Abstract is missing.
- Keyframe-Based Photometric Online Calibration and Color CorrectionJan Quenzel, Jannis Horn, Sebastian Houben, Sven Behnke. 1-8 [doi]
- Hierarchical Path Planner Using Workspace Decomposition and Parallel Task-Space RRTsGeorge Mesesan, Máximo A. Roa, Esra Icer, Matthias Althoff. 1-9 [doi]
- RAMCIP - A Service Robot for MCI Patients at HomeGeorgia Peleka, Andreas Kargakos, Evangelos Skartados, Ioannis Kostavelis, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Iason Sarantopoulos, Zoe Doulgeri, Michalis Foukarakis, Margherita Antona, Sandra Hirche, Emanuele Ruffaldi, Bartlomiej Stanczyk, Anastasios Zompas, Joan Hernández-Farigola, Natalia Roberto, Konrad Rejdak, Dimitrios Tzovaras. 1-9 [doi]
- Lightweight Collision Avoidance for Resource-Constrained RobotsMohammadali Shahriari, Ivan Svogor, David St-Onge, Giovanni Beltrame. 1-9 [doi]
- A Novel Input Device for Robotic Prosthetic Hand: Design and Preliminary ResultsYoung-Jin Kim, Dong-Hyuk Lee, Hyeonjun Park, Jae-Han Park, Ji-Hun Bae. 1-9 [doi]
- History-Aware Autonomous Exploration in Confined Environments Using MAVsChristian Witting, Marius Fehr, Rik Bähnemann, Helen Oleynikova, Roland Siegwart. 1-9 [doi]
- Analysis of Dynamic Response of an MRI-Guided Magnetically-Actuated Steerable Catheter SystemE. Erdem Tuna, Taoming Liu, Russell C. Jackson, Nate Lombard Poirot, Mac Russell, Murat Cenk Cavusoglu. 1-9 [doi]
- CROC: Convex Resolution of Centroidal Dynamics Trajectories to Provide a Feasibility Criterion for the Multi Contact Planning ProblemPierre Fernbach, Steve Tonneau, Michel Taïx. 1-9 [doi]
- Design for Control of a Soft Bidirectional Bending ActuatorR. Adam Bilodeau, Michelle C. Yuen, Jennifer C. Case, Trevor L. Buckner, Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio. 1-8 [doi]
- Inverse Learning of Robot Behavior for Collaborative PlanningMaulesh Trivedi, Prashant Doshi. 1-9 [doi]
- An Ungrounded Master Device for Tele-MicroassemblySophia Sakr, Thomas Daunizeau, David Reversat, Stephane Régnier, D. Sinan Haliyo. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards an Automatic Spasticity Assessment by Means of Collaborative RobotsMar Hernandez, Edwin Daniel Oña, Juan Miguel García-Haro, Alberto Jardón, Carlos Balaguer. 1-9 [doi]
- Nonlinear Analysis of an Indirectly Controlled Sliding Locomotion RobotLongchuan Li, Fumihiko Asano, Isao T. Tokuda. 1-9 [doi]
- A Novel Autonomous Robot for Greenhouse ApplicationsLars Grimstad, Remy Zakaria, Tuan-Dung Le, Pål Johan From. 1-9 [doi]
- An Improved Formulation for Model Predictive Control of Legged Robots for Gait Planning and Feedback ControlKai Yuan, Zhibin Li. 1-9 [doi]
- Plenoptic Monte Carlo Object Localization for Robot Grasping Under Layered TranslucencyZheming Zhou, Zhiqiang Sui, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins. 1-8 [doi]
- Rendering of Virtual Volumetric Shapes Using an Electromagnetic-Based Haptic InterfaceAlaa Adel, Mina M. Micheal, Mohamed Abou Seif, Slim Abdennadher, Islam S. M. Khalil. 1-9 [doi]
- A Universal Gripper Using Optical Sensing to Acquire Tactile Information and Membrane DeformationTatsuya Sakuma, Felix Von Drigalski, Ming Ding, Jun Takamatsu, Tsukasa Ogasawara. 1-9 [doi]
- Intelligent Robotic IoT System (IRIS)TestbedJason A. Tran, Pradipta Ghosh, Yutong Gu, Richard Kim, Daniel D'Souza, Nora Ayanian, Bhaskar Krishnamachari. 1-9 [doi]
- Waiter Robot Application: Balance Control for Transporting ObjectsJuan Miguel García-Haro, Edwin Daniel Oña, Santiago Martínez, Juan Hernandez-Vicen, Carlos Balaguer. 1-9 [doi]
- A Comparative Analysis of Contact Models in Trajectory Optimization for ManipulationAykut Özgün Önol, Philip Long, Taskin Padir. 1-9 [doi]
- Interactive Training of Object Detection Without ImageNetEric Martinson. 1-9 [doi]
- Smooth Point-to-Point Trajectory Planning in $SE$ (3)with Self-Collision and Joint Constraints AvoidanceReinhard Grassmann, Lars Johannsmeier, Sami Haddadin. 1-9 [doi]
- Dynamic Locomotion in the MIT Cheetah 3 Through Convex Model-Predictive ControlJared Di Carlo, Patrick M. Wensing, Benjamin Katz, Gerardo Bledt, Sangbae Kim. 1-9 [doi]
- Evaluating Robotic Devices of Non-Wearable Transferring Aids Using Whole-Body Robotic Simulator of the ElderlyYoshio Matsumoto, Kunihiro Ogata, Isamu Kajitani, Keiko Homma, Yujin Wakita. 1-9 [doi]
- PAMPC: Perception-Aware Model Predictive Control for QuadrotorsDavide Falanga, Philipp Foehn, Peng Lu, Davide Scaramuzza. 1-8 [doi]
- A Novel Monocular-Based Navigation Approach for UAV Autonomous Transmission-Line InspectionJiang Bian, Xiaolong Hui, Xiaoguang Zhao, Min Tan 0001. 1-7 [doi]
- Segmenting and Sequencing of Compliant MotionsTesfamichael Marikos Hagos, Markku Suomalainen, Ville Kyrki. 1-9 [doi]
- The Art of Manipulation: Learning to Manipulate BlindlySami Haddadin, Lars Johannsmeier. 1-9 [doi]
- Soft Biomimetic Prosthetic Hand: Design, Manufacturing and Preliminary ExaminationJan Fras, Kaspar Althoefer. 1-6 [doi]
- Robot Imitation Through Vision, Kinesthetic and Force Features with Online Adaptation to Changing EnvironmentsRaul Fernandez-Fernandez, Juan G. Victores, David Estevez, Carlos Balaguer. 1-9 [doi]
- Inferring Semantic State Transitions During Telerobotic ManipulationAdrian S. Bauer, Peter Schmaus, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Daniel Leidner. 1-9 [doi]
- Riding and Speed Governing for Parallel Two-Wheeled Scooter Based on Sequential Online Learning Control by Humanoid RobotKohei Kimura, Shunichi Nozawa, Hiroto Mizohana, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba. 1-9 [doi]
- A Variable Degree-of-Freedom and Self-Sensing Soft Bending Actuator Based on Conductive Liquid Metal and Thermoplastic Polymer CompositesYufei Hao, Zemin Liu, Zhexin Xie, Xi Fang, Tianmiao Wang, Li Wen. 1-9 [doi]
- Automatic Calibration of Multiple Cameras and Depth Sensors with a Spherical TargetJulius Kümmerle, Tilman Kühner, Martin Lauer. 1-8 [doi]
- A Natural Adaptive Control Law for Robot ManipulatorsTaeyoon Lee, Jaewoon Kwon, Frank C. Park. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards an Adaptive-Compliance Aerial Manipulator for Contact- Based InteractionSalua Hamaza, Ioannis Georgilas, Thomas Richardson. 1-9 [doi]
- Learning to Touch Objects Through Stage-Wise Deep Reinforcement LearningFrancois de La Bourdonnaye, Céline Teulière, Jochen Triesch, Thierry Chateau. 1-9 [doi]
- Adaptive FES Assistance Using a Novel Gait Phase Detection ApproachWeiguang Huo, Victor Arnez-Paniagua, Mouna Ghedira, Yacine Amirat, Jean-Michel Gracies, Samer Mohammed. 1-9 [doi]
- DLWV2: A Deep Learning-Based Wearable Vision-System with Vibrotactile-Feedback for Visually Impaired People to Reach ObjectsMeng-Li Shih, Yi-Chun Chen, Chia-Yu Tung, Cheng Sun, Ching-ju Cheng, Liwei Chan, Srenivas Varadarajan, Min Sun. 1-9 [doi]
- Weighted Hybrid Admittance-Impedance Control with Human Intention Based Stiffness Estimation for Human-Robot InteractionHyomin Kim, Jaesung Kwon, Yonghwan Oh, Bum-Jae You, Woosung Yang. 1-6 [doi]
- Automated Control of Multifunctional Magnetic Spores Using Fluorescence Imaging for Microrobotic Cargo DeliveryLidong Yang, Yabin Zhang, Chi-Ian Vong, Li Zhang. 1-6 [doi]
