Abstract is missing.
- Exact robot navigation using power diagramsOmur Arslan, Daniel E. Koditschek. 1-8 [doi]
- Gaussian Process Motion planningMustafa Mukadam, Xinyan Yan, Byron Boots. 9-15 [doi]
- Topological trajectory clustering with relative persistent homologyFlorian T. Pokorny, Ken Goldberg, Danica Kragic. 16-23 [doi]
- High-dimensional Winding-Augmented Motion Planning with 2D topological task projections and persistent homologyFlorian T. Pokorny, Danica Kragic, Lydia E. Kavraki, Ken Goldberg. 24-31 [doi]
- Resource-aware motion planningManfred Kröhnert, Raphael Grimm, Nikolaus Vahrenkamp, Tamim Asfour. 32-39 [doi]
- An MDP-based approximation method for goal constrained multi-MAV planning under action uncertaintyLantao Liu, Nathan Michael. 56-62 [doi]
- Learning high-dimensional Mixture Models for fast collision detection in Rapidly-Exploring Random TreesJinwook Huh, Daniel D. Lee. 63-69 [doi]
- Burs of free C-space: A novel structure for path planningBakir Lacevic, Dinko Osmankovic, Adnan Ademovic. 70-76 [doi]
- Path planning for robotic manipulators using expanded bubbles of free C-spaceAdnan Ademovic, Bakir Lacevic. 77-82 [doi]
- Reduced complexity multi-scale path-planning on probabilistic mapsFlorian Hauer, Panagiotis Tsiotras. 83-88 [doi]
- Hierarchical rejection sampling for informed kinodynamic planning in high-dimensional spacesTobias Kunz, Andrea Thomaz, Henrik Christensen. 89-96 [doi]
- A highly sensitive dual mode tactile and proximity sensor using Carbon Microcoils for robotic applicationsHyo Seung Han, Junwoo Park, Tien Dat Nguyen, Ui Kyum Kim, Canh Toan Nguyen, Hoa Phung, Hyouk Ryeol Choi. 97-102 [doi]
- Nanoforce sensing with magnetic springs using a differential approach to compensate external mechanical disturbancesMargot Billot, Emmanuel Piat, Joël Abadie, Joël Agnus, Philippe Stempfle. 103-108 [doi]
- Improved normal and shear tactile force sensor performance via Least Squares Artificial Neural Network (LSANN)Meng Yee Chuah, Sangbae Kim. 116-122 [doi]
- Tactile manipulation with biomimetic active touchLuke Cramphorn, Benjamin Ward-Cherrier, Nathan F. Lepora. 123-129 [doi]
- Narrow passage sampling in the observation of robotic assembly tasksKorbinian Nottensteiner, Mikel Sagardia, Andreas Stemmer, Christoph Borst. 130-137 [doi]
- Robotic grasp control with high-resolution combined tactile and proximity sensingKazuhiro Shimonomura, Hiroto Nakashima, Kentaro Nozu. 138-143 [doi]
- Experience-based torque estimation for an industrial robotErik Berger, Steve Grehl, David Vogt, Bernhard Jung, Heni Ben Amor. 144-149 [doi]
- Compressed sensing for tactile skinsBrayden Hollis, Stacy Patterson, Jeff Trinkle. 150-157 [doi]
- Variability and predictability in tactile sensing during graspingQian Wan, Ryan P. Adams, Robert D. Howe. 158-164 [doi]
- Analytic grasp success prediction with tactile feedbackRobert Krug 0002, Achim J. Lilienthal, Danica Kragic, Yasemin Bekiroglu. 165-171 [doi]
- Designing embroidered electrodes for wearable surface electromyographyAli Shafti, R. B. Ribas Manero, A. M. Borg, Kaspar Althoefer, M. J. Howard. 172-177 [doi]
- Terrain contact modeling and classification for ATVsMario Gianni, Manuel A. Ruiz Garcia, Federico Ferri, Fiora Pirri. 186-192 [doi]
- Probabilistic consolidation of grasp experienceYasemin Bekiroglu, Andreas C. Damianou, Renaud Detry, Johannes A. Stork, Danica Kragic, Carl Henrik Ek. 193-200 [doi]
- Movement primitives with multiple phase parametersMarco Ewerton, Guilherme Maeda, Gerhard Neumann, Viktor Kisner, Gerrit Kollegger, Josef Wiemeyer, Jan Peters 0001. 201-206 [doi]
