Pandey, Chris Papadopoulos, Irena Papadopoulos, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti, Antonio Sgorbissa. 553-560 [doi]
- Mind attribution to Androids: A comparative study with Italian and Japanese adolescentsGabriele Trovato, Friederike Eyssel. 561-566 [doi]
- Face image-based age and gender estimation with consideration of ethnic differenceMinchul Shin, Ju-Hwan Seo, Dong-Soo Kwon. 567-572 [doi]
- Cross-cultural differences for adaptive strategies of robots in public spacesSaida Mussakhojayeva, Anara Sandygulova. 573-578 [doi]
- Investigating the influence of embodiment on facial mimicry in HRI using computer vision-based measuresMaike Paetzel, Giovanna Varni, Isabelle Hupont Torres, Mohamed Chetouani, Christopher E. Peters, Ginevra Castellano. 579-586 [doi]
- Natural head movement for HRI with a muscular-skeletal head and neck robotSteve Barker, Hooshang Izadi, Nigel T. Crook, Khaled Hayatleh, Matthias Rolf, Philip Hughes, Neil Fellows. 587-592 [doi]
- Hybrid chat and task dialogue for more engaging HRI using reinforcement learningIoannis Papaioannou, Christian Dondrup, Jekaterina Novikova, Oliver Lemon. 593-598 [doi]
- Episodic memory formulation and its application in long-term HRIMarkos Sigalas, Michail Maniadakis, Panos E. Trahanias. 599-606 [doi]
- A Wizard-of-Oz study of curiosity in human-robot interactionEdith Law, Vicky Cai, Qi Feng Liu, Sajin Sasy, Joslin Goh, Alex Blidaru, Dana Kulic. 607-614 [doi]
- Love at first sight: Mere exposure to robot appearance leaves impressions similar to interactions with physical robotsSeyedeh Maryam Fakhrhosseini, Samantha Hilliger, Jaclyn Barnes, Myounghoon Jeon, Chung Hyuk Park, Ayanna M. Howard. 615-620 [doi]
- Impression's predictive models for animated robotTakamune Izui, Gentiane Venture. 621-626 [doi]
- Investigating the real world impact of emotion portrayal through robot voice and motionKatie Winkle, Paul Bremner. 627-634 [doi]
- A framework for a robot's emotions engineBen Salem. 635-640 [doi]
- A robot at home - How affect, technology commitment, and personality traits influence user experience in an intelligent robotics apartmentJasmin Bernotat, Friederike Eyssel. 641-646 [doi]
- Study of emotion rendering design for humanoid robots compiled with real-time music mood perceptionStone Cheng. 647-652 [doi]
- Emotion classification using linear predictive features on wavelet-decomposed EEG dataLuka Kraljevic, Mladen Russo, Marjan Sikora. 653-657 [doi]
- Determining the effect of programming language in educational robotic activitiesJulian M. Angel Fernandez, Markus Vincze. 658-663 [doi]
- Wizard of Oz vs autonomous: Children's perception changes according to robot's operation conditionDaniel Tozadore, Adam Pinto, Roseli Romero, Gabriele Trovato. 664-669 [doi]
- Socially assistive child-robot interaction in physical exercise coachingArzu Güneysu, Bert Arnrich. 670-675 [doi]
- Personalised self-explanation by robots: The role of goals versus beliefs in robot-action explanation for children and adultsFrank Kaptein, Joost Broekens, Koen V. Hindriks, Mark A. Neerincx. 676-682 [doi]
- Designing telepresence robots for K-12 educationElizabeth Cha, Samantha Chen, Maja J. Mataric. 683-688 [doi]
- My classroom robot: Exploring telepresence for K-12 education in a virtual environmentElizabeth Cha, Jillian Greczek, Ao Song, Maja J. Mataric. 689-695 [doi]
- Communicating spatial knowledge in Japanese for interaction with autonomous robotsLu Cao, Hisato Fukuda, Antony Lam, Yoshinori Kuno. 696-703 [doi]
- Design of a robot that is capable of high fiving with humansErina Okamura, Fumihide Tanaka. 704-711 [doi]
- Readability of the gaze and expressions of a robot museum visitor: Impact of the low level sensory-motor controlAliaa Moualla, Ali Karaouzene, Sofiane Boucenna, Denis-Vidal, Philippe Gaussier. 712-719 [doi]
- Keep on dancing: Effects of expressive motion mimicryReid G. Simmons, Heather Knight. 720-727 [doi]
- Hey robot, why don't you talk to me?Hwei Geok Ng, Paul Anton, Marc Brügger, Nikhil Churamani, Erik Fließwasser, Thomas Hummel, Julius Mayer, Waleed Mustafa, Thi Linh Chi Nguyen, Quan Nguyen, Marcus Soll, Sebastian Springenberg, Sascha S. Griffiths, Stefan Heinrich, Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero, Erik Strahl, Johannes Twiefel, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter. 728-731 [doi]
- A communal perspective on shared robots as social catalystsSwapna Joshi, Selma Sabanovic. 732-738 [doi]