- Computationally-Robust and Efficient Prioritized Whole-Body Controller with Contact ConstraintsD. Kim, J. Lee, J. Ahn, Orion Campbell, H. Hwang, Luis Sentis. 1-8 [doi]
- Edge-Based Robust RGB-D Visual Odometry Using 2-D Edge Divergence MinimizationChanghyeon Kim, Pyojin Kim, Sangil Lee, H. Jin Kim. 1-9 [doi]
- A Multi-Rate State Observer for Visual Tracking of Magnetic Micro-Agents Using 2D Slow Medical Imaging ModalitiesMert Kaya, Alper Denasi, Stefano Scheggi, Erdem Agbahca, ChangKyu Yoon, David H. Gracias, Sarthak Misra. 1-8 [doi]
- Summarizing Large Scale 3D MeshImeen Ben Salah, Sébastien Kramm, Cédric Demonceaux, Pascal Vasseur. 1-9 [doi]
- PiDrone: An Autonomous Educational Drone Using Raspberry Pi and PythonIsaiah Brand, Josh Roy, Aaron Ray, John Oberlin, Stefanie Oberlix. 1-7 [doi]
- Supervised Autonomous Locomotion and Manipulation for Disaster Response with a Centaur-Like RobotTobias Klamt, Diego Rodriguez, Max Schwarz, Christian Lenz, Dmytro Pavlichenko, David Droeschel, Sven Behnke. 1-8 [doi]
- Structured Skip List: A Compact Data Structure for 3D ReconstructionShi-jie Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Yun Liu, Shao-Ping Lu, Yahui Wang, Victor Adrian Prisacariu. 1-7 [doi]
- Research on Carved Turns of a Skiing Humanoid Robot on a Real-World SlopeJeakweon Han, Dongkuk Yoon, Hyunjong Song, Baekseok Kim, Yitaek Kim, Cheonyu Park, Younseal Eum, Jeong-In Moon. 1-9 [doi]
- Planning Topological Navigation for Complex Indoor EnvironmentsFrancisco Martín, Jonathan Gines, David Vargas, Francisco J. Rodríguez Lera, Vicente Matellán. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards a Real-Time Environment Reconstruction for VR-Based Teleoperation Through Model SegmentationSebastian Kohn, Andreas Blank, David Puljiz, Lothar Zenkel, Oswald Bieber, Björn Hein, Jörg Franke. 1-9 [doi]
- Learning to Fly by MySelf: A Self-Supervised CNN-Based Approach for Autonomous NavigationAlexandros Kouris, Christos-Savvas Bouganis. 1-9 [doi]
- Ladder Climbing with a Snake RobotTatsuya Takemori, Motoyasu Tanaka, Fumitoshi Matsuno. 1-9 [doi]
- State Estimate Recovery for Autonomous QuadcoptersLuciano Beffa, Anton Ledergerber, Raffaello D'Andrea. 1-7 [doi]
- Distributed Reconfigurable Formation Generator for Mini Aerial VehiclesLara Brifion-Arranz, Matthieu Muschinowski, Jonathan Dumon, Nicolas Marchand. 1 [doi]
- A Gripper for Object Search and Grasp Through Proximity SensingNaoya Yamaguchi, Shun Hasegawa, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba. 1-9 [doi]
- A Software Framework for Planning Under Partial ObservabilityMarcus Hörger, Hanna Kurniawati, Alberto Elfes. 1-9 [doi]
- Miniature Robot Finger Using a Micro Linear Ultrasonic Motor and a Closed-Loop LinkageShunsuke Izuhara, Tomoaki Mashimo. 1-9 [doi]
- Probabilistic Learning of Torque Controllers from Kinematic and Force ConstraintsJoão Silvério, Yanlong Huang, Leonel Dario Rozo, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin G. Caldwell. 1-8 [doi]
- Safe Reinforcement Learning on Autonomous VehiclesDavid Isele, Alireza Nakhaei, Kikuo Fujimura. 1-6 [doi]
- Enhanced Explosive Motion for Torque Controlled Actuators Through Field Weakening ControlWesley Roozing, Navvab Kashiri, Nikos G. Tsagarakis. 1-8 [doi]
- Milligram-Scale Micro Aerial Vehicle Design for Low-Voltage OperationPalak Bhushan, Claire J. Tomlin. 1-9 [doi]
- A Model Predictive Control Approach for Vision-Based Object Grasping via Mobile ManipulatorMichalis Logothetis, George C. Karras, Shahab Heshmati-alamdari, Panagiotis Vlantis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos. 1-6 [doi]
- Distributed Direction of Arrival Estimation-Aided Cyberattack Detection in Networked Multi-Robot SystemsSangjun Lee, Byung-Cheol Min. 1-9 [doi]
- ROS Reality: A Virtual Reality Framework Using Consumer-Grade Hardware for ROS-Enabled RobotsDavid Whitney, Eric Rosen, Daniel Ullman, Elizabeth Phillips, Stefanie Tellex. 1-9 [doi]
- An Everyday Robotic System that Maintains Local Rules Using Semantic Map Based on Long-Term Episodic MemoryYuki Furuta, Kei Okada, Yohei Kakiuchi, Masayuki Inaba. 1-7 [doi]
- Multi-Cable Rolling Locomotion with Spherical Tensegrities Using Model Predictive Control and Deep LearningBrian Cera, Alice M. Agogino. 1-9 [doi]
- A 7-Dof Wire-Driven Lightweight Arm with Wide Wrist Motion RangeYuichi Tsumaki, Yuya Suzuki, Narumi Sasaki, Eiki Obara, Shuta Kanazawa. 1-9 [doi]
- Wireframe Mapping for Resource-Constrained Robots*This research was supported in part by NSF grant CMMI-1562335 and ONR grant N00014-12-1-1000. We are grateful for this supportAdam Caccavale, Mac Schwager. 1-9 [doi]
- Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Quadrotor Multi-Flipping Maneuvers in the Presence of Time-Varying Torque LatencyYing Chen, Néstor Osvaldo Pérez-Arancibia. 1-9 [doi]
- Exploring Vestibulo-Ocular Adaptation in a Closed-Loop Neuro-Robotic Experiment Using STDP. A Simulation StudyFrancisco Naveros, Jesás Alberto Garrido, Angelo Arleo, Eduardo Ros, Niceto R. Luque. 1-9 [doi]
- Visual-Inertial Teach and Repeat Powered by Google TangoMarius Fehr, Thomas Schneider 0007, Roland Siegwart. 1-9 [doi]
- A Fail-Safe Semi-Centralized Impedance Controller: Validation on a Parallel Kinematics AnkleFrancesco Ruscelli, Arturo Laurenzi, Enrico Mingo Hoffman, Nikos G. Tsagarakis. 1-9 [doi]
- DREGON: Dataset and Methods for UAV-Embedded Sound Source LocalizationMartin Strauss 0003, Pol Mordel, Victor Miguet, Antoine Deleforge. 1-8 [doi]
- Collectives of Spinning Mobile Microrobots for Navigation and Object Manipulation at the Air-Water InterfaceWendong Wang, Vimal Kishore, Lyndon Koens, Eric Lauga, Metin Sitti. 1-9 [doi]
- Bidirectional Thrust for Multirotor MAVs with Fixed-Pitch PropellersMoritz Maier. 1-8 [doi]
- Single Leg Dynamic Motion Planning with Mixed-Integer Convex OptimizationYanran Ding, Chuanzheng Li, Hae Won Park. 1-6 [doi]
- Position-Based Time-Integrator for Frictional Articulated Body DynamicsZherong Pan, Dinesh Manocha. 1-8 [doi]
- Efficient and Asymptotically Optimal Kinodynamic Motion Planning via Dominance-Informed RegionsZakary Littlefield, Kostas E. Bekris. 1-9 [doi]
- Inertial Velocity and Attitude Estimation for QuadrotorsJames Svacha, Kartik Mohta, Michael Watterson, Giuseppe Loianno, Vijay Kumar. 1-9 [doi]
- Nonprehensile Pushing Manipulation Strategies for a Multi-Limb RobotGuoteng Zhang, Shugen Ma, Yibin Li. 1-9 [doi]
- The Deformable Quad-Rotor Enabled and Wasp-Pedal-Carrying Inspired Aerial GripperNa Zhao, Yudong Luo, Hongbin Deng, Yantao Shen, Hao Xu. 1-9 [doi]
- Comparison of Multimodal Heading and Pointing Gestures for Co-Located Mixed Reality Human-Robot InteractionDennis Krupke, Frank Steinicke, Paul Lubos, Yannick Jonetzko, Michael Görner, Jianwei Zhang 0001. 1-9 [doi]
- Human Pose Estimation in Presence of Occlusion Using Depth Camera Sensors, in Human-Robot Coexistence ScenariosAndrea Casalino, Sebastian Guzmán, Andrea Maria Zanchettin, Paolo Rocco. 1-7 [doi]
- Registering Reconstructions of the Two Sides of Fruit Tree RowsPravakar Roy, Wenbo Dong, Volkan Isler. 1-9 [doi]