- Learning optimal navigation actions for foresighted robot behavior during assistance tasksAbdElMoniem Bayoumi, Maren Bennewitz. 207-212 [doi]
- List prediction applied to motion planningAbhijeet Tallavajhula, Sanjiban Choudhury, Sebastian Scherer, Alonzo Kelly. 213-220 [doi]
- Learning soft task priorities for control of redundant robotsValerio Modugno, Gerhard Neumann, Elmar A. Rückert, Giuseppe Oriolo, Jan Peters 0001, Serena Ivaldi. 221-226 [doi]
- Stream-based Active Learning for efficient and adaptive classification of 3D objectsAlexander Narr, Rudolph Triebel, Daniel Cremers. 227-233 [doi]
- Generalizing demonstrated motions and adaptive motion generation using an invariant rigid body trajectory representationMaxim Vochten, Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter. 234-241 [doi]
- Combining model-based policy search with online model learning for control of physical humanoidsIgor Mordatch, Nikhil Mishra, Clemens Eppner, Pieter Abbeel. 242-248 [doi]
- Learning movement synchronization in multi-component robotic systemsMohammad Thabet, Alberto Montebelli, Ville Kyrki. 249-256 [doi]
- Hierarchical Interactive Learning for a HUman-Powered Augmentation Lower EXoskeletonRui Huang, Hong Cheng, Hongliang Guo, Qiming Chen, Xichuan Lin. 257-263 [doi]
- Drifting Gaussian processes with varying neighborhood sizes for online model learningFranziska Meier, Stefan Schaal. 264-269 [doi]
- Automatic LQR tuning based on Gaussian process global optimizationAlonso Marco, Philipp Hennig, Jeannette Bohg, Stefan Schaal, Sebastian Trimpe. 270-277 [doi]
- Monitoring the evolution of clouds with UAVsAlessandro Renzaglia, Christophe Reymann, Simon Lacroix. 278-283 [doi]
- Planning for a ground-air robotic system with collaborative localizationJonathan Butzke, Kalin Gochev, Benjamin Holden, Eui-Jung Jung, Maxim Likhachev. 284-291 [doi]
- Proxemic group behaviors using reciprocal multi-agent navigationLiang He, Jia Pan, Wenping Wang, Dinesh Manocha. 292-297 [doi]
- Real-time reciprocal collision avoidance with elliptical agentsAndrew Best, Sahil Narang, Dinesh Manocha. 298-305 [doi]
- An analysis on flexible formations of nonholonomic mobile robots: Motion planning and control perspectivesChang Boon Low. 306-313 [doi]
- Optimal technique for manipulation of a group of cells using optical tweezersReza Haghighi, Chien-Chern Cheah. 314-319 [doi]
- Cooperative multi-quadrotor pursuit of an evader in an environment with no-fly zonesAlyssa Pierson, Armin Ataei, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Mac Schwager. 320-326 [doi]
- Risk aversion in finite Markov Decision Processes using total cost criteria and average value at riskStefano Carpin, Yinlam Chow, Marco Pavone. 335-342 [doi]
- An efficient algorithm for fault-tolerant rendezvous of multi-robot systems with controllable sensing rangeHyongju Park, Seth Hutchinson. 358-365 [doi]
- Using fractional-order differential equations for health monitoring of a system of cooperating robotsKevin Leyden, Bill Goodwine. 366-371 [doi]
- A convex polynomial force-motion model for planar sliding: Identification and applicationJiaji Zhou, Robert Paolini, J. Andrew Bagnell, Matthew T. Mason. 372-377 [doi]
- Optimal control with learned local models: Application to dexterous manipulationVikash Kumar, Emanuel Todorov, Sergey Levine. 378-383 [doi]
- A two-fingered underactuated anthropomorphic manipulator based on human precision manipulation motionsIan M. Bullock, Aaron M. Dollar. 384-391 [doi]
