Abstract is missing.
- Efficient scheduling for multiple automated non-holonomic vehicles using a Coordinated Path PlannerJacob Jay Thomson, Andrew Evan Graham. [doi]
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- Using advanced industrial robotics for spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking simulationToralf Boge, Ou Ma. [doi]
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- A practical algorithm for robot path planning with imprecise environmental dimensionsGuanfeng Liu. [doi]
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- Experiments in cooperative human multi-robot navigationJoan Saez-Pons, Lyuba Alboul, Jacques Penders. [doi]
- Design of an Inertial Motion ModuleNunzio Abbate, Ignazio Aleo, Adriano Basile, Carmen Brigante, Alessandro Faulisi. [doi]
- Virtual prototyping for drive chain optimization in an industrial robotBojun Ma, Hao Li, Said Zahrai, Hui Zhang. [doi]
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- Free flight simulations and pitch and roll control experiments of a sub-gram flapping-flight micro aerial vehicleLindsey L. Hines, Veaceslav Arabagi, Metin Sitti. 1-7 [doi]
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- Towards the development of gyroscopically controlled micro air vehiclesChris Thorne, Mark Yim. 26-31 [doi]
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- Revising temporal logic specifications for motion planningGeorgios E. Fainekos. 40-45 [doi]
- Modular open robots simulation engine: MORSEGilberto Echeverria, Nicolas Lassabe, Arnaud Degroote, Séverin Lemaignan. 46-51 [doi]
- Mobile-R: A reconfigurable cooperative control platform for rapid deployment of multi-robot systemsStephen S. Nestinger, Harry H. Cheng. 52-57 [doi]
- A game theoretic queueing approach to self-assessment in human-robot interaction systemsTinglong Dai, Katia P. Sycara, Michael Lewis. 58-63 [doi]
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- First experiments on MagPieR: A planar wireless magnetic and piezoelectric microrobotIoan Alexandru Ivan, Gilgueng Hwang, Joël Agnus, Micky Rakotondrabe, Nicolas Chaillet, Stephane Régnier. 102-108 [doi]
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- 3-DOF untethered microrobot powered by a single laser beam based on differential thermal dynamicsMuhammed R. Pac, Dan O. Popa. 121-127 [doi]
- Exploiting task redundancy in industrial manipulators during drilling operationsAndrea Maria Zanchettin, Paolo Rocco, Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson. 128-133 [doi]
- Collaborative planning of assembly sequences with joint intelligenceXiaobu Yuan. 134-140 [doi]
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- A novel electroactive polymer buoyancy control device for bio-inspired underwater vehiclesTae I. Um, Zheng Chen, Hilary Bart-Smith. 172-177 [doi]
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- Development of a helical climbing modular snake robotPongsakorn Polchankajorn, Thavida Maneewarn. 197-202 [doi]
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- CPG-based behavior design and implementation for a biomimetic amphibious robotRui Ding, Junzhi Yu, Qinghai Yang, Min Tan, Jianwei Zhang. 209-214 [doi]
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- Ultra-high-precision industrial robots calibrationEmanuele Lubrano, Mohamed Bouri, Reymond Clavel. 228-233 [doi]
- Dynamic identification of a 6 dof robot without joint position dataMaxime Gautier, Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon, Alexandre Janot. 234-239 [doi]
- PTZ camera pose estimation by tracking a 3D targetStefan Hrabar, Peter Corke, Volker Hilsenstein. 240-247 [doi]
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- Load balancing for multi-robot constructionNils Napp, Eric Klavins. 254-260 [doi]
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- AGV global localization using indistinguishable artificial landmarksDavide Ronzoni, Roberto Olmi, Cristian Secchi, Cesare Fantuzzi. 287-292 [doi]
- A single landmark based localization algorithm for non-holonomic mobile robotsHugues Sert, Annemarie M. Kökösy, Wilfrid Perruquetti. 293-298 [doi]
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- A PD-type regulator with exact gravity cancellation for robots with flexible jointsAlessandro De Luca 0001, Fabrizio Flacco. 317-323 [doi]