- Accelerating Goal-Directed Reinforcement Learning by Model CharacterizationShoubhik Debnath, Gaurav Sukhatme, Lantao Liu. 1-9 [doi]
- Modeling and Control of Multiple Aerial-Ground Manipulator System (MAGMaS) with Load FlexibilityHyunsoo Yang, Nicolas Staub, Antonio Franchi, Dongjun Lee. 1-8 [doi]
- User Evaluation of a Haptic-Enabled Shared-Control Approach for Robotic TelemanipulationFiras Abi-Farraj, Claudio Pacchierotti, Paolo Robuffo Giordano. 1-9 [doi]
- A Control Architecture with Online Predictive Planning for Position and Torque Controlled Walking of Humanoid RobotsStefano Dafarra, Gabriele Nava, Marie Charbonneau, Nuno Guedelha, Francisco Andradel, Silvio Traversaro, Luca Fiorio, Francesco Romano, Francesco Nori, Giorgio Metta, Daniele Pucci. 1-9 [doi]
- Drivers' Manoeuvre Prediction for Safe HRIErwin Jose Lopez Pulgarin, Guido Herrmann, Ute Leonards. 1-9 [doi]
- Event-Based Moving Object Detection and TrackingAnton Mitrokhin, Cornelia Fermüller, Chethan Parameshwara, Yiannis Aloimonos. 1-9 [doi]
- Blade-Type Crawler Capable of Running on the Surface of Water as Bio-Inspired by a Basilisk LizardYasuyuki Yamada, Taro Nakamura. 1-9 [doi]
- Coping with Context Change in Open-Ended Object Recognition without Explicit Context InformationS. Hamidreza Kasaei, Luís Seabra Lopes, Ana Maria Tomé. 1-7 [doi]
- A Novel Joint Torque Estimation Method and Sensory System for Assistive Lower Limb ExoskeletonsLorenzo Saccares, Ioannis Sarakoglou, Nikos G. Tsagarakis. 1-9 [doi]
- An Adaptive Robot for Building In-Plane Programmable StructuresMichael Pieber, Rene Neurauter, Johannes Gerstmayr. 1-9 [doi]
- Real-Time Quad-Rotor Path Planning for Mobile Obstacle Avoidance Using Convex OptimizationMichael Szmuk, Carlo Alberto Pascucci, Behçet Açikmese. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards Event-Driven Object Detection with Off-the-Shelf Deep LearningMassimiliano Iacono, Stefan Weber, Arren Glover, Chiara Bartolozzi. 1-9 [doi]
- XBotCloud: A Scalable Cloud Computing Infrastructure for XBot Powered RobotsLuca Muratore, Barry Lennox, Nikos G. Tsagarakis. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards Real-Time Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using Skeleton Information and Hand GesturesOsama Mazhar, Sofiane Ramdani, Benjamin Navarro, Robin Passama, Andrea Cherubini. 1-6 [doi]
- Multi-Layer Coverage Path Planner for Autonomous Structural Inspection of High-Rise StructuresSungwook Jung, SeungWon Song, Pillip Youn, Hyun Myung. 1-9 [doi]
- Soft Snake Robots: Investigating the Effects of Gait Parameters on Locomotion in Complex TerrainsCallie Branyan, Yigit Mengüç. 1-9 [doi]
- Feasibility of the UR5 Industrial Robot for Robotic Rehabilitation of the Upper Limbs After StrokeErik Kyrkjebø, Mads Johan Laastad, Øyvind Stavdahl. 1-6 [doi]
- Sampling of Pareto-Optimal Trajectories Using Progressive Objective Evaluation in Multi-Objective Motion PlanningJeongseok Lee, Daqing Yi, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa. 1-9 [doi]
- Stereo Camera Localization in 3D LiDAR MapsYoungji Kim, Jinyong Jeong, Ayoung Kim. 1-9 [doi]
- Design of Lizard-Inspired Robot with Lateral Body MotionJeongryul Kim, Hongmin Kim, Youngsoo Kim, Hwa Soo Kim, JongWon Kim. 1-9 [doi]
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- A Monocular Indoor Localiser Based on an Extended Kalman Filter and Edge Images from a Convolutional Neural NetworkJames Unicomb, Ravindra Ranasinghe, Lakshitha Dantanarayana, Gamini Dissanayake. 1-9 [doi]
- Towards an Autonomous Robotic Dragonfly: At-Scale Lift Expertiemts Modeling Dragonfly ForewingsPeter A. K. Szabo, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio. 1-9 [doi]
- Quadtree-Accelerated Real-Time Monocular Dense MappingKaixuan Wang, Wenchao Ding, Shaojie Shen. 1-9 [doi]
- Fuzzy-Based Feedback Control of a Tip-Mounted Module for Robot-Assisted EndoscopyJoshua B. Gafford, Hiroyuki Aihara, Christopher Thompson, Conor J. Walsh, Robert J. Wood. 1-9 [doi]
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- Joint 3D Proposal Generation and Object Detection from View AggregationJason Ku, Melissa Mozifian, JungWook Lee, Ali Harakeh, Steven L. Waslander. 1-8 [doi]
- Coupling Mobile Base and End-Effector Motion in Task SpaceTim Welschehold, Christian Dornhege, Fabian Paus, Tamim Asfour, Wolfram Burgard. 1-9 [doi]
- Multi-Modal Robot Apprenticeship: Imitation Learning Using Linearly Decayed DMP+ in a Human-Robot Dialogue SystemYan Wu, Ruohan Wang, Luis F. D'Haro, Rafael E. Banchs, Keng-Peng Tee. 1-7 [doi]
- A Motion Planning Approach for Marsupial Robotic SystemsPaul G. Stankiewicz, Stephen Jenkins, Galen E. Mullins, Kevin C. Wolfe, Matthew S. Johannes, Joseph L. Moore. 1-9 [doi]
- Procedurally Provisioned Access Control for Robotic SystemsRuffin White, Henrik I. Christensen, Gianluca Caiazza, Agostino Cortesi. 1-9 [doi]
- Sparse 3D Topological Graphs for Micro-Aerial Vehicle PlanningHelen Oleynikova, Zachary Taylor, Roland Siegwart, Juan Nieto. 1-9 [doi]
- Autonomous Grasping Robotic Aerial System for Perching (AGRASP)Katie M. Popek, Matthew S. Johannes, Kevin C. Wolfe, Rachel A. Hegeman, Jessica M. Hatch, Joseph L. Moore, Kapil D. Katyal, Bryanna Y. Yeh, Robert J. Bamberger. 1-9 [doi]
- Dynamic Model Learning and Manipulation Planning for Objects in Hospitals Using a Patient Assistant Mobile (PAM)RobotRoya Sabbagh Novin, Amir Yazdani, Tucker Hermans, Andrew Merryweather. 1-7 [doi]
- A Transient-Goal Driven Communication-Aware Navigation Strategy for Large Human-Populated EnvironmentsVishnu K. Narayanan, Takahiro Miyashita, Yukiko Horikawa, Norihiro Hagita. 1-9 [doi]
- Lane Marking Quality Assessment for Autonomous DrivingBinbin Li, Dezhen Song, Haifeng Li, Adam Pike, Paul Carlson. 1-9 [doi]
- TSSD: Temporal Single-Shot Detector Based on Attention and LSTMXingyu Chen, Zhengxing Wu, Junzhi Yu. 1-9 [doi]
- Dynamic Modelling and Motion Planning for the Nonprehensile Manipulation and Locomotion Tasks of the Quadruped Rsbot*This work is supported by the project of Robotics Innovation Based on Advanced Materials under Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO)Guoteng Zhang, Shugen Ma, Yibin Li. 1-9 [doi]
- On Designing 2D Discrete Workspaces to Sort or Classify PolynminoesPhillip Keldenich, Sheryl Manzoor, Li Huang, Dominik Krupke, Arne Schmidt 0001, Sándor P. Fekete, Aaron T. Becker. 1-9 [doi]
- A Family of Iterative Gauss-Newton Shooting Methods for Nonlinear Optimal ControlMarkus Giftthaler, Michael Neunert, Markus Stäuble, Jonas Buchli, Moritz Diehl. 1-9 [doi]
- SEAR: A Polynomial- Time Multi-Robot Path Planning Algorithm with Expected Constant-Factor Optimality GuaranteeShuai D. Han, Edgar J. Rodriguez, Jingjin Yu. 1-9 [doi]
- Socially-Aware Navigation Using Non-Linear Multi-Objective OptimizationScott Forer, Santosh Balajee Banisetty, Logan Michael Yliniemi, Monica N. Nicolescu, David Feil-Seifer. 1-9 [doi]
- Dynamic Dumbbell - Novel Muscle Training Robot with Programmable Exercise LoadChan Lee, Sehoon Oh. 1-9 [doi]
- Assisted Telemanipulation: A Stack-Of-Tasks Approach to Remote Manipulator ControlTodor Stoyanov, Robert Krug 0002, Andrey Kiselev, Da Sun, Amy Loutfi. 1-9 [doi]