- Finger trajectory generation for planar dexterous micro-manipulationJean-Antoine Seon, Redwan Dahmouche, Benoit Brazey, Michael Gauthier. 392-398 [doi]
- Adaptive control for pivoting with visual and tactile feedbackFrancisco Eli Vina Barrientos, Yiannis Karayiannidis, Christian Smith, Danica Kragic. 399-406 [doi]
- Multimodal execution monitoring for anomaly detection during robot manipulationDaehyung Park, Zackory M. Erickson, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Charles C. Kemp. 407-414 [doi]
- Sensorless and constraint based peg-in-hole task execution with a dual-arm robotMatteo Parigi Polverini, Andrea Maria Zanchettin, Sebastiano Castello, Paolo Rocco. 415-420 [doi]
- A framework for fine robotic assemblyFrancisco Suarez-Ruiz, Quang-Cuong Pham. 421-426 [doi]
- Kinematic multi-robot manipulation with no communication using force feedbackZijian Wang, Mac Schwager. 427-432 [doi]
- Decentralized motion control for cooperative manipulation with a team of networked mobile manipulatorsAntonio Petitti, Antonio Franchi, Donato Di Paola, Alessandro Rizzo. 441-446 [doi]
- Guided search for task and motion plans using learned heuristicsRohan Chitnis, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Abhishek Gupta 0004, Siddharth Srivastava 0001, Edward Groshev, Christopher Lin, Pieter Abbeel. 447-454 [doi]
- Adaptive object centered teleoperation control of a mobile manipulatorFredrik Baberg, Yuquan Wang, Sergio Caccamo, Petter Ögren. 455-461 [doi]
- SHIV: Reducing supervisor burden in DAgger using support vectors for efficient learning from demonstrations in high dimensional state spacesMichael Laskey, Sam Staszak, Wesley Yu-Shu Hsieh, Jeffrey Mahler, Florian T. Pokorny, Anca D. Dragan, Ken Goldberg. 462-469 [doi]
- Robust learning from demonstration using leveraged Gaussian processes and sparse-constrained optimizationSungjoon Choi, Kyungjae Lee, Songhwai Oh. 470-475 [doi]
- Avoiding moving obstacles with stochastic hybrid dynamics using PEARL: PrEference Appraisal Reinforcement LearningAleksandra Faust, Hao-Tien Chiang, Nathanael Rackley, Lydia Tapia. 484-490 [doi]
- Safe controller optimization for quadrotors with Gaussian processesFelix Berkenkamp, Angela P. Schoellig, Andreas Krause. 491-496 [doi]
- Variable duration movement encoding with minimal intervention controlMartijn J. A. Zeestraten, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin G. Caldwell. 497-503 [doi]
- Model-based reinforcement learning with parametrized physical models and optimism-driven explorationChris Xie, Sachin Patil, Teodor Mihai Moldovan, Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel. 504-511 [doi]
- Deep spatial autoencoders for visuomotor learningChelsea Finn, Xin Yu Tan, Yan Duan, Trevor Darrell, Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel. 512-519 [doi]
- Learning deep neural network policies with continuous memory statesMarvin Zhang, Zoe McCarthy, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel. 520-527 [doi]
- Learning deep control policies for autonomous aerial vehicles with MPC-guided policy searchTianhao Zhang, Gregory Kahn, Sergey Levine, Pieter Abbeel. 528-535 [doi]
- Deep learning for tactile understanding from visual and haptic dataYang Gao, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Trevor Darrell. 536-543 [doi]
- Incremental semiparametric inverse dynamics learningRaffaello Camoriano, Silvio Traversaro, Lorenzo Rosasco, Giorgio Metta, Francesco Nori. 544-550 [doi]