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- Self help: Seeking out perplexing images for ever improving navigationRohan Paul, Paul M. Newman. 445-451 [doi]
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- Hybrid sliding mode control with optimization for flexible manipulator under fast motionHaibin Yin, Yukinori Kobayashi, Yohei Hoshino, Takanori Emaru. 458-463 [doi]
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- A 6-DOF heavy-load parallel manipulator with RFTA and its applicationJianzheng Zhang, Hongnian Yu, Feng Gao, Dan Zhang, Xianchao Zhao, Cunxiang Ma. 470-475 [doi]
- A lower dimensional task function method for point-to-point control of non-redundant manipulatorsCong-wei Zhong, Ji Xiang, Wei Wei, Yuan-hui Zhang. 476-481 [doi]
- Towards a unifying grasp representation for imitation learning on humanoid robotsMartin Do, Tamim Asfour, Rüdiger Dillmann. 482-488 [doi]
- Measuring contact points from displacements with a compliant, articulated robot handGurdayal S. Koonjul, Garth Zeglin, Nancy S. Pollard. 489-495 [doi]
- Graspability: A description of work surfaces for planning of robot manipulation sequencesSteffen W. Ruehl, Andreas Hermann, Zhixing Xue, Thilo Kerscher, Rüdiger Dillmann. 496-502 [doi]
- Path following control of snake robots in unstructured environmentsPål Liljebäck, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen, Øyvind Stavdahl, Jan Tommy Gravdahl. 503-510 [doi]
- Running and turning control of a quadruped robot with compliant legs in bounding gaitXin Wang, Mantian Li, Pengfei Wang, Lining Sun. 511-518 [doi]
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- Stability analysis of passive compass gait using linearized modelFumihiko Asano. 557-562 [doi]
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- Evolutionary tuning of sigma-point Kalman filtersTak-Kit Lau, Kai-wun Lin. 771-776 [doi]
- Under-actuated tank-like climbing robot with various transitioning capabilitiesTaewon Seo, Metin Sitti. 777-782 [doi]
- A gecko inspired fluid driven climbing robotJilin Liu, Zhangqian Tong, Jinyuan Fu, Donghai Wang, Qi Su, Jun Zou. 783-788 [doi]
- Treebot: Autonomous tree climbing by tactile sensingTin Lun Lam, Yangsheng Xu. 789-794 [doi]
- The ParkourBot - a dynamic BowLeg climbing robotAmir Degani, Siyuan Feng, H. Benjamin Brown, Kevin M. Lynch, Howie Choset, Matthew T. Mason. 795-801 [doi]
- MEDIC: A legged millirobot utilizing novel obstacle traversalNicholas J. Kohut, Aaron M. Hoover, Kevin Y. Ma, Stanley S. Baek, Ronald S. Fearing. 802-808 [doi]
- An anthropomorphic navigation scheme for dynamic scenariosLeonardo Scandolo, Thierry Fraichard. 809-814 [doi]
- Two level world modeling for cooperating robots using a multiple hypotheses filterJ. Elfring, M. J. G. van de Molengraft, R. J. M. Janssen, Maarten Steinbuch. 815-820 [doi]
- A novel rectification framework for coaxial omni-directional stereoJie Lei, Xin Du, Jilin Liu. 821-827 [doi]
- Autonomous river navigation using the Hamilton-Jacobi framework for underactuated vehiclesKevin Weekly, Leah Anderson, Andrew Tinka, Alexandre M. Bayen. 828-833 [doi]
- PVS: A system for large scale outdoor perception performance evaluationCristian Dima, Carl Wellington, Stewart J. Moorehead, Levi Lister, Joan Campoy, Carlos Vallespí, Boyoon Jung, Michio Kise, Zachary Bonefas. 834-841 [doi]
- Three-dimensional lower limb kinematic and kinetic analysis based on a wireless sensor systemTao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, K. Shiojima. 842-847 [doi]
- SLAC: 3D localization of human based on kinetic human movement captureQilong Yuan, I.-Ming Chen, Shang Ping Lee. 848-853 [doi]
- Better models for people trackingMatthias Luber, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Kai Oliver Arras. 854-859 [doi]
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- An assisted re-synchronization method for robotic teleoperated tasksAlexander Pérez, Jan Rosell. 886-891 [doi]
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- A passivity-based decentralized approach for the bilateral teleoperation of a group of UAVs with switching topologyAntonio Franchi, Paolo Robuffo Giordano, Cristian Secchi, Hyoung Il Son, Heinrich H. Bülthoff. 898-905 [doi]
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- Computing Jacobians and compliance matrices for externally loaded continuum robotsD. Caleb Rucker, Robert J. Webster III. 945-950 [doi]
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