- Optimizing Contextual Ergonomics Models in Human-Robot InteractionAntonio Gonzales Marin, Mohammad S. Shourijeh, Pavel E. Galibarov, Michael Damsgaard, Lars Fritzsch, Freek Stulp. 1-9 [doi]
- Real-time Convolutional Networks for Depth-based Human Pose EstimationAngel Martiez-Gonzalez, Michael Villamizar, Olivier Canévet, Jean-Marc Odobez. 41-47 [doi]
- Detection- Tracking for Efficient Person Analysis: The DetTA PipelineStefan Breuers, Lucas Beyer, Umer Rafi, Bastian Leibe. 48-53 [doi]
- 3D Human Pose Estimation on a Configurable Bed from a Pressure ImageHenry M. Clever, Ariel Kapusta, Daehyung Park, Zackory M. Erickson, Yash Chitalia, Charles C. Kemp. 54-61 [doi]
- Estimating Metric Poses of Dynamic Objects Using Monocular Visual-Inertial FusionKejie Qiu, Tong Qin, Hongwen Xie, Shaojie Shen. 62-68 [doi]
- Geometric-based Line Segment Tracking for HDR Stereo SequencesRuben Gomez-Ojeda, Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez. 69-74 [doi]
- Adversarial Transfer Networks for Visual TrackingLijie Liu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou. 75-81 [doi]
- Predicting Out-of-View Feature Points for Model-Based Camera Pose EstimationOliver Moolan-Feroze, Andrew Calway. 82-88 [doi]
- A modular framework for model-based visual tracking using edge, texture and depth featuresSouriya Trinh, Fabien Spindler, Éric Marchand, François Chaumette. 89-96 [doi]
- FSG: A statistical approach to line detection via fast segments groupingIago Suarez, Enrique Muñoz, José Miguel Buenaposada, Luis Baumela. 97-102 [doi]
- Optimized Contrast Enhancements to Improve Robustness of Visual Tracking in a SLAM Relocalisation ContextXi Wang, Marc Christie, Éric Marchand. 103-108 [doi]
- Key-frame Selection for Multi-robot Simultaneous Localization and Tracking in Robot Soccer FieldWei-Kang Fu, Kun-Li Lin, Chi-Sheng Shih. 109-116 [doi]
- Weighted Total Least Squares based Online Calibration Method for RSS based LocalizationJung Hee Kim, Doik Kim. 117-122 [doi]
- LIPS: LiDAR-Inertial 3D Plane SLAMPatrick Geneva, Kevin Eckenhoff, Yulin Yang, Guoquan Huang. 123-130 [doi]
- Scan Similarity-based Pose Graph Construction method for Graph SLAMWonsok Yoo, Hanjun Kim, Hyunki Hong, Beom H. Lee. 131-136 [doi]
- Egocentric Spatial MemoryMengmi Zhang, Keng Teck Ma, Shih-Cheng Yen, Joo-Hwee Lim, Qi Zhao, Jiashi Feng. 137-144 [doi]
- Predicting Objective Function Change in Pose-Graph OptimizationFang Bai, Teresa A. Vidal-Calleja, Shoudong Huang, Rong Xiong. 145-152 [doi]
- Efficient Long-term Mapping in Dynamic EnvironmentsMaria Teresa Lazaro, Roberto Capobianco, Giorgio Grisetti. 153-160 [doi]
- Localization of Classified Objects in SLAM using Nonparametric Statistics and ClusteringAsif Iqbal, Nicholas R. Gans. 161-168 [doi]
- Magnetic-Field-Inspired Navigation for Soft Continuum ManipulatorAhmad Ataka, Ali Shiva, H. K. Lam, Kaspar Althoefer. 168-173 [doi]
- Towards a Context Enhanced Framework for Multi Object Tracking in Human Robot CollaborationSharath Chandra Akkaladevi, Matthias Plasch, Christian Eitzinger, Andreas Pichler, Bernhard Rinner. 168-173 [doi]
- A distributed vision-based consensus model for aerial-robotic teamsFabio Poiesi, Andrea Cavallaro. 169-176 [doi]
- Fast Kinodynamic Bipedal Locomotion Planning with Moving ObstaclesJunhyeok Ahn, Orion Campbell, Donghyun Kim 0002, Luis Sentis. 177-184 [doi]
- Artificial Invariant Subspace for Humanoid Robot Balancing in LocomotionXiang Deng, Daniel D. Lee. 185-192 [doi]
- Classification of EEG signals for a hypnotrack BCI systemMaryam Alimardani, Soheil Keshmiri, Hidenobu Sumioka, Kazuo Hiraki. 240-245 [doi]
- Real-time Control of Whole-body Robot Motion and Trajectory Generation for Physiotherapeutic Juggling in VRPouya Mohammadi, Milad Malekzadeh Shafaroudi, Jindrich Kodl, Albert Mukovskiy, Dennis Leroy Wigand, Martin Giese, Jochen J. Steil. 270-277 [doi]
- A Singularity-Robust LQR Controller for Parallel RobotsRicard Bordalba, Josep M. Porta, Lluís Ros. 270-276 [doi]
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- Human Motion Classification Based on Multi-Modal Sensor Data for Lower Limb ExoskeletonsJonas Beil, Isabel Ehrenberger, Clara Scherer, Christian Mandery, Tamim Asfour. 5431-5436 [doi]
- Robotic Hand-Free-Stick for Walking Balance AssistanceYoshiyuki Tanaka, Naoki Oyama, Takazumi Takenaka. 5445-5450 [doi]
- Soft Fabric Actuator for Robotic ApplicationsSang Yul Yang, Kyeong Ho Cho, Youngeun Kim, Kihyeon Kim, Jae Hyeong Park, Hosang Jung, Jeong U. Ko, Hyungpil Moon, Ja Choon Koo, Hugo Rodrigue, Ji Won Suk, Jaedo Nam, Hyouk Ryeol Choi. 5451-5456 [doi]
- Child-Sized Passive Exoskeleton for Supporting Voluntary Sitting and Standing MotionsKai Sasaki, Minatsu Sugimoto, Taisei Sugiyama, Diego Felipe Paez Granados, Kenji Suzuki. 5457-5462 [doi]
- Hands-Free Assistive Manipulator Using Augmented Reality and Tongue Drive SystemFu-Jen Chu, Ruinian Xu, Zhenxuan Zhang, Patricio A. Vela, Maysam Ghovanloo. 5463-5468 [doi]
- Machine Learning Based Skill-Level Classification for Personal Mobility Devices Using Only Operational CharacteristicsYifan Huang, Taiga Mori, Udara E. Manawadu, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Tatsuya Ishihara, Masahiro Nakano, Kohjun Koshiji, Naoki Higo, Toshimitsu Tubaki, Shigeki Sugano. 5469-5476 [doi]
- Pneumatic Microneedle-Based High-Density sEMG Sleeve for Stable and Comfortable Skin Contact During Dynamic MotionMinjae Kim, Gangyong Gu, Wan Kyun Chung. 5477-5482 [doi]
- Design of a Lightweight, Ergonomic Manipulator for Enabling Expressive Gesturing in Telepresence RobotsJames T. Slack, Kyle Del-Row, Zachary Anderson, Ricardo M. Albacete Di Bartolomeo, Jenna L. Gorlcwicz, Jerry B. Weinberg. 5491-5496 [doi]
- Implementation of Augmented Teleoperation System Based on Robot Operating System (ROS)Donghyeon Lee, Young Soo Park. 5497-5502 [doi]
- Tracking-Based Depth Estimation of Metallic Pieces for Robotic GuidanceMario Di Castro, Carlos Veiga Almagro, Giacomo Lunghi, R. Marin, Manuel Ferre, Alessandro Masi. 5503-5508 [doi]
- Managing Off-Nominal Events in Shared Teleoperation with Learned Task ComplianceParker Owan, Joseph Garbini, Santosh Devasia. 5509-5516 [doi]
- Smoother Position-Drift Compensation for Time Domain Passivity Approach Based TeleoperationAndre Coelho, Harsimran Singh, Tin Muskardin, Ribin Balachandran, Konstantin Kondak. 5525-5532 [doi]
- "Hammer: Robot Programming Interface for Common People"Alberto Brunete, Miguel Hernando, Ernesto Gambao. 5539 [doi]
- Toward the Next Generation of Robotic WaitersLorenzo Moriello, Davide Chiaravalli, Luigi Biagiotti, Claudio Melchiorri. 5541 [doi]
- Human-Robot-Cooperation Real Time Robot Path Planning for Dynamic HRC-ApplicationsMohamad Bdiwi, Shuxiao Hou, Kathleen Delang. 5542 [doi]
- High Power Hand with Retention MechanismTetsuya Mouri, Haruhisa Kawasaki. 5543 [doi]
- On-Chip Virtual Vortex Gear and Its ApplicationToshio Takayama, Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai, Makoto Kaneko. 5544 [doi]
- Deformation Capture via Self-Sensing Capacitive Arrays (Video)Oliver Glauser, Daniele Panozzo, Otmar Hilliges, Olga Sorkine-Hornung. 5545 [doi]