- Self-learning and adaptation in a sensorimotor frameworkAli Ghadirzadeh, Judith Bütepage, Danica Kragic, Mårten Björkman. 551-558 [doi]
- Robust tracking of unknown objects through adaptive size estimation and appearance learningAlessandro Pieropan, Niklas Bergström, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Danica Kragic, Hedvig Kjellström. 559-566 [doi]
- Global data association for the Probability Hypothesis Density filter using network flowsNicolai Wojke, Dietrich Paulus. 567-572 [doi]
- Robust camera motion estimation using direct edge alignment and sub-gradient methodManohar Kuse, Shaojie Shen. 573-579 [doi]
- Monocular 3D tracking of deformable surfacesLuis Puig, Kostas Daniilidis. 580-586 [doi]
- Articulated motion estimation from a monocular image sequence using spherical tangent bundlesSpyridon Leonardos, Xiaowei Zhou, Kostas Daniilidis. 587-593 [doi]
- Depth-based object tracking using a Robust Gaussian FilterJan Issac, Manuel Wüthrich, Cristina Garcia Cifuentes, Jeannette Bohg, Sebastian Trimpe, Stefan Schaal. 608-615 [doi]
- Robot arm pose estimation by pixel-wise regression of joint anglesFelix Widmaier, Daniel Kappler, Stefan Schaal, Jeannette Bohg. 616-623 [doi]
- Saccade Mirror 3: High-speed gaze controller with ultra wide gaze control range using triple rotational mirrorsKazuhisa Iida, Hiromasa Oku. 624-629 [doi]
- A lightweight, multi-axis compliant tensegrity jointSteven Lessard, Jonathan Bruce, Erik Jung, Mircea Teodorescu, Vytas SunSpiral, Adrian K. Agogino. 630-635 [doi]
- Compliant actuation for energy efficient impedance modulationD. J. Braun, S. Apte, O. Adiyatov, A. Dahiya, N. Hogan. 636-641 [doi]
- Design of a variable compliant humanoid foot with a new toe mechanismWooseok Choi, Gustavo A. Medrano-Cerda, Darwin G. Caldwell, Nikos G. Tsagarakis. 642-647 [doi]
- Work density analysis of adjustable stiffness mechanismsMarius Stucheli, Andre Foehr, Mirko Meboldt. 648-654 [doi]
- Design of a hopping mechanism using a voice coil actuator: Linear elastic actuator in parallel (LEAP)Zachary Batts, Joohyung Kim, Katsu Yamane. 655-660 [doi]
- Design and evaluation of a novel variable stiffness spherical joint with application to MR-compatible robot designQuentin Boehler, Marc Vedrines, Salih Abdelaziz, Philippe Poignet, Pierre Renaud. 661-667 [doi]
- +SPEA introduction: Drastic actuator energy requirement reduction by symbiosis of parallel motors, springs and locking mechanismsGlenn Mathijssen, Raphael Furnemont, Tom Verstraten, Branko Brackx, Jasmina Premec, Rene Jimenez, Dirk Lefeber, Bram Vanderborght. 676-681 [doi]
- A lightweight, low-power electroadhesive clutch and spring for exoskeleton actuationStuart Diller, Carmel Majidi, Steven H. Collins. 682-689 [doi]
- A hybrid hydrostatic transmission and human-safe haptic telepresence robotJohn P. Whitney, Tianyao Chen, John Mars, Jessica K. Hodgins. 690-695 [doi]
- Image-based robotic system for enhanced minimally invasive intra-articular fracture surgeriesGiulio Dagnino, Ioannis Georgilas, Paul Kohler, Roger Atkins, Sanja Dogramadzi. 696-701 [doi]
- Plenoptic cameras in surgical robotics: Calibration, registration, and evaluationAzad Shademan, Ryan S. Decker, Justin Opfermann, Simon Léonard, Peter C. W. Kim, Axel Krieger. 708-714 [doi]
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- Robotic ultrasound trajectory planning for volume of interest coverageChristoph Graumann, Bernhard Fuerst, Christoph Hennersperger, Felix Bork, Nassir Navab. 736-741 [doi]
- Optical-inertial tracking of an input device for real-time robot controlFlorian Steidle, Andreas Tobergte, Alin Albu-Schäffer. 742-749 [doi]