- A mixed reality for virtual assemblyUlises Zaldivar-Colado, Samir Garbaya, Paul Tamayo-Serrano, Xiomara Zaldivar-Colado, Pierre Blazevic. 739-744 [doi]
- Automatic replication of teleoperator head movements and facial expressions on a humanoid robotJan Ondras, Oya Çeliktutan, Evangelos Sariyanidi, Hatice Gunes. 745-750 [doi]
- Understanding human-robot interaction in virtual realityOliver Liu, Daniel Rakita, Bilge Mutlu, Michael Gleicher. 751-757 [doi]
- A fully immersive VR-based haptic feedback system for size measurement in inspection tasks using 3D point cloudsClaudio Loconsole, Giacomo Tattoli, Ilaria Bortone, Franco Tecchia, Daniele De Leonardis, Antonio Frisoli. 758-763 [doi]
- Augmented reality dialog interface for multimodal teleoperationAndré Pereira, Elizabeth J. Carter, Iolanda Leite, John Mars, Jill Fain Lehman. 764-771 [doi]
- Self-reconfigurable modular robot interface using virtual reality: Arrangement of furniture made out of roombots modulesValentin Nigolian, Mehmet Mutlu, Simon Hauser, Alexandre Bernardino, Auke Jan Ijspeert. 772-778 [doi]
- Decision-theoretic planning under uncertainty for multimodal human-robot interactionJoão A. Garcia, Pedro U. Lima, Tiago Veiga. 779-784 [doi]
- Crowd sourcing 'approach behavior' control parameters for human-robot interactionFrançois Ferland, Adriana Tapus. 785-790 [doi]
- Learning users' and personality-gender preferences in close human-robot interactionArturo Cruz-Maya, Adriana Tapus. 791-798 [doi]
- Towards reaction and response time metrics for real-world human-robot interactionCaroline E. Harriott, Julie A. Adams. 799-804 [doi]
- Affective facial expressions recognition for human-robot interactionDiego R. Faria, Mario Vieira, Fernanda C. C. Faria, Cristiano Premebida. 805-810 [doi]
- Online nod detection in human-robot interactionEduard Wall, Lars Schillingmann, Franz Kummert. 811-817 [doi]
- Vibrotactile feedback for aiding robot kinesthetic teaching of manipulation tasksEmanuele Ruffaldi, Alessandro Di Fava, Claudio Loconsole, Antonio Frisoli, Carlo Alberto Avizzano. 818-823 [doi]
- A user study on human-robot-interactive recovery for industrial assembly problemsArne Muxfeldt, Sugeeth Gopinathan, Thilo Coenders, Jochen Steil. 824-830 [doi]
- A user study on personalized adaptive stiffness control modes for human-robot interactionSugeeth Gopinathan, Sonja Otting, Jochen Steil. 831-837 [doi]
- Collision detection, localization & classification for industrial robots with joint torque sensorsDmitry Popov, Alexandr Klimchik, Nikolaos Mavridis. 838-843 [doi]
- Human-centric partitioning of the environmentHakan Karaoguz, Nils Bore, John Folkesson, Patric Jensfelt. 844-850 [doi]
- An integrated approach for industrial robot control and programming combining haptic and non-haptic gesturesJohannes Hugle, Jens Lambrecht, Jörg Krüger. 851-857 [doi]
- Multi-sensor activity recognition using 2DPCA and K-means clustering based on dual-measure distanceHong He, JiFeng Huang, Wuxiong Zhang. 858-863 [doi]
- Ex-amp robot: Expressive robotic avatar with multimodal emotion detection to enhance communication of users with motor disabilitiesAi Kashii, Kazunori Takashio, Hideyuki Tokuda. 864-870 [doi]
- Automatic detection of human interactions from RGB-D data for social activity classificationClaudio Coppola, Serhan Cosar, Diego R. Faria, Nicola Bellotto. 871-876 [doi]
- Two deep approaches for ADL recognition: A multi-scale LSTM and a CNN-LSTM with a 3D matrix skeleton representationGiovanni Ercolano, Daniel Riccio, Silvia Rossi. 877-882 [doi]
- Unsupervised embrace pose recognition using K-means clusteringNutnaree Kleawsirikul, Hironori Mitake, Shoichi Hasegawa. 883-890 [doi]
- Classification of gross upper limb movements using upper arm electromyographic featuresAzeemsha Thacham Poyil, Farshid Amirabdollahian, Volker Steuber. 891-896 [doi]
- Keep on moving! Exploring anthropomorphic effects of motion during idle momentsThibault Asselborn, Wafa Johal, Pierre Dillenbourg. 897-902 [doi]
- Exploring engagement with robots among persons with neurodevelopmental disordersEleonora Aida Beccaluva, Andrea Bonarini, Roberto Cerabolini, Francesco Clasadonte, Franca Garzotto, Mirko Gelsomini, Vito Antonio Iannelli, Francesco Monaco, Leonardo Viola. 903-909 [doi]
- Estimation of child personality for child-robot interactionKasumi Abe, Yuki Hamada, Takayuki Nagai, Masahiro Shiomi, Takashi Omori. 910-915 [doi]
- Expectation management in child-robot interactionMike Ligthart, Olivier A. Blanson Henkemans, Koen V. Hindriks, Mark A. Neerincx. 916-921 [doi]