- Excuse Me, May I Say Something? A Robot Facilitating Q&A for LecturesOskar Palinko, Jiro Shimaya, Kristian Hoeck, Kohei Ogawa, Nobuhiro Jinnai, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro. 5546 [doi]
- Towards Autonomous Auto Calibration of Unregistered RGB-D Setups: The Benefit of Plane PriorsGeorg Halmetschlager-Funek, Johann Prankl, Markus Vincze. 5547-5554 [doi]
- Adaptive Sensor Bias Estimation in Nine Degree of Freedom Inertial Measurement Units: Theory and Preliminary EvaluationAndrew R. Spielvogel, Louis L. Whitcomb. 5555-5561 [doi]
- Automatic Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and a 3D LiDAR Using Line and Plane CorrespondencesLipu Zhou, Zimo Li, Michael Kaess. 5562-5569 [doi]
- SCALAR - Simultaneous Calibration of 2D Laser and Robot's Kinematic Parameters Using Three Planar ConstraintsTeguh Santoso Lembono, Francisco Suarez-Ruiz, Quang-Cuong Pham. 5570-5575 [doi]
- Automated Tool Coordinate Calibration System of an Industrial RobotRen C. Luo, Hao Wang. 5592-5597 [doi]
- Robust Optimization-Based Calculation of Invariant Trajectory Representations for Point and Rigid-body MotionMaxim Vochten, Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter. 5598-5605 [doi]
- Reducing the Computational Complexity of Mass-Matrix Calculation for High DOF RobotsMohammad Safeea, Richard Bearee, Pedro Neto 0002. 5614-5619 [doi]
- Hydrodynamics Parameter Identification of Submerged Bodies: Numerical Methods Comparison and Friction Model AnalysisNicolas Gartner, Mathieu Richier, Vincent Hugel. 5628-5633 [doi]
- Actuator and Friction Dynamics Formulation in Control of PKMs: From Design to Real-Time ExperimentsHussein Saied, Ahmed Chemori, Maher El Rafei, Clovis Francis, François Pierret. 5634-5639 [doi]
- A Robust Time-Stepping Scheme for Quasistatic Rigid Multibody SystemsTao Pang, Russ Tedrake. 5640-5647 [doi]
- Design and Development of a Slender Dual-Structure Continuum Robot for In-Situ Aeroengine RepairMingfeng Wang, David Palmer, Xin Dong, David Alatorre, Dragos Axinte, Andy Norton. 5648-5653 [doi]
- Reasoning Systems for Semantic Navigation in Mobile RobotsJonathan Crespo, Ramón Barber, Óscar Martínez Mozos, Daniel Beßler, Michael Beetz. 5654-5659 [doi]
- Hybrid Approach for Human Activity Recognition by Ubiquitous RobotsRoghayeh Mojarad, Ferhat Attal, Abdelghani Chibani, Sandro Rama Fiorini, Yacine Amirat. 5660-5665 [doi]
- Approaches for Action Sequence Representation in Robotics: A ReviewHirenkumar Nakawala, Paulo J. S. Gonçalves, Paolo Fiorini, Giancarlo Ferrigno, Elena De Momi. 5666-5671 [doi]
- Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation for Increased Skill Reusability in Industrial RobotsElin Anna Topp, Maj Stenmark, Alexander Ganslandt, Andreas Svensson, Mathias Haage, Jacek Malec. 5672-5678 [doi]
- Skill-Oriented Designer of Conceptual Robotic Structures*This work was supported by CDTI under expedient IDI-20150289 (BOTBLOQ: Ecosistema integral para el diseño, fabricación y programación de robots DIY)Francisco Ramos, Cristian O. Scrob, Andrés S. Vázquez, Raul Fernandez, Alberto Olivares Alarcos. 5679-5684 [doi]
- Integration of a Canine Agent in a Wireless Sensor Network for Information Gathering in Search and Rescue Missions*This work was partially funded by the Spanish project DPI2015-65186-R. The publication has received support from Universidad de Málaga Campus de Excelencia Andalucía TechJesús Fernández-Lozano, Anthony Mandow, Miguel Martín-Guzmán, Juan Martín-Ávila, Javier Serón, J. L. Martinez, J. A. Gornez-Ruiz, Carlos Socarras-Bertiz, J. Miranda-Paez, Alfonso García-Cerezo. 5685-5690 [doi]
- Any-Time Trajectory Planning for Safe Emergency LandingPetr Vana, Jakub Slama, Jan Faigl, Pavel Paces. 5691-5696 [doi]
- A Revisited Approach to Lateral Acceleration Modeling for Quadrotor UAVs State EstimationDaniele Sartori, Danping Wou, Ling Pei, Wenxian Yu. 5711-5718 [doi]
- Assisted Control for Semi-Autonomous Power Infrastructure Inspection Using Aerial VehiclesAaron Mcfadyen, Feras Dayoub, Steve Martin, Jason Ford, Peter Corke. 5719-5726 [doi]
- Incremental Semi-Supervised Learning from Streams for Object ClassificationIoannis Chiotellis, Franziska Zimmermann, Daniel Cremers, Rudolph Triebel. 5743-5749 [doi]
- Real-Time Clustering and Multi-Target Tracking Using Event-Based SensorsFrancisco Barranco, Cornelia Fermüller, Eduardo Ros. 5764-5769 [doi]
- Speeding-Up Object Detection Training for Robotics with FALKONElisa Maiettini, Giulia Pasquale, Lorenzo Rosasco, Lorenzo Natale. 5770-5776 [doi]
- Disparity Sliding Window: Object Proposals from Disparity ImagesJulian Müller, Andreas Fregin, Klaus Dietmayer. 5777-5784 [doi]
- Semantic Segmentation from Sparse Labeling Using Multi-Level SuperpixelsIñigo Alonso, Ana C. Murillo. 5785-5792 [doi]
- Real-Time Segmentation with Appearance, Motion and GeometryMennatullah Siam, Sara Elkerdawy, Mostafa Gamal, Moemen Abdel-Razek, Martin Jägersand, Hong Zhang 0013. 5793-5800 [doi]
- VarNet: Exploring Variations for Unsupervised Video PredictionBeibei Jin, Yu Hu, Yiming Zeng, Qiankun Tang, Shice Liu, Jing Ye. 5801-5806 [doi]
- Obstacle Detection for USVs by Joint Stereo-View Semantic SegmentationBorja Bovcon, Matej Kristan. 5807-5812 [doi]
- Efficient Absolute Orientation RevisitedManolis I. A. Lourakis, George Terzakis. 5813-5818 [doi]
- Active Structure-from-Motion for 3D Straight LinesBehaviors* This work was partially supported by the Portuguese FCT grants PD/Bd/135015/2017 (through the NETSys Doctoral Program) & SFRH/BPD/111495/2015, and ISRILARSyS Strategic Funding by the FCT project PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2013André Mateus, Omar Tahri, Pedro Miraldo. 5819-5825 [doi]
- Vision-Based Terrain Classification and Solar Irradiance Mapping for Solar-Powered RoboticsNathaniel Kingry, Myungjin Jung, Evan Derse, Ran Dai. 5834-5840 [doi]
- Towards Real-Time Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation on CPUMatteo Poggi, Filippo Aleotti, Fabio Tosi, Stefano Mattoccia. 5848-5854 [doi]
- A Plug-In Feed-Forward Control for Sloshing Suppression in Robotic Teleoperation TasksLuigi Biagiotti, Davide Chiaravalli, Lorenzo Moriello, Claudio Melchiorri. 5855-5860 [doi]
- Elastic Structure Preserving Impedance (ESπ)Control for Compliantly Actuated RobotsManuel Keppler, Dominic Lakatos, Christian Ott, Alin Albu-Schäffer. 5861-5868 [doi]
- An Efficient and Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation Approach for Waypoints Under Kinematic Constraints and Error BoundsJianjie Lin, Nikhil Somani, Biao Hu, Markus Rickert 0001, Alois Knoll. 5869-5876 [doi]
- Leveraging Precomputation with Problem Encoding for Warm-Starting Trajectory Optimization in Complex EnvironmentsWolfgang Merkt, Vladimir Ivan, Sethu Vijayakumar. 5877-5884 [doi]
- A Self-Tuning Impedance Controller for Autonomous Robotic ManipulationPietro Balatti, Dimitrios Kanoulas, Giuseppe Rigano, Luca Muratore, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Arash Ajoudani. 5885-5891 [doi]
- Robust Fixed-Wing UAV Guidance with Circulating Artificial Vector FieldsAdriano M. C. Rezende, Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Guilherme V. Raffo, Luciano C. A. Pimenta. 5892-5899 [doi]