- Soft pop-up mechanisms for micro surgical tools: Design and characterization of compliant millimeter-scale articulated structuresSheila Russo, Tommaso Ranzani, Joshua B. Gafford, Conor J. Walsh, Robert J. Wood. 750-757 [doi]
- A continuum manipulator with phase changing alloyFarshid Alambeigi, Reza Seifabadi, Mehran Armand. 758-764 [doi]
- Learning binary features online from motion dynamics for incremental loop-closure detection and place recognitionGuangcong Zhang, Mason J. Lilly, Patricio A. Vela. 765-772 [doi]
- Fast, robust, continuous monocular egomotion computationAndrew Jaegle, Stephen Phillips, Kostas Daniilidis. 773-780 [doi]
- Low-latency image processing for vision-based navigation systemsPetr Cizek, Jan Faigl, Diar Masri. 781-786 [doi]
- Made to measure: Bespoke landmarks for 24-hour, all-weather localisation with a cameraChris Linegar, Winston Churchill, Paul Newman 0001. 787-794 [doi]
- Off the beaten track: Predicting localisation performance in visual teach and repeatJulie Dequaire, Chi Hay Tong, Winston Churchill, Ingmar Posner. 795-800 [doi]
- Benefit of large field-of-view cameras for visual odometryZichao Zhang, Henri Rebecq, Christian Forster, Davide Scaramuzza. 801-808 [doi]
- On degeneracy of optimization-based state estimation problemsJi Zhang, Michael Kaess, Sanjiv Singh. 809-816 [doi]
- PROBE-GK: Predictive robust estimation using generalized kernelsValentin Peretroukhin, William Vega-Brown, Nicholas Roy, Jonathan Kelly. 817-824 [doi]
- Multi-level mapping: Real-time dense monocular SLAMW. Nicholas Greene, Kyel Ok, Peter Lommel, Nicholas Roy. 833-840 [doi]
- On the workspace of suspended cable-driven parallel robotsJean-Pierre Merlet. 841-846 [doi]
- Triple Scissor Extender: A 6-DOF lifting and positioning robotDaniel J. Gonzalez, H. Harry Asada. 847-853 [doi]
- Dynamic isotropy in 3-DOF Gantry Tau robots - an analytical studyBehrouz Afzali-Far, Per Lidstrom, Anders Robertsson. 854-860 [doi]
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- Energy efficiency of cable-driven parallel robotsWerner Kraus, Alexander Spiller, Andreas Pott. 894-901 [doi]
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- Automated three-dimensional axis mapping with a mobile platformMarc J. Gallant, Joshua A. Marshall. 1049-1054 [doi]
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- Collaborative localization and formation flying using distributed stereo-visionNathan Piasco, Julien Marzat, Martial Sanfourche. 1202-1207 [doi]
- Experiments on coordinated motion of aerial robotic manipulatorsGiuseppe Muscio, Francesco Pierri, Miguel Angel Trujillo, Elisabetta Cataldi, G. Giglio, Gianluca Antonelli, Fabrizio Caccavale, Antidio Viguria, Stefano Chiaverini, Aníbal Ollero. 1224-1229 [doi]
- Optimal event handling by multiple unmanned aerial vehiclesMartijn de Roo, Paolo Frasca, Raffaella Carloni. 1230-1236 [doi]
- Landing of a fixed-wing UAV on a mobile ground vehicleTin Muskardin, Georg Balmer, Sven Wlach, Konstantin Kondak, Maximilian Laiacker, Aníbal Ollero. 1237-1242 [doi]
- Fast nonlinear model predictive control via partial enumerationVishnu R. Desaraju, Nathan Michael. 1243-1248 [doi]
- Assistive collision avoidance for quadrotor swarm teleoperationDingjiang Zhou, Mac Schwager. 1249-1254 [doi]
- Live-fly, large-scale field experimentation for large numbers of fixed-wing UAVsTimothy H. Chung, Michael R. Clement, Michael A. Day, Kevin D. Jones, Duane Davis, Marianna Jones. 1255-1262 [doi]
