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- Novel Gyrotron Beam Annealing Method for Mg-Implanted Bulk GaNK. Hogan, S. Tozier, E. Rocco, I. Mahaboob, V. Meyers, B. McEwen, F. Shahedipour-Sandvik, R. Tompkins, M. Derenge, Kenneth Jones, M. Shevelev, V. Sklyar, A. Lang, J. Hart, M. Taheri, M. Reshchikov. 1-6 [doi]
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- Design and Optimization of the NAND ESD Clamp in CMOS TechnologyJian Liu, Nathaniel Peachey. 1-4 [doi]
- Program/Erase Cycling Enhanced Lateral Charge Diffusion in Triple-Level Cell Charge-Trapping 3D NAND Flash MemoryRui Cao, Jixuan Wu, Wenjing Yang, Jiezhi Chen, Xiangwei Jiang. 1-4 [doi]
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- Comparative Analysis of the Degradation Mechanisms in Logic and I/O FinFET Devices Induced by Plasma DamageGaspard Hiblot, Yefan Liu, Geert Hellings, Geert Van der Plas. 1-5 [doi]
- Influence of Gate Length on pBTI in GaN-on-Si E-Mode MOSc-HEMTA. G. Viey, W. Vandendaele, M.-A. Jaud, R. Gwoziecki, A. Torres, M. Plissonnier, F. Gaillard, G. Ghibaudo, R. Modica, F. Iucolano, Matteo Meneghini, Gaudenzio Meneghesso. 1-6 [doi]
- Current Filament Dynamics Under ESD Stress in High Voltage (Bidirectional) SCRs and It's Implications on Power Law BehaviorNagothu Karmel Kranthi, Akram A. Salman, Gianluca Boselli, Mayank Shrivastava. 1-5 [doi]
- Low-Frequency Noise Reduction in 22FDX®: Impact of Device Geometry and Back BiasLuca Pirro, A. Zaka, O. Zimmerhackl, T. Hermann, M. Otto, E. M. Bazizi, Jan Hoentschel, X. Li, R. Taylor. 1-5 [doi]
- Stability of 4H-SiC JBS Diodes Under Repetitive Avalanche StressAjit Kanale, Kijeong Han, B. Jayant Baliga, Subhashish Bhattacharya. 1-6 [doi]
- From Emerging Memory to Novel Devices for Neuromorphic Systems: Consequences for the Reliability Requirements of Memristive DevicesD. J. Wouters. 1-4 [doi]
- SEIFF: Soft Error Immune Flip-Flop for Mitigating Single Event Upset and Single Event Transient in 10 nm FinFETTaiki Uemura, Soonyoung Lee, Dahye Min, Ihlhwa Moon, Seungbae Lee, Sangwoo Pae. 1-6 [doi]
- High Voltage Tolerant Design with Advanced Process for TV ApplicationS. E. Liu, M.-H. Hsieh, Y. R. Chen, J. Y. Jao, M. Z. Lin, Y. H. Fang, M. J. Lin. 1-4 [doi]
- A Statistical Learning Model for Accurate Prediction of Time-Dependent Dielectric Degradation for Low Failure RatesKaustubh Joshi, Yung-Huei Lee, Yu-Cheng Yao, Shu-Wen Chang, Siao-Syong Bian, P. J. Liao, Jiaw-Ren Shih, Min-Jan Chen. 1-6 [doi]
- Reliability Analysis of a Delay-Locked Loop Under HCI and BTI DegradationTonmoy Dhar, Sachin S. Sapatnekar. 1-6 [doi]
- Characterization and Analysis of Bit Errors in 3D TLC NAND Flash MemoryNikolaos Papandreou, Haralampos Pozidis, Thomas P. Parnell, Nikolas Ioannou, Roman A. Pletka, Sasa Tomic, Patrick Breen, Gary A. Tressler, Aaron Fry, Timothy Fisher. 1-6 [doi]
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- D} bias spaceErik Bury, Adrian Chasin, Michiel Vandemaele, Simon Van Beek, Jacopo Franco, Ben Kaczer, Dimitri Linten. 1-6 [doi]
- Reinforcement Learning System Comprising Resistive Analog Neuromorphic DevicesSong-Ju Kim, Kaori Ohkoda, Masashi Aono, Hisashi Shima, Makoto Takahashi, Yasuhisa Naitoh, Hiroyuki Akinaga. 1-6 [doi]
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- Applying Machine Learning to Design for Reliability CoverageNorman Chang, Wentze Chuang, Ganesh Kumar Tsavatanalli, Joao Geada, Hao Zhuang, Sankar Ramachandran, Rahul Rajan, Ying Shiun Li, Yaowei Jia, Mathew Kaipanatu, Suresh Kumar Mantena, Ming-Chih Shih, Anita Yang, Roger Jang. 1-7 [doi]
- Product Reliability Methods to Enable High Performance CPU'sRoman Rechter, Robert Kwasnick, Almog Reshef, Oren Zonensain, Tal Raz, Anisur Rahman, Praveen Polasam, Maxim Levit. 1-5 [doi]
- A Physical-Statistical Approach to AlGaN/GaN HEMT ReliabilityPeter Moens, Arno Stockman. 1-6 [doi]
- Single-Event Upset Responses of Dual- and Triple-Well D Flip-Flop Designs in 7-nm Bulk FinFET TechnologyL. Xu, J. Cao, B. L. Bhuva, Indranil Chatterjee, S.-J. Wen, R. Wong, Lloyd W. Massengill. 1-5 [doi]
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- Study of the Mechanical Stress Impact on Silicide Contact Resistance by 4-Point BendingYefan Liu, Hao Yu, Gaspard Hiblot, Anastasiia Kruv, Marc Schaekers, Naoto Horiguchi, Dimitrios Velenis, Ingrid De Wolf. 1-5 [doi]
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