- Development of MR Clutch for a Prospective 5 DOF Robot* This work was supported in part by Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under grant No.25031 and RGPIN-346166Sergey Pisetskiy, Mehrdad R. Kermani. 5900-5905 [doi]
- Embedded and Controllable Shape Morphing with Twisted-and-Coiled Actuators*This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant IIS-1755766Jiefeng Sun, Ben Pawlowski, Jianguo Zhao. 5912-5917 [doi]
- Soft Robotic Burrowing Device with Tip-Extension and Granular FluidizationNicholas D. Naclerio, Christian M. Hubicki, Yasemin Ozkan Aydin, Daniel I. Goldman, Elliot W. Hawkes. 5918-5923 [doi]
- Liquid Metal-Microelectronics Integration for a Sensorized Soft Robot SkinTess Lee Hellebrekers, Kadri Bugra Ozutemiz, Jessica Yin, Carmel Majidi. 5924-5929 [doi]
- Development of a Hybrid Gripper with Soft Material and Rigid StructuresWookeun Park, Seongmin Seo, Joonbum Bae. 5930-5935 [doi]
- Sliding-Layer Laminates: A Robotic Material Enabling Robust and Adaptable Undulatory LocomotionMingsong Jiang, Nick Gravish. 5944-5951 [doi]
- Development of a Pneumatically Driven Flexible Finger with Feedback Control of a Polyurethane Bend SensorYoshiki Mori, Mingzhu Zhu, Hye-Jong Kim, Akira Wada, Masahiko Mitsuzuka, Yoshiro Tajitsu, Sadao Kawamura. 5952-5957 [doi]
- Modelling an Actuated Large Deformation Soft Continuum Robot Surface Undergoing External Forces Using a Lumped-Mass Approacb* Research supported by UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Hossein Habibi, Chenghao Yang, Rongjie Kang, Ian D. Walker, Isuru S. Godage, Xin Dong, David T. Branson. 5958-5963 [doi]
- Motion Generators Combined with Behavior Trees: A Novel Approach to Skill ModellingFrancesco Rovida, David Wuthier, Bjarne Großmann, Matteo Fumagalli 0001, Volker Krüger. 5964-5971 [doi]
- Ground Disturbance Rejection Approach for Mobile Robotic Manipulators with Hydraulic ActuatorsMattia Rigotti-Thompson, Miguel Torres-Torriti, Fernando Alfredo Auat Cheeín, Giancarlo Troni. 5980-5986 [doi]
- Continuously Shaping Projections and Operational Space TasksNiels Dehio, Daniel Kubus, Jochen J. Steil. 5995-6002 [doi]
- Dual-Arm Relative Tasks Performance Using Sparse Kinematic ControlSonny Tarbouriech, Benjamin Navarro, Philippe Fraisse, André Crosnier, Andrea Cherubini, Damien Sallé. 6003-6009 [doi]
- Jet-HR1: Stepping Posture Optimization for Bipedal Robot Over Large Ditch Based on a Ducted-fan Propulsion SystemBiao Liu, Zhifeng Huang, Jiapeng Wei, Chaoyang Shi, Jun Ota, Yun Zhang. 6010-6015 [doi]
- User-Adaptive Human-Robot Formation Control for an Intelligent Robotic Walker Using Augmented Human State Estimation and Pathological Gait CharacterizationGeorgia Chalvatzaki, Xanthi S. Papageorgiou, Petros Maragos, Costas S. Tzafestas. 6016-6022 [doi]
- Passivity Based Iterative Learning of Admittance-Coupled Dynamic Movement Primitives for Interaction with Changing EnvironmentsAljaz Kramberger, Erfan Shahriari, Andrej Gams, Bojan Nemec, Ales Ude, Sami Haddadin. 6023-6028 [doi]
- Robust Robot Learning from Demonstration and Skill Repair Using Conceptual ConstraintsCarl Mueller, Jeff Venicx, Bradley Hayes. 6029-6036 [doi]
- Kernel-Based Human-Dynamics Inversion for Precision Robot Motion-PrimitivesRahul B. Warrier, Santosh Devasia. 6037-6042 [doi]
- Associative Skill Memory ModelsHakan Girgin, Emre Ugur. 6043-6048 [doi]
- Towards Intelligent Arbitration of Diverse Active Learning QueriesKalesha Bullard, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz, Sonia Chernova. 6049-6056 [doi]
- An Uncertainty-Aware Minimal Intervention Control Strategy Learned from DemonstrationsJoão Silvério, Yanlong Huang, Leonel Dario Rozo, Darwin G. Caldwell. 6065-6071 [doi]
- Generative Low-Shot Network ExpansionAdi Hayat, Mark Kliger, Shachar Fleishman, Daniel Cohen-Or. 6072-6077 [doi]
- Sensor Selection and Stage & Result Classifications for Automated Miniature ScrewdrivingXianyi Cheng, Zhenzhong Jia, Ankit Bhatia, Reuben M. Aronson, Matthew T. Mason. 6078-6085 [doi]
- Evaluating Methods for End-User Creation of Robot Task PlansChris Paxton, Felix Jonathan, Andrew Hundt, Bilge Mutlu, Gregory D. Hager. 6086-6092 [doi]
- A Gripper System for Robustly Picking Various Objects Placed Densely by Suction and PinchingHideichi Nakamoto, Masashi Ohtake, Kazuma Komoda, Atsushi Sugahara, Akihito Ogawa. 6093-6098 [doi]
- Mass Manufacturing of Self-Actuating Robots: Integrating Sensors and Actuators Using Flexible ElectronicsArtem Dementyev, Jie Qil, Jifei Ou, Joseph A. Paradiso. 6099-6104 [doi]
- Safety-Related Tasks Within the Set-Based Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics FrameworkPaolo Di Lillo, Filippo Arrichiello, Gianluca Antonelli, Stefano Chiaverini. 6130-6135 [doi]
- Model-Based Engineering, Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment for Personal Care RobotsNataliya Yakymets, M. Sango, S. Dhouib, R. Gelin. 6136-6141 [doi]
- Computation of Safe Path Velocity for Collaborative RobotsChristoffer Sloth, Henrik Gordon Petersen. 6142-6148 [doi]
- Adversarial Learning-Based On-Line Anomaly Monitoring for Assured AutonomyNaman Patel, Apoorva Nandini Saridena, Anna Choromanska, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami. 6149-6154 [doi]
- Inspection System for Automatic Measurement of Level Differences in Belt Conveyors Using Inertial Measurement UnitAndre Yuji Yasutomi, Hideo Enoki, Shigeki Yamaguchi, Kazuma Tamura. 6155-6161 [doi]
- Fabrication and Locomotion of Flexible NanoswimmersBumjin Jang, Amanda Aho, Bradley J. Nelson, Salvador Pané. 6193-6198 [doi]
- Gait Learning for Soft Microrobots Controlled by Light FieldsAlexander von Rohr, Sebastian Trimpe, Alonso Marco, Peer Fischer, Stefano Palagi. 6199-6206 [doi]
- Ceiling Effects for Surface Locomotion of Small RotorcraftYi Hsuan Hsiao, Pakpong Chirarattananon. 6214-6219 [doi]
- Energy-Efficient Trajectory Generation for a Hexarotor with Dual- Tilting PropellersFabio Morbidi, Davide Bicego, Markus Ryll, Antonio Franchi. 6226-6232 [doi]
- Towards Autonomous Stratospheric Flight: A Generic Global System Identification Framework for Fixed-Wing PlatformsJongseok Lee, Tin Muskardin, Cristina Ruiz Pacz, Philipp Oettershagen, Thomas Stastny, Inkyu Sa, Roland Siegwart, Konstantin Kondak. 6233-6240 [doi]
- Recovery Control for Quadrotor UAV Colliding with a PoleGareth Dicker, Inna Sharf, Pulkit Rustagi. 6247-6254 [doi]
- ArduSoar: An Open-Source Thermalling Controller for Resource-Constrained AutopilotsSamuel Tabor, Iain Guilliard, Andrey Kolobov. 6255-6262 [doi]
- Incremental Learning-Based Adaptive Object Recognition for Mobile RobotsMehmet Ozgur Turkoglu, Frank B. ter Haar, Nanda van der Stap. 6263-6268 [doi]
- Object Detection and Pose Estimation Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Trained with Synthetic DataJosip Josifovski, Matthias Kerzel, Christoph Pregizer, Lukas Posniak, Stefan Wermter. 6269-6276 [doi]
- Material Recognition Using a Capacitive Proximity Sensor with Flexible Spatial ResolutionHosam Alagi, Alexander Heilig, Stefan Escaida Navarro, Torsten Kroegerl, Björn Hein. 6284-6290 [doi]