- Real-time loop closure in 2D LIDAR SLAMWolfgang Hess, Damon Kohler, Holger Rapp, Daniel Andor. 1271-1278 [doi]
- Improving accuracy of feature-based RGB-D SLAM by modeling spatial uncertainty of point featuresDominik Belter, Michal Nowicki, Piotr Skrzypczynski. 1279-1284 [doi]
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- Comparative design space exploration of dense and semi-dense SLAMM. Zeeshan Zia, Luigi Nardi, Andrew Jack, Emanuele Vespa, Bruno Bodin, Paul H. J. Kelly, Andrew J. Davison. 1292-1299 [doi]
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- Direct semi-dense SLAM for rolling shutter camerasJae-Hak Kim, Cesar Cadena, Ian Reid. 1308-1315 [doi]
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- Visual-inertial direct SLAMAlejo Concha, Giuseppe Loianno, Vijay Kumar 0001, Javier Civera. 1331-1338 [doi]
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- A unified resource-constrained framework for graph SLAMLiam Paull, Guoquan Huang, John J. Leonard. 1346-1353 [doi]
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- Optimization and stabilization of trajectories for constrained dynamical systemsMichael Posa, Scott Kuindersma, Russ Tedrake. 1366-1373 [doi]
- Simultaneous optimization of gait and design parameters for bipedal robotsUlrich J. Romer, Cornelius Kuhs, Mathias J. Krause, Alexander Fidlin. 1374-1381 [doi]
- Model predictive control of autonomous mobility-on-demand systemsRick Zhang, Federico Rossi, Marco Pavone. 1382-1389 [doi]
- Evolutionary optimization for parameterized whole-body dynamic motor skillsSehoon Ha, C. Karen Liu. 1390-1397 [doi]
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- Optimizing gaze direction in a visual navigation taskTuomas Välimäki, Risto Ritala. 1427-1432 [doi]
- Aggressive driving with model predictive path integral controlGrady Williams, Paul Drews, Brian Goldfain, James M. Rehg, Evangelos A. Theodorou. 1433-1440 [doi]
- On reachability sets for optimal feedback controllers: Monitoring the approach of a region of attractionChristof Vömel, Diego Pardo, Jonas Buchli. 1441-1446 [doi]
- 3D dynamic walking with underactuated humanoid robots: A direct collocation framework for optimizing hybrid zero dynamicsAyonga Hereid, Eric A. Cousineau, Christian M. Hubicki, Aaron D. Ames. 1447-1454 [doi]
- Optimized and trusted collision avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles using approximate dynamic programmingZachary N. Sunberg, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Marco Pavone. 1455-1461 [doi]
- Receding horizon "next-best-view" planner for 3D explorationAndreas Bircher, Mina Kamel, Kostas Alexis, Helen Oleynikova, Roland Siegwart. 1462-1468 [doi]
- Aggressive quadrotor flight through cluttered environments using mixed integer programmingBenoit Landry, Robin Deits, Peter R. Florence, Russ Tedrake. 1469-1475 [doi]
- Online generation of collision-free trajectories for quadrotor flight in unknown cluttered environmentsJing Chen, Tianbo Liu, Shaojie Shen. 1476-1483 [doi]
- High speed navigation for quadrotors with limited onboard sensingSikang Liu, Michael Watterson, Sarah Tang, Vijay Kumar 0001. 1484-1491 [doi]
- Minimum-energy path generation for a quadrotor UAVFabio Morbidi, Roel Cano, David Lara. 1492-1498 [doi]
- Aggressive quadrotor flight using dense visual-inertial fusionYonggen Ling, Tianbo Liu, Shaojie Shen. 1499-1506 [doi]
- An analysis of wind field estimation and exploitation for quadrotor flight in the urban canopy layerJohn Ware, Nicholas Roy. 1507-1514 [doi]
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