- The role of self-disclosure in human-robot interactionFriederike Eyssel, Ricarda Wullenkord, Verena Nitsch. 922-927 [doi]
- Good vibrations: How consequential sounds affect perception of robotic armsHamish Tennent, Dylan Moore, Malte Jung, Wendy Ju. 928-935 [doi]
- Hand in air tapping: A wearable input technology to type wirelessLeonardo Meli, Davide Barcelli, Tommaso Lisini Baldi, Domenico Prattichizzo. 936-941 [doi]
- How to teach your robot in 5 minutes: Applying UX paradigms to human-robot-interactionMartin Kraft, Markus Rickert 0001. 942-949 [doi]
- On the recognition of human hand touch from robotic skin pressure measurements using convolutional neural networksAlessandro Albini, Simone Denei, Giorgio Cannata. 950-955 [doi]
- Tortoise and the Hare Robot: Slow and steady almost wins the race, but finishes more safelyDaniel J. Rea, Mahdi Rahmani Hanzaki, Neil D. B. Bruce, James E. Young. 956-961 [doi]
- Monocle: Interactive detail-in-context using two pan-and-tilt cameras to improve teleoperation effectivenessStela H. Seo, Daniel J. Rea, Joel Wiebe, James E. Young. 962-967 [doi]
- Artificial neural networks based myoelectric control system for automatic assistance in hand rehabilitationMohamed Zine-El-Abidine Amrani, Abdelaghani Daoudi, Nouara Achour, Mouloud Tair. 968-973 [doi]
- Wearing your arm on your sleeve: Studying usage contexts for a wearable robotic forearmVighnesh Vatsal, Guy Hoffman. 974-980 [doi]
- The role of security in human-robot shared environments: A case study in ROS-based surveillance robotsDavid Portugal, Samuel Pereira, Micael S. Couceiro. 981-986 [doi]
- Evaluating the usability and users' acceptance of a kitchen assistant robot in household environmentT. X. N. Pham, K. Hayashi, Christian Becker-Asano, S. Lacher, Ikuo Mizuuchi. 987-992 [doi]
- Learning generalizable surface cleaning actions from demonstrationSarah Elliott, Zhe Xu, Maya Cakmak. 993-999 [doi]
- Coordinating flexible human-robot teams by local world state observationDominik Riedelbauch, Dominik Henrich. 1000-1005 [doi]
- Design and evaluation of a P300 visual brain-computer interface speller in cyrillic charactersArailym Zhumadilova, Dana Tokmurzina, Akbay Kuderbekov, Berdakh Abibullaev. 1006-1011 [doi]
- Integrating olfaction in a robotic telepresence loopJavier Gonzalez Monroy, Francisco Melendez-Fernandez, Andres Gongora, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez. 1012-1017 [doi]
- Multimodal communication for guiding a person following robotVardit Sarne-Fleischmann, Honig S. Honig, Tal Oron-Gilad, Yael Edan. 1018-1023 [doi]
- Deep recurrent Q-learning of behavioral intervention delivery by a robot from demonstration dataMadison Clark-Turner, Momotaz Begum. 1024-1029 [doi]
- Towards the use of consumer-grade electromyographic armbands for interactive, artistic robotics performancesUlysse Côté Allard, David St-Onge, Philippe Giguère, François Laviolette, Benoit Gosselin. 1030-1036 [doi]
- Impact of continuous eye contact of a humanoid robot on user experience and interactions with professional user backgroundBarbara Kühnlenz, Zhi-Qiao Wang, Kolja Kühnlenz. 1037-1042 [doi]
- Formation control using GQ(λ) reinforcement learningMartin Knopp, Can Aykin, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen. 1043-1048 [doi]
- Reducing the gap between cognitive and robotic systemsHelio Azevedo, Roseli A. F. Romero, Jose Pedro Ribeiro Belo. 1049-1054 [doi]
- Developing child-robot interaction scenarios with a humanoid robot to assist children with autism in developing visual perspective taking skillsLuke Jai Wood, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Ben Robins, Abolfazl Zaraki. 1055-1060 [doi]
- Timing of multimodal robot behaviors during human-robot collaborationLars Christian Jensen, Kerstin Fischer, Stefan-Daniel Suvei, Leon Bodenhagen. 1061-1066 [doi]
- H-RRT-C: Haptic motion planning with contactNassime Blin, Michel Taïx, Philippe Fillatreau, Jean-Yves Fourquet. 1067-1072 [doi]
- Playing the mirror game with a humanoid: Probing the social aspects of switching interaction rolesShelly Sicat, Shreya Chopra, Nico Li, Ehud Sharlin. 1078-1083 [doi]
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- Representing motion information from event-based camerasKeith Sullivan, Wallace Lawson. 1465-1470 [doi]
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- IRON-BAG: Fast classification of humans and objects in 3D NDT-maps using structural signaturesThomas Schmiedel, Horst-Michael Gross. 1491-1497 [doi]