- Action Selection for Interactive Object Segmentation in ClutterTimothy Patten, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze. 6297-6304 [doi]
- DROAN - Disparity-Space Representation for Obstacle Avoidance: Enabling Wire Mapping & AvoidanceGeetesh Dubey, Ratnesh Madaan, Sebastian Scherer. 6311-6318 [doi]
- Robocentric Visual-Inertial OdometryZheng Huai, Guoquan Huang. 6319-6326 [doi]
- Appearance-Based Along-Route Localization for Planetary MissionsIris Grixa, Philipp Schulz, Wolfgang Stürzl, Rudolph Triebel. 6327-6334 [doi]
- Automated Map Reading: Image Based Localisation in 2-D Maps Using Binary Semantic DescriptorsPilailuck Panphattarasap, Andrew Calway. 6341-6348 [doi]
- Interval-Based Cooperative Uavs Pose Domain Characterization from Images and RangesIde-Flore Kenmogne, Vincent Drevelle, Éric Marchand. 6349-6356 [doi]
- Joint Point Cloud and Image Based Localization for Efficient Inspection in Mixed RealityManash Pratim Das, Zhen Dong, Sebastian Scherer. 6357-6363 [doi]
- Probabilistic Dense Reconstruction from a Moving CameraYonggen Ling, Kaixuan Wang, Shaojie Shen. 6364-6371 [doi]
- A Robust Control Method for the Elbow of the Humanoid Robot TEO Based on a Fractional Order ControllerJorge Munoz, Concepción A. Monje, Fernando Martin, Carlos Balaguer. 6378-6383 [doi]
- FPGA-Based Velocity Estimation for Control of Robots with Low-Resolution EncodersJie Ying Wu, Zihan Chen, Anton Deguet, Peter Kazanzides. 6384-6389 [doi]
- Active Disturbance Rejection Control of a Flying-Wing Tailsitter in Hover FlightYunjie Yang, Jihong Zhu, Xiaojun Zhang, Xianyang Wang. 6390-6396 [doi]
- Underwater Modeling, Experiments and Control Strategies of FroBotYi Yang, Zhenhui Fan, Zhongjing Zhu, Jianqing Zhang. 6397-6403 [doi]
- Feedback Linearizing Controller for a Single Link Flexible Arm with a Passive Gravity Compensation MechanismJuan Carlos Cambera, Vicente Feliú Batlle. 6404-6410 [doi]
- A Practical Method to Speed-Up the Experimental Procedure of Iterative Learning ControllersOktay Kocan, Augustin Manecy, Charles Poussot-Vassal. 6411-6416 [doi]
- System Identification and Closed-Loop Control of a Hydraulically Amplified Self-Healing Electrostatic (HASEL) ActuatorCosima Schunk, Levi Pearson, Eric Acome, Timothy G. Morrissey, Nikolaus Correll, Christoph Keplinger, Mark E. Rentschler, J. Sean Humbert. 6417-6423 [doi]
- Motion Control of Piezo-Driven Stage via a Chattering-Free Sliding Mode Controller with Hysteresis CompensationYunfeng Fan, Yichang He, Dingguo Zhang, U-Xuan Tan. 6424-6430 [doi]
- Towards a Soft Fingertip with Integrated Sensing and ActuationBenjamin W. McInroe, Carolyn L. Chen, Kenneth Y. Goldberg, Ruzena Bajcsy, Ronald S. Fearing. 6437-6444 [doi]
- Learning Oscillator-Based Gait Controller for String-Form Soft Robots Using Parameter-Exploring Policy GradientsMatthew Ishige, Takuya Umedachi, Tadahrio Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Kawahara. 6445-6452 [doi]
- A Partially Filled Jamming Gripper for Underwater Recovery of Objects Resting on Soft SurfacesStephen Licht, Everett Collins, George Badlissi, Domenico Rizzo. 6461-6468 [doi]
- CLASH: Compliant Low Cost Antagonistic Servo HandsWerner Friedl, Hannes Höppner, Florian Schmidt 0001, Máximo A. Roa, Markus Grebenstein. 6469-6476 [doi]
- FBG-Based Control of a Continuum Manipulator Interacting with ObstaclesShahriar Sefati, Ryan J. Murphy, Farshid Alambeigi, Michael Pozin, Iulian Iordachita, Russell H. Taylor, Mehran Armand. 6477-6483 [doi]
- Modeling and Trajectory Tracking Control of a New Parallel Flexible Link RobotMerlin B. Morlock, Niklas Meyer, Marc-André Pick, Robert Seifried. 6484-6489 [doi]
- Deep Sequential Models for Sampling-Based PlanningYen-ling Kuo, Andrei Barbu, Boris Katz. 6490-6497 [doi]
- A Topology-Based Path Similarity Metric and its Application to Sampling-Based Motion PlanningJory Denny, Kaiwen Chen, Hanglin Zhou. 6498-6505 [doi]
- RG-Trees: Trajectory-Free Feedback Motion Planning Using Sparse Random Reference Governor TreesFerhat Golbol, Mustafa Mert Ankarali, Afsar Saranli. 6506-6511 [doi]
- Real-Time Motion Planning in Changing Environments Using Topology-Based Encoding of Past KnowledgeRichard Fisher, Benjamin Rosman, Vladimir Ivan. 6512-6517 [doi]
- Distributionally Robust Sampling-Based Motion Planning Under UncertaintyTyler Summers. 6518-6523 [doi]
- Kinodynamic Comfort Trajectory Planning for Car-Like RobotsHeechan Shin, Donghyuk Kim, Sung-Eui Yoon. 6532-6539 [doi]
- Expert-Guided Kinodynamic RRT Path Planner for Non-Holonomic RobotsJose Maria Sanz, Miguel Hernani, Guillermo Zaragoza, Alberto Brunete. 6540-6545 [doi]
- Learning Coordinated Vehicle Maneuver Motion Primitives from Human DemonstrationKenechukwu C. Mbanisi, Hideyuki Kimpara, Tess Meier, Michael Gennert, Zhi Li. 6560-6565 [doi]
- Simultaneous End-User Programming of Goals and Actions for Robotic Shelf OrganizationYing Siu Liang, Damien Pellier, Humbert Fiorino, Sylvie Pesty, Maya Cakmak. 6566-6573 [doi]
- Incremental Skill Learning of Stable Dynamical SystemsMatteo Saveriano, Dongheui Lee. 6574-6581 [doi]
- Deeply Informed Neural Sampling for Robot Motion PlanningAhmed H. Qureshi, Michael C. Yip. 6582-6588 [doi]
- Integrating Path Planning and PivotingSilvia Cruciani, Christian Smith. 6601-6608 [doi]
- Rubik's Cube Handling Using a High-Speed Multi-Fingered Hand and a High-Speed Vision SystemRyosuke Rigo, Yuji Yamakawa, Taku Senoo, Masatoshi Ishikawa. 6609-6614 [doi]
- Contingent Contact-Based Motion PlanningElod Pall, Arne Sieverling, Oliver Brock. 6615-6621 [doi]
- A Lightweight Redundant Manipulator with High Stable Wireless Communication and Compliance ControlLiang Han, Lei Yan, Wenfu Xu. 6622-6627 [doi]
- A Cable-Driven Redundant Spatial Manipulator with Improved Stiffness and Load CapacityTianliang Liu, Zonggao Mu, Haomiao Wang, Wenfu Xu, Yangmin Li. 6628-6633 [doi]
- Adaptive Admittance Control in Task-Priority Framework for Contact Force Control in Autonomous Underwater Floating Manipulation* This work is part of a project titled "Force/position control system to enable compliant manipulation from a floating I-AUV", which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 750063Patryk Cieslak, Pere Ridao. 6646-6651 [doi]
- Optimizing Sensor Placement: A Mixture Model Framework Using Stable Poses and Sparsely Precomputed Pose Uncertainty PredictionsThorbjørn Mosekjær Iversen, Dirk Kraft. 6652-6659 [doi]
- Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenes Using Semantic Segmentation and Pose Regression NetworksArul Selvam Periyasamy, Max Schwarz, Sven Behnke. 6660-6666 [doi]
- Transferring Visuomotor Learning from Simulation to the Real World for Robotics Manipulation TasksPhuong D. H. Nguyen, Tobias Fischer 0001, Hyung Jin Chang, Ugo Pattacini, Giorgio Metta, Yiannis Demiris. 6667-6674 [doi]
- Proprioception-Based Grasping for Unknown Objects Using a Series-Elastic-Actuated GripperTianjian Chen, Matei T. Ciocarlie. 6675-6681 [doi]
- Efficient State Estimation with Constrained Rao-Blackwellized Particle FilterShuai Li, Siwei Lyu, Jeff Trinkle. 6682-6689 [doi]
- Interspecies Retargeting of Homologous Body Posture Based on Skeletal MorphingKo Ayusawa, Yosuke Ikegami, Akihiko Murai, Yusuke Yoshiyasu, Eiichi Yoshida, Satoshi Oota, Yoshihiko Nakamura. 6712-6719 [doi]
- Neurorobotic Approach to Study Huntington Disease Based on a Mouse Neuromusculoskeletal ModelSatoshi Oota, Yuko Okamura-Oho, Ko Ayusawa, Yosuke Ikegami, Akihiko Murai, Eiichi Yoshida, Yoshihiko Nakamura. 6720-6727 [doi]
- Temporally Smooth Privacy-Protected Airborne VideosOmair Sarwar, Andrea Cavallaro, Bernhard Rinner. 6728-6733 [doi]
- Impedance Based Force Control for Aerial Robot Peg-in-Hole Insertion TasksMarko Car, Antun Ivanovic, Matko Orsag, Stjepan Bogdan. 6734-6739 [doi]
- Flatness-Based Model Predictive Control for Quadrotor Trajectory TrackingMelissa Greeff, Angela P. Schoellig. 6740-6745 [doi]
- Lightweight and Compliant Long Reach Aerial Manipulator for Inspection OperationsAlejandro Suárez, P. J. Sanchez-Cuevas, M. Fernandez, M. Perez, Guillermo Heredia, Aníbal Ollero. 6746-6752 [doi]
- Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking and Collision Avoidance for Reliable Outdoor Deployment of Unmanned Aerial VehiclesTomás Báca, Daniel Hert, Giuseppe Loianno, Martin Saska, Vijay Kumar. 6753-6760 [doi]
- Distributed Pressure Sensing for Enabling Self-Aware Autonomous Aerial VehiclesDaniel Cellucci, Nicholas Cramer, Sean Shan-Min Swei. 6769-6775 [doi]
- Light-Weight Object Detection and Decision Making via Approximate Computing in Resource-Constrained Mobile RobotsParul Pandey, Qifan He, Dario Pompili, Roberto Tron. 6776-6781 [doi]
- SOS: Stereo Matching in O(1) with Slanted Support WindowsVladimir Tankovich, Michael Schoenberg, Sean Ryan Fanello, Adarsh Kowdle, Christoph Rhemann, Maksym Dzitsiuk, Mirko Schmidt, Julien P. C. Valentin, Shahram Izadi. 6782-6789 [doi]
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- Real-Time Object Pose Estimation with Pose Interpreter NetworksJimmy Wu, Bolei Zhou, Rebecca Russell, Vincent Kee, Syler Wagner, Mitchell Hebert, Antonio Torralba 0001, David M. S. Johnson. 6798-6805 [doi]
- Fast Cylinder and Plane Extraction from Depth Cameras for Visual OdometryPedro F. Proença, Yang Gao. 6813-6820 [doi]
- Attention-Aware Cross-Modal Cross-Level Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object DetectionHao Chen, Youfu Li, Dan Su. 6821-6826 [doi]
- Exploiting Points and Lines in Regression Forests for RGB-D Camera RelocalizationLili Meng, Frederick Tung, James J. Little, Julien Valentin, Clarence W. de Silva. 6827-6834 [doi]
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- Hybrid Bayesian Eigenobjects: Combining Linear Subspace and Deep Network Methods for 3D Robot VisionBenjamin Burchfiel, George Konidaris. 6843-6850 [doi]
- Submap-Based Pose-Graph Visual SLAM: A Robust Visual Exploration and Localization System* The work in this paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61603103, 61673125), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong of China (2016A030310293), and the Major Scientific and Technological Special Project of Guangdong of China (2016B090910003)Weinan Chen, Lei Zhu, Yisheng Guan, C. Ronald Kube, Hong Zhang 0011. 6851-6856 [doi]
- Active Object Perceiver: Recognition-Guided Policy Learning for Object Searching on Mobile RobotsXin Ye, Zhe Lin, Haoxiang Li, Shibin Zheng, Yezhou Yang. 6857-6863 [doi]
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- Key-Frame Strategy During Fast Image-Scale Changes and Zero Motion in VIO Without Persistent FeaturesEren Allak, Alexander Hardt-Stremayr, Srephan Weiss. 6872-6879 [doi]
- Unit Quaternion-Based Parameterization for Point Features in Visual NavigationJames Maley, Guoquan Huang. 6880-6886 [doi]
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- Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control TasksOlalekan P. Ogunmolu, Nicholas R. Gans, Tyler Summers. 6919-6925 [doi]
- Multimodal Environment Dynamics for Interactive Robots: Towards Fault Detection and Task MonitoringKevin Haninger, Dragoljub Surdilovic. 6932-6937 [doi]
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- Acoustic Sensing for Soft Pneumatic ActuatorsGabriel Zoller, Vincent Wall, Oliver Brock. 6986-6991 [doi]
- Flexible Fabric Actuator Realizing 3D Movements Like Human Body Surface for Wearable DevicesYuki Funabora. 6992-6997 [doi]
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- Hybrid Bio-Inspired Architecture for Walking Robots Through Central Pattern Generators Using Open Source FPGAsJulian Caro Linares, Antonio Barrientos, Enric Mayas Marquez. 7071-7076 [doi]
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- Mobile Continuum Robot with Unlimited Extensible SectionsAyato Kanada, Tomoaki Mashimo. 7117-7122 [doi]
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- A Bayesian Framework for Simultaneous Robot Localization and Target Detection and EngagementTomonari Furukawa, Gamini Dissanayake, Tamer Attia, Jonathan Hodges. 7151-7157 [doi]
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- A Probabilistic Approach to Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation of Robot SystemsPedro U. Lima. 7231-7236 [doi]
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- A Multisegment Electro-Active Polymer Based Milli-Continuum Soft RobotsA. Benouhiba, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Patrick Rougeot, M. Ouisse, Nicolas Andreff. 7500-7506 [doi]
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- Inverse Error Function Trajectories for Image Reconstruction*This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1662029Rohan Katoch, Beatriz Fusaro, Jun Ueda. 7527-7532 [doi]
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- Learning and Generation of Actions from Teleoperation for Domestic Service Robots*This work was supported by JST, CRESTKensuke Iwata, Tatsuya Aoki, Takato Horii, Tomoaki Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai. 8184-8191 [doi]
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- The Use of Dynamic Sensing Strategies to Improve Detection for a Pepper Harvesting Robot*This research was supported by the European Commission (SWEEPER GA no. 644313) and by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev through the Helmsley Charitable Trust the Agricultural, Biological and Cognitive Robotics Initiative, the Marcus Endowment Fund, and the Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut Chair in Manufacturing EngineeringPolina Kurtser, Yael Edan. 8286-8293 [doi]
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- An Optimization-Based Approach to Dual-Arm Motion Planning with Closed KinematicsAndreas Volz, Knut Graichen. 8346-8351 [doi]
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- Motion Planning for a Small Aerobatic Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial VehicleJoshua Levin, Aditya A. Paranjape, Meyer Nahon. 8464-8470 [doi]
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- Gaussian Process Dynamic Programming for Optimizing Ungrounded Haptic GuidanceJulie M. Walker, Allison M. Okamura, Mykel J. Kochenderfer. 8758-8764 [doi]
- Continuous State-Action-Observation POMDPs for Trajectory Planning with Bayesian OptimisationPhilippe Morere, Román Marchant, Fabio Ramos. 8779-8786 [doi]